Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction Eternal Crusade: Let the Sunshine In (SGHW) | EE/AC/Maw Junction of Odessen/Tion/Lequabis

Ziare Dyarron | Keilara Kala'myr (Mercy)
COMPNOR (ISB) Junior Agent, Nite agent | Marauder and Agent of the Maw, Mongrel's advisor
Objective: Doing her job and follow the warlord's commands.
Location: Near to the Ashlan Cruade/Eternal Empire's base.
Equipment: FS-18-UP2 Assault Rifle | 2x Sunfury Pistol | Light Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | 2x Vibrodagger | 2x Riftblades || Cloaking Device | 5x ASBF Probe Droid || OPBC-01m
Allies: The Mongrel The Mongrel | Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood | Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze
Enemies: Belisarius Vactovion | Hi'los Krai Hi'los Krai | Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa | Scipio Kaarz Scipio Kaarz
[ Poison ]
"Galactic Basic" | ~ Telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

  • Mercy appears in Mongrel's mind, but she is uncertain for now.
  • She does not argue with the task, she accepts.
  • Mercy hands over the new droids and bikers to Mongrel.
  • She set off to her mission.

~ After the landing ~
He did not answer; nothing like this has happened in the years since I served him. Not even when he told me not to care about the task, just save myself, on Dromund Kaas. I was still in the benevolent embrace of that cloaking device as I watched the dropships and other ships arrive in the area and land. My throat sunk for a moment; I knew exactly what punishment I could expect. I've been here long enough to know. And now it was a pretty big failure, and I let him down.

When his dropship landed, I deactivated the cloaking device. As usual, I greeted him with a salute. My heart was beating harder to see, as always, all my thoughts suddenly revolved around him, I wasn’t interested in the mission just to be together. To see his other side that others don't know, which no clan member would understand and they would consider this a weakness. He was not only the warlord, but much more than that. But that side was unknown to others but me.

"Warlord!" I said respectfully.

A surprise appeared on my face under my helmet when he forgave me. Feth! What are you doing ?! I haven’t asked it out loud or in thought yet. To the best of my knowledge, he never forgave anyone. And for me in public? Damn it! You will kill yourself! Am I worried about it? Yes, I was worried. The part I don’t care about is that I’ll have more work to do because of this. I enjoyed being able to kill others anyway, but one day there will be someone better than me or someone I can’t kill and they'll go after him.

"Thank you, although I do not deserve your mercy!" I answered.

After that, we had some time, the other teams still had to arrive before the commands could be handed out and the offensive could begin. In the meantime, I reached out to his mind and connected to him with my own mind. By now, it had gone very smoothly, and he, too, was very adept at bringing me to his attention if he wanted to send me a message. Not to mention that everything in our minds was already like reality, touches, feelings. It’s like we’re really there in reality and not just with thoughts.

Here in my thoughts I could see his face, him, as he was before the Maw shattered him before the wars crushed him. Here I could hear his original voice, with emotions I may never have known with my ears, because he was already very cyborgised when we first met. I usually greet him with a kiss and embrace him while I cuddle with him but not today. He was already able to take the initiative if he wanted to, I didn’t have to do it for me. But today I didn’t know how he would react to the fact that I wasn’t successful.

So I just stopped a few steps away from him, looking into his eyes. It took all my strength not to go there, kiss or touch him. But now I really didn’t know what was going to happen. This was a hitherto unknown and novel situation.

~ Mongrel… ~ I whispered softly.


~ On the mission ~
The tasks were there, as the fight started, my drones flying in the air also signalled that Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood had started fighting in the north and also with what teams. We got to the south front today. It was a tighter and narrow battlefield. To the north was a larger plain, while here only roads were lined with ridges. In the meantime, I even had a word or two to note.

"That long building out there, it's just a military base based on my observations. The actual base is inside the rock wall, and yes its entrance is beyond that base. So I have to go through it, or I’ll go around the whole valley and descend from above, right to the entrance. The shields aren’t working yet, so it’s doable." I informed him about my plans.

That way, I would be able to avoid the entire battlefield, me and the team, and we could easily get inside. As far as I was able to observe, the two large cannons can only be sabotaged from the inside anyway. So maybe I can even avoid using codes, although I won’t have that luck. But, really, if we go down there, I, or the rest of the team, can easily kill someone for the code cylinder, and from then on, our journey is free. I doubted everyone would use a biochip.

However, there was something else. I turned to the warlord, he could already know enough to recognize in my voice that there was a mocking and contented smile on my lips.

"Yes, warlord! But before… let me already try to make amends for my mistake, even though you forgave me. You can count on more teams than you sent to the battlefield. I want to show you some new games, warlord. Bring them!"

I instructed my people; in fact, they were Ziare's insurgents once, whom I hunted down over time. Most of them died during the torture, but quite a few joined the true cause of Maw. The ships that arrived later hid the surprise. They were droids that looked like a huge dog and wolf, which if anyone was skilled, they could even use them as a mount. Or the bikers that could be used as a wall-breaking ram.

" Sometimes it can be great that Ziare is a baroness in Serenno and she inherited the family fortune after the death of the Sith kinship. I hope the tribe and you will be of use, warlord." I also gave him the new toys, trusting that they would be useful here as well.

I would have just started when I heard his voice in my mind. I smiled, those were my words to him as we fought the Mandos.

~ These are my words… Take care of yourself, and you should come back to me as well! ~ I whispered in his mind, cuddled him tight and kissed him, then as I walked away from him, I stroked his face gently with my hand.

As my hand no longer reached his face, I left his mind and my team and I hurried to set off into the forest above, towards our destination.

<< I keep you informed on the radio, warlord, my drones in the air, if you need data, they can also see what warlord Steelblood and his troops are doing in the north. >> I assured him.





Location: in the valley examining the trenches, Barbarian flying in support
Tags: OPEN

Brimstone stepped along looking at the soldiers in the trenches, his huge, heavily armoured form towered over them, even his Hades Commandos looked large compared to the soldiers. He had been given the command of a whole regiment of Sisters of Ashla around 600 woman lined the trench, ready to receive whatever the Maw had to throw at them. The valley was a tactically horrendous defensive situation with the base unfinished, but he knew every one of these Sisters would fight to the death for their cause. It was the largest single command he had been given, and he would be leaning from the front, now Mawites were getting past him without a huge cost.

He spoke through his suits amplifier "Sisters of Ashla! The enemy masses against use, but we will not falter! We will not fall! We will make them fight for every inch of land they wish to take. Their numbers are great and their brutality is legendary, but they are crude, they lack the Steel of the Ashla army and the support of the Ashlan Goddess herself! he raised one of his fire axes, metres into the air and called out "FOR ASHLA!!. He did not necessarily beleive everything the priests of Ashla spouted, but he still owed Grayson and his ilk his life and would act accordingly. One thing he knew is that he hated the Sith and their kind with a burning fire matched only by his name sake. He would happily die to make sure that every last one of them was torn from the field.

He put his axe down and spoke to his commandos "you know the rules, 10 confirmed kills each or its a month on latrine duties."

"and forty for you sir?" came the reply.

"let's call it fifty today, the ground rumbles with their numbers already."



  • Lancer Fighter Squadrons: 8/0/32
  • Haxor Interceptor Squadrons: 0/0/9
  • Hornet Bomber Squadrons: 4/0/14

Dice Roll is for the ability determine how easily the Eternal Fleet Blockade detects the insertion of Tegan’s forces via the Spider Cruisers, as well as the landing of the Mongrel’s forces.

Adding +3 for active patrolling as noted in previous post, as well as an additional +3 for sensor sweeps.



Objective: IV - Another Brick in the Wall
Location: Odessen, High Orbital Blockade
Tags: Open Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall Ami Dracov Ami Dracov Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana CETCOM CETCOM

As the blockade quietly orbited Odessen - patrol reports coming in nominal, and otherwise resulting in a rather uneventful deployment, one of the communications officers on the bridge of the Tiberius turned to the Rear Admiral and said: ”Admiral, we are being hailed by Grand Admiral Drellix’s flagship.”

”Put her through.” He said with a deadpan tone, betraying little by way of emotion or personal familiarity with the caller. Those who knew him would know that such was his manner. He rarely ever expressed anything other than professionalism when in command. He walked over to his personal console, where the transmission was patched through. With Admiral Drellix’s opening greetings, a very faint smile lined his features as she appeared on screen. After her initial greeting and comment about his new flagship, he responded in kind: ”The pleasure is mine Admiral. You are of course welcome aboard at your convenience. I see I am not the only one in command of a new ship fresh off the production line.”

Thereafter, she went into a full report of the Ashlan fleet’s patrol efforts. At the mention of subspace transmissions at the edge of the system, Aximand turned to his tactical officer: ”Dispatch one of our corvette patrols to assist the Crusade ships as they investigate.”

As she concluded, in all honesty Aximand was unsure what to do with the last part of her statement. “Let’s hope it pleases me to have a man of your caliber at my side?” Although he took pause for a moment, he decided she was likely trying to be cordial with him, and merely nodded in appreciation for the ‘compliment’. ”...Indeed, Admiral. I’m glad we are able to serve together again as well.”

