Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[ENDGAME] - Shadow's Fall

Coruscant - Jedi Temple - Halls of Healing

To become nothing was easy for Xevek Rakama. To surrender his identity within the Force to the point he became nothing more than a shade of the man he was, a malleable shade he could shape to his will, was an act that came naturally for the Iridonian. After all, that was a desire that resonated strongly within the core of his being. He did not desire to become a name known to all, in fact, he detested the thought. He preferred the realm of shadows and whispers more than any other reality offered within the Galaxy, a realm where he could become nothing more than a shadow that stalked its prey silently and passed beneath the notice of others. Further, in the end, he held no true grasp as to who he was. He knew his core ideals, the rock sold center that whispered his thoughts, but, he knew not who he was beyond those few aspects. Emotions were distant concepts to him, colourless ideals unless they were particularly strong feelings.

All of this meant that Xevek could easily adopt new personas just as much as he could disregard them, presenting whatever characteristics could serve him best in whatever situation he found himself in. As was often the case, though, the inclinations and personalities of an individual influenced the nature of how the Force flowed through them, tainted the threads of the great ocean that twisted within their bodies, to the point that specific impossibilities made possible within the Force became easier or harder. Whilst a being who sought to stand front and center of every other beings' mind might struggle to cast away their Presence within the Force, for Xevek it was easy. It took little effort for him to unravel who he was, to do away with the Darkness that lurked around him in the Force, to seemingly weaken the connection he held with the Force itself, until he became a random nobody rather than a Sith Acolyte.

This natural skill, his unique perception of who he was as an individual, meant that he could stand before an individual known to him and not have them recognise him within the Force. And, when it came to standing before a stranger, that ability was magnified for they had no expectations of what to find and so had no idea what to look for should Xevek's disguise within the Force falter for any reason. It was this strength in adopting a mask within the Force as real as the mask he oft wore within the Empire and on missions that lent itself to the current situation that Xevek found himself as he sat quietly within the Halls of Healing in the Jedi Temple and shouts and chaos rung out within the Force and all around him - Jedi Healers caring to the injured being brought to them as Sentinels that had not been swayed to the Truth of the Darkness stood as guards in the name of their foul Light.

It had not been hard for Xevek to gain access to the Jedi Temple once his camouflage within the Force had been settled. Having been ordered to Coruscant by the Queen of Shadows with orders to position himself so that he would be able to strike out and eliminate Jedi Healers, Xevek had simply allowed for the augmentation the Darkness granted his ailing body to slide away, leaving him empty and cold, feeling weaker than normal, and letting the Healers encounter a man with one partially-blind eye, a missing arm replaced with a cybernetic limb, around thirty percent of his skin covered in burn scars and scars from serious wounds along with a deformed left ocular socket that had resulted in the loss of his eye. He had let them see what they prefered to see, what they assumed to be a man so weakened from his wounds that he was completely incapacitated and let them take advantage of their false realities to reaffirm to themselves their ‘good’ nature by taking him in for Healing. All living beings prefered to see what they wanted to, after all, and it was all the easier to deceive them when the lie you span was a lie they created themselves.

Now he found himself sat within the Temple itself, greeted openly by the Jedi he so detested, welcomed into the den of the blight upon the Galaxy. News and rumour were already reaching him of great ships arising from the depths of Coruscant, cleaving through buildings and leaving them to collapse in on themselves as the transports shepherding numerous Sith to the doors of their enemies slowly emerged from the shadowy depths they had hidden themselves in whilst more Sith and Imperial Forces were descending upon the City Planet from the holes in the shielding. And that was all Xevek knew of what was happening outside of the Temple from the hushed conversations he was listening into. As for inside the Temple he could hear the evidence, as well as listen to the tales, of hidden agents of the Sith turning upon those that called them brothers or sisters and cutting them down with brutal strength. This was what the years had been building towards, the Dark striking at one of the hearts of the weakening Light.

It was time for the Galaxy to once more acknowledge the strength of the Dark, the chaos and order contained within its depths that imposed evolution and progress through strife and pain while maintaining control and eliminating threats through carefully applied order. The Light, on the other hand, was weak, preaching stagnation over progress, an over-reliance on order above chaos. Weak and corrupting, the Light had infected different areas of the Galaxy under the guiding hands of different galactic powers and, now, it was time for one of said Galactice Powers to burn. Now it was time for the Shadows to descend and consume the feeble flame of the Light.
Location: Coruscant
Allies: SJO & GA, [member="Coren Starchaser"], [member="Taeli Raaf"], [member="Allyson Locke"], [member="Draven Dursden"], [member="Preliat Mantis"], [member="Valkren Calderon"], [member="Yuroic Xeraic"], [member="Valae Kitra"], [member="Cassius Droma"], @Tanasuki Yumi, [member="Josh DragonsFlame"]
Enemies: FO, TSE, [member="Tathra Khaeus"]

The galactic alliance and its allies had been caught flat-footed by the sudden attacks by the Sith and the First Order. The attacks had seemed to come from nowhere, the first indication she'd had of the upcoming offensive was the pinging of her comms unit as [member="Jyoti Nooran"] summoned the Jedi for an urgent briefing. Before she knew it Asaraa had found herself bundled onto a diplomatic barge, hurtling through space towards Coruscant, towards the inevitable showdown with the Sith. She could feel it, a foreboding sense of danger and disaster that seemed to loom, shadowing and flanking her as the barge landed and Master Nooran gave her speech, directing the advanced forces of the Silver Jedi to their tasks.

