Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Annihilation End of an Era: AC Annihilation of Korriban


ALLIES: DECEASED Aron Gowrie DECEASED Aron Gowrie , Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran , Mikhail Grayson Mikhail Grayson , Darth Petrichor Darth Petrichor , Damsy Callat Damsy Callat , Fiolette Fortan
ENEMIES: Brotherhood of the Maw, Sith Remnants, The Mongrel The Mongrel , Alars Keto Alars Keto , Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall , @Laertia I


Voidwalker: The Head
The swoop bike rider flew off their bike at the behest of the Grav-Glove. It'd take time to recharge, but the abrupt attack at best, was enough to kill the rider and leave them a mangled mess somewhere in a pile of scrap and minced to an agonizing death. At worst, Aemilio figured, the grenade launcher totting savage was crippled and inert out of sight and fought for those final moments of life. Whether she lived or not, did not factor into his plan. None of his number would be sent to locate a body for an unnamed and unknown hostile.

To him, they were already a memory.

And the top of the plateau that was within arms reach, was a dream that was quickly manifesting itself into a tangible reality.

Howling echoed down the hill, and before the gravity of the situation settled on him he was reaching up to the upper shelf and being dragged up to the plateau as he saw approaching forms beyond his men. Already an unsteady stream of blaster bolts were fired in their direction to slow the melee wielding shock troopers. As he scrambled to his feet, he realized it was these beasts of men that howled to the sky.

"Press them back!" He called out as some fired in order to protect themselves while others aided their brothers in arms in getting up to the plateau. Behind them, Reed and the Tuaths were calling to go further Northwest, an effort that he could not spare a single body for. Limited numbers, it'd be best to keep his men clustered and to create a wall of fire that'd be impassable for a mortal man.

Voidwalker's own rifle overheated as he fired, repeatedly depressing the trigger until its heat was unbearable. He dropped it, still slung around his throat and shoved it to the side, allowing it to spin about him to land in the small of his back. From his over shoulder, the blackened hilt of a Sohei was produced, held firmly as he held off from activating its ultrasonic generator.

The flip switched as the first of the undying Cirihut hit his reforming line of men. The first that challenged him raised their arm back, as if to deliver a crushing blow with the power mace, but the Sohei shot forwards, a lunge sending him springing forth into the enemy's midst as it cut a furrow through the pectoral of one. He expected the death throes to be immediate, the bloodshot gaze firing beams of hatred into his visor as the savage's hand scrambled and flitted about his helmet and shoulder, searching for purchase.

A kick, enhanced by the Tenebrae combat armour forced the blaster ridden foe to the ground. Wrenching his vibrosword back, the point had only need to graze the first of the Cirihut's forehead before penetrating through its skull to the hard packed sand beneath it.

On all sides, maces, vibroswords and entrenching tools of were used in an effort to defend themselves. From what he could see, the first of his troopers that had gotten onto the upper shelf fought alongside him to keep the mongrels at bay, a handful aided in bringing others up to the shelf, while even more fired at open targets with their heavy hitting close range carbines and rifles, typically of maser make.

Torayga: The Rear

While Aemilio's men fought to gain ground on the plateau, Torayga's men continued past them to the North. They were hardly harried, especially those that had been sent ahead to scour the fallen Rough Riders for those that lived, and executing them before continuing. The climb had begun and the rest of Torayga and his men were loading into the AFV's as they arrived. Vehicles would see their journey quickened, and with the otherwise undisturbed ground, at least in comparison to that of the further east approach, it was easy.

On the gun of the lead AFV, as soon as it crested that shared ridge with the Legion of the Leech, the Zabrak saw the retreating forms of the Maw defenders. The rapidly firing heavy gun sprayed out with each squeeze of his finger as he mowed down the fanatics in droves.

Success was theirs, but there was regret in their lack of a devastating victory. The leading command had sounded the retreat, preventing an encirclement. Perhaps these beings spawned from the Unknown Regions were not as savage as they had originally thought.

Where Aemilio was reckless and sought to strike as fast as lightning, akin to a nail that was meant to penetrate, Torayga was the hammer. Awaiting the perfect moment for alignment before executing to devastating effect. As soon as the majority of the combined Galidraani and Corps troopers rallied, he'd urge the driver to go forth in order to crest the hill in the Northwestern direction.



Galidraani Forces: Enedina Tal Enedina Tal Hiran Avola Hiran Avola Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Fiolette Fortan

Allies (NIO): Rurik Fel Rurik Fel Aemilio Valaar Aemilio Valaar

Allies (AC/GA/EE/SJC/PO): Lonnie Kai Lonnie Kai Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze Damsy Callat Damsy Callat
Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Starlin Rand Starlin Rand Aelina Corsanis Aelina Corsanis
Darth Petrichor Darth Petrichor Creuat Creuat Mikhail Grayson Mikhail Grayson Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen

Enemies (Sith Remnants): Vector Monk Vector Monk Laertia Io Laertia Io Anja Doreva Anja Doreva Darth Orcus
Chasianna Chasianna Ana Malixar Ana Malixar Caulder Dune Caulder Dune
Dis Dis Darth Voracitos Darth Voracitos Crane Baxa

Enemies (BOTM/NSO): The Mongrel The Mongrel Alars Keto Alars Keto Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall

Gowrie's Loadout
Primary: Custom Blaster-Pistol (Right-hip Holster - left-or-right hand draw)
Secondary: Basket-Hilted Vibrosword Rapier (Left-hip Sheathe - right hand wielding)
Last Ditch/Second-Blade: Shugg's Fairbairn Vibroknife (Right-hip Sheathe - right-or-left hand wielding)
Pocket-Weapon: Barbershop Razor (Right-pocket - right-hand wielding)

Wildcat Battalion

39 XT-62 Cataphract Tanks (-9)

18 Scout-AFVs
10 MLVs
5 Predator Launch-Platforms

2 Guardian Tac-Teams
1 Combat-Engineer/Logistics Squad




'I want you able to see me as I kill you.'

Drawing back further into the remains of the colourfully-devastated mining operation, the Mongrel would lead the way with his broadsword twirling actively in his steely cybernetic grasp, keeping at a safe distance until his absolute foothold beneath had been established for better attacking-poise. A wise choice, as the space they had to fight in had become more enclosed as a result, constricting the impact of their sprinting attacks with the many obstacles littered across the new fighting-stage around them; loader carriages and droids, bombardment craters, overturned cranes would be the norm for the next while, but Lord Aron rather liked this change in difficulty, as the new challenges would set a new pace as the duel progressed. Being associated with the predator-cat native to his ancestral domains, Lord Aron knew that his Mawite-champion opponent may have assumed he preferred to hide in the storm and strike with the surprise element on his side, but Gowrie decided he would have none of it, retorting,'Here there or anywhere, ah'm no hidin' in the sand anyways! But I do appreciate the sort o' kill you're striving to achieve aw the same.', with blood trickling down his temple and the outer edge of his eyelids.


'Better it be when done cleanly, better it be when done DECISIVELY!!! A Meyerite maxim that rings truer now than it ever has.'

With broken knuckles (and the bottom steel-twine in the basket hilt which had broken off in the previous round of hostilities) taken into account, there was but one grip form technique Aron realized he hadn't tried yet, the only one he had left to use without having to switch to his weaker parrying hand. The Kellas was once again in his stance, considering every possible outcome of his next attack to plan for contingencies, but when the moment came to consider what threat the Mongrel's cybernetic arms would pose going forward, Gowrie couldn't help but wonder what happened to his opponent to necessitate the need for replacement arms. Realizing in the following moments, Lord Aron pondered on what might have happened in the Mongrel's battles elsewhere, as the intel had run quite dry on the matter of the outcome of his opponent's duel against the Kainate's overpowered champion, an outcome that looked to have gone sour for the Mawite commander.

'Whatever happened, would've taken a miracle to keep you alive for that procedure anyways. Though I'll admit I'm happy you took my advice on Csilla, especially as far as your healers are concerned, but I'm still scratching my head over what the hell happened to you in that fight with the Kainate.... So what happened anyways, Mongrel? An' more importantly, how the kark did ye manage ti survive it? Genuinely curious by the way, nae joke.'

Even with the storm blowing a few metres away behind their backs, the multicoloured grains, gravel and rocks of the old quarry would glint and shine on the surface of the broken debris and signs of deathly bombardment, creating an eerie glow on the Mongrel's war-mask; making him appear almost demonic as he stood with blood trickling down the same durasteel surface, though not quite as profusely as the Tuath who stood poised, but curious for an answer before the fight was resumed. Even with all the sounds of the storm and battle creeping up from below, even through all the fatigue and dryness of the mouth, the Kellas was more curious about his opponent than ever before; and was quite content to give voice to his pondering with every potential reason not to, almost as if he had to know more than he had to know anything else in that moment, like it was the only thing that could've possibly mattered to both duellists.





The scouting Leech legionnaires had help, but there was no way of finding out who was there to bolster their attempt to push the Wildcats' perceived-weaker left side of the mechanized static-line, as the sandstorm had created difficulties in seeing far enough to identify their opposition's support troops by their armour or attire; and the only way they could tell the assistance apart from the Leech was in the positioning apart from the units Valaar had been able to pick out, and in the Mawites' differing preferences in small-arms weaponry to help confirm Wildcat Battalion's change in circumstances. Grenade launchers would also be utilised against the coordinating New Imperials on the south-west flank in the process, but Aemilio would find ease in tracking the start of each arcing trajectory at their source and making quick work of any who would dare hang around for too long to reload and fire again, making their advance all the easier for the AFVs and support-troopers pushing up to bolster Reed's part of the line.


Encouragements would be given on Valaar's part to push forward, and though Reed was hesitant with the pressure they still had to push against, one look back downhill quickly realigned the Woad with his new acquaintance's frame of mind, nodding agreement as the first few of the eight AFVs in the rear came bounding over the cresting mounds behind them. Nodding in agreement, the Commoner-Captain signalled to stop, listen and cover as he patched,'Reed to Cataphract One-Four! Scatter the ones closest to your current position at your leisure! FIRE - FIRE - FIRE!!!', through to the tank crew in question as they tried to close the gap between them. All they needed was that extra kick to punch through to the main Leech contingent behind the Maw's first line of defence, and with that one XT-62 wandering fortuitously too far left, Alun had never been happier to make use of such a blunder to the benefit of everyone fighting shoulder-to-shoulder with him.