”Sir! Our sensors have detected comm chatter of hijacked aircraft flying through the atmosphere. Their signatures are...” A voice interrupted, a sense of urgency in his voice. The reporting ensign paused for a moment as he tapped on his console, his eyes scanning the data streaming across before speaking again: ”They are consistent with the signatures we saw on Danuta sir. Maw spider cruisers. I’m also picking up a series of transports moving in from the far side of the planet on a direct course to the bastion under construction.”

Admiral Sicarus mulled over the information for a moment, considering the ramifications. He would have expected a sudden attack from enemy warships first before any attempt at landing troops to begin an assault upon Imperial and Crusader forces planetside. ’Is this some ploy?’ He questioned. On Danuta, the Maw forces had attempted insertion with some twenty of these spider cruisers. While he wasn’t sure exactly why they made such a daring landing, reports had come in of some arcane ritual affecting the weather within their landing zone - of a seeming whirlwind of energy that forced his fighter squadrons to abandon their assault of their position. ”Do we have a lock on the cruisers?” He asked in an even tone.

The ensign pursed his lips as he tapped a few more commands on his display. A few moments later, he responded:
”Yes sir, our picket frigates have a lock with their flak cannons. They will be breaching atmosphere within a few mi--”

”Give the order - weapons free. Bring down those cruisers immediately. Order the D’aarmont and the Lachish to scramble squadrons to intercept the force on the far side of the planet.”

”B-but sir... they are broadcasting a message that they’ve been hija--”

”No one gets through this blockade, Ensign. Follow my orders.”

”Aye sir.” The ensign responded dutifully.

”And ensign?”


”I expect to be informed of intruders before they are so dangerously close to bypassing our blockade.” Aximand’s tone was cold and biting, carrying little leeway within it. There were of course a myriad of reasons as to why the enemy forces had thus far nearly bypassed their blockade. The Maw was known throughout the galaxy for their machinations within the art of misdirection. But that did not mean the Admiral had to take it easy on his staff.

”Y-yes sir...” The ensign responded crisply, clearly taking the failure as personal. Yet, to his credit, he did not allow any wounded feelings to get in the way of his duty. Within moments, both the ENS Jotun & ENS Shield of Salvation opened fire with their flak cannons as the spider cruisers attempted to push past the blockade. Within moments, the void was filled with all manner of bursting fragmentation and emp clouds, along with point defense fire lashing out with the intent of raking across the hulls of the offending vessels from stem to stern.

Meanwhile, twelve squadrons of fighter and bomber craft rushed violently from the hanger bays of the ENS D’aarmont & Lachish, zooming through the skies of Odessen as they made haste to the last known insertion position of the Mongrel’s forces based on scan data from the blockade, and a few scattered patrols throughout the region.

  • The blockade has opened fire upon Tegan’s spider cruisers.
  • 8 Lancer Squadrons and 4 Hornet Squadrons have been deployed to engage the Mongrel’s forces. They will arrive on my next turn.
  • Aximand is a tad uncomfortable with Isla's flirting


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Belisarius Vactovion


Belisarius Vactovion
Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud | Field Marshal in the Eternal Army
The Black Knight of Vengard


Objective: III Steel Commanders
Location: Odessen, Military Base "Eternal Crusade"
Equipment: Sk-SH Mark 7 Power Armor, Rex Imperator, KC SAT Pistol, Shroudsaber (concealed)

EE: Hi'los Krai Hi'los Krai , Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa
AC: Brimstone Brimstone , Scipio Kaarz Scipio Kaarz
MAW: Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood , Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr , The Mongrel The Mongrel , Ambrosia Iota Ambrosia Iota

{✠} Rise and Load! {✠}
<"High Nelvaanian"> | " voice " | << comm. channel >>
Post II

Odessen - Fort Eternal Crusade - Northern Forward Command Post
30 Minutes before the attack of the Maw

It was certainly unusual to gather at a forward command post.

The first one to arrive was Field Marshal Krai, the Baron of Tygeria. The tall Gen'Dai was held together by his uniform, otherwise kinda formless. Belisarius had encountered few of their race yet, but was aware of their resilience and regenerative abilities. They stood equally tall, but the Black Knight would refuse to remove his helmet in this situation.

"Field Marshal Krai. It is good to know another Imperial at my side here ... "

Belisarius would have continued, but two individuals spearheaded a small group of definitely non-imperials towards the makeshift briefing place. There was not even a tent, it was a trench extended backwards, slowly running upward as it was a connector to the front trench where the soldiers were fighting boredom, water and trench foot.

He would offer a slight nod to the two, the Magister Militum... whatever and the commander. His helmet remained on them for a short moment, trying to assess their combat and command value based on their bearing. It was not easy to tell with people like the Ashlans, devotees, zealots but playing actual, organised military. As previously considered, the Field Marshal would not include them in his calculations, that way they could only surprise him.

"Welcome to Odessen." There was little time to be spend on chatter and due to his earlier arrival, as well as their appearance at his command post, Belisarius assumed command.

"We are facing a difficult task. We have two entrances to the valley, North and South, we expect various warbands of the Maw to attack from both sides at any given moment. Field Marshal Krai, I would ask you to take command of the Southern defences.

We have Ultranauts in place, covered by heavy weapons and artillery. More troops are at the back and taking care to establish fall back positions, we also have tanks in reserve, the only ones we got and they are to plug breakthroughs, do not waste them. Take from the reserves if absolutely needed. The South has a lot more open terrain, more space, the established trenchlines are built for optimal crossfire. For quick support we got the swoop unit of Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa and we can order close air support from Rear Admiral Aximand Sicarus Aximand Sicarus , use as much as you can, we have no space to give up and we are fighting back to back already.

Mr. Kaarz and Commander Valga, split your troops equally in a hurry. Who of you is the frontline commander, stay with me here in the North.

For the Empire and the Empress!"

He was not asking if they had questions, one was another Field Marshal who Bel expected to be worth his rank and the other two were outlanders, not part of his military, but now part of his command chain.

Odessen - Fort Eternal Crusade - Second Trench Line
2 Minutes before the attack of the Maw

The Northern entrance into the valley was fortified in four trenchlines. Each trench was roughly 1,80 to 2,10 meters deep, the ground covered in wooden planks, so the sides. Additional sand and dirt bags were put up to secure the battlements where the soldiers would get to to fire at the incoming enemy. The entrances of the trenches were straight lines towards the back, trenches which slowly run even with the actual surface, with no holes or gaps in the flanks. It was allowing for the trenches behind to fire into the trench exits before them. Overall the backside of the trench was lower than the front, mostly around 1,50meters, to not make them useable in the opposite direction.

The Ultranauts excelled at this kind of combat, but the trenches were far from ready. Traverses were only every fifty meters, instead of every 25 meters, so large sections of the trench could be taken at once. In the North the trenches suffered from wetness, aside from first two lines. It was muddy, heavy dirt which glued itself to the boots and could easily get into weapons. But the mud was also a faint ally. The gap between the second and third trench line was kept muddy, barbed wire rolled out and only the narrow street properly connecting the two lines, as it was slightly sloped as well, it was meant to create an obstacle to any attacker.

In the North were two Regiments of Ultranauts, one which was here since Day 1 and the other freshly brought in by the arriving Field Marshal Krai. The 87th had made all of the fortifications themselves, working for several days to create some formidable obstacles for the enemy, They were veterans of Copero, a campaign where only their first company had survived out of the entire regiment. It was part of regimental legend and the veterans were still present. The 166th Ultranauts was no less skilled and was easily finding its way around once they got their orders.

The 87th was manning the first two trench lines, one battalion the first line, two in the second and the fourth battalion in reserve behind and in the back of the second trench line. The 166th was manning the third line entirely, two battalions in line, two in reserve. The fourth line was right now only protected by a battalion of Thunder Corps gunners, some heavy weapons to cover the bridge, plus heavy artillery and mortars in and behind ditches behind the fourth line.

Belisarius Vactovion had just arrived at the second trench line as the alarms were ringing. Scanner or visual contact was running through the coms, on both fronts. With a calm but smooth and absolute confidence emitting movement, the Black Knight was drawing Rex Imperator.

<<"Ultranauts! Today we fight the hordes of the Maw once more! Look behind you and you will see that today you are not defending your families, not some unknown civilians or some uptight objective! No. You are defending your comrades, your brothers and sisters. You are fighting for the very man and woman next to you, you are fighting for the fellowship among Ultranauts! For if we falter, they will slaughter all of us here, for if we fail, we will let down our sacred bond forged through fires of past battlefields, the only connection that matters among mortals! So I ask you, do you want to live forever?!">>

A dramatic pause giving the direct response of supportive shouting.

<<"Rise and load, rise and load my brothers and sisters for as long as we fight, we triumph!" >>

Odessen - Fort Eternal Crusade - Northern Forward Command Post
0 Minutes after the attack of the Maw

Belisarius was not in the front trench, which sucked. He was on his way there but the Maw moved faster than he had anticipated. They were brutal and direct, irregular and that was the worst of all enemies. Fighting the Alliance or New Imperials would be dead-easy, fighting professional soldiers was predictable, they would follow tactics and sense as well as the idea of survival. But the Mawite forces have proved again and again that there was no survival instinct, only their drive to push ever forward in the name of their cruel masters and weird gods.

