Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[ENDGAME] - Shadow's Fall

Location: Beyers Hospital
Allies: [member="Anais Auraeli"]
Enemies: Eventually - [member="Jairus Starvald"] & [member="Irajah Ven"]

A call for help from [member="Coren Starchaser"], a Jedi from the NJO he had only heard about during his tenure there, had ushered Ember Farseer into the fray of what looked like doomsday on Coruscant. Ever since he left the New Jedi Order, Ember remained reluctant to venture into Alliance territory and found himself helping as best as he could the denizens of the Outer Rim along with the Outer Rim Coalition.

And now he was back.

Only to see everything he knew as a growing kid and teenager collapsing upon itself. He'd lie if he did not admit that coming back to Coruscant had brought back a flood of warm memories and the destruction that rained upon them currently was the sight he desired least to see.

But here they were. Years ago Ember would've protested of bringing a rather inexperienced Jedi into such a warzone, but he had learned how experience was built the hard way. Thus why Anais was here today with him. The two had found their way to helping a moderate hospital which appeared to be in closest proximity to the bigger firefights and shelling. Both Jedi were scouting the warzone for wounded survivors along with a trained emergency team and other volunteers. They had been picking up bodies of people half alive and half dead without stopping as the war raged above their heads and on the ground.

Riding an open repulsor truck carrying multiple wounded citizens including children, Ember nodded at Anais as the truck stopped at the entrance of the emergency center of the hospital.

"Get the power converters from the back and bring them in." He told her as he helped the others with the stretchers. Wounded people was not the only issue but maintaining a structure in the midst of a warzone. All supplies that could scavenged were brought to this safe place.

Carrying the people within the safe (until when) walls of the hospital, Ember felt the Force surging around him. His light side aura naturally expanding to soothe, focus and revitalize those around him. It felt almost subconscious.

Unaware of the creeping figures not far from the hospital with one wicked goal in their mind...
Armour | Pike | Sword | Jin'wodasir x 2| Sidearm | Scroll
Arriving in: 3 x Phi-Class Heavy Dropship full of Sithspawn (x x x) and some pilots
The scene as it transpired was beautiful: Dark ships rising up from the depths like spines, raining fire and hell down upon those below. Spires crumbling to dust, and the screams of souls in anguish being crushed under the sudden, but inevitable betrayal of their comrades. Her spine crawled as she thought about what would come. She remembered the last days of the One Sith, when she was but a girl. The troops had gone to Contruum to put the Republic in its place, she had stayed behind. The Alliance that now controlled Coruscant had sacked it, sent ships crashing down into its midst. She had fought them, and while she survived, she never felt victorious in that moment.

Now it was the Sith's turn to burn and pillage, to cause untold suffering to the people they had once protected. Such was the way the wheel of war turned. She made sure she was part of it -that she had a front seat -that her hands would be dripping rubies.

A bout of flame was just cut off by the blast doors and a tremor went through the Ferrata-Class carrier as it took a series of hits to the hull. The bridge was lost, fire cascaded through the hull and crew were expunged into the atmosphere. On the other side of the blast-door she heard the pattering of hands knocking, muffled voices screaming, and then silence. She, among many who fled the fall of the Ferrata, boarded the Phi-Class dropships and hurriedly got them in the air.

Joycelyn had been given command of this bay, it was prepared for specialised type of attack on the surface. Each ship was marked with a beastly skull, whose fanged maw was open and ready: It was a squadron of monsters and handlers, the ultimate shock troops. The first ship to exit was immediately hit by a strafing run and plummeted before bursting with flame. The two next made it, a third got blown out of the sky as well, and finally Joycelyn's own. The three surviving dropships made an effort to give themselves space from the Ferrata and descend to the ground. Staying in the sky was a death-trap.

Behind them, they could all see the Ferrata leaving a trail of smoke as it dived nose-first into the city. It crashed through a skyscraper, crumpled a block under its mass, and dissolved in fire and chaos. The dropships touched down on different parts of one of Coruscant's streets. It was not as tactically optimal as their original target, but the beasts were getting rowdy.

As the ships touched down, doors opened and monsters were unleashed: Two opened first, unleashing a stampede of Ravagers that set to tearing up all that they could see. They were followed by trio of Behemoths from each ship. Finally, as the monsters spread, Joycelyn's own ship opened its bay and unleashed the Hyal'hask, a swarm of ruthless, twisted beings whose purpose it was to hunt and destroy.

At the end of them all came the black-armoured form of Joycelyn, a silvery staff in hand and sword at her hip.

