Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction Eternal Crusade: Let the Sunshine In (SGHW) | EE/AC/Maw Junction of Odessen/Tion/Lequabis


Post: 3
Objective: Lambs to the Slaughter
Location: In Route to the Base Obj 1
Equipment: Mind Crown | White MidNight Duster with Hood | White Beskar Armor | White Sith Death Mask | Grav Boots | Eltro Life Gloves | x4 red lightsabers | Defender | Forearm Lanvorak | Wrist Laser | x2 FWG-5 Flechette Smart Pistol | Boomer | X4 Daggers | Pack of Death sticks | Lots Explosives and a few Surprises | Holopad
Allies: Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr | The Mongrel The Mongrel | Ami Dracov Ami Dracov | Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha
Enemies: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust | Oraada Laabre Oraada Laabre | Nyrasa Emrick Nyrasa Emrick | Katella Katella | Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana | Aximand Sicarus Aximand Sicarus
Engaging: Open


The slave saw then sensors all go red and alarms signaling across the spiders. All slaves on the spiders in that moment saw the truth. The truth was no one in this Galaxy was out to save it or lend a hand to the fellow man who had been beaten down and victimized by the other forces. That heroes and the concept of salvation was dead the villains had won long ago, the only difference beaten the Maw and everyone else the Maw didn't hide it behind a friendly smiley or fancy words to appease slave making them feel free.

Tegan almost pitied them in that moment as she looked at them through her one eye that wasn't swollen. She had given them a moment of hope and it was crushed in mere seconds as their death was inevitable. Yet she looked on them with pride instead a bloodied grin hanging across her face. She felt across all the spiders the hope dying in them, but fear did not come to them, but realization did. They saw what Tegan had seen long ago in her first life the light in this universe died out a long time ago.

This reality was full of delusional people like the Ashla and Jedi who thought themselves saviors of the Galaxy but did not see the cruelty and endless pain they truly brought. Then there was EE not sure what they were one side wanted to see the end of the force which was just foolish with out the force this reality would not exist. Then there was the other side of it want what saving the universe, or was it just push it self-righteous beliefs on everyone else.

These slaves knew now the only way to get your freedom and salvation was to fight and be willing to die for it. They realized in that moment the Maw wasn't the cruelest of all inhabitants of the Galaxy they did not hide what they were. The Maw gave every man, woman, and child a chance to rise, they even gave weapons to their slaves to prove them selves in war. Even lowest slave could rise to the top and make their tribe. You want salvation and freedom then you learned war was how earned it, death was inevitable one must be willing to die to get what they want, and then you would be reborn into a world where everything you fought for existed.

"You See it now don't you." The voice rang in the head of all the slaves and infiltrators on the spiders. "You see the truth." They saw the truth they saw now that the only thing that could save this reality was to end it. "You now see what needs to be done." The saw that it all needed to be purged and burned to ash and the stars must return to dust. "Now you must pray, pray to the avatars give them your vow."

As these words rang out ever slave aboard the spiders knelled facing in the direction of Tegan location. As the ones holding her down let go to kneel, Tegan stood up and reached her arms out wide. Though she was a diminutive figure she seemed to them in the moment a towering figure. Her voice rang out in all their heads. "Now that you see the truth, and you know that war is the only way to your freedom. Now that you see the three and that I am their anointed Goddess of Destruction the one whose hand will end this existence and bring about the new age. Pray to them offer them your hand in war so you can be spared in this moment." They all began to pray loudly to the three avatars in exaltation.

Time had moved very slowly in that moment as Tegan had made it so a bubble encompassed the spiders where time was a lot slower than the doom heading there way but that bubble would burst soon. They Prayed heavily and as Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha fleet broke hyperspace and unleashed his forces. Tegan in darksight had slowed time in order to shift the outcome of events in her favor.

EE could have been the saviors but instead they gave the Maw more devoted followers ones who saw the truth. This reality was corrupt beyond saving those that claimed them saviors and bringers of the light were all liars. It wasn't massive amount of followers but it was a seed that could be spread, see what cruelty of existence realize the light is dead so it all must be burned so something better could be born from it. War, Death, and Rebirth were the only way to true freedom and salvation. Tegan looked upon the kneeling newly devoted.

The force of Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha intercepted those coming from the spiders showing to the newly devoted the avatars had heard their prayers. As they intercepted the forces Tegan's Mind Crown connected to the path engines and fired them up, Tegan's mind making the very precise astrogation calculations. As fire came in the ships jump straight into the Planet's atmosphere and above the Base's coordinates. The spiders hovering there before there weapons opened fire on the defense Cannon and the turrets.

As the spiders did that their cargo bay doors began to open the slaves and Infiltrators standing up, hidden weapons lockers on the spider opened. The slaves and infiltrators began to exit the spider. One of the infiltrators stopped by Tegan who was focusing on controlling all the spider with her mind crown. "Your armor and weapons." Tegan looked at her and sent a mental note. "Take them inside I will meet you in there. Show them the light is dead, now go."

As that was said the infiltrator nodded and leapt out the back of the cargo bay. Tegan's mind crown controlling all six spiders focused heavy fire on the bases out defenses and the front door. "When a God comes knocking you better answer or your walls will come tumbling down." She said to herself as she let out a wicked laugh.
The Dark Sorcerer of Dathomir


Location: Aboard one of the MAW Spider Cruisers
Objective: I
Equipment: Stolen Hellhound Armour | Crimson Lightsaber (concealed) | 2x KC-77N Hybrid Pistol

EE: Katella Katella | Mia Serenvale Mia Serenvale | Nyrasa Emrick Nyrasa Emrick | Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor Aximand Sicarus Aximand Sicarus
AC: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust | Oraada Laabre Oraada Laabre | Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana
MAW: Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall | Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha


Pure chaos broke loose in orbit, she lost track of everything that happened. She stopped focusing on the other ships as they made it over the base. She had no idea what had happened on the other ship, and she didn't have time to find out. She was going to have to ditch the ship, she couldn't afford to break her cover.

"Hey! One of you captives, do any of you know how to fly a ship?" She called, whispers spread through the ship as they attempted to find someone who could. Finally a middle aged man with blond hair stood up. "I can." He said, practically whispering. "Sorry, can you repeat that?"

Then more confidently, he said, "I can fly the ship." Good. Ami waved him over and gave him control of the ship, of course he wouldn't need it but it was always better to be safe. With a final order to make sure nothing went wrong, she went to the back of the base. She knelt down on the ground and envisioned the location on the map where the entrance to the base was.

She had to get the location right, she couldn't simply appear in front of the guards, and so she slowly summoned the spirit ichor of Dathomir, and then, she disappeared. She opened her eyes to find herself in front of the base, quickly walking up to the entrance, she was greeted by an Eternal Empire guard. "Greetings, ma'am. Identification?"

"Warrant Officer Second Class, Lena Dracov." She spoke with confidence, she had rehearsed the line, and many backups incase it didn't workout. The man checked over her credentials, he looked confused for a moment, then nod, he let her in. She attracted the attention of soldiers as she moved past, she would have to look convincing, but not yet. For now she offered them nods. It wouldn't be unbelievable of special forces to be guarding the base. She walked past dozens of soldiers moving to the entrance, no doubt trying to secure the slave situation. Transmission over transmission came over the comm system, the base was on full alert.

