Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Annihilation End of an Era: AC Annihilation of Korriban


[Captain Relynia Sorrene Standing By]
Revenge Air group - CAG]
{Ashlan Crusade Allies - Galactic Alliance}

{ Constantine Oliva Constantine Oliva , Max Darksun }

-Serpent Squadron - 12 V-Wing Heavy Interceptors
-Razor Squadron - 12 X-Wing Space Superiority Fighters
(Sorry about the broken pages)

The intricately calculated de-acceleration came to a gentle end, shaking Relynia’s fighter with little more than a poke's worth of force-- the handiwork of the inertial dampeners nestled in the Revenge’s spaceframe. Though, the units quickly found far more taxing work to tend to. Soon came an amplified round of jostling, enough for deckhands and pilots to feel the vibrations resonating through the hanger-- It had to be weapons fire, incoming enemy salvos bouncing off, or dispersing along the shields. And before the second round of shots, she had instinctively tightened her grip on the X-wing’s yoke, and had just as quickly begun the pre-flight checklist.

“Engines-- Check. Reactor-- Check. Weapons steady.” The captain reported into the helmet’s built-in comm link.

“Stand by…” The LSO paused for a matter of seconds to confirm a launch sequence, “You’re clear, Cap. Good hunting.”

Relynia held a raised thumb to the canopy’s screen, the gesture aimed for the small transparisteel windows overlooking the hanger’s interior, before she flicked a final switch into position. Two seconds later, the repulsors jolted to life, and let the fighter hover. Engines gradually brightened a flame, the X-wing began to accelerate for the shielded opening in the flagship’s hull, and finally-

She was out.

On one side of the scanner displays, the combined Ashlan, New Imperial, and Galactic Alliance armada began to expand as more and more vessels entered realspace. And within seconds of arrival, they had begun to strike at the Brotherhood Vanguard, the Sith fleet soon firing from behind the lines.

Both defenders would be reduced to debris clouds in due time.

As it was, her squadrons' objective simply needed to concern guarding the 253rd Picket Line, while far heavier warships crippled the enemy's defense fleet. But Relynia had her own own, far more personal and longer-term mission in mind-- to put an end to the Sith’s conquest, to bring about the dominion of their ancient homeworld, and to make them pay for their crimes; For the pain they caused her, for the pain they caused her friends, for the pain they caused her family, and for the pain they caused so many others.

But vengeance wouldn't bring anyone back; Not her parents, Not Yavana, Not Wolfpack Squadron . . . Enough time fighting the Sith had made that abundantly clear.

“This is the CAG,” She cleared her mind first, then entered a rehearsed sequence of digits into a small keypad on the dashboard, and established a connection to the pilots’ comm channels, “Serpent Squadron, take defense pattern Alpha, positions around Revenge. Razor Squadron, take the vanguard, keep close. I don’t want anything getting past us. Make sure you’ve all checked in with your squadron leaders…”

“Darksun, you’re with me,”
The captain added, “The rest of you have your orders... Good hunting to us all.”

Her fighter now pulled back, S-foils jolting into an angled attack position and locking into place as she took a position at the side of Max Darksun 's own-- though Relynia soon let the engines burn brighter to take her ahead of her wingmate.

The captain's eyes affixed her gaze to the space beyond, waiting for the chaos to be driven her way, watching for Korriban's fall, and yearning for the Sith to burn.

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Honneur, Patrie, Valeur, Discipline


Objective II : Rising Resistance
Location: On board of the Pride of Anaxes
Equipment: uniform, custom-made blaster pistol, ceremonial sword, telescope

Allies: Ashlan Crusade | NIO | Galactic Alliance | SJC/CIS/EE
Ennemies : Brotherhood of the Maw | Sith

Commanding Officer​
X101 Pride of Anaxes (flagship)​
Fully crewed, operationnal​
X102 Audacious
Fully crewed, operationnal​
X103 Courageous
Fully crewed, operationnal​
CV-2 Tonnant
Fully crewed, operationnal​
Fully crewed, operationnal​

Legend: comm in, comm out, ship's intercom and broadcast system, crew


"Sir I have something interesting for you" said the Ops Officer.

"Tell me."

"Do you remember the big Fatalis-class ship that almost obliterated us on Csilla ? Well, this ship is here."

Herlock smiled briefly. Of course he would remember that ship. It almost disabled their shields and the Pride of Anaxes managed to pass through its blockade and deliver a fatal blow to the Mercy with the Task Force 58. He hesitated to engage this ship, and finally gave his orders.

"Artillery, lock your weapons on the Fatalis' escort. Target only the closest ships."

"Aye Sir !"

The Pride of Anaxes' turrets turned to port, aiming at Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha 's escort fleet and fired several salvos. At the same time, the Tonnant's bombers went to the planet's atmosphere to deliver their gifts, escorted by multiple fighters.

"Artillery, cease fire. Navigation, bring us to the atmosphere. Comms, message our intentions to the rest of the Task Force and tell the Silencieux to remain cloaked and get past the Fatalis escort and strike them from behind."

"Alright sir !"

Suddenly, the Pride's guns became silent and the Task Force ships began their descent towards Korriban's atmosphere while the Silencieux broke the formation and headed towards Tu'teggacha's fleet, still cloaked.

Oh, great. It’s this clown again.

Ishani’s expression betrayed first surprise, then carefully arranged contempt to hide her fear. Even if he was dressed differently, she recognized Aaran Tafo at once—and the sight of him brought back painful memories. She and her fellow acolytes had barely survived their duel with the Jedi Battlemaster on Ossus, and he was probably the last person in the galaxy she wanted to see right now.

What utter bullchit. The Force is playing tricks on me.

Aaran spoke. She didn’t answer his first few questions, remaining silent and stony. The only time she showed any reaction was when he mentioned Arcturus. In her frazzled, paranoid state of mind, she thought she heard smugness in his tone, whether it was actually there or not.

He’s not here,” she said with a snarl. “So if you’re hoping to kill or capture him, don’t bother.

Arcturus was indeed gone, had been gone for a while now. At least this time he had said I’ll be back soon before he took off without her. Her lips twitched at the recollection of a goodbye kiss.

But he still hadn’t come back, even though she had waited for him until the eve of Korriban’s destruction. Well, she knew he wouldn’t have wanted her to die here. She could get out on her own and take care of herself until she found him again.

Provided she could get past Aaran Tafo.

Are you and your friends going to get out of my way?





ALLIES: What allies?
ENEMIES: Those that stand in my way
GA GA OO LALA: Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze


The spirits were whispering.

The long since dead were still around and they were all abuzz. Some were not even whispering to her. No, they were hellbent on corrupting those of Light heart that dared to intrude this resting place. The Herald of Death payed little attention to them. She knew that some will succeed.

It was the Motherland, after all - She could protect Herself well enough.

