Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Annihilation End of an Era: AC Annihilation of Korriban


Errik? Does this guy know Nimdok personally? Wouldn’t the professor have mentioned him before…?

Starlin’s bewildered thoughts were interrupted by the growing urgency of his situation. Vector was now moving faster rather than slower.

Now, Starlin had a particularly devious mind when it came to pulling “pranks” on his foes. He knew he could use the Force to blast the lid off the coffin; he was just waiting until Vector was nearly done before he undid all his labors in one swift, destructive motion.

At least, that’s what he told himself as he struggled to open his eyes.

Vector tried to hail his colleagues, but got no answer, cursing and muttering about bad signals. Then he put his shoulder to the slab, giving it one final push—

Starlin took the final plunge, immersing himself fully in the Force, and thrust his hand forward. Telekinetic force flung the lid off of him, pushing the stone slab upright, balancing briefly on the edge of the sarcophagus before it tipped over, crashing to the floor… and cracking. Vector Monk had plenty of time to evade being crushed by it (probably…), but Starlin was already hot on his trail.

The Jedi leaped out of the coffin, his landing unbalanced and his steps shaky. It was plain that the Force was the only thing keeping him on his feet, but the Force is a powerful ally indeed.

Hey, Vector!” he jeered, lurching toward the archaeologist. “You seem like a real schutta. I’m afraid I’m gonna enjoy killing you!

He pulled back his right fist and aimed a punch at Vector’s throat—three phrik blades emerging from the knuckles of his prosthetic hand along the way.


Location: The Fatalis, High Orbit over Korriban
Allies: Brotherhood of the Maw | KV-6000 | Derix Tirall Derix Tirall | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | Aldo Garrick Aldo Garrick
Foes: Ashlan Crusade, NIO, GA | Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana | Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe


Ziraev and her warriors stormed up the corridor, pushing their way through another Ashlan defensive hardpoint. Each successive attack was getting more difficult as she lost more and more warriors, and the ranks of the crusaders never seemed to be depleted, though she knew they must be taking casualties with Mawites swarming all across the ship. It was hard to tell, when fighting your way down an individual corridor of a vast battlecruiser, what impact you might be having on the overall struggle for the ship. Did the power conduits they fried matter? Did the blasted substations make a difference?

All they could do was keep fighting, keep trying, until the end.

And the end was coming for them more swiftly than they knew. There were heroes and villains in the galaxy anointed by fate, men and women with mighty destinies who survived incredible odds and strode the battlefields of the galaxy like demigods. But most of the soldiers in the endless wars for known space weren't like that. Death found them at random, without warning, without time for epic speeches or final strikes or curses at their enemies. In a single errant barrage not even targeted at them, countless individuals could just cease to exist, their lives snuffed out in an instant without rhyme or reason.

So it was for Ziraev. One moment there was a corridor, a long hallway leading her toward her goal. The next there was only ruptured metal and the emptiness of space. The marauder and her warriors were sucked into the cold void in an instant, tumbling over and over as explosive decompression hurled them into the dark. Some were dead instantly, killed by the force of the blast or by impacts with debris. Ziraev was not, and instead felt agony as the air in her lungs burst out of her. If it hadn't, she might have let out a final, bitter laugh, one swallowed by the soundlessness of space.

She'd always known that it would end like this for her. Void-born, void-slain.

Ziraev also knew, as she drifted into the endless emptiness, that she would be conscious for about fifteen seconds before the end. She spent it in silent reflection; there was nothing else to do. In those precious final seconds, as her perspiration froze to her skin and her blood surged painfully in her veins, memories drifted to the surface of her mind... memories she had believed gone forever. She remembered the research station before the Maw had come, before they had killed her family and taken her for slave-soldier conditioning. She remembered her father's smile, the smell of her mother's hair.

Consciousness fled. Ninety seconds later, she was gone.

"Don't let up," the Taskmaster commanded, straining as though he could keep the Fatalis intact by sheer force of will. "We must break their interdiction." The Divine Purpose was battered within and without, bombarded by both remaining Brotherhood capital ships and savaged by boarding parties, but the vessel stubbornly refused to fall. It was a slow death worthy of a Mawite zealot, refusing to expire until its enemies were destroyed. Tu'teggacha would respect it if not for the fact that it stood between him and survival. Two iron wills were pitted against one another. Only one could win.

And victory was the survival or destruction of the Fatalis.

It was clear that the Ashlan attackers had carried the day overall, destroying most of the Mawite battle group despite their losses, but which side would win out in this more limited definition of victory was still very much up in the air. The Samaels and the Brotherhood fighter screen had managed to inflict further damage on the Rapture, and though the battlecarrier had added its firepower to harrying the Mawite flagship, it was a scattered barrage rather than a focused one. For now, that was enough to keep the capital ship from shattering the last of the Fatalis's defenses. For now.

Seeking revenge, the Principality-class corvettes swarmed the disabling frigates... and the Vile Nativity, which had already lost shields and taken multiple hits to its armor, could not withstand the attack. Two dozen rotary turbolasers locked onto the Samael-class, and the storm of laserfire they unleashed ripped the Nativity apart, piercing its reactor and rupturing it in a burst of light. Still the Ember kept up its attack on the Rapture, determined to follow orders to the last... and to ensure that the battlecarrier could not gather its strength and finish off the Mawite flagship. But it couldn't hold for long.

The Severing Blade was faring only marginally better. Hunted by the last Templar-class, it continued to ignore the damage being poured into it - the ruptured decks, annihilated batteries, shattered engines - so that it could focus fully on wearing down the Divine Purpose. The name of the enemy ship was ironic, for its destruction - or at least the crippling of its interdiction field projectors - was indeed the Divine Purpose given to every last surviving Mawite crewman. All they needed was a second. All they needed was a second, a drop in that field just long enough to deliver the Taskmaster and his holy vessel.

But bridge integrity was failing, and Tu'teggacha was afraid...

Fatalis, a Fatalis-class Star DreadnoughtHeavy Damage, Withdrawing, Firing on the Divine Purpose
Crimson Offering, a Crucifix I-class DestroyerDestroyed
Severing Blade, a Crucifix I-class DestroyerMajor Damage, Firing on the remaining Divine Purpose
Sanguine Cruor, a Crucifix I-class DestroyerDestroyed
Vile Nativity, a Samael-class FrigateDestroyed
Ember of Sin, a Samael-class FrigateMinor Damage, Firing on the Rapture
Opened Vein, a Samael-class FrigateDestroyed
Wretched Fate, a Samael-class FrigateDestroyed
Hollow Heart, a Samael-class FrigateDestroyed

The Maw Irregular Fleet was a mess. While Pryce's fleet was specifically designed to goad the prideful admiral and dictator out of a position to aid his fellows, the Maw was...Well, it was a fleet that screamed of self-importance. He smirked as he watched the progress of Vice-Chancellor Tithe's fleet. The money-pinching traitor, as much as Pryce hated to admit, was proving himself yet again on the field of battle.

"Kark the bank ledgers," muttered his first weapons officer, "That man should wear a uniform full time." Pryce held a tight smile. He was loathe to agree. He wondered where the man had learned to command. His stutter and nonchalant manner of speech even in the senate had caused Pryce to write him off as a slippery coward and silver-tongued opportunist. But-

"SIR! Massive radiation spike. Its coming from that...Thing" Pryce knew what the ensign was talking about. That thing that had lurked in the rear of the Maw formation. Unknown origin, though to his horror it reminded him in some small part of the monstrosities of the One Sith.

A bright flash cracked through the blackness of space, eradicating everything in its path Its route of destruction left behind explosions of expanding gas and breached antimatter containment. Pryce lowered his hand from his eyes. When had he done that? The flash had been so great that the cameras that brought visual data to internal the command center of the Ouroboros had shut off to protect their eyes. The screens now showed a wreck of the Vice Chancellor's fleet.

The Morai burned.

"Get a relief vessel to Vice-Chancellor Tithe's ship NOW! I want an update on his status in two minutes!" Pryce swore. The Maw Irregular had taken the opportunity of stunned silence from the Alliance fleets and pounced. Where before the Ouroboros and its task force handily held against the onslaught now the smaller skirmishes happening between his battlecruisers were starting to fall apart. ALready two of the Redeemer groups were reporting losses and severe damage. One had gotten unlucky and had been hit by debris from the exploding vessels not too far off. Its engines were out but it was still fighting on even as it listed towards the planet's gravitational field. The other had been caught off guard by one of Sularne's fighter squadrons. The bridge had been destroyed, which on a Redeemer wasn't necessarily the death of the ship. The main singular towers were flight control and deeper within a CIC held the commander and officers safely behind layers of metal. But the command tower had collapsed in on itself, "falling" through the center of the vessel and cracking it in half with the help of un-launched missile pods.

No survivors.

"Sir, they're coming around for another attack!" How long had he been in a daze moving on autopilot? He cursed under his breath. He would not lose another ship.

"Activate the Xythan shields!" He shouted. His second-in-command nodded and shouted the order again as if it hadn't been heard the first time. There was a shimmer but other than that nothing had changed. On the tactical, everything had. Deflectors were all well and good. Usually more than enough on a ship this size when coupled with armor, point defense, and a solid fighter wing or three. But the Ouroboros had another trick. It was usually too power-hungry to even bother with but the exotic technology had saved him enough times for him to appreciate the decision on the side of Republic Engineering.

Again there was a red flash. Their sensors didn't get a chance to register as the droid brains had been too busy re-allocating power and shifting the Xythan shield's position during the briefly continued fight with the Maw. A feminine voice echoed over the loudspeaker suddenly, reminding him of his old friend Garvey. He clutched the data chit on his neck tightly and held on.

