Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[ENDGAME] - Shadow's Fall

"At long last, we will have our revenge."

The sight of the black-plated Crestfallen consumed the length of the transparisteel council window overlooking the burning Coruscant skyline, it shadow cascading across the council chambers as Taeli Raaf finally revealed herself as the mastermind behind everything.

The death of Omai Rhen.

The chaos and treachery that was now engulfing entire systems, the Alliance split down the middle as former comrades and brothers in the Force turned on one another with a hitherto seen brutality. Emperor Carnifex could sense her through the Force, having now tossed aside the false trappings of a Jedi and embraced her true nature as a Lady of the Dark Side. The Emperor rose from his seat, his armor groaning as he turned around and made his way to the disembarkation ramp.

It had already begun to descend by the time he had arrived, and he stepped out into the blistering winds that whipped around the high council's chamber with little trepidation. He reached out with the Force, his will expanding beyond his physical body to metastasize with the tower's structure. It wormed its way between the brick and motor, the durasteel supports and outer plating. With a subtle twist of his hand, he willed the walls and ceiling of the chamber to come apart piece by piece, the windows exploding outward in a shower of glass as everything fell apart. What was torn free was then quickly deposited down onto the temple below, the Emperor having no desire to expend energy in keeping debris afloat long after it had been ripped from its foundations.

In the span of several seconds the entirety of the chamber's walls and ceiling had disappeared, exposing the room to the open air of Coruscant. With little to impede him, the Emperor descended from his shuttle's ramp to land several feet beside Lady Raaf. The floor cracked with the impact of his arrival, pulverized marble clinging to his armored boots as he stood tall, proud, mighty, and above all triumphantly smug before the dumbstruck Jedi and his villainous co-conspirator.

"The Age of Darkness has come."

He had been holding his combat helmet in the crook of his left arm as he landed, but now he affixed it atop his head with both hands. The lightsaber at his waist came next, flying into the open palm of his right hand as his outstretched fingers coiled around its hilt.

A three-meter long crimson blade soon materialized to join Taeli's.

[member="Taeli Raaf"] | [member="Darth Prazutis"] | [member="Alvarex Zambrano"] | [member="Cotan Sar'andor"] | [member="Mishel Noren"] | [member="Coren Starchaser"]
His lightsaber at the ready, and the Master Jedi was feeling his compatriots around the table. This was not a place where they could turn the tide. That feeling was becoming more obvious now. He could feel his friends and comrades nearby, Veino, and Cotan, Mishel, and the other Jedi who were coming from across the galaxy to defend the temple. He was here, and he was collecting Grand Marshal. But as he stepped towards her, he could feel it.

Something was not right.

Taeli Raaf was not avoiding any distress, she was swimming in it, mastering the current. He was listening to her, the tale she had. The mention of Jedi Masters past and current. Of lives lost, and comrades he had known. Corvus Raaf, a name he had remembered, a Corellian, and a damned good Jedi. The sister of Taeli. Perhaps a reason the Sentinel trusted the woman in front of him, between that lineage and the words of Omai Rhen. He had fallen out of his concern and unease.

She had done it, she was the one who had killed his mentor, and friend. The Grand Marshal of the Order. For posturing and to set the trap that they were in now. He paced as she stood, not moving. His orange blade, replicating the flows of Sullust, held tight. His Sentinels were not trained for this, they were trained for the war that was on their doorstep. The Knights of Ren and the One Sith were never devious like this. She was right, they hadn’t trained for the secret enemy.

The Inquisitors. He trusted her to hide to the shadows, to Jedi like Varex. The Sentinels were trained to go face to face with the Dark Side, stare it in the eyes, and come out swinging. The light side was swirling around him. Force light casting shadows on the floor, shadows that had become less defined as the next being stepped down. Anyone nearby, who was looking for the Jedi Master would feel his resolve shaking, a threat growing. He knew this one.


Tightening his grip on the lightsaber, he spun the blade, holding it in two hands, pointed at the pair. “I’ll end you all before I let you remove the Jedi from this galaxy!” He shouted, the Force swilring around him, an undecided maelstrom, working on sparking the Force light, but his resolve less on protecting those that he cared for, and more on hurting the Sith. And with that, lunged forward.

[member="Mishel Noren"]
[member="Taeli Raaf"]
[member="Veino Garn"]
[member="Darth Carnifex"]
[member="Darth Prazutis"]
[member="Cotan Sar'andor"]
Location: Coruscant-Jedi Temple-->Record Halls
Allies: SJO & GA, [member="Coren Starchaser"], [member="Taeli Raaf"], [member="Allyson Locke"], [member="Draven Dursden"], [member="Preliat Mantis"], [member="Valkren Calderon"], [member="Yuroic Xeraic"], [member="Valae Kitra"], [member="Cassius Droma"], [member="Josh DragonsFlame"], [member="Sky'ito Yumi"],
Enemies: FO, TSE, probably [member="Adrian Vandiir"], maybe [member="Darth Sabezt"]

The moment word got out of the Sith attack Tana was more then ready to get going, actually he was very axouinse, but it was not about the coming fight, the prospect of Sith lords making a path of destruction, no it was how his sister was faring on the ground. She had been on the temple grounds when the attack began, of so it would seem, and judging from how far the Sith attack had worked its way through the city and the destruction her safty was now very questionable.