What did draw Danika's attention, was Era Knox that had come to a stop at a fork in the tunnels and was waiting for her.
<There's company to the left, Dani-girl. Your men would be in the way and that would hamper you.> the Lady of Night said to her old Initiate.
<How far does the right fork move away before connecting to the left again?> Danika asked mentally.
<A mile perhaps? Maybe two. I never took the time to measure them.>

Danika was chewing the inside of her cheek when Samron and his men caught up with her. The Falleen, of course, could not see the spectre of the Lady of Night, but he was more than aware of the fork in the road.
"Mistress?" he asked without actually asking which way.
Danika knew he would never willingly leave her side if she asked. She also knew that she could would be able to protect them from the arcane if she was not with them. So she comrpomised.
"I am unsure, darling. Why don't you and the guys take the right and I'll take the left?" she asked.
"I think not. At least take half of them with you." Samron answered.
"I'll be fine, darling. You forget we are in a tomb." she laughed. "If you all stick together, I can at least still watch over you without dividing attention." she added.
Samron grunted. "Fine." He motioned to the Hellions to follow him and they headed to the right.
<Go with them. Keep them safe. They're expensive.> she told Era.
The Lady of Night nodded. <Bring me a head, would you?> she teased before dispersing after the squad.

Danika then turned and headed down the tunnel to face the unknown demons Era had hinted at.

The Lady of Conquest was in her element the depths of the powerful planet as she glided through the tunnels. The swirling vortex of the Dark Force and magick had her bloated in power. She had forgotten how deep her roots could run on Korriban. But despite all this, she still almost missed the movement coming through the air at her. It was already over her before the Lady of Bone's instincts kicked in.

Her Force shield was up just as the blast hit her, rocking her slightly nonetheless, but she stayed on her feet and replied with a Blast in kind at her attacker's legs, aiming to knock them out from under him.
"Now, darling, it's a bit rude to dance with a lady without introducing yourself first." she said as she unclipped a saber from her belt and igniting an amethyst blade while still holding up the Shield with the other hand. Her teal eyes regarding the raven-haired man in front of her, she waited, keeping all her senses open and ready.




Location: Gunnery Crew Station, Gun Decks - Eternal Rule
Weapons: Octuple Barbette AI-MD “Gnoma” Mass Drivers - Upper Prow
Call Sign: Shen Seven
Personal Equipment: DS-101 “Venture” Multipurpose Protective Attire (X) │ SIF-57sPhase III “Force Avenger” Energy Shield
Side: Defenders
Dark: TK ( Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex ) │ BoTM ( Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha Derix Tirall Derix Tirall Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen )
Light: AC ( Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana Tristan Evore Tristan Evore ) │ NIO (Fiolette Fortan Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber Albrecht F. Herlock Albrecht F. Herlock ) │ GA ( Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe Relynia Sorrene Relynia Sorrene Constantine Oliva Constantine Oliva )

“Autocannons are firing. I’m processing rising power readings coming off the City of Ashes.” KV-0007 reported.

“Copy that, Commander.” KV-6000 answered softly. “Initiating targeting procedures, triangulating the tractor beam projectors.”

“You may fire when ready, KV-6000.”

Hundreds of years of various Sith and Imperial powers facing various renditions of Starhawk-class battleships gave KV-6000 a wealth of information to draw from regarding the ancient New Republic warship’s capabilities. Of foremost concern were its Magnite-enhanced tractor beam projectors, which by themselves could rip apart almost any conventional warship, pull vessels off course, and disrupt formations. Destroying them would render the City of Ashes as little more than a conventional, ancient warship, one lacking many of the advanced technologies featured on the vessels of the modern era.

No longer did the eight mass drivers under her control sit idle, the octuple turret swiveling into position towards the enemy battleship, which was now closing in on a potential collision course with the Eternal Rule. Targeting information was fed through the AQUILA and the gunner’s awareness, with both accounting for the seemingly innumerable factors which would need to be addressed in order to ensure the highest possible accuracy.

“Locked on target. Guns set to MAC. Firing now!”

Not a moment later, the entire emplacement vibrated as the doonium cores loaded into the launch rails of the two guns on the outside of the octuple barbette were fired off towards their target. Then, pausing less than a split-second to let the slight vibrations from the recoil dissipate, KV-6000 willed the next two guns to fire, followed shortly thereafter by two more pairs of massive doonium slugs, fired in much the same manner as before.

“Guns are empty.”

“Initiating loading sequences. All systems are maintaining integrity!” One of the technicians answered from the console next to her.

Taking advantage of the brief moments of rest while fresh doonium cores were loaded into the guns, KV-6000 glanced out the viewport, taking in the battle with her own eyes as turbolaser fire dotted the space between the City of Ashes and the Eternal Rule in a deadly lightshow, with both ships seemingly set on a seemingly aggressive course. Nevertheless, the gunner quickly shifted her focus back to the task at hand, monitoring the status of the reload sequences as she calibrated her targeting systems, especially for the potential that the tractor beams would require another salvo to destroy or disable.

  • KV-6000 targets the tractor beam arrays on the City of Ashes.
  • She fires eight shots, each intended for the tractor beam arrays from the eight AI-MD “Gnoma” Mass Drivers on the barbette emplacement under her control, all on the MAC setting.
  • Reload Sequences Initiated.
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Location: Outer perimeter of Korriban system
Faction: Ashlan Crusade
Allies: Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka Albrecht F. Herlock Albrecht F. Herlock Tristan Evore Tristan Evore Relynia Sorrene Relynia Sorrene - AC/NIO
Enemies: Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex - KV-6000 - Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen Derix Tirall Derix Tirall TSE/MAW

Fleet composition
Noble Crusader Class Battlecruisers
Pillar of Retribution (Flagship) - engaged with fatalis
Divine Purpose - engaged with fatalis
Bane of Darkness (reserve)

Dragoon Class Battle carriers
Fist of Demici - moving to engage eternal rule
Rapture - engaged with fatalis
Holy Choir (reserve)

Templar class star destroyers
6 in primary fleet, 3 in reserve fleet

Bastion class planetary invasion ship
3 in reserve fleet

Nebula-ii class star destroyers
4 in primary fleet, 2 in reserve fleet

Dominion Class escort frigate
16 in primary fleet, 8 in reserve fleet
Principality class corvettes
16 in primary fleet, 8 in reserve fleet
Warden anti-starfighter frigates
6 in primary fleet

Hangar equipped vessels have full complements of following starfighters (50/50 split)
Pegasus interceptors
Phoenix multi-role starfighters

Pillar of Retribution, Divine Purpose and Rapture continued there advance toward the Fatalis battlegroup, their gunner itching to be in range, the ships were brawlers, not snipers. As usual in battles like this, the frequencies were filled with all manner of electronic warfare as systems from both sides tried to get the upper hand, the Ashlan ships were well prepared for this kind of warfare and their systems were fairly effective at disrupting enemy targeting systems, particularly at extreme ranges, it wouldn't keep them safe from hits, but might turn a crippling hit into a lucky glance.

"Prepare for some of our frigates to follow us in" instructed Isla, highlighting a half dozen of both Dominions and Principalities and a pair of Wardens on her holo. "Move them up but keep them behind the battlecruisers until we are engaged, I want the enemy focused on our heavy ships before the support ships get there"

As she said the final words, hyperspace arrival alarms went off and a horde of star destroyers showed up on her holo, she looked out the viewer, as if she would be able to see them. "So the Maw have played their reinforcements, patch me through to our Imperial allies, and turn the remaining fleet to face our new friends."

Isla now felt her caution had been correct, the Maw had played a big hand before she had been fully engaged, so she was able to react more effectively.

