OOC Account
Location: Sev Tok, Emergency & Medical Shelter.
Objective 1: Aid - Establish another Medical Shelter.
Interacting With: [member="Samara Raine"].
"Indeed, Master Arenais, this man does need surgery to repair his injuries.
I am Knight Raine and will see to him now. Thank you for stabilizing the patient".
Veiere turned to look to [member="Samara Raine"] and nodded lightly, pleased that someone more qualified in the area of expertise had arrived to tend to the man's wounds with a much more suitable practice; "More frequently than I'd like" He responded to her query about Sev Tok and her aftershocks since the massive shake up, "More than that, I couldn't accurately tell you. I've just arrived on ground and made certain we had another Medical Shelter for the locals. Reports have come in that the others are all understaffed for the amount of injured coming in...", they were flat off of their feet and so the Silver Jedi had been called in, yet even so, it seemed as though they themselves needed to bring in more medical personnel to keep up with the afflicted."What do you need?" He asked, looking to be of further assistance in however way he could; "More supplies will be incoming shortly, the Judiciary is in orbit and is continuing to resupply and reinforce all personnel on the front. If you need anything specific, now would be the time to mention it", otherwise he would make himself more useful and move to give back-up to his Padawan and whomever else was assisting [member="Sylas Taff"] down in the underground ravine.
[member="Stardust Solus Skirae"] | [member="Tyrell Caphey"] | [member="Celeste Rigel"] | [member="Sylas Taff"] | [member="Reshmar"] | [member="Samara Raine"] | [member="Kiso"] | [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] | [member="Cassius Droma"]