"You pick the worse times to go on vacations... I just hope mother does not find out, if anything where to happened to either of us she'd be really really mad", he muttered to himself as the drop ship with fellow Padawan [member="Asaraa Vaashe"], but he payed no heed to the other, concentrating on one thing. The moment the drop ships landed at the chaos infused temple the young Jin was off in a flash, his light red Yukata making an almost pink blur along the temple wall as he sped towards the main archives. If Sukai was to be here in the temple she would mostly make haste for the massive library.

Unkown to Tanasuki his elder sister was off dealing with somone else, meaning that the young Padawan would be running into other Jedi aside from his blood relative.
She Left Behind A Legacy
Hangar, Jedi Temple
WITH: [member="Jace Khel"] & [member="Quvox"]

OBJECTIVE: Get to the Archives
ENEMIES: None Yet. (Eventually [member="Vili Ozouf"] & Any others)


Embers gathered against the door; it was warm to the touch. Scattering as she pulled the door open she looked down from the gunships platform, etching along the edge while hovering in place. There wasn't much time...

Her nostrils flared, and her chest grew static in reaction to the drastically humid air. The open maw from below spouting clouds of smoke. "Here's your first lesson..." she was serious, "Trust me." She refused to look back at her two apprentices' faces. If they were unsure, they shouldn't feel as if it's taboo; she was unsure too.

She backpedalled a step, her ear twitching as the air was sliced in half by a couple of fighters, probably overhead and no more than some feet away. All it took was a simple gesture of her finger to cradle the zipper to her beige flight suit, she'd hate for the jacket to get caught.

She crouched slightly, bending enough at the knee that she would be able to propel herself enough feet and into the black cloud itself. The jump wasn't a long one, it was just that the destination on the other side remained hidden. With Coruscant under siege, and the temple in flames...there was no telling what awaited on the other side.

She landed into a front roll, landing with her legs crouched as she came back over. A quick survey and she saw nothing more than a hangar in flames; it was clear for the moment. "Jump!" she screamed through the smokescreen.

She'd hope her Padawans were right after her, she slowly stood up.

A few steps forward...

Her head shot to the left as the leaking fuel from a desecrated starfighter caught fire. A trail at which led back to its source and produced an even bigger flame. Luckily it was a ways away...

"The path to the Archives won't be clear." her voice trailed out towards the end. She turned and looked upon both of them, "Not how I planned for our first mission to go but...I'm all for the whole learning by doing method." Her eyebrows rose.

As quickly as they came, they dropped "Get ready..."
Location: Jedi Temple
Allies: Jedi, [member="Vulpesen"]
Enemies: Sith (Legit anyone, if you wanna duel, I'm down.)

He was coming, good, that would leave the children protected enough that none of the shaking padawans would need to raise a hand. They were meant to be protected at this age, the braids they wore were new, they likely had only just begun to learn when all this had happened. Their masters he assumed dead, they would not have left them to face this alone.

Or perhaps they had been the two he had just slain.

"Come." He ordered, waving the group onwards as he moved through the temple. All around them friend slayed friend, brother betrayed brother, the wretched depravity of the dark side ever present in each heart wrenching treachery. Marcus had served this, he'd helped it come to pass time and time again. How could he have done that? How had anger made him so willing to push aside everything he'd ever believed in?

He'd stood where he had now once before, and put those like the young Jedi behind him to the sword. There was no redemption for that, and he wouldn't have sought it if there was, nothing would ever erase all he'd done. All of that changed nothing however, as his mission was the only thing that mattered to him now, not even Carnifex's arrival could change that.
Location: En route to Coruscant
Objective: Save the children
Allies SJO & Friends: [member="Aubrey King"], [member="Alyisa Mithel"] [member="Charlie"], [member="Josh DragonsFlame"], [member="Valkren Calderon"], [member="Jyoti Nooran"]
Opposition: Sith/None yet

On the bridge of Stargazer, Grandmaster Kitra’s eyes narrowed at the sound of numerous reports flooding in.

Now, the feeling in the pit of her stomach was justified. Indeed something was very wrong here. The Silver Jedi had offered support to Master [member="Coren Starchaser"] and the NJO to assist with their withdrawal. But now, it appeared that their mission had turned into an actual evacuation. Needless to say, the sense of urgency rose greatly.

Gripping the edge of the console before her, she gave a nod to their pilot as he informed her that they were about halfway there. The possibility of meeting opposition there complicated things, definitely. But Valae had a great amount of confidence in the people with her today – namely, Colonel Valkren Calderon of the Antarian Rangers. He was a good friend and she would need to draw from his strength today.

