Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Annihilation End of an Era: AC Annihilation of Korriban


"You're mistaken," the rumbling voice of Carnifex wafted through the senses of the mind, sounding as if the Dark Lord was whispering it directly into their ear. The phantom presence of someone standing close behind afflicted not only Zark San Tekka but the marines that followed him as well, the corridors claustrophobic as the oppressive darkness crept in closer and closer. "No life thus far has been wasted, Master Jedi. All death serves me and my kin, the Corpulent One feasts well."

A bright light, most likely some type of floodlight, burst to life at the end of the hall. The intensity of the lumens was blinding, brighter than any light they had thus encountered in the darkened corridors of the former Emperor's flagship. Each marine behind San Tekka cast long shadows across the floor, as did the Jedi himself, but it was the shadows of the soldiers that would fall prey to the insidious hunger of the Dark Lord of the Sith.

From the margins of the hallway, where the floor began to curve up into the wall, the shadow of a claw reached out towards the nearest marine shadow. Nothing visible cast the shadow upon the floor, and it moved unnaturally and seemingly of its own volition. It curled its gnarled fingers around the elongated shadow-neck of the marine and squeezed. The living marine went rigid, stumbling forward a step before his head tumbled from his shoulders and he collapsed in a heap.

More shadow hands reached out, intangible fingers curling around more necks, torsos, and heads until the marines were entirely culled from around the Jedi Master. Only San Tekka would be left unmolested by the dark magic on display, the intent perfectly clear. From within the depths of the light emerged the silhouette of a figure, hands outstretched to either side as if in preparation for an embrace. Despite the intense light that enveloped the figure like a radiant halo, they cast no shadow upon the floor.

"Zark San Tekka," the voice of the Dark Lord crooned, "Have you come to right the wrongs?" The words hung in the air as the floodlight was switched off, the glaring light disappearing and leaving only the Dark Lord and Jedi Master Zark alone in the corridor. A beam of blood-red plasma snapped to life from the Dark Lord's right hand, the lightsaber having slipped into his grip from somewhere within the voluminous robes that hung loosely from his armor.

Elsewhere on the Eternal Rule, the two Jedi and their marine escort continued to move throughout the labyrinthine halls of the Eternal Rule. Perception itself seemed to array itself against them as they moved from hall to hall, familiar localities reappearing just when they had turned a new corner. The Dark Side of the Force moved in from all sides, choking the air with the sulfuric stench of evil as new obstacles arrayed themselves in their path.

First were the crimson footmen of the Dark Lord, so bold and cavalier. They cared not for their own lives, eagerly sacrificing themselves in order to waylay the enemies of their Lord and Master. They were often accompanied by the second foe, robotic war droids that marched steadily forward without the hesitation of the living. The third enemy was the Eternal Rule itself, which closed bulkheads, erected ray shield barriers, and often fired at the intruders with retractable autocannons from the walls and floor of the corridors.

But such things were manageable with time, especially for those gifted with the power of the Force. But only until such power was met with the same power.

It came in the form of two individuals, kneeling in supplication on the cold durasteel floor. When they rose, they might have given a shock to the Jedi as both of their faces were blank and smooth. The depressions where the eyes, nose, and mouth would be were instead covered by seamless and hairless skin. However, as the two individuals activated identical blood-red lightsabers, those featureless faces morphed into dark reflections of the two Jedi they now stood opposite of.

"Our Eternal Father has decreed that you shall not pass, Jedi, and so it shall be." The two morphed creatures spoke simultaneously, their words layered on top of one another in perfect synchronicity.

Then they attacked.

In the bowels of the Eternal Rule, where no sliver of light could reach, ten cloaked beings stood in a circle on a platform suspended above an endless pit. They chanted ancient hymns in a language so blasphemous that its use had been banned in the wider galaxy. In unison, desiccated hands reached up and pulled back black hoods to reveal sunken corpse-like faces scarred by cybernetics. They turned away from one another and began to walk, each one to a corresponding golden sphere that hung suspended above the bottomless pit.

The spheres shifted as the individuals approached, opening up to allow each of them inside. Once inside, the beings became engulfed by the sphere's advanced mechanical structure, their cybernetics melding with the sphere as the two became one. The power of the Dark Side flowed through each of them, amplified by the sphere's design and purpose, and their minds melded into one single consciousness.

All the while, the space around the Eternal Rule shimmered as though afflicted by terrible heat.




Shadow's Kiss Goodnight

Time seemed to stand still while the Nightsisters conjoined with their servant demigod. The Fanged God once imprisoned within the MAW itself, stepped down from his throne amidst the dark cloud which hung suspended over the altar. His eyes bled out his black tarry life-force. A guttural growl as of a lion, slipped from his throat as he sighed in defeat, under the enslavement resulting of their ritual success.

The presence of the Coven flickered in and out of the physical plane, but they only magnified their focus upon their commands. The beast's gaze beheld his once faithful worshippers, who now laugh at his state of shame. It would try again and again to free itself from bondage. They knew something he did not.

The beast turned to peer into the eyes of Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis , and held his gaze with the Sith Lord for what seemed like forever while those subject to the concept of Time appeared motionless.

The Master spoke demands of the Magick laid out before him causing the Beyond to slice open before their eyes. The altar chamber and its inhabitants became engulfed in a sudden temporal shift. Pom saw the Fanged God whisper to the Sith Lord, then determined, the demigod reach its hand up into the dark palpable abyss. When it brought its hand back down, within his clutches his sacrifice struggled to gain freedom. The beast had plucked from the surface of Korriban one jedi creature.

The beast seethed a name, "Mikhail."

Location: Korriban, Mawite Excavations
Allies: Brotherhood of the Maw | Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall | Chasianna Chasianna | Alars Keto Alars Keto
Foes: Ashlan Crusade, NIO, GA | DECEASED Aron Gowrie DECEASED Aron Gowrie | Darth Petrichor Darth Petrichor | Mikhail Grayson Mikhail Grayson | Damsy Callat Damsy Callat | Hiran Avola Hiran Avola | Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran | Aemilio Valaar Aemilio Valaar | Laertia Io Laertia Io | Fiolette Fortan | Albrecht F. Herlock Albrecht F. Herlock

High Above: The Air War
The priests had told him the war would be like this.

Even as the first corvette group and its accompanying bombers returned to orbit, the survivors falling back to lick their wounds, Arukovi could already see a second one descending. It was just as the Maw's dark gospel taught: the forces of the Old Galaxy, their fleets and armies and ancient Force orders, would fight with all their might to preserve the corrupt, rotting status quo. The decrepit kings whose power came from stagnant traditions, going through the same cycles for millennia now, would throw everything they had at any who dared to try to bring change and renewal.

The Brotherhood had no such reserves. The force they had brought to Korriban had seemed excessive at the time; did they really need so many elite troops or ships for a simple mission to pillage the last artifacts of a long-dead world? They had justified the troops only as an honor guard for the Dark Voice, a worthy escort for the Master of the Maw. Small units had been taken from many different tribes and auxiliaries, more a symbolic collection of the Brotherhood's diversity than a cohesive, combat-effective army. They weren't there to invade, after all, only to stand guard.

They had expected to face little more than a few desperate Sith Eternal holdouts on their now-evacuated former capital. Instead, they had found themselves impossibly outnumbered as vast fleets and armies from across the galaxy descended on Korriban. Strategically, it was a disaster, likely to cost the Brotherhood many of its finest warriors. Spiritually, however, it only served to confirm the teachings of the Heathen Priests, and to heighten the fanaticism of marauders everywhere. The legend of this last stand, screaming defiance at the whole galaxy, would inspire millions.

So Arukovi knew no fear as he stared down the incoming second wave. He was going to die, there was no avoiding that now, but in so doing he would become immortal. "Have no fear, brothers," the Chiss slave-soldier told the rest of his crew, "for today we pass into legend! Today we earn our place at the right hand of the Avatars themselves, and our deliverance into their New Galaxy. Seize your rebirth with open hearts! We are the chosen few, leading by example, and the ashes from which new creation will rise are not only those of our enemies... but also our own." So he believed.

All blood would water the Coming Paradise. The Avatars cared not from whence the blood flowed, only that it flowed.

So the Spider Cruisers and their dwindling Divine Eagle escorts were eager to face the oncoming corvettes and bombers, even more eager with the attack wing from the Tonnant adding to the enemy numbers. After all, legends were born from incredible odds, not from minor challenges. As the enemy streaked in, a wall of overwhelming force, Arukovi led his air wing straight at them, guns blazing. Every weapon fired freely as they attacked, the huge MegaCaliber turbolasers opening up on the corvettes while beam cannons and laser cannons streaked in toward bomber formations.

The sandstorm raging below was only gaining force as more and more of the desert and hillside were atomized by incoming bombs, and the craft on both sides were forced to fly practically blind, relying more on sensors than visual scanning. Waves of wind-whipped sand, churning in the tempest, were turned to glass midair as laserfire superheated them, then fell like deadly rain on the battlefield below. Just holding steady in such unstable, turbulent conditions would challenge even a highly-skilled pilot, and making a clean, straight attack run was almost impossible amid the tempest.

The Mawites rode the storm in one last suicidal charge.

