Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Epicenter: The SJO Dominion of Sev Tok

Location: Sev Tok; Near Medical shelters
Objective 2: From the Deep :3
Equipment: Shadow Armor, Twin Hammers, & Rocket Flail/Mace, Shield
Tags: [member="Tyrell Caphey"] [member="Finley Dawson"] [member="Samara Raine"] [member="Kiso"] [member="Stardust Solus Skirae"] [member="Amon Vizsla"]

The deafening sound of the beasts screeched through the air. Charlie had been taking care of a few things in the medical shelters. She had learned basic healing from her master, but that wasn’t her true calling. There were others for that. Equipment was checked and a snack cake was tucked lovingly into her pocket, Charlie was prepared to meet whatever was making that horrible sound.

Attached at her hips were a pair of hammers, they had come to be something of a trademark for the young padawan. Today though, she was going to be playing with something fairly new – one she had been training for relentlessly. Pinned to her back, was a mace, it was longer than her torso, but the fairly thin girl was able to wield it as if it was made from duraplast. Its heavy look shifted with her back as she stepped through the safety of the shelters. There were already several people fighting and she was already anxious. A deep breath focused her as she watched another break for the right flank.

“Oh, good idea.” The padawan focused her energy into her movements and she darted forward. With momentum, she drew the shield that protected the mace and the mace itself. A leap and a crashing land, the mace rose, and the head detached being flung forward attaching to the handle with a chain. The long chain spun with the girl’s movement taking out a wave that attempted to surround her.

After a few more swings of the dancing flail, the head returned, and Charlie attached her comms the forces around her. “Padawan Charlie Nooran here, any idea where the source is?”

Finley Dawson

Location: Outskirts of Triage/Refugee Camp, East Side
Objective: Hold the Line (Objective 1 >>> 2)


The Radama Raiders of Clover Company were some of the most skilled marksmen in the galaxy, all fielding bleeding edge weapons that could make mince meat out of most adversaries. But the enemy they were facing was like no other, the ground before them barely visible as big black beasts rushed them in great waves. Bright streams of laser fire, slugs, and explosives seemed to be simply swallowed up by the midnight tides, making no obvious dent in ever swelling numbers.

It wasn't the first time that the Raiders had dealt with monsters, quite familiar a whole grotesque menagerie of Sithspawn and the Undead, but none had ever been so fast. Closer to their lines, the Rangers could finally make out that their combined fire was indeed having effect, but they simply couldn't kill the beasts fast enough. For every black beast they took down, two more took its place, pulverizing the fresh corpses into bloody pulps in their mad dash for their prey. Constantly adjusting to hit the beasts that had broke their previously firing lines, Rangers let more in the back slip through gaps, steadily overwhelming themselves. Worst yet, their weapons were beginning to overheat, creating more gaps as Rangers had to go through the tedious process of cooling or replacing barrels.

JTACs were already scrambling to call in air strikes, but they were losing ground so quickly that their gunships and fighters would probably be force to drop ordinance practically on top of their heads.

It was inevitable that some would finally break their lines. There were a half a dozen of them, leaping over hastily erected barricades. Chaos broke out through the line as these beasts ripped through Rangers, creating even more gaps for more to pour through.

All seemed lost on the front lines of the east side, the air filling with the screams of men in agony. However, their screams were overtaken by the shrill cries of the beasts, and the ever familiar hum of a lightsaber. A blur of baby blues and flashing green darted about, leaving a trail of dismembered beasts sizzling in their wake. The figure finally became visible as they bolted over the barricade and landed with a skid, a tall man of mixed Atrisian and Corellian stock.

He threw up a hand and moments later the sounds of battle would be momentarily drowned out by a terrible gale. The incoming beasts at the opposing front were either smashed or repulsed by a crushing wall of Force energy.

Finley started to pant. He could twirl a saber all day, but he didn't have many more Force Waves in him. The junior Knight was no Mace Windu.

"Get it together!" he barked to the Rangers behind him, his usual aloof demeanor gone in the heat mortal combat. "I can't cover everything, but I can take on what you miss!"

Stunned Rangers quickly regained their composure and rejoined the fight, taking advantage of the gap that Finley had created with his massive Force attack to create momentum. A few crafty Rangers took advantage of glop grenades, creating a mucky impasse to entrap beasts and create more barriers to advance. Air support was only minutes away. Now a once hopeless situation had been turned around as the part time healer had joined the fray.