While she may have seen some of the maps for the base, she didn't know nearly enough. She explored through the hallways, noticing the cantina, but nothing interesting there. As she moved through the base, she noticed the cannons on the ledge outside. There has to be something worth destroying here. She walked on the catwalk, then as she moved closer, she noticed two figures on the edge. Suddenly she noticed the girl on the ledges lightsaber, force user. She quickly attempted to walk past her, unfortunately ditching the non suspicious approach, but it was a risk being seen by them, who knew what would happen if they noticed her force ability. Then she calmed down, Lena was a force user, surely they were familiar with her ability. She sighed and relaxed.


Objective 2: Master of Puppets

Equipment: Lightsaber Claymore, Ashlan battle armour, explosives, Wrist mounted flame thrower, Icarus gravpack, Ashlan Rosary, survival kit
Tags: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Khaostra Devoid Khaostra Devoid
Location: above the ritual site on Odessen

Eina's response was not what Greer had expected at all, the change in tone of her voice struck right at her, this was not a friendly piece if advice, this was chastisement from a senior Ashlan that she respected. Not even her Master had previously spoken to her in this way. She lifted her visor back up, wishing to look her accuser in the eyes.

"apologies Lady Eina, you speak with wisdom, I swear the Bogan does not hold me, not shall it. I will take your words on board and meditate." The pilot light on her flame thrower winked out as she deactivated it.

"If you believe that my behaviour warrants my referral to our Lords, then I am willing to accept that too." there was a little anger in her at having to apologise and accept she was acting innapropraitely, but she understood that the very anger she felt about the situation was part of the problem. So she took her breath and let it pass into the force.

She was about to ask Eina for her leave to continue on the mission, when she felt a jarring in the force, she hit the activator on her Grav pack and lept into the air, fast enough that only a single vine wrapped itself around her right leg, constricting and trying to pull her downward. Pulled her saber and severed the vine, allowing her to get free before holding both her hands put flat, palms towards the ground as she floated on her repulsors.

This was something she had always been good at. She felt the force flowing through her and felt its will as her mind connected with the midiclorians withing the cells of the vines. "This is not your role in this story, you bring life, not death, return to your slumber" she whispered, speaking to thriving force on the plants.

The dark power fuelling them was potent, but she felt the plants responding to her soothing and the became less and less animate, several of them retracting back in to the grou d. "Lady Eina, I will meditate later, we should proceed quickly whilst I maintain the upper hand against the plants. Please, lead the way and I will keep them from attacking us." she landed in the small clearing that the plants had made for her that led to the entrance to the temple, she had to focus for now, once in the tunnel it would be easier as she would have to control a smaller space.

Eina would likely be able to see this connection between Greer and the plants and would hopefully realise that Greer would not have the power to maintain the control long enough for any more discussion about her violent personality. Their foe had chosen a route of attack that fed into Greers strengths, maybe there was a reason the force had picked her.
The Mercenary Droids were not only stationed in the trench lines. They had also been stationed elsewhere, and they had a reasonably good line of sight on events.

The Merc Droids had set charges on the path to the valley and in the cliffs above it. One aimed down a scope with his Multi-Damage DMR at the on rushing hoard of bikes bearing down on the destroyed trench lines.

"Got 'em sighted..." said the Merc Droid called Sean. He had a thick Galidraani accent. "Looks like the Maw bastards got hit good with that last strike. They're making a charge to the path to the base itself."

Roger, the other Merc Droid by him, aiming an E-60R Missile Launcher at the mass of quickly approaching vehicles simulated the sound of a snort with his vocabulator.

"Amazing, even with that beat down, they won't stop. If we're gonna feth them we better do it now."

"I concur. Timothy, do you copy?" Sean asked.

Timothy the Merc Droid, currently watching the forces of Khione Khione ravage the skies and the approaching hoarder of Maw vehicles from behind the second line, was shooting at invading dogs with Max.

"Kinda busy! Make it quick!"

"When you see the first bike go, blow only a quarter of your charges."

"Solid Copy, Sean."

The Merc Droids, while not as sophisticated as the Nuetralizers, nonetheless had noted the valley was ripe for choke points and ambushes and planned accordingly.

Thing was, they hadn't even planted that many. Just enough to cause maximum disruption at key turns and straightaways, making sure to plant them where friendly forces wouldn't be at risk.

Sean took careful aim at an engine block on a warbike slightly ahead of the others, at a certain position. He fired, fatally wounding the pilot with a painful shot to his you know what.

That pilot, as he fell, bike violently jack knifing out of control, was in pure agony and his last moment before being run over was being about to see it happen.

The bike crashed violently into others, causing a pile up. Four charges were detonated in front and back, which took out a few war skiffs Roger fired his rocket launcher into a large hoard of bikes and caused another large pile up in the charge. Ultranauts and others began aggressively pouring fire on the charging vehicles.

Retaliation fire knocked both from their perch and they fell, getting smashed in half on impact...

"Worth it..." Sean said, lying there as he pretended to be destroyed...

Aximand Sicarus Aximand Sicarus

Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

Hi'los Krai Hi'los Krai

Brimstone Brimstone

The Mongrel The Mongrel
Last edited:

Belisarius Vactovion


Belisarius Vactovion
Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud | Field Marshal in the Eternal Army
The Black Knight of Vengard


Objective: III Steel Commanders
Location: Odessen, Military Base "Eternal Crusade"
Equipment: Sk-SH Mark 7 Power Armor, Rex Imperator, KC SAT Pistol, Shroudsaber (concealed)

EE: Hi'los Krai Hi'los Krai , Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa
AC: Brimstone Brimstone , Scipio Kaarz Scipio Kaarz
MAW: Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood , Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr , The Mongrel The Mongrel , Ambrosia Iota

{✠} Rise and Load! {✠}
<"High Nelvaanian"> | " voice " | << comm. channel >>
Post III

Odessen - Fort Eternal Crusade - First Trench
2 Minutes after the attack of the Maw

The Ultranauts were methodically shooting into the horde of cultists streaming at them like a swarm of birds, no seeming individualism existed among them, no own will, they were driven forward by the ones behind and by the conscience of the mass. The Eternal-Imperials were not caring. They could equally be shooting on the training ground at metal marks, their blasters were hammering into the front rows.

But it was not enough. The masses were torn apart by the fire from the trench battlements as well as burned alive by the incendiary artillery shells and torn apart by air detonation bursts. Grenades thrown, repeating blasters rattling on automatic fire and even the firing of the unshaken Ultranauts of the first Battalion did not stop the horde. Their fallen comrades simply overrun and stomped into the dirt, they were terrifying. But not terrifying enough, Colonel Segmar thought to himself, ramming a new magazine into his rifle.


The officer shouted over the noise of the battle, barely carrying more than a few meters, but he had activitated his battalions com-channel as well. Most had their bayonets drawn already, put them on, but some were now following the command, shortly before the horde swept against the battlement and into the trench.

<< Artillery, cease fire. Prepare for covering our fall back. Harrow 1-1 out."