Tactically, Arukovi knew that the air war was lost. They'd never had a chance, not against an entire fleet of bombers and support vessels, not when their entire strength could be counted on fingers and toes - including the starfighters. But they'd maimed the first wave, the first group of attacking corvettes, and if they gave this attack everything they could savage the second. What happened from there would be in the Avatars' hands. "Set all missiles and engines to overload," he ordered, gripping the arms of his command chair with white knuckles. "We die in their midst."

The Chiss shut his eyes. "We take many with us."

Beside the two doomed Spider Cruisers, firing their last salvos before they whipped toward their foes and prepared to self-destruct, the Knyghts of Kasparov flew their deadly fighters with equal ferocity. Their vessels were too small for a suicide bombing to cause significant damage to the oncoming battle groups, so they would simply fight to the last. Half the squadron now remained, six of the twelve Divine Eagles that had descended to support the Spider Cruisers, and they would sell their lives dearly. They were among the Maw's best, and they too knew no fear.


Northeast: The Petrite Front
The sandstorm intensified, surrounding the valley in a near-impenetrable wall of flesh-stripping grit and rock, nearly tugging the dueling ships above out of the sky with the ferocity of its winds. Within the eye of the storm, however, the battle was no less a vision of hell. The Rhandites unleashed the Way of the Dark, the deep entropy they believed was the ultimate power in the galaxy, and in the wake of each unholy blast men and machines aged and withered away. By the power of the Sorcerers, corruption and decay took hold of the northeastern slopes. Flesh to ashes, armor to rust.

And in the midst of it all, the dead continued to rise. As Khazzak clambered atop the fallen corvette, walking fearlessly over its burned surface, he could feel the wicked sorceries at work everywhere. The hull shook beneath him as the shattered ship's crew, twisted and broken by the impact, clawed their way back to unlife. The bulkheads shook with their moans and roars, and with the scraping and beating of corpse-hands turned to claws, now seeking to rend the flesh of the living. The witch Tegan Starfall had come to the wreck, more powerful than Khazzak could ever dream of being.

The shaman wondered what fresh horrors she'd unleash.

But there was little time left to wonder, for the enemy leader had answered Khazzak's challenge. Their chosen battlefield was one for the legends - a twisted, burning wreck atop a hill of shifting, half-glassed sand, with the twisted forms of the dead clawing their way up bulkheads shattered by heavy laser cannons. As the black-armored Petrite elite took to the sides of the wreckage, trying to fend off the rising tide of zombies, their commander charged in, running up the makeshift bridge with a crimson blade in each hand. Khazzak's eyes blazed, and he smiled defiantly.

He had but one thought: this would be a good death.

Spinning his grisly spine-staff, the severed hand at its top wriggling its fingers like a drowning man trying to find something to hold onto, the shaman stepped forward to meet mighty Jorel. With one arm he thrust out his force-imbued weapon in a vertical block, trying to intercept his foe's descending blades and knock them aside in a right-to-left sweep across his body. With the other he seized the dark power of the Force, the power to crush with all his hate... but he did not direct it at the Chiss, not directly. Instead he aimed it all the hull of the corvette, deforming the metal with his power.

He was trying to trap and smash Jorel's legs as he ran.


South: The Galidraani Front
The Rough Riders had been spotted. There had always been a chance, a good one, that they'd be seen before they got halfway into their glorious flank charge, and now it had come to pass. But the Rough Riders, and Fre'shaa had to give her rivals credit for this, didn't turn away. The battle was already lost, with little chance for any of them to survive the clash at the excavation hill, surrounded and outnumbered on all sides. The Kagan-Jin alone could have fled the valley, past the Ashlan and Galidraani lines, but they had chosen instead to earn glory in one last strike at their foes.

Heedless of Torayga's support troops, heedless of the AFVs falling back to protect the vulnerable flank, the Rough Riders charged on, their orbaks devouring the distance down the riverbed hoofbeat by hoofbeat. The riders' armor, and the natural toughness of their mounts, allowed them to shrug off the first few bolts they took, but they were charging a firing line, and losses were inevitable. Orbaks and riders tumbled into the sand as they were shot down, filling the gulley with corpses and the thrashing of the wounded, but the Kagan-Jin did not stop. This was their moment.

This was their chance to be written into the legend.

Lances poised, ready to tear into men and vehicles alike, they came on... but that was not all they did. For each rider armed his bandolier of anti-vehicle grenades as he drew closer, a trio of heavy explosives strapped across his chest. For each rider that reached the Galidraani lines, there would be a terrible final reckoning as he triggered those grenades, a last explosion that would deliver them to glory. They were all going to die, every last one of them, but there was no avoiding that now. The Battle of the Mongrel's Hill would be known as the greatest example of Mawite fanaticism yet.

High above, on the jagged remains of the shattered hillside, Fre'shaa and her riders prepared their own last play. As Aemilio Valaar Aemilio Valaar led the wedges of AFVs up through the blasted wasteland, seeking safe paths toward the hilltop, the Deathgangs roared down the slope, whooping and hollering. Their voices and engine noise echoed among the craters and rocky pinnacles thrown up by the bombs and exploded mines, making it difficult to tell where they were coming from. That was the goal, of course. Without a clean charge available, misdirection was their last advantage.

In pairs and trios the swoop gangers came on, firing their grenade launchers at the approaching AFVs before zooming behind the cover of jagged ravines and hills of glassed sand. While one zoomed in front of the enemy armor, another would zip in from behind, lashing out with a power lance or tossing a sabotage charge. It would only slow the enemy, Fre'shaa knew, not stop them, but that hardly mattered; every front would soon collapse under the weight of the bombing campaign. But every Galidraani, Ashlan, and Light Sith they slew was one denied a role in future campaigns.

They would bloody their foes as they died.

Fre'shaa herself streaked in toward Aemilio's formation, wild hair flowing out behind her, face set in a savage rictus grin. She guided her swoop with her weight alone, maneuvering with her knees and the position of her feet; she had to, for her arms were occupied with the weight of the grenade launcher. Thunk, thunk, thunk went the heavy weapon, kicking hard in her grasp as it lobbed anti-vehicle explosives downslope. Behind the formation, two more of her riders came up from where they'd hidden in a ravine, lances aimed at the back compartments of the rear AFV.

"Die, pretty boys!" Fre'shaa screamed.


The Hilltop
It was all coming apart. The little honor guard was surely doomed, giving ground faster and faster as warriors were whittled away by the constant pressure from all sides. The survivors of each clash were being pushed back up the hill, back toward the excavation pit at the top, where the slaves had abandoned their digging to cower among the unearthed ruins of long-forgotten Sith tombs. Even if they'd escaped with whatever artifacts they could dig out of this dead, ravaged world, the trinkets of these minor Sith - unworthy of the Valley of the Dark Lords - wouldn't have been worth it.

But battle, slaughter for the Avatars, was always worth it.

That was why The Mongrel hardly even noticed the apocalyptic conditions, the bombing and the sandstorm and the rising dead. The tempest of fire and glass that raged around him was secondary in his eyes, mere set dressing to a duel he had anticipated for so, so long now. If all his warriors died here, if he died here, if the Mongrel's Hill was also the Mongrel's tomb, then he and his troops would drag every last foe they could down into the grave with them... and these cracked, abandoned sepulchers would finally have occupants worthy of honoring. Blood would forge their legend.

All that mattered was that Gowrie shared his grave.

The Mongrel came in half-swording, and the Lord-Colonel adapted. With a move the veteran marauder would not have expected from a man trained in the refined art of rapier dueling, Gowrie hurled his weapon pommel-first, then followed it with a leap and a brutal drop-kick. The durasteel mask rocked back into The Mongrel's face as he staggered backwards, his forward momentum stolen, and stumbled over the rocky ground. Both men hit the earth, and the Mawite tasted blood as a trickle ran down from his nose - bruised and battered by the impact, but so far unbroken.

Gowrie found his feet first, turning to argue with his spectral companion. The Mongrel used the moment to lever himself up, driving his warblade into the cracked earth and using the strong durasteel to find his feet. Behind his slightly-dented mask, he grinned as his foe explained the ghost's identity. "It's good to have a witness," he hissed in reply. "I was hoping Barran would be here to watch you die, but his second will have to do." That was what mattered to him, amid all the death and destruction: that someone would survive to carry word of his deeds at this last stand.

An indestructible ghost would be perfect for that.

'AGAIN, DAMNIT!!!' the Lord-Colonel shouted, and the words took The Mongrel back to his duel with the old general on Ilum, when the man had bellowed the same, time after time. Barran had been tireless, eternally eager to see what the marauder would try next, and it seemed that some of that attitude had rubbed off on his protege. The Mongrel was glad to oblige. He had thus far been unable to seize the momentum in the fight for more than an instant, for the highly-skilled Gowrie was always quick with a clever counter. Perhaps it was time to change tactics once again.

Obliging his foe, The Mongrel came in hard once more, intending to exploit the fact that Gowrie had pocketed his razor. His right arm, wielding the heavy warblade with inhuman strength, came in with a sideways swipe at the Lord-Colonel's left side. At the same time, his left arm snapped out in an outward sweep, trying to slam Gowrie's rapier aside as the metal limb crossed his body. It was an odd fusion of a martial arts block and a buckler parry, enabled only by the fact that his arm was made of durasteel, or his foe's sharp blade would surely have mangled the limb deeply.

With any luck, it would keep Gowrie from parrying his strike.