For now, the east side was holding.
[member="Tyrell Caphey"] [member="Charlie Nooran"] [member="Samara Raine"] [member="Kiso"] [member="Stardust Solus Skirae"] [member="Amon Vizsla"]
Location: Sev Tok
Objective: 3

Tags: [member="Jyoti Nooran"]

Well, that didn't sound good at all, in all the time that John had known the Jedi he'd rarely heard her being so cryptic, so worried before. The cyborg made a small gesture in the air, a brief flash of light as a holographic control system flared to light for a moment before vanishing as he linked his credentials to the datalink, a flood of data flowing down the link him as a map filled his vision. Dark eyes flicked over the map as he considered and discarded routes to his friend before nodding. "I can be there in 4 minutes Jyoti, I'm detailing a few units of droids to the area to help in operations, transmitting you the command codes now." Despite the circumstance, it would be nice to see the woman again, she'd always had a level head in a crisis, and that was something they could use here more than ever.

Even as he'd been talking John swivelled on one foot, offering the aid workers he'd been settled with, exchanging a nod with a few as the man fell back from the rubble of hte building, spinning on his heel as he started on the path still displayed in his vision. He could have called in a transport to pick him up, but given the precarious state of the city, he didn't want to risk any buildings toppling. Maybe something to work on, a transport system for delicate situations.
Objective: 2
Gear: Blast Armor, Ranger Assult Rifle, SES
Allies: [member="[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=georgia]Amon Vizsla"] [member="Stardust Solus Skirae"] [member="Tyrell Caphe"] [member="Finley Dawson"] [member="Charlie Nooran"]
Posts: 4

The battle had begun, if anyone could really call it that, saber blades from Star danced in the dim light as the black scampering beasts scurried forwards with determinations and little to no self preservation. The controlled fire and rigid formation of the rangers did well to stem the tide, their cross fire ripping into the wave of black coming towards the camp, unfortunately she knew they could not old forever. Sooner or later they would run out of ammo, her sensors not giving any indication of a timely end to the monsters onslaught.

Reports of the eastern side of the camp being attacked didn't help that much in the matter, she was unsure of who was taking care of the defenses on that side but it was clear time didn't exactly like them. They had to seal off the beats entrance to the over world, they needed to once more bury the beasts and keep them away from the medical tent... she had an idea. "We need to take out these buggers main nest, collapse their opening and turn it to rubble, thankfully I really like explosions and have some big boom with me". "Keep the majority of the rangers here to keep the main force away, but in the mean time I need some people , preferably of good strength and mind to help me cut through these things and make it to the case entrance".

But now came a new problem, where was the entrance exactly? Turning around Kiso faced the Twi'lek master, "Star, are you able to sense where these things are coming from? if so are you able to lead me? the sooner we blow them sky high the sooner we can take care of the stragglers and secure this area".
Objective two
Location - middle of a black tide
Allies [member="Kiso"] [member="Amon Vizsla"] @Tyrell Caphe [member="Finley Dawson"] [member="Charlie Nooran"]

Plume of fire flew into the face of one if the beast before its screaming stopped suddenly, stardust pulled her saber out panting a little bit as she spun her blades and faced another slicing its legs off then stabbing up into it before tossing it into another as she let a roar out towards a pack hoping to stun them. Thankfully she got her effect and stood back as she drew her westars sheathing her sabers quickly and fired two shots on each

jeez they just wont stop coming!

Kiso faced her, stardust listened and gave a grin as she nodded and moved past her to grab one and slam it face first with a pop

yes, but itll have to be through the force so I'll be a little unaware so cover me, now let's go!

She activated her sabers and closed her eyes, the force flowed around her as she looked forward watching where they came from, she rushed forward and sliced down two coming at her before stopping so kiso could catch up
Location: Sev Tok; Near Medical shelters
Objective 2: From the Deep :3
Equipment: Shadow Armor, Twin Hammers, & Rocket Flail/Mace, Shield
Tags: [member="Tyrell Caphey"] [member="Finley Dawson"] [member="Samara Raine"] [member="Kiso"] [member="Stardust Solus Skirae"] [member="Amon Vizsla"]

The sound of whatever the bugs were made of crunched under the weight of the flail’s head. It seemed Charlie had drawn enough attention of the group that she had launched herself into that their roars started to draw more of the mob towards them. Cursing under her breath, Charlie swung the flail with her force enhanced strength. The weapon sung through the air as it slammed and brushed aside the oncoming wave of beasts.