Falling into step just behind the lead pair, [member="Allyson Locke"] and Jyoti discussing the best path to get into the Jedi Temple and the Archives the pink-haired padawan took a moment to glance around the city...planet...the planet that was a city. It was just so huge, and to be honest more than a little overwhelming, the fires were different from the last time she'd been here...the girl froze for a moment quickly shaking her head and following after the masters, gloved hands grasping at the split skirt of her outfit as she tried to centre herself in the moment. She hadn't ever been here before, this was just one of those spilt over memories. She took a deep breath, letting her hand slip up to rest on her lightsaber as she stepped up closer to the leading pair, glancing over at the Corellian pilot, "Do you think we're gonna run into a lot of opposition on this route? I can see the temple being a prize for whoever could take it."
Allegiance: Independent
​Enemies: [member="Allyson Locke"] | [member="Jyoti Nooran"] | [member="Asaraa Vaashe"]
​Location: Coruscant, Jedi Temple Hangar > Headed to Archives

​Their they stood, lying in wait. Like how the Zekkeg stalks its prey, hiding in the depths of its lair; patiently waiting for its prey. No, it was a foolish analogy. They were waiting to dive right into the jaws of the enemy, they were so focused on the Sith forces overhead and all around them that the thought of a mere five individuals causing trouble would likely not be on their minds.

​Still, they did not stir; patience was important in times like these. Thankfully, they had a beautiful view up ahead, shades of every colour and many shapes filled the sky as war raged above and soon on the streets as well. Soon the Jedi would be fighing for every few feet of territory.

​"Now Khaeus!"

​Neviere barked with urgency, raising both her arms as the others followed suit, holding the hangar bay gate up just as a ship passed through. Tathra felt the force boil under his skin, like the heated breath in his lungs. He jumped, upward nearly fourty feet and onto the edge of the hangar. There were Jedi, and Coruscanti officers running around; busy. They hadn't noticed him yet, but one of their fighters was just leaving. Headed straight for Tathra, without thought, the mutant took Oribuir from his back, the massive sword igniting with orange plasma as his blade cleaved through the fighter, causing a large explosion; small parts falling as those who stood in the hangar turned their attention to him.

​A massive entity, shrouded in the flames of the destroyed fighter as nothing but glowing eyes peered out from the fire. A single hand raised, his other placing a massive sword on his back. A moment later, four others joined him; weapons drawn.

​"Prometheans, begin your assault!"

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Location - Jedi Temple > Main Hall
Allegiance - Help the GA people. [member="Allyson Locke"] [member="Jyoti Nooran"] [member="Asaraa Vaashe"]
Enemies - [member="Tathra Khaeus"] and [member="Xevek Rakama"] (And [member="Taeli Raaf"], who needs a swift slap upside the head)

Alexandra yawned, looking around and sighing, the world going to hell once again and it seemed like a flavor of the week event at this point. Her hand coming up to scratch at her ear as everything seemed ring, both in the force and the physical world. Her mind tried to process the events one at a time but honestly that was not going to be possible with how much chaos seemed to seep into the force and twist it.

The chaos was ok though, atleast for Alexandra who breathed in and felt right at home for once with everything turning into a battlefield and the feelings of both sides spiking quite high. She enjoyed the feeling of combat and battle fervor, though found the feeling dulled within the temple but if she had learned anything from the past, it was that this would not last long. She knew how these attacks went and moved towards the Archives expecting someone to try and steal something like in every attack that has ever happened on the temple. It was almost too predictable but people sought knowledge for power's sakes, and she would not disappoint them by letting them attain it easily.

She could already feel dark presences within these walls though, as well as those assailing the structure. It wasn't hard to notice them or even needed for her to seek out those presences. She wanted to see what might be the enemies of the Jedi today though, knowing that it would not be some simple being or small time sith knight thinking they can make it to the archives with no help. The Jedi, even if stuck in their ways a great deal of the time, always rose to the challenge and even when beaten down were able to find some way of winning, even if by denying their enemies the satisfaction of power or knowledge in one way or another.

Her smile touched her lips as a spike in the darkside, coupled by a muffled explosion caused her eyes to drift in the location of the hanger. Her grin rose a bit on her lips, her fingers itching to grab her staff or her sabers while she stood there for a moment. She choose to keep walking though, knowing where to cut off the attackers who would be attempting to secure their route to the Archive. In the meantime though she would start to gather the force, drawing it towards her and manipulating its flow while centering herself.

Her breath started to slow and her eyes moved to close halfway. It would not take her long to arrive at the place she needed and as she slowly reached the top of a short set of stairs, she would turn, looking down and smiling once more. Her body took its place at the center of the hall and right at the top of those stairs, sitting and resting her hands in her lap as her eyes closed the rest of the way. Her breath cut out, nearly vanishing as her heart slowed and her blood flowed with much less speed. Everything about her slowed and relaxed as she sat still, waiting for whoever would arrive first to do damage or steal from the Jedi.

She was not one of the GA Jedi, and perhaps one of them might approach her too. But they were not her enemy and she made certain that she was of the light, her presence in the force easily determined by one glance into who she was. If one of them insisted in questioning Alexandra's presence outside of the archives, or in the temple itself, then Alex would deal with that when it came to it. Even if she wasn't one of their Jedi, she could atleast defend them as if she were one. Just because they served separate governments, did not mean that they should ignore when the other is in need of help.

Location: Coruscant, the streets.
Allies: [member="Irajah Ven"]
Opponents (soon): [member="Anais Auraeli"] | [member="Ember Farseer"].

In the shadows stood a man and he watched.

The tremors could be felt even here as the capital ships wrestled themselves free from their concrete confines many levels above. It came with a violent shock through the Force as well. Death, destruction, agony, they all had their own effect on the balance of the Force. Jairus Starvald could feel it all from here. It reminded him of his own battles in the past.

Kashyyyk, Manaan, Telti, so many worlds, the One Sith had once ruled supreme before it had been taken out of its misery by the Alliance.

Now a resurgent Sith Order was doing the same thing to the Alliance.