[member="Elpsis Kerrigan-Alcori"] [member="Saphir Steele"]
Location: Jedi Temple, Main Hall
Allies: GA and their allies
Companion: [member="Alexandra Feanor"]
Enemies: Sith and eventually [member="Xevek Rakama"]
Objective: Guard the archives

This was not the first time Jairdain had come to aid of the Alliance. Twice in the past it had happened and now a third time. It might have been because at her core she was more light than dark. While she was no longer a true beacon of light and walked the fine line between the two, there was more light in her.

Here in the Temple of the Alliance's Jedi she was guarding the archives they had. She was not a fighter and preferred to stay in the back and provide support. Nearby, she sensed the presence of her former lover and man she had loved for a few years, [member="Yuroic Xeraic"]. There was also their joint Padawan, [member="Asaraa Vaashe"]. Hopefully the girl wasn't getting herself into trouble here or causing mischief.

Their place was doing something different than what she did and Jairdain accepted this fate of things.

As she sat with Alexandra, her head had a sudden sharp pain to it. Taking a deep breath, Jairdain knew what it meant. There was another part of Lykos here and if she felt him, he could feel her as well. This would draw him to her and they would meet up again. Unlike the last time she had confronted a piece of him, this was a battle field. No mercy would be given by either of them.

Turning her attention on Alexandra, she broke the silence between them.

"A piece of that past I told you about is coming."
LOCATION: A Sith Empire Star Destroyer
OBJECTIVE: Join Ground Forces for Main Assault

"As you command, my Lord," Edwin had a pang of disappointment. He truly wanted to be involved in the space battles, no matter how little of an impact they have. He was always, at heart, a pilot. Even if there wouldn't be much impact; providing a way for their troops to get to the ground was still of utter importance. Can't seige the ground if no one is on it after all. Edwin did know there were others who could fill the role. He always had despised being Sith. That was 35 years ago. Edwin changed. He wanted to better himself in more than one way from now on. Maybe this wouldn't just be an end to required servitude, but the stubbornness he had harbored for years; thinking there was no better way to live than as a pilot. Being a pilot would always be a big part of him, but maybe now; there were just other things he should take care of.

Kuul'ket'tur before his absense had told Edwin that balance is impossible, but the strive for stability isn't far away. Even if he could never get used to the force, even if he was over a hundred years old and still couldn't be used to it; he should still strive for the stability the ancient Sith Lord had told him of. Edwin marched down the ramparts, placing his pilot helm on as he boarded a black Imperial Shuttle. The soldiers saw him, standing in attention.

"We await your permission to go, my Lord," Edwin didn't a rare thing. He smiled. He had a desire that quivered in his young mind.

"As we are Naval Personnel, you will address me as your Lieutenant," He had previously been a Captain, but had been demoted to Lieutenant for his failure to strike down his foe which had led him to jail. It was more demoralizing than anything else for him, during that time. But now he had the chance to regain his lost title. It was men who stood for themselves in battle that earned their titles and as a Sith there was little reason for the soldiers to say no.

"C-certainly, Lieutenant," What appeared to be the Pilot responded in acknowledge. Edwin looked him over, looking as he shuffled uncomfortably.

"You seem not fit to fly this thing down to the planet it seems, Commander," Edwin remarked.

"I-I can assure you my lord that I can get us down-"

Edwin raised a hand towards him, motioning into the main cockpit. "No need, I'll handle this repertoire myself. We can't simply have me as the only other passenger; get the other grounds units, we'll stockpile this shuttle."

The Pilot stared at him in confusion, then at the others. "Very well my Lord, won't be a moment shorter," Edwin smiled to himself as he heard the shouting of the original little crew before the plane became full soldiers, all looking reading for battle. Both young and old, all in one place.

"This is Lieutenant Edwin, Shuttle F41 is ready for takeoff," Edwin said through the comfeed. It was followed by silence before a voice responded.

"Very well My Lord, everything looks orderly, undocking now," Edwin braced as the dock was sealed away. He glanced towards the other two shuttles harboring [member="Darth Morgoth"] and [member="Lord Combattere"]. The air was gone in the next moment as the three ships headed out for Coruscant.. Edwin had some bad memories back there. It was here that he trained as a pilot for the One Sith; as well as becoming a captive of the Alliance. Who knows what other bad memories are just waiting to make a name for themselves?