There was a break in the endless wave and Charlie looked up and brushed aside the bangs that clung to her forehead. There was no one really around her, the swarm that poured from their nest blotted out any true visual of friendlies. It seemed she had lost sight of the Ranger that had gone towards the west flank. The padawan activated her comm device and broadcasted a short message. “Surrounded, requesting any sort of back up.” Along with the message her location was pinged. As she finished, the wave decided it was time to resume its onslaught of the girl. A beast charged forward, and Charlie used the shield to catch it and shove it aside.

Once more the flail let loose as she swung it around her creating a perimeter. She did her best to gain ground, but it felt like these things had no end. To find the end she needed to find the beginning. Using the flail’s temporary perimeter as she swung it, Charlie moved trying to get any visual she could report back on some sort of nest or entry point for these things.
Location: Sage Hand
Objective: Assist in Search and Rescue operations on the ground (Objective 3)
With: [member="John Locke"]

"Four minutes," she repeated. "I'll hold you to it. Thank you for the codes."

In the past, such a digital handshake would have been seamless, but now she was out of the loop. If there was one thing she missed after her resignation it was the ease of coordinating for big operations with vast resources, though independence did come with its own perks.

"There, that should do it. Everyone on your battle net should be ab--"

Her voice quavered as she was hit with a ping in the back of her head, and instinctively, she tightened her stance as if she was about to enter a fight. Moments later, an aftershock ripped through the ground splitting an already cracked street in half right down the middle. A few soldiers were knocked off balanced before their semi-powered armored kicked in with auto balancing. She made have been on the ground with them, lurching a few steps, but preternatural senses had braced her.

A teetering building groaned, its foundations stressed well past limits, and began to sag toward the ruined street. Jyoti steadied herself and raised a hand, halting its progress. She grit her teeth, feeling as though someone had just dropped a platoon's worth of rucks on top of her. She stretched out her arm and pushed back, gradually setting the building back in place. The foundations whined again as she also straightened out the underlying plasteel frame as a crude fix.

As she manipulated the building, rather than finding it harder to do over time, it turned out to be quite the opposite experience. Looking around, she saw why - several of the marines holding out their gravity field disruptors brought for excavation efforts. With their assistance, she was able to reset the building and its foundations with relative ease. Once her hands hand were untied, she offered them a thumbs up for quick thinking. Despite her power, the Jedi would never take her soldiers for granted.

Soon she was back to frowning. The ground was still volatile, the rescuers being in almost as much danger as the remaining survivors. She was afraid they may end up adding to the number.

[member="Josh Dragonsflame"], [member="Sabine Galen"],[member="Calithea Taff"]

Sabine Galen

Location: Sage Edge, Crater
Objective: Rescue Op
[member="Sylas Taff"], [member="Jyoti Nooran"], [member="John Locke"]

With her bubble of force protection firmly in place around her and the small group of children, Sabine continued to urge them on. As the building continued to creak and sway, she grew nervous but did her best to hide it. After all, she didn't want to alarm the little ones. Well, alarm them further, that is.

"Come now," She said, offering a small smile. "We're almost out."

A pin-hole of light guided them forward. Holding her hand out, she helped get each of them in a position to climb out. The little hands and feet moved as quickly as they could manage, with Sabine quietly ushering them along.

"Keep going! Yes, just up ahead!" She called, working to continue pushing energy at the barrier. Right now, that was all they had to keep them safe. Small bits of rubble fell from above, they struck against beams and against the force bubble itself. Her heart skipped a beat. They were so very close, but they were not quite there. As they came to the opening, finally, Sabine helped the children through. But, the building seemed to sway even more now. Brown eyes grew wide, and she huddled over the children.

However, despite the frightening sounds, the building did not come down on top of them. Quite thankfully so. It seemed that a Jedi Master and soldiers had been able to stabilize the building, for now at least.

"You did it!" She smiled, "That was quite an adventure, wasn't it?" She asked, drawing the children over towards the other Silver forces. They would be able to help get them to safety. And then, they'd be able to set to the grim task of locating their parents or caretakers... Sabine hoped desperately that these children had not become the newest orphans.