Funny how those things went.

Around them his were getting restless. They were in one of the alleyways, watching the hospital while waiting for his signal to move. They wouldn't be the anvil for the Sith Empire, no, but... they could bring their own brand of chaos to it. He had broken the prisoners given to him by [member="Tabigarashu Madara"] from the Saaraishash. Twisted, trained, until they were ready.

Oh, they weren't an elite force of killers, but for this? That wasn't necessary.

Equipped with vibro-swords, rudimentary thin armor that left their mobility open, stun weaponry... their mission here wasn't to slaughter. Instead they were here to take advantage of the chaos to strengthen themselves.

Jairus tilted his head as a brush of light pierced the all-pervasive scent of decay. Jedi? Hmm, that made things more interesting.

"Mmm, Jedi have come, Raj." Through their shared connection Jairus relayed meaning over to Irajah wherever she was right now. "This will be fun. I love you."

A subtle twitch in the Force and the signal came through for his people. They didn't scream, but the sudden sound of boots dashing against concrete would warn those around the hospital a moment, before flesh collided against flesh. For now the Sith Lord hung back, watching what would happen next... waiting to see how much chaos would spread from this act.
Location: Coruscant Jedi Temple
Allies: [member="Jyoti Nooran"] | [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] | [member="Coren Starchaser"] | [member="Mishel Noren"] and GA
Enemies: SE
Objective: Ensure the records are taken away and younglings are safe
Equipment: Bow, arrows and interlocking lightsabers

Yuroic held his bow in his hand with a tight grip as he scanned the surrounding area. The Sith seemed to be presence in a stronger force than Yuroic would have liked, however this was why he had his special arrows. He activated the energy bow, looking past Master Nooran as he paused next to Asaraa. "Keep your head down, this seems to be a dark time for the Galactic Alliance. All out attack on the its capital, I don't like this. How did they get here so quickly, without any Alliance member realising." Yuroic mused on the situation. Stepping towards the Temple, he drew an arrow, ready to fire at an opponent as he narrowed his eyes and focused his aim.

He moved closer to Master Nooran, "so do you think we can take away the records before the Sith are on top of us?" Yuroic had wanted to spend time studying and viewing the records, learn more about the Dark Side and the powers that came with using it. Unfortunately, now wasn't the time and he worried that if they didn't secure the holocrons then the Sith would have a greater detail in Jedi ways. Yuroic needed to focus on the task at hand.
Armor – but in the style of this.

Not the kind of day he was expecting. Today was the day the largest and most powerful vessel of the Galactic Alliance was launching. It was a day that was supposed to solidify the nation as the galactic super power. The ones who could take down the Sith and the First Order. But no, it was fracturing around him. He could see it, in the Force and before his eyes. ‘Jedi’ betraying one another, soldiers turning on their brothers in arms for the sake of some ulterior motive. They had fought hand in hand with many of these people.

With the Force, he was going to make it through this, he and those he could save. The Stun was putting most down, and the ones who were on his side would recover faster. Another red-bladed member ran at him. And that was not from some mistake of battle-rage. This was intent. Coren Starchaser was a known Jedi Master. Ducking the saber, and slamming an elbow to the back of the man’s head, the smell of ozone, and the crackle of electricity was heard. He was falling into he battle mind. The same mind that brought one to using Vaapad.

The mind that was dangerous for a Jedi. He didn’t need it now. Turning, he shoved the opponent to the wall and made a fist, crushing metal around the being. “This is…” He had no word for it. Looking to Mishel, he nodded. The Council Chambers were not far from here. They just needed to get to the lift. And the dark siders between the Master and Apprentice and that turbolift were amassing.

And only a few realized just what Coren was doing. The light of the Force was glowing out from him. Translating that passion for battle that was causing lightning to crackle over his being was being turned into compassion for the people he defended. And the heat of Force Light was rolling off him as he charged down the hallway.

[member="Taeli Raaf"]
[member="Mishel Noren"]
Jedi Temple- Return of the Jensaarai
[member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Alexandra Feanor"] [member="Mishel Noren"]
[member="Taeli Raaf"] [member="Darth Carnifex"]

This was it, it was the end. That was clear. He had been there for the end of the Republic, the end of the Protectorate, and now, the end of the Alliance. There had been a glimpse of Sith carriers ripping their way up through the surface of the planet and disgorging assault craft. Many of the planetary shields were still up. All in all, this was not a good day.

The temple was a battleground now. Darkness surged and reveled in the destruction that surrounded him. He'd come back from the dead and retirement for this? He took a deep breath and buckled on his armor, finally draping the amulet over his neck before sealing the helmet. There were a handful of other Jensaarai in the temple. What condition they were in, he couldn't tell.

"All Jensaarai, evacuate the temple," Veino spoke quickly through the comms. "Get out with whatever equipment you can grab. Trust no one beyond ourselves." They'd been away from the NJO for a long time now, only returning briefly for the launching of the vessel. Clever, clever move on the enemy's part. The symbol was unknown to him, but its design was clear. Sith.

"Copy that, Master-Defender," came the garbled response. "Unit moving to secure a vessel."

Veino nodded and went to open the door. It refused to budge. Closer inspection revealed that power was disrupted. His lightsaber flashed silver and burned through the durasteel. Seconds later, the entire door collapsed onto the corridor outside. With the Bloodstripe on his hip and lightsaber in hand, Veino strode out into the chaos. He couldn't tell who was who in the melee, so he hugged the wall.

Treachery. That was how the Alliance would fall. Of course, how could it be otherwise? He paused as he sensed a familiar presence.

"Starchaser, this is Garn," he spoke through the comms. If he remembered right, telepathy was not something Coren was good at. "Give me a location and I'll rendezvous there."

