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Episode V: Akala Strikes Back

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Falcon Rekali

Location: Serenity's Redoubt --> River of the Dead and The Paths of Choices
Proximity: [member="Token Waters"]
Gear: Lightsaber, Lonesome Gun, a few daggers, etc.

"Right, then," and they kept walking, well past the places either of them had awakened, but it would still be a bit of a walk before anything changed. After a measure of silence between them, he thought to make more conversation, "Is that your given name, 'Token'? I have to say, the last time I was in the company of anyone or anything called a token, I met my wife."

A short grin came up on his face.

"She tried to shoot me."
Adventures were fun. They were supposed to be. Taking objects of great power with your friend and some people you find along the way in order to destroy them in some really accurately named mountain on the other side of existence? Yeah, that was what she always wanted to do. But actually being on one of these types of things? It was not what she was expecting. Maybe it would get better. It could be that she was lonely. Not that [member="Falcon Gyndar"] was bad company, but she didn't know him, and this world on top of that made her not as sharing as she typically was. Silly Token.

“She tried to shoot you?” Token couldn't help but let out a spill of laughter. “No, my given name is Brooke. Brooke Waters. Yeah, I sound like I'm out of some comic book.” Anyway, she took a breath. “Token kind of came around because when I was in primary school, I hung around with my brother a lot, went to martial arts classes, surfing, and causing a general ruckus with him and his friends. And they were all boys. He spent a lot of time looking after me, the whole group did. But when it came to other girls hanging out?”

She shrugged.
“They didn't welcome just anyone to the group. It made bad rumors about me, and most were not true.” Most, but not all. “And I just sort of became Token, the token girl. And it stuck.”

Also, her writer made her the first female character in a line of many many males. So there was that.

Darth Vashti

The ferry man --->. Voss

Vashti would embark upon the ferry, little knowing where it would take her. It was much about testing a theory as it was about discovering something new.

Before she knew it, the colors would seem to swirl about her. A kaleidoscope of hues that would induce vertigo. What was happening?!

Then, as if birthed a second time, Vashti would be shot into a new land.

She'd fall into all fours.

On Voss.

Suddenly her head exploded with information. She knew where the rest of these rifts were.
Vi'kas yelled as he was sucked into the cyclone. Strangely enough, the lightsaber he had dropped stayed right where it was on the ground, not sucked into the cyclone. The vortex spiraled him towards the sky, and he closed his eyes, saying a final prayer. The cyclone reached far into the sky, as he could see the entire netherrealm splayed out under him. He felt the force within him being altered. He felt as his prophetic vision was sucked out of him, replaced with something much more sinister. He did not yet know what it was, and doubted he ever would. Suddenly, the cyclone disappeared again, sending him tumbling through the air. As he was about to splat on the ground, his body slowed to halt, then dropped him a foot from the ground. Fate must have more punishment in store for me, he thought. Then, after taking a moment to catch his breath, he set off again, looking for a way out of hell.
Location: Field of Blades
Objective: Fight the Necromancer
Allies: [member="Zavzen Sae'ryx"], [member="Verz Horak"], [member="Arla Balor"],
Enemies: [member="Viktoria Zambrano"], [member="Viktoria Zambrano"],

Our team was dwindling. Shrinking every second. Running to escape. I was glad to do that. Fighting so they could escape. And I smiled as the woman asked if that was a way to treat a woman who was giving a proposal.

"Speak or forever hold your peace."

It was then the undead stopped moving. The fighting had stopped for a moment. Surrounded by the dead and those who would be eternally known as the damned. I looked around. Seeing that the two other Mandos here were still alive. This would be it. This would be a make it or break it deal. I will make it to the world. Looking towards the woman as she spoke. Saying that my soul will be hers to allow us to leave, I smiled brightly under my helm.

"I have a counter proposal. Let these people here go, and I fight you one on one for my soul."

No fear was in my heart. No lie was in my voice. Even as a Sith, I should be lying all the time. However, I needed these people to live. They will live.

"I want my soul, and you want it as well. So let us see who is the strongest, and who has the right for my soul?"

I held my sword, letting it slide into my sheath. Showing that I was not skittish. I wouldn't run. I would face whatever will come. I stand before her. Not afraid of what may come. I will fight the tide. I will fight for my freedom, life, and soul. And if all goes according to plan, then I will be victorious. Let the witch come. Let the Hellspawn come. I'll kill them all. Even if it takes me an eternity. I will return home. I will see my child. I will raise him into a man who is better than myself. Not because it's only my duty, but because there is one thing you do not mess with me about.