(OOC: I won't be tagging anyone and will just mainly follow the post)
He could feel it. The call around the galaxy. Darkness falling, and light rising to meet it. He had his people, the Jedi, they were moving, He could only hope that the Triumvirate was secure. He was moving to the place he knew that one of the Triumvirate were. And that was why the fight in the Temple was occurring, though, Coren knew what had gone on. He could feel it, regardless of what he thought was happening. The hallway was full of Jedi and Sith. Running down the hall, he was throwing Force light, the pure energy of the light side, at those that were looking to extinguish it. Fighting their way to the lift, he dragged his student in.
“We need to fix this, and turn the tide.” He said, to her, but to no one in particular, at the same time. Looking at his commlink, he grabbed it. “Garn. I need you and yours at the Temple. Full coup, protect those you can.” The Jensaarai were some of the toughest members of the Fringe Forcers he knew. They could take the dark side on equal turf. Something he was hoping he wouldn’t have to do. [member="Veino Garn"]

The door opened and he stepped forward, the Force was still swirling around him, the light that was what the New Jedi Order vowed to defend. “My task is to secure you.” He said, the hum of the orange blade filling the room. He stepped forward, reaching out to Master Raaf. Something wasn’t right. She was not hurried or huddled.

He continued towards her.

[member="Taeli Raaf"]
[member="Mishel Noren"]
Location: Free Falling towards the Temple
Objective: Protect Innocents and personal interests
Allies: VSF troops and anyone who isn't killing innocents

Coruscant... the poor beaten capital of the Galaxy. Once upon a time, the Valde had called it home. And looked down at the temple below him he could almost pick his old room from its structure. Thena gain, who knows how many times it had been destroyed and rebuilt since he had left. It was very possible that his old room was now nothing but a wall, a broom closet, or a hallway. Either way, nostalgia wasn't what brought him here. The archives on Coruscant were extensive and if placed in the wrong hands could do damage to Vulpesen's personal assets. He couldn't allow that to happen. "Keep her running, boys. Squad 3, you're with me!" Looking back to his pilot, Vulpesen walked to the opening loading ramp, four of his men following behind. A grenadier, a rifleman, a machine gunner, and a sniper, each one equipped to protect the Valde. "Here we go!" With a bit of a running start, Vulpesen launched himself off the ramp, down towards the temple spires. A few seconds later and his men jumped to join him while the Vixen flew off away from the dangers of combat.
[member="Edwin Setyl"] [member="Lord Combattere"]

Current Location Outside Jedi Temple
Current Objective Help Rancors Tear Down the Temple

The fires of battle raged as Morgoth approached. In his heart this was always something he had wanted, to rip the home of the Jedi apart brick by brick like they had done to him all those years ago. "Fires burn the soul, steel will show the path, ice will shatter and the Jedi will fall" Each word he uttered as he took a step until he arrived at the blockade in front of the Jedi temple. As the last words dripped from his lips he threw out his hands lighting and pure energy coursed forward shattering the blockade before him. Looking to his Acolyte he said "Kill" the word as icy as the atmosphere around him. "Edwin get back in the air and lead my squadrons to victory, I am putting you in charge of the air offensive for my starfighters do not fail me!" The command was not questioning in its intent nor did the threat appear empty as he was not known to care for uselessness.

A sharp whistle would pierce the air followed by two shorter whistles as the the Rancors snarling and snapping behind him would begin mowing through alliance soldiers and pushing the offensive, as Morgoth dove head first into the fray. His blades a whir of black energy as he followed the ebb and flow of the current losing himself as he wiped out every single soldier in his way. Another sharp whistle would proceed as the Rancors began to rip at the foundations pillars of temple slowly tearing it down bit by bit.
Location: Beyer's Hospital
Allies: [member="Ember Farseer"]
Enemies: Sith Cultists | [member="Jairus Starvald"] & [member="Irajah Ven"]
Objective: Protect the civilians. Follow the code. Jedi stuff.

It’ll take a while to get the converters online,” Anais called as she shouldered one of the supply bags, her young face creasing slightly at the added weight as she dropped down from the repulsor truck and on to the hospital’s landing platform. “From what the administrator said on the comms, their systems is brand new and won’t be compatible with these older models. We’ll have to jury-rig something to cross the difference.

Although Anais had only been there a handful of times as a child, she had seen enough of jewel of the galactic core in those early years to know that it would always be a bustling, buzzing hive of activity like no other. Those trips had been contained to the diplomatic centres of the sprawling ecumenopolis, however. Where life, while considerably faster in pace than that on rim of the galaxy, was still much more sedate and reserved compared to the rest of the city.