Three Jedi-Sith (Jith?) made their way towards him, red lightsabers in hand, and they began to circle around. Veino considered and brought his fingers together. Dozens of pieces of debris hurtled through the air and slammed into them from all directions.

That had been the signal. Veino broke into a run, jogging through the hall, hand-cannon blazing away wherever he could get a close shot at a Sith or could distract them, while his lightsaber deflected incoming attacks.

Mishel Kryze

Mishel's lightsaber came down across another, clash.

A hand extended - force barrier, side step - swing. The sounds of battle poured around her the Jedi Temple had once been the symbol of peace and prosperity now it stood to bear witness to the fall of yet another Jedi Nation. The militant Galactic Alliance and its New Jedi Order bled, streams of blood now pooled along the floor. The whispers of death and promises of betrayal sweetened throughout the air as the former Ren back flipped away from another dark side user. She turned to see another red bladed Sith charging for them, but her Master was already there. Elbow into the back of the head, and then the crackle of electricity - Mishel felt the weight of someone's boot on her back and she released her own disgruntled growl.

She turned and grabbed this dark sided Jedi with telekinesis. Nostrils flared with rage as she tossed him to the side, Mishel paid no mind to the sound of the man's body as it collided with metal. It was here she noticed the smell of ozone, and as the dark siders - be they 'Jedi' or Sith began to amass, no swarm the length of the hall between them and the Council Chambers. Mishel held her lightsaber at the ready just as Master Starchaser focused his Force Light, and watched as it turned into a pure form of lightning. Stowing her lightsaber for a moment she realized trying to fight them all one at a time was going to take forever and they didn't have that long. Grand Marshal Raaf needed them now, "alright, game on."

Mishel took a step forward and then another, her pace picked up. She began to run, charge at the number of dark siders. She turned into the Force light as it cascaded down like lightning. Using speed as it connected to the electrical bolts of lightside energy she formed a barrier between her and the others. She had been so focused on creating the path and making it clear. And perhaps more concerned with ensuring that the intent to stun carried. Mishel hadn't realized that the lift was right behind her. Master Starchaser rushed to finish up the work, his hand pulled at Mishel's jacket yanking her into the lift.

The padawan felt the cold frame of the lift's back. "Thanks," she muttered breathlessly, a knee on the floor of the lift.

Quietly she rose to stand beside Coren as the lift took them to the Council Chambers, still catching her breath as she did so.

[member="Coren Starchaser"] | [member="Taeli Raaf"]
[member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Mishel Noren"]

Equipment: Armor in signature, lightsaber

She could feel them much closer now... the hallway before the lift. Should she order the lifts to be disabled, make them bunny hop from floor to floor... no, no she wanted what was about to happen. She wasn't familiar with the female she could sense with Coren, but she could feel him. There was raw emotion there, anger... rage... a craving for battle. Yes, he was close and she was going to tip that scale. Everything he had ever cherished, his belief in the power of the light... all of it torn down and laid bare for him to see that darkness was superior.

The Emperor approached, she could even see the Crestfallen in the distance now. The Emperor always did like his dramatic entrances...

They were in the lift now, nearing... closer...

Looking down at the lightsaber in her hands once more, she prepared herself for this moment... the one she had been waiting for. The lift dinged and the doors slid open, a sound of clashing blades as her "guards" were quickly overpowered in the small annex chamber before the council chambers. The doors sliding open... She did not turn around yet.

"Master Starchaser, you arrived faster than I expected."
Sou Emergency Medical Center
Allies: [member="Jairus Starvald"]
Enemies: At present, none
Future Persons of Interest: [member="Ember Farseer"] [member="Anais Auraeli"] [member="Darth Carnifex"]

The streets outside in the Agua district were chaos. They were far enough down that the area was not in immediate risk, yes, but the panic was setting in and Irajah could feel the roil the bubble of fear in the very air itself.

"Doctor Calais, you can't leave now."

Irajah was already pulling on her coat.

"You will find very much that I can," she answered sharply- a tone usually reserved for people being stupid in emergencies.

This certainly qualified.

"We're going to have wounded being brought here from neighboring districts, possibly even up levels! We need everyone-"

He reared back at the door almost closed on his nose behind her.

Irajah Ven, known at the medical center as Doctor Calais, had been 'working' there for nearly two years now. Of course, she owned the building and it was her anonymous donations that allowed the center to even stay afloat at all. She had a reputation as an excellent doctor, friendly, helpful, hard working- always willing to pitch in extra where it was needed, and when she couldn't, she always explained why. So this was completely out of character for their familiar Calais. Of course, there was a reason, and the workers at the center knew that she had given birth to twins not long ago. Surely that was the explanation. But still, why hadn't she simply said that?

For Irajah, it was because she did not have the time nor the desire to continue that facade of Doctor Calais for even a moment longer when the situation at hand had arrived.

She and Jai had known it was coming. Not the details, the specifics. Certainly not the timing- if they had she would have been home with the twins or safely off world days ago. It had been assumption and surmise, based on a number of factors, but not enough to pinpoint the exact time or method.

She cursed inwardly, looking up at the sky, distant from this level but visible in crimson slices. The first time she had come to Coruscant had been in the aftermath of the Alliance's victory against the One Sith. Now, it seemed, the Sith had come again, this time in a new incarnation. This time, with one of her most hated enemies at it's head.

Irajah had been content.... even happy to lie low for the last two years. Those who had either directly or indirectly led to her murder had no reason to believe she was alive. They had chosen Coruscant as their home for so many reasons. In part because it was a place easy to disappear and stay hidden. In part because it amused Irajah to take what she wanted for her studies from right under the Alliance's nose.

And here, two of the entities she despised were going to meet in blood and fire.

She should be happy about that, let them grind each other to ash against the other.

Instead she found it incredibly inconvenient.