Lynette Lykova

Clamath's Folly
Sev Tok
Objective 02, Post 03

She stood on a barren, wind-blown valley plane. An icy, empty tundra in the shadow of the mountain's somber light. Here, in the middle of this white and frozen expanse. There lay the Clamath's Folly. A giant stone sarcophagus of a building. A gloomy, foreboding structure as large as any sailing ship in the Silver fleet. An entrance underground and a bleak reminder of an ancient civilization. Of an ancient story. Long ago laid to rest in the darker, more shadowy remnants of this planet's past. Lynette lamented it's apparition. It's long casting shadow. She knew. She was looking at a tomb.

Commander Peel's footsteps crunched in the frozen snow behind her and she sighed upon her companion's approach.

"So. What are we looking at?" He asked with a grim whisper.

"A ruin of the past." She sighed sorrowfully, "And a warning. For the future."

"So. The creatures. The ones the Rangers are fighting to stop." He turned to look at her with a knowing pain in his eyes, "Does this..."


He paused and the pair grew quiet again. Somewhere in the skies beyond, the roar of jet fighter engines could be heard. Echoing long over the mountains and ringing deep within the valley walls. Then came a stillness. A long quiet moment. A long, wide contemplation. Of not wanting to know the answers after all.

"Will they come here? This close to the building site." He took a step forward.


She sighed longingly. Yet not with any relief. Then she started walking down the hillside. Down towards the sarcophagus below.

"Wait." The dark beard man called out, "Where..."

"The Force is calling me." She stopped. Her back seemed so far away to him. "I'm sorry Commander. I have to go."

"Why." He lamented softly.

"Because." She turned to give him a soft smile. A soft confidence. Yet nothing more. "I have to see it for myself. The thing that is causing these craters. These shifts in the planet. It's down there, you know. The answers. The way up."

"Maybe..." He started. Taking one footstep forward. Down the icy expanse. "...But maybe it's not for us, to know."

"You mean. It's their planet. The locals. Right."

"Yeah. No more Silvers have to die for this place Knight. You don't have to go. Just, close the door. Lock it tight. Keep the secret. Keep it safe."

Lynette turned her head back towards him. Ever so softly, she heard his words above the winds.

"You don't have to go. We can go back to the building site. Leave this place. You said it yourself. The creatures aren't going to surface here. We're safe. The energy plant, the city. This doesn't have anything to do with us. I don't know anything about the Force. But I do know war. ...And that. That, thing. That dead building down there. Frozen fast in the snow. ...That's death Knight. And you don't have to go down there. No matter what it's saying to you."

Again she turned. Fully. Giving the tall Commander her full attention. Watching the pain crease across his face. Watching the memories roll slowly down his figure. He knew. Just as she did now. Whatever was down there. Whatever was calling to her. It was death. And it was shaking this planet apart already.

"You're right Commander. I don't." She turned to face the barrow. One last time.

"Well." She sighed. Long and with purpose. "...Come on then."

He slowly began to smile. Watching as she too turned a smiling face to look back up at him from down below,

"Let's go home Commander."

"Aye aye ma'am." He sighed and tucked in his shirt with a glowing smile, "Let's go home."

* * *
Location: Airspace Above Refugee Camp
Objective: Close Air Support (Objective 2)


Lieutenant Sallaros, SSV Horntail
Eventually, the calls for air support were answered, a pair of Kobold blastboats descended through the clouds in a tight orbit. From a bird's eye view, they were witness to the sight of the refugee camp being completely surrounded by hordes of unidentified xenos, looking like they were about to be engulfed in a sea of black. Sallaros found his feed unsettling even from the safety of his ship, so he could only imagine how everyone on the ground felt.

"We just got hit with a mountain-load attack orders," his gunnery officer reported, "and they're still pouring in, but these...things are just everywhere. Where the frak do we even start?!"

"First we need to relieve the pressure for the camp defenders. Shuttles aren't coming down on an LZ this hot." He tapped several points around the camp area on a holo map, prioritizing requests from ground commanders based on positions most under threat of being overrun.

"Attenuate turbolaser output to 15% and set the red line at 500 meters, then fire when ready. Inform our ground counterparts that they need to start withdrawing their forward units. Transports are enroute to deploy force field generators and they don't want to get trapped outside when that happens."

"Aye sir, time to glass these frakkers!"