The first trench would take the brunt of the attack and they had to hold it for as long as possible. It was to thin out the attacking horde for what came after would matter. The Maw usually had stronger, more disciplined units in reserve which would strike after the mindless cultists. Artillery and heavy weapons had to do the trick today.

<< Colonel Segmar, coordinate the fire of the artillery, air-detonation and incendiary. We have to slow or even halt them. Keep them at bay with the Pyros. I know I do not have to tell you, but do not falter. I am on my way to you, Genadey.>>

The Field Marshal just heard the <<Copy.>> of the commander of the 87th who was with his first battalion in the first trench line and would make his way to the first trench. The large, imposing figure clad in black armor was jogging over the open field. It was a bit of madness with a bit of bravery, depending on who you ask. With satisfaction Bel looked up to see Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa doing her first attack run. They would need her swoops today, direly.

Meanwhile orders were issued from the first trench to lay a covering fire in front of the trench line, air-burst shells and incendiary rounds were shot by mortars and artillery alike to cover the ground in fire and spread deadly shrapnels from above. The Ultranauts of the 87th, 1st. Bat. were ready on the battlements and would start shooting at the incoming enemy at hundred-fifty meters, steady and disciplined fire to mow down the Maw as much as possible. They would hopefully be thinned out enough to be taken out by the Pyronauts when approaching the trenches.


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Baron of Tygeria

Hi'los Krai
Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud | Field Marshal of the Eternal Army | Baron of Tygeria
The Undying


Location: Odessen, Military Base "Eternal Crusade"
Objective: Steel Commanders (III)
Equipment: Hersir Imperial Uniform | 2x Shroudsabers (Hidden) | Overseer-pattern HPI Biochip | KC SAT Pistol

EE: Belisarius Vactovion Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa
AC: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana
MAW: Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr The Mongrel The Mongrel

The command post received quite a lot of attention, and the Gen'Dai was happy to leave as soon as possible. He didn't dislike the Ashlan's, but that didn't mean he enjoyed being in their presence. He returned to the present, barely catching the Field Marshal's response. "In time's like these, it always is." Speaking in a grim voice.

Hi'los listened intently on the debrief, confirming his suspicions of the attack as he had arrived on the planet. He had never had a proper chance to see the Maw's strategies in play, now he would. "Of course, I'll make my way there." He responded at the end of Field Marshal Vactovion's debrief. The Field Marshal was a formidable Military figure, that much Hi'los could tell. He had respect for Vactovion, now this was the test to see whether his respect would be well placed.

Quickly making his way out of the command post, Lieutenant-General Kel finally spoke, as if reading his superiors mind. "I'll have the 14th Battalion reroute to the southern front and have the 89th Regiment stationed at the entrance into the pass. Where would you like to station the rest, Field Marshal?" The two had worked together for years, Kel's father had served with the Gen'Dai in the past, as was the same for many in his Division. Many of the men there were here to serve in their families legacies, supplying the large figure with loyal and trustworthy soldiers.

Hi'los took out his data pad, keying the file of the map. He began marking the locations for troop deployments, and within seconds he was finished. "I want all of these locations to be filled with our soldiers within 30 minutes. Get me snipers on the ridges and artillery in the clearing near the command post." With a nod from the Lieutenant-General, they made their way to the Southern command post, ready for whatever dangers faced them.


Hi'los entered the command post, flanked by Lieutenant-General Kel as they were greeted by salutes from the soldiers there. He came up tot he comm system and keyed it. "Regiment Staff, report." He called for the Colonel's that made up the command staff of the 31st Division. Only 3 were present due to the limited amount of forces that were able to arrive.

"Colonel Trasor Malusk, 87th in position." "Colonel Retsun Kras, 89th ready for combat." and finally, "Colonel Nuru Daozi, 94th awaiting your command." The three colonels reported in.

"Good work, Malusk I want the 16th Battalion to cover the path from the southern entrance, Kras, have half of the 30th join up with the 16th. We need a strong and steady defence. General Kel will have take command of the post, I will be assisting in the front lines." Then, for the sake of morale, "Hail the Empire!"

A chorus of cheers came from the comm line as Hi'los moved towards the exit. "General Kel, as you've heard, command of the post is yours."

"Of course."
Kel replied, though he seemed slightly concerned as he answered. Dismissing it as effects from the coming battle, he exited the command post. He had heard of extra forces being deployed to the south, he was curious to see what new toys he would get to play with. Taking a speeder from the command post, he rode to the front lines, being saluted by his men as he passed. Thousands of years of experience in warfare led his men's loyalty towards him to be unbreakable.

Just as well too, as these times they were facing were difficult. As the speeder came to a halt next to the trenches, he slid off the seat onto the hard ground.


The attack had begun, and it was not going well. The enemies artillery had fired on them, they had to fire back. His reserve artillery was far in the back, unable to hit them, but his forward cannons could. "Artillery companies, fire on their artillery source and the approaching soldiers. I want visual confirmation on them right now! Infantry battalions, target those soldiers with heavy firepower, don't let them get close. Zenith Battalion, defend the artillery units at all cost. They are key to winning this fight. I want rockets fired at the rock face, hopefully we can cause disarray amongst their ranks, you have your orders, now open fire!"

The Field Marshal was still waiting to deploy the speeder attack he had set up. 4 companies of soldiers were armed with explosives and heavy weaponry, it was a last resort if the enemy attacked the artillery to sow chaos into their movements. Hopefully it wouldn't come to that though, as it would surely mean death for the companies of brave and loyal men and women. Hi'los himself was on the front line, his safety was of no concern to him, not that it was at risk.

The Gen'Dai were notorious for their regenerative ability, it was said the only was to kill them was to throw them into a star or launch a nuclear warhead at one. While this ability was the key to his success, it made life at times, not worth living. He came back to the present, grabbing a heavy machine gun, firing energy bolts at the approaching enemy. Your starting to go insane old man. They would hold at the first trench, and if need be, they would meet their end on the battlefield.


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Location: Odessen, War-Torn Valley
Allies: Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr | Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood | Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze
Foes: Belisarius Vactovion | Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa | Scipio Kaarz Scipio Kaarz | Anashja Tal Anashja Tal | Brimstone Brimstone
Engaged With: Hi'los Krai Hi'los Krai | Aximand Sicarus Aximand Sicarus

  • The Mongrel relies on Mercy to calm his breaking mind
    • He reluctantly dispatches her on her mission against the enemy artillery and base
  • He holds the battle droids and war bikes in reserve for now
  • Mawite artillery takes some losses from EE artillery, and moves around to evade incoming fire
  • Firefang Wardogs take some losses as well, but are protected from frontal attack by the creeping barrage
  • The Mawite artillery barrage arcs and falls directly into the open-topped, unshielded trenches
    • High-explosive shells detonate within the narrow trenches, among the EE troops
  • The Wardogs jump into the trenches when the barrage stops and attack all survivors
  • The Tarar Warbands advancing along the sides of the valley attempt to take the weakened trench
    • With four more trench lines ahead of them, this is only the first step

As always, Mercy covered for him. She kept up the appearance of being his subordinate, which she was... but only in the Brotherhood's hierarchy. By now her power over him, his addictive need for her, was just as strong as his official power over her. But she never tested the extent of his devotion, never tried to use him to gain power or influence or riches or revenge. Instead, she protected him. She hid their relationship. From the shadows, she killed those who dared question his strength, his worthiness to lead the tribe.

She made him weaker and stronger.

More vulnerable and better-defended.

It was the paradox of their relationship, their dangerous mutual obsession. Tactically, she was the worst thing that had ever happened to him, a breach in his figurative armor like he'd never had before. But emotionally, in the realm of his will to go on fighting, she was the best... no, the only. Mercy and Mercy alone knew him, cared for him, in ways that he did not deserve but needed all the same. He was so accustomed to rage and despair, hating and being hated, that he could not even imagine anything else anymore... except from her.

She reached out with her telepathic gift, and their thoughts melded once more. It became easier and easier each time, his mind more and more open to hers, getting accustomed to her presence among his fears and desires and memories. She was hesitant this time, slow to approach. Perhaps she feared that, though he had not shown it openly, he was angry with her failure. But he wasn't. When she didn't cross the space between them, didn't rush to embrace him, he did it for her. It was a clumsy, awkward gesture, a soldier's hug.

The embrace of a man unaccustomed to love.

He did not speak. He just held her, feeling the softness of her against his body... a body he no longer actually had. He drank in her presence greedily, like a starving man suddenly admitted to a banquet. He knew he could not linger with her for long, could not stay in this better place within his dying brain, for battle was already at hand. So he just stayed as long as he could, silent, holding Mercy tight. In here, in this palace of his fragmented memories, he wore the body of a man who had died long ago: a humble Outer Rim speeder mechanic.

And part of him wished he could be that man again.