"To our allied commanders, I will continue to press the Fatalis and will move the bulk of my fleet toward these star destroyers, I hope I can count in your support, good hunting out there"

She cut the feed and returned to her holo, her computer had predicted the extreme engagement range of the Fatalis fleet and as they approached that limit she felt the lights dim as the ships diverted their power into battle systems. From her window she say the Pillar begin to deploy her fighters, the enemy had numeric superiority in fighters and likely more combat experience, but these fighters were state of the art and would out up a good fight.

"Admiral, this is Rapture" came the captain through her comm feed "we have deployed 60% of our complement and climbing, interceptors moving to provide screening, Phoenix multiroles forming up into waves to strike at enemy support vessels. We are beginning to take fire from long range enemy fire. Ashla protects"

It was seconds later that a bright flash briefly lit up Islas window, before the blinders kicked in. The first volleys from the Fatalis had begin hitting home, with a particularly large impact glancing off her upper surface sending boiling energy cascading over the bridge section. The shields would hold for now and the computers began processing impacts to compensate correctly.

"Get us in range Captain" barked Isla "I want to send a reply"

Her longest ranged weapon was the meteor particle cannons on the Templars she had guarding the aft of her battlecruiser, it would be moments before they entered range themselves, the powerful guns would certainltly give the enemy something to think about.

  • Fatalis fleet
    • Pillar of retribution (taking fire -undamaged)
    • divine purpose (taking fire -undamage)
    • rapture (taking fire - undamage)
    • 2 Templars (behind battlecruisers - advancing slowly in rearguard position)
    • 6 dominions (moving to follow battlecruisers)
    • 6 principalities (moving to follow battlecruisers)
    • 2 wardens (moving to follow battlecruisers)

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Objective: Assault the Sith Academy
Allies: Geiseric, Auteme Auteme , Romi Jade | ASHLAN CRUSADE |
Enemies: Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis , Darth Voracitos Darth Voracitos , Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn , Darth Maestus, Dakrul, Darth Mori, Gnost Zym, Darth Ophidia, Alina Tremiru | MAW/SITH |

Never before had Cedric set foot in the halls of the Sith. Korriban had ever been out of his reach, even during the height of his father's empire. The halls were as drenched in the malignant power of the Bogan as he'd expected, making communion with the empyrean in any spiritual sense nearly impossible. The Force responded to his call as it always had, but its waters were opaque, whatever warnings it might have had for him beneath its depths shrouded in blinding crimson.

“Every battle feels like a tragedy, no matter how familiar,” she said.

"I suppose so," Cedric muttered just over the quiet ambience of the darkened hallway. The deeper they delved into the academy, the quieter and more insignificant the battle outside seemed. "Given enough time even terror can begin to seem mundane." He added, though it was more of a simple observation than a comment on his own personal feelings. It would have been a lie to say that Cedric was as deeply affected by conflict as he probably should have been. He tried to avoid it when possible, of course, but experience had shown him that doing so often only delayed and worsened the inevitable. It was better to be proactive rather than reactive, and if that came off as callousness or apathy for the plight of those that would inevitably die in his campaigns, then so be it.

The death of a million soldiers was a tragedy indeed, but it was infinitely better than the enslavement and murder of trillions of innocents in the galactic holocausts that would follow should they shy away from their duties. He offered her no further words on the matter: he'd only needed to justify this war to himself once again. The moment he stopped searching for such justifications would be the moment he could no longer call himself a man. He would be a beast acting on base instincts, no better than the Sith.

The abilities Auteme Auteme utilized were strange to the exile. He knew the Force could be shaped in exceedingly odd and creative ways, but cocoons of pure energy were a little beyond the scope of his knowledge. He'd not spent much time learning from the more exotic traditions beyond those based out of areas fairly near to Ession. Something to ask her about then later, assuming they both survived.

The exile bit back a curse as Laertia Io Laertia Io presented herself from an adjacent corridor. He'd promised to see her brought to trial for her murder of Essonian civilians, but there was something dark brewing at the heart of this academy. Whatever it was shrouded his senses almost completely, as if someone had thrown a dark sheet over his eyes. It needed to be investigated with before any personal grudges could be sated. He thumbed over the trigger of his lightsaber, but Auteme acted first, attempting to restrain Io before the deranged Sith could stall them in any significant sense.

"You'll have to teach me that little trick later," Cedric said as he would move to skirt past the momentarily trapped Io. The handful of Ashlan soldiers accompanying them would do the same, keeping a few paces behind the two Jedi to keep themselves clear of Sith blades. The group would find a moment's reprieve as they came upon what looked to be a locked vault door. One of the engineers quickly busied himself with trying to slice through the thing, the rest of the soldiers taking up defensive positions arrayed against the hall they had come from.

Cedric allowed himself a heavy sigh as he doused his blade, though he did not dare stow the weapon entirely. "They've defended the outskirts of the academy well, but we've barely seen a soul beyond Io since getting inside." His brow furrowed behind his mask. "I'm not sure who is down below, my senses are clouded, but I expect they want us to come to them for one reason or another. No other reason to leave the halls so unguarded."

The exile paused for a moment, his masked visage settling on Auteme. "I’m surprised you wanted to join us here Auteme, and I haven't had a moment to ask why. I’d like to know now that we have a moment. I can't imagine you enjoy fighting at the front." The engineer snapped a curse as sparks spat off the panel he was trying to slice through. Cedric paid the man no mind: for the moment, Auteme had his full attention.

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Handsome blindfolded hyper-religious whackjob

Allies: Ashlan Crusade
Enemies: Defenders of this Dust Bowl.

Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn
Maybe Creuat Creuat Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina
Guest appearance of Bernard Bernard possibly​

The hostility was to be somewhat expected. It was not uncommon for many a Sith Acolyte to see no difference between Jedi. Perfectly happy to paint all Jedi with a single brush. But taking offense when they find the same tactic used against them. Aaran was fairly certain that Ishani was not one of the Sith who took joy in tormenting others, nothing about her really screamed that she was some kind of power hungry sadist.

So, civility was still on the table.

"He left you alone?" He asked, a note of genuine concern and surprise entering his voice at Ishani's declaration that her Beau was not present. He could sense no lie in her statement. It was rather worrying that he'd leave his partner alone during such a tumultuous time for the Sith in the Galaxy.

Or they could have simply broken up. That would have been the simplest reason. But the venom in her voice seemed to imply otherwise.

"For what it is worth. I would not advise taking a ship from here." He said, hands still folded behind his back. "The airspace above the Academy is locked down. Greyson and his fanatics have pretty good control of the skies." He offered that titbit for free, hoping it would be enough to put a stop to any hasty attempts at escape.

Unless of course Ishani felt up for testing her flying skills against career pilots who would think they were dogfighting a bloodthirsty Sorcerer and not a relatively harmless acolyte.

"Alternatively." He said, raising a finger. "You can come into my custody, and I can guarantee your safety." He offered. "As well as the safety of any other acolytes who might still be around here." There was some legitimacy to his claim. It was a similar offer he made to her long ago. Safety in exchange for minor concessions, as well as some precautions put into place to ensure that nothing got out of hand.