When the beam hit the bridge had already dimmed so that the light couldn't harm their eyes. Even still it was bright and again Pryce had found his hand shading his eyes. Even though he knew it wasn't coming for them directly, not this deep in the ship, the visual sensors made it feel like it was and he heard screams as the beam collided with the first, second, and third layers of the Ouroboros' robust defenses. Each failed shield sent a shower of sparks through the darkened CIC as power couplings and shield generators fried and melted to slag under the pressure. He could only imagine the crews working them in the bowels of the ship and how they must be terrified, or dead. It didn't look as if the Ouroboros would holda tall until it hit the Xythan shield.

"Xythan shields at 60%-70%-97%, Sir! At this rate they'll-!"

"Release!" Pryce shouted. Nowhere near enough energy had been blocked by the shield to minimize damage but maybe there was hope. The Ouroboros shuddered as the red energy was sent in a scattering of directions, like a crystal ball refracting the light of on a dance floor, sending not an insignificant amount of the weapon's power into the Maw Irregular fleet which had stayed so close to Pryce's fleet in a vain attempt at...something. When the Xythan shield had redistributed the weapon's power all it could into the Maw fleet it finally failed. The blast tore through several engine blocks and the ventral hull venting thousands into the blackness of space and leaving a raw mess of metal, slag, and bodies as large as two star destroyers across its width and one star destroyer high. The Ouroboros had been sent spinning, actually spinning, though slowly, through space, crashing through Alliance and Maw Irregular starfighters and capital ships alike, carving a wave of destruction. Green and orange flame spat from various weapon and shield clusters only to be quickly swallowed up by the vacuum and extinguished. For a moment the Ouroboros looked to be a flaming spear as it careened through space, threatening to snap in half.

Pryce felt blood in his mouth. Entire sections of the CIC were covered in still hot bits of metal from exploding consoles. The unfamiliar grip of a 222nd Marine lifted him to his feet and slipped a breath mask over his face.

"We have the Admiral," the woman said.

"Get him to the secondary." The Ouroboros still fought on, though half of its accompanying fleet lay in ruins. Somehow the Corellian vessels seemed none worse for wear though and had moved into the defense of the Ouroboros.

Location: Korriban, Inside the Ritual Chamber
Allies: Brotherhood of the Maw, Sith Remmanats
Foes: Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson Auteme Auteme Romi Jade Romi Jade



How dare he raise his hands against the Master?! Under the expressionless iron mask, the towering Cha'ta'ris rotten face was twitching in disbelief. His four limbs were shaking with anger, it was there and then he decided he would snuff out this light. To severe this soul from its host and tear it asunder before it could ever make its way to the next plane. He would mutilate and desecrate this creature until unrecognizable. This man would stand faceless before the galaxy, by the three he would make it so. To openly attack the prophet of the avatars Dakrull had considered that it would come to this but truly witnessing it was something entirely different.

As Romi Jade Romi Jade turned to face the twelve apostles and the giant undead himself, the Heath Priest would lift his two off hands revealing a wretched Dread blade in each. Whit a terrible hiss much like that of the famous lightsabers the crimson blades came to life, but much unlike a lightsaber, these swords were far wider, far thicker, far heavier. Hard light powered by Mawite runes, some of which the Zealot had carved himself. Each of the blades would be considered two-handers to an average humanoid, yet their grips rested easy in the three-fingered palms of the nearly four-meter towering Mawite.

Behind him the dark princess would slowly encroach on the jedi before them, she had already engaged one of them, but there were eleven more. Their weapons came to life and it was at this point undeniably clear that the intention to kill each of the light bearers was true, starting with the blonde warrior before them.

Dakrul on the other hand would ignore the little flame, for now, he could see the heat in her inners, but his eyes were set on a different flame. Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson would die at this hands. While a barrier of light now stood between the Sith'ari and the crusader, nothing would protect him from the wrath of the Faceless Hunger.

As he took his first steps towards his prey he felt the death that had just rocked the system. It was death upon more death on this planet that was already fully saturated by darkness to begin with but its sheer volume revealed its potency compared to the natural gravity on Korriban. Thousands had lost their lives in an instant, drops turned to a waterfall of souls that would now make their way to the Nether. And while it meant little in comparison to the hatred he felt for the human before him he could see the fires of the light bearer flutter like a candle in strong winds.

A disgusting toothless grin formed under his iron crown. In this moment of weakness, of suffering, he had a much easier time projecting his voice into the mind of the Ashlan. A spiteful, deep, fiendish voice.

"MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA" A silent laughter that would grow louder and louder.

"They are goneeeeeeeee, all of them goneeeeeee. But their pain will not end, their souls will be devoured by my kin, they will feast on their spirits, gnaw at their souls, and you will be there for it alllllllllllll"

This creature underestimated the darkness greatly, this was hell, this was the black heart of Korriban a world so old and so utterly drenched by the dark side it was in the very air they breathed, every thought the formed, every emotion they felt.

With a last giant step, he closed the distance, and as Grayson lifted his blade now fully emitting a shining pyre the two greatswords would come swinging at a horizontal angle one aiming higher attempting to chop off the outstretched limp holding the weapon, the other soaring lower to severe him just below his knees. A scissor-like attack meant to terribly cripple the warrior.


Darth Petrichor: The Dark Heretic

Ashlan Crusade & friends

Enemies: Brotherhood of the Maw, Sith, etc.

Interacting with: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

Loadout: Dual curve-hilted lightsabers, armorweave suit, beskar mask


"You haven't been the first to accuse me of being so. It's true, I am a dreamer. Naive however, is one thing I am not. If I believed it would be a simple task then I wouldn't have gone through the trouble I have just to keep my Order safe. It is a lofty goal, and perhaps unobtainable, but I do not see that as a reason to not try."

With those words, Petrichor felt the sudden deaths of thousands across the planet; lives snuffed out in an instant. It was enough to give him pause. Was Jorel among them? No... he could still feel his former student, though his energy had grown more faint. The Dark Heretic took a moment to shake himself free of the distraction as Ingrid spoke.

"Generalizations are indeed a trap, unfortunately one that people fall into far too often. I can certainly respect a more logical approach."

She was correct about the feeling here. The Force was present in the tomb, and yet strangely absent. Petrichor had difficulty making sense of it all.

"The planet is being torn apart, and I sense a presence as well... some insatiable presence seeking to devour all. I imagine that with everything happening above, the Force is lacking its normal flow. It is... disrupted."

As the words left his lips, Petrichor could sense the distant Force Light emanating from the Ashlan Jedi. He was aware that the Crusade had come to cleanse the planet, but it seemed that their actions were going further than even he had anticipated.

"It appears that Cedric and his ilk have initiated a ritual. We may be running out of time. I am powerful, but even I may not survive such an attack."

He could sense the chaos on every corner of the planet. The ground had opened, the dead rose, and all the beasts of Korriban had come into the fold. It would be a miracle if anyone got out alive...



Jorel Kaan: Commander of the Petrite Host

DECEASED Aron Gowrie DECEASED Aron Gowrie , Mikhail Grayson Mikhail Grayson , Damsy Callat Damsy Callat , Hiran Avola Hiran Avola , Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran , Aemilio Valaar Aemilio Valaar , AC

Enemies: The Mongrel The Mongrel , Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall , Chasianna Chasianna , Alars Keto Alars Keto , Laertia Io Laertia Io , BotM, Sith

Loadout: Dual curve-hilted lightsaber, armorweave jacket


The attack went as Jorel had hoped. Lightning surged from his hand and through the body of his enemy. His eyes lit up as he felt his victory slowly approaching. All of his waiting began to feel like it was paying off. Though killing this one man was far from the completion of his justice, it would be a start. Then, just as the life was fading from Khazzak's eyes, the unexpected occurred...

The Mawite, defiant to the last, had managed to channel the lightning through his body and back toward the Chiss, sending a point blank blast of lightning throughout Jorel's body. Jorel had suffered Force Lightning before, but never at this magnitude. His body cramped up, and he screamed in utter agony. His body fell next to his now dead opponent, and his flesh burned. It wouldn't be enough to kill him, but he would remain incapacitated for several minutes. The Exalted rushed to his side, with a pair picking him up as the rest kept the undead hordes off of them.

"Sir, can you walk?"

Jorel offered as much of a nod as he could muster.

"More or less. Gonna need some help. We need to keep moving. I sense something is off, but I can't pinpoint it. Best to get to the top of the hill and regroup with the rest of our forces."

With those words, they began to cross the remaining wreckage, pushing for the top of the hill as the Petrite Troopers slowly followed. The remaining members of the Tarar Warbands were still managing to bring down several Troopers as they made the ascent, though it would only be a matter of time before the gap was completely closed.

As the planet burned all around them, Jorel could only think of his master. The man had kept him from defending his own people, and he had grown to resent him for it. And yet, Petrichor kept his word. Here they were, avenging Csilla with the fury of a million restless souls.

He was right. Damn him for being right...

He looked off across the burning horizon as they made the ascent. For all of their arguments, Jorel could only hope to have the chance to thank his master. First, he had to survive long enough to make it so.




Pietro Demici, Cardinal of Ashla & Commander of the Holy Guard

  Somewhere near the temple

Loadout: lightsaber, armorweave priest's vestments

Tags: Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis Romi Jade Romi Jade Bernard of Arca Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze Starlin Rand Starlin Rand Mikhail Grayson Mikhail Grayson Ishida Ashina


Korriban burned.

The planet seemed to be coming apart at the seams, almost as if it were wanting to buckle under the pressure of those imposing their will upon it. The light continued to flow from Pietro and outward to the planet around him, his body a beacon of Ashla's unwavering light. To complete the task alone would have been impossible, and would likely kill him in the process. Pietro had accepted that he would likely die on this cursed rock, taking comfort in knowing that he would die serving the Lady Ashla.

Just as he resigned himself to his fate, a second energy called out from the great void. It was distant, yet burning with the intensity of the sun itself. Pietro couldn't make out what it was at first, but eventually realized that it could only be one thing...