Outside the confines of his conflicted mind, The Mongrel listened to Mercy's further reports. It seemed that, if he could get past the valley defenses, he'd be able to breach the still-incomplete base. If. There were a lot of dug-in foes between here and there, after all. But Mercy's gifts, the droids and the ram-speeders, might make all the difference. For now he would keep them in reserve, hiding them among the mountain passes. He would deploy them when the moment was right, ready to sweep in and turn the tide.

"Most impressive," the warlord told Mercy, nodding his approval of these powerful combat units. "We will use them well in the name of the Dark Three." He was stalling now, drawing out the moment... but he could not keep her here forever. He had to let her go, let her fight just as he and the rest of his warriors would, or it would become suspicious. "Stay in close contact," he ordered her. "You will not fail me again." It sounded like a threat, but Mercy would know that it wasn't. It was The Mongrel saying he had faith in her.

And he did. Perhaps too much.

It was strange to be the first to fire artillery. Normally Brotherhood forces relied only on counter-artillery tactics, trying to destroy the enemy long range cannons to allow their troops to advance, but in this battle the tables had been turned; the Eternal Empire forces were employing their big guns to hunt Mawite artillery, instead of the other way around. The Mongrel had expected the enemy to fully focus those guns on his approaching ground forces, thinning their ranks. Now he intended to exploit the mistake of dividing their fire.

The difference between Brotherhood artillery and the big guns of most other great galactic powers was simple: they traded some of their strength and accuracy for mobility. Where enemy artillery positions were fixed, even their self-propelled guns bulky and slow to move, every last Mawite artillery piece was mounted on a swift repulsorlift vehicle. As soon as the Eternal Empire forces began to fire at the Brotherhood long-range guns, they put that mobility to work. The canyon constrained them somewhat, but they'd make do.

First, the Mawite War Skiffs deployed their smoke launchers, obscuring their positions in a thick black cloud. Then they began to maneuver, spreading out to avoid incoming fire. Some withdrew a bit, moving to the edge of their maximum range, while others closed in, using the cover of the smoke to mask their advance. The Brotherhood vehicles could not entirely escape the counter-fire, of course; there were losses, LuchsHai speeders suffering glancing or even direct hits, spinning across the valley floor and bursting into flames.

But for now, the Mawite barrage continued.

And that barrage looked likely to seal the fate of the first trench. The defenders were firing straight ahead, trying to pour fire into the wardog charge... but they were firing into the creeping barrage which was covering that charge, moving up just ahead of the wardogs. Their energy bolts disappeared into a solid wall of explosions and flying dirt, a constant stream of artillery shells bursting right in front of them, making it impossible for them to see what they were shooting at... and even directly intercepting their fire with flying debris.

Some attackers would still fall, but they had heavy cover.

And then the barrage crept further back, engulfing the trench itself. The trench that was open-topped and unshielded. The trench full of squishy infantrymen. That trench, which now faced a terrifying mass of thundahvelins and high-explosive shells fired in long, high arcs raining down on it from directly above. Where would the men inside the dirt fortification go? Where could they hide from the open sky? A Gen'dai might need a nuke to kill him, so perhaps he could take huge bombs falling on his head... but human troops?

The Mongrel expected messy results.

As soon as the barrage passed over the trench, the Mawite artillery fell silent... and the surviving Firefang Wardogs leapt to the attack. They had been reduced in number by the EE artillery and gunfire, the valley floor behind them strewn with dismembered Charhound bits and the high-pitched whine of wounded mutts, but they'd kept coming. As the artillery stopped falling, they jumped into the tight trenches, unleashing their flaming breath, jagged claws, and cybernetically-enhanced jaws on every soldier they found still alive.

Would it be enough to take the first trench, to drive the Eternal Empire troops back to their second line? Perhaps, perhaps not. The forces that The Mongrel had deployed to the sides of the valley, well-armed Tarar Warbands, followed the dogs in, firing their plasma guns and lightning cannons with vicious zeal. After all, the dogs might be able to clear the trench, but it would be up to soldiers to actually hold it. The Mongrel watched the tactical readouts carefully, evaluating the attack. Could he dislodge the enemy with this push?

Even if he did, there was a long way to go. There were four more trench lines dug into the valley, and The Mongrel's forces would have to cross at least two of them in order to reach the enemy base. To make matters worse, a sensor ping confirmed a complication he had been expecting but dreading: there was Eternal Empire air support incoming. If they failed to take this trench, if they were stranded completely out in the open when that air support began its attack run, his forces would be in serious danger of heavy casualties.

Ziare Dyarron | Keilara Kala'myr (Mercy)
COMPNOR (ISB) Junior Agent, Nite agent | Marauder and Agent of the Maw, Mongrel's advisor
Objective: Doing her job and follow the warlord's commands.
Location: Near to the Ashlan Cruade/Eternal Empire's base.
Equipment: FS-18-UP2 Assault Rifle | 2x Sunfury Pistol | Light Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | 2x Vibrodagger | 2x Riftblades || Cloaking Device | 5x ASBF Probe Droid || OPBC-01m
Allies: The Mongrel The Mongrel | Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood | Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze
Enemies: Belisarius Vactovion | Hi'los Krai Hi'los Krai | Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa | Scipio Kaarz Scipio Kaarz
[ Poison ]
"Galactic Basic" | ~ Telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

  • Mercy talks to Tegan's "ghost" and refuses the woman's request because she's only loyal only to Mongrel (and the Taskmaster) and doesn't risk the warlord's plans.
  • In their minds, Mercy can finally greet Mongrel properly.
  • Mercy sends three of the five miniature droids over the southern battle to keep the droids continuously transmitting aerial records to Mongrel and strategists to help the Maw's actions.
  • Mercy and her team sprint half the distance and reach the half distance.
  • Mercy mentions that they would need a sniper team to increase efficiency in the future

~ Before the landing ~ ( Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall )
The warlord had not yet arrived when suddenly a ghost appeared next to me. I immediately "conjured" one of the pistols in my hand and then lifted it on her. I had no idea who this person might be, I had never seen her in my life. Based on what she did, she was probably a Force user. And by not attacking me, she meant one of Maw's men. At her request, however, I shook my head firmly as I watched the flying ships, which ones were more like a spiders.

"I have to refuse and deny your request, ma'am! I can't reveal my presence until the Warlord arrives." I answered; one of my responsibilities was to keep the landing zone safe. If I start shooting, it turns out prematurely that ours are coming here and the enemy is coming in front of them, it would be uncomfortable. "And the warlord's direct command can only be overridden by the Taskmaster. I don’t have a sniper rifle, ma'am, the range of the simple assault rifle is short for your request anyway."

I added this too; my unconditional loyalty was to the warlord, but I also did anything to my mentor if he asked, until I'm not harm Mongrel with it. It was the Taskmaster who freed me from Ziare's mind and I could finally be free. And I never disappointed the warlord or the Taskmaster. I did not count my today's failure. As for the range, it might have been enough, but I would never have risked the warlord's action. I raised my eyebrows for a moment under my helmet.

"After my military analysis, I made a simple suggestion to the warlord. No more happened, ma'am!" I said measuredly.

And after that she disappeared… who was she? I didn't know the answer and moments later the Warlord arrived.


~ After the landing ~ ( The Mongrel The Mongrel )
To coexist in two worlds; in one where there were only thoughts, but as if they were reality. It was fuller, fuller of life, where he was also human. It was like just a dream world, but not entirely, because it was reality to us. Here it was enough to focus on thoughts or just think of something. We didn't need words, we understood each other, I understood him. I felt him like it was in the reality where all this couldn’t have happened because of the events at Coruscant. The place where I saved him and Iggy.

If I were on his side instead of collecting the hostages… he would still have had a physical body? It actually happened so long ago that it was a shame to think about it. The other world we have lived in is reality. The actual physical world. Where I couldn’t hear his real voice, where I couldn’t see his real, former figure. Where there he had only a mechanised, emotionless voice, where there he was nothing more, only a brain in a jar. I couldn’t feel his kisses here, his actual touch. Like a nightmare; at every moment I longed for our minds to meet and intertwine each other in a world built by our minds where everything is much more alive, much more living than in reality.

I learned to watch both worlds at the same time. When we were not in his sanctum, it was really necessary for no one to suspect anything; or let no one surprise us to try to kill us. But maybe I had instinctively tried to protect him there as well, in his sanctum. After all, these were the real gifts he could give me. I could have gotten anything else through my skills and strength, with my power, but not those, these moments. To do this, I had to win his trust and attraction.

I didn't move, he was the one who did it now. I felt his arms around my waist, at my back, as he pulled me close to him. For a few moments, I just enjoyed the warmth of his body, which wasn’t really the case, but here at the moment it was true. I propped my face against his neck, he could feel my hot breath while I embraced him too. In those moments, he was not the cruel and insane warlord the Galaxy feared, but much more. The legend still existed, no one could take it, but I also saw the man behind it. The person who might not be known to anyone other than me in this galaxy. At most, those who knew him before the Maw before he became the Mongrel before he became the Warlord.

I finally lifted my head. I had to stand on the tip of my toe a little because he was taller; but since it held tightly, I could lean on him lightly and gently. As I stayed on my toes, we needed to be roughly one tall and close enough to make our lips almost touch.