It wasn’t like he wanted to hurt her anyway. She knew that much. The entire time during the brief scrap on Ossus he had been fighting nearly entirely defensively. Never striking with lethal intent. Only ever looking to disable or escape.

He was genuinely not looking to hurt anyone on this world who was relatively innocent. Only looking to save who he could.

"I do have to ask. Do you have a bigger plan here? Because if you're just going to leave this whole conflict behind and wash your hands of the Sith, I'm happy to let you walk away."
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// Location: Abandoned Sith Tomb - Vestibule
// Objective: Wouldn't You Like To Know?
// Equipment: Adekon Nanogene - Type 1, Imperial Mk. I "Dooku-Pattern" Jedi Armor (but, you know, more stylish)
// Associated Acts: Darth Orcus (Friendly), Darth Voracitos Darth Voracitos (Neutral), + Whoever Else Wants to Drop By

He gasped, in that sort of manner aristocracy did when etiquette had been breached. "You think I'm helping him?"
If happening to occupy the same structure qualified as helping, then yes, Adekos supposed he had helped so many people in his life that he could reasonably apply for beatification. Something, however, told him otherwise.
The walls quaked again, this time coming from below. The machinations of their fellow Darth, no doubt. Adekos could practically hear chanting cultists in his imagination. Unnatural portals to terrible planes of existence were doubtlessly being rent open. A beacon that practically begged for Jedi intercession. But the telemetry that could be gathered here from recording the undulations of the Force would be well worth the risk.​
"Well, it wasn't personal then, it is hardly personal now," Darth Adekos reasoned, "I doubt he even remembers."
Most people didn't, as it happened.
"Still, even if he did, you shouldn't be surprised how willing people are to forgive grudges in the name of personal convenience.."​
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Fiolette Fortan



Captain Fiolette Fortan of the Royal Galidraani Navy stood on the bridge of her ship. Hands behind her back as she stood at ease, her concentration for the moment set on the viewscreen. "Treloar," she called to the commander who for the moment loomed over the tactical officer. "Relay coordinates to the fleet, reposition lines Aurek and Besh to four-point two, Cresh and Cherek on four-point three and five respectively." The orders were acknowledged by a single nod from the commander, a man who stood roughly at six foot two. He was well built with a slight angle on his jaw, hair was as black as the void they sailed upon.

Fiolette turned her gaze from the view screen to the tactical map on her left, where the blips of greens and reds were displayed. She watched as the Sith Eternal's formidable ship engaged with the Galactic Alliance. "Lieutenant Dunlop relay information to the Galactic Alliance, Galidraan will support when and where necessary." Aside from this, their priority would be to focus on Enedina Tal, and Erskine Barran along with the special forces groups that were on the surface. "Treloar, have tactical keep an eye on the Mawite Group." There were a lot of moving parts in the black of space, and the Galidraani Captain wanted to err on the side of caution.

Quietly she strode from where the tactical map had been presented and across to the right of her station. She took a moment to examine the panel and in a diligent manner pressed the controls, making contact with the carrier air group commander. "Ready all combat groups, close air support on standby, ready up bombers and escorts." Her hand then released the button and a cackle on the comms could be heard as the commander acknowledged their orders.

"Dunlop, encrypted communications, Galidraani channels," she ordered cooly her voice held that firm tone. A tone that Fiolette hadn't used in quite some time. "This is Captain Fiolette Fortan of the Warspite, we're ready with close air support."

"Treloar," summoned Fiolette as she moved away from the captain's station and stepped down to the main floor of the bridge where officers and crew moved about in a hurried manner. "The Galactic Alliance and Sith Eternal forces will most likely engage for the better part of the battle, but I have no doubt we'll see action directed our way. Your thoughts?"

The commander with his hands behind his back approached the captain. He gave her a small look then his focus went past her and to the tactical screen which was in clear view of where he stood. His lower jaw moved slightly to the left then right as he thought of what to say, Treloar knew what he wanted to do and that was to put distance between them and most of the other fleets enough to give them time. "Perhaps locate us behind the Alliance lines, undoubtedly Rausgeber will engage with the Maws, and the Alliance the Sith, which will leave us with whatever faction that has an itch to scratch." Treloar's attention had shifted to the captain and he watched for her response.

"Indeed," acknowledged Fiolette who motioned with a slight cant of her head for the commander to follow her back up to the captain's station. "What say you to our movement, to system section five?" A short pause for breath as she motioned for him to head toward the tactical screen. Hands at her side as she strode up the steps, "this gives us distance and puts us well out of most long-range weaponry, but still in communications distance with our forces on Korriban." Fiolette concluded with, "I'd like your opinion on the deployment of our forces to Korriban itself."

Treloar followed the captain up the steps and his eyes fell once more to the tactical screen. "Let us hold on our deployment to Korriban, only if they are necessary. Our forces are few in number and therefore quite precious, but to your first question, I agree. Let us move our forces to system section five." Treloar took hold of a small stylus that hand laid neatly at the top of the tactical screen. "For as you stated this will give us breathing room, and place out well out of range from the main fighting forces here. We can also set up our fighters here on an interception and defense screen."

Fiolette watched as the commander drew out the plan on the screen. "Make it so then Commander Treloar."

From the void of space, the Galidraani Naval Forces would shift away from the main battle in the system. Wedged-shaped vessels leaving the bulk of the fighting to the other navies. Their focus instead would be to establish themselves behind the Galactic Alliance lines. As it went without saying that the Galidraani would, of course, assist the New Imperials should they ask for it. Until such time the forces of Galidraan would work to support their ground elements.

The formation of the battlegroup held the Warspite in the centermost position with star destroyers and cruisers surrounding her, and their frigate and corvette escorts surrounding them. Every ship well within the range of the other to quickly lend aid when the occasion arises.




Galidraani Forces: Enedina Tal Enedina Tal Hiran Avola Hiran Avola Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Fiolette Fortan

Allies (NIO): Rurik Fel Rurik Fel

Allies (AC/GA/EE/SJC): Lonnie Kai Lonnie Kai Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze Damsy Callat Damsy Callat Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim
Starlin Rand Starlin Rand Aelina Corsanis Aelina Corsanis

Enemies (Sith Remnants): Vector Monk Vector Monk Laertia Io Laertia Io Anja Doreva Anja Doreva Darth Orcus
Chasianna Chasianna Ana Malixar Ana Malixar Caulder Dune Caulder Dune

Enemies (BOTM/NSO/AL): The Mongrel The Mongrel

Gowrie's Loadout
Primary: Custom Blaster-Pistol (Right-hip Holster - left-or-right hand draw)
Secondary: Basket-Hilted Vibrosword Rapier (Left-hip Sheathe - right hand wielding)
Last Ditch/Second-Blade: Shugg's Fairbairn Vibroknife (Right-hip Sheathe - right-or-left hand wielding)
Pocket-Weapon: Barbershop Razor (Right-pocket - right-hand wielding)

Wildcat Battalion

55 XT-62 Cataphract Tanks

20 Scout-AFVs
10 MLVs
5 Predator Launch-Platforms

2 Guardian Tac-Teams
1 Field-Medic Platoon
1 Combat-Engineer/Logistics Squad





<"Reed to Wildcat One! We've just got word through from Galidraani Special Forces, along with a coded message, which reads as follows,"Unit 44 will be reaping Mawite heads today, so try your best to hit them where it hurts. We need the Wildcats to draw them all out for us, like bees around their honey. You are free to move up for a fair few miles yet.", so how do we proceed, Milord?">

'As instructed, Wildcat Two! One, ah want t'see whit the troops from Unit 44 are capable of. A couple Tuaths were poached for selection, an' they weren't sent back, which means only one thing; they made the selection process an' now serve under Lady Enedina. Two, these fellas almost demand we find the Mongrel, confirming Mawite presence on the ground before we could even start looking.... As good an omen as any, Ginge. Wildcat One out!'