“Master Nooran is already planetside,” She said, thinking aloud.

No doubt, the Echani Jedi would get the ball rolling in the right direction. They would need to keep the transport ships ready and safe, so they could get as many off the planet as they possibly could.

“It looks like we need to be prepared to the worst,” She said sadly, looking to Valkren. The two friends hadn’t been as close as they once had, but Valae hoped that their friendship was on the way to being completely repaired. Offering a faint smile of encouragement, she spoke in a quieter tone. “I’m glad you’re here today.”

Next, turning to the comm system, she addressed those accompanying her today.

“This is Grandmaster Kitra,” She took a breath, “We will be arriving shortly, and I will be counting on all of you to help evacuate the Jedi and especially the younglings. The situation has taken a turn, it seems that the Sith are attempting to take the temple. We will need to be ready for anything. May the force be with you all.”

With that, she closed the communication and bowed her head in silent meditation. There were several warships in tow. She had hoped that it wouldn’t come to this, but she would be relying on the skill of the Silver Spacy and their fighters to get them safely to their destination.

Vili Ozouf

Location: Jedi Temple
Objective: Find a worth opponent
Enemies: None yet ( [member="Romi Jade"] eventually)

With a hiss the doors of the troop transport hissed open, light of Coruscant’s primary shined down cutting through the dim red glow of the ship's interior. Vili could feel the warmth of it on his skin, a smile crossing the Valkyri’s face as he basked in the ambiance. All around the sounds of war created a rhythm that he could feel, the rhythm of fall, today was the Sith’s long-awaited day it seemed and he was here to bear witness to it all. The smell of burnt ozone filled Vili’s nostrils as blaster bolts flew between the Sith and Galactic Alliance troops that stood before the temple hoping to hold back the tide of darkness. Vili didn’t buy into this entire war of light and darkness, he didn’t care what side truly won at the end of the day he just wished to partake in the battle.

Stepping out the transport his feet meeting the solid
permacrete, Vili looked up to the shining monument of the Jedi, their temple. How it stretched high into the sky possibly granting one of the best views of the city, how the planets primary caused it to have a magnificent glow. In a way it was beautiful, that would make it all the more satisfying to destroy. From behind Vili troops of Sith soldiers leapt out the transport and began to push forward leaving the blonde-haired man to his contemplations. On each hip sat his twin ax’s Sol and Mani, the weapons the Sith had crafted for him. Vili couldn’t bring himself to use those repulsive light sticks that they swung around, but these… These he could truly wreak havoc with.

Ahead of him the Sith Lord, [member="Darth Morgoth"] ripped through the alliance forces alongside the two Bull rancors. It was quite the site and while Vili could appreciate it he had no intentions of fighting alongside the master. Vili had no intentions of engaging in true combat with the mundane soldiers of the Galactic Alliance, they were in a way beneath him, they would not provide the challenge that he sought… No only the fabled jedi could do that. Only they would be able to give Vili a battle worthy of him falling. Climbing the steps Vili paid no attention to the rancors as they tore at the foundations attempting to collapse the entrance. If it was his fate to be trapped within the temple with the Jedi, then it would happen. Blood flowed freely down the steps, all around the bodies of Alliance forces lay what remained standing focusing on the threat of Sith troopers.

Feeling a tug on his foot Vili looked down, grasping onto the acolyte’s ankle was an Alliance soldier, the eyes pleading as they looked up at him. Blood stained the soldier’s lips and his chest rose and fell rapidly. Even on his deathbed, the soldier was attempting to stop Vili from passing, it was admirable if only all soldiers could be like this one. “I’ll do you this one honor…” Hand grasping at the smooth wooden hilt of Mani, Vili raised the ax slowly. “May your journey to Beornskald be kind.” The eyes of the soldier widened his stained mouth opening as if to say something but no words came out as the honed edge of the ax cleaved through flesh, sinew, and then bone. Blood spurted upwards covering Vili’s face. Turning his back on the corpse Vili moved to enter the temple.
[member="Joycelyn Zambrano"]

Phrik armour, lightsabre (both in sig), boltgun, sonic carbine, sidearm

"Weather forecast is...cloudy. With a chance of orbital bombardment. May rain SDs."

It was a bit awkward to converse over holocomm. Being blind, Elpsis could not see Siobhan's holographic apparition. She could imagine the frown of perpetual disapprovel though. "I've received word of similar attacks across Alliance space. Given their track record, I should not be surprised that they missed an armada suddenly popping up. I reckon a couple Jedi will turn traitor. I wonder who'll be this generation's Daella. There's always at least one closeted Sith. Can you get off the planet?"

"You know me. A horde of jackbooted space thugs and some phallic status symbols won't stop me."

"Then secure a transport and depart ASAP."

"I'm just...supposed to leave? Whole city's under attack. People are dying."