~ I missed you. Without you, my nights on this planet were so cold and lonely. ~ I whispered in a longing voice.

I was still holding one of my arms around his shoulders and neck, with the other I starting to caress his nape. During my words, I touched his lips with my own, but I haven’t kissed him yet. It was damn hard for me not to do it, especially since I already painted in his embrace and my heart was beating faster, but I wondered how impatient he was…


~ On the mission ~
"I'll be glad if you like them. Anytime I am happy to donate my money to take our case forward and the Dark Three will be pleased with the amount of souls we'll send to them." I answered the answer that those who were nearby expected of me; I did for him and for the survival of the tribe, but mostly for him, and not for the Avatars. " I will not disappoint you again! I follow the usual protocol."

I said while I knew it wasn’t a threat on his part. I think I already knew him enough to be sure of that. And the usual protocol was that I'm keeping him reporting on my progress. This has essentially been the case since the first mission. I think he still wanted to test my loyalty at the time, but then it became customary; he never told me not to. So I kept this good habit. Many times, he did not answer, but… is not important. It worked between us, so I stayed with it.

I barely left camp when the drones, the few inches that flew over the valley, gave not very pleasant news. The numbers were pretty much in line with what I was able to map, so the warlord could be prepared for that. My team and I were running through the forest above, with camouflage technology. I’m invisibly using the cloaking device and they’re under the camouflage cloaks. The bushes and trees were pretty dense up here and the battle was going down there. To tell you the truth, I found it surprising that I didn’t meet snipers up here while I was here and made my task.

<< Warlord, I'm sending three of the five spy droids over your area. They will constantly send the live aerial records to you and the strategists. This will make it easier for you and them to see what movements the enemy has and where they are. If you need the other two droids as well, I'll redirect them immediately. >> I said.

Meanwhile, through the biochip, I sent the three mentioned little droids back to the area where ours are fighting. And we moved on. Running as I had to do a pretty big semicircle. Since there wasn’t much time, not only was jogging the pace, it was sprinting. The entire distance was about five kilometres and we have to run down this as fast as possible. I paid no attention to anything but the environment, as the distance of the biochip is limited, with one of the two remaining droids flying over us to scan the path.

After a long time, which was five or six minutes, we reached the halfway point. Once again, there was so much distance left. We should have bought a vehicle with us, but it is too striking. Feth! There is no good solution.

<< We're halfway there, no sign of the enemy up here. Hold on, warlord, we're approaching toward our destination. Roughly seven to eight, up to ten minutes and we’re there. And I think we would need a sniper team in the future… >>

~ I won't let you down again, never again… ~ I thought.

I started running again with my team on my trail.


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Another Brick In The Wall

Location: Orbit above Odessen
Objective: Hold the line
Tags: Aximand Sicarus Aximand Sicarus OPEN

"Grand Admiral, the Eternal fleet have opened fire on a group of cruisers, match pattern of brotherhood spider cruisers, attempting to land troopers to assault the base. Request permission to engage."

Isla stood with her hands behind her back and looked at the holo, this was not the move she expected, to clandestine for the Maw, this was clearly a minor actor, where was the rest of the fleet.

"Have the Reprisal and two of the dominions change position and engage the cruisers. Have the Meteor Cannons engage as they slow to land, they will be sitting ducks and their shields will not take the fire from that battery. Have the rest of the fleet maintain position. I will not be drawn out of the blockade by such a small force."

The three vessels began to slowly turn away from the front and open fire, meteoric cannons opening up on the spider cruisers whilst heavy turbolasers and other batteries joined in the barrage. The rest of the fleet sat and waited, the Eternal fleet appeared to be doing similarly.

"SAINT, please show me the status of the ground forces." The holo immediately switched to a projection of the base on the ground and the the long valley in either direction. Invaders were massing to assault and moving on the base. "Commanders Brimstone Brimstone , Scipio Kaarz Scipio Kaarz , this is Draellix, we will provide air cover where requested, there is movement on local systems investigating possible raider activity. Ashla Protect you, orbital fire incoming on the following sectors." [/COLOR]she wound pound them whilst they were in the valley, let this deadly narrow gorge be even more deadly for the Maw than it was the Allies.

"Admiral! We have telemetry from the long range picket, it entered the suspicious system and was immediately attacked. We lost the patrol but we got a short data burst back, you need to take a look."


Isla looked at the visual feed that cut out quickly in a flash of destruction before repeating. Isla nodded to her comm to reopen the channel to the Terminus

"Admiral Aximand Sicarus Aximand Sicarus I am sending you a short data packet. This was captured in a system is less than thirty minutes away and it appears we may soon have company. Ready your fleet, the Maw are massing."

Fleet currently in blockade position over Odessen, positioned to the starboard side of the Eternal Navy.

Single star destroyer and two Frigates beginning bombardment of spider cruisers

Other star destroyer keeping position and bombarding ground targets.

Friendly picket vessel destroyed whilst investigating suspicious reports in system 30 minutes away. Data indicates massing of Maw fleet.

Grand Fleet of Ashla moving to full battle readiness.


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Allies: Oraada Laabre Oraada Laabre & Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust
Enemies: Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall & Maw Forces
Equipment: Viper MK I Skinsuit, Work Clothing, BAR-58 Blaster Pistol, Four Extra Power Packs, 3 Flashbang Grenades, Commlink, Medpack, Vibroknife


Not far from Oraada Laabre Oraada Laabre and Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust , a small fluffy Scrib sat. Her large yellow eyes were glued to a data pad. Her small pink tongue poked out of her mouth as she concentrated for a bit. It wasn't looking good. Most likely an attack would be coming sometime soon according to the analysts. Time would tell, but better prepared and never need it, than need it and never have it. After she finished the report, she turned off the data pad, set it down on the table, and let out a long yelpy yawn which showed off her sharp teeth. "Ahh. Well. Let's seeeee."

Her large yellow eyes fixated on the two Jedi that were flirting in the middle of the room. She let out a small snicker and hopped to her feet. She had to admit, the extra clothing and armor the Blackwatch made her wear was incredibly annoying, it made it hard to smell anything! As such, she had to get much closer to the Ashlan people to memorize their scents. It wasn't like she could just rub up against them, and let her fur touch their skin, but getting close would make it easier to remember them in the long run.

Head bobbed a bit as she sauntered over towards them. Now, to be fair, she wasn't attempting to invade their space. But the tiny one-meter fuzzball did try and pass right by them, near their feet. As she got close, the fur on her face, and the back of her hands rippled as she took in as much of their scent from the air as she could. Then, she would stop and look up at the pair with the largest yellow eyes. How many nights had she dreamed of being like them? Not quite Jedi, something else. But so, freaking cool! So tall, and dashing, they were like the heroes from all the stories her mothers had told her! It made her hop up and down as she imagined the tall guy in some epic battle. To not make things awkward, she waved friendly and smiled at the two. But they were talking, to interrupt anymore would be rude! So, she turned to head back towards the table, where, unless she was stopped, she would pick up her datapad again, and check her weapons, just in case.


Location: Odessen, Military Base "Eternal Crusade"
Objective: Bring the Hammer Down (I)
Equipment: VA-BWu | XA-4 'Sliverslash' Galvanic Whipblade | Overseer-pattern HPI Biochip | KIIR-24 'Stormclaw' Gauss Pistol | X-7 Vibro-Blades | BAR-58 Blaster Pistol (concealed)

EE: Katella Katella | Mia Serenvale Mia Serenvale
AC: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust | Oraada Laabre Oraada Laabre
MAW: Ami Dracov Ami Dracov | Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall


The Blackwatch Agent looked around with a guarded expression. Nyrasa was sitting at the corner of the cantina when one of her agents reported in. "Special Agent Vrinas, perimeter is clear. We'll keep watch for now."

"Good work Agent. Inform me immediately if something seems out of order." Some could say she was paranoid, and most of the time they were wrong, but now, was a different story. Even with a battle raging outside of the walls, she knew one would soon be raging within. After years of donning the name Nyrasa 'Vrinas', she was getting better at avoiding slip ups. The Sith watched the two Ashlan's, though there was only hatred and disgust in her gaze.

The Ashlan Crusade's views were pathetic, only the dark side held power, and where there was light, there was darkness to consume it. She had learned this amongst her family, the true Sith, the Emrick Dynasty. For now though, she would wait, keeping an eye on the Eternal Empire, until the time came for the Emrick Dynasty to rise again.

Back to the present, she examined the map of the base on her datapad. Examining for any breach points that could be utilised by the approaching Maw. She spied the small creature at the edge of her view moving past the 2 Ashlans. Intriguing, but not important. She knew the creature was Blackwatch, though anything more specific evaded her.

The Maw had proven to be quite a formidable foe, though it wouldn't be a challenge for the Emrick Witch, at least she hoped it wouldn't be. Activating her comm again, she once again became Nyrasa Vrinas, the Blackwatch Agent.

"MEIPOC, get me drones in the air surrounding the base."

"Processing order, Special Agent Vrinas. Order confirmed, drones are in the air."