Outside of those serene places of discourse, fancy balls and intrigue, it turned out that Coruscant was a whole different beast entirely, and with the threat of attack hanging over their head…

She swallowed and began pushing her way through the crowd, the young padawan taking full advantage of her larger and heavier stature for someone her age to shoulder through the endless tide. Murmuring soft apologies in passing yet moving with a will and a purpose. Once again finding a sense of comfort in focusing in the task at hand that…

It was like a beat of a war drum at first. A single beat that resounded through the force. Distant, heady and full of sinister promise. A second following in its wake a dozen or so seconds later. Then a third, then a fourth. Faster now. More twisted in cadence. Darker. The paradoxical sound of shadows.


The honorifics she would normally have conferred the knight falling to the wayside, those amber eyes widening as she turned to face the entrance to the hospital. Focusing not on the doors themselves, but on that shadowy drum beat that was fast descending upon them. A shadow of malice and hate, of rapacious hunger. One that though she’d encountered only briefly in the past, in another time and distant place, remained a constant and painfully clear fixture in those sleepless nights she’d had ever since. Immediately recognize that cloying sound for what it was; the darkness could only be radiated by those souls that had become lost, trapped and consumed by their own inner demons and the need for power to harness them.

The power converters voiced a loud protest as the bag slipped from her shoulder, but the padawan was already on the move back the way she came, hand reflexively seeking out the lightsaber on her belt. This wouldn't become another Deneba. She wouldn't let it. She couldn't let it. “We need to---

Whatever she was about to yell was lost as the drum beat picked up once more, far louder and fiercer than before as it reached for a climax, all but drowning out the sounds of broken glass and wrent durasteel that showered the civilians and hospital staff nearest the entrance as the doors were abruptly blown inwards by a blast. Anais' belated telekinetic attempt at a bubble only managing to protect a handful of them from the larger debris.

And as the drums finally came to a stop, that was when the screams began.
Location: Jedi Temple, Main Hall
Allies: GA and co. With [member="Alexandra Feanor"] & [member="Jairdain"]
Equipment: Armor (in sig) and blaster pistol (also in sig)
Enemies: Sith
Objective: Guard the archives

Worst field trip ever. Mereel spun his pistol around with his right hand and swapped out the power cell as he fell back deeper into the temple, hoping to meet back up with his chaperone. I can't believe this osik is happening again. I've been here to experience this twice. Back then I was hideously under-armed, and this time isn't much kriffing better.

Under normal circumstances, a field trip to the Jedi temple would have made an excellent change of tone to his normal practices in learning the ways of the force and the Jedi, but these were not normal circumstances - and now his main goal of the trip shifted from learning to surviving the upcoming engagements without his lightsaber or other better weaponry. His lightsaber had been misplaced somewhere in his ship, and rifles and ordnance he intentionally left in his ship because he thought it would be rude to bring them into the Jedi Temple.

He turned a corner and saw two figures waiting around in the main hall, he recognized one of them in the force immediately. "Master Feanor! Sorry I fell behind, sneaking a blaster bolt past a dar jetii's blade isn't exactly easy - don't ask what happened to my saber."

Mereel walked towards the two, slid his pistol into his holster and nodded his head to the second Jedi he didn't know as he approached, "Se'cuy ner vod, I'm Mereel"

He looked back to Feanor, "So.. what's our objective here Master? I mean, in this specific room."

[member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Mishel Noren"]
[member="Taeli Raaf"]

Veino ducked inside a doorway as blasterfire lit up one of the side corridors. He wasn't entirely sure who it came from or whose it belonged to, but eithe way, it could still burn. No need to put his armor to the test early.

"Already in the Temple," Veino called back through the comlink, looking around the corner. It was chaos and carnage. "Jensaarai team securing a hangar and escorting out civvies. I'm your back-up."

As the blaster fire began to quiet down, Veino dove across the corridor and slammed into the hallway on the other side. The duraplast plates clattered as he picked himself up and slipped towards the hallway.

Force Light. He could sense it, way above. He tilted his head back, trying to remember where everything had been in this temple. Coren was the only one he knew that could do Force Light, so that was likely him.

But first, he had to deal with two more Sith that had appeared out of nowhere.

Location: Coruscant, Beyer's Hospital
Allies: [member="Irajah Ven"]
Opponents (soon): [member="Anais Auraeli"] | [member="Ember Farseer"]
Others: [member="Preliat Mantis"]

The point wasn't to slaughter them all.