Genadey Segmar could barely finish the sentence when the reeking body of an unwashed cultist slammed into him, making him fall the nearly two meters back into the trench, hurtfully landing on his back, the pain letting loose the grip of his rifle and blacking him out for a split of a secpnd. As he looked up again he saw the mad face of the Mawite standing above him, raising the bayonetted gun to stab his chest.


Odessen - Fort Eternal Crusade - Second Trench Line

3 Minutes after the attack of the Maw

The 87[SUP]th[/SUP] Reg. / 1[SUP]st[/SUP] Bat. was very much the rock on which the wave was meant to break and be halted, at least that was how Vactovion had sold it. The first trench line was nothing, it was to give the Mawites something to feed on, to create some chaos in their ranks, to slow them down. The first line was meant to be overrun, the Colonel would understand, would know his situation, that's why he went with his men. Belisarius would not have stopped him, he would not demand anything of his soldiers what he would not do on his own. Sadly the Maw was a bit faster today and the Field Marshal was in the midst of the open ground between the two trenches.

He was a black colossus sprinting through ankle deep mud, leaving huge footprints in the dirt as he made his way from the second to the first trench line. The noise of the clash in front was growing louder as explosions, rapid fire and shouts turned into screams and the metallic noise which was created by clashing infantry formations. He was few meters from the trench when Belisarius was giving further orders to the troops behind. The second trench line had an entirely different effect, it was meant to hold the onslaught. The hope for its success was limited, but Bel had a plan and created the layout of the trenches in a way that the second and third lines could fire all at once. The narrow pass of the first trench would only after its fall unfold its real meaning. Delay and disorganize for the troops afterwards to pick.

He arrived at the trench mere seconds after the melee had started, the pistol in his left hand spitting high explosive blaster bolts which tore apart the cultists without difficulties. One of the shots found its mark in the attacker which was about to stab the regiments commander, his head exploding and covering a small area with bone, blood and brain. With a step Belisarius was jumping into the trench, holstering his empty pistol and lending a hand to help the Colonel up. The moment of breathing was created by the gap the SAT pistol inflicted onto the mawite band. They were terrible weapons and meant to kill and cripple, installing terror, even though it was not exactly working against Mawites.

The Colonel rose without word, grabbing his weapon and immediately returning to the battlement alongside the tall Field Marshal. The traverse was holding well, the veterans of the 1[SUP]st[/SUP] Company of the regiment being capable of holding against the masses. But the rest of the trench was faltering under the pressure. There were just not enough Ultranauts against the masses of enemies. They were being overrun.

As Belisarius rose to the battlement, his blade was singing in his hands, cutting through the attacking cultists with ease. But he only paid half attention to it, his focus was on the tactical display, watching the development in the entire trench line. They had to perfectly time their fall back, otherwise none of the soldiers here would make it back. A fact which was not entirely important for the victory in this battle, but Bel would try to save as many of his men as possible. He doomed them to day, so it was upon him to get them out of this hell.

<< Dorn 1-1 here, Aximand Sicarus Aximand Sicarus requesting air strike on my position. Mark my transponder and bomb in 90 seconds from now. >> He closed the channel to the fleet to just open one to the 87[SUP]th[/SUP].

<< Harrow 1-Aurek, prepare to withdraw in sixty! Double time out of trench and to the back, heavies first to cover, Pyros, use your tanks to set the way behind you on fire. Dorn 1-1 out. >>

Belisarius Vactovion doubted that more than a third would make it out in time.





Another Brick In The Wall

Location: Orbit above Odessen
Objective: Hold the line
Allies: Aximand Sicarus Aximand Sicarus
Enemies: The Mongrel The Mongrel CETCOM CETCOM Aldo Garrick Aldo Garrick Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall

As the slow burning battle in space progressed, Grand Admiral Draellix listened and pleading crys came from the spider ships. Had they really captured Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall ? Isla was familiar with slave ships having recently liberated that wrethched place of Zygerria. How could chained up, shock collared slave possibly overthrow both their captors and a powerful Bogan, and on multiple ships all simultaneously, what, were, the, odds! Isla mused to herself. "Admiral, the Eternal fleet had also received the distress call and are intensifying their bombardment, please advise." Came chatter from her gunnery master to her left. "The Imperial Admiral has made a tough call and is acting upon it, the polite thing to do would be to support him, continue firing on those cruisers." Isla grinned, she had been taken in before by false flag blockade runners, but at least the last ones had the decency not to use a recognisable model of enemy vessel, the crudeness of this attempt was almost insulting, did Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall think them to be rank amateurs?

She would find her decision vindicated when the cruisers began attacking the base with their embarked troops.


Alarms blared and her shield indicators pinged up to full and every systems activated battlestations as the warning sensors detected the incoming ships. The Fleet of Aldo Garrick Aldo Garrick cracked into the system not far from the allied lines. As per the information from Aximand Sicarus Aximand Sicarus a pair of dominions, a pair of principalities and a warden had all detached to join his screening forced. The enemy however had arrived with only heavy capital ships. This was an interesting development. in her previous engagements with the Maw, tough, dangerous and fast moving frigates has been common. This would be a brawl, but her forces would have the mobility advantage. "Bardiche, Tridents and W-12, move to flank, at long range, approach to rear arcs and attack enemy propulsion. Interceptors to cover them and multi-role to fly in support. All other ships form lines and prepare to Receive incoming fire."

She simply nodded and made a sign of Ashla at the captain as she saw meteor projectiles launching from her Templars and mae the journey toward the enemy, those powerful weapons, capable of massive damage were followed up by opening up of all the long range weapons available. The stars in front of her from the viewport became hard to see from the flashes of hundreds of turbolasers, ion canons and solar weapons firing off.

Isla stepped to her holo-command which had no updated to reflect the enemy formation, she hit her Comm to Aximand Sicarus Aximand Sicarus "Good hunting Admiral Sicarus, and watch yourself, those star destroyers are ram boats, they will be coming all the way in." they were reminiscent of a Bryn'adul model they had encountered together.

Outside in space, fighter crews had launched dozens of both Pegasus and Phoenix starfighters, the Fist of Demici had turned its flank to the oncoming forces to protect it vulnerable port bays. interceptors buzzed in wings to form a screen against fighters and the fighter bombers were approaching their preassigned positions prior to their strikes on the enemy.

Three squadrons of interceptors had been dispatched to intercept the divine eagles of Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha but they were wary, squadrons flying alone, unsupported were rarely the easy target they appeared.

The fight was on.

Orbital bombardment has ceased

2 dominions and a warden making fast flanking move accompanied by interceptors and multi-role starfighters for support

2 more dominions, to principalities and another warden moving to join the eternal screening force

Heavy capital ships opening fire on incoming ships, primary target it crucifix star destroyers

significant numbers of interceptors and multirole starfighters have been launched forming a cap screen. multi-roles are forming up into attack wings.

Three squadrons of interceptors engaging isolated divine eagle formation



Steel Commanders

Location: Just outside Ashlan Base
Equipment: Beskar'gam, lightsabers, healing supplies, 3 thermal detonators, EF-M401e Rampage

Tags: Laertia Io Laertia Io The Mongrel The Mongrel Hi'los Krai Hi'los Krai

Anashja caught the healing doses offered by the droids out of the air, always grateful for more healing supplies, but a little surprised on the arrival of these droids in order to support the allied forces, oh well, never look a gift bot in the mouth, she thought to herself.