Pietro's mind pushed itself through the blinding energy of light, and through the chaos and white noise, he managed to link with the Ashlan leader. As the connection began to take root, the energy burst forth from him stronger than before. It almost felt as if the light had been amplified, and Pietro could only imagine it was Cedric's blade. Soon, another energy joined the ritual... then another... and another. The Jedi of the Crusade had begun to join them in their holy ritual, syncing their energies with that of the Light.

Pietro's mind became a sea of thoughts as he could hear the faint voices of those that had joined the ritual. Prayers and thanks were scattered across the myriad of thoughts bombarding the cardinal's mind. It was almost too much for him to handle, but together, the process was bearable. Tears ran down his face as the Force Light continued to grow.

This would be a defining moment for the Crusade. Pietro was unsure if it would lead to victory, or death, but whatever the outcome, they would push together, wills made one through the might of Ashla's holy light.


Aradia left, leaving the Sith Lord behind and facing Allyson. Before the girl went too far, Allyson whispered through the Force. I care about both of you. Keep him safe for me; you stay safe, kid. The arrows sang through the air with her defense. She hoped that Aradia would take her words to heart. It was necessary. Hopefully, her words were enough to have the pair disappear so far that no one, not even the Shadow, could ever touch them.

Vesta now had her full attention, tucked carefully within the Force Allyson watched from the corner of her eye as the arrows sailed and pierced the core of the Sith. She stalked, moving farther away from Vesta, who had landed with the aid of the environment growing up and gripping her. Allyson rolled her eyes as she listened to the Sith. “Duh,” Allyson responded; she wasn’t the type to bend and wield the Force with ferocity. To the Corellian, the Force was an aid, nothing more.

Color began to fade, and Allyson felt a chill grip her spine. Whatever was happening out of her eye line - it wasn’t good. Fear, for once, she felt pure unadulterated fear. Instantly, she was reminded of the moment in the Sith temple, right before Taeli had ripped her through time and space. Allyson frowned, remembering her sandwich that she lost.

Allyson poked her head out, bow drawn with another arrow of light. “I like to consider myself a bit cooler than those nerds. Also, I totally wore the leather jacket first.” She was fully visible, dropping the force cloak taking in the sight of her foe.

For a moment, Allyson was able to take the sight before her. The Sith had become something you only saw in nightmares, and Allyson felt her throat tighten. Fear started to take control as the boney finger extended towards her, and flames erupted. Allyson watched the flames tear towards her, consuming everything that it touched. At the last moment, the Force screamed in the back of her mind.

The fire burned without remorse; it threatened to overwhelm the Jedi. The Force protected her, creating an impenetrable shield around the Corellian. Not able to hold it long enough, the guard popped in a fit of energy dispersing the flames around her. In this moment of clarity, Allyson raised the bow, three arrows of light were drawn, and she took aim. “You’ve got it all wrong; I care about those kids - like my own. I’m tired of losing people I care about.” Soot stained her face, and her eyes narrowed.

A bright blue hue glowed from her left eye; the cybernetic eye worked quick calculations and recorded the sight she saw. Even if she died today, the Alliance would know what resided on Korriban. Releasing the arrows, Allyson ran forward, forming three more arrows from the Force light and firing again.

Maybe this was a mistake; perhaps she shouldn’t charge the large scary creature that wanted to skewer her like a tasty piece of meat.

But no one ever said Allyson Locke was bright.

Sergeant Omen

Arc Trooper Sergeant of the 41st Elite Corps

Tag: KV-6000
Omen was firing his blasters at every Imperial soldier he laid his eyes on. Some far the advance had gone well. He hadn’t lost anyone yet at least though the onslaught of Sith personnel was definitely slowing down the Marine’s advance. Then the first casualty came. A young man, more like a boy that looked to just have gotten out of boot camp was firing away one second before having a hole in his chest the next. A medic managed to keep the kid from screaming as he was holding in his own guts as he managed to drag him away but whether they could do anything for him, well that was another question indeed.

The Clone sighted one of the gunners that might have brought down his home and put a three-round burst into her. Surprisingly, the rounds seemed to dissipate before they even hit the sith servant, with only the effect of forcing her onto her back. Must have an invisible energy shield or something of the sort. Needless to say, he wished he had one as her bolt went through his right arm, completely severing it at the elbow and making sparks fly from the broken electrical cables coming out of his stump of an arm. Only one glance was enough to make his blood boil in rage. “Alright, that's enough! You have done enough damage for one day!”

He grabbed an LPD-24 Fireblast Dual-Purpose Grenade from his gear, ripped the safety off with his teeth, and threw it in the direction of his sole target. Hopefully, he got lucky. If not, working with one arm was going to make it hard to be effective but the trooper would hate to turn back now.
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There was no limit to the Sith's anger, the expression of which burned the very air with the vortex of fire that roared around her - but it was not anger that ruled her mind, nor was it the spite that had convinced her to alter her appearance to a state that fit the description of a monster that these Ashlan crusaders and their friends seemed so keen to ascribe to her and the rest of them. It was the pressure that steered her, the current that guided her, and she felt her hand lifting of its own accord, as if the many hands of hateful Jedi pushed it towards the sky despite her struggle to remain in control - she could hear their whispers, see their judgmental stares, the eyes that surrounded her, the shadows that covered her.

The laughter that echoed in the back of her mind.

Lightning cracked the sky and tore through the earth, a white flash igniting the space between as they struck the three lofty arrows directed her way and turned the sands beneath where they had been soaring to glass. "This isn't care, you wouldn't begin to know what compassion was if it spat in your face." She snarled, green smoke curling around the fist that her right hand had balled into. Her left hand lowered back down to her side, the flames that encircled her fading into the black sands they'd left behind in their wake, and she took one step towards Allyson Locke Allyson Locke with a glare that could have cracked stone while her right hand opened. The smoke swept into her hand and spun with an audible roar, another step taken and in the palm of her hand the green ether dissipated to reveal a lightsaber that had been pulled from the darkness. Thin fingers curled tightly around its metallic hilt, its red blade sliding out like a pillar of contained hatred - mirroring the bleeding crystal held by its chassis that screamed out in pain through the force.

"Care would be guiding." She said, spinning the blade through the air, carving a long line through the sand near her feet as she leaned forwards and bent at the knees. Her eyes narrowed, lips pursed, and without a moment of warning sprung from her place like a blur - raw speed carrying her forwards through the air towards the jedi, lightsaber held away from her, off to the side. "Care would be kind." She spat as she landed several meters away, the gap between them closing quickly, the ground beneath her feet shifting and tilting to create a more suitable platform to leap from - before propelling her forwards with an unexpected amount of force, like a horizontal pillar in the same vein as the vertical ones she'd ran across earlier in their fight.

"Care would be forgiving."

She directed her saber forwards, pulling herself down to her legs in an effort to make herself a smaller target. "If you had cared you never would have let her die!" She screamed as she cut through the air and tried her damnedest to cut the Jedi down while projecting the most effective form of illusion, an echo of the past, her words carrying the image of a very real Darth Daiara Darth Daiara in the clutches of death the way Mori had found her the day she'd saved her - chose her as her own.

'None of you care about anyone but yourselves.'
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Leader of the Dawn of Hope
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Side: Attacker
Objective: Save Sith artefacts; try to save Adrian
Location: Valley of the Dark Lords, Korriban
Equipment: 2x Striith vibrosword | The Soulsabers | Brynja coat and hat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | G1 OmniLink | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Writing with: Darth Petrichor Darth Petrichor
[ Last Days… ]

"I'm sorry I didn't intend to offend you. Try to be more realistic, not optimistic; you will be less disappointed in the future." she said honestly.

She didn’t say out loud that the man shouldn’t spend too much time on something that wasn’t reachable because then that would have meant she had to give up trying too. And to which she was incapable; Ingrid will never give it up. If necessary, she will try until her own death. Ingrid raised her head as she, too, felt the countless deaths. Nodded at the man's words, but now her thoughts were elsewhere.

<"This is L'lerim, to all the soldiers, units! Everyone finishes what you're doing. There is no time to rescue more people. Return to the dropships immediately and leave the planet! Running is also a slow solution! Go, go! Run for your lives! I'll take care of getting back to the ship, don't worry about me."> she gave the order in High Nelvaanian on the comm. channel.

Ingrid already knew what was going to happen and by whom. She also visited the man's dimension once and heard enough about him, then turned back to her partner.

" Darth Voracitos Darth Voracitos … he is here, not so far from us. He is with Caulder Dune Caulder Dune , the former Sith Emperor. I could already feel both of them when I reached the valley. And yes, Voracitos is likely to eat everyone on the planet, based on his past actions and reputation, this is a logical conclusion." she said coldly.

She, too, felt the power of the Light Side, which was painful for her thanks to the Night Spirit's transformation. The Light Side was the best way to hurt the woman, even though she was a neutral Force User. It took even more energy from the Nexus and covered herself with it, like a shield, only this protected her from the Light Side.

"If necessary, I can protect ourselves from this, as long as the Nexus still exists. But in case of emergency… we can escape to the Netherworld. Just tell me in time to have time to create a Rift for you." the woman didn't have to, but if she wanted to take others, she did. Anyway, she wasn’t happy to have to tell this information, though her voice didn’t say anything about it, it was still cold and calm.





