Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[ENDGAME] - Shadow's Fall

Location: Jedi Temple
Allies: Sith [member="Lord Combattere"]
Enemies:Marcus Faust Vulpesen

As the blades came crashing down Darth Morgoth raised his wardens cloak over his face to deflect them, the blades of the lightsabers would have to contend with the cortorsis lined fabric before they could touch him. The attack would still fire off however it would be a bit rushed and significantly less powerful. These self-righteous types really got on his nerves and as the attack would explode across the force barrier Morgoth would laugh as a bit of the floor infront of the shield would crumble to dust. Taking a closer look he would recognize Marcus, from his days as an acolyte in the One Sith having seen him here and there on the battle fields of Empress Teta and the like. Sliding backwards from his ongoing assault from the rouge master he touched his ear and said "Jimmy bring my babies inside third floor, and be ready to kill." then reaching out his had he drew his saber to him letting it holster itself in his belt. Raising his gauntlet to his mouth he said "Send a message to [member="Darth Carnifex"] the former black hand of the One Sith is here, might be worth sending in some reinforcements to capture so we can have some fun later." This last part was said with almost a sneer as he looked back up to the two men.

Both of his massive hand would disappear beneath his cloak two of his signature STHC would appear in their place, as he let off two shots expertly placed towards Vulpesen. The shots were aimed at center mass and if he hadn't designed these guns for himself they probably would have broken his arms as the massive slugs would be thrown across the hall. He did't however expect the first two shots to land and began to run around the side of the rogue master releasing two more shots ad he did. "You know its a good thing I'm not a one trick pony" He would say, he wasn't quite sure what had became of warriors in the last two decades, half the fun of the fight was the verbal chess game.
Beyer’s Hospital - ROOF
Allies: [member="Anais Auraeli"] [member="Ember Farseer"]
Enemies: [member="Jairus Starvald"] [member="Irajah Ven"]
Others: [member="Preliat Mantis"]

Coruscant had literal millions of ambulances. The one that dragged her out of the rubble burned up all its luck when another skyscraper came down en route. Now all it had left was bad fortune, half a dozen passengers, and a landing permit at Beyer's Hospital.

Consciousness had evaded Mara since her initial rescue. She woke up when the ambulance touched down on the hospital roof.

“...I say again, come in, Dispatch. We have six, repeat six, passengers in need of...”

She cracked her eyes open with effort. A splint and bacta patches decorated her left leg. More bacta clung to her in various places. No neck brace meant she'd been luckier than most of the people in here. Though she'd lost the Force, the Zeltron empathy she'd inherited still told her about the other passengers. Their emotions flooded her mind: despair, terror, agony…


She caught sight of motion through the side window, and the breath snagged in her throat. “Take off,” she croaked. Nobody heard. “Take off, take off…”
Location: High Council Chambers
Allies: [member="Taeli Raaf"], [member="Darth Prazutis"], [member="Alvarex Zambrano"]
Enemies: [member="Coren Starchaser"], [member="Mishel Noren"], [member="Cotan Sar'andor"]

The Dark Lord chuckled, a mocking chortle that rumbled from deep in his throat. He didn't waste any more words on the Jedi Knight and instead raised his blade high above his head in the traditional Form V opening stance. His feet were evenly spaced apart, power coursing through his entire body as the Lady of Secrets and the other Jedi continued to fight nearby. Then, with a taunting growl, he lunged forward, bringing the entirety of his blade down towards Cotan's center of mass.

More than just inhumanly tall, the Emperor of the Sith was teeming with herculean musculature. Weighing in at two hundred kilograms, he undoubtedly outweighed the smaller Jedi Knight by over a hundred kilos. The strength that was put behind his swing was colossal, and there had been times where such a blow, even when successfully blocked, had broken the wrists and forearms of lesser opponents.

It had even been enough to overload the energy matrix of other lightsabers.

Yet he was not done, for whether or not his blade was blocked, parried, or straight up avoided, he continued to press the offensive, slashing and hacking with minute movements of his wrists that kept his blade within striking distance of his opponent's person, but never straying too far away to leave a large enough opening in his offensive bladework. Carnifex recognized the stance the younger Jedi took, it was one he was intimately familiar with. Beyond his trademark style of Djem So, the Emperor had studied the art of Form II to a degree that he considered himself an expert in the style.
Location: Jedi Temple, Halls of Healing
Allies: Sith
Enemies: At the moment, none.
Objective: Sow chaos within the Halls of Healing then move to the Archives
Staring down at the body of the fallen Jedi, taking a moment to double check that none would have sensed the man's death as he straightened the robes that now hung from his shoulders, Xevek felt that emotionless, uncaring state that he generally lived in settle over him mind like a wave of fog once more. How people could find beauty in the material, he could not see. No, to him, beauty was carried within the Force alone, within the metaphysical, while the physical world was nothing more than an ugly trap for people to live within. Case in point, in Xevek's mind, was the haunting way that the Force slowly abandoned the cooling corpse at his feet, the way the threads of the vast ocean faded out of existence or slipped away to tether themselves back to the grind tapestry of fate rather than the now dead body.