"As they do every day. It's war. One fighter more or less won't make a difference. The GA's a doomed cause. And they sold us out before."

"The leaders did. Little guy on the street didn't. That's who I care about." There was noise, it sounded like the rumble of thunder, though it was probably artillery. "And since stuff is blowing up around me, don't think I got much of a choice."

"Silly girl. Get out of there alive. Don't get yourself killed. Heroism is not far removed from stupidity." Did her lady mother actually sound...concerned?

"Aww, Mother, didn't know you cared."

"You're my daughter."

There was a pause. "That's...the first time you called me that. Ever."

"Don't get sappy. It's embarrassing."

"Yeah, I love you, too," Elpsis said in a low voice, barely above a whisper. The connection died.

That had been a good while ago. So here she was now. Upon the battlefield of the city she'd grown up in. Truth be told, Elpsis had few positive memories of Coruscant. People gave it fancy names such as galactic centre, eternal city and so on. She'd gone through the school of hard knocks in the slums, where sunlight was never seen. Given all the devastation that had been wrought upon the city-planet time and again, she could not help wonder if its people might not have been happier if their world had been less prominent.

But such thoughts were far from her now. Intense flak fire engaged Sith dropships that raced down from the sky. Galactic Alliance soldiers and their allies engaged hordes of ferocious monsters and Sith troopers that had made their way to the surface. Multi-coloured beams of laser fire filled the air as heavy repeating blasters, laser cannon emplacements and turbolasers roared. Hovertanks sped over the ground, unloading upon the largest creatures with mass drivers or turbolaser cannons. Cries of pain were heard as soldiers fell, be it to gunfire or due to being ripped by beasts. Explosions resonated across the streets, artillery thundered. On the bright side, all those ruins and buildings provided cover. Still, the melee would be fierce.

Elpsis gazed through the scope of her Boltgun, having taken up position behind a window, first floor, of one of the many buildings. This one was largely intact. The suffering of those who were dying or in the process of doing so called out to her. As did the fear that permeated the air. But she focused. Having lain down to make herself less visible, she scanned the area. Though deprived of physical sight, in some ways she saw more clearly than she had prior to her blinding. Thus she perceived the dark auras of malevolence of the beings that approached the GA's battle lines. The soldiers and their heavy armour were doing their best to deal with the horde of abominations.

Elpsis' senses prickled, the Force drawing her gaze towards a woman clad in imposing obsidian armour, with an aura of fury surrounding her. Elpsis' breathing slowed as she focused, her Force Sight following the woman's movements. The Force and unyielding faith steadied her aim, and her finger depressed the trigger of her bolter. A salvoe of explosive bolts shot towards the armoured Sith woman. With the bolts being armed at launch, the warheads would explode on impact. Any impact, including shields, Force powers, sabres and so on. The bolts had a good radius in which someone could get injured by blast wave or shrapnel and enough punch to be damage even light vehicle armour.
Location: Jedi Temple
Objective: Understand and Protect
Allies: Marcus Faust, GA forces
Enemies: Sith... as always.

The wind howled in Vulpesen's ears as it whipped at his coat and stung his eyes. "The hell is going on here?" Lowering his mask to protect himself, he reached out as he neared the signature presence of his old foe. But as he tracked Faust, he grew to realize, something had indeed changed. "Incoming..." He clenched his hand and started to exert his will on the wall, subjecting it to immense pressure until it crumbled under him, allowing the ex-jedi to tumble into the hall behind Marcus and the younglings. Sure it was a bit of a flashy entrance, but what was the title of Valde if you couldn't have a bit of extravagance?

As his rose from the dust and rubble, Vulpesen stared at Faust through his mask, the golden fox face having stood between the pair since his days among the army of light. "Last I checked, you were one of the bad guys. You said you were irredeemable... just before you tried to kill me on Hapes." His voice was calm, and despite the nature of his words, lacked an accusing tone. Rather, the Vitae was simply trying to understand what was happening.

Hangar, Jedi Temple
With: [member="Jace Khel"] and [member="Romi Jade"]
Objective: Get to the Archives

He had nobody to blame but himself.

He was the one that wanted to be a Jedi. Who heard all about the great guardians of the galaxy, those who would protect those both weaker, stronger and worse than themselves. Who would save the worst people if it came down to it, no matter what wrongs they'd done in the past, if they thought they had a chance to change, to move past it. It was an ideal that he thought sounded almost too good to be true, but he wanted to give it a shot. To try and hit the mark that had been set so high, and to try and maybe eke out his existence as a Padawan long enough that he'd find himself changed into one of those incredible individuals.

It, just....he wasn't expecting this. Even through his mask, it was all so close. All the death and fire and blood that seemed to be submerging the Alliance in it as it was now getting neck-high. This wasn't usual, right? This couldn't be, not for the very first mission a Padawan had ever went on. It felt like he barely knew his master, barely knew Jace, barely knew anything. He knew the fundamentals of a lightsaber, of the force, a few tricks of his own, blasters, all that. Wasn't exactly about to call that enough to go into a warzone filled with the Sith and the worst people in the galaxy you could find, though.