Galidraani Forces: Enedina Tal Enedina Tal Hiran Avola Hiran Avola Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Fiolette Fortan

Allies (NIO): Rurik Fel Rurik Fel Aemilio Valaar Aemilio Valaar

Allies (AC/GA/EE/SJC/PO): Lonnie Kai Lonnie Kai Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze Damsy Callat Damsy Callat
Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Starlin Rand Starlin Rand Aelina Corsanis Aelina Corsanis
Darth Petrichor Darth Petrichor Creuat Creuat Mikhail Grayson Mikhail Grayson Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen

Enemies (Sith Remnants): Vector Monk Vector Monk Laertia Io Laertia Io Anja Doreva Anja Doreva Darth Orcus
Chasianna Chasianna Ana Malixar Ana Malixar Caulder Dune Caulder Dune
Dis Dis Darth Voracitos Darth Voracitos Crane Baxa

Enemies (BOTM/NSO): The Mongrel The Mongrel Alars Keto Alars Keto Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall

Gowrie's Loadout
Primary: Custom Blaster-Pistol (Right-hip Holster - left-or-right hand draw)
Secondary: Basket-Hilted Vibrosword Rapier (Left-hip Sheathe - right hand wielding)
Last Ditch/Second-Blade: Shugg's Fairbairn Vibroknife (Right-hip Sheathe - right-or-left hand wielding)
Pocket-Weapon: Barbershop Razor (Right-pocket - right-hand wielding)

Wildcat Battalion

33 XT-62 Cataphract Tanks (-6)

15 Scout-AFVs (-3)
10 MLVs
5 Predator Launch-Platforms

2 Guardian Tac-Teams
1 Combat-Engineer/Logistics Squad




The thuds of smoothbore contact against the mountain were beginning to be felt underfoot by then, but still, the Kellas and the Mongrel cared not, even as the red of the sandstorm blotted out the sun above them, dimming the new fighting-stage and cooling the fighters as a result, fortunate that the wind was pushing the light sand particles past the open gap with very few escaping the wind to float and cascade onto the duellists' heads. Easily shaken off with movement and exertion, so the Gowrie and the Mongrel maintained their mutually unperturbed state of poise as the explanation of how the Mawite champion came to lose his arms was divulged as fully as time would permit. The reason for the Mongrel's changes and life-saving circumstances felt much more real to Lord Aron than it had before, merely assuming that they'd been chopped or shot off by forces seemingly crueller than the Mawite champion before the revelation, coming to hate the Kainate for sending one with disdain for swordsmanship to come between their rivalry, but realizing all the same that war was always known for throwing such contingencies, fate-changing circumstances and roadblocks in one's way.
Scummy weapon for duelling a Mawite-Champion anyways, an' jumping the man unawares? That will be punished in due course.

Alas, though they were of one mind on that matter, the Mongrel still used his ability to turn pain into malice as his recalled memory became yet another one of his cold-hearted threats, something many of the WIldcats had admitted to admiring in the process of studying their enemies' CQC methods between deployments. He was everything the Kellas' subordinates expected him to be and more, like the Mawite commander really could've been a Woad or a Tuath in a previous lifespan, like the Laird of a rivalling clan that somehow reaffirmed their reasons for soldiering as Tuaths to begin with, a foe of whom they knew they'd never face the likes again. It was quite a peculiar feeling fighting a warrior who was admired by both friend and foe alike, but it wasn't a new feeling, not in the slightest; having faced off against Erskine twice before, the feeling would be quite recognisable by that point, and thus wouldn't affect or interrupt the Kellas' planning process.

'What are you waiting for, Gowrie? Again.'

"Again.", the word that always accompanied Barran's goading-hand for the opponent to give him their best, and one of the many things that frustrated Gowrie about his friend in particular, and the Mongrel had just caught him expressing the same habit; something Lord Aron found both hilarious and infuriating at the same time, though they both knew the Kellas' one-syllable call to resume differed entirely from that often expressed by the Stormchaser in particular, so the gesture was taken in good taste, taken as in-talk between the rivals' triangle eventually as the Tuath began circling with intent. The Mawite commander would then naturally meet this circling with his own, making sure to not gift any angular advantage to an opponent who was showing to enjoy attacking from odd angles so far; and all the while, both duellists would plan two, three and even four steps ahead in the hopes that perhaps one of these steps would force errors enough to capitalize on, seeking that finishing strike as all good duellists would in their shoes.


Feign single-hand grip, hold that bluff until the last moment - but for what though?

As if by a flash, the method came to him as a hallucination would for Lord Erskine, the forefront of Lord Aron's mind was awash in a method he was once mocked for, though it had proven quite effective at Sandhurst's word-sparring yard against other Meyerites. Completely different in practice to the chances of success it's first time combat-implementation was likely to yield, but none ever seemed to expect that Lord Aron would fall back on it from time to time, and thus this growing competence with other methods around it served to tempt any and all opponents into a false sense of security; being a faux-methodology with shorter sword-grips, the technique in question would always be viewed with brow-furrowed scepticism or mirthful distaste by purists and journeymen alike. Not that the Kellas ever minded, as it's implementation was never meant to be pretty or rooted in tradition, so it was only ever to be used against opponents with nothing but victory in mind, damning and praising Sandhurst all at once for helping him realize his mild disregard for the conventions of swordsmanship.


Faux Fool's Guard, pure forearm-bolster with a rapier - I've missed this one.

Springing forward as demanded, Gowrie would sprint the short distance between the Mongrel and himself with the rapier's tip aiming just slightly over the Mongrel's left shoulder, then just as Lord Aron pushed past the edge of the broadsword's reach-pocket, his left-foot planted forward as the lead as his left arm guided a loose right across in a flicking swipe motion leftwards. The Kellas knew he only had a 50/50 chance of catching the Mawite's throat with this flick, but if he didn't slit where the blade was supposed to slit, then there was every chance he would be able to create space enough to attack again, and as the Tuath was about to find out, his hopes for a throat slash would be a vainglorious hope in that endeavour. With a deep, scraping screech, the Vibrotech rapier had scratched it's way across the Mawite champion's durasteel war-mask, kicking up a small burst of sparks as the snatched motion ground it's way out above the Mongrel's right shoulder, unfortunate - though not without it's own advantages as a result. Kicked back by the force of the impact, the Mawite's recoiling reaction would see him backpedalling into a kneeling recovery, but swiping back in a way that forced the Tuath to do the same in his effort to evade the backhanded swipe directed at his head.

'Sorry about that, was aiming for your throat there.'





All hell had broken loose around them in a riot of ultraviolence and sandy mists as far as they eye could see, with the brawny Tuaths' collective tenacity combining with the superior adaptability of the Ravelin stormtroopers, combining against the wild wrath of the Mawites above in a blind maelstrom of screams, blaster fire and blood-spatters, a true hell for any Imperial contingent working together to fight their way through. Scaling from beneath, the combined efforts of the Vallar-Reed spearhead efforts would try to envelop the fragmented defensive positions around the hill's cresting plateau above, willing their men through the windy sandstorm to storm the Mawite positions with everything they had left to fight with; would it have been rounds, grenades, bayonets, war-knives, rocks or their own hands, it would matter little by the time the tide had turned in their favour, and Alun was adamant he would be standing at the summit with Aemilo's men when all was said and done.


To the Woad's left, Valaar was engaging with a rather large opponent and using the man's size against him by then, staying active on his feet and using his advantage in speed and agility to great effect as the stormtroopers around him shot, beat and stabbed at anyone trying to intervene on the foe's behalf. To the Woads' right were a variety of Leech legionnaires, Cirihut Warriors, Death Gang/Rough Rider underlings rallying again from their broken first-line endeavours; all entangled with scrappy Tuaths with a mind to headbutt, eye-poke, and let no standards dictate their methods of survival in that wild riot of human aggression. All of it was everything Reed imagined Ilum would be, but this would be somewhat closer to the wire, especially with the center of the line mere moments away from being tested by the sheer weight of downhill-sallying manpower; and with nothing but AFVs and bayonet-fitted SA-65s to hold the tip of the spearhead against it, the Commoner-Captain knew he would need to show his worth with the raised sword as soon as the static-line finally engaged in the center, a chance to prove his worth since his training on Archais.


Wanty see whit a Miltoner can dae wae a sword, dae yees? Bring it!


With engines roaring, the AFVs' tyres would kick up sand in their wake as they careened into the sand in front of them, wasting no time to hesitation or protest for the sake of the fight itself as the screams, return-fire and boarding-attempts followed. With their main guns firing in any and all directions to their front, the vehicles would do everything in their power to keep themselves from being overrun in the process, but Captain Reed had no such plans to leave them beleaguered, not when he was of a mind to carve a bloody gap in the middle of the Mawite's southwestern static-line. There were enough idled riflemen (and crewmen lacking vehicles) to wreak havoc on the distracted enemies pushing the center of the New Imperial line, so there would be enough to carry the flanks forward with them as a result, and with Torayga's controlled advance from downhill behind them considered, Reed knew it wouldn't be long before their support showed up to mop up whoever was left sputtering in their wake. The time to make his move was upon the Woad, and the rushes that were sending signals up his spinal column lashed him into action, with every hair standing on end as he roared,'FOR TAAAAAVLAAAAAAR!!!', at the top of his lungs.


Location: Korriban, Mawite Excavations
Allies: Brotherhood of the Maw | Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall
Foes: Ashlan Crusade, NIO, GA | DECEASED Aron Gowrie DECEASED Aron Gowrie | Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran | Aemilio Valaar Aemilio Valaar | The Battalion The Battalion

South: The Galidraani Front
The wrath of the gods seemed to scour Korriban.

As the Cirihut clashed over the ledge, tectonic upheaval was both their greatest ally and worst foe. Sometimes the quakes and magma surges consumed the enemy, or cast down the positions they'd been trying to climb... but just as often it was the Mawite warriors who suffered that same fate, and there were far fewer of them than there were of the attackers. Still, if they were to die, what an auspicious omen! What a glorious sign of the Avatar's favor, to see this world - enmeshed in the old, stagnant ways of the ancient Sith - literally burning around them, a worthy funeral pyre.

Just as they were given a time of dying, that they might know no fear until their preordained moment to pass from the galaxy, Cirihut warriors were given a death song. It was a low, rumbling sound, resonating in their chests and deep in their throats. Every last one of them sang it now, harsh and discordant, melding with the crashes of weapons and the blaster discharges and the slow collapse of the hill into some ancient abyss below. This was how they would be remembered, how the whole Honor Guard would pass into legend: the chosen few of the Dark Voice, refusing to break even as the planet did.