Putting his thoughts out of his mind, reminding himself of his mission, Xevek turned to leave only to stagger sharply as he turned to leave, hiss legs momentarily gave way beneath him as he caught himself on the bed he had just been resting on minuets ago, a sharp grunt being pulled from him. Skilled he may be at masking himself within the Force, but, that did not mean that he was capable of stretching out said camouflage in the Force as he had done so to disguise the death of the Healer. The despair the man had faced in his final moments had been sufficient to prevent the disguise from shattering but now that the minor boost in strength had faded, Xevek was left trying to maintain the expanded cloak by himself. Something that was beginning to weigh on his from the pulsing he could feel in the back of his head.

Regaining his balance, Xevek took a deep breath as he began to collapse the mask back in on itself, letting the falsified second presence fall away as a new persona, a new set of emotions, settled around him. No longer Dark and no longer lacking in the Force, when Xevek stepped out of the room he had been assigned and into the bustle of the Halls of Healing, he stepped out as a Jedi with their head bowed in mourning over the loss of a patient - subtly twisting the Force behind him so that the mechanism used to open to the door he had stepped out of warped and shattered - transforming the room into a temporary tomb for the fallen Jedi. Pulling the cloak of the Force tighter around him, letting his new personality solidify and become real within the Force, Xevek passed by Healers, Sentinels and wounded alike as he prowled deeper into Halls, seeking his target, a mask of emotions that mirrored many of the Jedi Healers slipping over his face as, with his head bowed slightly, long locks of ashen hair fell in front of his empty eye-socket, hiding it from view.

His target's face was seared into his mind and it was that face he now sought, one of the Master Healers overseeing the Halls. Eye flickering from body to body from beneath the shadows cast upon his face, Xevek hunted for the Mirialan male he had been sent to kill. With a subtle twist of his mask within the Force as the crowds of harried Healers around him grew more dense from the onslaught of wounded as the Sith's assault gained traction eyes of the passing Jedi slid across Xevek's form as if he didn't exist, a mere ghost among the throngs of living. With the way he was now being ignored and the crush of people around, it was extraordinarily easy for Xevek to remove a few of the poison darts hidden away within his cybernetic arm without anyone noticing, even administer said poison to a few of his secondary targets when they passed him.

All the while, though, as shouted orders became horrified gasps in his wake when those he had poisoned collapsed with bloodshot eyes and tightened breathing as the fast acting poison began to claim their lives, Xevek continued his hunt, ignoring any satisfaction he might feel at the deaths he was already causing. His personal goal on this mission was to pilfer the Archives but until his primary mission was complete, until he had satisfied the orders given unto him by the Sith Assassins, he ignored all personal thought and devoted himself to finding the Mirialan.
She Left Behind A Legacy
Main Hall, Jedi Temple
WITH: [member="Jace Khel"] & [member="Quvox"]

OBJECTIVE: Engaging [member="Vili Ozouf"] | Initiating Force Meld
ENEMIES: [member="Tsisaar Taral"] & [member="Darth Imperia"]


"What's wrong?"

A pivot in her step allowed for her to tend to Jace, but the cringe worthy screeching of metal brought a slight bend to her knees, with her teeth grinding against one another. A quick glance she noted the individual approaching them, the two stood and stared for a long while, neither blinking, the test of wills before the inevitable battle; it was only for a few seconds in real time.

She wasn't so astonished anymore, her head beckoned forward with a more serious discretion, "Ugh...get serious." she rolled her eyes in response to his slick comments. "Take another step, and I promise you'll be limping away."

Her ponytail whipped around as her head shot to the left, it was another one...

A near silent whimper of sound and air crossed the threshold of her lips. Then there was another. Her head slowly winded back around, but before she could come back full circle she was being thrown back by a breath taking tackle. Her eyes gradually grew wide in the few seconds she could spare to realize what happened.


Her back made contact first, and then she proceeded to roll backwards down the steps until momentum was finally done with her. At some point the two were separated. She struggled to sit up, biting her own lip as a way to fight the temporary sting she could feel through her body; she'd taken worse. When she did rise to her feet, a spare loc of her hair clung to her face "That was your chance." she spoke through the heaving of her breath.

In the shadow of her eyes, there was a frantic dance of a bright blue lightsaber; her head shot upward towards the balcony. She could see the blurry silhouette of Jace engaging in combat, and she saw Quvox nowhere. She stumbled up the stairs in minor attempt to climb the stairs and go after them

Her autopilot kicked in, silent and focused.

She dug her fingers into the temples and the world became still. One by one, she deafened herself to each sense in a calculated sequence that only she could remember. A funnel, she absorbed the subtle waves of energy suffused into the very fabric of this place. She siphoned but she gave just as much of herself. When she finally fell into the whims of the Force, it allowed a for a mental call through the empyrean. The tendrils that were her thoughts sought to touch both Jace and Quvox, but unbeknownst to her own strength she would be able to touch the minds of those willing to hear her call. These whispers of hers were no disturbance in the Force...they were but an invitation to accept all she was and vice versa. If they accepted, they would become one; linked.