<"Copy that, sir. Watch this! Cataphract One-Four out!">

A blueish white flash could be seen approaching from the right of his periphery, but Captain Reed knew better than to deviate his gaze from it's terminal end-point to the northeast of the Wildcat AFVs' slowed-advance, hearing the distant echoing thud of smoothbore fire as the others continued to fight on regardless. Still holding his hand up, Alun would be extremely surprised to find that, for the first time in a long while, a Carbonite shell had been unleashed at the New Order's enemies, exploding into a freezing fragmentation of agony for the assisting Mawites on the right. This, much to Valaar's relief, would be Reed's signal to charge in with his officer-issue Vibrosword rapier drawn, and in turn, Alun's signal for Aemilio to join in leading the next charge uphill. Only turning back to address the others as Valaar started walking ahead, almost as if both knew Reed's words would be few, and very choice words at that, Reed held his sword aloft with every confidence that those who saw it would see victory by the time the storm had blown over.


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Operation: FINAL DAWN


Final Dawn Armada

The exploits of Marlon Sularen were quickly becoming a liability in the field of battle. Under normal circumstances, Tirall couldn't have cared less for the past grievances of his highest ranking Lieutenant, yet his arrogance seemed to take a hold of him once more, the same arrogance and bravado he had displayed countless times prior to his service to the Final Dawn. Sularen's armada had been cornered, in a way that even he was incapable of seeing, much less breaking.

"Belay that" Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha would have to wait longer for his miracle, unfortunately, though the forces of the Vice-Admiral- Crix Alden, would deliver him. "Target the Alliance Dreadnought...Ouroboros I believe Sularen called it?" The bridge crew immediately began the necessary cacluations, as by this time the weapon had been charged to the point of, well....annihilation.

"You may fire when ready" The first warnings had already materialized. In a great choreographed show, the escort fleet dispersed, save for a few key components necessary to keep the weapon safe from borders and any who would dare attempt to engage it. Suicide yes, but not impossible. One by one, those ships that did leave made it to thier locations, microjumping to either engage the flagrant New Imperial Armada bullying the Taskmaster's fleet, or simply regrouping. As for the Galidraani force providing support to the ground? He'd deal with them soon enough...



He didn't wait. The hologram smirked in great satisfaction as beneath the superweapon bright green beams began to converge, before splintering into once great beam that path was unmistakable. Whether or not it destroyed the Ouroboros was irrelevant. He'd settle for catastrophic damage, or perhaps even some last minute escape.

"Recharge and prepare to fire on the planet" He instructed Garrick. He didn't dare wait for the answer to his inquriy. What did the Mawites say? It was the will of the Avatars....

ATTN: Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | Aldo Garrick Aldo Garrick | Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha | Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe | Fiolette Fortan | Albrecht F. Herlock Albrecht F. Herlock | Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce

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Haughty words spoken fell on deaf ears, arrows soared and found their purchase in her side - the light piercing and producing blossoms of white flares that made visible the toxic burn it made on her very existence, heads embedding themselves at the base of her ribcage and stomach. She didn't falter, though, even in spite of all the pain as her resolve only hardened with every moment that she drew closer, this woman, like all the rest, presented herself as the very thing she wanted to destroy. Venomous words uttered to a girl in conflict with her emotions, threats of death on a child under someone else's thumb, and a hypocritical existence - words were just as much the weapons of a Jedi as they were a Sith, and their manipulation through faith knew far fewer bounds than their darker counterparts.

The air sang as the metal blade of her sword cut through it, only for the dodging archer to lodge an arrow at its spine and do the unthinkable - shatter the blade. A victory, perhaps, for the Jedi, but the sword was as the girl was to the Sith - a tool. Before it had ever left her grasp she had parted ways with it, so as it erupted in a shower of sparkling steel and electricity that discharged with it there was no wasted regret or dwelling on the loss of something she'd crafted - its importance had long ago been lost, when the person she'd created it for had parted ways with her.

Wounded, like an animal, Mori's breath was ragged and the physical exertion she'd made was evident, but the expression on her face as she watched the Jedi disappear from her physical sight all but declared her unwillingness to give up the hunt. Stony pillars wrapped around her ankles and plunged towards the ground, bringing her back to the soil far faster than jumping or falling would've. "I am the one wounded, and yet you are the one that hides." She shouted into the space beyond, feeling the anger that her apprentice ought to have shown her. It didn't matter, though, words would never get through to these kinds of people - the kind that thought their religion made them right, that their force was justification for their actions, for their treatment - for their slaughter.

The Sith were not innocent, and Mori was certainly no saint, but she didn't pretend to be righteous, either.

The word had been uttered so far away that she couldn't have possibly heard it, and the light was so faint and spread so far that she couldn't possibly had heard it, but in the moment that this zealous fervor ushered the cleansing walls of light on Korriban she felt its misguided faith like gravity in a fall. "All of you are the same." She snarled, her features contorting with the rage that burned through her, as she pulled on the force - perverted its energies for her own ends. Life left the soil around her, color faded from the rocky walls and the wind lost its strength as she closed her eyes and saw through the force as she had when she'd discovered her assailant before - but not to observe her prey.

From birth she had been hunted, claimed irredeemable by every Jedi she'd ever encountered. A monster was what they had called her, so she became one; demon they'd labeled her, so she took that form; evil they had claimed - so she embraced it. Every step of the way she'd struggled to live life in a way that was free from their pressure but there never seemed to be a way out, even the one single exit she could have found in Quinn had turned into a dead end, and instead of shaping her own future she had been molded into the villain of her pursuers' dreams.

It all culminated in this moment, this final embrace of who she was - shedding the last shreds of Vesta Zambrano as she became what her enemies could only hope and pray to be rid of. The force, and life with it, drained into her against its will as she let her features shift more and more to mold herself into a shape, a face, that could only be hated, despised. Where there was some compassion before now there was only anger, and where what could have been love had been there was only hate in her heart - and surrounding it all was the hunger, the thirst, she felt for it and more. There was no reason to speak, words were useless now - the Jedi had created their own demons, she had merely chosen to accept the role they'd made for her. A corpse-like hand lifted and fire raced across the sands from under her feet and out like a spiral in a sweeping inferno away from her, consuming everything the tongues of these flames licked without prejudice.

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Location: Korriban, Mawite Excavations
Allies: Brotherhood of the Maw | Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall
Foes: Ashlan Crusade, NIO, GA | DECEASED Aron Gowrie DECEASED Aron Gowrie | Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran | Aemilio Valaar Aemilio Valaar | The Battalion The Battalion

South: The Galidraani Front
Toraaz of the Cirihut charged without fear.

It was his day of dying; the Heathen Priests had told him so. In the Great Plan of the Avatars, each of the Three had a role. War strengthened a marauder, granting him birth into the cycle of suffering that dominated the galaxy - and allowing that strife to make him powerful, winnowing away his weakness. Rebirth was a marauder's reward, his final deliverance from that same cycle, if he fought well and brought glory to the gods. But it was Death, holy Death, that determined his fate - paradise or ignominy. Toraaz was going to die today, but how he died was left to be determined.

They caught the oncoming NIO troops as they were clambering onto the plateau, their forces divided by the ridge. Momentum was on the Cirihuts' side as they charged downhill from the very lip of the excavation, the last bit of hill the enemy had left to climb. Scattered, unsteady blasterfire lashed out at them, but the dark blessings of the Heathen Priests held, and their ensorcelled flesh - covered in runic tattoos and scarification - repelled the energy as if it were heavy armor. Then they closed the distance, and the blaster rifles of the enemy ceased to matter in the melee.

This was what the Cirihut were born for.

The disciplined Galidraani troops were fearsome at medium to long range, able to unleash disciplined volleys of fire in strong lines - the very technique they had used to soften and ultimately defeat the Rough Rider charge. But this was different. This was hand to hand combat, where strength and brutality and size triumphed over discipline and order, and the Cirihut had the advantage in all three. Were they outnumbered? Of course. They were but a small portion of a small honor guard, and they faced an army. It was their day of dying... but they would turn this plateau into a charnel ground.

When they died, they would not die alone.

Toraaz and his power mace ripped into the enemy lines, scattering foes with bursts of energy from the weapon with every swing. Between his own brute strength and the potent electo-repulsor discharge of each impact, none could stand before him... and he was but one of many. The Cirihut were not dumb grunts or wild fanatics, they were the ultimate battlefield zealots, utterly devoted and darkly blessed. The enemy, fighting back with entrenching tools against the dedicated man-ripping weapons of the marauders, were surely outmatched. Taking this hill would cost many lives.

Galidraani troops fired with carbines at point-blank, trying to cover their fellows as they hauled reinforcements up to the shelf... but the Cirihut were already there, and in far greater numbers for the moment. Toraaz led his warriors forward to split their skulls and crush their bones, for they could shrug off blaster shots far better than these soldiers could survive the brutal wounds that power maces inflicted. They were few, but they were the most elite of the Maw's ground forces, and they would not be carved through as if they were nothing. They were much too blessed for that.

Out of the corner of his eye, Toraaz caught sight of Aemilio Valaar Aemilio Valaar skewering one of his warriors through the head. The Cirihut captain roared a challenge and started toward the Galidraani officer. Over seven feet tall and a hulking mass of muscle, he was confident that he could clear a path to his foe - and the result would be a worthy death for at least one of them. Sweat and blood ran down his exposed skin, trickling over the trinity patterns carved into his chiseled skin, and his knuckles tightened around his massive, two-handed war mace. A single blow could shatter a man's torso.

Grinning savagely, Toraaz prepared to swing at Aemilio.

At the same time, the hillside was breaking apart once more, consumed by the power of competing Sith and Witches. Boulders crashed, fissures tore open, and magma erupted in great spouts, all seemingly at random. The effort to save Korriban, it seemed, involved destroying most of its surface, ravaging the dead world even further than before. Entire squads were consumed in the tectonic upheaval, tumbling to their deaths in pits that suddenly appeared or being crushed in fresh landslides. The ledge itself began to crack and slide, only making it even more difficult to climb...

The Battalion's spell was ripping Korriban's terrain apart.


Northwest: The Ashlan Front
At the bottom of the hill, the NIO execution squads combing through the fallen Rough Riders for survivors soon found that they had been assigned a more dangerous duty than they'd first thought. It should have been easy, if grisly, work: just shooting fallen men, acting as battlefield ghouls by executing the wounded. But the Mawites wouldn't let them have easy kills. They had all armed their anti-vehicle grenades, and whenever the squads came close to a fallen Rough Rider who had survived, the wounded man blew his entire bandoleer. Callousness was met with fanaticism.