In fact, the point had been to break their will with shock and awe, then focus on the actual mission at hand. But... Jairus had trained them for about three weeks now- some of them might have had previous training with combat, none of it was military-grade discipline. It was the main reason why the Sith Lord had picked a 'soft' target as their first operation.

Wet their beak with some blood without shattering them against an actual fortification.

His mind had already followed his disciples into the hospital, slowly influencing some of the more interesting minds.

For instance, Anais's quick thinking had saved about half a dozen (if not more) civilians. Three of them? Their eyes suddenly went blank and unseeing, then a moment later aggression rolled off them (perhaps the only warning the padawan received), before those she had saved turned against her little group and herself. They didn't have anything on them in terms of weapons.

Except teeth, nails and they used it all as they launched themselves at their former friends and fellow victims.

"Mmm, good." The Sith Lord mumbled as he vaulted over the shattered window and was suddenly inside the hospital itself. Chaos everywhere as his cultists fought, some dying, others excelling.

Palm forward he gestured towards Ember.

A telekinetic blast lashed out at him with the force of a boulder.
CURRENT LOCATION: Coruscant's Surface
OBJECTIVE: Get in Some Dogfights

Edwin's eyes gleamed through his helmet, "With pleasure, My Lord," He saluted to [member="Darth Morgoth"] before he took one of the return shuttles back to one of the Star Destroyers. Return flight wasn't as secure as vulnerability to anti-air missiles seemed more likely. Least it was the case as Edwin kept hearing them woosh and sizzle past the ship he on war. Most people on the shuttle flight were injured personnel, medics, and others like him; recalled to action in the expansiveness of space. Even as many of the soldiers sat through their pain and misery; they all showed a will for the Empire. It was why Edwin in one. The ideals these citizens held of self empowerment. It wasn't limited to the Sith.

As the Shuttle docked, Edwin raced to where the Starfighters were located. As he neared the area, he slowed as he called for Darth Morgoth's squadron. "This is Lieutenant Setyl, with permission of Darth Morgoth I will be taking command of our role in our needed Naval command,"

"Permission has been verified, what are your orders, my Lord?"

Edwin looked around for a suitable ship, spotting a TIE-S "Subjugator". To hell with being a Sith Knight to wield. Even with being an acolyte, he was sure he already accomplished his requirements and much more. Besides; no one's gonna care if he brings the Empire victory to begin with, right? Edwin dashed towards it, pulling his lightsaber out as to show he's a Sith to one of the ensigns whom were making sure some run of the mill soldiers don't just step in them. They were a status, not just something useful. Hopping in, Edwin flipped the controls online. "We'll strike down as many nearby enemy forces near our shuttle routes as possible, once ground force departure has been secured we switch to the offensive. I'll say what targets when they show themselves."

"Understood, my Lord,"

Edwin began lift off, flying out into the cascade of battle. Bolts blazed from the blasters of the variety of ship's weaponry, debris flung about from the destroyed ships. No matter the outcome, scavengers will certainly have it good in the aftermath of it all. If not first caught that is. Edwin joined with the rest of the other starfighters, shooting down whoever came near their shuttles. For once, Edwin's can show off his skills again. How long has it been since the last time he's been in dogfights?
Location: Jedi Temple
Allies: Jedi
Enemies: Sith (Legit anyone, if you wanna duel, I'm down.)

He let out a soft chuckle at [member="Sky'ito Yumi"]'s question. Marcus wasn't truly all that sure, part of him wanted to fight, leap into the fray and cut apart each and every one of the darksider's he could get his hands on, then go for Carnifex's throat. That was what would have felt good, what would've sated the dark thirst for violence that twisted within him. But that was not who he was anymore.

"Now we protect those who cannot protect themselves. The wounded, the young, we must get them far away from here, the Dark Lord approaches." Marcus said solemnly, looking to the woman from beneath the brim of his hood, but by that point she had bounded off to confront a bounty hunter. Where once he might have been frustrated, now he simply accepted her choice and moved on with the task at hand.

The force called him where it willed, a group of the Sith making quick work of padwans brave enough to try and shepard some of the younglings to to safety on their own. They were paying dearly for it. As the last three standing defiantly stood their ground, he struck. The blue saber cut through one of the two Sith at the hip, the old assassin easily having hid his presence long enough to strike.