Moments later, the automated turbolaser turrets of Horntail and Stonedrop came alive, flying on their swivels as they rained crimson lances down on the incoming swarms. As each bolt connected with a creature or the ground, small white balls of explosions erupted where flesh and earth was vaporized. Even at a fraction of their power, the turbolasers had an immediate effect on the battlefield, cleaving through the swarms and creating much needed breathing space for those below. The blastboats couldn't catch everything, but they reduced the number opposition to more manageable levels for ground defenders.

Sallaros wasn't satisfied with merely holding the line, however. Like any good starship captain, he wanted to nip the problem in the bud.

"Dravis," he addressed his sensor operator. "Figure out the origin point for the xenos. We need to end this now."

[member="Tyrell Caphey"] [member="Charlie Nooran"] [member="Samara Raine"] [member="Kiso"] [member="Stardust Solus Skirae"] [member="Amon Vizsla"]
Location: Sev Tok

Objective: 3

Tags: [member="Jyoti Nooran"]

Well, it sounded like he had his marching orders, and far be it from John to keep her waiting, especially since he knew his cousin would probably end up giving him that patent glare of hers if he did. The man's hands slipped into his pockets as he picked up the pace, head bowed in thought. Despite the best efforts of the SIlver Jedi there were just so many individual locations to help out that the forces they had brought were sent running from one fire to the other, just doing their best to help out. The business man had heard stories about this before, had heard of the horrors facing triage, but he'd never actually experienced them for himself before today. The one time John had come close to a disaster he'd been the victim and that had left him, well that had been the cause of his need for the cybernetics adorning his body. It wasn't a fate he would have wished on anyone, but seeing some of ht e survivors who had been pulled from the rubble he didn't think it was beyond the realm of possibility that some o f them would be looking at the use of prosthesis to maintain their quality of life. Sighing John made a note to reach out to his team back at Fenris to see what he could do about providing some after support for those victims.

His mind caught up in those dark thoughts John was completely unprepared for the aftershock that ripped through the street, sending him hurtling from his feet, his shoulder slamming into a wall, arms coming up to protect his head as a rain of loose bricks and debris sloughed off the buildings as another wall gave way. The man who emerged was covered in dust, looking more like a ghost than the owner of a galaxy spanning megacorp. It was this 'ghost' who finally arrived in time to see Jyoti resetting the building's foundation as he hooked a bottle of water out of a cooler, offering it to the woman as he approached. "You know, no matter how many times I see you doing something like that it never gets old. Although," he glanced over at the building the rangers were working on, "I'm guessing we're gonna need all the miracles we can get on this planet."
Objective: 1 & 3
Location: Sage Edge, crater
With: [member="Veiere Arenais"]

It wasn't long before they had arrived at the town once known as Sage Edge. As Celeste disembarked, her brown eyes grew wide. The crater stretched out before them, where the town had literally been swallowed up. The medical teams flowed out behind her, already working to set up a small triage area to treat any immediate need before patients could be sent back to the medical camp.

“It looks like we have our work cut out for us,” She remarked, and then moved to join the medics. There was a small group of children being pulled out of the crater, Celeste looked in astonishment. What horrors had these young ones seen? It made her own heart ache, especially as she thought of Atticus... thank the force he was safe at Silver Rest.

“Come this way,” She motioned, the situation here was quite dire. The aftershocks were of a concern, too. They would need to get any survivors out of the area as fast as she could stabilize them.

“Ma'am,” One of the medics approached, “Just a brief update – the Medical Camp Comfort is doing well. Thus far, we've been able to handle the flow of wounded. With the Haven in orbit, we'll be able to hold for now.”

“Good,” Celeste nodded, presently working to gather up the frightened children. “For any patients at the camp that are fit, please see about arranging transport off Sev Tok. The Silver Circle has some refugee camps available off-world, we'll get these people set up.”

Of course, there was quite a lot to do. But time was of the essence here.
Objective 3
Location: Sage Edge
Objective: Survive.

Rocks. Ash. Debris. He coughed.

He coughed.

He was alive.

But more importantly- there was someone beneath him. Still. His head was fuzzy, vision blurry. He tried recreating the events, but his short-term memory was fried by the concussion he received. He could breathe, but it hurt badly on his left side. Ribs broken. He looked down at his fingers, some of them jammed, one of them dislocated. Only his right hand- thankfully his shooting and dominant hand, was left stable enough to move.

He rolled as much as he could, realizing the weight of the rubble on top of him. He ran in here, he heard it collapsing. There was a kid inside. Fifteen. Scared. Messy hair. Skinny. Someone said that the kid came in after his dog, or a pet or something.