The snarl became a smile in a flash, with eyes opening in a giddy excitement similar to that being experienced by the squad-commanders of Unit 44, not that Lord Aron would know until he'd seen them in action for himself; with teeth grinding aggressively, the adrenal part of this giddiness was beginning to make it's presence felt also, something the Kellas knew would need to be controlled more harshly to get the best out of himself when the time finally came to face off against the Mongrel. And yet, Lord Aron had a strange feeling creeping in to mingle with the others, thinking it a worrying sign that the Wildcats would be experience what it felt like to be the lesser Galidraani force on the ground, growing mildly disappointed that this occurrence was to be the first of (what was appearing to be) many. Despite this, however, Gowrie would fight the flowing proverbial tide as his Wildcat Battalion did their best to embody the Woad-born who brought them all together in the first place.
Ah see how it is, but whit ye gawnty dae when Gowrie decides ti upgrade his own tank-array? Yer stuck wae us noo, Free-State!

When it came to Galidraan's Goidelic class, none could doubt the dedication of the Woads, Highlanders and Tuaths when peace had finally been established between the former migrators and House Fortan; and even less so when they began to wage war together, as one effective diasporic entity that proudly considered itself wholeheartedly Galidraani in identity. Gowrie was truly no exception to this, never once thinking of turning on his superiors, or his own subordinates and colleagues alike; as his strong sense of loyalty was derived from his respect for both Lord Erskine and the mentor who prepared him for the wars that were changing the face of the Galaxy itself. Unshakable dedication to the lifelong pursuit of proving the worth of his people's fighting caste, proving their worth in the eyes of his superiors as the Kellas himself proved his worth as a commander and a warrior in his own right, that was all Gowrie felt that he needed to step out from Barran's ever-growing shadow, and all he would ever need to survive the New Order's wars on the Brotherhood of the Maw.

'McCabe, ah'm giein' you control o' the ACVs an' the artillery for the rest o' this op. Ah'm gawn a wee daunder in search o' the Mongrel, don't kark it up, aw'right?'

'Whit? HAAAWW, SERR!!!', the young Commoner-Leftenant shot back to begin his biting salvo of a reply, having noticed almost immediately that his Lord-Commander wasn't even remotely joking. Snarling with an audible growl, the twenty-year-old knew he had every right to be angry at this obvious deviation from the Kellas' very own strict ruleset for the Korriban-plan, giving rise to his complete lack of humility and respect in the company of his aristocratic commander, but one that Gowrie understood almost too well nonetheless. Lord Aron had often felt this rage towards Lord Erskine, and still held a mild grudge against the Woad over his actions on Serenno, seeing this for himself when he turned to find the young commoner glaring with rivalling intensity as McCabe continued,*'An nóiméad é seo do fhoirceadal ré-PMC, a-Thiarna? Mothaíonn sé mar sin é!'
**'Is this a moment for PMC-era doctrine, Milord?' Sure feels that way!'

*'An fhoirceadal Hast? Ó, cinnte nach bhfuil .... Tá a fhios agam go díreach cad atá á dhéanamh agam, McCabe.'
**'The Hast doctrine? Oh, definitely not.... I know exactly what I'm doing, McCabe.'




Davidson had made good on his promise to stay alive for the Lord-Colonel's opening strategic plays, giving Scott all the peace-of-mind he needed to work on the tactical lifelines the Wildcats would have at their disposal going forward; in their approach to the lion's share of the Mawites' contingent on the ground, the Tuaths had it on good authority that whoever they'd be facing off against, the opposition would be stiffer than a vast majority of foes they'd encountered by then. This was the key selling-point in Gowrie's original briefing on Archais after all, and this was the type of opposition the Kellas' subordinates relished the chance of facing most of all, living on the maxim of,"One only improves if they're outmatched by greater opposition.", like it was the one and only challenge they were never in the right place to endeavour.

<"McCabe to Guardian One! Gowrie's gone an' done a Barran on us, but this feels more like a,"Generis-Barran", as opposed to a,"Serenno-Barran", if ye catch mah drift.... But enough o' that noise, if yer callin' in for artillery - Q-M One is the callsign the Wildcats are needin', that sound?">

'Of course it is, QM One! My men would eventually ask for you anyways, as it seems our datapads are a little goosed oot here. And we all know that makes sending coordinates that way impossible for now, so you best get ready to type in the coordinates as we read them out to you. Stay sharp back there, McCabe! Guardian One out!'

Looking through his ACV's front viewports, Scott smiled a wicked grin as his eyes scanned the horizon ahead with joyous anticipation, like an enormous weight had been lifted off his shoulders; and in that most personal of moments, brief though it was, Byron understood that the chance to fight the worthy fight, in and of itself, was giving him a willpower that was also gifting it's momentum to everyone advancing on the Mongrel's contingent with him. Whatever feelings of supreme confidence had been experienced before, the intensity of their morale at it's peak would prove to dwarf that feeling which drove the Wildcats onto victory on Muunilinst tenfold, and their approach to Unit 44's offensive static line would seemingly slip by them in a flash, rushing towards the flashes beyond the horizon at their tanks' highest gear-setting as the prospect of a proper fight kept all minds firmly on the task at hand.

'Let us see what Galidraani Special Forces can do with a little smoothbore assistance, shall we? We can make ourselves useful at a distance, just like a day at the ranges in Ravelin - but higher-stakes! As all good things should be!'

The lads from Unit 44 are going to want to punch through anyway, might as well clear a path for them.

Of a mind to clear out as many Mawites as possible, Captain Scott would try his hardest to lighten the enemy presence in the area so his Lord-Commander (in full walkabout mode) would have a clearer path to his intended duelling opponent. The first mechanised line, consisting entirely of Davidson's Scout-AFVs, would be screening ahead for any signs of hidden, poised opposing squads and the likes, giving plenty cover for Unit 44's west-facing rearguard as the second XT-62s worked to close the gap between their two-line formation. A relieving sign that unit cohesion could possibly win the day for Gowrie's Tuaths, but Scott, of a similarly-superstitious disposition to that of Lord Barran, wouldn't be tempting fate until it was better than advantageous to do so, serving as a revealing difference in attitude to many of the other Woad and Tuath clansmen Byron had known along the way.

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Kade Kol-Rekali


// Location: Abandoned Sith Tomb - Vestibule
// Objective: Wouldn't You Like To Know?
// Equipment: Greatsaber, Battle Armor
// Associated Acts:
Caulder Dune Caulder Dune (Friendly), Darth Voracitos Darth Voracitos (Neutral), + Whoever Else Wants to Drop By

"Ah, yes, that reminds me of days I know only in memory now."

