Ziare Dyarron | Keilara Kala'myr (Mercy)
COMPNOR (ISB) Junior Agent, Nite agent | Marauder and Agent of the Maw, Mongrel's advisor
COMPNOR (ISB) Junior Agent, Nite agent | Marauder and Agent of the Maw, Mongrel's advisor

Location: Near to the Ashlan Cruade/Eternal Empire's base.
Equipment: FS-18-UP2 Assault Rifle | 2x Sunfury Pistol | Light Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | 2x Vibrodagger | 2x Riftblades || Cloaking Device | 5x ASBF Probe Droid || OPBC-01m

Enemies: Belisarius Vactovion |

- Mercy appears in Mongrel's mind, but she is uncertain for now.
- She does not argue with the task, she accepts.
- Mercy hands over the new droids and bikers to Mongrel.
- She set off to her mission.
~ After the landing ~
He did not answer; nothing like this has happened in the years since I served him. Not even when he told me not to care about the task, just save myself, on Dromund Kaas. I was still in the benevolent embrace of that cloaking device as I watched the dropships and other ships arrive in the area and land. My throat sunk for a moment; I knew exactly what punishment I could expect. I've been here long enough to know. And now it was a pretty big failure, and I let him down.
When his dropship landed, I deactivated the cloaking device. As usual, I greeted him with a salute. My heart was beating harder to see, as always, all my thoughts suddenly revolved around him, I wasn’t interested in the mission just to be together. To see his other side that others don't know, which no clan member would understand and they would consider this a weakness. He was not only the warlord, but much more than that. But that side was unknown to others but me.
"Warlord!" I said respectfully.
A surprise appeared on my face under my helmet when he forgave me. Feth! What are you doing ?! I haven’t asked it out loud or in thought yet. To the best of my knowledge, he never forgave anyone. And for me in public? Damn it! You will kill yourself! Am I worried about it? Yes, I was worried. The part I don’t care about is that I’ll have more work to do because of this. I enjoyed being able to kill others anyway, but one day there will be someone better than me or someone I can’t kill and they'll go after him.
"Thank you, although I do not deserve your mercy!" I answered.
After that, we had some time, the other teams still had to arrive before the commands could be handed out and the offensive could begin. In the meantime, I reached out to his mind and connected to him with my own mind. By now, it had gone very smoothly, and he, too, was very adept at bringing me to his attention if he wanted to send me a message. Not to mention that everything in our minds was already like reality, touches, feelings. It’s like we’re really there in reality and not just with thoughts.
Here in my thoughts I could see his face, him, as he was before the Maw shattered him before the wars crushed him. Here I could hear his original voice, with emotions I may never have known with my ears, because he was already very cyborgised when we first met. I usually greet him with a kiss and embrace him while I cuddle with him but not today. He was already able to take the initiative if he wanted to, I didn’t have to do it for me. But today I didn’t know how he would react to the fact that I wasn’t successful.
So I just stopped a few steps away from him, looking into his eyes. It took all my strength not to go there, kiss or touch him. But now I really didn’t know what was going to happen. This was a hitherto unknown and novel situation.
~ Mongrel… ~ I whispered softly.

~ On the mission ~
The tasks were there, as the fight started, my drones flying in the air also signalled that

"That long building out there, it's just a military base based on my observations. The actual base is inside the rock wall, and yes its entrance is beyond that base. So I have to go through it, or I’ll go around the whole valley and descend from above, right to the entrance. The shields aren’t working yet, so it’s doable." I informed him about my plans.
That way, I would be able to avoid the entire battlefield, me and the team, and we could easily get inside. As far as I was able to observe, the two large cannons can only be sabotaged from the inside anyway. So maybe I can even avoid using codes, although I won’t have that luck. But, really, if we go down there, I, or the rest of the team, can easily kill someone for the code cylinder, and from then on, our journey is free. I doubted everyone would use a biochip.
However, there was something else. I turned to the warlord, he could already know enough to recognize in my voice that there was a mocking and contented smile on my lips.
"Yes, warlord! But before… let me already try to make amends for my mistake, even though you forgave me. You can count on more teams than you sent to the battlefield. I want to show you some new games, warlord. Bring them!"
I instructed my people; in fact, they were Ziare's insurgents once, whom I hunted down over time. Most of them died during the torture, but quite a few joined the true cause of Maw. The ships that arrived later hid the surprise. They were droids that looked like a huge dog and wolf, which if anyone was skilled, they could even use them as a mount. Or the bikers that could be used as a wall-breaking ram.
" Sometimes it can be great that Ziare is a baroness in Serenno and she inherited the family fortune after the death of the Sith kinship. I hope the tribe and you will be of use, warlord." I also gave him the new toys, trusting that they would be useful here as well.
I would have just started when I heard his voice in my mind. I smiled, those were my words to him as we fought the Mandos.
~ These are my words… Take care of yourself, and you should come back to me as well! ~ I whispered in his mind, cuddled him tight and kissed him, then as I walked away from him, I stroked his face gently with my hand.
As my hand no longer reached his face, I left his mind and my team and I hurried to set off into the forest above, towards our destination.
<< I keep you informed on the radio, warlord, my drones in the air, if you need data, they can also see what warlord Steelblood and his troops are doing in the north. >> I assured him.