Dis, the Shadow(cat)
Shadowcat, explorer and wanderer; Owner of the Cat’s Paw; Member of the Greystone Mercantile
Side: Defender
Objective II.: Save the friends!
Location: Tombs, Korriban
Equipment: N/A
Writing with: Melydia Gold Melydia Gold
Dis has seen quite a few things from Sith, Force Users, and various creatures in Netherworld as they perform rituals or cast spells. It was for this reason that they did not feel any negative emotion towards the girl the way she did her thing, rather only admiration, and the events impressed them. At that moment, they didn't express their admiration with emotion because they didn't want to disturb Melyida with the feelings, but they still felt it.

They saw that the girl was able to reach the spirits much more effectively than they were. So Dis would rather just watch and try to sense the ghost if they started to wake up. Then maybe what they were trying to do will also be useful. Because unfortunately they did not have much experience in this field. They understood Ur-kittât, there was no problem with that. Until she succeeded, they watched in silence. When the spirit begins to awaken, they will then be able to concentrate the Force in exactly the right direction to "feed" the being to complete awakening.

Could Kal Kal have helped in this situation? They could not. After a few minutes, they felt the entity's presence grow stronger, Melyida successfully accomplishing what she was doing. It was for this reason that they concentrated a pure Force in the direction in which the spirit was. Eventually, an ice-cold feeling could be felt in the Force as the entity's power ran through the entire tomb.

~ I think they woke up. You were skilful, amazing and impressive! ~ they said to the girl.

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Leader of the Dawn of Hope
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Side: Attacker
Objective: Save Sith artefacts; try to save Adrian
Location: Valley of the Dark Lords, Korriban
Equipment: 2x Striith vibrosword | The Soulsabers | Brynja coat and hat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | G1 OmniLink | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Writing with: Darth Petrichor Darth Petrichor
[ Last Days… ]

Unfortunately, she doubted she would find what she was looking for here. Years have passed, but she still not found a solution; nevertheless, she sought it just as she had on the first day. She won't give up, she never will. As she thought this, Adrian's hallucination made him smile sadly. Others most might have been called the woman as obsessed, maybe it was, maybe not. Ingrid herself did not know, only that it did not affect her daily life, and she could do her task perfectly.

"Thank you! I hope you also find what you are looking for." she replied politely.

Ingrid listened intently through the man's reasoning, knew all this, the woman had been trying for years to achieve something similar, trying to get all sides to work together, but even the threat of the Bryn'adûl or the Maw was not enough to put aside antipathy… She remembered the Jedi's face when she mentioned on Denon that she should ally with the Sith. So much disgust and contempt is rarely seen on the face of a Sith, and she was the Jedi's leader. She nodded at Petrichor's words.

"The Jedi are also obsessed with power, they are just as corrupt and bad as the worst of the Sith. Arrogant, stupid and they despise anyone who is not on their side. And they sacrifice billions or send them into death in the name of the Force. I want to believe you can find a solution, but I’m not naive." she said without emotions.

She understood exactly what situation the man was in, she was in the same, similar situation. Ingrid nodded again, and then she entered the tomb as well.

"Sometimes it comes to my mind what the galaxy would be like if the Force would not exist anymore… we have already seen the rule of the Light Side and the Dark Side throughout history… but not if there were no Force Users, maybe there could be peace. I know it’s unnecessary to think about this because it will never happen, but perhaps it is not a bad philosophical question. What do you think, Lord Petrichor?" she thought aloud.






ALLIES: What allies?
ENEMIES: Those that stand in my way
GA GA OO LALA: Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze

Phrik blades
Phrik dagger
Dressed to kill
The Ash Hellions led by Samron Gerron - chilling in side tunnel


A respite.

Danika watched as he lowered his weapon and she listened. Still listening to the never-ending hope rolling from exhausted lips. Did he ever know where to let go? Or would his hope be the death of him? How ironic that would be.

Heaving an exhausted sigh of her own, she lowered her sabers to her sides as well and stood up straight, shaking a damp lock of hair from her face. She was growing weary of the continuous running in circles - she evading and him weathering burns and bruises all in order to draw out the Dark. Short from killing him, she would be hard pressed to break the circle. Was removing him from the face of the Galaxy the only way?

Adding another worthy head to the mantle of trophies?

But to what end?

What would she gain other than momentary satisfaction? Would she even gain that? So many questions thrown wide open in her mind, enhanced by sheer exhaustion. Yet she knew the answer to those questions.

A middle road had to be found.

So the Lady of Bone decided to bow down slightly from the pedestal.
"My dear, even if by some miracle, your Order decides to pardon me for the atrocities I committed, how do you plan to appease some of the most ancient and powerful spirits in the history of creation if they are bereft of a prisoner owing them a completed vow?" she asked him earnestly, all jest and faux friendliness gone from her voice.

Her jaw clenched momentarily, before she exhaled through her nose.
"Find the answer to that, Master Kaze, then we can negotiate the way forward." she offered. "Until then, we shall be regarding each other over the edges of these blades."

She could not decide if the offer was merely an appeasement or if she actually meant it.

Either way, she did not entirely drop her guard while catching her breath and negotiating with the Jedi. Who knew whether it was just an elaborate ploy to remove Darth Halōsis from the face of the Galaxy for good?

To succeed where a Sith Emperor had failed.



Sergeant Omen

Arc Trooper Sergeant of the 41st Elite Corps

Omen just nodded as the Jedi gave him orders. They were about what he had expected to be given as an unknown soldier that had shown up out of nowhere. He glanced at the other two Jedi Knights as they went off on their own missions, not recognizing them but it was always good to see someone alive before they went on a mission, you never knew whether they would come back on their feet or in a bodybag and how nervous that one Jedi with the red lightsaber (A sith turncoat maybe?) looked, then she was going to have a hell of a time staying out of one. He quickly pushed the thought out of his mind, there was work to be done and he was going to be the only one to do it. “Talon, on me” As he and his squad moved at a fast pace toward the gundeck, ready for battle and whatever would become of them.

When they reached the gun deck, they had to deal with the auto-turrets as they popped out of the walls, either shooting or disabling each one as they went along, fighting their way through the corridors to the first door they met. They were examining the laser grid that protected the actual door shut tight when a clacking sound could be heard from down the hall. What came at the nest were droids that looked somewhat like the B2's of his day, blasting down the hallway as the squad took cover behind anything the soldiers could get behind. One of the men threw a looted IL-MDD Device down the hallway, shorting out the droid's functions and making them fall to the ground with cries of anguish. The treat over, the Clone turned through his squad with urgency. “I want the more tech-savvy among you to form a fireteam to go find the security console and deactivate every defensive measure these Sith worshippers have and to be quick about it. The longer we take, the longer our ships suffer under their firepower.” The squad leader quickly nodded and sent his four best men to find the security station and shut the defenses down remotely. The Clone motioned for the rest of the squad to stack up on the door. He pulled out his EZ-34 stun pistol and a Hydra Electronet grenade. After a couple of minutes, the laser grid shut down and the door started to open. He threw in the grenade when the hole in the door got big enough, hoping to stun the gun crew into submission.
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Darth Petrichor: The Dark Heretic

Ashlan Crusade & friends

Enemies: Brotherhood of the Maw, Sith, etc.

Interacting with: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

Loadout: Dual curve-hilted lightsabers, armorweave suit, beskar mask


The tomb itself was what one might expect from such a place. Reliefs depicting various moments of Sith history were carved into the walls, and the air felt cold and unwelcoming. The dark corridors seemed to ooze with the Dark Side, and if Petrichor had been a lesser Sith, he may have gotten distracted by the intoxicating energy therein.

As they moved deeper into the tomb, Petrichor took in Ingrid's words. It was true, the concept of peace and cooperation on a galactic scale seemed a fool's errand. Many had called him such, or a madman. The thought of reconciliation between light and dark seemed impossible to many... but those doubters lacked vision, and the will to do what was necessary.

"I agree that the Jedi are also largely misguided. You may be surprised, however, to hear that I have been making contact with the leadership of various Jedi factions. Many wish to find a solution, admittedly more than I anticipated. Even Lord Grayson agreed to a truce with my Order, though I am unsure of the longevity of such an alliance. His dedication is unwavering, and may eventually end with only one of us alive."

Petrichor truly did hope that he could prove to Cedric that there was another path, one that lead away from the perpetual tug o war between the light and the dark, but he wasn't holding his breath. However their tedious understanding would end, for now it was one less enemy for the Dark Heretic to worry about.

He paused for a moment while Ingrid mentioned the concept of a galaxy without the Force. It was a concept that he had heard before, but not one that was often given much credence. He shot a curious look over to her as they continued down the darkened corridors of the tomb.

"I honestly don't see a galaxy without the Force. Perhaps without Force Orders, but the complete and utter severing of the Force from the individual seems... unobtainable. Perhaps not, but I have a difficult time accepting the concept."

The comment was followed by a chuckle.

"Perhaps I too am too attached to my connection to the Force. I have dedicated my life to teaching the Sith that slavery to the Darkness is wrong, but perhaps we are all slaves, in our own way. That being said, I am unsure as to what the ramifications of such a shift in the Force would be. As it hasn't occurred on such a large scale, it is difficult to calculate the result."

There was a slight hint of curiosity in his words as he spoke.

"That being said, should you find a way to achieve such a goal, I would be interested in knowing more. Such an action shouldn't be made without thorough examination of the possibilities, as it could do more harm than good."