The vestibule rumbled and the world shook, but Orcus only looked up at the dust particles drifting from the ceiling with the detachment of one who no longer feared death, doom, nor even the end of the world.

"These remembrances are hazy. A life lived by someone else."

For was he not merely a clone of Darth Orcus? A vessel imparted with that being's memories? He did not bear any of that Herglic's scars, though he remembered the pain of their infliction.

"A handful of Sith standing side by side on Ruusan. Some only there out of convenience, yes," he glanced sidelong at Adekos, "but so many more united by a dream. A vision."

Now he stared directly at Adekos.

"The greater good. It was for this we humbled the Silver Jedi. And it is for this that we will accomplish our task here. I believe in this cause just as my predecessor did before me. The helm of civilization must not rest in the flippers of the weak... hauum. Only those with the strength to do what is necessary can guide us toward the future. Often with gentle pushes and pulls... but sometimes...."

Again, the world around them shook with fearsome conflict.

"With a merciless blow."
Korriban was one of those words that Coren Starchaser hated going to. But with the growing call of the Force, he had no choice but to arrive on the planet. He took his E-Wing, the one with the stealth systems, despite it being a bright white-and-blue, compliments of the Kattada Jedi Temple. Still, with the Ashlan Crusade here, and what felt like every Force user in the galaxy. But what he felt was her.

The one that he had inadvertently set on her current path. The zealot who made even his wars seem tame. There were Jedi looking for the one that was now going by Darth Xiphos, but there was something calling to him in the Force, something directing him. Was it Ashla itself? The Daughter? He wasn’t sure. It could be destiny. It didn’t matter who or what it was, but the Jedi Master had ample time to consider the Force and his role in it by heading to this Sith Stronghold world.

With Porter’s guidance, Coren landed the E-Wing where he felt guided to.

“Porter, remain with the ship, ok? I’ll have my commlink on me if I need to be moving quickly.” The Force was feeling fluid here. He wasn’t able to see much farther in the Force than the next few minutes. But it was calling to him.

His helmet off, the Jedi was in dark brown Force-enchanted leathers, blue and white piping. On his hip was his main belt, blaster on one side, his lightsaber, with the Starchaser’s Light inside, a white-teal blade, blending the position of guard and student. The Jedi Master called out in the Force, challenging the darkness, the Sith. He could feel Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex , but he was called here for another.

And he was going to stop her.

Laertia Io Laertia Io

He left you alone?

He can go wherever he pleases, whenever he wants. I don’t try to control him,” Ishani snapped. “It’s none of your business anyway. Why do you care?

Then he mentioned the Crusader fleet that had locked the planet down, keeping anyone from leaving. This was something she had not had a chance to consider in the chaos that had followed the beginning of the attack, when all of her focus had been on reaching her personal starship in one piece. Now, she realized this might be an impossibility.

Her fear grew into terror, which then gave way to anger and resentment born of impotence. There was nothing she could do, then. She was going to die here, unless she could hide or smuggle herself offworld—

"Alternatively. You can come into my custody, and I can guarantee your safety. As well as the safety of any other acolytes who might still be around here."

Her eyes narrowed. “You pulled this same chit last time. What makes you think it’ll work now? Just because it looks like I have no choice, I’ll agree to be your fething hostage?

It wasn’t as if her aversion to the idea of coming into the custody of a Jedi was misplaced. Apart from the NJO’s terrible reputation when it came to how they handled Sith acolytes, no one knew what actually happened to Sith who were taken prisoner by the Jedi. Most of the time they were never seen nor heard from again. The Jedi insisted that they had been persuaded to cease their evil ways and left to begin new lives in hiding, but that had always seemed unlikely to Ishani. After all, being dark—being less than moral—was easy. So, what was really going on? Were the Jedi severing acolytes from the Force and shipping them off to live as harmless normal citizens?

No thanks.

It occurred to her that there might still be a way out for her. She could use her connection to Caedyn Arenais as his secret apprentice in order to get out of here. It shouldn’t be too hard to pretend she was a full-fledged Jedi with no connections to the Sith, someone that had been held prisoner down here and was using the invasion as a chance to escape. It wasn’t like her ship was an inherently Sith vessel, either…

"I do have to ask. Do you have a bigger plan here? Because if you're just going to leave this whole conflict behind and wash your hands of the Sith, I'm happy to let you walk away."

Yeah, sure, whatever,” she muttered. “I don’t know where the rest of the Sith are anyway. They all went into hiding or something. They definitely aren’t here on Korriban anymore, that’s for sure.

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Starlin Rand Starlin Rand
Captain Monk tossed his head back and laughed. It was a hearty, even melodious sound with just the slightest tinge of menace. He did not lower his particle blaster. Behind them both the conflict between light and dark still raged but Vector might as well have been socializing at a cocktail party. His effete posture and rakish smirk seemed unflappable.

"Heard of him? Again we see there is nothing Professor Nimdok can possess which I cannot take away."

Vector almost pulled the trigger. Then an even more fiendish notion crossed the Reclamation Service agent's mind. Starlin appeared to be a glorified teaching assistant, summer intern material at best. Ending his life would cause the 'esteemed' professor only a minor inconvenience. However if Monk could suborn this lackey into his that seemed like a worthwhile pursuit. Besides he could use help lifting heavy things, usually there were indentured servants around for that part.

"Forgive my abominable manners," he gave a genteel dip all the while still holding the Jedi at blaster point, "Captain Vector Monk, Imperial Reclamation Service. I'm on something of a treasure hunt myself, and it would seem you are at my...disposal."

He couldn't help but give another fiendish chuckle. This self-confessed enemy of the Sith would have to die eventually but he could prove most helpful before the end.

"Well, dear fellow. Care to help make history? For we seek none other than...the Lost Tomb of Darth Vader!"

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// Location: Abandoned Sith Tomb - Vestibule
// Objective: Wouldn't You Like To Know?
// Equipment: Adekon Nanogene - Type 1, Imperial Mk. I "Dooku-Pattern" Jedi Armor (but, you know, more stylish)
// Associated Acts: Darth Orcus (Friendly), Darth Voracitos Darth Voracitos (Neutral), + Whoever Else Wants to Drop By

He returned the cetacean’s stare with a raised eyebrow. Yes, they had humbled the Silver Jedi, hadn’t they? And then they had killed themselves – literally in the case of Orcus and metaphorically in the case of Adekos and their third accomplice, Carach.
Speaking of, where was Carach? Adekos could not sense him, but neither could he sense his death. Perhaps it was better that way.
He shook his head, dismissing phantoms and thoughts, and meandered away from Orcus. His boots crunched as they passed over a shattered mosaic. Adekos leaned against a wall, next to a dusty, chipped statue of a stern-yet-corpulent young Boke, and folded his arms over his chest.
Darth Adekos gestured to the broken room they occupied, with its shattered statues and fading frescoes; its cracked walls and uneven floors.
And what exactly is necessary these days, Orcus? Our predecessors and contemporaries clearly failed making that determination. As have we, otherwise I wouldn't have needed to clone you.
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Uhhh…” Starlin trailed off. He was pretty sure that if Nimdok had ever dealt with this guy, Starlin would’ve heard about it by now.

Vector Monk finally introduced himself, and all the pieces seemed to fit together.