His ears perked up behind his mask as he heard the first request- well, more like an order, from his master. "Trust-" He was about to ask what she meant when Romi suddenly disappeared, having leaped out and screaming for them to jump after her. Oh, great. Quvox rushed forward, lightsaber whipping about on his belt as he leaped into the smokescreen, preparing his legs for a landing and unable to see what was even coming. Please don't die. Please don't die, please do not die here. Suddenly, there was a surface below as he began to catch up. Okay, maybe he wasn't dying.

Quvox landed on the surface near where Romi had and rolled as best he could on impact, managing to mostly stand himself up and only stumble a little. He considered that a pretty stuck landing, if he said so himself. He steadied himself, pulling his lightsaber off of his belt and holding it to his side as he listened carefully to who he should paying attention to most, trying to just prepare himself. How ready could he even be? As ready as he had to be, he supposed. He held the saber low and in both hands as a green blade ignited out from it, more of a beginning Shii-Cho stance than anything. It didn't give away that he was a newbie to this, but it did seem almost deceptively basic. Maybe he could convince some Sith he was actually an expert at this, psyche them out a bit. Hopefully.

Mishel Kryze


Mishel's heart sank as the Grand Marshal revealed herself as the architect of this mass betrayal.

She could see the Grand- no, Sith from the reflection within the transparisteel. Sister? Mishel hadn't exactly time to absorb the full history of the Jedi she vowed to be part of but she knew the pain of losing family. Kaalia. Ara. She recalled their losses or rather removals in some cases, and each time it hurt. But this? Blessed Ashira this was a righteous mess as the Jedi spurned into the Darkness killed each other. Sith laying waste to the rest and the innocent? She shut her eyes a moment just as the explosion interrupted the light of day and in the moment she felt the other Jedi. Amassing, answering the call of Coruscant and as she opened her eyes, Mishel's hazel-green orbs fell to the Deceiver.

Mishel took a step back as the Deceiver let loose the darkside she had been masking all this time.

The former Ren choked, gasped not that it was simply overwhelming but because it brought back the Ren to her mind. It begged to ruin any attempt she had made in the past months to move past her old life. Admittedly she had taken a knee due to the aura, the only other time she had known such darkness was from that of Seiger Ren himself when he drove his brutal hand of discipline across all the disciples who followed his word. And as she looked up the roof of the temple shook, pieces of it began to fly from their holdings. The Chamber walls and the ceiling were all gone. Darth Carnifex himself had arrived and as he descended his ramp and stood beside the Deceiver, the floor cracked and broke shooting to meet his boots.

The Dark Lord of the Sith.

"Blessed Ashira have mercy on us all," the quiet prayer slipped her mouth.

There was little more time to react or reply. Coren had already taken his move. She scrambled to her feet, rolling away from both the Deceiver and the Dark Lord as the force swirled around her master. Force light began to spark, "Master!" Mishel shouted, "remember our calling, our work - if we die on this day then so be it. But we die as Jedi, we die fighting the darkness, there is no death - there is only the force." She pulled at Force around her Master, yellow lightsaber ready to go, even if she knew deep down in her heart of hearts there was no way out of this alive. At long last, perhaps Kyrel was to get his wish - the bloodline of Siobhan Kerrigan would end the hands of the Deceiver and the Dark Lord, but not before Mishel made it known that she would be the Jedi that her mother could not be. "There are more Jedi in this Galaxy, Master. They will survive and for that we must fight, we can be that tide!" Suddenly the plucky roguish padawan found herself being the voice of reason, and for some reason she wasn't sure if that was a good sign or a bad one.

Hand outstretched she pulled from the loose marble around the Dark Lord's feet attempting to strike at the Deceiver. If anything it'd be a nice little distraction, at best - she was just buying time until their allies could join them in the fight. The Light Would Survive. Or she'd die trying.

[member="Coren Starchaser"] | [member="Taeli Raaf"] | [member="Cotan Sar'andor"] | [member="Darth Prazutis"] | [member="Veino Garn"] | [member="Darth Carnifex"]
Location: Jedi Temple, near archives
Objective: Mayhem
Allies: [member="Darth Imperia"], [member="Vili Ozouf"]
Enemies: Eventually [member="Romi Jade"], [member="Jace Khel"], [member="Quvox"]

"How remarkable," Tsisaar mused to himself, witnessing the destruction all around. He hadn't been around when the One Sith took Coruscant themselves, nor when they were ousted; now, however, he found all the insanity surrounding him somewhat exhilarating. Not far from him lay the body of a Jedi Padawan, charred and smoking from the blast of lightning that Tsisaar had levelled against the young humanoid. Further still he could hear the sounds of battle, as Jedi cut down Sith, Sith cut down Jedi, and chaos reigned supreme throughout the once-orderly Jedi temple.