The walls trembled from the battle above as they descended further into the darkness.



Jorel Kaan: Commander of the Petrite Host

DECEASED Aron Gowrie DECEASED Aron Gowrie , Mikhail Grayson Mikhail Grayson , Damsy Callat Damsy Callat , Hiran Avola Hiran Avola , Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran , Aemilio Valaar Aemilio Valaar , AC

Enemies: The Mongrel The Mongrel , Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall , Chasianna Chasianna , Alars Keto Alars Keto , Laertia Io Laertia Io , BotM, Sith

Loadout: Dual curve-hilted lightsaber, armorweave jacket


Fire and Blood

Jorel's mind was racing as he closed the gap to the brutish leader of the Tarar Warbands. The heat of the fallen ship caused the blood of the fallen to sizzle upon the metal wreckage, and he could feel the bottoms of his boots slowly melting with every step. Despite this, Jorel continued to push forward with all he had. One way or another, he would take his opponent's life.

His blades came down in a fury, slamming against the Force-imbued weapon of his opponent. They were quickly parried to the side, and Jorel jumped back, taking a defensive stance in anticipation of a riposte...

But the attack didn't come in the form of a swing of the weapon. Instead, his opponent called out to the Force, sending ripples through the fallen corvette. Jorel felt the metal beneath him shift and contort, as if the ship itself had turned against him. He dashed to right, attempting to avoid the attack. Though he managed to avoid being ensnared by the devious attack, a chunk of shrapnel caught him in his leg, piercing skin and muscle. Jorel staggered, attempting to regain his footing. He looked down at his bleeding leg, the anger boiling inside him once again.

"So, you have some tricks, do you?"

He looked up to Khazzak, his crimson eyes meeting the gaze of the Tarar commander.

"Your dark gods do love strength and pain, don't they? Perhaps they are on to something."

With those words, Jorel swiped his lightsaber along the piece of metal, cutting it free from the ship. Though the shrapnel in his leg remained, he could at least move again.

"War. Death. Rebirth. You have brought the first two to my people, savage. In doing so, you have awakened a monster. Now you will experience the rebirth of my people!"

With those words, Jorel lunged at the man, sweeping both lightsaber blades in vertical slashes from left to right. If he timed it perfectly, Jorel would disengage one of the blades at the last minute, just long enough to get past the blocking weapon. Then, in traditional Trakata fashion, he would reignite the blade, potentially delivering the killing blow.

On the other side of the sandstorm, the Excerpts continued their bloody clash against the Rhandite sorcerers. More of their number fell to the dark magicks of the enemy, yet they managed to maintain the advance. The sorcerers had taken losses as well, but as long as even one stood, the Excerpts would not have a moment of peace.

As the Excerpts kept the pressure, a new enemy had reared its ugly head upon the sands of Korriban. One of the Rhandites had broken away from the rest, slamming his fist into the sand beneath his feet. With each pound of the fist, the ground around the Excerpts began to stir. As the strange ritual continued, the serpents of Korriban began to make themselves known, twisting and slithering into larger and larger masses.

Shouts from Excerpt to Excerpt remained unheard, as the cacophonous roar of the sandstorm continued to limit their ability to communicate. As the serpents continued to converge, some of the Excerpts attempted to bring them down. Many shot Force Lightning at the creatures. Others took a more physical approach, attempting to slash and main the beasts with their crimson blades. Though they had kept some of the serpents at bay, they were still slowly forming into larger amalgamated beasts, killing the Excerpts that weren't prepared for such an attack.

This would be a costly battle for the Order, but they had to keep going. The fight would only have one of two outcomes; victory or death...

And the Excerpts weren't ready to die.


She kept herself to the shadows, cloaked from sight and the Force as she had mastered long ago and she observed the ritual that Darth Solipsis was performing and his attendants. It had been easy enough to find the chamber, deep in the bowels of the academy and its catacombs, where he had been working and to slip past his guards. She recognized parts of the ritual, some sort of portal sundering, not unlike what she had helped reconstruct on Asation, but this one was different. The sigils were different, the strain of the Dark Side on reality was different. The man was attempting to tear a portal into the Dark Side of the Force itself. Fascinating.

The flickers of light in Korriban's shadow were drawing closer, herded by the summoned smoke demons and drawn like moths to the flame at the power that Solipsis was trying to harness and unleash. She could feel the psychic struggle in the currents, the old man straining with his will and power alone.
What was his goal? Communing with the Dark Side wouldn't bring one to World Between, to the Throne from which to alter reality itself to ones' whims, but it would certainly do something... unnatural. His hands tore, and there was a flicker before the tear. Crimson light, much like the lightsabers cast by corrupted kyber, seared forth and tore open a hole. Beyond... darkness made manifest, a metaphysical plane of complete darkness. Solipsis stepped forward and vanished, his body crumbling to dust. The hole remained, shuddering like a curtain or veil between realities.

Her ears pricked up, alerted to sounds coming forward. Sweat beaded down her face as she continued to maintain her cloaks and reached out with the techniques she had learned among the Theran Listeners. Masters of certain arts in the Force, the Theran Listeners of Nam Chorios had mastered hearing techniques that allowed them to hear the smallest sounds rooms and floors away. It was useful for a number of things, especially parenting an inquisitive child, and it was useful here. The hum of a saber was drawing near, light like a torch following it in the Force. Grayson was drawing near, and with him, the Shield and a Jedi Master she had once thought to turn.

She grinned despite herself. The day just kept getting more and more interesting.

It was like a whisper, and then the doors to the chamber burst open from a telekinetic blast, and the grand Crusader stepped forward. His mutter though... her eyes sparked with intense interest. Her hunch in the Senate had been correct then. Useful to know indeed. Cedric's challenge must have pierced through the veil as a figure began to emerge from it... garbed in a high collared robe, dripping the dark side from every physical and metaphysical pore.

Solipsis renewed. Absolutely fascinating. His claim though... she dropped her physical cloak to join the party as it were. She wouldn't say anything, not really announce her presence or even if she sided with the renewed being or with others.

Crane Baxa


The Catacombs: Tomb of Kronos
Allies: Sith
Enemies: Everyone Else
Engaged: Jegy Sesara Jegy Sesara
Equipment: Twin Veshet Blaster Pistols, Gatecrasher Scattergun, Lightsaber (Blue)​

The clash of blue and red blades flashed between the pair, their fight having been further prolonged than expected. Each seemed to be a master in their own craft, one of fast combat and one of defensive combat. The Chagrian flicking his wrist upwards, he had destroyed the red lightsaber of the Sullustan whom quickly gripped the remaining blue one and struck hard against the Chagrian, locking their blades together. Pushing against the other, the Sullustan then pushed through the Force with one hand, throwing the Chagrian across the tomb and through one of the large rock walls, shattering it into pieces.

The loud explosion of destroyed rock and rubble could be heard through the catacombs, landing into another unknown tomb with his lightsaber thrown into the chasm below. Giving a loud groan, the Sullustan charged forward with the Chagrian flicking his wrists to grab and fire both Veshet blaster pistols. The amount of blaster bolts seemed to almost unfaze the Sullustan, flicking each bolt to the side though taking one in the shoulder, twisting his blade to destroy the blasters and then Force Push again into the rubble, completely entrapping the Chagrian into the wall. Giving a small gasp of air, the Sullustan turned off his lightsaber and slowly walked back towards the other tomb as the chasms air from nearby blew into them, the heat of the lava being felt in the air.

"What a waste of perfectly good time. You could not win and you knew it."
"I know, that is why we both won't win."

Before the Sullustan could register, the Scepter flew backwards past them and straight into the chasm around them, straight down into a large pit of lava which soon engulfed the cursed item...and destroyed it. The Sullustan tried with all his might in the Force to retrieve it, but failed to do so. Shaking in anger, he points straight towards his son and starts to Force Push him again and again, violently into the wall as he kept embedding him further. Each use of the Force cracking, fracturing or breaking a bone in the Chagrians body.


Stopping, the Chagrian was bleeding profusely with his head down, rubble crumbling over his body as the Sullustan turned, infuriated with what just happened. The Chagrian felt his ribs almost completely broken, his left leg in mind numbing pain and his body unresponsive, his mind racing to what he regretted. Sensing something, the Sullustan stopped and turned towards his son as he realized something through the Chagrains thoughts and emotions, as if struggling to keep moving.

"A daughter? Unbelievable, I am a grandfather. I would not worry, I will take great care of her."

The Chagrians eyes would light up a little, hearing those words as he weakly tried to lift his head up to see his father. The pale green eyes looked down upon him, having a small smirk upon his lips as he took the news of his own grandchild well. Though each moment the Chagrian sat there, his rage started to swell into himself as well as his pride.

"If you could not even protect her, then Ashla was never at your side. I will teach her the ways of Ashla...and if she has the gift, train her as my own. To start once again, the Inquistorious under my rule. To destroy all those against the Ashlan Crusade...and if she cannot be convinced, then she shall be destroyed."

With a sudden burst of strength from the Force, with Rage and Valor flowing through him, the Chagrain burst out of the rubble and using the Force, pulled the Saber Staff off of the Sullustan and ignited its red blades, swinging wildly as the Sullustan ignited his own to defend himself. The speed of the Chagrians attacks kept increasing, each hit from the side becoming faster than before, using the Force to speed up his attacks with the Sullustan starting to struggle against every hit. The pain from his broken arm, every bit of his body fueled the Chagrians actions to keep going, to keep himself alive! When the Sullustan attempted to attack back after flicking the blade to the side, the Chagrians eyes turned white and turned off the saberstaff to let the blade pass through by mere inches from his head and reignite to strike upwards, cutting through the Sullustans left hand, chest and right shoulder.