I'm glad you are enjoying yourself, came the reply over the link. She could feel that he was much closer to her than where she was headed, but she had to try first. I am going to see if I can reach home, all the streets are in chaos. Be safe, I love you too.

Irajah didn't care over much about the Jedi. Beyond the general hypocrisy she found them largely inoffensive. There was no fire against them burning in her outside of those directly linked to the Alliance. At worst they were an irritant. She did not enjoy the power plays and grand gestures Jairus did, and never pretended that she did. Her focus had always been smaller, more personal.

Which did not work when an entire planet is under attack.
Location: Coruscant
Allies: Silver Jedi
Enemies: Dar'Jetii l [member="Jairus Starvald"] l [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] l

Death. Ramanar. Death had come back to Coruscant.

Fields of the dead lay as the evidence of his passing. His uneasy heart, once filled with despair and regret, now found purpose fluttering through it. The Katarn armor fit him, strangely. It felt lighter, but somewhat as protective as his Beskar'gam. Somewhat. He knew that it wasn't, but it would serve it's purpose well. The DC-17 was new, the Rangers had outfitted him with a relic of a weapon, reproduced to better serve them.

Now it served him.

A vibroknife- or two, rather. One on his thigh and one on his forearm. A handful of grenades. Durasteel plated gloves. No jetpack. No helmet HUD- not at least like the Mandalorians. No fancy gadgets. A wrist-mounted flamethrower. And a sidearm- a lethal Verpine pistol.

He rotated his head, as he walked through the streets. Preliat wrapped his hands tightly around the rifle he was carrying. Preliat carried with him the weight of the Mandalorians, guilt and anger of two decades of heartache and rage. He was a storm in the sea, able to be felt in the force for miles. He was a tear in the cloth, a beacon of unending rage.

He turned to Asaraa.

"They may not win. But they will bleed."
Aryn Teth

The Vanguard's Launch Bay, Coruscant Sub-levels, Corusca Sector, Core Worlds
Allies: The Galactic Alliance
Enemies: The Sith Empire
This was supposed to be a great day for the Alliance. Today was supposed to be the day that the Alliance began to strike back, to ensure that those within its borders would be able to feel safe, protected from the Empires that hounded at the Alliance, at those who lived within it. The Vanguard was supposed to be soaring over the Coruscant skyline accompanied by fireworks, cheers and celebrations from the people who were now being slaughtered by the thousands. Instead, the crew of The Vanguard, the loyal ones, were clearing the bodies of traitor and friend alike from the halls of the immense starship, rushing back and forth as they prepared the ship, got it ready to launch into battle above Coruscant, a battle far sooner than had been expected. While they prepared, Aryn knelt over a body, it was not a soldier he knew, not a face he recognised, but there had been something about the man that drew his attention.

He wondered who the man had been, what his dreams were, where he came from. Had he been a loyalist or a traitor? Aryn could not tell, their uniforms were all the same. At this point he supposed it didn't matter. At the end of the day it was a man like any other, and his body would likely never see true rest, never be buried by a grieving family, because of the destruction now being unleashed upon the Alliance's capital. How long had this war dragged on? How many lives like this one had it claimed? Trampled into the dust and left forgotten in the sands of time? In the end, he supposed it never mattered. "Commander, The Vanguard is ready to launch, will you be taking to the bridge?" No, it never did.

"No. Admiral Threnalli will take the ship up." The ensign gave a simple nod, and wasted no time as he rushed back off to his duties. Standing, Aryn sighed as he cast one more glance down towards the body before him. He heard the distant sounds of battle, the rumble and roar of explosions and laser fire as the immense elevator which The Vanguard sat atop slowly began to push it upward towards the surface, towards the immense hangar doors that would soon open to the world above. Yet, the sounds of battle were drowned out by memories that flooded to his mind, words he had heard from his father, from ancient, antique books off the dusty shelves of his oldest home. He recalled the story of a usurping king, surrounded by his enemies, watching as the world around them crumbled and died.

They should have died hereafter, there would have been a time for such a word.
Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day,
To the last syllable of recorded time.
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools,
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle.
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player,
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
And then is heard no more.
It is a tale, told by an idiot, full of sound and fury.
Signifying nothing.
As the light of the Coruscant sky flooded down onto the platform with the opening of the hangar doors, so too did the immense, cacophonous sound of battle drown the thoughts from Aryn's mind. Explosions, the thunderous roar of The Vanguard's engines as it began to lift up and away into the sky of Coruscant, immediately engaged and harassed by the Sith fighters that darted and flew between the towers and ships pouring across the sky. When the platform finally settled at the top, on the surface, Aryn finally saw the full extent of the battle with his own eyes. He had understood already that this was not a battle to be fought on The Vanguard, not one to be made by clashing headlong into the Sith hordes.

The Alliance had come to its end, in that moment, Aryn was the usurper-king, surrounded by his enemies and watching as the world around him crumbled and died. But, there was still some good that could be done, lives that could be saved, though this was the final act for the Alliance, it was not for the innocents of Coruscant, for those caught in the crossfire, slaughtered like cattle in a battle which was not their own. Aryn had always pictured himself on the right side of things, the Alliance's propaganda had always envisioned him as the hero, fighting for liberty, to save and protect. But he was no hero, it was not a title, not a position he had earned. His rushed promotion to the rank of Supreme Commander, to the Triumvirate? It was his usurping act, one of the death throes of the Alliance.