Setter didn't blame him. He would've done the same. The kid was shaking, and whatever he was holding close to his chest was barking, yapping, or meowing. He couldn't tell. He wasn't wearing armor, so his body took the brunt of the building falling down on them. But now, he was stuck, laying over this kid. Setter winced as he struggled to breathe, dirty air plaguing the set of lungs that was already struggling enough. He reached up and tapped the kid on the face a few times.

"We're okay. You're okay."

He had to re-assure him. He just needed a way to signal, to get the message out that he was still alive, and that he needed help. How far down in the crater was he? Had the building shifted? Was it going to shift? Setter winced as he tried to maneuver on top of the kid, to at least get a look around.


He cursed, realizing that he probably shouldn't over a kid that age.

Setter never really liked Jedi, truthfully. But- he'd kill for one to use that space magic to lift the crap off his back right about now.
Location: Sage Edge Crater.
Objective: Recover and evacuate the injured.
Interacting With: [member="Celeste Rigel"].
"We do..." Veiere replied quickly, his tone flat as he looked across the devastated and sunken remains of what was Sage Edge. From within the great crater, medical workers and emergency aids hauled debris apart in search for those either injured or deceased. Shaking his head to himself, he took a moment to steady his mind and avoid his sadness for these people from affecting the job that was theirs, as Jedi within the field of service to the Galaxy ever still.

"The Judiciary can also provide support in the search for further survivors" Veiere reminded his new found peer within the Silver Jedi Order, knowing that their efforts here would be long spent. Such destruction on a massive scale, the likes to floor an entire city, Veiere didn't have any expectations of seeing their home on Kashyyyk again that day. Reaching for his commlink once again, his gaze lingered on the fallen earth, where teams were already descending into the crater.

"Vikras, this is Veiere. I need another three squadrons down on my location as soon as possible. Prioritize those with medical training and demolitions, there's a lot of debris down here and still a lot of people unaccounted for" having made the request, he awaited confirmation before turning his attention back upon Celeste, she of whom seemed to be handling the situation with great professionalism.

Somewhere out there was [member="Sylas Taff"], though Force only knows how the kid was handling the situation and what kind of sights were being revealed to him further down below.
Location: Sage Hand
Objective: Assist in Search and Rescue operations on the ground (Objective 3)
With: [member="John Locke"]

John had impeccable timing, showing up right as she finished with the 'heavy lifting'.

She smiled behind her mask as he came up with a canteen, tipping the faceplate to suck up a third of the canteen's contents in one swig. The cool filtered water was like sweet nectar over her tongue after such exertion.

"Thanks, but I'd rather not make a habit of it. Even I can't lug around skyscrapers all day. That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about."

She dropped the faceplate back over her mouth, already feeling dust coating her mouth with each labored breath.

"The work of the rescue teams is commendable, but at this rate it's going to take us at least a couple of days to pick up everyone." she held up her communicator to share a projection of the city with all the detected survivors. "I don't think we'll have that long. Seismic activity is already building up well beyond the aftershocks we're seeing now - a new fault line was created directly under Sage Hand. Another quake is coming, and it may just bury this city for good. Not to mention the strange attacks I've been heard about on my way down."

She glanced up at the sky before settling on his face again. "I think it's about time we put that big beautiful Silver Spacy to good use. Tractor beams can help move around the big stuff and cut down considerably on excavation times by rescue teams. Then the ships could deploy any spare anti-concussion generators around the chasm to mitigate the effects of aftershocks as we continue to work. They've been used to great effect at other bases around Silver Space."

"What do you think?"

[member="Josh Dragonsflame"], [member="Sabine Galen"],[member="Calithea Taff"]
Location: Sev Tok; Near Medical shelters
Objective 2: From the Deep :3
Equipment: Shadow Armor, Twin Hammers, & Rocket Flail/Mace, Shield
Tags: [member="Tyrell Caphey"] [member="Finley Dawson"] [member="Samara Raine"] [member="Kiso"] [member="Stardust Solus Skirae"] [member="Amon Vizsla"] [member="Lucent Echo"]

Charlie continued to make her way through the waves upon waves of Xenos scum. There was a moment of silence as the noises from the beasts calmed down. They stopped moving and thus Charlie did the same. She looked up and spotted a light. Instincts kicked in and she moved out of its path and held her shield up. The blasts took out the mob surrounding her and cleared a path for the Padawan.