BLUE = Force Meld
REACH: Within Jedi Temple
PROS: Heightened coordination (With those near you) | Slight boost to Force-Sensitivity | Telepathic Link with each other
CONS: No one get mindkarked or we all feel it | Romi is the link
WITH: [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Mishel Noren"] [member="Cotan Sar'andor"] & Paddys
MAYBE: [member="Tanaski Yumi"] [member="Mereel Vaun"] [member="Veino Garn"] [member="Alexandra Feanor"] [member="Aryn Teth"] [member="Marcus Faust"] [member="Vulpesen"]

"Trust me."

Lord Combattere

Location: Jedi Temple third floor
Allies: Sith Empire, [member="Darth Morgoth"]
Enemies: Jedi
Objective: Kill and destroy

While inside killing off these deformed creatures his com lit up with a msg from his master he understood it perfectly breaking off his current problem to walk out of the temple and grab the rancors as they followed him into the temple entering its was chaos and ruins he continued walking as the rancors followed killing the deformed creatures that got in the way,the rancors continued making their way to the third floor, once arriving he saw his master in battle with two Jedi who seemed to be highly skilled most likely masters.

" They're here " he shouted reaching to his hips to grab both lightsabers and ignite their blue blades he had not yet had the chance to change his crystals to red either way he was ready for combat although he had 0 chance of winning against these Jedi by himself but with the force and his masters help he would have a much better chance of victory.

Darth Imperia

Location: Jedi Temple, Near the Archive
Objective: Fun
Enemies: [member="Quvox"] | [member="Romi Jade"] | [member="Jace Khel"]
Allies: [member="Tsisaar Taral"] | [member="Vili Ozouf"]
Equipment: Sith Robes, The Penumbra, Sera's (But Really Imperia's Because Possession) Cybernetic Suite, Jin'Wodasir (x2)
Music: Endgame


Three new toys to play with. Tsisaar began the dance with his friend, and an ally - one to whom Imperia hadn't paid much attention, admittedly - squared off with the least incompetent looking of the bunch. Imperia had to admit, she was a bit disappointed; she'd wanted to toy with that one. Ah, well. Sometimes a girl just had to make do.

Sulfur eyes settled upon the Ubese boy with the sickeningly bright presence, and the young Knight smiled a gentle, welcoming smile, her left hand outstretched and upturned towards him at the same time. The other hand, of course, held the Knight's lightsaber at her side.

"Care to dance, young man?" The words were innocent enough on their own, but Imperia wrapped them in silk and razor wire, stoking rage in the poor boy's soul. Or was it lust? The two could be so hard to tell apart at times. Imperia giggled to herself - a cold, pretty sound not unlike the twinkling of broken glass. "Or have your Masters broken you so completely that you no longer hear the music?"
Location: Jedi Temple Main Hall, Archive Room Entrance
Equipment: Armor (in sig), blaster pistol (also in sig), one of Feanor's sabers
NPC Squad Comp: 1 Wild-Dog Grenadier, 1 Rifleman, 1 Coyote Sniper, 1 werewolf gunner, 1 Slicer
Allies: [member="Alexandra Feanor"] [member="Jairdain"] | GA and co.
Enemies: [member="Tathra Khaeus"] | Sith and Dark Jedi heading for the archives
Objective: Deal with the archive room security breach (The Matador)

Mereel rotated the curved lightsaber hilt around in his hands in slight disbelief. He had only recently grown used to his own straight-hilted saber during his practice sessions, but now was not the time for him to be telling the other Jedi with him that - or how he had only ever practiced Shii-Cho on training droids. I'm going to have to fight really, really dirty if I want to even stand a chance in a sword fight with any of the dar'jetii.

His doubts were pushed out of his mind as he felt an almost primal dark presence in the force directly behind him. It's through the archive doors. It feels like Dark Jedi I've encountered before, but different.. alien maybe?

"Fierfek, you two feel that right? That presence in the archive room?"

Either there's another way into the archive, or someone blew a hole into a wall somewhere.. Whatever the case, we need to do something fast.

Mereel looked around at the ragtag team of defenders and a not-too-shabby idea popped into his mind, "Master Feanor, I've served in the military for a few tours, give me and the squaddies here a chance to go in and deal with the presence inside. Besides, I have a feeling we will just slow you down out here -"

Mereel turned his attention to the closest of the non-basic speaking soldiers and popped off his helmet just to make sure they knew he was addressing them, "Any of you gents understand galactic basic?"

The squad automatic weapon specialist nodded, "Alright, good. We have hostiles inside somewhere past that door." He said, pointing to the archive door behind him. "Follow me and we'll be out of the way of these two when they have to deal with the other baddies."

Mereel drew his pistol with his left hand and clutched Feanor's saber tightly in his right as he walked to the archive entrance with squad in tow. "I'll try not to lose your saber Feanor. Oya vode."

As Mereel walked into the archive room, he observed the squad composition one more time. One gunner, a rifleman, a sniper, an ordnance specialist, and.. a mechanic maybe? What the kriff is that guy's loadout?

A growl thundered through the archive room, originating from somewhere nearby. "I think that's our guest.. Alright, planning phase men. Watch my hands closely."