Gunfire was getting closer as the front line fell, what she had heard about the maw, is that survivors were few and far between, most of the allies would be dead or worse right now. She hit the repulsors and blasted across the open terrain toward another position covered in burn marks, the force was unpleasant here. Landing, her precognitive senses tingled and she twisted out the way, just as a burst of green fire arced past her, melting a nearby droid. Anashja drew her lightsabers and pouncer, what sorcery was this?

Her foe was a dark woman in robes, with scars across her entire body, clearly some mawite sorceress, the air reeked with her darkness. How was she here? Maybe teleportation. She dived for the woman, swinging her blades only to meet thin air as the woman teleported away behind her an launch flechettes from her hand. They tinged off of Anashjas armour, but one nicked the skin and her blood trickled down her bare arm. "silly child, your jedi swords mean nothing to old Agnes, feel the dark ichor running through you now." Anashja charged again, same result, but this time the teleporting witch returned to her flames, Anashja did not manage to avoid this but her Litr Grityr flared brightly and the flames parted like a bow wave, leaving the woman unharmed. "try again little warrior." she cackled.

Anashja charged one last time, swinging her blades, but as she did, plate on her calves opened and death wasps launched into the air, aimed at the space that the witch would likely jump into. There was more to this Jedi than just her sabers, and the witch gurgled in surprise as the micro-explosive tipped projectiles took chunks our of her body including her throat. She fell the floor with a thud and Anashja casually and without emotion walked away from her. Picking up a healing blaster from one of the droids. Maybe the force had sent Laertia Io Laertia Io here to provide her with this gift, she had heard about these, very useful tech for a girl like her.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Hunt down the false Mand'alor
Location: Near to the base, Odessen
Equipment: 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | The Soulsabers | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Writing With: Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze
[ Soldier of Heaven ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Ingrid's face wasn't visible because of her helmet, the Force didn't reveal what she was thinking or feeling, she controlled these perfectly. Like an ice, or an iron wall that nothing can penetrate. Her movement was exotic, there was something definitely military in it, but smooth, elegant, deadly; every small movement revealed the promise of death. It was as if several styles were combined in all of this. It was all natural for her, not that she wanted to look threatening. It was the essence of the woman. And indeed, the marks of the Shadow Company and the Frost Company that she learned from them and became the being of the woman. Like a predator, a big cat. Elegant, silent, deadly, the artist of the death.

"And you're even blind to not seeing your chains, Sith!" she said in a cold voice.

For the woman, everyone was blind and writhing in chains who could not see the truth. That is, the Force toying with them, like a puppet master and they only do what the Force expects of them. Everyone in the galaxy was blind; almost everyone. That's why the Force had to be destroyed. And the words reached their effect because the anger and hatred in the man was immediately felt. Every Sith was so predictable; and the woman learned a lot from them, especially about them when she was in the Sith Empire. And she was spying, learning. Get to know the enemy, keep them close to you; closer than the friends who don’t exist.

"The Sith are so predictable and they never learn." she said again in a mocking voice, as if laughing at the man.

Khamul did exactly the same thing as Carnifex, making the woman stronger, making it even harder for the Sith to defeat her. Ingrid reached into the Force and began to absorb the Dark side energies. The man was fast; Ingrid has always been, and since then, Shadow-born has had superhuman speed due to her species, which she has been able to further enhance with Force. The red-haired woman had not moved yet, but her mind had already accelerated to the level at which Khamul had moved; she was able to track her speed. The woman would not have been able to do all this without her high intelligence.

And the darkness grew stronger, the woman able to absorb more and more; she had not yet hidden her power, but now her power had grown as fast as Khamul's hatred and anger had intensified; the perfect fuel for the woman who has remained neutral all the while, however she absorbing Dark side energies. That was the key to how she was able to stay afloat against both Carnifex and Prazutis. As the red lightsaber slammed toward her side, the woman raised her sword in an elegant motion and blocked the attack a few centimetres from her waist, at the last moment. Perfectly calculated defence, not because of slowness.

"Thank you!" she said, but did not specify what.

The next moment, with the grip of the sword in the other hand, she tried to hit Khamul on a helmet with her huge, superhuman strength. She wasn't really bothered if the man defended himself or dodged the attack; the woman expected the man to step back a little because of the blow. If this or similar events happen which gives her a bit larger space than the current, she will carry on the attack with the same hand she was trying to hit the Sith Lord, just turning the sword blade towards Khamul's neck and head and then trying to cut off the Mandalorian's head. All this at least as quickly and firmly motion as the man wanted to cut her in two.


Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The First and the Light of Ashla

Heiress and Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic Mascot and Representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Eternal Empire's Ambassador to the Ashlan Crusade; Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary and the Fjölkyngi Smiđr Guild
Objective: Stop the ritual, and defeat the Sith
Location: Above the ritual site, surface, Odessen
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (swords) | Ljósspjót (spear) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Allies: Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich | Lena Dracov Lena Dracov | Open
Enemies: Khaostra Devoid Khaostra Devoid | Open
[ Angels Calling ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

~ I am not religious, I do not believe in any higher power, I just think I spend too much time in the company of the crusaders and I already call the light side as Ashla, and the dark side to the Bogan. ~ she answered kindly. ~ I’m not going to force you, but I don’t want to hurt you if I don’t have to. ~

She offered the opportunity, once more. Eina never believed in any deity, considered no creature as a deity, not even Ashla, the avatars of the Maw, Carnifex, or other similar creatures. They were just strong Force users, or Force Entities. She already knew Ashla existed, like the Manda, she was an Oversoul, but there was no deity for her. Sometimes she asked Ashla to take care of Gei, but it was essentially like asking the Force or the Oversoul, "living" entity, who is not able to do this.

Meanwhile, she also spoke to Greer, who defended herself somewhat, instead of accepting the answer. And that was exactly why Eina wanted to talk to uncle Pietro, or Heinrich, because the girl did not realise the problem.

"They are Jedi, they know better what is the right way to surely dispel the temptation of the Bogan. I am not speaking to them to seek a punishment for you, but so that the most appropriate mentor can help you." she explained kindly.

However, she did not have the opportunity to continue because the vines appeared at that moment and they intertwined to her feet. Eina could have easily evaded it, but she didn't. The vines yanked her down and tried to pull her under the ground, but Eina didn't hurt the plants either. She simply became immaterial after a moment or two of concentration; for her this was the natural state, the immaterial form. Although the Valkyrja had not become invisible now, she remained visible. After this she used her wings and rose higher.

"Go Greer, I'll take care of this sorcerer, take that girl with you! Help to stop the ritual to the others!" she pointed her head at Lena.

With this, Eina was still in immaterial form, but she flew towards Khaostra and only stopped when she arrived over the other woman.





The Mongrel The Mongrel Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze
Allies: Scipio Kaarz Scipio Kaarz Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa Belisarius Vactovion Hi'los Krai Hi'los Krai Aximand Sicarus Aximand Sicarus Anashja Tal Anashja Tal Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim
Errrrr.... Laertia Io Laertia Io ?