The lightsaber of the Sullustan collapsed onto the floor as Jegy started to slowly attempt to figure out what had happened, looking down upon himself. Looking back up slowly, he saw Crane for a brief moment as someone else with his eyes slowly growing more paleish grey as he tried to mouth a word before dropping to his knees and then slowly, falling over completely. Staring down at the Sullustans body, the red lightsaber staff would slowly turn off with the Chagrian merely keeping his eyes down. Letting the lightsaber staff slip through his hands, he let it drop onto the floor with a clatter. Slowly feeling the realization of his own actions, the Chagrian started to walk forward, almost on auto-pilot with the adrenline and rage wearing off, feeling all the pain as he limped towards the exit.


Location: Gunnery Crew Station, Gun Decks - Eternal Rule
Weapons: Octuple Barbette AI-MD “Gnoma” Mass Drivers - Upper Prow
Call Sign: Shen Seven
Personal Equipment: DS-101 “Venture” Multipurpose Protective Attire (X) │ “Judicator” Adaptive Battle RifleSIF-57sPhase III “Force Avenger” Energy Shield
Side: Defenders
Dark: TK ( Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex ) │ BoTM ( Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha Derix Tirall Derix Tirall Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen )
Light: AC ( Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana Tristan Evore Tristan Evore Pietro Demici Pietro Demici ) │ NIO (Fiolette Fortan Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber Albrecht F. Herlock Albrecht F. Herlock ) │ GA ( Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka Kirie Kirie Thalia Senn Thalia Senn Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe Relynia Sorrene Relynia Sorrene Constantine Oliva Constantine Oliva ) │ SJC ( Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen )

The elite Alliance Marines under the command of the ARC trooper were relentless in their advance throughout the labyrinthine corridors of the Eternal Rule. However, their progress would be harried from seemingly all directions, as retractable blasters on the walls and the floors cast fire onto the heathen invaders. Further augmenting these defenses were ranks of cold, unfeeling battle droids. Led by a veteran of the Clone Wars, who was undoubtedly well-versed in fighting “clankers”, the Marines were capable of fighting them via tactics developed and honed in a galactic war waged centuries ago. However, the droids were enhanced beyond the capabilities of the models fielded by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during that ancient war, equipped with technologies developed over the centuries since its conclusion. Almost every facet of the defense was coordinated by AQUILA, the Rule’s, hyper-intelligent AI seeking to stymie their progress at every possible turn. Nevertheless, the valiant Marines smashed through the defenses to reach the gun decks, though likely not without extensive delay or loss.

All the while, the gunners were in a prime position to deliver salvo after salvo into the vulnerable flanks of the City of Ashes. After her initial volley of shots aimed for the engines, KV-6000 coordinated her fire with the ion cannon batteries in hushed ghoul-speak. While her guns were reloaded, the ion cannons delivered purple bolts of concentrated ionized particles, targeting the engines and attempting to disable the City’s shields. Seconds later, KV-6000 willed the eight guns under her control to fire, doing so as soon as her assistant confirmed that they were reloaded. The octuple emplacement thumped with force as they discharged eight more massive doonium cores, each targeting the exact position on the Starhawk’s engines where the ion bolts were delivered only moments before.

In spite of the Marines closing in to the gun decks, KV-6000 managed to fire one more salvo, now aiming for the amidship area of the City, delivering what could potentially be a final one-two punch in precise coordination with the ion cannon batteries. The Morellian gunner sought nothing less than the complete destruction of the City, her mind entering a powerful flow state as she worked, even as danger approached from within the Eternal Rule itself.

Then, the klaxons blared in her ears.

Panic, fear, and anxiety failed to manifest across the features of the strand-cast personnel in the gundecks. KV-6000 was no exception, her faith in the Eclipsing Mission unflinching, almost to the point of being robotic. With each and every soldier in the deck was now focused only on countering the squads of Alliance Marines which were preparing to breach, silence fell over the area, laced with ghoul-speak as KV-0007 called out orders. A Judicator found its way into the Morellian’s hands before she took up a defensive position behind a bulkhead, her rifle primed and pointed directly at the blast doors.

For the Marines behind the blast doors, having already fought through so much, they would likely run into another delay as their slicers worked at penetrating the local security network, a task made more difficult given the bio-metric security interfaces and the hyper-intelligence of the AQUILA itself. Nevertheless, the team of slicers managed to disable most of the local area’s security grid, albeit failing to take down the other defensive networks on the Eternal Rule. In a metaphorical sense, the AQUILA had opted to cut off a hand in order to save the body.

Just then, the blast doors began to slowly open. KV-6000 saw the grenade come out first, her enhanced mind immediately perceiving the thrown object as it moved towards her direction. She needed only to make a single step to catch it, to which she did.

Then, within less than a split-second, she summoned all the strength in her arm and threw the grenade right back through the partially-opened blast doors, towards the group of Marines roughly twelve meters away from her own position.

  • The Eternal Rule’s internal defenses attempt to harry and counter Sergeant Omen and the Alliance Marines in their advance to the gun decks, deploying retractable blasters and battle droids to face them.
  • The AQUILA attempts to fend off the slicing attempt from Omen’s Marines. While the AI fails to retain control over the mass driver gun decks and the areas surrounding them, where KV-6000 is located, it does manage to secure the rest of the vessel. As such, Omen’s Marines succeed in breaking through the blast doors and laser gates.
  • All the while, KV-6000 delivers two more salvos from the eight AI-MD “Gnoma” Mass Drivers under her control, coordinating with the ion cannon batteries on the Eternal Rule.
    • In the first salvo, ion cannons focus fire on the engines, followed up by eight shots from the octuple AI-MD “Gnoma” Mass Drivers under KV-6000’s control, all on the MAC Setting and aimed for the same target.
    • In the second salvo, ion cannons focus fire on the flanks, once again followed up by eight shots from the octuple AI-MD “Gnoma” Mass Drivers under KV-6000’s control, all on the MAC Setting and aimed for the same target.
  • Along with the gunners, technicians, and other personnel inside the Shen mass driver gun decks, KV-6000 takes cover and moves to fend off Omen’s Marines.

Post: 6
Objective: Wreak Havoc
Equipment: Mind Crown | Black MidNight Duster with Hood | Echani shield suit | Grav Boots | Eltro Life Gloves | x4 red lightsabers | Defender | Forearm Lanvorak | Wrist Laser | x2 FWG-5 Flechette Smart Pistol | Boomer | X4 Daggers | Pack of Death sticks | Various Explosives on person and in backpack | Holopad
Allies: The Mongrel The Mongrel | Chasianna Chasianna | Alars Keto Alars Keto
Enemies: DECEASED Aron Gowrie DECEASED Aron Gowrie | Darth Petrichor Darth Petrichor | Mikhail Grayson Mikhail Grayson | Damsy Callat Damsy Callat | Hiran Avola Hiran Avola | Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran | Aemilio Valaar Aemilio Valaar
Special Tags: All in the valley or near the Valley


The thing about Hyperdrives is they were probably the most dangerous device on a standard starship. They were so abundant, yet they granted access to some of the most destructive forces known to the universe. Of course, they had a lot of safety measures in place to make sure they didn’t become those destructive devices. One could easily turn one into a bomb by removing the heat sinks and power regulators causing power to flood in while the hyperdrive overheated and exploded leaving behind ionized radiation. Such a device depending on the size of ship you took it off could level a few cities blocks to a whole city. Not to mention ships the size Tegan was on most likely had two hyperdrives even bigger ones could have more.

Tegan reached the engine room of the ship and her orange eyes began scanning for the hyperdrive and it wasn’t long before she saw it. She made her way to it the first thing she did was pulled out her holopad and linked it into the navigation system. Now a bomb was all well and good if you were in the middle of a city you could cause so much devastation and take so many lives. Out here though on a half dead world like Korriban a bomb just wasn’t exciting enough it didn’t make the right kind of impact. Thankfully Hyperdrives had more then one way to cause devastation.

Tegan looked at the reading on her Holopad behind her she could hear a few still living crew screaming for help. The sounds of the slowly dying put somewhat a skip in the gremlins step as she began humming a tune to herself as she began her work. She grabbed a few wires and connected them to different power outputs, she was looking to give the hyperdrive as much power as she could from this crashed ship. Next she disconnected the hyperdrive from the array that made it so a hyperspace window would open directly in front of a ship, with out the array the window could open anywhere around the ship, even inside it if your calculations a where really bad.

The next thing she did was open a panel on the side of the hyperdrive removing a few cylinder devices that made up the Hyperdrive field guide. There where a few reasons one never opened a hyperdrive windows in the atmosphere. One was because a hyperspace window had a gravitational force both the planet and window exerting force on the object it was possible for a ship to be ripped apart by the two opposing forces of the planet and hyperspace window. The second main reason was there was a small percent chance it could distort the magnetic field and gravitational field of a planet with the hyperspace windows gravitational pull and it could cause catastrophic planetary failure. There were a few more reasons not to do it another one was because the hyperdrive had a lot of collision detection safety measures in place so you didn't land inside a planet or sun and to jump in atmosphere could throw them all out of wack so the next thing you know you end up in a blackhole on your next jump.