Death bloomed in explosions along the riverbed.

The enemy AFVs were doing their best to take advantage of the Legion's retreat, trying to mow them down like cannon fodder... but that was not so easy as it first appeared. Visibility in the sandstorm was almost nil, and the lugubraa clambered over craggy rocks and craters, not open fields. If the tank gunners expected a mass of easy kills, they were bound to be disappointed. Legionnaires fell, but many more retreated to the upper lip of the excavation... or burrowed into their positions, waiting to ambush those who passed by. Among the whirling sands, they could still "see" with heat and sound.

... but those with human eyes were easily ambushed.

The lugubraa who reached the final fallback position at the hill's summit used the heavy weapons they had scavenged, raining down grenades on the approaching NIO forces along with their heavy repeater rounds. When the enemy drew close enough, they would fight hand to hand, doing whatever it took to hold; if they were pushed into the excavation, after all, it was all over anyway. The enemy would just rain down fire on them from above until they were dead. Better to die here, in a position of relative advantage, taking everyone they could with them. Better still, of course, not to die at all.

The lugubraa were mercenaries, not fanatics.

The Galidraani carbonite shell tore into their ranks, badly weakening their defensive position as lugubraa went down with frozen shrapnel wounds. Survivors filled the breach as quickly as they could, but their numbers - so tiny compared to the onrushing NIO force - could not easily replenish the losses. The ground shook beneath them, and new fissures opened in the cracked and broken hill, perhaps buying them a little time. Ruulavon's mind raced as he considered his exit strategy. These young lugubraa were expendable grunts, but he was an elder, deserving of salvation...

... and there were a few shuttles down in the excavation.

The Legion of the Leech held as best they could, firing down madly on the next uphill charge, trying to target the officers who led with drawn vibro-rapiers. They would fight literally tooth and claw, for now that there was no place to retreat to, they could let their full savagery show. But Ruulavon was already making his way down the slope, toward the small area of the excavation that had been dug into a flat landing zone. Trying to fly one of the transport shuttles out past the raging electrical storms and tectonic instability was probably suicidal, but it was a better chance than staying here.

After all, the whole hill was falling apart.


The Hilltop
The sandstorm howled, and the ground shook. The Mongrel did not know it, but the dark mystical forces competing over Korriban's fate were at their peak, and the planet was being torn asunder in the contest. Even the effort to save the Sith homeworld was doing terrible damage, with earthquakes and magma eruptions burying tombs and tearing apart temples. When all was said and done, even if the planet itself kept on spinning, would it even be recognizable? Would any of its heritage be saved, or would it all be shaken to pieces in the aftermath of these mighty rituals?

The Mongrel did not know or care.

Gowrie came on at him, navigating the uneven terrain and countless obstacles - not to mention the pain of his injuries. Good. Even if Korriban burst all around them and all these armies were concerned, the marauder had no intention of letting their duel be interrupted. They took up their positions once more, staring each other down, each watching the other's movements to see who would spill the first drops of blood on the unearthed ruins of the ancient Sith. "Crushgaunts," The Mongrel replied, answering Gowrie's question. "My enemy ambushed me from above, and we grappled."

The memory was painful. "I learned a harsh lesson."

Indeed he had. The Mongrel had learned that he must expect an attack from any angle and at any time - and so he had installed a sensor package in his mask to aid him in seeing such attacks coming. He had learned that ferocity alone could not hold back superior technology and training - and so he had chosen powerful replacement arms, no longer so vulnerable as his flesh had been. And he had learned that his foes would seek to interrupt his plans, cutting them short with quick attacks - and so he had learned to improvise better, to plan movement to movement, to react more swiftly.

He had suffered, but he had gained strength, too.

"I would be glad to teach it to you," The Mongrel said, raising his warblade in a pointing gesture that was half salute and half threat. Perhaps he would take Gowrie's arms and thereby repeat the lesson... though rapid blood loss and the madness of this chaotic battle would probably mean the man would die, and the lesson would have to be left for his mentor to learn from his corpse instead. Thinking of Barran, The Mongrel called out with the same phrase he'd heard so often on Ilum, a mocking imitation of the skilled old general. "What are you waiting for, Gowrie? Again."

He braced himself, preparing a swift counter.


Location: Gunnery Crew Station, Gun Decks - Eternal Rule
Weapons: Octuple Barbette AI-MD “Gnoma” Mass Drivers - Upper Prow
Call Sign: Shen Seven
Personal Equipment: DS-101 “Venture” Multipurpose Protective Attire (X) │ “Judicator” Adaptive Battle RifleSIF-57sPhase III “Force Avenger” Energy Shield
Side: Defenders
Dark: TK ( Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex ) │ BoTM ( Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha Derix Tirall Derix Tirall Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen )
Light: AC ( Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana Tristan Evore Tristan Evore Pietro Demici Pietro Demici ) │ NIO (Fiolette Fortan Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber Albrecht F. Herlock Albrecht F. Herlock ) │ GA ( Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe Relynia Sorrene Relynia Sorrene Constantine Oliva Constantine Oliva ) │ SJC ( Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen )

The Judicator was held tight in her tiny hands as the Alliance Marines pushed through the blast door, immediately meeting a salvo of fire as they sought to penetrate the gun decks, rigorously defended by the gunners, technicians, and officers themselves. Pressing a button on her wrist, KV-6000 activated her energy shield, bathing her form under a shimmering aegis just as one of the soldiers advanced through the blast doors, firing on her position behind the bulkhead with relentless fervor.

Confident, in the protection afforded by her shield, KV-6000 breathed softly, his voice in her mind urging her against the barbaric invaders who dared to defile such a sacred engine of the Eclipsing Mission.

Heedless of the danger, the tiny Morellian gunner leaned out of cover, relying on her shield to protect her against the incoming stun bolts fired by the Alliance Marine. A barrage of three shots registered against the barrier, causing her to grunt as some of the energy bled through, stinging her pale skin in the process. The kinetic force was enough to knock the gunner to the ground, but she nevertheless held on to her rifle as she fell, a pained grunt leaving her lips in the process.

And yet, refusing to give up, KV-6000 raised her Judicator and fired a pair of supercharged bolts from the rifle, each aimed to strike the stun blaster-wielding Marine’s chest, now from roughly ten meters away.

Deeper within the prow of the Rule, some distance away from the mass driver gun decks, Lieutenant Maru Rimen analyzed the readings coming off the Fist of Demici, his augmented mind cycling through data as the massive autocannons under his control were charged up to full power. Created under the designation SV-0099 in the midst of the Third Imperial Civil War, Maru Rimen had earned his name in quite the literal sense, beginning his career as an enlisted gunner charged with laser cannons, before establishing himself as an ace during in the battles of Bastion and Generis, registering confirmed kills on New Imperial TIEs and Alliance Alphabet Wings. From there, he moved up to assault missile launchers, turbolasers, then UBeam cannons during the latter stages of the war, continuing to build his reputation, now as a killer of corvettes, frigates, and even one battleship. While it had always been his dream to earn a posting on the Regrush’sutta-type superlasers on the now-dismantled Behemoth II, this was the next best thing.

With the City of Ashes now located in a position impossible for the guns to reach, his target was now the incoming Dragoon-class battlecarrier. The cannons were charged and ready to fire, Maru needed only to finish preparing a firing solution on the Fist.

With its massive complement of starfighters, the Fist of Demici had proven to be a nuisance, more so than the City of Ashes in spite of the Alliance Marines running rampant through the ship. However, those fighters not only had to penetrate the defensive screen of fighters around the Rule, which had arrived from hyperspace, rather than being launched from the vessel itself, but also the point defense networks. While damaged, overrun, and faced with two smaller capital warships, the Rule was by no means finished or outmatched, which was why the offer for a surrender came as a surprise to Maru.

Were the heretics so hubristic to think that they had already won?

Inspired by the display of destruction wrought by the Avatar of War, the Lieutenant Gunner sought to correct them.

“Commander,” He began, his voice laced with barely-tempered arrogance. “Target locked on the Fist.”

“Ion batteries are live. You may fire when ready, Lieutenant.”

A wicked grin manifested across Maru’s features as the twin autocannons under his command shifted towards the Fist, aimed for the middle hangar bay section of the enemy vessel. Waiting for the ion batteries to finish delivering their opening salvo on the middle hangar bay, so as to weaken or potentially even disable the Fist’s shields around that area, the autocannons blared to life, power coursing through its conduits before firing off a pair of Amaranth crystal-enhanced energy bolts, set on a blistering trajectory towards the Ashlan battlecarrier in the wake of the ionic assault...

  • KV-6000 falls after being hit by three shots from Omen’s stun blaster, the bolts which strike her energy shield.
  • She manages to immediately return fire, answering with two supercharged shots from her Judicator, aimed for Omen’s chest from ten meters out.
  • Maru Rimen targets the middle hangar bay section of the Fist of Demici with the autocannons
    • Ion cannon batteries fire on the middle hangar bay section of the Fist, intending to weaken or disable the shields around that area.
    • In their wake, two shots are fired from the autocannons, intending to capitalize on the potential damage to shields done by the ion cannon.

Location: half buried pyramid in southern desert

The Gen'dai and his team progressed back up the slope, it was steep so was slower than on the way down, but with no resistance they made there way half way up rapidly

"I am detecting movement at the tunnel entrance" the sergeant said to Brimstone, "someone has come to investigate us".

"OK men, weapons at the ready, we have company" Brimstone ordered, unclipped his fire axe. Half of the men had their rifles out and the the other had their vibroweapons and personal shields deployed, they nine men walked in formation with Brimstone at the lead. The change in their demeanor as combat approached was familiar. The mood here was dark and sullen, the sergeant could tell this "sound off men! marching time"

A low chorus built as they went, the men singing in time to their march, accenting the beat with their shields and singing a chant in an old language from the sergeant's homeworld an old viking war chant would be best approximation. It almost felt as though the singing was holding back the darkness with their shared strength, although this kind of understanding would be lost on the non-force sensitive group.

It would take another 10 minutes to reach the entrance of the tunnel, a loud howl entering the tunnel toward the men abruptly ended the singing as a huge hound, drawn by the scent of the opened tomb stood looming over the entrance.