From there it was easy, a slash here, a parry there, reading the more aggressive strikes was second nature to him. He and the Zabrak clashed blades again and again, his hood fluttering off and exposing his mangled visage. It was easy to see the mark the dark side had left on him, how he'd let it rule him. The Sith smiled for a moment, relishing in discovering what surely would be a nerve he could strike.

Then Marcus broke his neck.

In a blink he'd batted away the blade and put to use the same kind of Tera Kasi that had been used to best him all those years ago, this time with far more lethal intent. The man collapsed, his saber deactivating and rolling away, leaving Marcus staring down a host of frightened children and adolescents. "Come, we must go quickly." He instructed, hoping they would put their trust in him.

As they sheepishly nodded, teary eyes looking down on the slain bodies of their comrades, Faust sensed something, or rather someone. [member="Vulpesen"], a man he'd crossed blades almost as many times as Ordo. Unlike Tracyn though, there had been no attempts at conversion from either of them, only at slaughter. He supposed that changed today.

Reaching out to his former enemy in the force, he kept his plea short and sweet, I do not know if you remember me, but I require your help with evacuating these younglings.

It was strange how the end brought the most unlikely of people together, but Marcus assured himself that all was as the force willed it to be. That was all there was to it.

Mishel Kryze

[member="Coren Starchaser"] | [member="Taeli Raaf"]

When the lift opened, and the doors to the Council Chambers revealed themselves, Mishel realized she had felt this aura before. "Bespin," she let slip beneath her breath, but she was confused. Brow furrowed - of course, the Jedi had attacked Bespin, and a Jedi had slain Sister Ara. It had been a Jedi, hadn't it? Coren said they had to fix it, they had to turn the tide and as Mishel searched her feelings, and searched the Force. The sounds of the betrayals and the songs of death gripped Coruscant with two hands throttling the once and again home of the Jedi into the depths of despair.

Quietly she followed Coren, "we're here to help, Grand Marshal."

Mishel added but at the same time the Force screamed at her, her heart beat rapidly against her chest the more the Force screamed. The Grand Marshal didn't seem to be afraid or in any sort of shaken state. No, she seemed unusually calm, Mishel could only think of a few people who would be able to remain calm in moments of such darkness. And none of them were Jedi at least not from her own experiences. She paid mind to the orange lightsaber and then examined her Master's stance, and of course he would have felt that something was off here. The padawan examined her surroundings once more as they approached the Grand Marshal slowly. "Grand Marshal?" She called again, and the fate that would be met next would be something that Mishel would remember for the rest of her days.

Cotan watched as one of the Sith in front of him fell like a sack of rocks, knocked unconscious by a sudden and surprise strike of the pommel of Cotan's lightsaber. "Terribly sorry," he said, stepping over the incapacitated warrior, "But I have a pressing appointment up top. Sleep well." He could feel numerous presences, some he didn't recognize, some he did, all up near the council chamber. [member="Darth Carnifex"] was impossible to miss, his presence being Cotan's entire target. Not that it wasn't slow going—the entire main hall and pretty much everywhere else was full of fighting, that would take Cotan far too long to get through. So, instead, he was forced to find his way through back hallways, droid corridors, that sort of thing; it was terribly slow, but it was faster than trying to cut his way through everybody.

A ways up above, he could feel something else, fighting back against the darkness that the Sith Emperor brought with him. It was nearly painful to focus on it at all, as it lashed out at smaller motes of shadow up above. Is that what Force Light is supposed to feel like? He hoped that once he made it up there he'd be able to at least see what was happening. He ran along further, managing to find his way to a turbolift that would lead up to near the High Council chamber. Thank goodness for custodial staff entrances, he thought to himself, stepping into the turbolift and nearly breaking the console when he punched in the command to ascend.

This being an inner turbolift, he didn't have to look out and see the destruction that was being rained upon Coruscant all around. He was thankful for that—feeling it was enough. With a deep sigh he leaned against one of the walls, taking the time he had to meditate. To center himself, in preparation for combatting the darkness he could feel up above. Though, there was one small, nagging worry he couldn't quite get out of his mind while the turbolift ascended.

Asha's going to kill me.

[member="Coren Starchaser"]
[member="Mishel Noren"]
[member="Taeli Raaf"]

The full scope of the Sith's treachery was made known as friend turned against friend, brother against brother. A twisted deception made worse by the arrival of the Sith-Imperial War Machine. Great Ferrata-Class Carriers descended through the skies set on fire by the might of the fierce naval battle to reveal a truly dark enemy. The enemy that slaughtered and burned Thyferra to the ground, the enemy that leveled New Aldera and slaughtered its populace. The Jen'Lazea were here led personally by High Warlord Malgrog alongside the Butcher-King's Rage. All around their forces burned with fire and flame, as once again artillery lines were set up to unleash vile explosive and chemical attacks on the living with only the telltale markings of the Order of Shadows sparing certain mortals from utter destruction.