Imperial Reclamation Service…? Ohhh, you’re one of those wacky NIO guys!” Starlin’s own oblivious laughter joined Vector’s fiendish chuckling. “Well, why didn’t you say so!

The Lost Tomb of Darth Vader?” While he was perfectly willing to help (or at least play along) Starlin was a bit confused by Vector’s mission. “Uh, why would Darth Vader’s tomb be on Korriban?” he asked. “I mean, did Vader ever even visit Korriban? He seemed like he was a pretty busy guy, y’know, helping to run the Empire and chit. We know his body disappeared when he became one with the Force, and then Luke burned his armor on Endor… Or is this like how there are a hundred different Tombs of Luke Skywalker scattered across the galaxy for the sake of drawing tourists?

Tags: Vector Monk Vector Monk

Crane Baxa


The Catacombs: Tomb of Kronos
Allies: Sith
Enemies: Everyone Else
Equipment: Twin Veshet Blaster Pistols, Gatecrasher Scattergun, Lightsaber (Blue)​

Walking through the Tomb was almost a chore in itself. It had taken him several minutes to even progress a few feet, a feat none the less from Nervik himself, whom constructed the tomb as a failsafe. Throwing a rock at a nearby string, it set off and slammed a large slab of stone down before falling to the side. While some of it was comical, a lot of the traps seemed to have been set off at this point. Noticing a small gap in the wall, he carefully breathed in and slinked his way through, looking as if it was a short cut. Then there it truly was, the room.

The burial chamber was neatly decorated, as it would have been if Kronos decided to been buried on Korriban. The room was decorated with jewels around the top of the chamber, some being lightsaber crystals of varying quality, which now seems to have taken a life of its own, growing as some portions were now of large spikes. Tapestry of the old Sith Empire dot the room, urns that signified a bygone era of civilization. Walking towards one, he would gently touch the side of it as he felt a bit of the old kleptomanic in him to just take it and hold it all for himself. Before he could think further, he noticed the coffin in the room, a large ornate standing one that was opened...with a person right in front of it in a hooded robe holding the scepter he seeked. No longer touching the urn, the Chagrian would prematurely undo the loop around his lightsaber, speaking out loud.

"I would drop the scepter and leave, this is a family burial ground and still protected."

The hooded figure would almost perk up instantly, turning a bit as the darkness still shrouded his identity as he remained quite silent. Slowly tilting his head towards the Chagrian, it would start to walk down the stairs as Crane would finish undoing the rope, grasping onto his lightsaber tightly. It was of a newer design, something to accommodate his new size and hopefully his handling. The robed one stopped thirty feet away, head still tilted as it finally spoke out in a strange gritful voice.

"This place has been forgotten for millenia, it is no longer anyones."

"I beg to differ, show your face robed one, so I can-"

The robed one would rather quickly throw off the hood on his head as the Chagrian recoiled in shock. Eyes wide, he stared straight forward as he almost looked on in horror. Part of him wished the rumors were not true, he had no idea what to say nor what he even wanted to mention. Before he could say a word, the Sullustan spoke.

"Hello Crane...fancy finding you here after all these years. Even a new body to boot...then again, it seems to be the flavor this time around."


Jegy Sesara Jegy Sesara stood before the Chagrian as there was a strong silence as the sound of battle was almost mute at this point. Not having seen each other in over eight hundred years, time differing with the Sullustan suffering through time itself for over eight hundred years, with the Chagrian only suffering a few years, frozen in carbonite for a majority of eight hundred years. Speaking a bit out loud, he took a step forward and almost felt his voice break.

"How the hell are you still alive?! I hear your tales and I hear that you walk among this galaxy, but almost nary a lead nor idea where you were!"

"I suffered through my sins of Bogan, it kept me alive...but my punishment was swiftly taken away by Ashla, giving me a new life and giving back my Sun!"

"Sun? It did not bring me ba-no, you mean your first love? The gi-"

"The Tusken yes, my sweet Sullustan woman. Ashlas gift to give me a new chance, a new life! All I had to do...was follow her way and give whatever was needed. Now she demands a cleansing of Bogan, a cl-"

"A cleansing?! This is genocide! I thought this was what you were always against! The very nature of death being needed in every aspect!"

"War brings ugly things, I will not lie about that. For every ten good things, there is always one bad thing. You know why I did my things, wh-"

"Did your things? Your things....caused so much death and destruction!"

"Stop interu-"


There was almost a stunned silence as the Sullustan looked rather shocked, the Chagrian getting closer by a few steps and pointing with his right hand, his eyes almost red in rage as he spoke loudly as he could.

"You ABANDONED ME! Not only just me, you abandoned the one woman who cared for you! Ironik-a was heart broken when you left to do your crusade, wanting to avenge the Pavans! They were not our problem anymore yet you made it YOUR problem! You had to chase the galaxy, avenging them as if it would bring them back! She gave up waiting for you and I gave up to! You wanted that adventure, to feel important again after the Galaxy threw your sorry Inquisitorial kriffin rump across the street when the Empire fell! YOU NEVER THOUGHT OF US!"

The Sullustan just stood there, almost shaking in a bit of rage but mainly grief, shaking his head as he tried to speak up.

"It...It was not like that. You were to young to understand...I could not risk losing you, they targeted the Pavans and that meant we were possibly next. I could not risk anyone connected with me to get harmed the same way. She...she was a special Ithorian woman but she was a New Republic Senator, even if I got away with being a bodyguard, there was enough red tape to bury her under ten miles of dirt. I...I did not want to leave her. What choice did I have? Risk my life and die, protecting you and her in the process or risk losing you as I did Nina, your mother. I gave her my wo-"

"Your word? Your word?! Your word might as well be useless as your speeches. I know the truth, all of it. I found the discs Dad, still in the computer banks in Chad III. I saw what you did to the Baxa family, my killed them all. All of my mothers family died by your hands!"

"Crane...listen please, whatever you saw, that is not the full story. I was sending a gift of fish to the father, I wanted to impress him to ask for her hand in marriage. A large gubber fish, never known about it because you were already coming it more of a shotgun marriage happened. When I arrived, they shocked the daylights out of me, stripped me naked and hung me over the ocean, dropping me to my death. I survived, I got my lightsaber and I went to save your mother from whatever fate they had planned."

Crane pulled out a small holo-projector and started tapping on a few keys on his datapad before throwing it down. The Sullustan looked confused, seeing the projection of two individuals as he knew who they were instantly. Staring at the two Chadra-Fan figures, the audio would be turned up as it seemed a bit old as it sputtered in and out projection wise, some of their movements not syncing correctly.

"-still that was not something you needed to do! Could you not just told him no instead of throwing him off a ten thousand story tree?!"

"He is an Inquisitor! Knowing his response, he would have just thrown me out a window on rejection! I did what I had to do!"

"But I could have told him for you coward! There was no need for this!"

"You could have told him no? Are you so sure of it after all the work you two been through? He would have let you go with...with that thing in your stomach!"

"He would have at least listened! I don't even want to marry the bastard and I tried to be nice as I could all the way here with the stupid fish!"