Last edited:


ALLIES: DECEASED Aron Gowrie DECEASED Aron Gowrie , Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran , Fiolette Fortan, Darth Petrichor Darth Petrichor , Mikhail Grayson Mikhail Grayson
ENEMIES: Brotherhood of the Maw, Sith Remnants, The Mongrel The Mongrel , Alars Keto Alars Keto , Laertia Io Laertia Io , Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall


Voidwalker: The Head
On all sides the order of battle degraded to mashups of opposing forces clashing. Stormtroopers used blasters to fight back, wielded both as a weapon of range, and a blunt force object. All in a glimpse, he caught sight of his surroundings. Raised adrenaline saw his orbs flitting about in efforts to take in as much of the visual stimuli as he could. Even as sand whipped about them to narrow their vision, the helmets that sat atop their heads made such efforts irrelevant.

One of the hulking zealots was closing in on him, and he leveled his vibrosword in anticipation.

The Battlemind AI was already in the midst of analyzing the near giant. Power, muscle, height, and reach. Aemilio didn't need the Battlemind to tell him he had to be faster to win this encounter.

Before he made the decision of approaching this next savage, the ground rumbled, shaking as he approached. Whatever it warned of, it was too late to avoid.

As if the planet itself had grown tired of their conflict, the sandy split apart in multiple fissures, running up and down Mongrel's Hill. Devastation as his head snapped from left to right. Where there had been friends and soldiers one moment, there was nothing, save for open space where they stood as molten rock bubbled up over the lips of the gouged out earth.

Had he the time of mourning the dead, he would but while remaining inactive the Battlemind AI urged him to act. Even as he struggled to find proper footing, he moved closer. With a single handed grip possessing control of the hilt, in this bout, he allowed the blade to rotate, taking it into a reverse. The Battlemind indicated the tensing of muscles, the reaching of the arm as Toraaz sought to deliver a bone-breaking strike. With a plan of action already forming in his mind, Aemilio was certain he was ready.

Simultaneously as Toraaz prepared his swing, Aemilio lurched forwards. The Tenebrae was practically power armour with all of its built in capabilities. Fighting strength with strength was an option, though the size difference made such a suggestion almost laughable. Not head on, he decided. But there were possibilities in all things.

The strength of the New Imperial had been quality over content in the past. Superiority of technology to surpass the might of the Sith-Imperial mass production. While the Maw had more quality melee fighters in this engagement, the technology was not on their side.

Clenching the hilt tightly in his left hand, he stuck to the left side of the Cirihut. Reverse grip in hand, his left remained close to the crossguard. His right hand slapped down into place closer to the edge of the butt of the hilt. Angling latter's wrist, as he closed in, the heels of his boots burst to life. The repulsor boots propelled him faster than the zealot had been likely anticipating. Simultaneously, in an effort to both mask his approach and his attack, his right wrist erupted in raging fire, flame projector spitting out an abrupt blaze to both bathe and distract the bare skinned warrior. The flames were only the herald of the coming mullinine edged vibrosword slashing from midsection to left shoulder.


Torayga: Northwest/Ashlan Front

The average Galidraani Army Volunteer may have been at a disadvantage in the storm of sand, but as the gunner of AFV One had forfeited their mounted heavy gun to Lieutenant Valaar prior to the climb, so did others forfeit to the superiorly equipped stormtroopers. With helmets equipped with thermal, infrared, and a plethora of other imaging, coupled with lifeform scanners, the only thing that'd keep the retreating enemy safe was a physical substance hiding them from sight.

As such, those Rough Riders that had fallen from their high speed swoop bikes that had surprisingly survived were not afforded the glory of taking down their executioners. They had viewed the suicide charge from a distance, and while they had not suffered like their Galidraani allies, they had shared in that lesson all the same; keep the Maw fiends at range.

Combined Ravelin stormtroopers, Imperial youths, the future of the Corps and the New Order with the Galidraani Army Volunteers, charged up the hill. Torayga, in a position close to the centre, he remained on the big gun. Even as vehicles ahead were pelted with heavy ordnance, the Zabrak Commander allowed those soldiers and commanders that were more eager to charge ahead before following. It was smarter, safer that way, he remarked.

Firing uphill, the stormtroopers were at an innate disadvantage that was only alleviated slightly by the shelling provided by the Cataphracts. Seizing the advantage granted, they surged up the hill in a rush to reach the first of the burrowed positions. Leading Galidraani and the rear alike, the losses were to be expected.

What was not however, was the ground opening up steal away unsuspecting soldiers fighting tooth and nail.

The rumbling was unnatural, enough to shake him even in AFV. Jittering from side to side, something felt off. They were leaning off to the side. Even on that oddly shaped mountain, it did not feel right. Glancing to the right, it was only then that he realized a fissure had opened next to them, sand spilling into it and widening the hall, dragging the vehicle in.

In a panic, his hand slapped down on the top of the hull, free hand snatching up the comms device. "GET OUT! GET OUT! LEFT HATCH! LEFT HATCH!" Torayga in turn relinquished his hold on the device, hands pushing down on either side of him to the top of the AFV and leaning back before lifting his legs out. Logrolling across the top of the AFV, he hit the sand just in front of the opening left hatch door. It was then that fate sought to quicken the process of dragging the crew down into the abyss.

With outstretched hand, he only felt a scrape across his palm as the falling AFV dragged his occupants down into the pit. Without a moment to lose, the Zabrak did not wait to see them make impact, or wait to see how deep it was. No, he scrambled back, shoving sand away as he quickly rose to his feet and reached for his fallen maser rifle.

With daggers fired up at the top of the crested hill, Torayga was resolved to see it through.

Salvation was at the top.
Location: Outside Mawite Excavations, Tombs - Korriban
Objective: Master is Fed! Time to Dip!
Side: Defenders
Dark: TK ( Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex ) │ BoTM ( The Mongrel The Mongrel Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall ) │ TSE ( The Battalion The Battalion )
Light: AC ( Mikhail Grayson Mikhail Grayson ) │ NIO ( DECEASED Aron Gowrie DECEASED Aron Gowrie Hiran Avola Hiran Avola Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Aemilio Valaar Aemilio Valaar )
Direct Engagement: Mikhail Grayson Mikhail Grayson

The Sister was glad when they finally came to blows.

Indeed, the diminutive electromancer was by no means articulate or possessing any way with words. As an IX-73, her intelligence pertaining to such matters was slightly stunted, but it yet made her all the more loyal to his Eclipsing Mission. In their brief verbal exchange, the Jedi might have managed to figure that out as the Sister had grown more incensed, contradicting herself and tripping over her own words. Ultimately, it was a futile effort, one which left the Sister slightly embarrassed.

Fortunately, she intended to kill the only one who could speak to her dullness of mind.

While the Jedi had handily outwitted her in the discourse between Dark and Light, he would nevertheless find her a far more even match when it came to the art of violence. The electromancer’s Lightning grinded against Mikhail’s blade, frustrating his advance as the Sister proved to be an elusive opponent. The evil energies of Bogan powered her body, enabling her to levitate as Mikhail sought to hew her in twain. Nevertheless, the Jedi succeeded a few times in reaching her, his energized blade cutting across the tiny Qilin’s chest, leaving an ugly gash of singed flesh and blood in its wake. Another strike moved across her left arm, singeing nerves and burning flesh, to such an extent that the limb ceased to function almost entirely, hanging limply by her side and forcing her to abandon her lightsaber in favor of the Force itself, which allowed her to wield a terrifying degree control over both the natural and unnatural galvanic energies.

Through raging sandstorm and fire from above, the two champions fought. However, it was only as the earthquakes grew more pounding did both combatants come to the mutual realization that to continue where they were would likely mean their doom. Gouts of lava shot forth from below and red lightning was cast down from above, incinerating anything in its path. Watching as more Ashlan Crusaders and Maw Warriors fell to the preternatural forces being wrought by Korriban itself, her eyes bored into the Jedi with vivid intensity, just before a sudden burst of lava exploded in the area between them both.

With a soft breath, the Sister flew from the area, knowing that the vast destruction and loss of life wrought from this, who or whatever was behind it, would be more than enough to sate her Master’s hunger. Moments later, she reached the edge of the Mongrel’s hill, she called her spherecraft to pick her up, watching with burning eyes as Korriban manifested it’s will to the heretic invaders.

Owing to her ordeal under the Sith Eternal, the Sister yet still hated the planet. However, even she could not restrain the flow of ur-Kittât from her lips, chanting frantic prayers as she bore witness to such a spectacle of death and destruction, the will of the ancient Sith made manifest across the world...

Dis, the Shadow(cat)
Shadowcat, explorer and wanderer; Owner of the Cat’s Paw; Member of the Greystone Mercantile
Side: Defender
Objective II.: Save the friends!
Location: Tombs, Korriban
Equipment: N/A
Writing with: Melydia Gold Melydia Gold
Dis waited patiently for Melydia to be better and take some deeper breaths. They didn't need that, just when they were using a host. Unfortunately, they couldn’t help because they weren’t in physical shape at the moment. And Shadowcat also agreed that they really had a lot to do. With that, they were only one half of what made them come here. Saving friends was yet to come.

~ They're around the tomb. A hssiss family. Mom, dad and a half dozen younglings. I also have a ship, I can take everyone, you too, only the hssiss kids are impolite and don't want to get on the ship, and they don't listen to their parents either. ~ they said sadly.

A "little" might have seemed surreal to talk about this, when the complete destruction of the planet was the possible end result. The Shadowcat knew that unfortunately they could not save every animal on the planet, but hopefully the friends who were here are still savable. This, too, would have been a greater result than if there had been no result.

~ It won't take long to find them. Do you need help? If so, I'm sure I'll find someone whose body I can possess so I can help you physically if walking would be a problem with concentration. ~ they offered.

It will depend on Melydia’s response whether the Shadowcat goes to look for a host or they start looking the friends.