Mereel signaled out the rifleman and the grenadier with two fingers on his left hand and then deliberately pointed to the right wall of the room, he did the same thing for the gunner and the sniper but for the left wall. "Rifleman, ordnance, right side. Gunner, sniper, left. Mechanic, find a terminal. Keep your distances."

He looked the gunner dead in the eyes, "Got it?"

The gunner nodded and started relaying orders in the squadron's own language. Mereel plopped on his helmet as the squad got into their respective groups. With pistol in left hand and saber in right, Mereel began sauntering down the middle of the archive room's chamber. He activated his helmet's external audio amplifier, making sure his taunt would be heard by the entirety of the room, "Since you so kindly announced yourself to the room, I thought I'd do the same! Care to come out di'kut?"


Hangar, Jedi Temple
With: [member="Jace Khel"] and [member="Romi Jade"]
Objective: Survive [member="Darth Imperia"]
Enemies: [member="Tsisaar Taral"] | [member="Vili Ozouf"] |
Quvox's attempt to stop Jace had been all but useless as he'd been barely able to do much other than put his hand out to try and reach for him, to try and communicate anything. The words hadn't come, he hadn't been fast enough. That was rather typical of him, wasn't it? Not acting fast enough, not having initiative. He couldn't do this anymore, couldn't be a silent observer and sit back to- the voice near him called out, with sweetness echoing through it, but in a disgusting way on the inside. Like chocolate filled with dead rats, like a rotten apple that had almost entirely hollowed out on the inside. As he turned to look at the Sith who said it, she almost reflected that perfectly. She was pretty, but there was just horror and festering hatred, putrefying all beneath the surface.

He could feel something reaching out, like it was turning his head to try and look at something, force-feed something down his gullet. It was there, on his neck. The beating, scorching sun of Uba IV, the noise of a rapidly rising geiger counter beating on the door to his psyche, battering his ears. There was the degrading, the comparisons, the noises of his father and mother, the sound of a blaster. The feeling of guilt, of anger and self-hatred that had all turned inwards and was now rushing towards him like he was on a train track, massive and overbearing, threatening to crush him under its power.

Quvox didn't move from the track. In his mind's eye, he sat down, cross-legged. He focused, felt breath exhaling from him like toxins leaving his body as the sun froze over, the huge beast that was his own demons washing over him like water as he felt the cool winds of Eira Pechal, the sound of the rivers and apples being picked. He was calm, like the heat that screamed in his face couldn't get to him, could do nothing but gnash and claw in his direction. Quvox didn't know if it was something he'd done, if it was his master's words echoing in his mind. Perhaps he never knew. There was one thing he did, that in this moment was even more important than the trust he held for Romi.

Quvox trusted himself.

The Ubese moved forward in an almost confident posture, though his lightsaber stance seemed basic, unrefined. "Tone deaf." The voice was whispery, almost intimate in how it responded in kind, a muttering louder than it should have been. Perhaps she would find it amusing, perhaps she would think he was a weak whelp, or she'd be angry - a Sith was likely going to be angry anyway, he supposed. Quvox swung low and then high, as though he was just opening up a basic spar contest with someone familiar, continuing to step forward. He felt like a fountain, multiple spouts of calming energy and the force all pooling together within him as his very skill and physical abilities felt greater, even if it wasn't noticeable to the untrained eye.
Location: Stargazer, en route to Coruscant
Objective: Save the children
Allies: [member="Valae Kitra"] [member="Valkren Calderon"] [member="Josh DragonsFlame"] [member="Charlie"] [member="Alyisa Mithel"] [member="Jyoti Nooran"]
Enemies: Unknown

“This is Grandmaster Kitra,” She took a breath, “We will be arriving shortly, and I will be counting on all of you to help evacuate the Jedi and especially the younglings. The situation has taken a turn, it seems that the Sith are attempting to take the temple. We will need to be ready for anything. May the force be with you all.”

"Saving younglings? I hope we have spare transports; don't think these will suffice"

After this bizarre engagement that was Barataria, Varindar began to wonder what would come next. Yes, Jessica did, in fact, contain those Mandos before they stood down on the ground, while being effectively outnumbered 3-to-1, just that it fell upon her to be the one leading those shuttles to the ground and rescue as much as possible. While Alyisa next to her was inspecting the escort craft in question, she began to wonder how far away is Jessica, should the operation turn sour on the ground; however, this operation was mostly about exfil. To the extent she knew her, to the extent she knew how the Sith went around fighting large-scale engagements... In every ground engagement, the Sith have to make every vehicle count; they're much heavier on the infantry usually. In an urban warfare context, we have the advantage in terms of suppressive fire, but the big problem was, well, airspace, she thought, realizing that it was going to be a different kind of engagement compared to the other engagements she flew in. Exfil. She even gave rather basic instructions beyond what the Grandmaster provided, regarding ground-side hostiles:

"If we detect massed concentrations of Sith forces, you may strafe the enemy en route to the Temple, but no bomblets unless there are massed concentrations of Sith forces"

12 Premion light shuttles (endurance configuration)
Location: Council Chamber
Allies: [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Mishel Noren"] [member="Romi Jade"]
Enemies: [member="Taeli Raaf"] [member="Darth Prazutis"] [member="Alvarex Zambrano"] [member="Darth Carnifex"]
Gear: Lightsaber, training saber, Bryar pistol (#TotallyNotAKatarnLookalike)

The laughter was mildly off-putting, though not because it existed.