The Eternal Empire Artificial Intelligence system responded with a flat tone in its voice. It wasn't that she didn't have faith in her agents, it was simply that the Maw were crafty, they could find a way into the base with any number of strategies she knew, she needed an extra pair of eyes on the outside. She wasn't expecting them for quite a while into the fight though, therefor her guard at the moment was low.

Taking a drink from her glass, failing to recall what was in it, she once again watched the Ashlan's. The time isn't now, but one day, all will fall.

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The Unchained

Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

Loadout: Mandalore's Lament, Regret, beskar'gam


Pit of Fire

The shadow of the Maw had moved itself across the galaxy, permeating every corner in a tide of blood. Today, they had set their sites on Odessan, and the joint effort made by the Eternal Empire and the Ashlan Crusade. The presence of such a facility would create a potential site from which an offense could be launched, and the Brotherhood could not allow that to happen. As for Khamul, he would attend to a more personal matter.

The crusader he had come to know as Geiseric had proven to be a strong opponent upon the world of Kamar, forcing him to postpone their fight until another day. Khamul felt a strong sense of hatred for the man, even more so than he usually felt toward the minions of the Light. It was a puzzling thing, as he had never met the man before that day. Nevertheless, the hate was there. Something about that crusader felt different, as if he had a connection to the Light that others did not. Whatever it was, it needed to be snuffed out.

The shuttle landed some distance away from the source of the Force signature, and Khamul stepped out alone, keeping a hand on Mandalore's Lament in case he found himself in a fight. The rest of the Maw forces no doubt began their advance by now, and would be pushing toward the base itself. Khamul anticipated that most of the defending forces would be placed their, though he didn't expect this area to be so empty. Yet, here he was, looking at a quiet, empty space. Curious.

The Demon Mandalore made his way into the building, following the Force signature in hopes of finding those that he so badly wanted to kill. Much to his surprise, he was only greeted by one... the Eternal Empress herself. He immediately drew his blade, it's blackened crimson blade snapping to life as he approached the woman.

"Ah, the empress, is it?"

A daughter... so that was it. The crusader had a close bond with another, perhaps even to the point of becoming a dyad. It was the only thing that could explain what Khamul sensed on Kamar.

"Well... it looks like fate has smiled upon me today. Though I hoped to kill your daughter and her precious crusader, I will gladly take your life instead. There will be plenty of time for them after you're dead."



Post: 2
Objective: Time to Play the Game
Location: In Route to the Base Obj 1
Equipment: Mind Crown | White MidNight Duster with Hood | White Beskar Armor | White Sith Death Mask | Grav Boots | Eltro Life Gloves | x4 red lightsabers | Defender | Forearm Lanvorak | Wrist Laser | x2 FWG-5 Flechette Smart Pistol | Boomer | X4 Daggers | Pack of Death sticks | Lots Explosives and a few Surprises | Holopad
Allies: Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr | The Mongrel The Mongrel | Ami Dracov Ami Dracov
Enemies: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust | Oraada Laabre Oraada Laabre | Nyrasa Emrick Nyrasa Emrick | Katella Katella | Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana | Aximand Sicarus Aximand Sicarus
Engaging: Open


As the spiders screamed for the atmosphere and headed for the southern front of the war in the valley, the spiders started to come under fire from the EE blockade. The Pilot looked at Tegan not sure what he wanted them to do, his hand slowly reached for the Distress signal beacon. She just shook her head at first, the pilots of the spiders taking evasive maneuvers the pilot looked to the crazy woman sitting across from him. "These ships aren't built for this we are going to take extremely heavy fire from those flak cannons that are targeting us. We need let the distress signal fly." Tegan's Orange eyes flared brightly as the pilot questioned her decision making the anger rising in her.

"The Maw on the ground should have already picked up on use and locked us well and they haven't." The Spider pilot pleaded as he looked at all the sensors and scanners pointing to the ones that would show the crazed woman what was happening. Tegan probably could have figured out all the gauges and sensor reading but she didn't care. His words that they weren't even being locked onto by the Maw bite at her deep. Tegan was not one who gave her respect lightly and to have it so blatantly thrown back in her face ate her in that moment still she had made no decisions.

They were in a bit of a limbo window for a moment where the spiders had just enough distance to avoid the Eternal's fire, but that window was quickly fading. "We need to do something now." The Pilot tone raised, and he was now screaming at the diminutive woman. His hand reached for the distress beacon once more and Tegan reached out with the force and crushed the man's hand all the bones snapping at once. He screamed out on live comms in in agonizing pain. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…hhhhh.." The pilot broke down sobbing falling from his pilot's seat as Tegan's rage began to grow in her.

The spider she was in bucked heavily as one of the cannon's fire slammed into the deflector shield knocking it down to half in one go. Then sensors started alarming as starfighters started to get in range. All the other spiders began sending comms to the spider Tegan was in asking what the hell was going on and telling them they were now under fire from the Starfighters.

Tegan in a moment was rage fueled the sith took all the glory of the Maw, the Final dawn took all the territory of the Maw, and the tribes that collected the scraps were now even they were stabbing Tegan in the back. The darkness in her soul was overflowing like a dark nexus spew all it's rot and corruption and one who could sense the force could probably feel her star systems away. She walked back to carrier area of the spider as she did, she began ripping off her armor and just tossing it to the ground. The Infiltrators mixed among the slaves looked at her oddly like what the hell was this woman doing.

Soon all her armor was shed as she walked by a couple of the infiltrators. "I need one of you to gather my gear and the other to go kill the pilot and take control." They didn't question the woman who now stood before them in just her underwear. She then looked to the all the other slaves and infiltrators. "The only way to freedom is for you break your chains and defeat your Master." She then outstretched her hands and with every ounce of her hate fill rage every mind of the slaves and even the infiltrators who weren't strong willed enough were dominated with a single mind set break your chains be free.

This plan wasn't even plan b or c it had jumped all the way down to fuck it all. The dominated minds charged Tegan and started beating her down as the and across the spiders the slaves began to riot and take over the spiders, they were in. As the spiders took heavy fire and their shields were depleting quickly. It only took moments as the slaves took control of the spiders and comms were open to the Eternal's fleet. A male voice spoke over the comms.

"Hello, I don't know who this is but we aren't Maw, we have taken control of these ships we were being ship to the surface…I think to dig trenches."

The voice was stammering and very nervous as the spiders were still taking heavy fire the ships rocking against the friction of the atmosphere and the fire they were under.

"The ships were under the leadership of Tegan Starfall, we have her captured." Tegan Starfall enemy of the Eternal State the terrorist that bombed Byss and killed hundred Million people during the eternal occupation of that world. "I know there is fighting going down on the surface, the autopilot and landing are set and none of us are pilots, please I beg you let reach the surface we will turn these monsters over to the right authorities. Sensors read that there is a base down there contact them tell them we are coming let them take us in." That was all the slave could ask he had to hope his real pleas didn't fall on deaf ears. "I really would love to see my family and homeworld of Cerea again, please I beg you. My name is Seth Jabak."

Blood ran down the battered face of the Tegan Starfall she was being held in the kneeling position by a couple of the bigger male slaves. A blooded wicked smile crossed her face as her one non swollen eye flashed a bright orange. She wanted to see just how wicked and evil the eternals and Ashla could be would they kill innocents just to prove a point. Tegan was willing to sacrifice herself she had died a thousand times she did not fear it. She wanted to laugh but, in that moment, as she was just being there beaten down.

"Please let us land, I beg of you who ever you are." Breaking down into tears hoping for salvation by the masses.
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The Dark Sorcerer of Dathomir


Location: Aboard one of the MAW Spider Cruisers
Objective: I
Equipment: Stolen Hellhound Armour | Crimson Lightsaber (concealed) | 2x KC-77N Hybrid Pistol

EE: Katella Katella | Mia Serenvale Mia Serenvale | Nyrasa Emrick Nyrasa Emrick
AC: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust | Oraada Laabre Oraada Laabre
MAW: Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall


The Maw Spider Cruiser carrying Ami came under fire from the blockade just as she was in the area containing the slaves and infiltrators. She had cuffed herself to make the whole situation convincing. To the slaves she was simply a captured soldier, which would make the next part convincing.

She had added the Spider Cruiser carrying Tegan's comm line onto her helmet, and she soon caught onto what she had done. The slaves voice filled her head as they pleaded with the blockade. The hope was that the blockade would let them land on the planet knowing of the slaves. The slaves aboard her ship were muttering amongst each other, some sobbing at their current predicament.

"Everyone, it's alright. Im with the Eternal Empire, I'll get you out." The slaves quieted down as they heard her speak. Then, opening the secret compartment in her suit, she pulled out the tools necessary to take off her cuffs. Within seconds she was free, and grabbing a blade from the same compartment, she made her way to the pilots.

"Who's the--, oh it's you. What are you---!" The voice of the pilot cut off as she stabbed, then for good measure she snapped his neck. Moving onto the second, he panicked, falling off his seat. He attempted to flee, but as he left the cockpit space he was blocked by the slaves, who had stood up. "You fools! Move out of the wa---!" He fell onto the slaves as they moved away to find a knife in his back, where Ami had thrown it.