Pietro Demici Pietro Demici | Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana | AC | GA | NIO
Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha | Aldo Garrick Aldo Garrick MAW | SITH


Task Force Venality
Coreward edge of the engagement zone
  • Morai, Morai-class Super Star Defender
    Critically damaged, no power
  • Autarchy, Avalon-class Corvette
    Heavily damaged
  • Purgill, Oswaft-class Corvette
    Heavily damaged
  • Drogheda Bounty, XY-48-class Freighter
    Heavily damaged
  • 6/70 E-Wing Starfighters
  • 9/72 Y-Wing Starbombers
  • 4/60 A-Wing Interceptors
  • 1/36 B-Wing Starfighters
  • 3/24 X-Wing Starfighters
  • 2/10 support craft squadrons
Destroyed by Avatar of War
  • Mon Clistenes, MCv110-class Multirole Frigate
  • Mon Helios, MCv110-class Multirole Frigate
  • Absolution, Avalon-class Corvette
  • Amnesty, Avalon-class Corvette
  • Autonomy, Avalon-class Corvette

Task Group Avidity
Engaging Fatalis fleet
  • Arquebus, Emancipation-class Artillery Cruiser
    Destroyed by Brotherhood starfighters
  • Mon Borea, MCv110-class Multirole Frigate
    Destroyed by Brotherhood starfighters
  • Mon Tellus, MCv110-class Multirole Frigate
    Critically damaged
  • Chiaki, Oswaft-class Corvette
    Moderately damaged
  • Phillak, Oswaft-class Corvette
    Heavily damaged
  • 8/36 E-Wing Starfighters
  • 8/24 Y-Wing Starbombers
  • 7/12 B-Wing Starfighters

Task Unit Esurient
Surveying Korriban system

Aerarii Tithe floated through the darkness of space.

The was surprised by how serene it was in the void. His body floated effortlessly, freed from the chains of artificial gravity. The chill of vacuum pressed against his skin as his extremities began to tingle. While he had lost his data goggles during the decompression, he could faintly make out the twinkling of distant astronomical objects. Far from the abject terror he had been told to expect during his induction training by the Galactic Alliance Navy, it was in fact quite relaxing out between the stars.

He’d been informed of the science - it would all be over soon. He closed his eyes in acceptance and took a deep breath to calm himself.


Tithe’s eyes snapped open. He exhaled, then deeply inhaled again.

He shouldn’t have been able to do that.

He glanced around, squinting as he tried to figure out what was happened.

On closer inspection, the twinkling stars all around him look an awful lot like flashing warning indicators on holoconsoles. The darkness which engulfed him was not as all-consuming as he’d expected and was filled with shadows. Taken together, and noting that he could breath comfortably - albeit, breathing air which tasted stale - the signs pointed to a single conclusion.

Looking back over his shoulder, the Vice Chancellor could faintly make out the reinforced durasteel bulkhead which had slammed shut within seconds of the forward viewport collapsing. As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, Tithe could make out half a dozen bodies floating around him, some beginning to stir. While a few poor souls had been dragged out the pierced viewport, the rest were alive, though battered and bruised. Consoles and panels torn free during the explosive decompression bounced around the bridge, bashing against each other and creating a complex web of moving obstacles.

He was alive.

But for how long remained the question. Whatever had Brotherhood weapon had damaged the Morai was unlikely to cease until the super star defender was fully destroyed.

Emergency lighting kicked in and illuminated the bridge. Most of the floating crew members were moving again, propelling themselves off nearby bulkheads or consoles as they moved through zero-gravity toward injured colleagues or nearby emergency equipment. Tithe grabbed the side of his command chair and used it to fling himself toward the rear of the bridge.

He crashed hard into the closed door of the turbolift, a painful reminder of the laws of motion when applied in a zero-gravity situation. He palmed the control panel, eliciting an error message. He tried again, and this time to system recognised him. Tithe dragged himself into the awaiting lift car, thankful of its own emergency power source. Without announcing his departure from the bridge, he punched in the command to whisk him to the docking bays.

Through some miracle of the Force, he was alive. But the rest would be up to him.




Location: Outer perimeter of Korriban system
Faction: Ashlan Crusade
Allies: Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka Albrecht F. Herlock Albrecht F. Herlock Tristan Evore Tristan Evore Relynia Sorrene Relynia Sorrene - AC/NIO
Enemies: Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex - KV-6000 - Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen Derix Tirall Derix Tirall Aldo Garrick Aldo Garrick TSE/MAW

Fleet composition
Noble Crusader Class Battlecruisers
Pillar of Retribution (Flagship) - engaged with fatalis
Divine Purpose - engaged with fatalis
Bane of Darkness (reserve)

Dragoon Class Battle carriers
Fist of Demici - moving to engage eternal rule
Rapture - engaged with fatalis
Holy Choir (reserve)

Templar class star destroyers
6 in primary fleet, 3 in reserve fleet

Bastion class planetary invasion ship
3 in reserve fleet

Nebula-ii class star destroyers
4 in primary fleet, 2 in reserve fleet

Dominion Class escort frigate
16 in primary fleet, 8 in reserve fleet
Principality class corvettes
16 in primary fleet, 8 in reserve fleet
Warden anti-starfighter frigates
6 in primary fleet

Hangar equipped vessels have full complements of following starfighters (50/50 split)
Pegasus interceptors
Phoenix multi-role starfighters

As the small Ashlan shuttle tore through space and the debris field left from the Pillar of Retribution, Isla looked back at the damage, she was amazed the ship had survived the hit, the whole front third of the vessel was a mass of twisted metal, she only had moments to observe as the [/i]Pillar[/i] sped away and the angle of her craft made visual contact impossible. She watched its progress on her small holo suite aboard the shuttle, disappointed to se one of the remaining star destroyers sacrifice itself to save the primary target, she knew it was a long shot but had hoped Ashla would guide it true. The massive ships disappeared into the distance before exploding as its critically damaged reactor overloaded, she would miss that ship, but right now, survival was the priority. Two interceptors pulled along side her shuttle as an honour guard, and a swarm of powered escape pods had formed a cloud behind her, blasting out into the darkness.

"Admiral," the pilot of the shuttle spoke "The enemy ship is moving forward, it does not appear to be pursuing"

"Pilot, give me comms to the Divine Purpose" she was immediately patched through "Captain, this is Draellix, I hope the fight against the Maw is going well". It was a moment before the reply came "Ma'am, it is good to hear your voice, we were unsure if you had gotten away."

"Captain, I think the Fatalis may be trying to leave gravitational well of the planet, please attempt to interdict, the rapture should also have firing solutions now, i want that ship disabled" She was aware that a ship of that size and importance would likely have anti-interdiction technology, but there was the slightest hope that it didn't, or that the systems were badly damaged enough as to fail. The captain set to his task, activating the interdictor fields aboard the [/i]Divine Purpose[/i]. He hadn't mentioned the Maw the the admiral, but in truth he had no answers, dozens of small craft had swept toward his ship from one of the enemy Crucifix. The remaining Warden frigate, the Redoubt had done a great job making a nuisance of itself and had accounted for more than its fair share of the incoming crafts, but with its position directly in front of the Fatalis once it engaged the enemy, its remaining survival was measured in minutes, barrages of Ion cannon tore away its shields before turbolasers took the ship apart in a series of explosions. Its brave sacrifice would be noted. Aboard the Purpose the marines were in the process of retaking the atmospheric systems from the maw as they repositioned, it would be tough fight for the Maw to break out from the atmospherics and make it toward the hangar bays, but the Ashlans were no well aware that their enemy were up to the challenge.

The rest of the right flank, the Rapture and the dominions continued pouring fire into the super star destroyer as it attempted to flee, but now the maw starfighters had arrived and were opening up on the Rapture. The remaining CAP from the battlecarrier and its formidable point defence made it an expensive target for the Maw pilots, but the volume of fire coming in, and the fact that the enjoyed superiority allowed them to score numerous hits on the large ship. The port shields in particular took a serious beating and several batteries were knocked offline, a lucky hit also managed to score damage on the bridge tower, permanently damaging the defensive systems in that sector and forcing the bridge crew to relocate to the secondary bridge.

The principalities and the remaining Templar continued to advance, they had switched fire to the last remaining battle ready Crucifix, its shields were depleted so it was an opportunity to try and score another kill. The Meteor cannon continued to track the Fatalis but due to prolonged fire, the guns had gone onto their repolarisation cycle and would be silent for several minutes.

So Erisus had his answer to the surrender as the orbital cannon rounds struck the Fist of Demici centrally on its hangar bays, he cursed the design of these ships, it was almost as if they were specifically designed to be vulnerable from the front "Damage report!" He was quickly handed a pad, nothing crippling, the multi-layered shields had held up well, but the sheer energy of the shot had incapacitated several of the hangars and the shields were significantly weakened in that area "Bring us about 75 degrees, get them onto our broadside" he shouted to his helmsman "why dont they ever surrender, they teach you that offering surrender saves lives, but noone ever surrenders" he followed, half to the room and half to himself.

Closer to the enemy ships, the Ashlan starfighters were having a harder time than expected, either through some deception of officer failure, the intelligence on the number of defensive fighters had underestimated them and the Ashlans were taking casualties. They released as much ordanance as possible, before disengaging and SLAMing back toward the Fist of Demici it had been a costly run, but had put significant pressure on the enemy ship that was already dealing with attacks from a number of angles.

"Captain!" Shouted the communcations officer, "The Pillar is gone, as is Tithe's ship, the enemy are using a superlaser, our Admiral is alive but pulling back in a shuttle" The captain barely believed it, he needed to make his difference now before that firepower was turned on him.

Aldo Garrick Aldo Garrick if you are controlling the final dawn

The Ashlan reserve fleet took to hyperspace and headed toward the position of the enemy super weapon. Led by the Bane of Darkness and Holy Choir this fresh fleet of ships would be the Ashlan's only hope of silencing the enormous power of the weapon. The three Bastions would find themselves repurposed into rescue ships, to try and save the thousands of crew now floating in space.

  • Fatalis fleet
    • Pillar of retribution - Destroyed
    • divine purpose - (taking fire -shields low, damage to port weapon systems - firing on fatalis- boarded - Reactor defended - Engines stalemate- Atmospheric control destroyerd counter assault underway 50% reduction in firepower due to boarding)
    • rapture (taking fire - port shields damaged - offline in some bridge sections - some weapon batteries down - all fighters launched, significant casualties)
    • Templar 1 (Crippled - loss of most port systems, on emergency power - priority to leave battle via hyperdrive)
    • Templar 2 (taking minor fire - minor damage - firing on remaining Crucifix)
    • 6 dominions (firing on lead crucifix, 3 destroyed, 3 with weakened shields, Minor damage)
    • 6 principalities (engaging Samael frigates at range - 2 defending damaged templar, 4 pushing with other templar)
    • 2 wardens - destroyed
    • Phoenix bombers from primary fleet mostly neutralised, only a few squadrons left
  • Eternal rule
    • Fist of Demici (Damage to hangar capability - shields damaged- opening fire - starfighters returning from Eternal Rule)
  • Reserve fleet
    • In hyperspace, will arrive in my next post


Location: The Fatalis, High Orbit over Korriban
Allies: Brotherhood of the Maw | KV-6000 | Derix Tirall Derix Tirall | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | Aldo Garrick Aldo Garrick
Foes: Ashlan Crusade, NIO, GA | Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana | Fiolette Fortan | Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe | Albrecht F. Herlock Albrecht F. Herlock | Pietro Demici Pietro Demici


The skies above Korriban were a charnel field, and not for the first time in the planet's long history. Death lay heavy on the entire system, as it had for millennia. The veil between the physical galaxy and the Netherworld was thin here, especially in this age of Oblivion; Tu'teggacha could feel dark spirits scraping at the wall, eager to feed on the bounty of negative energy resulting from the carnage. They would feast well, as they always did when this age-old battleground was once again watered with blood. If he was not careful, and lucky, and provided with some assistance, the Ebruchi would soon be a part of the feast.

