Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Epicenter: The SJO Dominion of Sev Tok

Location: Sev Tok, behind barricades in front of the medical shelters
Objective: 2 - From the Depths
Armor: KPA-01 ''Katarn'' Armor
Loadout: KG-1B Famos Mk II Beam Rifle, SG-001 Ranger Field Pistol, Merr-Sonn C-22 fragmentation granade (3)
Nearby tags: [member="Kiso"], [member="Stardust Solus Skirae"], [member="Amon Vizsla"], [member="Lucent Echo"], [member="Finley Dawson"]


Seeing Vizsla take good care of the right flank as of now gave him a moment to focus his squad on the strong center of black screetching masses, a group of other rangers doing the best they could assisted him with their blasters.

''Machinegun! You two! Focus your fire on the center! Split them up!'' he yelled and tapped on two rangers shoulders next to the machine gunner. On cue, a violent stream of blue laser bolts were concentrated on the area of the sergeants orders. The green glowing HUD of the Katarn helmet flashed and fed him with a constant stream of real-time information. He ran over to the left side of the hastily set up barricades to check on his comrades position and status there. They were barely holding, the creatures kept getting closer and he threw himself in position between two others and opened fire with the Famos rifle.

Where the feth did these come from? How many were they? What drove their relentles charge?

The HUD picked up a bright flash from the right corner of it as jedi knight [member="Charlie Nooran"] joined Vizsla at the right flank. Another jedi made a great difference for them, especially as captain Kiso and knight Skirae were now intending to track down the nest, the source of the creatures. Hopefully, it were only one of them!

''Make it fast, captain!'' he called over the intercoms and tried to locate them on the battlefield. ''Vizsla - sitrep on your-!''

His request for a situation report were suddenly interupted, as one of the creatures had managed to break away from the rest and lunged over the barricade and straight at him. He landed violently with a load thud as the backarmor made contact with the ground behind the barricades. The creature bit down on the rifle he had put up in protection, it shaked it with a feral growl and ripped it out of his hands, throwing it to the side. Everything happened in the fraction of a second but seemed forever from where he laid under the creature. As it turned it's head back, it were met with the SG-001's barrel under it's jaw.

''Eat this!'' he shouted and fired three rapid shots that went straight through the thin skin under the jaw. The creature fell dead to the side with a smoking hole through it's skull. A bottomless sigh of relief left him as the medical status on the HUD showed little wound to him and damage to the armors systems.

From above, he could see a couple of gunships breaking through the clouds. Finaly! The pilots skills and the gunners accuracy were going to be decisive if the tide would not turn to their favour...
When it raines... it pours.

Sev Tok - Medical Shelter Alpha
Objective 1/2 - Provide Aid/Help defend Shelter

When the Jedi Healer walked outside the medical tent, her danger sense flared as the blonde's blue-green orbs went wide. The scene developing before her was like one from some sci-fi holodrama that [member="Tyrell Caphey"] liked to watch when they did Holoflix and a chill... Sam had formed a rather fondness for those fruity umbrella drinks that were served on Spira while the couple were vacationing on the tropical world recently. Surprisingly, the frozen cocktails went well with lightly salted, buttered popcorn.

Samara only had a second to turn her golden head and shout to the other medical personnel inside the tent to immediately move the patients out the other way to the waiting medevac's before they were overrun by... well creatures of some sort. She would buy them time along with the security detail that had already began to fire upon the horde unleashed from the depths of Sev Tok after the massive earthquake.

The Jedi Knight called her lightsaber to hand, then ignited the amethyst-hued blade with a snap-hiss. Samara quickly moved forward on booted, lithe feet and began to run towards the incoming creatures as a few made it past the security perimeter. The Liann brought her off hand up and sent out a Force push, knocking back a small, determined group, then with a two-handed swing began cutting down their ranks best she could in tandem with the soldiers that were stationed at Shelter Alpha.

But would their efforts be enough to allow the others to get the wounded safely off planet...

[member="Kiso"] | [member="Stardust Solus Skirae"] | [member="Amon Vizsla"] | [member="Charlie Nooran"] | [member="Finley Dawson"]
Objective: 2
Gear: Blast Armor, Ranger Assult Rifle, SES
Allies: [member="Tyrell Caphey"] [member="Charlie Nooran"] [member="Stardust Solus Skirae"]
Posts: 5

A firm nod came fro Kiso at Star's words, the cyborg captain changing the energy cell in her weapon before falling in behind the master, "lets just hope our boys can keep these things at bay long enough". Her leg servo's went into high gear, lunching behind the Twi'lek as she carved a path through the oncoming wave of beasts, her own vibro sword coming out, it's sharp edge slicing through any black arm trying to take hold of her limbs. It was a crude and somewhat reckless rush towards the cave entrance, but her life was of little concern compared to her men back at the tent. Besides, she could lose another limb, nothing that can't be repaired back at the temple.

With each passing second the wash of black skinned beasts became more dense, her other hand springing into action to punch the things away from her body, a few scratches indented into her armor from some close calls. "Star, how close are we? feels like we have been running for a while now". In truth is had been only a minute or so, her internal timer said as much, but even so her human side said otherwise.

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