As the dust settled from the blasts after shock and Charlie looked around to see that the energy that surged through the air from the attack from above knocked most of the bugs out cold. She walked through and crushed as many of their heads as possible. Another blast lit up the area, but it was far enough that she didn’t feel anything except a small breeze. “Karking hell” Blinking, she wiped some of the dirt and splatter from her cheek and began to venture forth.

A familiar tickle in the back of her mind guided her and she moved quickly through the dead until she found who belonged on the other end of that mental nudge. Familiarity was a good thing and she had been around Finley enough to pick him out if necessary. The mace swung the flail head again burrowing through the mob that seemed to have been free from the blast earlier. The end of her shield punted the last creature that was in her way and she smiled as she came upon the Knight and the Rangers he was with.

“Hey!” Looking over her shoulder where she had come from. “There are some Rangers on the West making their way through that flank. Seems we got air support which is nice.” Looking back around them, she frowned. “Where are they all coming from.”

Lynette Lykova

Gesalt Refugee Settlement
Sev Tok
Objective 01. Post 04. Exit.

Lynette stood in the parking lot of the Gesalt Mountains Energy Plant. Looking down the hilly rise at the once empty plane of white, glittering snow. A slippery vista that was now filled with the sights, sounds, and early preparations of major city settlement construction. Cable pillions had been built to transfer power down the hill. Multi-level prefab shelters were taking rise in planned distributions. City districts had been laid out with 3D digital imaging equipment and the new construction drones from the coastal cities were already digging ditches for gas, water, sewer, and electrical pipelines. It was glorious mess down there. But, in a way, that was just how Lynette liked it.

Commander Peel approached her side from the plant's main entrance. Taking a moment to admire the view with her. Watching the work progress with an earnest feeling of pride and accomplishment.

"Captain says we've already worked out the next month's planning with the local government. Should only be another year or so before the transition is complete. But, you know how that goes. We'll just keep flying it one mission at a time, right? Heh. Yeah."

Lynette turned and smiled, "Panic can make a lot of strange things happen all at once. I'm sure that given enough time? Yes. Things will settle down again. Hopefully."

Peel scoffed and gave a smirking sigh, "Yeah yeah. Kinda crazy to hear that right about now though. What with all that fighting we weren't expecting."

She shrugged, "I know it's hard to be away from the fight Commander. But do trust the Rangers to do what needs to be done. They've seen a lot over the years. I'm sure a giant bug invasion from underground will be nothing they can't handle. Hehe."

He shook his head and shrugged, "Bah. Yeah. Nothing a little bug spray can't fix. Pfft."

Lynette smiled and turned back to the view. Watching the drones work and letting the cold silence of the winter tundra surround her. Nothing but the far away echoes of construction and an icy breeze to keep them company.

Finally. She broke the silence.

"Well. I suppose that's me then." She smiled and turned to face her starfighter, "With the planning complete and work already underway. I've turned over the reigns to Mormont and Captain Delgado. They'll take it from here."

"Oh? Got reassigned already huh? Damn. You Jedi types really do move around, don't cha'." He chuckled to himself.

"Ah well. You know what they say Commander. So much galaxy to see. So little time." She turned her head back to him and smiled, "You look after Lieutenant Hanna for me, would ya? I sense she'll be restless and frustrated in no time."

Peel just shrugged. "You know Hanna. She's a red mess in a blue uniform. ...Ha. But yeah. You be good too, ya hear. You keep all that white lightning and Sith zapping to a minimum eh. Ha. ...Well. Ya know. Mostly."

Lynette chuckled and pursed her lips. She liked the way he said that word. "Mostly."

"Fair enough. ...May the Force be with you Commander."

"And you Knight. God speed."

Lynette was already half-way up the loading ladder and climbing into her cockpit. Pulling down on her earpiece and nodding to her Astromech during preflight. Then turning and giving the Commander one last thumbs up.

Peel took a few steps back as the repulsars began to wind up and the frost air began to crackle. Much the same, he returned her gesture with a nod and a straight-backed smile. Watching slowly as she hit the thrusters and and her long silver ship blasted back off into the stratosphere. Up, up, and away.

"And you Knight." He repeated out into the cold winter wind. "...We'll take it from here."