As he climbed atop a speeder-bike and set out into the streets of Coruscant, he knew he was not searching for those to save so he could continue to call himself a hero. He knew it was just a desperate attempt to atone for his sins. Sins that had brought the Empire crashing down upon the people of Coruscant.
Location: Jedi Temple, en route to the Jedi Archives
Allies: Sneering Imperialists & [member="Darth Sabezt"]
Enemies/Potential Obstacles: [member="Jyoti Nooran"], [member="Tathra Khaeus"], [member="Allyson Locke"], [member="Asaraa Vaashe"], [member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
Equipment: Lightsaber, [2] Potion of Invisibility, [2] Blackroot Potion

Extinguish the Light. Purge the Jedi. Lay waste to the Galactic Alliance.

All things that were very important to other people. Adrian, for one, was mostly uninterested. Sure, he had a strong preference for the dark side. Sure, he didn't exactly like the Jedi. Sure, the Galactic Alliance was a bloated monstrosity corrupted from within, surely deserving of such an ignoble end. But the young man had no fondness for war, not like this. He understood the strategic reasoning behind it, of course, but as he looked out the cockpit of his shuttle and saw entire skyscrapers plummeting to the ground, massive warships rising from the gaping wounds in the cityscape, he couldn't help but feel a little ill.

Silently reprimanding himself for his moment of weakness, he steeled himself for what was ahead. Untold thousands would meet their end today, but he could not allow himself to be distracted. He had a greater purpose here today. The archives of the Jedi. A source of vast knowledge; knowledge of the Light... and knowledge of the Dark. Both of which intrigued him greatly, though for different reasons.

As the shuttle made its final approach, the fighters escorting them left to pursue other objectives, while the vessel itself spun on its axis until the rear ramp faced the towering walls of the Temple. With a slight nod of appreciation to the pilots, Adrian left the cockpit in favour of the passenger compartment; As the door slid open, his gaze fell upon his Master, [member="Darth Sabezt"], in the process of smoking yet another cigarette. Frankly, Adrian didn't know what the man saw in those things, but to each their own. He had much more important things to think about at the moment, after all. "My Lord, it would seem the time is upon us. With any luck, the secrets of the Jedi will soon be ours."

Jaius Sovv

Office of the Chief
Alliance State Department
Government District, Coruscant

"If you'll come with me, Chief Sovv," his words were friendly, but the elder Sullustan could hear the malice in his tone, "Grand Marshal [member="Taeli Raaf"] has personally requested your presence."

Jaius Sovv had just been finishing up some last minute datawork before he left to join the fleet day festivities. He was running late, and it would not do to keep the people waiting, but even despite the immense burden on his shoulders that came with what was still a very new job, he had almost immediately picked up that something was wrong about this unannounced visitor. Remaining seated, he pressed the silent alarm under his desk while making as little movement as possible.

"You're not with my security detail," Jaius said calmly, tilting his head, "Who are you?"

"I wish you hadn't done that," the stranger frowned, his whole demeanor changed, and he pulled a lightsaber hilt from somewhere hidden within his tunic, "Come with me, now. Do not make me have to force you, old man."

"Very well," Chief Sovv raised his hands abruptly in a display of surrender, "It would seem I have no choice."

"You don't," the Sith snarled, sighing in frustration at the elder statesman's geriatric rise from his seat. Turning slightly, the intruder glance back down the hallway from where he had come, pulling out his comm link, "I've got the prize, but there was a complication. Will rendezvous at the-hrk!"

There was a loud blast and the kidnapper collapsed onto the office floor. Jaius grimaced, already struggling to keep his cane blaster held aloft, and waved away some of the smoke his hidden weapon had caused. The Sith had grown overconfident, taken his eyes off him briefly, assuming that his precognition would protect him from anything a senior citizen was capable of. But Sovv had spent the better part of a year in First Order custody, and while their former Grand Moff Natasi Fortan had shielded him from much of their more medieval methods, he had still occasionally been visited by Ren interrogators. Mental specialists who answered directly to the Supreme Leader himself, and which Natasi likely could do nothing to stop if she was even made aware of it.

Over time, he had built up a resistance to mind probes, learned how to close parts of his mind off to their psychic assaults. He could not help but appreciate the humor, that the very thing he thought might break him completely had now just saved his life. But there was no time for any of that now, already he could hear the sound of explosions and screaming outside the building. So this was not a direct attack on him, and yet still his life was in immediate danger so there was no time to consider the ramifications of a greater assault. Pausing only to unload another round into the still kidnapper's head, Jaius walked out of his office.

"There he is! Grab him!"

He could not outrun them, and with his aim there was little chance of him taking these accomplices out with his holdout cane. He was seemingly out of options save surrender, but Jaius had been a prisoner of Darksiders once. He would not allow himself to be taken again. Luckily the Sullustan was not given time to take any drastic steps, before he could even raise his cane the Grand Marshal's agents were riddled with small arms fire.

"Chief Sovv!" Jaius recognized the voice of Guardsman Costas, a junior member of the special Galactic Alliance Guard protection detail assigned to him, "I have Shimmersilk, repeat Shimmersilk is secure."

Shimmersilk. It was the Guard's codeword for him, so between that and his recent actions Sovv could be reasonably certain Costas was on his side.

"Riley, what's happening out there?" he asked.

"As soon as you're safe, sir."
Morgoth had received the summons as would all Sith Lords that the day had come to burn Couracant to the ground. Although he had not formally had the chance to meet [member="Darth Carnifex"] when the call came to arms he was ready and willing. So here he stood in the command center of the Korriban Star Destroyer a Harrower Class Dreadnought. As the jump from hyperspace was called for he quickly began preparations to show his Sith collegues how to start a panic. "Release all starfighters and bombers, target anything still standing!" Came his orders loudly above the din of battle. "Prepare my Personal transport and get my babies ready for battle!" As the second order came a nearby officer said "Sir are you sure? It looks like the battle is ours as it -" He was cut off rather abruptly as his head rolled across the the floor "Anyone else want to question my orders?" The room had grown silent save for the hissing of his sabers. " [member="Edwin Setyl"] I want you to fly escort for my ship and meet me on the ground" Spinning around looking for his acolyte he yelled "And for force sakes some one get [member="Lord Combattere"] out of his chambers!!!"