Normally Cotan was the one laughing in a duel.

He didn't even attempt to block the ridiculous blow from Darth Carnifex, instead electing to step off-line again, quickly turning on the ball of his outstretched right foot to bring himself back into line with the Sith Lord. As he did so, his blade was already twirling about his person, as he shifted from the Makashi stance into a quick display of Soresu blade work. Each of the hacks, slashes, and thrusts of the Emperor's blade were turned aside or narrowly dodged, while Cotan re-positioned himself just outside the reach of Carnifex's blade. He set his jaw grimly, still considering just how to go about the duel.

His Soresu skills weren't perfect, and he doubted he had the endurance to last until the Emperor made a mistake. He wasn't even surprised to see the Dark Lord's skill with a blade—he'd expected it—but it wasn't until now that he'd even had proper opportunity to witness the man's fighting style for himself. This is not going to be fun. At least he always had the training saber he could pull up for a surprise, if necessary.

While contemplating what to do, however, he noticed something unbidden, some presence brushing at his mind; he nearly threw his will at it to force it away, worried that it was another trick of the Emperor's, before he could feel the differing presence behind it, and the intent. He opened himself up to the meld, welcoming the extra boost it would give him, and knowing he could break himself free if needed. His eyes seemed to sharpen in focus with the increased energy flowing into him, and the erstwhile Jedi Knight seemed even more confident than he had before.

He brought his lightsaber back up higher, covering more of his person. "Care to try again?" he asked calmly, ignoring the other battle going on right next to him. By now he was sure that he had little ability to start the offensive—Carnifex's blade was just too long, and the Sith Lord himself too physically powerful for Cotan to manage to force himself in the way he usually might. He'd just have to rely on his ability to lure in the Sith.

Vili Ozouf

Location: Main Hall
Objective: Tango with [member="Romi Jade"]
Allies: [member="Darth Imperia"] [member="Tsisaar Taral"]
Enemies: [member="Jace Khel"] [member="Quvox"] [member="Romi Jade"]

Vili’s eyes followed the blonde-haired female as she tumbled down the stairs, it was… Disappointing, Vili had expected the Jedi to spring out of the fall and land nimbly with the grace and elegance he’d heard so much about through the tales told throughout the galaxy. She rose up like a mundane, not using the abilities granted to her. Yet as she rose Vili’s eyes met her own, he saw as that loc of hair fell to her face and the atmosphere between them grew tense, the hair all along Vili’s arms stood on end as the Jedi made her comment. “Is that so? Then why don’t you show me what’s going to happen?” Azure eyes gleaming with excitement Vili rose from his knee and stood ready and waiting for the Jedi to come at him, instead, her gaze went up.

Slightly glancing over his own shoulder to see what had drawn the attention of his foe Vili noticed that it was her allies that she was worried about. “Don’t worry about them, I’m sure the others will keep them entertained. You should be focused on me.” Yet still no move was made, alternatively, the Jedi seemed to be pulling into herself, she took her attention off Vili once again. Scowling the Valkyri began to descend the steps, he watched the Jedi as her eyes were closed and he felt as that beacon he had felt from her before grew and became far more present, it pushed the darkness away from her and stretched far across the main halls and even beyond.

He’d had enough of the waiting and games, raising Sol he felt the smooth hilt glide across his palm before he tightened his grasp around the curved portion, arm pulling back Vili’s elbow was now parallel to his head, upper body tilting slightly to follow Vili flung the arm forward where it would straighten out horizontal to the ground. The air was filled with a sharp whistling as the alchemized osmium ax flew at the Jedi while she was distracted. Following behind the blade Vili charged down the stairs his right arm bringing Mani around in a slash from the right to the left directly at the Jedi’s chest. Piercing the air the ax came around its arc the strength of the Valkyri guiding it.


Location: Jedi Temple Archives
Allies: [member="Adrian Vandiir"], [member="Xevek Rakama"], [member="Tsisaar Taral"], [member="Darth Imperia"], [member="Vili Ozouf"]
Enemies: [member="Alexandra Feanor"], [member="Tanaski Yumi"], [member="Jyoti Nooran"], [member="Asaraa Vaashe"]
Gear: Robes

The dust cleared at the feet of Vereshin and his apprentice, who knelt down and spoke softly to one of the guards who had survived the onslaught. Nodding in approval, the Sith Lord plucked the hem of his robes and stepped over the scrambling body of the young woman. Boots with laces peeked out from beneath billowing silk. Opaque energy emanated from Vereshin's body and encircled his movements, seeping into the doors of the temple as Adrian and himself walked inside.

Striding nonchalantly with his gloved hands entwined on his diaphragm, Vereshin peered out from beneath his hood at the librarians guarding their archives. He chanted a soft incantation from his lips, which grew ever louder as they pressed deeper into the archives. Sensing the presences of several Light Side users nearby, Vereshin allowed his Force signature to seethe unhindered, entering the minds of those within the archives and the other halls of the temple.