But that was not all.

The best of the Sith had to offer marched through the streets on a cold, foul wind word spreading like wildfire through the ranks of friend and foe alike. Rarely had this many gathered in one place. They were the most infamous jedi and mandalorian killers to ever walk the battlefields of this galaxy's innumerable wars. Under Highlord Osbasid himself the Blackblade Guard marched. Their blasters did not discriminate and their passing sent shivers down the spines of even defectors who had joined the cause of [member="Taeli Raaf"]. The fear alone of these men was enough for some to pledge allegiance to the Lady of Secrets and the hidden plot woven behind the scenes to bring down the decrepit realm of the Galactic Alliance.

The objective of the Sith became evident to all who saw these guards pass as they moved through a defensive line overtaken by those pledged to the Order of Shadows. A former Jedi turned Sith stood alongside the gargantuan Highlord who had dozens of prisoners dragged out into the open and when he tried to explain the only response he was given was "We will not be taking prisoners." A swift drop of the hand and these men witnessed some of their friends and brothers mowed down still in cuffs, right in the middle of a street while other Blackblades fired and killed everything that moved. It was raw, it was horrifying to witness. Entire city blocks were set on fire from artillery strikes and airstrikes. Entire skyscrapers were levelled and those trapped under its fallen debris slowly burned to death watching their comrades get eaten alive by hulking sithspawn.

But aboard the Crestfallen the Lord of Lies savored the moment.

It was almost poetic to be back here. The last time they stepped foot on Coruscant it was during the fall of the great One Sith Empire, he and Kaine stood together within their great pyramid watching everything the Sith built fall to dust. They took up new monikers that day, they saw through the folly of the Sith and Jedi as they were, they knew what they needed to evolve into. It was on their exit they promised the formation of a Black Empire that would cover the stars, an empire whose darkness would utterly eclipse the light. Decades of plans had finally come to fruition as long standing networks through the Lady of Secrets were finally revealed. He once said an Empire of Lies cannot stand very long on its own.

Now the Alliance came tumbling down.

"At long last. Everything we have promised will come to pass."
​He said to [member="Darth Carnifex"], before saying something to him softly in Ep​icant "I vor vedu i'ay duim da rii ed hoss, I op vedu i'ay mav da rii ayl miv obi leri. Ta bsali'."

[member="Alvarex Zambrano"]

[member="Darth Carnifex"] | [member="Darth Prazutis"]
Alvarex's attention was drawn to his great uncle's words. No prisoners, he followed his orders with great pleasure - memories of the past filled his mind but more was the promise his father made to him as a boy. His father would deliver a new age of darkness, and that one day he would see the light extinguished. His father's promise was fulfilled on this day. Now he knew in full why his father was known as the Butcher King. The last time Alvarex knew of Coruscant he swore he would join the armed forces of his homeworld, and he had. He had joined the rains of the Panathan Military, rose through the Crowguards and made his mark within the Blackblades. He remained ever silent and ever vigilant waiting for the moment the Crestfallen's ramp descended and he would be greeted with the Chaos created by the Lady of Secrets. While his father may enjoy his dramatic entrances, the Blackblade did not, though he supposed if anyone was to be afforded a long and dramatic entrance on this day it would be his father. He craned his head in the Dark Lord's direction and stood waiting for his orders to slaughter.
Location: Temple Archives- Diving towards Faust
Objective: Erase Sensitive Data(VSF Forces), Save Younglings(Vulpesen)
Allies: [member="Marcus Faust"](The hell?), GA forces
Enemies: Sith... as always.

"YEEEE-HAA-- wait what?" The sudden voice in Vulpesen's head, shook him out of his focus, and for a moment, panic seized him as his window of opportunity started closing a bit faster than he'd like. "Crux!" Bringing his hands together, Vulpesen issued out a powerful surge of the force, blasting a circle of stone into bits that his body might be able to fall though.

There was a slight crunch as his shoulder hit the solid floor, as well as a small burst of pain, but nothing too major. Having survived countless wars, a bruise like this might as well have been a kiss from a diathim. Besides, he had people relying on him to not get distracted. Reaching out a hand, he managed to reach out with the force, just as the first of his men passed the entrance, screaming in terror. "Shut up, I got ya!" Seizing the first, then the rest, Vulpesen lifted them all into the room. "Alright, you know your missions, but I gotta go. I've been called."