As preparations would finish Morgoth ordered that his starfighters begin clearing the skies around the Jedi temple, he could see that the fight had already started and he was here to do what he did best. Cleaning up.

As his personal freighter touched down Darth Morgoth walked out in-front of the Massive structure, his lightsabers burning intensely as he smiled grimly "All squadrons on my mark, clear me a path, Edwin and Combattere come walk with me." Two sharp whistles would come out of his mouth piercing through the air even as it began to grown icy cold sparking against the heat of battle as his eyes began to glaze over. Two roars would be heard over the din of battle for miles as the ground around them would shake, and two large behemoth sized Bull Rancors would follow him towards the temples. Today was not a day of conquest it was the day in which the Lord of War would remind people why he got that name in the first place.

Lord Combattere

Getting free he ran to catch up with his master he caught up walking the same speed to his left as he looked around at what had happened to the poor 'Jedi' for this is what they had coming in the Chiss's eyes " It's been a long time coming " his voice cold and filled with hatred he wanted nothing more than to rush and slaughter the Jedi but he would wait for orders.

[member="Darth Morgoth"] |
Location: Jedi Temple, Halls of Healing
Allies: Sith
Enemies: At the moment, none.
Potential Future Enemies: [member="Alexandra Feanor"] | [member="Jyoti Nooran"] | [member="Tathra Khaeus"] | [member="Allyson Locke"] | [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] | [member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
Objective: Sow chaos within the Halls of Healing then move to the Archives

Xevek’s ruminations of the fall of the Galactic Alliance were broken as the Healer that had been attending to him before the initial strikes against the Jedi had him bustled into the room, head bowed over a datapad as they muttered to themselves over the state of the injured that were already been directed towards the Halls of Healing.

Glaring out through the curtain of mattered ashen hair, Xevek’s amber eye locked upon the Jedi’s form, taking it in even as the muscles beneath the thin tunic he had been given to wear tensed in anticipation and his vision shifted between clear and blurred as it had been doing so recently. Between the moments where his sight was nothing more than a mess of hazy colours, Xevek took in the brown robes and shaved head of the human male, no other distinguishing marks standing out for the Iridonian to identify - not that he really cared to do so in the end. After all, whatever his name, whatever his life, this man was his enemy and so he would die. Needless deaths he may like to avoid but this man’s death was not needless, no, it was a simply long-overdue extermination, a culling of those that should be removed from the tapestry of the Force so that their stagnation would not corrupt it any more.

Pushing himself to his feat, cutting of the Jedi mid speech, a dark and bloodthirsty grin pulled at dry lips, twisting the mess of scars across his face into a deep crevices filled with shadows; as if a blind man had tried to carve what he thought a face looked like into a block of wood and hadn’t been able to prevent their tools from slipping. In the seconds it took for the Jedi to react to his sudden shift of personality, Xevek had pushed the mask that obscured him out beyond his body until it enclosed the room, the impression it was presenting shifting to display two sets of emotions - one concerned and the other scared. However, even then, the Jedi did not get more than a moment to react, to widen his eyes in shock as the Dark shadows that curled around the center of Xevek’s soul were presented in front of him, before the Assassin struck.

Xevek had not learnt many ‘offensive’ methods of manipulation the Force, sticking instead to telekinesis and worked towards attempting to master that avenue before moving on to some other practice. As a result of this, it was easy for the shocked gasp of the Jedi to be cut off by a strangled choke as pressed enclosed his neck and began to tighten, silencing him and depriving him of much needed air. With his smirk in place, Xevek prowled towards the Jedi, one hand coming up to caress the face of the man as he leaned in, his lips brushing the Healer’s ear as the Assassin pushed the robes from the Jedi’s unmoving body as Xevek’s will and command descended from the man’s neck to encase his entire body.

“Know,” Xevek’s voice was soft even with the growl that echoed behind his words, a primal sound that was habitual for him to make being a natural speaker of Ul’Zabrak, “that you die surrounded by shadows. That your precious Light was blind to the strength of the Dark.” Within the man’s chest, a tendril of Xevek’s icy cold rage encircled his heart and began to constrict. Pulling back, Xevek’s smirk widened to reveal the sharpened teeth within his mouth as his one eye stared into the panicked gaze of the Jedi and his warm breath fanned across the man’s face. Xevek’s final words were uttered at he watched the spark of life finally fade away and the body collapsed to the ground, the Assassin’s focus diverting towards maintaining the mask within the Force and burying the feeling of the Healer’s death beneath the sensation of death reaching out from the wider planet. “Die with despair in your heart.”

Staring down at the fallen Jedi, Xevek slowly fed upon the despair that had indeed filled the man’s heart in his final moment, directing it towards his mask to strength it all the more. Slowly the bloodthirsty smirk dropped from his features, the expression no longer being needed meaning that Xevek let stoicism reign on his face and in his mind once more. Sighing softly to himself as old scars pulled, he slowly lowered himself to divest the dead Healer of his robes and lightsaber, warping the cloak around his shoulders and clipping the weapon to his belt. They may not be his preferred equipment but, for now, they would do.


Location: Jedi Temple Archives
Allies: [member="Adrian Vandiir"]
Enemies: [member="Jyoti Nooran"], [member="Allyson Locke"], [member="Asaraa Vaashe"], [member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
Gear: Robes​
Gripping the armrest of a metallic throne built into the passenger compartment of the Sith shuttle, Vereshin rose to his feet as he discarded the remainder of a clove cigarette in an ashtray. He spared a moment to pluck a teacup from the silver tray balanced on an astromech droid and downed the remaining contents, before setting the cup down with a clang. A sickening presence emanated from his very form, entering the minds and innards of those who might hoard the arcane heritage which belonged to the Sith.