"Secure the artifacts, leave the Jedi to me." Speaking in a voice monotonous and eloquent, yet soft as air, Vereshin walked further into the archives with Adrian moving away to locate the artifacts.

The presence of Alexandra Feanor drew him closer, before he met the Jedi smiling behind a pillar. Raising a hand, Vereshin entered the minds of those within the area while Adrian secured the artifacts. He transported their thoughts and vision to a plane of indescribable horror, where he kept them until they managed to resist. Along with Alexandra, the Jedi named Tanaski found her way into Vereshin's path. He preformed the same motion and fixed her mind in a state of crippling terror, transporting unspeakable imagery into her thoughts and rendering her in an immobilized state of panic.

As librarians cowered in fear before their bookshelves, Vereshin splayed both of his hands against the air ripped the skin from their throats, leaving their tongues hanging lip on their chest as blood poured from the gaping holes in their necks. To Tanaski and Alexandra, he delivered ear-splitting static into their thoughts, which he held until they resisted.

"You're in my house now, Jedi." The Sith Lord threatened in a voice laced with malice. "Hold still while I gut you both like squealing rabbits." While Adrian secured the artifacts, Vereshin would provide a distraction in the form of tormenting the temples defenders. Suddenly, a pause.

"No." Vereshin stopped and lowered his hands, his entire form encased in black silk. "I think I want you to beg first." He hissed and splayed his fingers, preparing to rip the Jedi's skin from their bones.
Locale: Jedi Archives South Entrance
​Allies: N/A
​Enemies: Current - [member="Allyson Locke"] | [member="Jyoti Nooran"] | [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] | [member="Alexandra Feanor"] | [member="Mereel Vaun"]
​Potential Enemies - [member="Xevek Rakama"] | [member="Vanessa Vantai"] | [member="Tsisaar Taral"] | [member="Darth Imperia"] | [member="Vili Ozouf"] | [member="Darth Sabezt"] | [member="Adrian Vandiir"] | @Quovox | [member="Romi Jade"]

Tathra could hear combat not far from there position, down the long corridors, far away enough that the sound of combat had likely drowned out his war cry. Still, combat rained down on them from all around. Then was an itch, a drive through the force as some mind far off tried to interfere, a minute thing for one as resilient as himself. He pushed it to the back of his mind as his earpiece came alive with the voice of Seimar.

​"Khaeus, a small team of troops lead by a Jedi have entered the archive hallway, heading towards you. Shall I intercept?"

​Tathra walked proudly into the clear, his predatory senses made their footsteps like distant thunder in his ear, the fast pace of the Jedi. The quick steps as he drew closer, then stopped. They were strategizing, how interesting. ​"Deal with the troopers, allow the Jedi to come to me. They always do."

​Tathra activated the magnetic shielding of his Impetus armour, allowing the ebb and flow of the pain to tear at his every atom; his voice rumbled softly as a massive hand grazed over his brow, drawing his senses together as he relaxed his body. The pain set in, like any other feeling. Pushed to the back of his mind, subdued and silent. Now was the time for focus.

​The Jedi made himself heard, speaking to Tathra directly. The gargantuan mutant turned slowly, with an expression of cautious interest as his eyes fell on the Jedi. His flesh was young, his heart was strong and fast; but it showed Tathra everything. Even his words revealed the brash nature of this young Jedi. How crude, how utterly futile. Tathra stood at nearly eight and a half feet, massive and broad with skin like rock. He was no foolish sith, nor a fool as the young one implied.

He'd chosen the wrong enemy, but he would die. All the same.

​"You should be thankful, child. You will die courageously, in defence of your home. That is better than most."

Tathra's voice was weighted, heavy; soft and ancient as he began to move towards Mereel. Seimar, one of the four of his Promethean Guard; was already making short work of the Jedi's small band of unfortunates.
She Left Behind A Legacy
Main Hall, Jedi Temple
WITH: [member="Jace Khel"] & [member="Quvox"]

OBJECTIVE: Engage [member="Vili Ozouf"]
MELD ALLIES: [member="Cotan Sar'andor"] [member="Coren Starchaser"] (any others who accept)
ENEMIES: [member="Tsisaar Taral"] & [member="Darth Imperia"]


Amateurs were full of slick comments; she got on with her missions. With finesse and smooth grace, she brought her lead foot behind and followed through with the twist; her slight pivot allowed her to twirl clockwise just a foot. In the midst she could hear the shrieking in the air as his weapon flew passed her.


A flick of her wrist, and a humming blur, her scarlet blade emitted an ozone she could recognize. Light on her feet, she could feel the subtle rumble in the staircase as he descended upon her. Stepping back a step, tensing the muscle in her back leg, her upper body beckoned back with a slight twist. She quickly side stepped and cut into his attacks trajectory to redirect rather than oppose; she'd force him to overextend.

Forging herself an opening, there were only a certain amount of spare seconds, and she was going to act either way. Would he?

She applied light pressure in order to keep him at bay, a stiff enough wrist allowed for that. His right arm was directly between them, and she planned to sear it off...