"Taskmaster," a bridge officer suddenly reported, "we have a problem. The Divine Purpose is engaging its interdiction technology, blocking our escape." Tu'teggacha's eyes blazed, and his mind whirled for a moment before locking on the only possible solution. "Intensify the assault on the Purpose," he ordered. "Re-route all borders to target power systems feeding the interdiction field generators. Target all the remaining guns of the Fatalis and the Severing Blade on them as well. We will fight our way out before reinforcements arrive." It was their only option left. Do or die.

On the flank, the pair of Samaels continued to slam the Rapture with barrage after barrage of ion cannon fire, a withering hail of disabling blasts that they had been pouring into it for quite some time now. Fighters and bombers continued to scream in around them, launching missiles and proton bombs at the battlecarrier. They didn't have to destroy it, or even disable it, just keep it back so that it couldn't interdict the Fatalis. With their fighter advantage at its height, they would exploit their numbers to swarm the Rapture over and over, hopefully causing the kind of damage that would keep it at bay.

If it managed to add to the fire on the Fatalis, all might be lost.

Meanwhile, the Fatalis transferred all its ion cannon and turbolaser batteries to attacking the Divine Purpose. The Severing Blade, its shields drained and multiple enemy ships firing on it, ignored the explosions ripping into its armor and joined the attack. It wouldn't last long against an opposing Star Destroyer and three escort frigates, but if it could help disable the enemy interdiction its sacrifice would be more than worth it. The Maw had been hopelessly outnumbered from the start, and even the Avatar superweapon had not been enough to even the odds; the only chance to lessen the blow was for the Fatalis to survive.

But as the damage added up, even the mighty Super Star Destroyer was on the brink. The structural integrity of the command bridge was failing fast, moving into the red on the Taskmaster's damage control monitor, and it wasn't the only place. Weapon emplacements were blown away. Hangars were demolished. Entire decks were depressurized. All of the long months of repair after Thule, the year of drydock after Csilla, all of it was washed away as the overwhelming Ashlan fleet pounded at the ship. And if the enemy reinforcements arrived, all the Maw's fighting back would be for nothing.

Korriban had been meant to be little more than an exercise in looting and dark ritual, a victory lap after the Brotherhood's successful Stygian Campaign of raids against the Sith regimes. Instead it had become a desperate fight for any of them to survive. The Fatalis, the ship meant to lead the war against the Galactic Alliance, might now be lost halfway across the galaxy from where it was needed, and the Dark Voice himself might be left stranded on this worthless, barren tomb world. That was the possibility that Tu'teggacha was struggling against... but the coils of fate were drawing tight around him.

Let the Grand Admiral escape in her shuttle. This fight was all that mattered.

"New orders," Ziraev said, putting down her comlink. Her warband had been fighting hard through the decks and bulkheads leading toward the hangars, finding heavy Ashlan opposition at every turn. They were fewer now, and with much ammunition expended, but no less determined... and they'd managed to link up with a few of the attacking crewmen from the Sanguine Cruor, though the bulk of them were still pinned down in the hangars. Ashlans were behind them, retaking atmospherics. Ashlans were in front of them, battling for the starfighter bays. Ashlans were left and right, above and below...

But such was the struggle of a Kitiakira warband. They endured it.

Now, though, it was becoming clear that this might be their final mission. Taken by surprise by enemy forces that outnumbered them more than five to one, their only chance was to preserve what war assets they could... and that meant clearing a path for the most vital elements to escape the bloodbath. "We're being sent to disrupt power flow to the interdiction field generators. Our ships will pound the Purpose with everything they've got, but they've called on us to magnify that disruption. We couldn't take the reactors, but we can sabotage power converters and and substations."

The more disruption the Kitiakira could cause, the more likely that the combined sabotage and external barrage would take down - even for just an instant - the interdiction field projectors. And an instant was all the Fatalis would need, just a moment's chance to salvage some small part of the Mawite force that had come here. Countless warriors had already earned worthy deaths in the Avatars' eyes, and countless more would before the day was through, but the legend that would be built here would be far greater if they died for something more than just glory. They would die to save the Maw's dark crusade.

And that was surely worthy of a place in the Avatars' paradise.

All across the Purpose, every Mawite marine and crewman that had managed to land fought tooth and nail to sabotage every bit of power infrastructure they could reach. Ziraev led her warband onward, dropping radiation grenades behind them to cover their movements, using their brutal close-combat weapons to clear the halls ahead. If they could just cause a temporary power failure, even one that would be easily reset, even if it wasn't enough to stop the Ashlans from killing just about every last one of the Mawite honor guard that had come here - as they already nearly had...

It would all be worth it for the Fatalis to survive.

For her part, Ziraev had never served solely out of faith. She had enjoyed the spoils of battle, and she had lived for the adrenaline of each new boarding action, the thrill you couldn't get anywhere else but in close-quarters fights among the stars. The Maw had given her what she wanted, but now she had to admit that it had also shaped her, guided her onto a path that would likely end that day over Korriban. Did she believe in the Avatars' paradise? In her heart, she didn't know. But if she was going to die, rebirth or not, she was going to face it without fear. That emotion had been scoured from her long ago.

And damn would it be a hell of a ride, all the way to the end.

Fatalis, a Fatalis-class Star DreadnoughtHeavy Damage, Withdrawing, Firing on the Divine Purpose
Crimson Offering, a Crucifix I-class DestroyerDestroyed
Severing Blade, a Crucifix I-class DestroyerModerate Damage, Firing on the remaining Divine Purpose
Sanguine Cruor, a Crucifix I-class DestroyerDestroyed
Vile Nativity, a Samael-class FrigateModerate Damage, Firing on the Rapture
Ember of Sin, a Samael-class FrigateMinor Damage, Firing on the Rapture
Opened Vein, a Samael-class FrigateDestroyed
Wretched Fate, a Samael-class FrigateDestroyed
Hollow Heart, a Samael-class FrigateDestroyed

Location: Korriban, Mawite Excavations
Allies: Brotherhood of the Maw | Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall | Chasianna Chasianna
Foes: Ashlan Crusade, NIO, GA | Darth Petrichor Darth Petrichor | The Battalion The Battalion

Northeast: The Petrite Front
An hour earlier, this dusty hill had been indistinguishable from millions of others across Korriban's cracked surface; now it was the epicenter of what seemed to be the apocalypse. The sandstorm had escalated to a landslide, then an earthquake, then a crackling electrical storm, and then erupting geysers of magma from deep within the surface. Sith ruins that had stood for millennia were consumed as the tomb world's surface tore itself apart, melted down in lava floes or consumed by the deep fissures that had ripped open in the tortured ground. Such was the toll of dueling sorceries.

If this was Korriban's will, perhaps it embraced death.

Khazzak knew no fear as the world burned around him. The Avatars had passed judgement on the whole galaxy, and countless worlds would be ground to dust or burned to ashes, their heritages consumed to make way for something new to grow. If his fate was to be mere tinder on the bonfire that would consume the old cycle, then he would be grateful for his glorious purpose. "Fool," he chuckled as the Sith threatened to deny his martyrdom. "You cannot defy the will of the gods. I will accept the destiny they have chosen for me. Struggle against yours if you wish, but you struggle in vain."

The mass destruction all around them drove the summoned beasts mad with rage and fear, and their attacks grew even more frenzied. Khazzak smiled nastily as one of the shyracks drew blood, slashing deep into his foe's flesh. But the flock of cave creatures did not hold Jorel back for long, cut down by his blade or fried by his sorcery. He threw one of the broken beasts at the war shaman, but Khazzak simply moved it aside with a flick of his hand, brushing it away with the Force. He was ready for the Sith's tricks this time, drawing an alchemized knife in his off-hand and holding it ready.

Khazzak knew that the Sith would try his lightsaber deactivation maneuver again... or thought he would, anyway. As he moved to intercept the blade before it reignited, he found that Jorel had changed tactics. Lightning rushed at him, through the knife and up into his arm, wracking him with pain. The war shaman howled in agony... but also in ecstasy, for the thrill of the dark power was great indeed. He could feel himself dying, his flesh charring and blackening, his heart rhythm destroyed by the electrical assault. He had only an instant to live, before he fulfilled his purpose and entered paradise.

Khazzak spent those final seconds by closing the loop. Dropping his staff, he reached out and channeled the lightning through himself, firing it right back at Jorel. Like a suddenly completed circuit, the deadly electricity jumped back at the Light Sith, threatening to pour his own destructive power back into his body. Would it kill the Chiss, or even wound him? Khazzak would never know. His eyeballs cooked inside his skull, his brain patterns were annihilated, and his soul was whisked away across the veil of the Netherworld. He was dead before he hit the ground, his corpse smoking.

But he had died as all Mawites wished: striking at his killer.

Meanwhile, the Petrite troops were surging up the hill, closing the loop on the last remnants of the Mawite honor guard. The few survivors of the Tarar warbands fired down at them, but it was a piecemeal response, a last effort to cut down as many foes as they could before their inevitable deaths. They would surely be slain to the last, their blood joining the ocean of gore now drenching Mongel's Hill. But the Petrite advance would not be easy. Craters, ravines, magma, and landslides of fused glass would do as much to delay and slay them as the Tarar, stealing their blood as well.

And all the while, Tegan's plan was about to amplify the destruction...

Starlin Rand Starlin Rand

"Long live the Empire."

Vector tossed his smoking blaster aside once the Jedi collapsed like a sack of lamtas. He only wasted a little time propping Starlin's unconscious head up next to his for a demoralizing victory self holocapture. Hazing accomplished the Reclamation Service agent dragged his vanquished enemy to the stone burial casket.