None would flee. None would surrender. All would die.

But first, they would make the enemy bleed for every meter they advanced... especially if the NIO soldiers were trying to club the mighty Cirihut with their blasters and entrenching tools, hardly impressive compared to the swings of vibroswords and shock maces. Such was Toraaz's goal as he closed in on the Galidraani officer, mace swinging in toward his foe. The two men were a stark contrast - one towering, hulking, and virtually unarmored, the other positively dripping with technological gadgets. Sure enough, the NIO soldier put a great many of them to use in his swift counterattack.

Toraaz was not impressed. If you needed half a dozen gizmos to stand up in a fight, your trainers should have sent a droid instead. As Aemilio jetted forward, propelled with unnatural speed by his boots, flames leapt from his gauntlet. The Cirihut warrior simply did not react, letting the fire wash over him. His eyebrows burned away, and his skin turned an ugly pink under the red-hot blast, but he showed less injury than a bare-chested man ought to when hit by a flamethrower. It was the blessing of the Heathen Priests that absorbed the worst of the heat, allowing him to endure the pain and stand strong.

Squinting against the glare of the fire, Toraaz almost didn't see the angle of the incoming strike... and if he'd turned away or tried to leap back, he surely would have been sliced open. But he had held his ground and kept his eyes open, allowing him to punch out with the long handle of his two-handed war mace and deflect the incoming blow. The handle slapped against the blade as he moved it across his body from right to left, pushing his foe's sword past his chest and left shoulder. The tip of Aemilio's blade still grazed along his abdomen, drawing first blood, but the wound was not deep.

Toraaz allowed the pain to focus him. If his foe was so eager to close with him, then let them stand toe to toe and see if the Galidraani found that contest to his liking. He'd moved the handle of his mace from right to left for the parry, but the head of the weapon had stayed largely in place. The Cirihut warrior quickly took a single step back and brought it down, trying to slam it into the head or back of the NIO soldier. The man had lunged inside his guard to deliver his first strike, and that put him right in position to be squashed flat by the shock mace, like an elevator counterweight falling on him.

Perhaps the shock part would disrupt some of his toys, too.


Northwest: The Ashlan Front
Ruulaavon had nearly reached the shuttle. It did not bother him in the slightest that he was abandoning the other lugubraa to die, for he had done it before. They were young examples of the species, little more than drooling, ravenous brutes, whereas he had lived to fifty and undergone his second cognitive kickstart. He was an elder, rare and valuable among the eternally-warring species, whereas there were always more splitlings being born to replace the mercenaries lost here. Why should he die for the Mawite gods? He had no faith in them. Instead he was well-paid in credits and meat.

Perhaps the Three Avatars were watching, and perhaps there was something to the Cirihut legend that all beings had a predetermined time of dying... or perhaps dueling Dark Side magics struck at random, reaping lives with impunity. Whatever the truth, Ruulavon was ten meters from the shuttle when the rocky ridge supporting it collapsed, spilling the craft into the excavation pit. It crashed down the side, past where The Mongrel and Gowrie were fighting, and shattered like a dropped toy against the rocky bottom. Ruulavon had little time to be disappointed, little time even to think.

A bolt of atmospheric lightning took him seconds later.

And so it was as the gods decreed: no one from the honor guard would flee. None would escape. Mongrel's Hill would be blessed with the blood of every last one of them, and of every last kill they made before the end. At the hilltop, the Legion of the Leech fought hard, though without direction now that their elder was gone. They were terrors to the NIO infantry, hulking lamprey monsters with rows after row of gnashing teeth. It was better to be ripped apart by their repeaters at range than to die screaming as you were stuffed down their gullets in a vile feeding frenzy.

But when the AFVs, the famous Galidraani heavy armor, finally managed to make their charge, it was all over. Some tanks did fall into sand pits and magma fissures, but their discipline and their technology saw most of them push through, getting a relatively open path up the shattered hillside at last. The lugubraa scattered before them, many legionnaries run down or blasted apart as NIO gunners used infrared goggles to track them through the haze of sand. All that was left now was sporadic fighting as the last of the alien mercenaries battled on, steadfastly refusing to die until shot repeatedly.

Reed's tanks were the first to the top, but Torayga was not far behind, despite having to fight through on foot as Korriban's hungry sands swallowed his tank. The tip of the NIO spear looked down into the excavation... and found it hollow in more ways than one. The Mawite freighters and shuttles had been crushed by rocks or dropped into the pit, and it was clear that the entire dig was beginning to fall apart, bracing beams shattering as earthquakes shook the ground. The only occupants now were cringing slave gangs, crying out to the NIO soldiers in terror as the world crumbled...

... and two distant figures on the eastern inner slope.


The Excavation
The bottom of the excavation pit, where lay the shattered tombs the Brotherhood's slaves had worked so hard to unearth, rippled like the sea. The rock walls all around it shook, sending pebbles and boulders alike tumbling down their sides to smash at the base. Between the thunder of the smoothbores and the countless dueling sorceries that were ripping into the planet, there was little that was stable on Mongrel's Hill. Even scaffolding bolted deep into the bedrock had torn loose as fissures opened and the very earth shifted. And amid the emerging ravines, magma had begun to rise.

The excavation hill had looked like a volcano from the beginning, a mountain with a hollow center where the Mawites had ripped away the earth in a descending spiral, but now it might truly become one. Wounds in the earth bled freely, and the gore was molten rock, devouring all that it touched. Nothing could stand in its path, not even the ancient heritage of the Sith. The lost Temple-Tomb of Lord Kanopt, an ancient heretic denied burial within the Valley of the Dark Lords, was lost again - this time forever. It had survived millennia, taken years for Sith archeologists to locate and months to uncover...

But it took only minutes to melt into unidentifiable slag.

The Mongrel hardly noticed that the excavation, one of the last relic caches the Sith Eternal had hoped to extract from the plundered world, had literally gone up in smoke. It seemed poetic, letting literal fires consume the failures of the past, a sign of the Maw's renewal for a galaxy that had been stagnant for too long. The warleader's only concern was the baking heat now rising from the bottom of the pit, leaving him sweating in seconds despite the barren tomb world's normal chill. Above him, sand swirled and lightning crackled. Below, lava bubbled and spat. It was a vision of hell.

A fitting backdrop to the one duel that mattered to him.

The Mongrel's efforts to keep Gowrie on the defensive had failed, so this time he let his opponent come to him. He had not yet seen what the Lord-Colonel could do when he had the initiative, and the marauder found himself curious. The Galidraani officer came in with his rapier pointed high, as if to skewer a tall man standing just behind The Mongrel, whispering in his ear. Of course, it was all a clever ploy. The rapier was a far more refined weapon than the Mawite's heavy warblade, and even a mere flick of its razor-sharp tip could end a man's life... as it nearly did in this charge.

The Mongrel stumbled back as the rapier's point scraped across the base of his durasteel mask, a stroke that would surely have opened his throat had he not ducked his chin and taken it on the armor. His answering swing was messy, off-balance after Gowrie's impact, but it did serve to drive the other man back as it whistled past his head. Both of them knelt on the gravel track as they caught their breath and restored their balance. The heat was growing even more oppressive, and sweat dripped from the marauder's hairline, stinging his scalp where Gowrie's headbutt had broken the skin.

"Not the throat if you want to kill me," The Mongrel chided, tsk-ing like a disappointed schoolteacher - though the effect was oddly altered when his mask speakers turned each of the little sounds into a distorted, metallic echo. "They've put me back together too many times now, Gowrie. My arms are metal." He slammed his left fist against his right shoulder. Clank. "My face is metal." He slapped the spot where his cranial plating met his mask. Clank. "My chest is metal." He slammed a hand into his breastplate, sending vibrations down to his durasteel replacement ribs. Clank.

The marauder pulled his billowing outer jacket aside and pointed just below the base of his ribcage. "Pierce me through the kidney if you want to end me, or shatter the left side of my skull. Sever my femoral artery, and let me remember what it feels like to really bleed. But remember: I'm not as fragile as you." With that he charged, blade held out at his side, as if to try a horizontal slash. But he knew now that Gowrie and his weapon were too fast for him to win in an exchange. He needed to catch the man off-guard, or he would never be able to pierce his defenses.

So The Mongrel fell back on the passata soto, better known as the "night thrust". Normally it was a defensive technique, ducking beneath a charging opponent's blade to strike low at his midsection - and let him impale himself. But that was not the only way the technique could be used. As he closed the last meter of distance between them, The Mongrel made the night thrust an attack instead, dropping into a lunge so low that his off-hand had to brace him against the ground. His heavy warblade flew forward, questing toward the Lord-Colonel's midsection in a full extension of arm, back, and leg.


The Mongrel could only hope that his sudden attack would either wound Gowrie or drive him back, because it left his entire back exposed to an attack from above. His only defense would be to try to roll sideways and get his blade back up, and that would leave him on the ground, a situation the quick Lord-Colonel would surely exploit. But the marauder was eager to test himself fully, to disregard his own limits and toss away convention, to fight without fear... and that meant taking risks. How could these two warriors truly take one another's measure if they merely played it safe?

How would they find out who was the better?



Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce | Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana | AC | GA | NIO
Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha | Aldo Garrick Aldo Garrick MAW | SITH


Task Force Venality
Coreward edge of the engagement zone
  • Morai, Morai-class Super Star Defender
    Critically damaged, power partially restored
  • Autarchy, Avalon-class Corvette
    Heavily damaged
  • Purgill, Oswaft-class Corvette
    Critically damaged
  • Drogheda Bounty, XY-48-class Freighter
    Heavily damaged
  • 4/70 E-Wing Starfighters
  • 8/72 Y-Wing Starbombers
  • 3/60 A-Wing Interceptors
  • 1/24 X-Wing Starfighters
  • 2/10 support craft squadrons
Destroyed by Avatar of War
  • Mon Clistenes, MCv110-class Multirole Frigate
  • Mon Helios, MCv110-class Multirole Frigate
  • Absolution, Avalon-class Corvette
  • Amnesty, Avalon-class Corvette
  • Autonomy, Avalon-class Corvette
  • 36 B-Wing Starfighters

Task Group Avidity
Engaging Fatalis fleet
  • Arquebus, Emancipation-class Artillery Cruiser
    Destroyed by Brotherhood starfighters
  • Mon Borea, MCv110-class Multirole Frigate
    Destroyed by Brotherhood starfighters
  • Mon Tellus, MCv110-class Multirole Frigate
    Critically damaged
  • Chiaki, Oswaft-class Corvette
    Critically damaged
  • Phillak, Oswaft-class Corvette
    Heavily damaged
  • 7/36 E-Wing Starfighters
  • 5/24 Y-Wing Starbombers
  • 7/12 B-Wing Starfighters

Task Unit Esurient
Surveying Korriban system

Tithe’s comlink came to life with updates from the battle as his tubrolift descended through the critically damaged Morai toward the docking bay and his best chance of escape.

While Task Force Venality had born the brunt of the Brotherhood’s superweapon, reports from around the Korriban system were equally dire. The Ashlan fleet engaging the enemy’s Super Star Destroyer analogue had lost its flagship and was only just managing to keep the vessel from escaping to hyperspace. Task Group Avidity, which Tithe had dispatched to support the Crusade, had lost its artillery cruiser and was being cut to pieces by Brotherhood starfighters.

More closer to home, what remained of Tithe’s escort force was slowly diminishing. They may have been far from the reach of the Brotherhood’s weapons, but the damage had already been done. The massive superweapon blast had overwhelmed and fried systems on every frigate, corvette and straighter assigned to Task Force Venality. Morbid updates flowed through as Alliance ships ran out of oxygen. The after-action report would make for macabre reading.

The 3rd Sector Fleet, which had been holding off Sularen’s fleet after the failed dictator had given up on engaging Morai, was faring better. Using his advanced Xythan shields, High Admiral Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce was reflecting the Maw fleet’s weapons fire back at them. It was a much-needed lesson for the enemy that sheer firepower did not win battles.

A message came through from Ouroboros that a rescue vessel had been dispatched to rescue Tithe. The gesture was appreciated, though the Vice Chancellor had not attained his position in the business work relying on the generosity of others. In the event that the rescue ship did not arrive, Tithe wanted to be in a position to save himself.

The turbolift came to a sudden halt and would not react to Tithe’s commands. The Vice Chancellor, still floating in zero-gravity, banged his fist on the console to call for help. “Bridge, Tithe. Is there, ah, something wrong with the…”

“Stand by sir,”
replied the officer on the other end of the call.

The Morai’s gravity kicked back in without warning. Tithe fell to the floor of the turbolift with a sickening crunch.

“Engineering has gotten one of the reactors back online.” The Super Star Defender was fitted with an array of self-healing technology to repair the colossal vessel.

“Yes, well, very good.” Tithe clambered to his feet and punched the command for the turbolift to continue its journey toward the docking bay.

For a battle that had seemed like a sure thing, the Battle of Korriban had taken a sharp turn for the worst. If he could find an escape pod or the rescue vessel High Admiral Pryce had dispatched, he still stood a chance of getting out of this nightmare alive.


~ interacting w. Lonnie Kai Lonnie Kai ~

Scampering light-footed along some of the more delicate terracettes folded into the landslide lobe, Damsy was able to bypass the Troopers and Sith who, having found their footing again, now made their way up either side of the grade. Slightly beneath one of the rises herself, she stayed out of sight. Earshot too, as she drew on her experience as a commando behind enemy lines to know where to and not to step.

As she approached the downed starship, she paused; glancing up to the ledge, down to level ground, and up again. The Petrite forces, or the portion that had been sent marching on the Maw, were beginning to thin, indicating the near end of their ranks. Damsy reached upwards, grasped the energetic thread keeping the hillside coalesced, and yanked. A few meters of sandstone crumbled away at once, tumbling down the hill in similar, but smaller, manner to how the landscape had failed perpendicular to this cascade minutes ago.

Taste of their own meds, Damsy thought, and wondered how exactly it did.

Only a few Troopers and a single Sith were caught up in the failure, and sent crumpling onto the sand seas below.

Damsy jumped down to join them.

Her feet didn’t hit bedrock, but a familiar blue-white light flashed before her eyes. She momentarily took flight, then her body stopped shaking with the electricity coursing all through it as she landed harshly a short distance from where she had meant to stand. Another light overtook her vision, altogether warmer; when she was finally able the squint open an eye, she realized even rays of sundown were quite a bit brighter out from behind the wooden shaman mask.

Until a physical shadow parted it, one belonging to the fallen Sith.

Damsy propped herself up on her elbows, blinking the sunspots out of her eyes. All that happened was yellow splotched becoming red as an actual lightsaber blade neared her neck. Great, Syreni had made her pick a fight to get ‘em both killed.


Suddenly, the sand blindness meant nothing, no temporary disadvantage. She recognized that voice as the one of a Lord whose name she had refused to learn though Arisso and the others had reminded her of it many times over.

The Darkness crawling through her veins was parasitic. As more and more overtook every inch, the internal pressure became unbearable. Damsy blinked back tears, feeling the intense urge to cry. Pain and anger and power swirled alongside the life-giving character of blood, globular and gross like the unnatural union of water and oil.

There wasn’t room for both volumes. One had to go.

Damsy began losing a quantity of breath, as well as clarity around her head. She felt her heart beating harder than it ever had, like it might break through her cartilage ribcage.


The Dark was winning.

We don’t much care for that word.” So said Damsy or Syreni? Unclear.


A chorus of gurgles and crackles broke the stagnant desert air.

Damsy managed to stand, borrowed jewelry settling nosily around her body, just as the Lord fell.

He struggled to stay on his knees, bracing against the ground with one hand and holding the other at his throat. He looked up at his former slave with wide, corrupted eyes, and was met with her own—no longer deep blue, but angry orange, like the intense flames lapping up from an oil spill fire. He hadn’t known she was Sensitive. Arisso hadn’t said a thing and she herself had done well to dampen her Force presence, having learned to do it well herself since losing her masking amulet on Dantooine and not wanting to humble herself enough to ask Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze for another.

But now?

There was no doubt in the reflection of the Lord’s eyes.

He smiled for it before he finally submitted to death.

For he might get another chance to best her if he rose again as one of the undead.

Damsy glanced up from her handler’s body, intending to move on to the Troopers, but they had all fallen as well. She looked instead to her hands. The beds under her nails were paling. She turned over her hands, and so were her palms.


Maybe it wasn’t too late to bleed out the Dark.

But would tar even bleed?


Syreni’s call rose Damsy’s eyes once more, just as her Force Pull brought the shaman’s mask into her hands. The face was somewhat cracked but would still hide her identity from the Mawites well enough.

What?” Damsy asked her alter as she again obscured her face, completing her façade.



As Damsy turned around, she must have turned out of some portal she wasn’t even aware had opened. She was somewhere on the Brotherhood’s Jedi front. A ways on, she spotted one of the Crusade’s many zealots, or at least she assumed she was.

This was her change to settle a second score protected by anonymity.

Lonnie shielded her eyes against the sun, taking in the view of things before proceeding forward.

She bore witness to the actions of Damsy Callat Damsy Callat . A slow smirk spread across her lips, soon replaced by a sigh of exasperation. She needed to focus. On the Light. On her purpose. On the Crusade of the Ashlan.

Ever since the massacre, she had one driving goal. Eliminate the Sith, one by one. She was becoming frustrated though. She wasn't succeeding near fast enough for her taste. Not enough Sith were being destroyed. Or yet, turned to the Light.

Lonnie found that the better coup. Every Sith that denounced the Dark and turned towards the Light was the victory. But it was up to the individual Sith. Whatever their choice, Lonnie was happy to oblige.

It was with renewed determination that she stepped off once more. Beneath her faded and well worn boots, sand, dirt and rocks crunched. She pulled the hood of her mini cloak down lower, hoping to shield her eyes from blowing sand.

As she approached Damsy Callat Damsy Callat , she held out her hands, calling her sabers to them. Without hesitation, the hillside snapped to her palms, though she did not ignite them yet. Even as she slowed her pace and stood before Damsy Callat Damsy Callat she did not ignite them.

Instead she looked at her would be foe with a curious expression.

"Having problems?" Was all the very jaded Jedi said.

Growling in frustration, Maestus gave up on her quest for Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo and the other beacon of light she had felt. Perhaps Aaran had finally realized the futility of his attempts to take the Sith down, single handedly it seemed he tried.

She turned and strode back to the Ritual Chamber and her Master, Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis . What she saw sent an electric current through her. More pervasive was the mental swimming pool her mind became. Souls, power, anguish and death washed over her. It was almost too much for her to experience all at once. She steeled herself however. Cementing her will and resolve.

Black eyes scanned the room quickly, taking stock of the whole situation, instead of focusing only on Solipsis. Her eyes landed on Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson and her upper lip curled into a snarl. She then shifted her gaze to Auteme Auteme and the barrier the Jedi had erected between Solipsis and Cedric. How dare the Jedi prevent Solipsis from reaching his holy goals?

Maestus raised a hand, fingers curling at Auteme Auteme wickedly. With an unceremonious flick of her wrist, she attempted to invade, painfully, her chosen enemy's mind. Maestus was powerful when it came to mental aspects of the Dark Side of the Force. This moment was no different. Auteme Auteme would feel her scrape and claw her way inside. With her attention focused on maintaining the barrier to protect Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson , the attack from Maestus may have the element of surprise to inflict Memory Walk on her Jedi enemy.