Her nostrils flared just as she quickly pressed into the ignition button, the blade swiftly retreated back into the hilt before she would call on it again; it was a quick transition.

Sprouting to life once more, she angled the saber enough to slash down right to left, two-handed. Her stroke was all power, no finesse. She went for that arm.
Agent: Valde Vulpesen Torrevaso
Location: Jedi Temple
Allies: [member="Marcus Faust"] and GA forces
Enemies: [member="Darth Morgoth"]

Objective: Exfiltrate Children

Kark. Reinforcements... His assault continued, attempting to send Morgoth back so that the Vixen might have a bit of breathing room for its exfil. "Sonuva carmuuth, just go down already!" His golden eyes flashed with rage behind his mask. The fact that this man had chosen to attack children was not lost on him. He was fine with people trying to kill him. It was a daily fact of Vulpesen's life. But to harm something so young and innocent as a way to brag about your power...

Vulpesen's vision pulsed as adrenaline pulsed his system, and for a moment time seemed to slow. Such a surge probably was what saved his life as a pair of metallic tubes suddenly appeared aimed at his chest. "Kriff!" His sabers flew in front of his body, just barely managing to catch the first two bullets. At this point, Vulpesen's mask came in handy as the black and gold beams flew back to bat him in the face, only to bounce off the phrik surface. "Faauust!" To put it simply, Vulpesen did not like slug throwers, as was shown by the way he was suddenly dancing and back on the defensive as he narrowly avoided shot by shot while responding to the sith. "So you aren't as stupid as you look!"

A slight gap opened in Vulpesen's defenses and even as he realized the mistake, he noticed one of Morgoth's barrels aiming at his chest. Please Varos, not yet. He'd gone through too much to die here. Hapes, Teta, Manaan, Rakatta, so many had tried to kill him. He didn't want a child murderer to be the one who succeeded. Then, as if his prayers were answered, a deafening boom collapsed the ceiling between Vitae and Sith and the angel that was his ship, the Vixen, dropped in with its loading ramp open. "About time! GO ON KIDS, GET ON HURRY!" Reaching out once more through the force, Vulpesen started to hurl the resulting rubble at the sith lord, using it to keep him distracted and pissed off at the Zorren specifically.
Location: High Council Chambers
Allies: [member="Taeli Raaf"], [member="Darth Prazutis"], [member="Alvarex Zambrano"]
Enemies: [member="Coren Starchaser"], [member="Mishel Noren"], [member="Cotan Sar'andor"]

Around them, the horrors of the Empire's lightning attack scarred the landscape. Gaping wounds were left where the hidden Sith warships tore themselves free of the cityscape, skyscrapers collapsing in on themselves as their supports and foundations were violently uprooted. Plumes of smoke rose into the ember filled sky, stretching out like a forest of smog beneath a crimson horizon. Squadrons of Exodus bombers strafed dense population centers, rivers of high-yield explosives pouring down like rain onto the buildings far below. Entire city blocks were leveled, gas lines rupturing to send a furious maelstrom of fire whipping through the city streets, consuming anyone and anything in its destructive path.

Soldiers and monsters ran amok in the areas not directly targetting by the bombers flying overhead, the bark and bite of blasters joining together with the wails of the innocent as they were gunned down without a moment's hesitation. Bodies clogged the streets, blood smearing down the durasteel roads to coagulate in gutters and blast craters. Not even those who wore the symbols of medics and healers were spared from the onslaught, as a Blackblade Guardsman caved in a medic's lower jaw with a vicious upswing with a powered maul.

The death and destruction served to the fuel the Dark Lord, who drank deeply of its blood-stained waters like a man dying of thirst in an oasis surrounded by endless desert. There was enough carnage around to smother and blunt the bright hope of the Light Side in all directions, for every act of bloodshed, every act of betrayal, and every callous beast that walked wearing the skin of men served to fuel the conflagration of the Dark Side that now blanketed Coruscant in a thick miasma of hate and suffering.

Carnifex smiled behind his faceless mask, a sight that could only be enjoyed by himself. "Meld your minds until there's not a scrap of individuality left within you, Jedi. Nothing you can do can avail you this hour."

He took a step forward, again slicing and jabbing at his Jedi adversary with the speed and ferocity of a pit viper. Then he took another step and another, and another as he kept the Jedi Knight at a distance, pushing him deeper into the defensive as the space behind Cotan gradually began to shrink. To the Emperor's left was nothing but the broken remains of the council chamber's walls, and beyond that a sheer drop down to the temple proper. Carnifex seemed to be pushing Cotan closer and closer to that edge, his intent clear as he sought to cripple the Jedi's legs with controlled feints towards his upper body that suddenly transformed into precise jabs towards his knees and shins.