The feelings through the Force were nearly intoxicating.

"They considered themselves so wise and perceptive, and yet they never did learn of how deeply they'd been betrayed...until now, of course." Tsisaar stepped over the body, advancing towards the archives. After a few short steps, however, he stopped; his huleppi twitched, as he recognized a new presence in the Force. Faint, not particularly nearby—yet. But it was there all the same. "Well, this should be fun," he muttered to himself, withdrawing his lightsaber hilt. He felt almost happy at the thought of continuing his dance with Padawan Khel. He turned to one of the other Sith he'd entered the battle with, a Sith who called herself Sera Kirshe, and who would be helpful in dealing with the other presences he noticed alongside his personal target. "I think I just noticed the arrival of a good friend, madame; might I ask that you join me in greeting them?" He nodded upwards towards the hangar, activating his pale-bladed lightsaber at the same moment. "Sera" would have to be nearly as imperceptive as the Jedi had been not to understand his meaning.
Allies: [member="Mishel Noren"] [member="Coren Starchaser"] @Whoever else eventualy comes up there that I'm forgetting because I'm terrible
Enemies: [member="Taeli Raaf"] [member="Darth Prazutis"] [member="Alvarex Zambrano"] [member="Darth Carnifex"]

The turbolift brought him up to the top quickly, with Cotan able to quickly jump out of it and run his way over to the council chamber; upon setting foot inside it, he played witness to Taeli Raaf's unveiling of her true nature. He rapidly found himself filled with conflicting emotions—he felt sick to his stomach, knowing how well the Jedi had been well he'd been betrayed, in a sense. At the same time, he was somewhat pleased with himself that he'd chosen to leave when he did, and join the Judges and the Je'daii instead. All those thoughts were rather quickly pushed from his mind when the Dark Side eneveloped the space, ripping everything away except for the floor.

As Darth Carnifex landed on the platform, Cotan's eyes narrowed, nearly all his focus drawn to that man. The man who, he imagined, had a significant role behind the attack on Utapau before, given that he was aiding the Mandalorian Empire; more important than that was the amount of sheer destruction and death that had been done in the Sith Emperor's name. Setting his jaw grimly, Cotan activated his amber-bladed lightsaber, thankful at least for the presence of allies—even if he didn't particularly well know them. As Coren and Mishel started to attack, Cotan himself advanced implacably for the Dark Lord. "Long time no see, your highness," he said to the man, mock-respectfully. As he did so, he eyed the three-meter long blade Carnifex wielded somewhat uncomfortably. It'd be difficult getting anywhere he could launch a proper attack when he had that monstrosity to deal with. Even so, he started to advance across the intervening distance, knowing that if he didn't take the man's attention, then Coren and Mishel would start having far more trouble than they needed.

"I don't think we got nearly as well acquainted on Utapau as we should've been; would you care to dance?"

Lord Combattere

Location: Jedi Temple
Objective: Kill all life
Enemies: None Yet

Walking alongside his new master as he spoke some words before battle then giving him only one job to kill and this was long awaited the Chiss wanted the Jedi to burn for their actions reaching to his belt he grabbed both of his hilts igniting two blue blades running forward deflecting fire with his Form 5 Shiien form to deflect before switching to a Form 4 using acrobatics to jump around with his two blades slicing and stabbing making his way through any life forms all of which are blaster wielding he hadn't had the pleasure of meeting any Jedi yet they would most likely all be wiped out by more powerful Sith which Jimmy was strong for his age and his skills as sharp as they could be for his age he was still far below some of the more powerful Sith and Jedi masters.

[member="Darth Morgoth"] |

Location: Jedi Temple
Objective:Kill and Destroy
Allies: [member="Lord Combattere"] [member="Vili Ozouf"]
Enemies:Jedi As Always

As the foundations of the entrance began to quake Morgoth felt a darker urge, more blood more destruction. Turning to his apprentince he said " Protect the rancors call me if you get overwhelmed, if you die I will be angry so don't die" The last would almost come out as some form of care for the boy as he began to walk through the rubble. As he saw Villi pass him he said "Young sith walk with me, I have an idea where we can find a true challenge". Even as the Dark Current flowed through and around him he could feel the rogue master a few floors above them. Without offering a second time he began to run through the corridors of the temple, younglings falling like wheat before his blade.

Approaching him he could see a knight trying to help the younglings to the evacuation point. The Siths eyes were not looking at the knight as he cut his way through the swarm and before the knight could raise his lightsaber he was lying faceless on the ground shuddering as his chiss form had, had it's face burn't to cinders.