Before his men could respond, Vulpesen was already flinging himself out the door, leaving them amid the rubble of the archive room wall. As he once again felt the wind passing by him, he could feel a familiar presence... something that would have normally demanded his attention. Something close. But right now, younglings were in danger, and he simply had to hope his men could deal with it.

[member="Alexandra Feanor"]
[member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Mishel Noren"]

One last look down at the lightsaber in her hands, the one neither Coren or Mishel could see yet, one last moment to savor it all... yes, there was a part of her that would miss the deception. It had truly been a masterful stroke. Her head came up to look out the window, the reflections of both Coren and his apprentice in the window next to her. In the distance, another building collapsed as a Sith ship crashed through it. How many untold citizens had just died? Darkness clung to the world now, a miasma of death and destruction. Beyond, she could hear the hum of engines nearing... and the darkness that was bringing them [member="Darth Carnifex"] and [member="Darth Prazutis"].

"I had hoped it would be you, Coren," she said, still not turning around. "You were here when the Alliance began, one of the first."

A pause, a quiet moment to simply look out the window again.

"You know, we built this room in replica to the Jedi Temple on Ossus, the one my sister helped build," she continued. "I remember standing exactly where you were in that far off room, facing the judgment of the Council at the time. The scrutiny and suspicion aimed at that this former Sith Lady, the sister of the Grandmaster of the Republic Jedi. Master Karr saw me as a source of information, Master Truden and Master Korr harbored doubts, but those faded away as I acquitted myself as a Jedi."

A far off explosion interrupted her, briefly throwing the room into vivid shadows. Taeli's shadow the longest of them all.

"My sister..." she whispered. Her hands clenched the lightsaber. "So trusting in the Jedi mission, to serve everything else, life and balance themselves, before herself. Gone now, vanished... consumed by the mission of the Jedi. Upholding peace in the galaxy, attempting to stem the tide of the dark side... and never once worrying about what might happen when they are gone, leaving family behind. That day was... raw. I almost lost control then. Sitting in that room on Sullust, listening to such... dispassion that Corvus Raaf had simply... vanished, no trace and presumed dead. I wanted to lash out, to scream... but no... it wasn't the time for that."

A soft chuckle left her lips.

"I had to be an example, to show I could embrace the Jedi mission. Honor my sister, and I made myself invaluable to Omai Rhen. A senior Master of the Order, one that could be leaned on for support or advice in these troubled times. When he selected Byss as the next world... I knew the time was rapidly approaching..."

She finally turned around, a lightsaber Coren had never seen her wield in her hand. There was a smugness she could no longer keep disguised. Why should she? Everything had gone exactly to plan, her plan, the one she had spent ten years crafting and slowly moving into place.

"I was made Grand Marshal on his death... and it was exactly what I had hoped for. The final step up the ladder, the last rung I needed to overcome... to finish my grand symphony. Momna Ra."

With those words, her eyes closing in almost rapture, the Marks of Darkness around her eyes flared to life, glowing an angry red. Like water flowing over a smooth surface, the light side aura she had been projecting for so long washed away like a stream, replaced by the cool and dark truth. A full Sith Lady, eyes opening to reveal a burning amber, stood where a moment ago the quiet and bookish Grand Marshal had been.

"I told you once, long ago, that you and your Sentinels were not training properly," she said, smugness and vicious satisfaction rolling off her. "You were training for the past... to fight the One Sith again, but the Sith had evolved. For ten years, I've been waiting for this moment... and now..."

The lightsaber in her hand ignited, a burning crimson leaping to life.

"The time of the Jedi has come to an end."​
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
"We have access."

Vanessa quietly smiled to herself. This was what she had waited to accomplish. The process for the most part would be able to continue from here with little interruption. Slowly, she got up and proceeded to the hangar bay. She knew the Traya​ was currently using the hacked beacon to send a message out to the various Alliance fleets that were currently in a state of full-blown mutiny - a message telling the mutineers to travel to Nathema for processing. The message was encoded with Sith cyphers she was certain the mutineers would recognize and be able to decode - the Ablution​'s bridge crew would manage that. For now, it was time to head to the surface. The confusion, the frustration were so utterly delicious.

And at least some were so familiar. Two in particular - [member="Jairdain"] and [member="Alexandra Feanor"].

Perhaps it was time to acquire herself some new pawns.

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