If successful, Maestus would dig and scour Auteme's mind for her most painful memories and bring to the fore of the Jedi's mind. Playing them on repeat, over and over. Until the mental pain turned physical and hopefully overwhelmed Auteme. Overwhelming her to the point of physical pain, if Maestus was successful.

This display of power was not without strain or cost to Maestus herself. Auteme Auteme was strong and it took massive amounts of Maestus willpower to try and overcome Auteme's own. Sweat poured from her brow, stinging her eyes. Her vision was distorting, causing Maestus to constantly blink to clear it. Her Lekku snapped and flicked, curling half around her body as she strained.

Maestus would not relent, even if Auteme managed to push her out once. She would continue, unceasing. Auteme Auteme would have to choose between her barrier to protect Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson or defending herself.

Decisions, decisions...


Issue #7 - Bad Romance
w/ Anja Doreva Anja Doreva
"I am letting you go now. But one day, darling, I will collect on the favour. I'll keep you to your word of freeing me from eternal misery." she said, the sinister light back in her eyes once more as she stepped aside. "Try not to get yourself killed in the meantime." The smirk that tugged at the corner of her mouth lightened her face slightly.

He smirked back, stepping, or rather staggering into the pod, then looked back to her before the doors closed.

"Just say when, Lady." the smirk grew into a small grin, weighed down by fatigue, but always energetic enough for humor, "You did get my number after all."

The pod ejected with a hiss.

The End.

Fiolette Fortan



"Cannon to the right of them, cannon to the left of them, cannon behind them volleyed and thundered; Stormed at with shot and shell. While horse and hero fell. They that had fought so well came through the jaws of Death, back from the mouth of hell all that was left of them, left of the six hundred." Captain Fortan recited as she watched the tactical screens flicker with the orchestra of war, and its conductor called Death relished in the souls they received like that of the applause from its audience.

Five more of the corvettes met their fate, even as they burned brightly their captains aimed their boats straight for the Mawites. In a brilliant flash they were gone, the Raskovas met their foes with anger unleashing all weapons that they could, and the crippled Bravo and Alpha Squadrons stayed by their assignments but let their fury be known as they fired all weapons onto the ground. The alarms rang out from a Raskova that had been hit, wounded it might've been but the would 'twas not fatal.

Of their smaller escorts, they met their end and like their comrades-in-arms, they too found the sweetest target in which to dive into. Those who remained reformed together as Bomber Group Harris returned to the void from whence they came. Bomber Group Wallis' orders were to hold and wait, wait for the orders, as Captain Fortan called on encrypted communications to Captain Reed. It would be on Reed's call that determined whether or not Wallis saw action this day.

"When can their glory fade, o' the wild charge they made. All the galaxy wondered. Honor the charge they made, Honor the Light Brigade, Noble six hundred." She let her words end, and her gaze shifted. Captain Fortan looked upon the ships that were now gone, their once illuminated names now dark. Captain Fortan moved to a console beside the tactical screen and began to retrieve the manifests of their crews. For on behalf of a grateful nation did these men and women serve.





Location: Outer perimeter of Korriban system
Faction: Ashlan Crusade
Allies: Caarlyle Rausgeber Zark San Tekka Captain Albrecht Herlock Tristan Evore Relynia Sorrene Relynia Sorrene - AC/NIO
Enemies: Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha Carnifex - KV-6000 - Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen Derix Tirall Derix Tirall Aldo Garrick Aldo Garrick TSE/MAW

OOC NOTE : This post only responds to Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha as other relevant fleeters have not had chance to reply so i dont want to skip you[/B]

Fleet composition
Noble Crusader Class Battlecruisers
Pillar of Retribution (Flagship) - engaged with fatalis
Divine Purpose - engaged with fatalis
Bane of Darkness (reserve)

Dragoon Class Battle carriers
Fist of Demici - moving to engage eternal rule
Rapture - engaged with fatalis
Holy Choir (reserve)

Templar class star destroyers
6 in primary fleet, 3 in reserve fleet

Bastion class planetary invasion ship
3 in reserve fleet

Nebula-ii class star destroyers
4 in primary fleet, 2 in reserve fleet

Dominion Class escort frigate
16 in primary fleet, 8 in reserve fleet
Principality class corvettes
16 in primary fleet, 8 in reserve fleet
Warden anti-starfighter frigates
6 in primary fleet

Hangar equipped vessels have full complements of following starfighters (50/50 split)
Pegasus interceptors
Phoenix multi-role starfighters

All across the Divine Purpose, the battles raged on but were beginning to burn out, it didn't matter though, the damage had been done, miles of corridors were ripped apart piece by piece, between that and the ion strikes on the outside, the whole ship was struggling to manage its power reserves. "Captain, we just lost interdiction!" called out an officer as the ships regulators switched off more of the non-essential systems, several decks were now without gravity and only basic life support. The main life support, weapons and shields would be the last to go down so the ship continued to fight, but it was obvious that the ship was struggling, electrical charges arcs across the battered hull. It was only a matter of time before the Fatalis made its escape.

The captain of the Rapture Was in a similar position, if not in as bad a way as the accompanying battlecruiser. It continued to fire on the enemy super star destroyer, its heavy weapons were less accurate now but the volume of heavy fire was not something that could be ignored.

On the other flank, the Templar was getting closer and closer to the remaining Crucifix and was taking heavy fire, several sheild emitters had failed and the hull was taking damage, hopefully it would hold long enough to compete the destruction of its target. The Meteor cannons were finally back online and once again hurling massive energetic balls toward the Fatalis. The four Principalities moved on toward the last Samael, a serious hit from the defender ripped though the main reactor of the lead Pricipality, blasting it into its constituent parts, but the remaining three came charging through the expanding fireball.

Suddenly, one of the Bastion landers from the reserve fleet thudded out of hyperspace nearby the crippled Templar, it was out of range of the Fatalis at this point so was not able to add anything to the bombardment, but was within reach of Isla's shuttle and the horde of escape pods and damaged starfighters. It rapidly launched its own Pegasus fighters for defensive purposes, and a squadron of recovery shuttles headed out to greet the incoming survivors. Isla was pleased to see its bulk looming in front of her and her shuttle docked in the main bay.

Close to the Final dawn

The Ashlan reserve fleet arrived rapidly out of hyperspace and immediately began firing at the fleet defending the superweapon, there was dozens of fresh and ready ships and they would fight hard to prevent the superweapon firing again but it may be in vain.

Isla hoped that the Ashlans on the ground were doing better than in space, but it was her job to keep them safe, the cost had been consderable. She hoped it was worth it.

    • Fatalis fleet
      • Pillar of retribution - Destroyed
      • divine purpose - (taking fire -shields depleted, severe damage to port weapon systems - large hole down port of ship - firing on fatalis- boarded - most boarding battles just mopping up now - most non-essential systems going offline)
      • rapture (taking fire - port shields very low - main bridge destroyed - firing less grouped due to weakened command and control - some weapon batteries down - all fighters launched, significant casualties)
      • Templar 1 (Crippled - loss of most port systems, on emergency power - priority to leave battle via hyperdrive)
      • Templar 2 (taking minor but persistent secondary fire - shields low - minor damage - firing on remaining Crucifix)
      • 6 dominions (switched fire to Fatalis, 3 destroyed, 1 crippled, 2 with weakened shields, Minor damage)
      • 6 principalities (engaging Samael frigates, moving forwards to try and cut down range - 2 defending damaged templar, 1 destroyed - 3 pushing with other templar)
      • 2 wardens - destroyed
      • Phoenix bombers from primary fleet mostly neutralised, only a few squadrons left
    • Eternal rule
      • Fist of Demici (Damage to hangar capability - shields damaged- opening fire - starfighters returning from Eternal Rule)
    • Reserve fleet
      • just arrived from hyperspace, engaging final dawn fleet


Sand, embers and blood would spray and spatter through the viewports below as ever barrel they had was pointed through every available viewport beneath the smoothbore and mounted LMG, both firing and doing their part in keeping the swathe of sallying Mawite warriors at bay as the desperate crew of Cataphract One tried to make sense of their situation. Others yet from among the Maw were still standing atop the crest, watching their subordinates try their hardest to overwhelm the XT-62's little-army firepower as they stood almost motionless in their state of observation. Even as the PLX-One rocket detonations beat against the front, sides and top of the Cataphract's hull, denting the main shell in multiple places and fragmentating anything that wasn't protected by the lumbering beast's armour-plating, the men at the top of the first southeast crest remained unperturbed as the madness unfolded below. The planet was bleeding, coughing and spewing up everything in and around the valley where the Mawites devilishly with Imperials, GA forces, renegade Sith and Ashlans alike, and still, the watchers from above stood resolute, ready for anyone who dared crest their reoccupied first south-eastern ridge.


Dinnae you worry about oor time-keepin', scum. Aw yer skulls are mine t'claim anyways.

Scott had been smart enough to take the driver's seat, the front viewport needed a second pair of dedicated eyes as the Laird-in-disguise set the XT-62 creeping backwards in it's first reversing gear, trying his utmost to keep their trusty tank from becoming a stationary target for rockets or coordinated fire orders; and with that, the boarding efforts would also be a factor of increased difficulty they'd have to deal with, gifting the crew of Cataphract One a few extra lifelines to alleviate some fears in their fighting-retreat. Ammunition would run low on the SA-65s, the smoothbore barrel would begin to overheat, and Doyle's machete was steadily blunting to top it all off, but the Woad and his latest Tuath acquaintances fought on, throwing everything behind their attempts to survive the onslaught. However, all their flesh-and-blood threats would pale in comparison to the hazards thrown at them by Korriban's death-throes, flailing around in death as so many mortal beings had on that day already, an explosive end result-desired by Imperial and Mawite alike.