A little further on he could see [member="Vulpesen"] and his comerades conversing as they moved. "Hold there!" Came the dark imposing voice of the Sith Lord as the second of his black sabers flew to his hand and he took his stance, Juyo his favorite of the forms was his posture and he was ready to employ it. A youngling darted past him in fear towards the lightside master and was quickly cut down as Morgoth threw his blade outwards slicing the child in half before it came back him. "Fight me or I will slaughter every single Jedi youngling here" His words were like an icey stream yet they boiled like lava, even the air would begin to crackle as he pushed himself to the limit of his immersion into the Dark Current.
Location: Stargazer, bridge.
Objective: Save the Children, protect the Grandmaster
Allies: [member="Aubrey King"] | [member="Alyisa Mithel"] | [member=Charlie"] | [member="Josh DragonsFlame"] | [member="Valae Kitra"]

Colonel Calderon winced as a bridge-stationed officer attempted to help secure one Valkren's bracers that completed his Katarn combat armor.

"Easy there, don't hurt the merchandise." He commented, looking down to catch the officer rolling his eyes at the statement. He was dealing with his main hand for trigger-pulling, after all.

Valae's statement suddenly met Valkren's ear and brought the distracted commander back to the hard floor of the stargazer. His line of sight was taken away from his hand and right arm, to one of his oldest friends. Valkren was no force user, he couldn't read people's feelings, or know exactly what they were thinking. However, he had been in the 'pipe hitters' business for over half of his life now, and he could tell when worry was present in someone.

Valkren returned a smile to his grandmaster, a smile she probably hadn't seen in awhile due to the combination of the colonel's deployments and lack of emotions toward her. Yet, here it was, the kinder smile that was more common in Calderon's early days in the Rangers.

"You remember Ord Radama, Val? Just stay close to us like you did then, and we'll be fine. We'll save everyone we can, I promise you of that." Valkren including a casual version of her name showed how their relationship had begun to heal, atleast it was the best way Valkren could show that being how he is.

There was always a sort of honor amongst some armies when it came to combat, sometimes even Sith. However, when children and civilians were involved, there was no honor. Involving the innocent always pushed the thirty-year-old colonel over the edge with his rage. However, he knew he'd have to keep his composure during this evacuation, with the grandmaster present his unit would be taking a lot of flak.

But the Radama Raiders were some of the best rangers, most handpicked by Valkren even..So they were prepared.

He reiterated his statement before to her, "I promise you, we'll make sure they're safe."

Valkren's gaze drifted off once again when Valae began to transmit to their fleet, his mind always went a few places before any combat drop: His mother, his sister...Roona, his mind even wandered to his lost brother and father, offering a sort of prayer for the protection of his men and his friends.

He felt as if they'd need all the prayers they could get today.
Location: Jedi Temple
Allies: Jedi, [member="Vulpesen"]
Enemies: Sith

As Vulpesen arrived and instantly went about asking the questions Marcus was dearly hoping he wouldn't, the children's fear grew. He could sense it in the force, radiating off them, and so could any Sith eager for a kill. He practically glared back at the former Jedi as if to say, Not the time.

"The force guided me onto a better path." He said curtly, looking to the children with a kindness in his eyes that permeated through the scars. Of course, by the force he meant [member="Tracyn"] in conjunction with the all present force, but there was no need to clutter the narrative for the children who seemed to shake away the lingering fear for a moment.

"We need to get them far away from here, if orbit is unsafe then we must see to it they go so deep not even Carnifex's darkness will be able to find them." He wouldn't kid himself about the situation, all across Alliance space, the light was bleeding, dying, they could not simply find a safe place for the young ones to wait out the fight because no matter how they fought, they were going to lose. The children had to escape.

As he awaited his old foe's response, a trio of crimson-saber-weilding Sith ascended a nearby flight of stairs, one of them crying out angrily and directing her comrades towards the group. Rolling his shoulders with a sigh, Marcus brought his saber to bear. The force willed him to fight.

Darth Imperia

Location: Jedi Temple, near Archives
Objective: Burn the civilians, slaughter the temples
Allies: [member="Tsisaar Taral"] | [member="Vili Ozouf"]
Enemies: [member="Romi Jade"] | [member="Jace Khel"] | [member="Quvox"]
Equipment: Sith Robes, The Penumbra, Sera’s (But Really Imperia’s Because Possession) Cybernetic Suite, Jin’Wodasir (x2)
Music: The Great Die Off


Imperia couldn't put her finger on it. She'd sacked Jedi temples before. She'd seen worlds burned to ash by the Empire's war machine. And she didn't have anything, really, against the Galactic Alliance - nothing personal, at least. She hadn't been with the One Sith when they'd been ousted from Coruscant, as so many of her compatriots had been. This little excursion, while certainly entertaining, shouldn't have been anything special.

So why was Imperia so giddy about it? And giddy was definitely the right word - she hummed and sang to herself while cutting down Jedi and civilians alike, and moved with a sort of liveliness that would've been unbecoming of a Sith, if she didn't leave a trail of destruction in her wake.

"Hmm?" Imperia snapped out of a daydream when she heard her tentacle-y companion direct a question at her. "Oh, yes." A flick of the thumb, and a shuddering beam of purple plasma formed from the cylinder in the Knight's hand. "Let's go meet your friend. Excellent form on that last kill, by-the-by. Almost artful."