Tegan through that all out the window as she began turning off various safety features. The began removing The inhibitor, Gravitic sensor, and Null quantum field generator. Bombs were fun but a randomizing gravity well generator that used hyperspace windows for the gravity that could pop up all across the valley was funnier. Granted it was random and untargetable so it could hit Maw forces just as well as Alliance, Imperial or Crusade. Tegan hardly cared though as she was to giddy with the fun and havoc this thing would cause for a few minutes. Only a few minutes due to lack of power but it would be enough time to open half a dozen hyperspace windows and let gravity do it’s damage. Granted if she had enough power, she could probably rip this planet apart but sadly that kind of power was unavailable to her. Tegan kept tinkering away to make sure everything would be right especially on the navigation coordinates they need to be microbursts so the window would have to open on the ground and jettison just outside the upper atmosphere.

A smile grew on the imps skull painted face as the toiled about, in thastt moment her true sinister nature fully out in the open and visible. She delighted int he Chaos and destruction she was about to bring.


The sands whipped and lashed about small twisters former here and there wreaking even more Havoc. One could hear and could barely see more then a few feet in front of them at this point. The dead kept rising so long as the fighting sides kept killing. The only clear skies at this point seemed to be in the eye the center of the storm being the Valley itself. At this point so much blood had been spilt on these sands it was the most moisture the planet had seen in millennium.

The Rhadites were still being pushed back by the overwhelming forces of the Excepts. The Excerpts fought to the death but the Rhandites accept nothing less then total annihilation. Death to them was just a state being they want to touch the void and burn in entropies fires until they were to void. If they wanted death the Rhandites would give to them until they were no more.

The Rhadites though out number had to some degree leveled the playing field with the undead and the snakes. Still they were being pushed back because they had no order or cohesive strategy to push the Excepts back towards the Valley. They just continued to throw what ever they could at them like the serpents they began calling to every creature of Korriban to come to them and aid hoping anything would answer there call so that maybe the could mount a push back. They sent out wild beast calls to the K'lor'slug, Shyrack, and Terentatek hoping something would charging through this storm or come crawling up from the sands.

For the moment the serpents were just barely keeping the Rhandites from full retreat at this point. The serpents began to grow in bunches become stronger and harder foes for the Excerpts. Yet still the fervor of the Excerpts was strong and they fought on they sought victory or death but the Rhandites again sought only the void of annihilation.
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E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Leader of the Dawn of Hope
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Side: Attacker
Objective: Save Sith artefacts; try to save Adrian
Location: Valley of the Dark Lords, Korriban
Equipment: 2x Striith vibrosword | The Soulsabers | Brynja coat and hat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | G1 OmniLink | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Writing with: Darth Petrichor Darth Petrichor
[ Last Days… ]

She was greeted in the tomb by the same feeling it had been years ago when she last visited this place. Only then did Adrian's power swirl here as well; however, there was no sign of it this time. Ingrid was stronger now and felt the Nexus much better. She was not intoxicated by the promise of power, not now, not back then. For her, the Nexus meant one thing; food source. As a Semi-Force Entity, it was all a buffet for her. Of course, she also learned to use it when she absorbed these energies, but she was only able to “store” these energies in the short term. If she didn’t use them for Force skills, her body used them as food.

"Yes, Lord Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson is a special case, I also negotiated successfully with him. But the NJO, the SJC, or the NIO don’t want to hear about any of their cooperation. There are different individuals among them who are open to compromise, even from the leadership, from the highest ranks. I have made countless covenants in recent years, but in the end, those who have to make the decisions, the leaders, they are adamant and just want to see blood, will not forgive anyone, or cooperate someone who has connection with the Dark Side…" she agreed and explained her view.

Ingrid looked at the man as he paused for a moment after the philosophical question. The red-haired woman got this reaction many times when she brought up the topic. Most could not even imagine all this. The woman now knew that there were people in the NIO who wanted that, as well as within the Maw. Last but not least, this was the purpose of the Eternal Empire in secret. She got pretty much the expected answer to her question.

"It’s not that hard for me to imagine, for most of my life I had nothing to do with the Force. Without it, somehow everything is much simpler." she replied.

Servitude; she nodded. According to Ingrid and Wardens, the Force itself keeps all Force Users in chains and uses them only as puppets. In the end, shook her head at the man's words.

"I think if that happened, everyone would die, as it would probably go hand in hand with the death of midi-chlorians, in which nothing and no one would survive. That is why I mentioned that this is just a philosophical question and an interesting thought, nothing more." she answered honestly. She really thought so, so she researched solutions, as did Wardens of the Shroud. Because until there is a solution to this, she will not approve any plan. Ingrid will not sacrifice billions or more for a doubtful success. "I am fond of theoretical sciences like philosophy or theoretical physics. Possibly theology as theological debates, although I am an atheist."

She added as the place shook and they finally made it down to a larger empty hall. This is where the first Nether Knights were made, and he was here as well…

"This is the place where was the last time someone saw the Force Ghost I'm looking for." she said, and unfortunately she felt nothing special here.




Issue #7 - Bad Romance
w/ Anja Doreva Anja Doreva
The curious case of Danika Leventis grew only more enigmatic with each word parting her lips. There was something enchanting about it, something that drew his curiosity like a dog chasing a speeder. The cross of blades, the dance of death, the investigation, the thrill of the hunt for answers - alive in the midst of the storm. Rejuvenation resurged through the adrenaline that coursed his veins and the sweat that escaped his pores. His fixation was evident on his face contoured by fatigue but eyes burning to learn, to save.

"I'll find a way, you can trust me on that." he stated as they continued drawing circles around each other. Was it all deception? A ploy? A scheme? Or was it a genuine problem to solve? Dagon assumed she shared the same questions about him. Trust was such a fragile concept and yet he'd always dive headfirst even if rocks met his landing. More guts than brains, truly.

"But I'll need your help, Lady - what are these spirits-- what is this vow you speak of?"

He believed. He truly believed there was a faint light at the end of her tunnel.

But what would it cost to reach for it?



Location: Outer perimeter of Korriban system
Faction: Ashlan Crusade
Allies: Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka Albrecht F. Herlock Albrecht F. Herlock Tristan Evore Tristan Evore Relynia Sorrene Relynia Sorrene - AC/NIO
Enemies: Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex - KV-6000 - Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen Derix Tirall Derix Tirall TSE/MAW

Fleet composition
Noble Crusader Class Battlecruisers
Pillar of Retribution (Flagship) - engaged with fatalis
Divine Purpose - engaged with fatalis
Bane of Darkness (reserve)

Dragoon Class Battle carriers
Fist of Demici - moving to engage eternal rule
Rapture - engaged with fatalis
Holy Choir (reserve)

Templar class star destroyers
6 in primary fleet, 3 in reserve fleet

Bastion class planetary invasion ship
3 in reserve fleet

Nebula-ii class star destroyers
4 in primary fleet, 2 in reserve fleet

Dominion Class escort frigate
16 in primary fleet, 8 in reserve fleet
Principality class corvettes
16 in primary fleet, 8 in reserve fleet
Warden anti-starfighter frigates
6 in primary fleet

Hangar equipped vessels have full complements of following starfighters (50/50 split)
Pegasus interceptors
Phoenix multi-role starfighters

Things were going badly on the Divine Purposer, whilst there had been small victories, with the surge toward the main reactor blunted by the determined Aslan Marines, they didn't have the numbers or the experience to stop them on all fronts. Bodies from both sides littered the previously pristine corridors. "This is Sergeant Cavell, they are heading for the atmospheric processing plant," a young wounded marine whispered into her comm. Her whole unit had been butchered by the Mawites and she had managed to squeeze herself into a ventilation shaft. This particular force had pushed through the marines and were heading toward atmospherics, she needed to let her superior officers know. "I am in shaft 36b on level 83, unit has been killed and the Maw are moving aftward" There was only around 200m of corridors between her and their supposed target now, and very few defenders left in this section. "we need help, immediately.." The radio crackled back in to life "Stay right where you are sergeant, we are on our way right too you," replied the radio, followed by a dark chuckle of a voice on the channel with an accent she did not recognise. She cursed and made a prayer to Ashla as the panel next to her was ripped off the wall.

Elsewhere in the fleet, the crippled Templar had managed to turn its stronger side toward the enemy and stabilise its systems, main power was still not online, but other systems were slowly coming back online. There was enough reserve power to get the starboard shields up, but the ship was in no state to contribute further to the battle, priority now was to get the hyperdrive running and retreat to space dock in order to save the rest of the ship. The escorting principalities had split up, with two remaining to defend their crippled fleet member, and the other four advancing with the surviving star destroyer. The Samaels had been pushed back, but the bombardment on them continued.

The Pillar of Retribution was beginning to show signs of battle fatigue, the Crucifix that had been continuously targetting it did not have the punch for a knockout blow, but over time was putting pressure on the shields, and several emitters had overloaded, letting shots through onto the hull while they cooled down. "Admiral, we are beginning to lose batteries on the port fore quarter, suggest we turn toward that star destroyer and allow the shields to recover" the captain spoke to the admiral "Proceed, but keep as much firepower on the Fatalis as possible, i dont want to give it chance to repair, if we can knock out more of its batteries, it will be less of a threat" The enormous ship began to turn, and Isla watched out the viewpoint and could see the pattern of explosions slowly track from port to starboard as the ships changed its heading.