Darth Imperia

Location: Jedi Temple, Near the Archives
Objective: Play With Her Food
Enemies: [member="Quvox"] (Primary) | [member="Romi Jade"] | [member="Jace Khel"]
Allies: [member="Tsisaar Taral"] | [member="Vili Ozouf"]
Equipment: Sith Robes, The Penumbra, Sera's (But Really Imperia's Because Possession) Cybernetic Suite, Jin'Wodasir (x2)


Imperia laughed. It wasn't her typical giggle, not cold and harsh, but a genuine, heart-felt chuckle. That little spark of humor died just as quickly as it appeared, however, and in a split second Imperia was wearing a smile cold as ice - not necessarily devoid of joy, but filled with a 'joy' that most sane sapients wouldn't recognize as such. She was a bit irked that her target resisted her temptations - the sudden upswell of sickening, gleaming brightness in the Force likely had something to do with that - but mostly, she was intrigued.

"More's the pity. Perhaps I can teach you to hear, then."

The Ubese's first swing was easily parried with a flick of the wrist. The shimmering purple blade of the Penumbra knocked away Quvox's lightsaber, and Imperia sneered - although as the Ubese's blade came swinging for her head, she had to admit that his recovery was admirable for a mere Apprentice.

"Sloppy." Imperia stated, in the same crisp, cool tone that she used when speaking to an Acolyte. As she spoke, she brought her lightsaber to bear, allowing her blade to meet with the Ubese's, on the plane where the tips of his fingers rested on the hilt. Instead of capitalizing on that advantage, however, Imperia apparently felt confident enough to stay in a saber-lock with her foe and lecture him.

"You telegraph too much. You are a jedi, not a savage, and that is a lightsaber, not a stick. Show some finesse."
Allies: [member="Darth Carnifex"] [member="Darth Prazutis"]
Enemies: [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Mishel Noren"] [member="Cotan Sar'andor"]

Equipment: Armor in signature, lightsaber

How cute, she thought as Coren projected a barrier just a fraction too late for the girl. Still, it had mitigated some of the damage and the girl was now moving to engage her as Coren sent his barrier towards her. She could sense his growing rage, his anger... oh it was so delicious. If she could tempt him further into it... why, that would make the day even more perfect. To corrupt and twist another paragon of the light? Oh it had been far too long since she had done so.

Using the energy shield Connor was sending her way, she gripped it with her own command of the Force, spinning it to be used like a shield to blunt the girl's saber strike. Laughing, exhilarated in the feel of combat, she brought her lightsaber swinging around at the girl in a descending arc, then quickly followed up with a flurry of Makashi strikes towards her sides and limbs. Her free hand blasted a Force Push at Coren to keep him away while she dealt with the girl. Seeing his Padawan in danger might anger him even further, although the girl seemed to be trying to spark some fire. Yes... that sounded like a Kerrigan all right.
Location: Jedi Temple near the archives
Allies: GA and their allies
Companions: [member="Alexandra Feanor"] [member="Mereel Vaun"]
Enemies: Sith and eventually [member="Xevek Rakama"]
Incoming enemies and allies:
Allies: [member="Allyson Locke"], [member="Jyoti Nooran"], [member="Asaraa Vaashe"], [member="Vulpesen"], [member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
Enemies: [member="Tathra Khaeus"], [member="Vanessa Vantai"], [member="Tsisaar Taral"], [member="Darth Imperia"], [member="Vili Ozouf"], [member="Darth Sabezt"], [member="Adrian"] Vandii

Objective: Guard the archives and respond to the incomings

The answer from Alexandra was not at all surprising to Jairdain and nodded only. Glad for once to have partners in something, this was going to be one long day for them. There was weight in the air with everything that was happening in the temple. Some of which was headed their way. With a final comment directed at her padawan and herself, Alexandra prepared to face off against two of the incoming people.

This left Mereel and herself alone for a few moments. Soon enough he was drawn away from some action in the archives and he took what troops they had with him. Not an issue for the master though. Alexandra was coping with two, Mereel with the others. It gave a bit of respite for Jairdain. Here when it was quiet for her, she could shine.

Something she had focused on in her life were the mental aspects for the Force and its uses. One key skill to provide back up and support with was Battle Meditation. Somebody around them had already assisted, but she could provide more for everybody. At least until Xevek appeared and she would have that confrontation...

Doing what she had to do, Jairdain sat down in a corner. As far away from the action as she could get and hoped there would be no further interruption. That wasn't going to happen just yet though. While she sitting down, Vanessa projected an illusion of herself and spoke to her and Alexandra. Of course, she could not see the illusion, but she could hear the projected voice.

"Vanessa, all I have to say is bugger off. There will be no surrender from me."

A night held captive by Vanessa had been enough for her. If there was anybody she wanted to avoid it would be her. The fact she had been captured, almost seduced, poisoned and then rescued by Krest was quite irritating. Since Vanessa was not there in person, Jairdain ended trying to focus on the voice and finished sitting down.

Finshing her preparations, she focused inward to find a sense of solitude here. Having practiced this a few times, she found it easier each time. Soon enough her allies would started feeling empowered. Any of their men and women would work together better and any Force connections became stronger. Her enemies would feel the reverse. Those immune to the mental affects would feel nothing and it would do nothing anything not organic.

Her Battle Meditation was one of her strongest skills and she excelled at performing it. Still wanting to stay on the safe side of things, she preferred to do this in locations where she wouldn't be disturbed. Here though was one of the exceptions and she was in the open. Off to the side, but could be reached easily.

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