Cassus Stoma



It appeared as if Jace and Quvox had similar quarrels with leaping from a gunship and into a floor made of smoke. You never really could know what was on the other side, unless that just so happened to be a power the Padawan had no real idea of. Perhapss in time, perhaps in time. Both feet were firmly planted within the gunship, wearing a similar styled beige flight suit that Romi had, offering a singular, hesitant glance to the Obese beside him. A shrug, and a drop. Vanishing beneath the polluted air below, much in the way of a missile as he tore through it to arrive on the other side.

​Jace landed flat footed upon the Temple's floor, forcing ash to be kicked up and shifted away as the embers slowly trailed throughout the air. He had never seen the Jedi Temple before, and to see it on fire was... strange. The Padawan always figured that if he was to ever arrive there'd be schools of Jedi being taught the ways of the force, all of it leading into th next generation of Jedi. Whilst the New Jedi Order is something Jace couldn't exactly get behind with their militant and orthodox ways, they were Jedi all the same. The light in the galaxy that tried to defend against the ever-growing darkness. Now? Now it was just the dwindling light.

The lightsaber on his hip was snapped upwards into his grip, the blue blade shining bright with fierce determination slapped across his face. He really didn't plan on dying here, and whilst Romi was capable of defending the Padawans, he had to be able to do it himself. A Niman stance was adopted as he merely stood there, waiting for whatever was to come next. His prying eyes wandering wildly. There was so much going on, all of it consumed by every sense he had. Jedi and Sith clashed all around him, but none of them made an approach on the Padawan just yet- at least as far as he could see. Whatever was to come next was a mystery to him.

Allies: [member="Romi Jade"] - [member="Quvox"]

Enemies: [member="Tsisaar Taral"] - [member="Darth Imperia"] - [member="Vili Ozouf"]
All Saphir had wanted was lunch, maybe a drink. No, definitely a drink, though the situation at hand far from altered that. If anything, that drink was even more welcome than before. No doubt by the time this ordeal was over, assuming Saphir made it out, there would be even more drinks in order. A thought had hit her in the early morning, a bad feeling that today would much better be spent in bed, or better yet on a different system. Some particularly superstitious folk might say it was the Force. Still, even more superstitious folk would say it was a sign from Vahl herself. Saphir had scoffed at both groups, the latter in particular. Yet, she couldn't argue with that bad feeling now. She should've stayed in bed.

It was tempting, so very tempting, to book it to the first transport off world. This wasn't her fight, she was as much a tourist to this world as the next person, the days she'd spent on Coruscant being ones she could count on her hands. While she'd bore no particularly ill will towards the alliance, she hadn't much to hate the Sith for either. More importantly, she was an avid fan of keeping her head on her shoulders.

There were no records to say she was either Sith or Alliance member. She could've easily ran. And yet, there was that annoying twinge of heroism that poked and prodded at her. A child's cry for help among all the rubble did her no favors. Saphir tried to keep her original mentality, to turn the other way in the sake of self preservation. She took one, two, five steps before turning, cursing herself as she ran to tend to the child.

To one who couldn't be much older than seven or eight, the tall woman's approach must've been terrifying, her nearly perpetually sour expression doing her no favors. Yet squirm as the child did, they couldn't free themself from the monster that approached, only scream more. "Woah, dude, come on I'm trying to help you here," came Saphir's lazy drawl as she took hold of the pieces of rubble that trapped the child. "Can ya do me a favor and, like, not scream?" Her words did little to calm the child, shutting them up just long enough for her to free them, a power she wasn't particularly used to using surging through her as she moved the duracrete. There. Her one heroic act. That was enough, right?

Judging from the Sith vessels, that wouldn't be the case. As each ship touched down and released their hoard, the pit in Saphir's stomach dug a deeper hole, just as she wanted to dig a hole for herself right now. All theses creatures and Saphir only had a measly little electrostaff. Yeah, she wasn't about to take any of them on if she could avoid it. Yet it would appear she hadn't much of a choice, as to be expected from being caught in the crossfire.

She fought off those who attacked her directly relatively well. The child hadn't gotten very for, nor faired very well against these creatures, Saphir catching sight of the kid's mangled body amongst a cluster of them. So much for that heroic act. There were so many creatures to battle, too many for the Vahla, already scraped and scratched from the first wave. There was no way she was obliterating the horde as a whole. So she slipped away from the brunt of it, taking refuge among rubble, picking off the stragglers and those who'd caught her scent before she'd gotten out of their way.

"Would it have killed you to have waited til, I don't know - tomorrow, to have done this?!" she shouted up at the being that was last to exit the final ship. As she did so, she plunged the end of the electrostaff into one of the creatures, keeping it in place as she bashed its skull in with her boot. "Seriously, this is ridiculous."

[member="Joycelyn Zambrano"] | [member="Elpsis Kerrigan-Alcori"]

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