In space, between the Ashlans and the Fatalis the bombers had made some gains against the emplacements, but it had been a costly run, even damaged, the Mawite warship put out a huge amount of point defence and the tough little ships had taken casualties. "Squadrons return to carrier asap, we have incoming enemy fighter" barked the squardon leader as contacts appeared all over their displays. The bombers turned to head back toward their fleet but were met with a wall of mawite fighters streaming in. The combat was brief but brutal, as the Ashlans scattered and fled for their lives, they were hopelessly out numbered by their foe, all effort was put into evasion over combat, at least two dozen Phoenix were lost many of the survivors would need significant repairs to fly again, fighter superiority now truly belonged to the Maw.

One every front the Ashlans were taxing the Maw, but the battle was proving to be costly, a third dominion had been put out of action by the Fatalis and now, none of them were completely undamaged, at least on this occasion, the frigate had managed to withdraw safely rather than being completely destroyer. The remaining three Dominions, along with the Rapture were now at optimal engagement range of the Crucifix destroyers and were firing a punishing barrage into the closest ship, the squadrons that the Rapture had retained were also making targeted strikes on the enemy ship in the hope of putting it out of action.

Isla looked at the mess of a holo in front of her, she felt like the battle was turning against her, but she still slightly had the upper hand in ships, and with her allies jumping in to strike at the enemy star destroyers, badly damaging one of them, the battle of attrition could still favour her forces.

The Fist of Demici continued its advance toward the Eternal Rule its heavy guns causing flashes on the shields of the Mawite vessel. Luckily the primary focus of the enemy seemed to be on other allied vessels so the Fist was able to ward off most of the incoming fire with its shields and was only taking minor damage. The Waves of fighters and multi-role bombers were now formed up and the captain watched as they SLAMed toward the Rule to add their ordinance to the weight of fire on the enemy ship. It would only be a matter of time before its shields fell or it was forced to withdraw from the battlefield.

  • Fatalis fleet
    • Pillar of retribution (taking fire from Crucifix - shields taxed - minor damage to some batteried - firing on fatalis, ions now also on Fatalis as frigates retreat)
    • divine purpose (taking fire -shields low, damage to port weapon systems - firing on fatalis, lending arc based support to other ships - primarily incoming Crucifixes - boarded - Reactor defended - Engines contested - Atmospheric control in enemy hands)
    • rapture (taking fire - fore shields recovered - minor damage all fighters launched, significant casualties - firing on lead Crucifix)
    • Templar 1 (Crippled - loss of most port systems, on emergency power - priority to leave battle via hyperdrive)
    • Templar 2 (taking minor fire - superficial damage - firing on Fatalis)
    • 6 dominions (firing on lead crucifix, 3 destroyed, 3 with weakened shields, Minor damage)
    • 6 principalities (engaging Samael frigates at range - 2 defending damaged templar, 4 pushing with other templar)
    • 2 wardens (following battlecruisers)
    • Phoenix bombers from primary fleet mostly neutralised, only a few squadrons left
    • Pegasus interceptors from Rapture on CAP around Templars - some casualties, fighters using Templar bays to rearm
  • Eternal rule
    • Fist of Demici (taking minor fire - shields holding - opening fire - starfighters making attack run on Eternal Rule)

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Location: Korriban, Mawite Excavations
Allies: Brotherhood of the Maw | Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall
Foes: Ashlan Crusade, NIO, GA | Darth Petrichor Darth Petrichor

Northeast: The Petrite Front
Atop the corvette the duel raged on, heedless of the chaos and destruction that Tegan was about to unleash from within. Khazzak could sense the witch's wicked intentions, but he could not discern the specifics of her plan... and he wouldn't have done anything differently even if he had. He could see that this battle was lost, and that this lonely hillside - now watered in blood and buried in craters and glass - would be his tomb. But he was loyal to The Mongrel to the very end, and to the Avatars even beyond that. He would fight to make this a pyrrhic victory for the Brotherhood's foes.

He would fight so that no one escaped the hill alive.

Khazzak smiled as his Force attack pierced the Light Sith's leg, leaving him bleeding and unsteady. First blood for the Mawite shaman. Still, his foe was full of bravado, claiming to understand the teachings of the Avatars but twisting their meaning to suit his own ends. Khazzak only chuckled, his crooked body shaking with mirth. Did the fool really think that the dark gods meant rebirth into this corrupt and decaying age? If the Chiss rose again in the coming years, rebuilding their Ascendancy and repopulating their worlds, it was only holding back progress toward a paradise without kings.

Everything had to burn to make way for the New Galaxy.

But there was no time to tell the Sith how flawed his understanding was, for the man was immediately upon him, swinging both lightsabers in deadly arcs. Khazzak caught one of them on his staff once again, turning it aside in the grooves of the fused vertebrae, but the other... The shaman had never fought a Sith before, and had faced a Jedi only once. He did not anticipate the trick of deactivating and then reactivating the blade, and his ignorance cost him. The saber blazed back to life inside his guard, well past the parrying staff, and the crimson blade met his unarmored flesh.

For an ordinary man, this would have been immediately fatal. But Khazzak and his fellow war shamans were covered in runic markings, some painted on, others tattooed, and still others carved into his skin with ceremonial knives. Dark power flowed through these markings, spells of protection that could hold back some energy, at least. So instead of cleanly bisecting the shaman, Jorel's lightsaber skittered across his chest, drawing a long, sizzling line of burnt flesh. Khazzak howled in agony and leapt back, nearly dropping his staff, as smoke curled up from the grisly wound.

His protective charms would save him only once.

"You fail to understand," the shaman hissed through gritted teeth, trying to catch his breath as waves of pain washed over him. "Rebirth does not mean rising again, not in this galaxy of suffering and stagnation. True rebirth means passing from this corrupt age, going on to a place in the paradise the gods are building. The cycle you cling to is ending. There will be no more empires and republics, no more Jedi and Sith, only a primal garden that grows from their ashes. That is where I will be reborn." Khazzak laughed through the torment, his face full of longing as he spoke of that promise.

All around them, adding to the chaos of living corpses battling against dark-armored Exalted, Tegan's sorcery began to call the beasts of Korriban. The blasted sands shifted as creatures that would normally have hidden from the bombs and flames emerged. K'lor'slugs wriggled out of the ground, their knife-like limbs digging into the durasteel sides of the corvette as they climbed toward the battle; the dark side had amplified their hunger until it overruled their self-preservation. And out of the caves and ruins unearthed by the excavation came a swarm of leather-winged shyracks.

Khazzak's dark powers were primeval in nature, and he felt a kinship with the savage beasts. It was easy for him to seize the minds of the swarm and direct them at Jorel, sending half a dozen shyracks at him to bite and claw. He did not expect that the beasts would do much damage to the powerful Sith, but they would at least obscure his vision and distract him from what came next. As the curtain of dark wings descended, the shaman kept his staff in his right hand, then lashed out with his left. A bolt of lightning streaked from his fingertips, leaping and crackling, fueled by pain and rage...

It was aimed right for Jorel's heart.



Galidraani Forces: Enedina Tal Enedina Tal Hiran Avola Hiran Avola DECEASED Aron Gowrie DECEASED Aron Gowrie Fiolette Fortan

Allies (NIO): Rurik Fel Rurik Fel Aemilio Valaar Aemilio Valaar

Allies (AC/GA/EE/SJC/PO): Lonnie Kai Lonnie Kai Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze Damsy Callat Damsy Callat
Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Starlin Rand Starlin Rand Aelina Corsanis Aelina Corsanis
Darth Petrichor Darth Petrichor Creuat Creuat Mikhail Grayson Mikhail Grayson Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen

Enemies (Sith Remnants): Vector Monk Vector Monk Laertia Io Laertia Io Anja Doreva Anja Doreva Darth Orcus
Chasianna Chasianna Ana Malixar Ana Malixar Caulder Dune Caulder Dune
Dis Dis Darth Voracitos Darth Voracitos Crane Baxa

Enemies (BOTM/NSO): The Mongrel The Mongrel Alars Keto Alars Keto Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall




<"Scott to Jackal Three! Temporary halt ordered, you're covered if you still like the idea of taking the hill with us.">

'Copy that Guardian one! We're headin' out the noo. Jackal Three out!'

With all the relevant troops readied for combat, a simple wave of the hand was all that was needed to get the men and women of C-Company running out the north gate, sprinting forth in pursuit of action and good perches to shoot from, almost as if they were all hoping for the window-seats on their imaginary transports to some picturesque field-trip location. And yet, in seeing this excited giddiness remaining in the face of such apocalyptic environmental conditions, Captain Doyle soon realised that (to the likes of his battle-hardened subordinates) the battlefield was very much their only ideal getaway from the boredom of inactivity, or the darkening of their own thoughts when alone. Walking out in his usual savvy demeanour, Cleaver soon found himself face to face with Captain Scott, silently extending his hand in offer of acquaintance and peace between clans, an old tradition of tribal allies on the eve of battle; one which Doyle found himself knowing enough to keep the silence and the peace, all whilst meeting the Tuath's hand in the middle with his own, not daring to break the silence between them until their hands had disengaged.


'Lead the way, Scott.'