"And I thought he smelled bad," Monk grunted with effort as he hauled the body over its side, "From the outside!"

With a final heave he tipped Starlin into Vader's empty grave. Vector leaned on the sarcophagus for a few moments to catch his breath, staring down at a still dazed Jedi with murderous intent. He crossed over to where the casket lid had toppled and was now leaning at an angle. Bending down into a gymnast's squat he found a grip and lifted with all his might.

"Years of research for nothing! Think of the academic scandal. No Starfish, I've thought of a much better ending to our little tale. How tragic that Professor Nimdok's assistant perished on Korriban because of his own incompetence. Of course a tomb needs a body just in case future expeditions scan this site to validate my claims. Its nothing personal dear fellow, you're just a loose end."

He continued to strain and sure enough the lid slowly began to rise. Vector braced himself and heaved against it, attempting to tip the slab forward.

"Between you and me," he said through gritted teeth, "Its a little personal."

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Location: Outer perimeter of Korriban system
Faction: Ashlan Crusade
Allies: Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka Albrecht F. Herlock Albrecht F. Herlock Tristan Evore Tristan Evore Relynia Sorrene Relynia Sorrene - AC/NIO
Enemies: Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex - KV-6000 - Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen Derix Tirall Derix Tirall Aldo Garrick Aldo Garrick TSE/MAW

OOC NOTE : This post only responds to Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha as other relevant fleeters have not had chance to reply so i dont want to skip you[/B]

Fleet composition
Noble Crusader Class Battlecruisers
Pillar of Retribution (Flagship) - engaged with fatalis
Divine Purpose - engaged with fatalis
Bane of Darkness (reserve)

Dragoon Class Battle carriers
Fist of Demici - moving to engage eternal rule
Rapture - engaged with fatalis
Holy Choir (reserve)

Templar class star destroyers
6 in primary fleet, 3 in reserve fleet

Bastion class planetary invasion ship
3 in reserve fleet

Nebula-ii class star destroyers
4 in primary fleet, 2 in reserve fleet

Dominion Class escort frigate
16 in primary fleet, 8 in reserve fleet
Principality class corvettes
16 in primary fleet, 8 in reserve fleet
Warden anti-starfighter frigates
6 in primary fleet

Hangar equipped vessels have full complements of following starfighters (50/50 split)
Pegasus interceptors
Phoenix multi-role starfighters

On the Divine Purpose it had descended into anarchy in the corridors, with the Maw assaulting one way then changing their tactics, throwing off the Ashlan Marines that fought tooth and nail to retake their ship. Fresh reinforcements arriving in the hangars had only added to their woes, the defence was now seeming more like a fighting retreat. In the narrows corridors it must have felt as though both sides had enless waves of troops, but the Ashlans new there were less and less available troops arriving at the front to replace casualties, they could only hope the Maw were in the same situation. The light flickered as the outside bombardment intensified, the ship was taking a huge pounding and ion cannons were beginning to short out more and more systems. There was a massive explosion as something detonated beside the main corridor, ripping Ashlans and Maw alike out into the void. Emergency forcefields appeared then stuttered out, the ship diverting its unstable power flow to more vital systems and leaving a 200m section of corridor open to the vacuum. Ziraev would now find the path to his goal clear, but very, very cold.

The captain of the Rapture took stock, the attack run from the enemy starfighters had left his ship vulnerable and the two Samaels were now scoring greater and greater hits on the hull of his battlecarrier. The bridge crew were still acquainting themselves with the secondary bridge when alerts sounded that the main bridge had been destroyer by incoming fire. "That was a lucky escape" one of the junior officers laughed "We havent escaped yet," the captain replied, "and that hit will have taken out a large portion of our command and control systems" He was right, The ship was still firing its surviving guns as fast as their barrels would cycle, but there was less focus, with each gun seemingly targeting different parts of the Fatalis. Just fractions of a degree difference here from their previous aiming solutions would leave the shots further and further apart, dispersing impacts over a wider area, but reducing the pressure on key systems. "We need to consider whether our time has come to withdraw, the Pillar is gone, the Purpose is losing systems at an alarming rate, the enemy flagship is not worth this." His second officer eyed him carefully, without orders to leave there could be charges of abandonment of position, but the fleet was falling apart so the option was real. Until then, the Rapture and the remaining dominions would fire on the Fatalis but with the crippling of a fourth dominion by secondary fire, the depelted flank would no longer be pushing closer and would try to enter something of an evasive standoff, while they attacked.

The Templar was just reaching the end of its repolarising cycle and the particle cannons were locked squarely on to the Fatalis. Of all the surviving capital ships in the battle this was the least damaged, and yet, secondary fire from the ships in front of it was beginning to run the shields low, and the hull was darkening in areas from bleed through damage. The Principalities, so far only really harassed by opportunistic light turbolaser fire pushed on forward, trying to remain out of the front arc of the Fatalis knowing that if it switched its attention to them they would be at risk. The four of them tried to reduce the distance to the Vile Nativity firing everything they had into it, while the templar continued its pursuit of Severing Blade.

    • Fatalis fleet
      • Pillar of retribution - Destroyed
      • divine purpose - (taking fire -shields depleted, severe damage to port weapon systems - large hole down port of ship - firing on fatalis- boarded - Reactor defended - Engines no longer being assaulted- Atmospheric control destroyed counter assault underway 50% reduction in firepower due to boarding) - only minor defenders on path to power distribution services should you choose to continue that mission - but part of ship is open to space
      • rapture (taking fire - port shields very low - main bridge destroyed - firing less grouped due to weakened command and control - some weapon batteries down - all fighters launched, significant casualties)
      • Templar 1 (Crippled - loss of most port systems, on emergency power - priority to leave battle via hyperdrive)
      • Templar 2 (taking minor but persistent secondary fire - shields low - minor damage - firing on remaining Crucifix)
      • 6 dominions (switched fire to Fatalis, 3 destroyed, 1 crippled, 2 with weakened shields, Minor damage)
      • 6 principalities (engaging Samael frigates, moving forwards to try and cut down range - 2 defending damaged templar, 4 pushing with other templar)
      • 2 wardens - destroyed
      • Phoenix bombers from primary fleet mostly neutralised, only a few squadrons left
    • Eternal rule
      • Fist of Demici (Damage to hangar capability - shields damaged- opening fire - starfighters returning from Eternal Rule)
    • Reserve fleet
      • In hyperspace, will arrive in my next post (after relevant fleeter responds)

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Ducking down on occasion, Doyle still found enough time to let off an array of bursts in every direction his limited arc-of-fire would permit, knowing not of the real threat approaching quietly underneath the trading ranged hostilities; as the crew of Cataphract One manned every possible viewport with blasters firing off, they would be completely clueless to the warrior who had a mind for killing the Jackal manning the top-turret's LMG, knowing they could do very little about it unless Cleaver dragged the threat in to enhance their odds of success. However, after a minute or so of hard-fighting, the XT-62 prevailed, hearing retreat orders given from uphill before Guard-Captain Scott exclaimed,'Keep your wits about you, Cleaver. These nutters are far from done yet!', as Doyle scanned from left to right in complete readiness. Yet the real threat had been smart enough to climb up the back where the rear viewport had been closed up, making it impossible for any crewmen to respond in time, and by the way things were looking, the Red Jackal's First-Leftenant was going to be in real trouble soon.


'Are ye sure they're no settin' another line o' defence, Sco-'

Lunging over the backplate of the the LMG-nest, the lone Cirihut warrior made a wild overarching hacking-swing for Doyle's head, missing but also revealing that the Red Jackal was having a dead comrade's kukri used against him, this one had a personal axe to grind with the New-Imperial attackers in particular. 'Oh aye!', Doyle exclaimed in mirthfully high-pitched recognition as his armour-gloved fist made flush contact with the warrior's jaw. As the Jackal grabbed the Cirihit by his hair with his free-hand left, the former rained a few vicious elbows down on the latter's temple, eyebrow and cheekbone before continuing,'Ah'd recognise that Kukri-knife anywharr! MINE - NOW - MINE - NOW!!!', with wild, vengeful abandon. The Cirihut was still putting up something of a fight despite his obvious state of semi-conscious stupor, trying and failing to drive the kukri into Doyle's chest-plate, easily swatted out the way with the left hand that broke the warrior's jaw.

'Everything alright up there, Doyle?'

Seeing that he was quite literally covered in the Cirihut's blood already, Cleaver realized the time to finish their fight had arrived, responding,'Absolutely, sir! K-C IN PROGRESS!!!', as his trusty machete was slowly drawn from it's utility-belt sheathe. All that the crewmen and the Tuath would be able to hear below, which was still far more than they wanted to hear or envision, was the sound of chopping flesh and skin, grunts of a haymaker's exertion, blood spattering and the sound of cracking bones. Doyle had his first trophy of the battle, and whether the Cataphract crew below agreed with his methods or not, that head would rest in plain sight above the front viewport, taking pride of place before the others were encouraged to close the uphill gap between themselves and their comrades. However, in the moments after kicking the headless corpse off the side of the turret, Cleaver would drop his friend's knife down the hatch and see the new threat on the horizon as he was about to start climbing down the ladder, causing him to start climbing again as he roared,'CONTACT T'THE NORTH!!!! THEY'RE NOT HUNKERING - THAT LOT'S SALLYING OUT T'MEET US!!!!'


'DOYLE, RELOAD OUR LMG!!!! CRAGG, LOAD THE CARBONITE SHELLS!!!! SELKIE, FIRE ON MY MARK - DUE NORTH DEAD ON THE ZERO!!!! Good luck, lads. And may Dia's light shine upon you forevermore.... FIRE, FIRE, FIRE!!!!'





Interesting turn of events since, not gonna lie.... The little girl karked off for long enough for our two guests to arrive for treatment, though she's been sighted by the wanderer with the stab-wounds in the halls a couple times, reporting that her smile disappears every time he lights up a cigarette to smoke. And as for the Tuath medic, he's been patched up and has taken to helping us clear a space for further casualties, but patched it as soon as the other one returned with a few wounded operators from among the Red Jackals. One died before we could even open 'im up for surgery, another died shortly after we triaged 'im, and only one remains - callsign: Cutter, however, has elected to guard the compound from the comfort of the lookout tower despite his previous blood-loss.