And that, is my family.

"What say you Witch?"
The Eternal Queen
-Blood wastes-

Feena cringed. Why did he have to say that? It was already bad enough that she was here in the first place. She'd been trying so hard not to even think about the girls. She'd worry until her hair turned grey.

"I'm sure they're fine. I doubt they're here, and even if they are, Celeste will be fine. Felicity will... err... find someone to help her, I'm sure."

Falcon Rekali

Location: Serenity's Redoubt --> River of the Dead and The Paths of Choices
Proximity: [member="Token Waters"]
Gear: Lightsaber, Lonesome Gun, a few daggers, etc.

The little tale of origin for her nickname (and as it was now, chosen name) made his smile just a little warmer.

"Well, Falcon is my given name," he replied in turn, insofar as I know, he thought, "and I come from Mandalore and Yavin, by way of Corellia."

And that was the truth as far as he was concerned. Anything else was... telling, and muddy, though it no longer gave him the nightmares and discomfort it once did. He had his buir, his riduur, his aliit to thank for that.

"What do you suppose you'd be doing right now, if you weren't here?"
She didn't mind being called Token. It was really WHO she was, if that made sense? To her it did, and others seemed to accept it. Besides everyone needed a code name Billy the Kid, Bonnie and Clyde, John Stamos, and not all of them needed to be outlaws. But she identified as Token, the quirky girl-person. Who still didn't believe she was 24 and making responsible life choices in the other place.

Was she really that responsible? Sort of.

She supposed.

“I like it. Obviously non-traditional names are the best!” She smiled at him. “So, you're a Mando warrior? And Corellia! I'm from Corellia! I hope the world is safe...” She had extended family there, even if her parents were dead. But her brother was still living out there.


She hoped nothing went wrong.

“If I wasn't here? I was on Sabarene. I had planned to go to the beach, and the ocean. I'd probably invited Sindy, if she would get away from work for a few minutes. Girl always needs to be reminded to relax.” She looked off into the distance. Where were they going?

“How about you?”

He didn't seem like the war-hungry Mandos she heard about.
[member="Vulpesen"], [member="Daella Feanor"], [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

A woman watched in the distance - an ethereal being. She watched the visitors of the Netherworld with interest - yet remained passive and did not interfere. She briefly looked at Vulpesen and his family below and would move on shortly afterwards.
Location: Behelian Canyon
Allies: [member=Azrael]

Unmeasured time passed by for both the Rally Master and the Mand'alor as Azrael waited patiently for Vilaz to reach the peak of this canyon in order to truly join his brother. Luckily, there were holes made in walls of this canyon made by Mand'alor that saved the trouble for Vilaz to create some of his own with the strength of his hands along with the crushgaunts his two hands were wearing that could crush bone, rocks, metals, and crab armor that the Vong used in combat. Even if these grapple holes made it much more easier for him to scale the obstacle which could fit in the valleys of a Sith Temple with these hooded monuments veiling their face from those who would observe their form and features pertaining of these carved stone figures that, maybe, held some sort of a purpose of where they stood. It wasn't no accident that these statues were here stretching out miles and miles of land that probably had no end to the plains surrounded by both sides as the canyon as it also acted as the chasm between these two cliffs. This element and others that accompany in this dimension that didn't belonged in space and time probably could't be accurately described by the best geological professors nor could they even date how old the ground was or if it even was ground at all. This wasn't ordinary or normal at all. Especially of how everything still was at the moment. In an angle it would appear that time and everything else paused except for Azrael and Vilaz.

The words of Lord Mand'alor could be heard via comm link as he cautioned the Rally Master to take his time and find the suitable path that would be approached if given, and not rush through climbing this wall that could probably lead the Mandalorian falling to the floor of the chams critically injuring him or worse, death. He acknowledged and followed his words that caused him to look for ways that seemed safe to grasp onto and not a small ledge or hole of the cliff that couldn't bare the weight of the Redneck and just collapse along with Vilaz. "I bet you right, vod. Look around, nothin' has changed. And that background noise ain't nothin' natural." He could then hear the wailing cries of despair that all joined each other as a choir chanting at the same rhythm and lyrics, but with different tones and volumes. These cries that were being produced by something was what Azrael wanted to show him unless there was something else than those minor key chants. The man looked up and saw that he had reached the top of the canyon as Mand'alor reached for him as did Vilaz towards his bionic arm. The two individual hands grasped each other with firm hands and Azrael pulled Vilaz up from the cliff and on the surface of the wall. "Likewise, vod," the Rally Master responded back to the sole ruler of the Mando'ade knowing it wasn't Vilaz that was alone in this barren wasteland that held no signs of life except these two men.