'Right this way, Doyle. We haven't very far to walk, rest assured.', the Guard-Captain of the Wildcats replied in a supremely-amiable tone, always known for dropping the formal act around comrades whenever the need for comm-link chatter wasn't a factor. Once they'd gotten some walking momentum going, the other tanks in the area shot off ahead of them, moving north with clear orders to obey as they left the two officers to their conversation, as it seemed that both contingents understood the significance of placing a budding legend in the proximity of the other's respective contingent. Alas, continuing on from what he was saying before, Byron Scott would instead use what little time they had to break the ice a little farther, all whilst attempting to note their situation enough for them both to give the sandstorm some serious thought for a moment. Turning back toward Doyle, the secret Tuath nobleman slowed his walking pace a little to stop them both in their tracks before concluding,'Just as well, eh? Give it two minutes tops, an' we'll be driving our tanks into that madness.'


'Aye, it has the makings of an epic among firsts anyway. Ah don't ever recall the Blue-Hearts deployin' anywhere like this before.... Should make for a good story to retell when ye get back ti Hirkenburg, eh?'

'What? You not going back on leave, Doyle?', Scott asked in a confused-yet-curious response, wondering how bad it was for those who were dutybound to service as part of Galidraan's fighting elite. With the Woad's confirming shake of the head, the Tuath understood his new acquaintance's silence that followed, almost showing the grain Cleavert had no choice but to keep from going against. Where the Jackals went next, only further war and bloodshed awaited, for no rest would be permitted until the final hurdle before Galidraan had well and truly been crossed. Turning back to walk to the Wildcat's XT-62, the Red Jackal would see it sitting proudly in the distance as he caught up and walked astride Scott as he offered his sympathies, nodding as he said,'Tough break, man. Here's hoping Galidraan gives you the respite you deserve, eh?', taking cigarettes from his pocket and offering one to Doyle before lighting up his own.

'Oh, not for a good while yet. But appreciated all the same, an' no thanks.'





Just back from our first encounter with the medics from Wildcat Battalion, a bit daft but every part as competent as we hoped they would be, especially so under the circumstances of the sandstorm; and from the moment we caught a glimpse of them at a distance, we could tell they had the respirator equipment required to go farther than five feet without spitting out or coughing up red sand particles. Though they did have requests for extra bandages and stitching-wire, it appeared the first-aiders had absolutely everything they needed, including the repurposed APC they designated, as they jokingly put it,"Oor amberlamps for the op!". If it had been anybody else, with any other accent behaving in such a way - yes, I probably would be quite worried.


However, with these fellows from Galidraan III, we subconsciously seem to know that they can make their eccentricities work in their favour somehow. But make no mistake, daft they may be, and competent yet they may be still, there is no doubt in my mind that those two are among the most fearless men I have ever encountered in my time with the Free-State so far, giving credence to their status as Tuath braves in ways most won't ever get the chance to understand in our lifetimes. Such bravery almost shamed us into working harder for their sakes, I'll gladly admit it. There's been much still left for us in the crumbling redoubt, and much more to plausibly keep comrades both new and known alike alive, though whether it will be enough to see them survive the evac, it's still very much debatable at this point.

More updates incoming, Scalpel One signing off.

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ALLIES: DECEASED Aron Gowrie DECEASED Aron Gowrie , Fiolette Fortan, Damsy Callat Damsy Callat , Darth Petrichor Darth Petrichor , Mikhail Grayson Mikhail Grayson
ENEMIES: Brotherhood of the Maw, Sith Remnants, The Mongrel The Mongrel , Alars Keto Alars Keto , Laertia Io Laertia Io , Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall

Higher up the hill, Aemilio could see Torayga's contingent of men opening fire on the rapidly approaching Rough Riders. Reed had called it to his attention, insistently. He himself, did not care. They could not turn around and retreat down the mountain. To lose all the ground they'd gained? To maneuver through pockmarked and ruined terrain to seize command of what was approximating to be an execution of the fanatic Maw forces?

"There's nothing back there, Captain," Aemilio called out. Even as he saw the Rough Riders fall into the final leg of their charge, one that was as final as death. Even as an explosion rolled through over the mountain up for them to hear as fanaticism took life on both sides, Aemilio shook his head. "That right there, is victory."

Proof of my excellence.

The Maw Commanders made no attempt at preserving their own forces lives. With every sacrificial play they made to slow the advancing Galidraani-Imperial formation, they further weakened their position. If he was the last one that remained, it was still a victory, wasn't it?

It was then that the troopers that had disembarked from the AFV's arrived at his position, more or less escaping the hail of fire and anti-vehicle grenades that harried the other AFVs. While typically being on foot wouldn't prove to be as quick, the rearranged terrain made it difficult for the vehicles to climb the slope. Thus, legged infantry became superior, and while they were forced at times to protect themselves when they had a clear shot, however brief, they had widened the gap enough.

Forget the distractions. In a fight of attrition, the Maw will lose. They're too wasteful. Aemilio thought. Even as the echoes of their swoop bikes raced past in their proximity, their jeering and taunting calls attracting a missed bolt every now and then, Aemilio knew they weren't the real goal. 'Mongrel's Hill' was the objective. And no matter what happened, the Youth sought to be at the top of it before leaving. <<Keep pushing! Spearhead and thrust through the confusion to the next plateau!>> The original plan.

"Cap'n!" He called out to Reed. "Send those AFV's to Torayga in the back. Send him North!" His hand trailing to the Northwest of their current position. Pushing all of their forces through this displaced sand and metal filled craters would draw them out too much. The forces that the rear guard had cut down had to have come from some place. And he was betting that their position had been abandoned.

Turning away once more, Aemilio fell in with his charging men, even in the face of Fre'shaa's solo charge into his stormtroopers' midst. Bodies leapt out of the way in surprise in order to avoid being mangled by the bike. Gaze snapping up, Voidwalker dropped into a crouch, grenades fired by the launcher in the womans arm flying over head. Foregoing trying to line up a shot with his rifle, his right hand flew up. With it, an imperceptible pulse leapt from his land to latch around the Maw Fanatic that used their legs to maneuver their swoop bike. Throwing his hand to the side, the Grav-Glove worked in a way to throw her from the bike and hopefully into a pile of fiery scrap metal.

Rising up to look over his shoulder at the wreckage caused by the launcher, blaster and maser bolts were already firing down hill at the two bikers that were closing in on one of the AFVs they had used to partially climb the mountain. No direct threat to them, the added wreckage of another vehicle would make it near impossible for any others to follow up without taking a wide berth. Secured in his enviro-sealed suit, but still doused in the scent of tibanna, Voidwalker rose back up to his feet.



Torayga: The Rear
The signal was given for the laser show to come to an end.

Save for a few final shots that went off, the Rough Riders had gotten too close to their Galidraani allies to continue indiscriminately firing across the open. "Come on! Get up! Get to that vehicle line! Move, move move!"

He was glad to not have his helmet off. The scent of tibanna in such concentration usually made him sick to his stomach. Even with the natural dimming of his visor, the flaring lights still brought back memories of the past and reminded him of the smell. Coupled with scorched and cooked flesh, it usually made for a bad time.

Glancing up at the hill, Torayga waved off a squad to move in the direction of the riders' corpses. "Check for anyone alive. Kill them if they are, and get up the hill they came down from!" His head bobbed in that direction, before leading the rest of the troopers in a jog to the rear guard of the Galidraan formation.




ALLIES: What allies?
ENEMIES: Those that stand in my way
GA GA OO LALA: Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze

Phrik blades
Phrik dagger
Dressed to kill
The Ash Hellions led by Samron Gerron - chilling in side tunnel



They had been quiet from the time she had stepped through time and plane. Quiet the entire time she and the Jedi had danced, as if the spirits were spectating. But with Dagon latching onto the feint thread of hope she had given him, the whispers had started up again, more incessant than ever before.

Someone did not like her trying to find a way out of imprisonment.

Not that Dani cared what lesser spirits thought.

So she did something that surprised even herself. She disengaged her blades without any hidden agenda whatsoever. If there was a way around everything she had done, she was curious to find out what. As far as her elaborate knowledge of the arcane stretched, she was stuck until she had fulfilled her vow to General Gerron and his forces.

Biting her lip thoughtfully, she tried to formulate sentences in her head that would make sense to one not as well versed as she was in that which lay beyond the veil.
"I promised a prosperous, powerful life to the forces under my command - I vowed it in blood." she began, but her follow up explanation was cut off abruptly.

An unknown power had hit her square in the gut.

So powerful.

Stumbling back against the tunnel wall, struggling to breathe, her eyes glazed over into a solid opaque teal colour for a heartbeat. The voices of the dead roared in her ears as a crimson ocean danced at her feet.

And then the vision faded.

Eyes returning to normal, Danika breathed heavily as cold sweat draped her forehead. Looking at the Jedi, she stood up straight, supporting herself with the tunnel wall. All hell would be breaking loose in moments.
"The Dark Lord has pierced the Veil and is renewed. The Dark is drawing." she stated hoarsely. She was not entirely thrilled by this. Rallied Sith zealots would hamper her purpose here as much as the Ashlan cultists would. She was stuck between a rock and a hard place. And in front of her, another stood in her way.

One she would not cut down this moment.

"This is no place for you to die, Master Jedi." she told him as she regained composure. "That was your cue to leave while you still have some wits about you." Era Knox would not be getting this head today. Not until Danika had more answers.



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