Brimstone had a few moments to regroup with his Hades Commandos, but moments was all it was as the Maw came hot on the tails of the withdrawing troops, massive armoured bikes filled the air with dust and smoke as they sped across. Brimstone himself stood down a biker, opening up with his rotary cannon. The bike did not go down easily, but the heavy weapon blew apart the front suspension, send its riders cartwheeling through the air.

The northern end of his trench had seen little action, then he realised what was happening, the Maw were trying to Bypass the trenches. The withering crossfire would have put lesser foes off trying a move like that, but the lighting speed and ferocity of the Maw attack was something to behold. If they bypassed these lines, they would be in to the friendly artillery and only the thin final line would be in their path.

"Sisters of the Fourth line, adjust south to block the path." he shouted into his radio.

"My Lord, that will bring my sisters out of their trenches and expose them to enemy fire." came the response from the Sister in charge of that trench.

"I understand, but if we don't slow them, they will bypass our lines completely." there was a begrudging acceptance of orders from the comm and as one, the back line moved. Primarily Annointed sisters, their heavier armour and personal shields should be enough to protect them where they had left the trench, but would it be enough? Probably not.

"South Trench, continue fire discipline. My trench prepare to charge their rear elements and cut them off.". His own trench began acting but there was no response from South trench.

unbeknownst to Brimstone

The southern trench left rip with volley after volley of firepower into the enemy lines, trying to slow their advance. The well trained and disciplined soldiers taking a toll on the warriors across from them. They fought hard, their fate however came as a shock. Almost invisibly behind them, the gigantic hounds pounced, the majority of sisters facing north of fire at the Mawite advance. Only a few sisters saw the droids in time to get some shots off at them. To say it was a massacre would be unfair to the 70 or so sisters that manned the trench. They fought hard, there thick armour, powerful vibroswords and their training meant the droids didn't have it their own way. But the suprise attack, from killing machines as large as the APCs that brought them here, was only going to go one way. One by one the Sister's fell. There was no retreat for them. To retreat would mean running head long into the main Maw force and suffering the same fate. A particularly brave sister managed to climb in to the top of one of the dog, and whilst holding its neck, detonated her grenade belt. She would never know if her bold move worked or not.

The attack was ferocious and the last few sisters found themselves back to back against one of the Mercy shield post, using it to protect their rear. The hounds pounced, tearing into the last one of them and pushing her armoured corpse straight into the projector unit of the shield pod, destroying it.

Brimstone and Hades regroup at northern line. Then order northern line to prepare to assault to the south.

Fourth line of sisters shuffles sideways, exposing themselves out of the trench. Primarily shielded annointed sisters in the main path of the mawites, opening fire to take the charge.

5th Mercy pod drops in to protect rearmost line of sisters

Southern line is slaughtered by giant robot dogs, destroying a shield pod and fighting to their last breath.
Magister Militum Dei


Scipio Kaarz: Magister Militum Dei of the Crusade

Belisarius Vactovion, Hi'los Krai Hi'los Krai , Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa , Brimstone Brimstone

Enemies: Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr , Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood , The Mongrel The Mongrel


Angels of Death

The drums of war continued their echoing crescendo of violence, and Scipio found himself lost within its ceaseless sound. He may be a commander of men, but he was always a soldier first. Though he continued to give orders, the Magister found himself in the thick of it, fighting tooth and nail for each inch of ground.


Those that heard the command did so, and Scipio leapt into the fray like a vicious animal, though more calculated, as if a ravenous apex predator. He would not forsake his reason, no matter how strongly his sense of survival took hold. He eventually found himself next to the Field Marshal, his baster barely catching a Mawite minion point blank. He instinctively drew his vibrosword, just in time to catch an incoming blade from one of the other marauders. His riposte was swift and fierce, cutting the man down before he had the chance to retaliate. Despite his best efforts, the trench lines faltered. He could only pray that air support would arrive on time.


Commander Valgo continued to hold the line as best as he could, though the Maw's forces continued to be as unwavering as ever. His eyes kept glancing to the left flank, eyeing the grenadiers as they desperately attempted to finish their work. His orders echoed across the Southern front as he rained his own fire down upon the denizens of the Maw.


The Ashlan forces were giving it their all, yet the forces of the Maw continued to be unrelenting as ever. Many fought and died valiantly, and at this point, the only think holding their morale together was faith. Faith... that ever elusive source of hope, now their one primary defense against the forces of darkness. It was what bound them together, and only through it did they manage to hold onto any semblance of hope.

Soon, the hope finally paid off, as the grenadiers finished their work. As they came rushing back to the trenches, Commander Valgo quickly unleashed the order.


The cliff side next to the left flank erupted in a brilliant display of explosive earth, sending large chunks of ground outward. The side of the cliff itself began to rupture, eventually giving way to a landslide just outside of the Ashlan lines. As the rocks tumbled, Valgo could only hope that some of the Mawites would be caught in the wake of its destruction. As the dust would settle, it would close off roughly half of the Southern pass. Not enough to stop the attack, but hopefully enough to buy the defenders some time.




The Unchained

Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

Loadout: Mandalore's Lament, Regret, beskar'gam


Pit of Fire

The blow was blocked as quickly as it had been delivered, the Red Witch showing her skill as she retaliated in kind. Her own blow struck for his neck, seeking to decapitate the Demon Mandalore in one slice. The tactic may have worked for those uninitiated to such combat. Khamul, however, was not one of those individuals.

His head moved instinctively, passing underneath the blow as his body swayed to the side. His lock with her first blade broke, and Khamul swept to the left, hoping to gain some advantage by catching the Empress unawares. He dropped into a roll, his body shifting until it reached her left flank. As the Hellhound of Mandalore stood, his free hand lashed out, unleashing a wave of whistling birds toward the Red Witch as he regained his footing.

"If you only see me as a Sith, then you greatly underestimate me, witch."

Mandalore's Lament lashed out once again, this time cutting for her lower leg. Khamul hoped to keep his opponent on her toes, as it would likely be the difference between life or death. As the blade slashed through the air, his free hand once again shot outward, this time unleashing a grappling hook. Khamul hoped to snag the Empress's secondary hand, eliminating her advantage of fighting with two weapons. The hate continued to sear through him all the while, the darkness flowing through him as a broken levy.

"The galaxy shall know the truth, witch. Death comes for us all, the Force is simply a step to our final destination!"


Final Dawn Central Command


Obj 4 | Another Brick in the Wall


Fleet Composition
Starfighter Compliment

Task Force Arcann emerged from Hyperspace shortly after the arrival of Admiral Aldo Garricks Fleet of 4 Crucifix-IIs and 2 Praetorians. Vice-Admiral Lowsyk was quite surprised that Admiral Garrick had reached Odessen considering that he was told that both Fleets would first meet-up at the rendez-vous point in a nearby system before striking at the Ashlan Fleet at Full Strength. Nevertheless both Lowsyk’s and Garrick’s Fleets were enough to directly challenge the Ashlan-Eternal Imperial Blockade over Odessen and relieve Mawite Forces currently engaging both Ashlan and Eternal Imperial Forces on the Surface. Upon arriving at Odesen , Lowsyk proceeded to contact Admiral Garrick via transmission.

