Everyone I care about dies

[Captain Relynia Sorrene Standing By]
[ANV Revenge Air group - CAG]
{Ashlan Crusade Allies - Galactic Alliance}

-Serpent Squadron - 12 V-Wing Heavy Interceptors
-Razor Squadron - 12 X-Wing Space Superiority Fighters
(Sorry about the broken pages)
-Razor Squadron - 12 X-Wing Space Superiority Fighters
(Sorry about the broken pages)
The intricately calculated de-acceleration came to a gentle end, shaking Relynia’s fighter with little more than a poke's worth of force-- the handiwork of the inertial dampeners nestled in the Revenge’s spaceframe. Though, the units quickly found far more taxing work to tend to. Soon came an amplified round of jostling, enough for deckhands and pilots to feel the vibrations resonating through the hanger-- It had to be weapons fire, incoming enemy salvos bouncing off, or dispersing along the shields. And before the second round of shots, she had instinctively tightened her grip on the X-wing’s yoke, and had just as quickly begun the pre-flight checklist.
“Engines-- Check. Reactor-- Check. Weapons steady.” The captain reported into the helmet’s built-in comm link.
“Stand by…” The LSO paused for a matter of seconds to confirm a launch sequence, “You’re clear, Cap. Good hunting.”
Relynia held a raised thumb to the canopy’s screen, the gesture aimed for the small transparisteel windows overlooking the hanger’s interior, before she flicked a final switch into position. Two seconds later, the repulsors jolted to life, and let the fighter hover. Engines gradually brightened a flame, the X-wing began to accelerate for the shielded opening in the flagship’s hull, and finally-
She was out.
On one side of the scanner displays, the combined Ashlan, New Imperial, and Galactic Alliance armada began to expand as more and more vessels entered realspace. And within seconds of arrival, they had begun to strike at the Brotherhood Vanguard, the Sith fleet soon firing from behind the lines.
Both defenders would be reduced to debris clouds in due time.
As it was, her squadrons' objective simply needed to concern guarding the 253rd Picket Line, while far heavier warships crippled the enemy's defense fleet. But Relynia had her own own, far more personal and longer-term mission in mind-- to put an end to the Sith’s conquest, to bring about the dominion of their ancient homeworld, and to make them pay for their crimes; For the pain they caused her, for the pain they caused her friends, for the pain they caused her family, and for the pain they caused so many others.
But vengeance wouldn't bring anyone back; Not her parents, Not Yavana, Not Wolfpack Squadron . . . Enough time fighting the Sith had made that abundantly clear.
“This is the CAG,” She cleared her mind first, then entered a rehearsed sequence of digits into a small keypad on the dashboard, and established a connection to the pilots’ comm channels, “Serpent Squadron, take defense pattern Alpha, positions around Revenge. Razor Squadron, take the vanguard, keep close. I don’t want anything getting past us. Make sure you’ve all checked in with your squadron leaders…”
“Darksun, you’re with me,” The captain added, “The rest of you have your orders... Good hunting to us all.”
Her fighter now pulled back, S-foils jolting into an angled attack position and locking into place as she took a position at the side of Max Darksun 's own-- though Relynia soon let the engines burn brighter to take her ahead of her wingmate.
The captain's eyes affixed her gaze to the space beyond, waiting for the chaos to be driven her way, watching for Korriban's fall, and yearning for the Sith to burn.
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