He heeded Azrael as he beckoned him to come with him which no doubt he wouldn't have, since he was the leader of the vode and knew exactly what he was doing though all the actions he made and executed. The two men side to side crunched the rocks and pebbles on the ground with their beskar boots of their armor could be heard as they walked towards of what Azrael wanted to present Vilaz to. And finally he was introduced to what he had thought when he scaled the cliff of the canyon wall earlier. The wailing sorrowful sounds of many lost souls belonging to many sentients was what he was viewing at this moment. They immensely pleaded to these two Mandalorians for help as if they were their salvation that could end whatever undesirable fate that was placed upon them. What brought goose bumps all over the skin of the Rally Master wasn't the fact of these souls infinitely crying for help, it was the sole fact that a vast amount of souls filled the landscape at every angle before these two Warriors. No, they weren't alone and he sure didn't trust the company that was with them. "Best not touch 'em or anything. Don't wanna end up like them." Something that Lord Mand'alor would agree on as they were walking on foreign land that wasn't impressing them at all.
LOCATION: Blood Wastes
OBJECTIVE: Find a way out of here
Waking up to find yourself surrounded by boiling blood is generally not a fun experience. Especially when you find your face right in front of a particularly muddy section. However, having tough, thick scales can lessen the discomfort. Those will, of course, eventually start to heat up as well. It's recommended one does not take a nap in such a situation. Azrael was currently learning that doing so was a horrible idea. Oh, how he was so tired! Hadn't it been a long day of slaughtering enemies left and right? Yes, yes it had. So he had laid down to get some rest... only to awaken in quite the situation! There was blood and fire all around, with only a few bones, rocks, and bodies for 'ground'. Oh dear! Yet the giant wasn't terribly concerned. With his poor vision he couldn't really see the true horrors of this land. According to his echolocation it was a fairly normal area. Just one with odd structural decisions. It was safe to say that he didn't panic when he found himself there. Not until he realized the scalding liquid was irritating his natural protection. With what might pass as a scowl he sat up.


Apparently he had been lucky enough to teleport onto a large-ish rock. Perhaps boulder was a more appropriate term? Hmm. Yes. Yes it was. Was he still half asleep? Why, yes, yes he was. How wonderful. Our large reptilian friend stood up slowly. Did he trust this thing to support his weight? Only partially. Would it hold? Most likely. After all he had already been asleep for some time. Surely if it was going to give it would have done so far earlier! Azrael was far smarter than the average lizard- he knew enough to know he was safe for the moment. However there were many dangers present here. Enough that he was starting to grow concerned. The more his focus returned the more he found himself wondering where he was. This seemed like the Chaos his father, Crowley, had taught him about... Was he in hell? Had he perished pathetically in his sleep somehow?!? HAD HE BEEN BETRAYED?!? WELL THEN. In that instant the giant decided he was going to march up to the keeper of this land and demand that they let him go so he could continue to wreak havoc upon the material world.

There was no way he was done yet!
EQUIPMENT: Four lightsabres; Two red (normal), two yellow (club)
INJURIES: None noted yet
Location: The Dunes

Seris had continued on through the dunes to the unknown. Guided by the wind to hopefully find water or food. Civilization would also be good, but she wasn't to picky being near enough to death. Eyes stared at the red sand and her feet as they trudged and kicked. Exhausted from the days it seemed she'd been here. Food and water had been used up to long ago. It was nice this wasn't a hot desert. The fact she'd been unable to sleep, plagued by waking dreams were driving her mad. This land was evil.

A wet slap sounded, her foot stepped in water without her paying mind to the few feet ahead she could see. It spooked the girl and a tumble backwards in fright was had. Seris landed on her rear, in disbelief as what lay before her, a vast river. Salvation to her. So much happiness to be had she wanted to cry but couldn't. With all her remaining strength she removed her helmet and tossed it aside. Her canteen was almost ripped open and plopped in the water. As it flowed in the shimmer of her eyes grew as if the sun were back to shine on this miracle of a river. She was saved and in seconds would drown her thirst.