Admiral Garrick , this is Vice-Admiral Lowsyk. I’ve been sent in the place of Grand Overseer Sularen to partake in the assault against both Ashlan and Eternal Imperial Forces.” the Vice-Admiral began “I suggest we first concentrate our efforts on breaking the Ashlan-Eternal Imperial Blockade before proceeding to support our forces on the surface. The sooner we deal with the Blockade , the sooner we can annihilate their forces on the Surface.” Lowsyk said. His Supremacy Mark-Is and Invincibles and Garrick’s Crucifix-IIs and Praetorians combined was a deadly force considering the amount of firepower and starfighters both Fleets would have at their disposal. Taking this into consideration it was certain that the Final Dawn would emerge victorious here today. They had already dealt with Alliance Interlopers at Seeratter with great success , dealing with the Ashlans and Eternal Imperials here at Odessen would be no different.

Thus Task Force Arcann began to slowly advancing towards Eternal Imperial-Ashlan Joint Blockade ready to unleash it’s full might upon those interlopers with it’s starfighter squadrons on stand-by for deployment and all crewman already having manned their battlestations with all Offensive and Defensive Weapons primed and ready for the fight. The Ashlans and Eternal Imperials had forgotten their place and the Final Dawn was here to remind them that this would not be tolerated.

  • Task Force Arcann arrives at Odessen and begins advancing towards the Blockade

Tags [Final Dawn] | Aldo Garrick Aldo Garrick | Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha
Tags [Ashlans/Eternal Imperials] | Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana | Aximand Sicarus Aximand Sicarus

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Hunt down the false Mand'alor
Location: Near to the base, Odessen
Equipment: 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | The Soulsabers | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Writing With: Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze
[ Soldier of Heaven ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Ingrid knew exactly that it wasn't going to be easy; if a dagger had been in her hand instead of her sword, it would have been much easier to surprise her. Nor should he have stepped back. However, it immediately became apparent to the woman that the man was not only a great Sith, but the reports were true of Khamul's fighting skills. True, it was not surprising in light of the fact that he called himself Mand'alor. She expected to be not only a good Force user, but also a great fighter.

As the wave of whistling birds headed in the direction of the woman, she had to make a decision in an instant. To become immaterial and hope for the birds to fly through her, or to teleport behind the man with noble simplicity, or just in front of him. In the end, she decided to teleport. As the birds would have reached, the woman simply teleported towards the man, and arrived behind him. They both stood back-to-back to each other.

"You will be not my first Mando who am I killing, handsome!" she replied in Mando'a

That was true, she had fought the Mandalorians quite a few more times, once even killing an Alor. Ironically, it is on Mandalore; where the woman represented only the interests of HPI and Drox, she had nothing to do with TSE when the Mandalorians attacked their former home planet. She knew them, she knew what to expect. The red-haired woman avoided the cut thanks to the teleportation, and she had to turn back to Khamul and even the man had to turn to her again, so the grappling hook probably arrived at that moment.

Ingrid raised her hand to defend herself, so the grappling hook wrapped around her and trapped her arm.

"I know death much better than you ever will, little boy! You can't imagine how much!" she said in an ice-cold voice this time.

She let go of her strength, from which the power of the Netherworld was felt, after all, the woman was part of the Netherworld. As a living creature, she had spent more than three centuries there; she knew the place, she knew death. She continued to bathe in the Dark side emanating from the man, she began to absorb it even faster, but she hadn't used this power yet. Instead, she reached into the Force and tried to steal Khamul's hatred so that the man could not feel them.

OOC: Emotional Theft is a unique force skill for Ingrid, something like Drain Power that just takes away emotion from the other if it succeeds and not life force or Force. You can completely ignore it if you want to; but if you decide she succeeded, then you decide the extent and how long. It could be temporary, or it would permanently steal all anger and hatred. It can return these, or it can eat them, destroy them. That was what she used on Rurik, which I mentioned. Ham also wrote the memories as well what she was able to steal from him, it's completely PC addicted, basically only stealing feelings is the part of the skill.


Blood Witch of Dathomir


Location: Near the ritual site
Objective: Master of Puppets (II)
Equipment: Ichor MK. 1 Assassin Armour | Twilight Blade (concealed) | Overseer-pattern HPI Biochip | KIIR-24 'Stormclaw' Gauss Pistol | Lightsaber (concealed)
Tags: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich Khaostra Devoid Khaostra Devoid


Lena watched as Eina and Greer stood speaking to each other, it was true enough Lena never liked the Ashlan Crusade, their views were different than those of the Nightsisters, but as of late she had come to respect them. Then her thoughts wandered as she thought about the battle currently taking place. She knew she could be of help there, but here she was needed more. Sith weren't to be taken lightly, well trained ones at least. Hopefully we'll be enough.

She was mid thought when a vine crept out of the ground like a snake slithering to its pray. Could this be some Ashlan trick? No, this was darker, much darker. She was contemplating how to deal with it when the vine made up Lena's mind and wrapped around her right leg, then another on her left. One began to creep up to her arm, pushing her down to the ground when she finally took action.

Her hands glowed with a green mist as a blade appeared, not just any blade, the Twilight Blade, forged on Dathomir. She quickly slashed at the vine, instantly cutting it. Unexpectedly though, the effect from her blade, caused the vines targeting her to wilt. She wasn't aware that her blade could affect plant life, but at that moment she was grateful. The plants came back soon enough though, it seemed whoever was empowering them was strong, to resist a Dathomirian blades effect was far more difficult then people imagined.

That just proved they had to make haste and hurry. Whatever was happening in the ritual was from from good. If they allowed it to continue who knew what would happen. She once again summoned spirit ichor, the source of all Magick, and vanished, reappearing at Greer's side. She noticed the plants here were being held at bay, but by who?

Then she made the connection with Greer, interesting. There was no time for that now though, they had to move into the tunnel. She just barely heard Eina speak, when she flew into the air. Lena had never seen anything like it, granted she had never met Eina, but it was truly marvellous. "Greer is it? I suppose we should get going." She didn't wait for a response, she hurried into the tunnel, summoning an orb of spirit ichor to illuminate the way. She glanced around the small tunnel, then called up to Greer to lighten the mood. "Are you sure this is safe? Get in here."

The Horror in the Darkness

Location: Graveyard
Objective: Mistress of Puppets
Gear: Staff of the Damned / Talisman of the Witch / Magical Gems / Bow of Immolation / Hilt
Familiar: Archimedes
Tags: Nah

"I can see I'm struggling from the ground......"

"The teeth,"

"My bones.....I can feel the coldness."

"Oh my god, the pain....the desire to die"

"Please wake me up!"

"Oh no..........."

"And Dear Doctor," I whispered into his ear, cranking his neck toward my awaiting death giving dreams. "Why did you wake me up?"