<"Monaghan to Cataphract One! Apologies in advance, but I'm seconds away from scrapin' off the left side of your tank, lads. Brace for a good shunting!">

Ripping up sand, rock and dust in their wake as the repurposed Wildcat APC climbed aggressively uphill in high-gear, the,"Amberlamps", of the first-aid medics would arc in a gory left turn on their way in, scraping the desert-camouflage paint off the already-dented armour plating then grinding up a slew of Mawite attackers on it's way, and all without losing much momentum in the process. By the time all the scraping, churning and killing was done on the left side of the XT-62 as warned, the APC would turn again with a new exit offered by their reversing colleagues and straighten out at a growing distance to their right, slowing down as the Cataphract crew continued on southwards. Then all of a sudden, without any forewarning whatsoever, the APC's tail-gate opened to reveal the medics inside, brandishing fully-loaded SA-65s with absolute confidence they would be enough to throw the attacking Mawites into disarray. With the suspension steadied, the vehicle would smoothly draw to a calmly halt as the Red Jackal/Wildcat duo emptied their clips on the entire right side of the Cataphract, mowing down Mawites with rounds as they had with tank-tracks just moments before.

'Good, now send an incendiary uphill! Let those gawkers know we're coming for them next - OUR TURN!!!! Cragg, you have your orders! Selkie - fire on my mark, due north with a ten degree barrel-incline.... FIRE, FIRE, FIRE!!!!'


Right on cue, and with absolute assurance of their accuracy, the Cragg/Selkie team would obey their orders without question, sending an incendiary shell uphill towards the only obstacles between Cataphract One and the main battle they were trying to reach in the first place; Lord Byron, being in the driver's seat, would have front-row seats to the view as the shell itself detonated somewhere behind the watchers on the lower-southeast ridge, illuminating the outlines of their opposition for a brief enough moment that the storms and the dying planet itself would still eventually swallow this seemingly inconsequential warning for the Mawites who still defied them. However, though this moments was brief, Scott still had enough to estimate and sneer at, he still had enough incendiary to enjoy as it swirled and kicked out a pretty, bright shockwave. The real fight for survival was about to begin, and though everything was going mad with activity around him, the Guard-Captain was chuckling with delight, anticipating that waning chance to get his hands around a,"Gawker's", throat before the day was done.


'Aye, aye.... I see you up there, good sirs. We'll be with you shortly.'





C-Company sniper with bloodloss, the one in the watchtower? Dead. Monaghan checked on 'im before he left to help the Tuath medic uphill, checked for a pulse when the Jackal didn't respond to verbal requests - died looking through 'is scope, rigored in that kneeling position with rifle in 'and. Hard as nails 'til the bitter end. Only ID we have for him is his callsign and his trusty,"GUTHOOK", a weapon I fully intend to use against unexpected Mawite guests should any decide to show face. And as for the others, the walking-wounded allowed one of their own to go out into the storms again as our first-aiders' driver, and I wasn't in the room or anywhere near these fools when they brought this idea to my colleagues. Madmen, the lot o' them - but isn't that the sort of soldier we need in times like this?

Be honest with yourself, under such circumstances with your own forces, the only one who should be reprimanded would be the one in my position. The head surgical consult for the Red Jackals' part in this operation also, in this instance, will accept the consequences on their behalf. Though we're here to end lives, I'm here to save the lives of my New Imperial brethren also - so, as you know, it's more than incumbent on me to keep my walking wounded from attempting to lay their lives on the line again.... However, with the aforementioned circumstances of a supernatural kind, I think it's safe to assume why one would be so eager to leave the safety of the ramshackle field-hospital ward. All those who are conscious can hear the little demon in the white dress, and every last one of us is on edge, as there could be a chance she may have the power to inflict real harm on us - or our souls? I bloody well hope not.


Even when she hasn't seemed to manifest in visual form, we can still almost feel 'er presence behind us whenever we feel the need to move from one room to another, though as you'll understand well enough, that need don't often arise for any of us except the wounded Tuath medic & me-self. Better that way, really. We're in enough of a bind as it is, what-with the task of dealing with the treatment of every wounded Imperial we get, so we don't need no disappearances in my ramshackle - not today, not never. And yet, one small solace I can take from it is the fact she doesn't go anywhere near me comatose patients, so it seems she only likes going after those who would react to 'er torment.... As I said, small solace. Not much but beggars can't be choosers, and believe you-me - I won't be complainin'.



Did you miss me, boys? I told you I'd be back, silly-Billies!


Oh, there she is.... Speak of the devil, and they appear as a little demon with sharp little teeth like hers. If she bites anyone with those, I'm pretty sure the entire ward's going to hear the victim screaming in agony. And though wounds like that have been treated before, and by yours truly, something tells me that, with the little ghost girl, that would only be a fraction-part of 'er deal. Seems like the type of demon who would drag us down to Hell, if given the chance - especially when she grins at us through the windows of the doors she still hasn't ventured to open yet. We do not know when or why she will open the doors to these rooms, but all we do know is that she wants to, and that these rooms somehow contain the answer to the riddle that is the little ghost in white.

Make no mistake, we're in the deepest of chit out here - and there is no doubt in my mind that we're powerless to do anything about it. Karked one way or another, karked without divine or ethereal assistance, yipee for us.

More entries incoming? Yeah, we'll see. Don't hold your breath, mate. Scalpel One signing off.

Last edited:

Location: The Fatalis, High Orbit over Korriban
Allies: Brotherhood of the Maw | KV-6000 | Derix Tirall Derix Tirall | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | Aldo Garrick Aldo Garrick
Foes: Ashlan Crusade, NIO, GA | Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana | Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe


High above Korriban's crumbling mountains, dusty plains, and looted tombs, the cold void received the bodies of the slain. They leaked from shattered hulls like stuffing beads from a ripped toy, twirling stiffly through the endless darkness between the stars. There were hundreds of thousands of them, Ashlans and Mawites and Alliance personnel all drifting together, united in death. The toll of the battle above Korriban could have depopulated major cities, and it had all been reaped inside of an hour. This was slaughter on a galactic scale, only possible when five great powers clashed in a single system.

And Tu'teggacha wasn't even getting to enjoy it.

The Fatalis was bleeding atmosphere and personnel nearly as freely as any of the destroyed Mawite ships. Damage reports were coming in a constant stream as klaxons wailed and explosions shook the bulkheads. The Super Star Destroyer had been described as "almost a fleet killer unto itself", but when actually faced with an entire enemy fleet - so heavily outnumbered it was almost laughable - that claim had been proven to be nothing more than hyperbole. Even the Mawite flagship, even the vessel that had held the line at Csilla and escaped as the planet burned, couldn't stand alone... and it was nearly alone now.

The final Samael-class, the Ember of Sin, was ripped apart in the crossfire as the four Principality-class ships repeated their combined attack. It burst from front to back, the prow vaporized, then the midsection blown in twain, finally sending the engines out in mad spirals as they exploded away from one another. More bodies, more souls, more food for the ravenous emptiness. Tu'teggacha could feel them out there, the strange essence-eaters that lurked just across the veil in the Netherworld, creatures drawn to Korriban's ancient darkness... and the fresh carnage of the battle. They were old, slow, and vile.

Their hunger for suffering exceeded even his prodigious appetite.

On the other side of the Fatalis, the Severing Blade was still locked onto the Divine Purpose... and still being relentlessly pounded by the remaining Templar-class destroyer. The ship remained steadfast to the end, never hitting back against its tormentors, focusing solely on causing the damage that would break the interdiction field and free the flagship. But the end did come, and it came swiftly now. It began as a shudder, a shifting of hull plating. It ended with the Star Destroyer shaking itself apart, the full fury of its Ashlan counterpart ripping through its hull in several different locations. And then there was one.

Tu'teggacha raged and flailed, slamming his knobby hands down on the armrests of his command chair and loosing an Ebruchi howl - a sound something like meat being brutally tenderized underwater. It couldn't end like this, not here, not now! He had been a part of such slaughter, but there was so much more to come, so much blood and death and grief and pain. And he wanted it, wanted to drink it all in, and what did anything else matter? He had never been able to feel for another being, never felt a pang of empathy. He was empty that way. All that mattered were his own desires, and they were close to being snuffed out.

But in death, the Severing Blade had accomplished its unholy mission: the damaged Divine Purpose dropped its interdiction field. It was the moment that the entire command crew of the Fatalis had been waiting for, hoping for, praying for. The jump calculations had already been made, and the path engines were hot, ready to take the ship deep into the stellar wilds of the Stygian Caldera. Instantly the flagship leapt forward, trailing smoke, corpses, and debris as it stretched... and then leapt to hyperspace. The Dark Voice and his surviving Honor Guard, if any, would have to look elsewhere for rescue from the surface.

Nor was there any rescue for the Mawite starfighters still engaged in battle.

As the blue tunnel of hyperspace opened up around him, the Taskmaster released a breath he hadn't realized he was holding. Escaped. Against all odds, he has preserved his own life once again, the one thing that truly mattered to him. The Brotherhood would be glad that the Fatalis had survived, but it was clear that the ship had left a good chunk of itself behind; it would be months at best in the shipyards at Osseriton before the Super Star Destroyer could be deployed again. And the battle group with it, lost to the very last ship... that was a bitter price to pay with war and conquest looming on the horizon.

But the Ebruchi would pay any price to preserve his own wicked life.

And for now, he had.

Fatalis, a Fatalis-class Star DreadnoughtWithdrawn
Crimson Offering, a Crucifix I-class DestroyerDestroyed
Severing Blade, a Crucifix I-class DestroyerDestroyed
Sanguine Cruor, a Crucifix I-class DestroyerDestroyed
Vile Nativity, a Samael-class FrigateDestroyed
Ember of Sin, a Samael-class FrigateDestroyed
Opened Vein, a Samael-class FrigateDestroyed
Wretched Fate, a Samael-class FrigateDestroyed
Hollow Heart, a Samael-class FrigateDestroyed

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