"Then I settled it! He is dead and you don't have to marry, you have the child and raise it among our family, we can forget thi-"

"ATTENTION! We have an intruder on the lower floors, he just took out the-"

Then the entire feed ended with a horrified look on both of their faces though when it ended, the Sullustans was even more noticeable. It was of shock, disgust, confusion, anger and sorrow all at once. Slowly shaking his head, he tried to mouth a few words as the Chagrian used the Force to pull the holoprojector back into his hand.

"T-th-th....that't, no it...I did not...she..."

All words were finally lost on the Sullustan as the words could not be found, hitting that realization of what finally happened. The Sullustans eyes started to turn back to their pale green as he stared out into the abyss before him, realizing what actions he done so long ago now. The Chagrian walked forward a few more steps, now within fifteen steps away as he spoke up louder, looking his father dead in the eyes.

"You...killed my entire linage. Her father tried to protect her and yet, you decided the best course of action was to murder them all! You kept her in the house, citing safety and yet you did not even realize you lost it even then. Your altars to these women....Sun, Tamai, Ivunuvi, Nina, you just wanted something to cling to. I would not be surprised if you did the same with Ironik-a, wishing her just were desperate for anyone! Everyone died before you so you clung to a freighter pilot who barely wanted someone like you!"

"No! She loved me, I know it! We spoke, we hugged, we held you in our arms! She was my life!"

"And you let her DIE! She was safe with them and you did not even realize it! You made your own rules and did whatever you wanted, you did not care for what happened! You not only ruined her life, but countless thousands with more than thousands you left dead in your wake! Every act of anger and revenge you partake ruined so many lives! You had the chance to restart, to live differently and yet you let that sithspawn in you destroy everything around you! Look now! You side with genocidal maniacs, wanting to purge the galaxy in their own light! You want to be the good guy but you are not! I seen these people kill and you believe the best course of action is to side with them?!"

"Ashla gives us hope, to rid this galaxy of Bog-"

"Ashla is not real! No matter what you believe happened, even in the Netherworld, you are twisted into whatever you are now. You are being controlled and you do not even realize it! Even Sun, whom is what you believe alive just cannot be! Not one person can revive someone!"

"Ashla is real! I was given the power to by Ashla herself! I had grown more powerful than people ever imagined, I done things that even Grand Masters of the Jedi, Emperors of the Sith only wished they could have done! I became more than I am, I became immortal! Pom Stych Tivé Pom Stych Tivé showed me the afterlife and gave me another chance! I live the life how I want it, no one else! I redid the Temple on my own, I brought Sun back from the Netherworld, I keep everything alive through MY will! I can do anything!"

"Then bring back my mother."

There was another silence as the Sullustan held up his left hand, focusing as he tried to do what he commanded...but nothing materialized, his face starting to become more infuriated as Crane spoke again.

"This Ashla has tricked your mind! This is all an illusion, these powers you have, all this bountiful energy, whatever this dark twisted persona of a person this is, you are trapped by it! You have to end the connection with it!"

"No! I will lose Sun, I will lose all that I have worked for! Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson , my Lord, requires my assistance almost always!"

"Dad...he is not the Emperor, stop thinking he is...he is along for this ride to. I can't....let you take that Scepter to him. Hand it over, come back...I know the good that is in you and I know it tries but you are being warped and manipulated."

"No! It is you that is manipulated! I can hear Ashlas word! You been corrupted...yes corrupted by Bogan! have to come to Ashlas light!"

The Sullustans eyes almost started to look crazed, as if losing almost all thoughts of reality. Crane stared down his father as he realized he was not only lost, but been lost for a very long time. No matter what good he had tried to accomplish, it always had brought forth death and destruction, for his own want and need for adventure. Holding carefully the lightsaber in his left hand, he ignited it as a blue blade extended out and gently held it up.


Jegy would drop the Scepter when he had asked, but only to thrust both hands forward as a massive sound of crushing stone and metal surrounded the area. Crane would been thrown across the room with overwhelming force as he was not expecting that so quickly and smashed into the wall, rolling into some pottery shards as he groaned, feeling something popping in his left arm. A familiar snap hiss would be heard as the Sullustan started to walk forward with a red and blue lightsaber in each hand, illuminating the area around them.

"You are facing one of Ashla, you will not win this Crane."

"Ashla will not defeat the Royal Prince of the Baxa Clan!"

Chagrain would cry out loudly in rage, jumping forward as he struck downwards on the Sullustan, sparks of plasma shooting off from each side as their duel began. The Sullustan using a combination of Soresu and Djem So, while the Chagrain used Ataru and Niman, attempting to disarm one of the blades as their lights echo throughout the tombs chamber.
if they're watching anyways

Auteme's expression became solemn. The question Cedric posed was one she often pondered herself -- why was she there? What could she achieve here?

"I don't enjoy fighting at all," she said, "so I try not to, whenever possible.

"I... I think it's always possible, to find another way. It's difficult -- violence is easy, this regression to instinct and hate... it's easy. It's easy to think that's the only option, and it feels like it has been for so long- how many battles, how many wars have been waged in the past decade? We've been conditioned to believe it is the only way. Even I... I call myself a pacifist, but even my imagination has been so limited as to believe I must be here, to contribute in a meaningful way to a cause I believe in."

She sighed. "But here I am, here to 'fight' the Sith. Last time I could claim I was here to protect my friends, and other times I might say to save lives, and that's still true. Yet I could do the same at a hospital, or from the Senate floor."

Her gaze wandered, and her hand rose to grasp at her jumpsuit.

"It's this place. This darkness. I can't ignore it. It hurts to be here, it grates on the mind." She knew he felt it too. Korriban was a broken, sad place; she could not bear it. "And the Sith... they linger here, restless, even as the Empire crumbles and their warlords scatter and their physical bodies decay. Even across the galaxy there's a sort of weight that this planet carries. I was meditating, searching for glimpses of the future... and this place kept trying to pull my attention."

She couldn't tell him why. Perhaps it was those lingering threats of the Sith, or warning of another calamity like Csilla -- all she knew was that she had to be here.

Side: Attackers
Gang_Gang: Creuat Creuat


Xashe sat still as stone within the transport. Soldiers and Jedi alike surrounded the padawan and master. They would share in the same plight, fighting against the scourge of darkness, but their presence brought little solace. They would be unable to protect her, perhaps unable to save themselves. Not only did they stand to face the likes of those who committed the atrocities on Csilla, but the environment itself detested them. It gnawed at the edges of her mind, searching for an avenue that led deeper. The saber at her side buzzed frantically, for it too recognized the pull. Fidgeting with the seams of the jumpsuit she felt out of place in, her eyes were planted downward as she addressed Rhis.

"They said it was bad, but I never realized..." Her words trailed off as she pondered. "It makes it feel impossible to do what we're doing. Rid the galaxy of darkness. How could we when a place like this exists?"

Momentum shifted as the transport began to slow. Her heart rate increased as grim-faced soldiers rose, doing final checks on their gear. A slight panic began to pursue her. The mirialans breathes shallowed as she considered only one side would walk away, and it might not be her own.


Her defiance was echoed aloud as she fought it. She was a soldier of light, a guardian of life. She would not be twisted by the whispers of evil. They would not stop her from stopping those who sought relics of destruction. Xashe stood, slowly but firmly, as the transport came to a stop.
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