Darth Sabezt straightened his robes. The Sith Lord ascended. Brushing past servants and technical officers, Vereshin exchanged one glance with his apprentice before the two of them accompanied each other in front of the landing ramp. His entire form was encased in black silk and his head covered in black bandages. A hood sat upon his head above exaggerated shoulder vestments and a breastplate covered by silk lapels.

"Every side of a warring plane, colliding in a furious nova of alignment and ideological whiles." In a monotonous tone, devoid of nuance or life, Vereshin spoke to his apprentice as the shuttle closed in on the temple. The line of his mouth remained unmoved and his fearsome eyebrows arched sharply in a perpetually threatening expression.

"In the end, it all remains the same." Following a pause, Vereshin spoke. "What do you make of it, apprentice?" The question was half rhetorical and half philosophical, confused by a perception wrenched from reality's fickle radius. Before Adrian answered, Vereshin turned around and chuckled loudly, somewhat impressed by his own nonsense. The ramp collided with the landing pad built into the side of the temple and Vereshin entwined his gloved fingers, resting his palms on his diaphragm as he walked with Adrian.

The Sith Lord strode forward with his apprentice walking shortly behind. His posture unfaltering, he nodded out of habitual courtesy to two guards who approached, lowering their vibro staffs before the two Sith. With a slight smile, Vereshin raised one hand and wrapped his telekinetic hold around the mid-section of the first guard, then crushed his innards in a audible squelch of fluid and excreta. The guard's spinal cord popped with the impact and blood poured from the gap of his helmet where his mouth could be seen.

With his other hand, Vereshin crushed the helmet of the second guard, compacting his head into a rounded, seeping mess, half the size of which it had been before. Shards of skulls littered the stone, while brain emerged from the man's eye sockets. Continuing his nonchalant stride, Vereshin did not flinch once as he passed the two bodies, casually stepping over the first as though nothing had happened. Along with Adrian, he approached the doors in the side of the temple and raised both of his hands.

The stone separating them from the inside of the temple shattered beneath Vereshin's metaphysical hand. Hinges popped loose and marble split beneath the raw force of his capacity. Shadows poured through from the emerging cracks in the wall as the enormous doors exploded in a small nova of marble and stone. The walls surrounding the hinges crumbled away as dust settled on the landing pad. The interior of the temple shone through beneath the light of Coruscant's sun and showed Vereshin and Adrian the way inside. With a gleeful smile on his face, Vereshin lowered his hands.

"Teehee!" The Sith Lord laughed like a child who had just smashed his mother's favourite vase.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
​Coruscant Orbit
Objective: Reap the fruits of chaos

The Ablution​ entered the system, along with the rest of the Void Irregular Fleet. The ships here had fought against the Light Side for many years - the Ablution itself had engaged the Republic, the Silver Jedi, and the Galactic Alliance many times before during the era of the first Sith Empire and the New Order that followed. And now it stood in conquest over the planet below. The mishmash of IFF signals, including those of Alliance ships whose crews were currently mutinying in favor of the Imperial invasion, made it absolute havoc - the Sith fleet merely began to fire upon whatever engaged it. If the mutineers were killed, such would be unfortunate - but they had to have known this entire time that such treachery was a risky business.

The field of fire grew tense. Vanessa's focus in the meditation chamber on board the Ablution​ was partially disrupted by her joy at the treachery occurring. But what was important now was cracking the technological code of the Alliance. Of preparing for their future reprisal. That much was certain - there was no chance the Sith would prevent all GA ships from exiting the system, from rallying at a point and becoming another Alliance-in-exile like their ancient predecessors had against the forces of the original One Sith. But they would be stagnant - a roving rebel government did not have the capabilities to acquire new ships en masse, after all, and having knowledge about the ships they would be using would ensure a position of strength in any future naval engagements.

The first step was connecting to a beacon that the Alliance naval infrastructure was connected to. The next series of steps would not be possible unless they were able to interface. The Traya​, an Attrition IIL-class Light Star Destroyer, moved towards such a beacon - its jamming systems were being quickly reprogrammed to send a coordinated viral attack to the beacon, hopefully soon penetrating its firewalls and other digital defenses so it could be put to use. Vanessa's next intended goal would be to use the beacon to transmit a message to all Galactic Alliance ships, encrypted with a particular Sith cypher that she was certain the mutineers would recognize. Within the encrypted message would be orders to jump the ships to Nathema, where much of the Greater Maldrood's remaining forces were awaiting them. There the remaining survivors of the loyalist Alliance forces would be taken prisoner and sent to the Imperial prison system, with important individuals being sent to the Saaraishash for interrogation on the GA's secrets. Those who had chosen to betray the light for the dark would be, for the moment, detained, and after a few days of vetting, they would be released - naval and army personnel would be slowly integrated into the Imperial Navy and the Imperial Army respectively, while those Jedi who were innately corrupt would be sent to one of the many Sith Temples. Loyal Jedi would be turned over to the Saaraishash.

The ships themselves would be accumulated by the Maldrood - very likely dissected and examined so every iota of information could be discovered about them. Their munitions, their technologies - every secret would be unveiled. In cooperation with the Fondor operation, this would effectively splay out the secrets of their weaknesses, allow every failure in their designs to be exploited whenever the Sith chose to further hunt the Jedi. Perhaps some of the ships would even be repurposed - there was no reason not to use them, after all.

Of course, this all hinged on the successful break-in to the beacon. The ​Sartinaynian and the ​Ragnos​ both moved forward to escort the Traya​, followed by the Thule and the ​Zeplin​. If everything went right, the secrets would be in the hands of the Maldrood - and thus, the Empire itself.

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