ALLIES: What allies?
ENEMIES: Those that stand in my way

Phrik blades
Phrik dagger
Dressed to kill
The Ash Hellions led by Samron Gerron - chilling in side tunnel
Phrik blades
Phrik dagger
Dressed to kill
The Ash Hellions led by Samron Gerron - chilling in side tunnel
A maelstrom of dust churned around them.
Two champions locked in an intimate dance of death.
Two sides of a coin.
So different, yet the same. Who's will would buckle first? Could it even buckle?
Sabers locked in another humming embrace, the Lady of Conquest gritted her teeth, mud streaks caking her cheeks as blinded tears ran dusty rivers down her face. Listening to a young man looking for that minute little piece of Light to draw out from under the immense bulk of Darkness - to redeem. Wanting so bad to redeem that which has died a lonely death so long ago.
It was almost heartwrenching.
The bright teal eyes that regarded the Jedi was almost filled with pity as the combined light from the three sabers reflected brightly in the glass of dust and sweat.
"Do you even know what you ask?" she asked, almost softly.
Then the sabers dropped.
She was almost tempted to stand still to let his resistance carry him forward and implant his saber in her heart. But a vow made in blood to a Falleen warrior prevented her will from buckling. Danika had not fulfilled her entire promise to Samron and his men yet.
A blood vow unfulfilled was to unleash the wrath of the spirit world.
Spinning, instead, to the side, she put distance between herself and the Knight. Settling back in a battle stance, she tried to steady her breathing. Her vision was starting to clear as most of the dust was already washed from her eyes.
"Even if I wanted to reach for it, Master Jedi, I would be signing a sentence of eternal misery." she said, the haunting note back in her voice, however hoarse. "There are things greater than mere dead Sith Lords at work. Reaching for true selves is a bit complicated, darling." The sinister smirk was back on the corner of her mouth.
It was easier to hide behind the ruthlessness and faux warmth. Thinking about the ramifications of walking away from the fragile power she held and the loyalists she had, was too daunting.
The same fear she invoked in others, was keeping her in line as well.