[member="The Ferrymen of the River"]

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
Breath. Was he alive? Was he dead? It had happened in an instant, and now the man knew not where he had been thrown. The last memory he had was a fleeting one, barely there. Breathing, heavy, no shallow and steady. He was alive, he could feel the air rushing into his lungs, or was it just a feeling, the trick of the mind. Darkness was around him, upon him and he could barely move. Was he captured, held in some torturous chamber for his ideals? No, it was sand, dirt? What ever it was, there was only a finite amount, his hands already free as he clawed his way through. Green, the sun, no this was no sun he had ever seen before.​
Blinking for a few moments he slowly rose, his hands moving over the armor carapace as he stood and stretched. What good was it in this realm, or place? Though it was better than nothing at least, anything was better than nothing. His instruments in the suit though were not working, they couldn't tell him where he was, or what had happened. The last thing he remembered were his Knights and now he was here. How much time had he lost? What happened between the moments of standing in the grand meeting hall and now, where he stood?​
He had to get out of here, back to where he had come from, yet how? Looking around he could hear the screaming, the voices shouting for release and aid. Stepping forward he stumbled as he felt the grip of another upon his ankle. Some poor soul that he grabbed hold in their own attempt to crawl and claw out of the shallow grave. Shaking himself free, he pulled himself up, standing atop the dunes as he sighed. There were so many, though it seemed that there were those that had already and continued to break off to find their own means of leaving this place.​
"What is this hell?"
He muttered out loud to himself, his ears ringing for a moment before he took another deep breath. Steadying himself as he looked around. He needed a way out, he needed a way back to the Galaxy. If things were this bad here, where ever here was, he could only imagine how back it could be in the Galaxy.​

Tes Dralyn

Location: Blood Wastes --> Alderaan
Companions: None

Over the course of her trek-by-foot, she had bludgeoned with the duffel in her hands, and at times dropped it completely to use her fists. Had been grabbed once or twice, but that was nothing a well-placed knee or foot couldn't take care of. It felt like progress, it made the anger she felt at the crummy twists and turns her life had taken feel that much more justified, that much better. She'd slept at some point, but only after she'd done everything in her power to make sure she was left the feth alone. Even so, the slumber had been short. Sleeping was hard in the unfamiliarity of the noxious, red landscape.

She dragged herself to her feet, then loaded each duffel on her person and continued on. Eventually, she came to yet another puddle, but this one had a strangely different quality from every other gods-damned puddle she had seen thus far. So she bent down and poked at it with a finger, which felt weird. Then she stuck a foot in it, stomping down, and fell right in, duffel bags and all!

Location: Garden of Thorns
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Mrrew"] | [member="Gareth Yalthik"] | [member="Shane Williams"]

In unison, Coci stood up abruptly as the strange woman appeared, just as Thurion had. Instinct had her raise the pistol and aim it at the back of the woman's head. Her finger squeezing the trigger just before the point of engagement. She watched with amazement as what appeared to be a portal formed on the dark ground in which they all stood. The woman eerie to say the least, vanished as quickly as arriving and left behind more questions.

Thurion had voice all their thoughts in a single sentence, "Indeed", was all Coci would add at this point. Cautiously she moved toward Mrrew and to the edge of the 'hole' as she did she looked back over her shoulder toward Thurion, trying to read any of his thoughts on the matter. "I don't have a rope", she whispered as she stood beside Mrrew.

Coci is none the wiser, looking down into the portal, she too saw the green lush jungle which she did not recognise. Although she had been in quite a few, never this one it seemed. "Seems we have a 'leap of faith' presented to us", she added. But was this jungle any safer then here? Yes was here answer to herself. It could not be any worse could it?

"I agree, it seems like a portal of some kind, and we have a choice to make. It could be worse then here of course, save for a couple of things, at least in that jungle we would have water and food probably, here if we are not attacked and eaten, we will die of starvation and thirst".

At this point the music began, the strange lyrical voice of the creature returned, as if knowing it's prey may escape. It voice is louder and more insistance, offering safety and aid to live, but behind the beautiful voice, one knew there is malice. The Thorns behind them, creaked and cracked and the creature appeared once more, this time moving toward them with speed.
Location: River of the Dead & The Paths of Choices
Gear: Fists and clothes

Everything was a haze, things often were when you woke up, were they not? Eyes being rubbed, yawns carrying themselves around the room for everyone to hear and see. Except this wasn’t a waking like any other for the young Mister Gyndar. His eyes had very muched been rubbed but as his hands dragged themselves across his face he would realize that he wasn’t napping in his climbing tree anymore.