A chorus of thanks came from the slaves as they cheered. "We're not out of this yet, stay here." She had played her part in gaining the slaves, now she just had to fly the ship.

Then in the most innocent voice possible, she hailed the blockade as the other had, she was dedicated to making this look as convincing as possible. "Hello? Whoever it is firing on us please let us land! We have wounded aboard, we're just slaves! I beg you!" Now they could only sit and wait, would the EE fire on innocent slaves, or let them live.

Ami was not in favour of this plan, there were too many risks, but this was what it had come to.

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E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Hunt down the false Mand'alor
Location: Near to the base, Odessen
Equipment: 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | The Soulsabers | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Writing With: Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze
[ Soldier of Heaven ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

The Empress watched the man get closer; he was alone. The red-haired woman wouldn't have bothered if others might come with the Sith Mand'alor. It wouldn’t have been her first fight where she had to fight multiple opponents. She looked at the man's armour, the weapon; lightsaber. The reports also reported this. A Sith Lord. Ironic. Especially that the Mandalorians hated the Sith more than anything; and their ruler considers himself a Sith. It was really a lot of fun, especially after Mandalore and the Sith-Mandalorian wars.

"In person! However… when I work, I prefer the name Red Witch." she answered.

As a Red Witch, she gained quite a reputation as an assassin, so perhaps that name might be more familiar, or easier to identify, that it won’t be nearly as easy a target as the man thought. Ingrid had heard about the man's fighting talent and, of course, what a Force user she was, so she didn't underestimate her opponent for a moment. As a matter of fact, she never underestimated any of her opponents. She respected them all, she learned this at a very young age.

She looked at the red-black blade, feeling for a moment the urge to take out her own lightsabers instead of her steel blades, which was a blue-black blade; and the colour blue was the colour of Adrian's eyes, as the two lightsabers were a piece of the man's soulshards. But not; the woman was never really used to lightsabers and always preferred the simple blades. In addition, fortunately, it was possible to change weapons at any time. And not to mention, last time when she used her lightsabers it was on Batuu, and against Zachariel.

"You have no idea how many have already told me this and I’m still here. So cute…" she said, almost purring.

She turned her swords in her hands, there were red stripes on the black steel blade; two swords poisoned with devaronian blood poison. The red-haired woman just chuckled at the threat; she wasn't worried about Eina and Geiseric. If they were together, the man would have no chance against them. The dyad could be very strong, especially when they were both together. The Galaxy could also see this from Carnifex and Prazutis; but Eina and Geiseric were strong as well, however they were on the other side of the spectrum than the two Sith Lords.

"Come and show me you know more than any other big-mouthed person who tried to kill me earlier. Or maybe your name isn't true yet and the Maw still holds you on chains, little boy?" she asked, still in a similar emphasis, with a mocking tone, taunts the man.

No, these were not her real emotions, those were still perfectly controlled by her, she was neutral, Khamul couldn't feel anything, these were just acted emotions, but professional ones…


The Haunted Warden


Location: Odessen, Military Base "Eternal Crusade"
Objective: Bring the Hammer Down (I)
Equipment: Shroudsaber | Aegis of the Watch | CryoBan Grenades | Overseer-pattern HPI Biochip

EE: Katella Katella | Nyrasa Emrick Nyrasa Emrick
AC: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust | Oraada Laabre Oraada Laabre
MAW: Ami Dracov Ami Dracov | Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall

Mia sat on the ledge of the base jutting out from the rock face. She was right beside the main defence cannon, not the best place the relax, but it had fresh air so that's all she cared about. Mia tended to need a moment to herself quite often, it let the horrors of war catch up to her. Everywhere she went she was haunted by her past, she thought joining the war would end it. But it didn't.

She glanced to her left, gasping as she saw a face she barely recognised, it was her father, she wanted to run to him, but she shook it off. The figure she saw as her father was simply an engineer. She was getting better at ignoring the illusions, but they never left her. She let a small tear escape her as she looked down.

Now was not the time for her to dwell in the past, she was a Warden now, well close to being one at least, she had to act like it. She took out her shroudsaber and clenched it, the weapon gave her comfort, and she moved to stand up she grabbed her helmet and tucked it under her arm.

The base was currently poorly defended, hopefully having her here would change it. She knew Blackwatch Agents were also stationed here though who else she had no idea. The under trained Warden Initiate would have to make do.

Final Dawn Central Command


Obj 4 | Another Brick in the Wall


Fleet Composition
Starfighter Compliment

In a unknown system near Odessen , Vice-Admiral Lowsyk watched as his Fleet opened fire upon the Ashlan Picket Cruiser which had managed to spot them while investigating a spike in Mawite Activity in the region. "The Enemy Picket Ship has been destroyed sir." an Officer said. "Good" Lowsyk said as he sighed in relief , hopefully they never managed to send any information on the composition of his fleet back to the Ashlan and Eternal Naval Forces currently blockading Odessen. The Vice-Admiral had been tasked by Grand Overseer Marlon Sularen of the Final Dawn to reinforce Mawite elements already present on the surface of Odessen with the aid and support of another Task Force led by Admiral Aldo Garrick Aldo Garrick and Vice-Admiral Xuan Vo. This system was to serve as a rendezvous point where both Task Forces would link up and head to Odessen together to launch the Final Dawn's Assault.

Now , however Lowsyk and his Fleet had become sitting ducks as they patiently waited for the arrival of Aldo Garrick , Xuan Vo and Task Force Sidious which were supposed to be here minutes ago by now.
"Any word from Admiral Garrick and Vice-Admiral Vo? They are running late and we need to move quickly if we are supposed to support Mawite Elements on the surface" the Vice-Admiral asked. "No sir." one of the Officer said in response. "We haven't heard anything from the Admiral or Task Force Sidious at all." The Vice-Admiral wondered what was taking them so long as the Mawites on the surface could not afford to fight a battle especially when their enemy held total air superiority and had Ships orbiting the Planet that could conduct strategic orbital bombardment against designated Mawite Targets. Whether they had been ambushed or were simply running late was anyone's guess , but what was certain was that Task Force Arcann could not wait no longer as there was alot at stakes here.

The Final Dawn NEEDED to contest the Eternals and the Ashlans here otherwise the Final Dawn would have to face the possibility of not one , not two but three hostile powers (Eternal Empire , Ashlan Crusade and Galactic Alliance) finding themselves in close proximity to one of their most valuable worlds , the resource-rich world of lol which was key to supplying the Final Dawn with the Resources and materials needed to construct it's vast Armada. The Loss of lol would be devastating and the Final Dawn had just narrowly avoiding such a calamity when they crushed a large-scale uprising on the Planet a few weeks ago. But now the Ashlans and Eternals in addition to the Alliance had come to threaten this world , that was unacceptable in the eyes of many high-ranking officers. lol needed to be protected at all costs and that was why Lowsyk found himself here. Grand Overseer Marlon Sularen nor Admiral Hamilton could partake in this operation as they were busy elsewhere with Sularen leading a Final Dawn push towards Lequabis and Hamilton leading a Campaign in the Nothmir System to subjugate the Nothmiro Federation and now that Admiral Garrick and Vice-Admiral Vo were a no show , Lowsyk himself had to carry the burden of dealing with the Ashlans and Eternal Imperials at Odessen , a near-impossible task considering the composition of his Fleet and the potential opposition he might face from the Naval Forces from both Powers.

"Set course for Odessen and prepare to jump to hyperspace" the Vice-Admiral said. "But sir , what about Admiral Garrick and Task Force Sidious?" the Captain of the Leviathan asked. "And what about our fellow brothers-in-arms on Odessen?" the Vice-Admiral responded. "What about lol? A strategically important Planet whose resources are vital to the Final Dawn War Machine. We cannot take any risks here lest we wish to put ourselves at a dangerous disadvantage. We need to strike quickly and hope we catch those Ashlans and Eternal Imperials off-guard." Lowsyk continued. The Captain simply nodded and repeated the order to the rest of the crew. Soon enough calculations were made , Ships were re-oriented and engines came to life as the 6 Warships that made up Task Force Arcann jumped into hyperspace towards Odessen ready to confront their Ashlan and Eternal Imperial counterparts , all in the name of War , Death and Rebirth.

  • The Ashan Picket Cruiser is destroyed by sustained fire from Task Force Arcann
  • Growing impatient and with alot of things at stake (Such as the Strategic Situation of lol) , Vice-Admiral Lowyke the Commander of Task Force Arcann orders his Task Force to jump into hyperspace to Odessen in order to confront the Ashlans and Eternal Imperials and break their blockade.