These Cirihuts don't like fething about anyways.... Mawites - just a crazy bunch o' raiders, wuzzit? Maybe once upon a time, but now they're something much 'arder, much nastier too. Some of these wounds are beyond difficult to stitch up at times, but some of them go in right-proper deep, and it's those ones that make me job all the more difficult to do properly, beyond nuts so it is. These supposed,"Marauders", actually know what they're doin' now, an' there's no rules of engagement guiding their learning-paths as far as CQC is concerned, and don't even get me started on what they smear their blades with, disgusting really isn't the word for it. All I can do is describe what sort of infections they inflict on their victims, and the lengths I've had to go in order to clean out some of these wounds so far, otherwise it's just better left undescribed.


When the next great war begins, rest assured that many of the dead on the ground will have died slow, excruciating deaths to some of these infections I'm thinking of, not to mention the amount of melee-combat deaths we should be expecting as a result; seriously, these Mawites are entirely more frightening than any Sith-Imperial could ever dream of, and this is just from what I've experienced on Korriban, no other deployments of the like to speak of so I can't honestly weigh in on the other potential threats when we fight these savages.... To put it simply, if ever war was going to feel like the true horror we expect it to be, then such times are well and truly with us, and if we're not prepared - then may God have mercy on the New Imperial Order.

I'm learning a lot about our opponents already, but what I'm learning so far frightens me more than the ghost of that little girl. Perspective for ya, if ever high-command or any other listener needed any.

More entries to be recorded soon. Scalpel One signing off.

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Starlin became aware of his surroundings fairly quickly, though the stunning effect of the particle blaster was slow to wear off completely. His backside was sore from falling on the hard stone floor, but he couldn't move a muscle, not even to open his eyes.

He could hear Vector Monk muttering about how he smelled bad. Hey, I shower at least once a week! Starlin mentally protested. Maybe he'd been hanging around with Cedric Grayson and the Ashlan Crusaders for too long...

As he was ceremoniously dumped into the empty sarcophagus, Starlin tried to wiggle his fingers and toes. There had to be some kind of Jedi technique for rousing oneself from a stupor, but unfortunately Starlin had never been taught it. The best he could hope for was that the particle beam bolt wasn't that strong, and his ability to call upon the Force would mitigate the effects. Preferably before he was entombed alive.

Vector continued to prattle on about academic scandal and leaving Starlin's body as a stand-in for Darth Vader. As cool as that sounded, it was utterly ridiculous. Any archaeologist worth their salt could see that Starlin didn't have half as many cybernetics as Vader, was too young to be the middle-aged Anakin Skywalker, and wasn't even the correct species. Since when did Vader have antennapalps? Granted, his palps would undoubtedly decay, being little more than soft tissue, but there would be two little spots in his skull where they had been connected...

Vector was heaving the lid. The numbness was dissipating rapidly, but Starlin wasn't ready to spring out just yet.

"Between you and me, its a little personal."

Starlin prompted Vector with the Force. How is it personal? He hoped Vector would succumb to the compulsion and elaborate further, perhaps even pausing in his work without realizing Starlin was awake and influencing him.​

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Starlin Rand Starlin Rand

"Clever of you to pretend old Nimdok never warned you about Captain Monk," despite the physical strain Vector rambled on unaware of his not so unconscious victim's subtle psychic manipulations, "His greatest scholarly rival."

Perhaps to Starlin's misfortune he was enchanted with thoughts of a hated nemesis and the stone slab moved a little more quickly as Captain Monk was reinvigorated by his own rage. Gleaming medals dangled from a torn and dust smeared uniform yet still he maintained an elegant poise that only well bred officers could manage. Each one an award for some exciting new discovery, yet how many more could there have been if Nimdok had not gotten there first?

"No doubt he learned of my expedition to Korriban and sent you here to spy on my research! Errik has always been envious of the Reclamation Service's acclaim. I know how to read between the lines of that doddering fool's dogmatic Jedi apologist drivel. The Dark Council will need to be informed of this flagrant interference in sovereign Sith affairs."

He hadn't checked in with Dromund Kaas for several months at least so Vector knew his colleagues would be eager to hear from him. Of course the Sith agent heard some troubling stories here and there but such desperate rebel propaganda only proved they were in fact winning the war. Monk turned away from the sarcophagus to activate his comlink.

"Blast!" he cursed when he couldn't raise the Sith Citadel, "Must be too far underground for a clear signal."

Vector turned back around put his shoulder into the slab attempting to push it the last half meter or so shut for all time.

"Anyway, you seem like a decent fellow," Vector lied, "I hate to kill you."
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Objective: Don't Disintegrate
Allies: Geiseric, Auteme Auteme , Romi Jade Romi Jade | ASHLAN CRUSADE |
Enemies: Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis , Darth Voracitos Darth Voracitos , Ishani Sibwarra, Darth Maestus, Dakrul Dakrul , Darth Mori, Gnost Zym, Darth Ophidia, Alina Tremiru, Darth Voracitos Darth Voracitos , Taeli Raaf, Dakrul Dakrul | MAW/SITH |

It seemed for a moment as if time itself had halted.

He looked upon the face of Solipsis as if he were staring at a picture rather than events playing out in real time. His allies, Romi Jade Romi Jade and Auteme Auteme too seemed similarly motionless. Bolts of crimson lightning sparked toward him, though they moved at a snail's pace, and it seemed Auteme had erected a wall of energy between him and Solipsis' attack. His own limbs refused to respond, or rather they did so at so slow a rate that he perceived it as motionlessness.

The exile had experienced this sensation twice before, neither of which he wished to repeat. His body instinctually braced, muscles tightening and teeth clenching as he prepared for the coming blow - not Solipsis' attack, but the true blow.

For a moment, the Great Ocean grew terrifyingly still and deafeningly silent. Its currents ceased entirely, its ripples smoothing out in a perfect sheet of deep blue as far as Cedric could perceive.

And then it collapsed in on itself.

The Essonian could only stand in terrified awe as hundreds of thousands of souls were silenced. The waters darkened to a deep crimson, the stillness replaced with a torrential chaos that dominated every one of his senses. Reality and the immaterial bled into one another, the waves of raw emotion crashing down upon him mercilessly. Cedric fell to his knees as the deaths caused by the Maw's superweapon resonated within him, crawling into his skull and hijacking his thoughts as if their experiences were his own.

The moments played through his mind faster than it could process them. They registered as a stream of gibberish misery to the exile, half a second of terror, a fleeting moment of desperation, a final declaration of love as the fire came, the brief and yet all consuming anguish of one's flesh evaporating beneath the unnatural heat of the Dark Side, the strange scent of one's own organs roasting, all experienced on a scale of hundreds of thousands in a matter of a handful of seconds.

It should have killed him. Indeed, dozens of Ashlan Jedi across the battlefront collapsed instantly, their minds shattered by the affair, their hearts failing under the extreme stress. Cedric's own breath was faint as he came to, eyes fluttering confusedly as he tried to make sense of his surroundings. Were it not for the wall Auteme Auteme had forged between him and Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis , the lightning most certainly would have ended him.

Momentarily protected, Cedric did the only thing he was physically capable of doing at that moment - tearing off his mask, and vomiting violently onto the obsidian floor.

Tears stung at the corner of his eyes as he wretched there, his thought incoherent, the last images of thousands of lives playing through his mind on repeat over and over again. The only reason he was still breathing to begin with was the protection provided by the Blade of Ruusan. The weapon was a tool of the Light, a living nexus of the Ashla that shielded the three Jedi from the absolute worst of the psychic backlash. Even still, its protection could only spare them from certain death, and even that was not guaranteed. Others were far less lucky.

Cedric's lips parted to speak, but he could find no words to describe what he was feeling at that moment. His broken mind grasped onto the vague concept of desolation to explain what had happened to it. The human mind required context to function, and creating such a thing for the psychic backlash of the instantaneous obliteration of quite possibly millions was well beyond what it had been designed to do.

He reached for his forgotten weapon on instinct, the familiar metal of the hilt bringing him some small comfort as he shakily rose to his feet, mask momentarily forgotten. Tears streamed freely down the exile's reddened face as he stared at Solipsis with a look that meandered between awe, devastation, and unabashed hatred. Not even on Ession had he experienced the deaths of so many in so personal a way so instantly. To one who lived halfway between reality and the metaphysical as Cedric did, there it was as if pieces of his brain had evaporated, and the remaining bits were scrambling to keep functioning.

The darkness of the chamber lifted somewhat, or perhaps he simply removed himself from it. One way or another, he felt the burning beacon of the Ashla that was Pietro Demici Pietro Demici and his companions, so far away and yet so close. Unable to form any coherent thought or even speak, Cedric reached a hand toward the sky, and so too reached out toward the cardinal, grasping toward the Light when everything else had been obscured by senselessness.

The Blade of Ruusan reacted to the forging of that tie instantly. The weapon came back to life of its own accord. Its core burned a brilliant gold rather than its typical cyan glow, the luminescence blinding to any that dared to look openly upon it. The energies that had been expended in the centuries it took to forge the blade flowed outward freely now, carving through the all consuming presence of the Dark Side to stretch upward toward the heavens above. Jedi that had somehow survived the psionic cataclysm across the planet responded in kind, each linking their own consciousness to that of the Bishop's and the blade.

Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana 's message buzzed vainly in his forgotten mask as golden luminescence bled from Cedric's eye sockets. The energies of the ritual flowed into the Blade of Ruusan as if it were a conduit, and into Cedric himself, threatening to consume the exile in his entirety before he could channel them in any meaningful way. Momentarily subsumed, Cedric was rendered motionless and utterly helpless as the fragments of his psyche warred for control over the power that thundered through his flesh, his veins and viscera illuminated in harsh white that shone through his skin and armor as they struggled to contain what could only be described as the unfiltered judgement of the Ashla.

Some fragment of his sane mind registered that if he made even the slightest wrong move, that energy would likely disintegrate him and everyone else in the room. He clung to that thought, praying that his companions might buy enough time for him to direct the power of the ritual toward its intended target. He supposed in the end whether they succeeded or not was irrelevant. One way or the other, Solipsis and the remnants of the Sith would be destroyed once and for all.

Nothing else mattered.

The Blade of Ruusan glowed ever brighter, its hilt seemingly merging with the flesh of his hand, his muscles screaming and the sinews of them disintegrating as he tried to direct the weapon toward Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis and the tear he'd ripped through reality. He'd never intended to even practice the ritual they'd uncovered in the old church, let alone actually use it, but what response could their be to oblivion other than forcing the hand of providence?

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