Baron of Tygeria

Hi'los Krai
Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud | Field Marshal of the Eternal Army | Baron of Tygeria
The Undying


Location: Odessen, Military Base "Eternal Crusade"
Objective: Steel Commanders (III)
Equipment: Hersir Imperial Uniform | Shroudsabers (Hidden) | Overseer-pattern HPI Biochip | KC SAT Pistol

EE: Belisarius Vactovion | Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa | Anashja Tal Anashja Tal
AC: Brimstone Brimstone | Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana
MAW: Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr | Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana | The Mongrel The Mongrel

Only one thought went through Hi'los's mind as he fought wave after wave of soldiers and droids, he had to give the Ashlan's time. The mortar strikes were already destroying the trenches behind the Gen'Dai, the moment he recieved the all clear he would retreat with his men, but for the time being, he laughed as the skulls of his enemies snapped as he fought over their corpses. Now this was war!

"COME AT ME YOU HOUNDS! TOO AFRAID TO FIGHT?" He taunted endlessly. Every time his enemies thought they had killed him, he came back up. One brave soldier approached him, firing shot after shot at him as he just regenerated after each blow. "Are you finished?" The soldier dropped his weapon and ran, but not before a shot blasted through his head, a shot that came from the pistol in Hi'los's hand.

He forgot the joy being a soldier could bring, it was something he missed dearly. He knew he did more could in command then in a fight, but he needed to show his men he was there to fight with them. His soldiers loyalty would be repaid. Some might call Hi'los extreme, but this was war, there was no such thing as extreme. He heard a feint sound over his comm system, then realising it was a man he tuned in on the voice. "Trench 1 is evacuated." Well, guess I should get going.

Of course that's when he heard shouts from the trenches, he saw the lumbering forms of the wolf droids, he was too far away to help, he would have to trust the Ashlan's with that, a thought he didn't like very much.

Hi'los began his retreat as he charged back to the next line, that is until he heard the sound of engines. He turned to see a wave of speeders charging, was this the next wave? Because if it was it was going to be a problem. "Colonel Kras, I want your armour covering all the gaps, don't let those speeder break through!" He began a mad dash for the trench in front of him, but he couldn't make it. In an instant his lightsaber flew to his hand as he ignited one side and slashed at a speeder approaching him. As it tumbled in a fiery mass he heard the shout of a man.

He saw the man on the heavy speeder charging him, pointing at the massive Gen'Dai. He let loose a laugh, readying his thermal detonators, he shouted. "NO! YOU, ARE MINE!" With that he activated the second side of his saber and stood his ground.



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Oraada Laabre, Ashlan Crusader

Jedi Knight​


Objective: #1, Bring Down the Hammer
Location: Ashlan Base
Allies: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust Katella Katella Nyrasa Emrick Nyrasa Emrick Mia Serenvale Mia Serenvale
Enemies: The Maw
Engaging: Open


Oraada wanted to smile, but all that met Heinrich was a shy nod. As a Jedi at the Temple on Coruscant, she'd been taught that the Force worked in mysterious ways. It always left wondering why it let such tragedies occur, but something was different in that moment. It didn't feel like everything was inherently bad or wrong in her personal past, rather, it was a stepping stone to where she was now. And that? That earned a gentle smile. Once there was a brief moment to speak, she opened her mouth only to be cut off by something ringing in the distance.

It sounded as though a battle was beginning to occur. While Togruta hearing wasn't the most exceptional in the Galaxy, it was good enough that she could hear the barrage ever-so-faintly. That, and the talk striking up from those who would defend the base was a good indicator alongside that. It sent ripples of negative feelings from the top of her montrals down to her feet, as if some impending doom was coming for them all. There was a nod as she let her fingers dance to the intricate hilt of her lightsaber. It was nothing amazing, but it spoke of an elegance and attention to detail that was very... Oraada.

"No doubt," she said. "I don't distrust our defenses, but the Maw is ruthless."

It was amazing to her to watch the Sons of Ession so calmly prepare for the oncoming conflict. It made her wonder if she could pull off such a feat, but she knew that in the case where violence was necessary, she would be capable. It had happened before. Which made her glance at Heinrich with an unreadable expression. There was experience, but she wasn't sure how much she needed to tell him. Instead, she opted for a vague answer that would placate anyone.

"Yes. Admittedly, it pales in comparison to most here, but I have clashed against blade and blaster in the past."



  • Overall
    • Lancer Fighters: 90/6/384
    • Haxor Interceptors: 0/0/72
    • Hornet Bombers: 29/3/112
  • Fighter Group Alpha (Mongrel)
    • Lancer Fighters: 66/6/72
    • Haxor Interceptors: 0/0/0
    • Hornet Bombers: 13/3/16
  • Fighter Group Beta (Tegan)
    • Lancer Fighters: 24/0/24
    • Haxor Interceptors: 0/0/0
    • Hornet Bombers: 8/0/8
  • Epsilon Squadron (Zacharial - Belisarius Air Support)
    • Hornet Bombers: 8/0/8

I did not realize I completely missed Tu’teggetcha’s proton torpedo attack. I’m editing to take some damage from those. Very sorry for the slip up on my part.


Objective: IV - Another Brick in the Wall
Location: Odessen, High Orbital Blockade
Tags: Open Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall Ami Dracov Ami Dracov Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana CETCOM CETCOM

The cold voice of some unknown pilot bled over the speakers via an open channel, which the communications officer relayed through the CIC. ”How exceedingly cold,"

"All that pleading, all those innocent people begging for mercy, but it could not move your stony little hearts. I wonder what the holonews will say tomo--"
The comms officer quickly interrupted the message and closed the channel. Whatever mad ravings the unknown pilot wanted to spew would be done in the blackness of space, or the few ships whose officers did not do the same as did the one aboard the Tiberius. The Eternal Fleet’s bombardment continued in earnest against the spider cruisers, primarily spearheaded by the aforementioned Jotun & Shield of Salvation, with a few cruisers contributing their point defense fire to the encroaching transports. As the Divine Eagles squadrons began their attack run, nearly 100 proton torpedoes gutted through the Imperial formation. The Fleet’s point defense batteries attempted to intercept those they could, but the proximity of the squadrons was close enough to allow for the vast majority to make it through. The Shield of Salvation rocked violently, sirens blaring as their shields rippled in defiance from the salvo impacting against them. The same rang true for the Jotun, with fewer but still significant quantities of torpedoes making it through to severely test their shield integrity.

The attack clearly grabbed the attention of the remainder of the fleet. While the aforementioned ships were focused on the spider cruisers,as well as re-stabilizing from the initial attack, the Crucible, Jicaoa, Haska, and Rehl - one Ashkelon-class frigate and three remaining Disruptor-class corvettes respectively; had all remained thusly unengaged in anticipation for further threats. When the Divine Eagles began closing the distance, they would be met with a ‘secondary’ flak bombardment by all four remaining ships along the approach vector and surrounding space. All remaining capital ships readied their point defensive systems; their formation arrayed in such a way to be able to provide a network of cross-covering fire in the event of such an attack.

As the Eternal Fleet primed itself to destroy the spider cruisers and repel the fighters moving in to support them, almost in an instant the spider cruisers vanished. Aximand's reaction was almost immediate.