Tags [Final Dawn] | Aldo Garrick Aldo Garrick | Xuan Vo
Tags [Ashlans/Eternal Imperials] | Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana | Aximand Sicarus Aximand Sicarus




Location: in the valley examining the trenches, Barbarian flying in support
Maw: The Mongrel The Mongrel Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze
Allies: Scipio Kaarz Scipio Kaarz Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa Belisarius Vactovion Hi'los Krai Hi'los Krai Aximand Sicarus Aximand Sicarus Anashja Tal Anashja Tal

Brimstone watched as the creeping barrage approached, his lines continued to fire, their fire reduced by both having to duck for cover to avoid artillery, and the wall of debris the barrage kicked up. His rotary cannon was powerful and was less effected by the barrage but it was just one gun. Looking up, he saw the telltale streaks of meteor rounds descend from the heavens and explode amongst along the back lines, hopefully landing amongst the massed enemy troops and killing droves of them, if he was lucky they might even take out the enemy artillery.

The enemy barrage stopped and the wardogs lunged towards the Allied lines, the snarling monstrous beasts were fast, and the lull of the barrage was not long enough to break the charge. Pulling out one of his axes he swung at the nearest war dog, the flaming corpse cut almost in half by his swing, he then lifted his rotary cannon single handed, he massive strength making the weapon look almost like a toy, and he raked across the lines of the dogs, blasting more of them apart. The ashlan lines were already starting to show weak points. There was just to many. Between the opening barrage and the on rushing hounds, Sisters of Ashla lay scatterd on the ground in defeat. They were highly trained and disciplined though and watching them instinctively protect each other some engaging in melee with their vibro blades and others opening up with their assault rifles. A cryogrenade exploded nearby, showering his body with blood and frost. Brimstone swung his axe again at another dog, it didn't matter how many they killed, there were more to follow. He kicked through a half frozen hound, its back legs still kicking and the frozen part snapped away, leaving the unfrozen end to quickly cease moving.

His hud popped up, one of his Commandos were down, Kark it! This was too much, if they couldn't hold off against the first wave, then would have to fall back and rethink their strategy. They couldn't afford to let the enemy artillery soften them up again. "Fleet command, this is Brimstone, request shield deployment at trench lines two." his radio was momentarily deafened by another blast on his rotary. "line one is faltering, recommend heavy strikes on the trenches so the enemy cannot use them against us." The radio crackled back acknowledging his requests. Miles above him, several Mercy pods detached from their parent ships and began to make the trip towards the second line of trenches.

As Brimstone saw one of his flanks give way, the risk of encirclement became apparent and he gave the order "Fall back to line two!! Mortar barrage to cover us." The surviving sisters began a fighting retreat just as waves of Ashlan mortars begain raining on their newly abandoned positions. The barrage covering their retreat looked very similar to the barrage that had proceeded the hounds charge, but this time it was covering their retreat.

As he fell back, he noticed two things, first, the engine trails of the Mercy pods landing and their shield bubbles covering the second line of trenches protecting them from artillery. And secondly, the Meteor bombardment had ceased. This could only mean the fleet had been engaged, orbital support may now be less available.

Ashlan first line takes heavy casualties from both artillery strikes and charge of wardogs, a few dozen Sisters and most of the Hades Commandos withdraw under artillery barrage to the next line.

Shield projectors, inserted from orbit cover second line from artillery strikes

orbital bombardment ends as the Final Dawn fleet are detected in system.

O B J E C T I V E I: Bring The Hammer Down
Location: Odessen, Military Base "Eternal Crusade"​
Forces: 10th Ultranaut Regiment 'Oathbreakers',​
Lilanna's suit hadn't been used since her injuries against Omni. Having lost her leg, and not to mention the extensive damage to her armor, she had relied on the armor that her Corbear had given her. While that armor was good enough for most missions, this time however, it just wouldn't do. Her armor had been designed for stealth and infiltration, something that the Ultranaut armor couldn't hang with. Now, why in the world would she need an infiltration armor for a defensive mission? In case the internal sensors were compromised.​
The 10th were tied up with actual combat deployments, while herself, well with matters of the force she felt better suited to handling it herself.​
However, given the limited forces they had available, she needed to make sure all of the available Wardens were ready. When she found one such Warden was currently out of position however, she made a small detour in her mission to seek and reign the woman in. A quick tap into the sensor data, and she was enroute to Mia Serenvale Mia Serenvale ' position. Passing through any obstructing wall, Lilanna's ghastly act terrified several base staff members, though it didn't stop her from her methods. She needed to check in on the woman.​
One final leap, and Lilanna's form erupted from the floor, then slowly lowered to the ground as she levitated herself slowly to the ground. She wasn't anger, nor worried, more curious for her derogation of duty. "How fair the defenses, Warden?" She asked, her head tilted to the side, only the upper part of her face not concealed by the oval shaped head piece. She'd need to have some of this stuff removed, given her condition had improved vastly, she could do without the on board medical system. Though the intimidation value seemed worth it.​
Regardless of scarring the hell out of people, she knew how difficult it was being a recruit, especially given her past. While she didn't know too much about Mia, Lilanna felt a bit compelled to ensure the Warden didn't get too separated from the rest of the group.​


Steel Commanders

Location: Just outside Ashlan Base
Equipment: Beskar'gam, lightsabers, healing supplies, 3 thermal detonators, EF-M401e Rampage

Tags: OPEN

The crack of gunfire rang through the valley, Anashja looked about in a flash, her video were hard at work. "Tal'din, this is Anashja, what is going on? Give me a scan of the surrounding area." she put her helmet on as she waited for response, something was seriously wrong, she could almost taste the darkness rising in the air.

"Baar'ur, the Brothergood of the Maw have entered the valley and are engaging both the Ashlans and the Eternal Empire, it looks bad, recommend you return to the ship immediately."

Kark! She was basically done here, but she might be needed on the front, she was was an Eternal citizen and needed to do her part to keep people alive. "Vod! With me now, let the techs finish here, we are heading out." This was her first deployment since she gave birth and a horrible part of her was actually eager to see combat."[/COLOR]

Anashja blasted into the air, quickly followed by the rest of her squad and headed to the front. They were lightly armed and equipped as medics so would not engage except in a defensive method. From her elevated vantage point, in the distance she could see a dust cloud raising as countless hundreds of mawite raiders charged the Allied lines. Flashes whizzed out and artillery sailed over head. Four space craft landed nearby deploying shield bubbles over other positions. This looked bad, if they were fortifying they second lines, the first was likely to fall. Her hud flashed an impact alert and she rolled through the air as a mawite artillery shell passed through where she was previously floating, what were the odds.

Not far from her she saw a group of Infantry at an artillery postion that had taken a direct hit and she landed "Vod, i will get those two out of that you make sure noone else about." She gestured at an Ammunition tractor that had been blown open when it cargo took a hit. The armoured cockpit was all that was left, but it was twisted and bent by the blast. At least two soldiers were trapped inside. She pulled our her Varperline light saber and approached the tractor. "stand back, I am going round cut through." she pushed her blade through the cabin side and cut through. It's enhanced blade making little fuss about the twisted metal. As she finished, she flicked her wrist and the force threw the door out of the way.

The first soldier climber out themselves, but the other was trapped, their legs broken by the heavy steering wheel. She cut he wheel at the steering column and tossed that away too, before getting the soldier out of the cab with help from one of her own men. There was little she could do for the woman's legs here, she would likely heal, but needed urgent treatment. Her dropship, flying low to avoid flak cover advanced along side her to pick up the wounded pair and father returned to the base medical centre. But not before Anashja injected her with bacta and used the force to take at least some of the pain away.

Objective 2: Master of Puppets

Equipment: Lightsaber Claymore, Ashlan battle armour, explosives, Wrist mounted flame thrower, Icarus gravpack, Ashlan Rosary, survival kit
Tags: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Khaostra Devoid Khaostra Devoid
Location: above the ritual site on Odessen

Greer felt odd, the armour was still new to her and despite how many times the armourer pointed out that the fit was right and that it was designed with mobility in mind, it felt wrong, shenhad stripped out the two panels that were giving her the most issues, in little bit around the waist that seemed to rub when she swung her oversized light saber. She kissed her Rosary before clipping it to her armour. They would be breaching the ritual chamber soon. The ground was scorched and cratered in places where the fleet had tried blast the chamber out of the solid rock to no avail.

Not far from her was the angelic form of Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir she was quite the warrior and had made herself a name in the Crusade, she was pleased to have her blade beside her, along with some of the other powers she had heard about from the Korriban liberation. Greer had been meditating, trying to get a feel for the darkness of the place, if she was familiar with it, she could better resist it. But now another presence was distracting her.

"Eina! It is good to see you, your aura seems stringer every time we cross paths." she wondered what the true peak of her power was, after the incidents on the dark planet and others, she had read into the Valkyrja, they had some similarities with Gods she had read about in old legends.

"What do you think? They have the numbers and there is only one way in, so our options are pretty limited as it stands. Entrance is that way, at least the bombardment from the fleet means we don't have to deal with any above ground defences. Silver linings her." she gave Eina a fun grin from her freckled and painted face before pulling her helmet on. Now this felt strange, very strange to have a helmet on, but underground close quarters fighting made it harder to dodge. Every advantage should be taken.

"I had the armourer install a little something on my armour after thinking about last time I entered a tomb with that pyro twi'lek, if I can't cast force flames, I can do next best thing." and she let a small flame lick across her armoured hand as a test. Of Eina could see the face of her ally, she would see wicked smile.

"shall we proceed?"

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