Eyebrows furrowed and eyes danced back and forth from side to side in an attempt to get his bearings. Hands covering his chin and mouth there was little around him that would tell him where he was.

Clearly he was in a boat of some sort. Drifting along the rivers of a valley he had never seen before. Was he still on Yavin? Hmm, no that felt impossible. This place was considerably less colorful than Yavin, and Yavin wasn’t particularly colorful at all. His head peeked over the edges of the raft and into the waters.

The boat bobbed gently on the waves. Each dip reminding him that there was something in his pocket. Sitting back up straight his hand reached to investigate. It was something with a handle, clearly. Something with teeth. A fork?

No, [member="Mira Gyndar"]’s favorite brush.

“Oh crap.” Another few worried looks around him to check for swear jarring parents. “Mira is going to kill me.”

“Unless…” With an innocent whistle he tossed the now two-piece hair equipment overboard.

At least now she could never know. Which was probably for the best.

Besides, if she did he'd just have to ask the almighty [member="Falcon Gyndar"] to settle the situation. As usual. It's what parents were for.

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
LOCATION: Following the Ferryman([member="The Ferrymen of the River"])
OBJECTIVE: Find [member="Connor Harrison"] and then get out of here alive.

"The eyes... The eyes always tell the truth. And they are saying exactly the opposite of what you are saying. But I understand, and I admire you. You stay here to help others, like a true Jedi... I am sorry that this had to happen to you. But as you said... Without you I would be dead right now. And thank you for helping me find him. He's... important to me." No matter how their past was not that great, she always admired his strength, his will to continue... And he suffered a lot... When she first saw him while the Sith Magic was attacking, she could see the pain in his eyes. A pain that he never admits. But he was always like that. Always trying to defeat his own demons alone. No matter how difficult it could be. Besides... this could be all a dream, and maybe he wasn't even here. And this spirit was lying to her... She didn't want to think about it right now. She heard his voice, right? "Where did he go though, where can I find him? If I know him he'll never stay in one place and continue to move until finding an exit... if there is one of course." No, Nima... No doubts... If you have doubts... You'll only fail. The one thing that was causing her distraction was her whole body was cold, not like the past 6 years... She knew that she had those tattoos, which made her... like a Sith. Even that one day... No, she didn't want to think about that day. It was horrible. But she always had that temperature in her whole body, which caused her discomfort, and now... She felt cold... and her chest was aching with great pain. And this place was slowly taking her strength away, she could feel it. "Is there somewhere that I can find clean water?" This whole walking made her thirsty, but she knew... that the things never go well when you need.
Location: Field of Blades
[member="Connor Harrison"]

After wandering for what seemed like an age, Nyos saw a man unlike the others. He was not locked in eternal combat, but his internal conflict was still waging on. Hoping he was not another mirage of normalcy, Nyos trudged over to him. A tall slender man, and one lost cyborg, the meeting seemed comical to Nyos, but it may just be the organic portion of his brain losing it.

"Hello?" He figured of the man was a mirage, it was best to not get his hopes up by talking out-right.


-With [member="Tora Mirkew"] [member="Keturah Sin"] [member="The Ferrymen of the River"]

Razer looked around, and felt something in the back of his head. "Actually, we will leave...I just got a bad feeling about this place...Tora we're going. Please Samantha, take us away from here."
Location: Ruined City of Hr'tal
Allies: [member="Darth Veles"] / [member="Miles Varden"]​
The trio had complimented one another as they fought. The Sith Lord had been nearly unstoppable as he cut down the creatures, while Miles had showed his skill with both a blaster and his vibro-axe. The path that seemed not only so far away but nearly impossible to reach had suddenly opened up, allowing the trio to make it to the stairwell and head up. In the distance, echos from the creature's gutteral voices ricocheted and reverberated off the ruined walls. So many!

When they reached the stairs, and the Vahla removed her makeshift mask, took several breathes as she stared at the ground. "Those monsters don't give up do they" Suddenly she felt alone. Looking up from the ground, she discovered she was a lone. Where did they go? "Guys?"

Suddenly everything went black....and then she found herself on Fondor. But more importantly, she knew who Akala was....and she was in love with her.

.....Transported from Netherworld to Fondor.....
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