* * *
Objective 3:
Allies: Calithea Taff

[member="Calithea Taff"] seemed to have a handle on things on the people there, and Josh nodded his head toward her to indicate approval. "If you've got this, I'm going to keep looking for survivors" Josh would remark toward her. "Don't hesitate to ring me if you need help."

Josh's ears rang as he could hear explosions in the distance, and his brows furrowed in irritation. "Really? Bloody really? A bombardment? While we're gathering survivors?" He muttered under his breath in annoyance as he made his way out of the house. "They're creatures, use more domestic methods you bloody idiots."

Hoping a member of the Assembly had this, Josh would activate Force Flight as he would dive back into the fray. Attempting to keep his calm, he would try again to sense life below...
Location: Sev Tok

Objective: 3

Tags: [member="Jyoti Nooran"]

John tilted his head to the side, lips moving silently as he ran through the plan, the possibilities offered by Jyoti's idea, without thinking about it the man reached up to poke at the projection rotating slowly above the comm link.

"Well they are just sitting up there looking pretty," a smile tugged at his lips as John imagined the aggrieved cries of the ship commanders at the dust that was about to cover their pristine commands. "We could bring in some cruisers, but they'd have to work from the outside in to clear a path to the centre of the city so the don't knock over any of the buildings." The man reached out, running a finger along the highway leading into the city. "Unless, it wasn't built for this but I bet we have a few pilots who'd like to drive their ships through the streets of the city. With the verges and the empty space it'd be less likely to cause property damage when we don't want it to, and they could get all over the city." The cyborg shook his head, "I don't think I've ever heard of a rescue attempt like this, but then, if the assembly decides I have to clean all the ships, you'd better be there keeping me company."

He reached up to run a hand through his hair, "I hadn't thought about using the anti concussion generators to mitigate the effects of the earthquakes, but you know that's actually brilliant. We can lay them right along the fault lines, and if this works we could even look at installing some permanent facilities here, a way to at least provide the cities with some protection." He didn't think they could stop the earthquakes affecting the planet, but if the important infrastructure like hospitals and emergency services could be protected that would go a long way to helping in the future. "I'll handle the fleet if you want to start organising the rangers and the generators?"

Pulling his own commlink from his pocket John brought it too his lips, just the hint of amusement glimmering in his eyes, "This is Admiral Locke to all Silver Jedi Naval forces, listen up, we've got a plan, but I don't think you're gonna like it much."
Objective 3

The building on top of them.

The entire building.

Wasn't going to hold forever. Setter knew it, the kid knew it. But they were stuck. For now. But Setter was determined to get the kid out of there. The kid didn't need to die here. He'd seen kids before.

He had to put down kids before.

It would haunt him until the day he died. If he could save one- well, maybe that would put the aging killer's mind at a semblance of ease.

"Alright kid, you can hear me, right?"

The kid nodded.

"Brace your knees against my chest and push when I say so."

He was stuck under a slab of concrete and rebar. There was a room next to them, and with the amount of furniture, he assumed was the living room, or the foyer. The roof was only partially collapsed there. They could at least, stand up there, and Setter could sit down. He knew it was about to hurt. He knew that the ribs would probably shift, and break more.

The kid did so, squirming a little. He was a good kid, he listened. He nodded, indicating he was ready. Setter began to push, and grunted a guttural scream at the kid to push. He pushed.

And it fucking hurt.

A lot.

He pushed and pushed, until the concrete and rebar shifted slightly, and then slid further away, aided by gravity down into the pit that half the house used to be. They were free now. The kid squirmed, Setter still holding up, to allow the kid to move. He crawled into the foyer, and fell down with a gentle thud, and a puff of dust. Setter relaxed, slowly. He crawled, grinding his teeth in brutal pain, before falling himself.

Yup. Ribs were not liking that.

He sat against the wall, looking around. The room was dark, the natural light unable to be seen except through slits above them. Trapped, but seeing the open air. Not exactly an ideal position. Setter got to a somewhat comfortable position, but every breath was painful, every breath hurt. But the kid was safe. The kid leaned against the couch, breathing deeply. Scared. Scared and vulnerable. Setter stared at the open air above them.

"It's okay. I'm scared too."

He blinked a few times.

"We'll get out of this, together."

The kid fixed his long, unruly hair and nodded.

He just hoped he wasn't giving him false hope. He could use some of that Jedi trick now, or at least, a full-on Jedi. At least a laser sword to cut their way out of the problem would work.

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