”Where did they go?!” His voice cut through the room as sharply as a well honed blade, with almost the entire bridge crew scrambling to determine what had actually happened. The tactical officer leaned over the shoulder of an Ensign within the tactical blister, both men trying to determine what happened. Within moments, the Lieutenant responded:

"Sir, we are detecting hyperdrive signatures planetside, and what appear to be 6 heavily damaged spider cruisers at the Allied Base. They seem to... have micro-jumped to lightspeed." Aximand paused as he considered the sheer... lunacy of what he had just heard. The astrogation calculations that would have to be made to successfully complete such a dangerous and reckless maneuver would be so immense as to be considered mathematically impossible. Surely slaves did not possess the skillset to execute such a maneuver with any real hope of success. Or did they just get lucky...?

Or was this a ploy all along? Was Tegan Starfall really in control all along? Was she even aboard the ship to begin with? He did not have much time to dissect the ramifications of this new development however.

Another Ensign within one of the consoles at the tactical blister spoke up, urgency laced in her voice:
"Sir, several ships and hyperdrive signatures have been detected at the edge of the system, and they are heading this way at speed. They bear... Final Dawn signatures."

It was time to see this through. Aximand nodded silently to himself, and turned to face his crew: "Get me firing solutions on the lead vessels on their formation. All ships with weapons range are to synchronize with our targeting solution. Prepare the second wave of fighters for deployment on my mark, and order four fighter and two bomber quadrons to break away from their assault upon the main Maw attack force and order them to redirect to intercept the spider cruisers. And grant the D'aarmont leave to redeploy and provide direct fire support to our forces on the ground as needed."

The fleet quickly responded to the Rear Admiral's orders, the Tiberius first among them. The battlecruiser's massive dual orbital autocannons moved in concert with her myriad of rail drivers and pulse cannons taking aim at the lead vessels, with the Eternal-class Star Destroyer, Demeton-class Heavy Cruisers, and Coda-class Frigates all contributing their similarly arrayed armaments (plus the Coda's unique PCVD cannons). A targeting solution was soon acquired, with the Admiral having to utter only one word after receiving final confirmation. ”Fire!”

In perfectly precise unison, hundreds of weapons - both energy based and munition; unleashed upon the advancing Final Dawn fleet, a cacophony of energy brilliantly illuminating the void between the two battle lines. Via the connection between Aximand’s own flagship and that of Admiral Draelix, the Ashlan Fleet would soon receive an uplink to the Eternal Fleet’s targeting solutions to aid their own target acquisitions. In a more direct means of collaboration, per the Rear Admiral’s orders, his DP20 Siege Corvettes and CR-90 Mark VIII’s fell in unison with the Ashlan Crusade’s advance force. The CR-90’s used their superior agility and speed to draw the attention of the far heavier final dawn forces at the flanks, while the DP20’s set about making good use of their Hypervelocity Cannons to pepper the side and rear deflectors with above average levels of fire when combined with the Ashlan forces. The Final Dawn may have possessed an advantage in the heavy ratings of their ships, but the Eternal Fleet was not one to be underestimated with the versatility they always brought to the battlefield...



Objective: IV - Steel Commanders
Location: Strafing Run, External Defenses of Allied Base
Tags: The Mongrel The Mongrel Hi'los Krai Hi'los Krai Belisarius Vactovion Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa Scipio Kaarz Scipio Kaarz Anashja Tal Anashja Tal Brimstone Brimstone Laertia Io Laertia Io

Meanwhile, the initial attack run of the Eternal Fleet’s first wave of fighter and bomber squadrons appeared to largely be a success against the Mongrel’s artillery positions, but not without cost. The first few squadrons were able to complete their attack run relatively unscathed, and pushed forward through the rear of the Mongrel’s forces out and around wide. The following starfighter craft staggered their approach, but were not spared from the anti-aircraft bombardment visited upon them by the Mongrel’s surviving artillery pieces. 6 Lancer fighters were picked out of the sky as if hammered by a massive fist, along with 3 hornet bombers. The squadrons followed their wing commander, pushing ‘through’ their target rather than ringing around overhead. Near the end of their strike, when the dive bombers came up from behind to continue the assault, three squadrons of Chir’daki starfighters came in from overhead and began heavily strafing their position.

It was just when the wing commander was about to double back and meet the squadrons when the orders came in to divide their forces. Apparently, the situation was growing increasingly dire, as six spider cruisers were able to slip past the blockade, and the northern approach was requesting urgent fire support. With crisp discipline and precision, the squadrons reorganized and went their separate ways, with (2) lancer squadrons accompanying (1) hornet squadron to assault the cruisers, and an additional hornet squadron accompanying them on the way to provide a precision airstrike for the forward approach. That left (5) full strength lancer squadrons, (1) half strength squadron, and (2) hornet bomber squadrons to remain and assailt the Mongrel’s position.

The wing commander remained with the main force, leading a second attack against the Mongrel’s position. He led his own squadron, with a second in tow, to a low approach against the artillery positions from the south-east. The artillery had thus far peppered the airspace above them in shrapnel and EMP clouds. His low approach placed him underneath the umbrella, at an altitude below optimal dispersion for the flak rounds. He strafed the position with laser fire, sending well aimed proton torpedoes as he zipped past them and forward, to engage the Chir’daki fighters head on.

Two other lancer squadrons did the same tactic from the south-west, strafing the artillery positions and reserve forces from their alternate vector at a low altitude before pushing forward, then ringing around to attack the Chir’daki squadrons from their flank, attempting to pincer them between the previous two squadrons. The remaining two squadrons hugged the gradient of the valley to the west, performing a sweeping run from west to east, then circled back to screen for the reforming Hornet squadrons.

Fighter group Beta, in the meantime, made way to intercept the spider cruisers, pushing themselves to intercept with the utmost of haste. Tegan and her party would hear the sounds of their tell-tale howl moments prior to the opening salvos of laser fire and proton torpedoes; aimed at overpowering the battered shielding systems and beleaguered armor plating from their recent rendezvous with the Eternal Fleet blockade.

Epsilon Squadron responded to the air support call of Field Marshal Vakovian, coming in hot.
<”Field Marshal Vakovian, this is bomber squadron Episolon - we are burning to your location. Impact in T-minus sixty seconds.”

Sixty seconds would come and go, with the hornet bombers locking onto the coordinates relayed to them with well trained precision - dropping high-impact fragmentation ordinance within the killzone to the millisecond of their arrival.

  • The remaining picket ships have proceeded to pepper the void with flak bombardment as T’tuggetcha’s squadron attempts to ambush the Shield of Salvation & Jotun.
  • The Eternal Fleet’s blockade has opened fire against the lead ships of the Final Dawn forces.
  • The Eternal Fleet’s corvettes have linked up Crusade’s advanced ships, and have proceeded to support their assault against the Final Dawn flanks.
  • The planet-side squadrons have broken up to engage both the spider cruisers and to provide air support for Belisarius.
  • The D’aarmont repositions to provide direct fire support for the base


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Heinrich Faust: Grand Marshal of the Ashlan Crusade

Oraada Laabre Oraada Laabre , Katella Katella , Nyrasa Emrick Nyrasa Emrick , Mia Serenvale Mia Serenvale , Ruldan Torz Ruldan Torz , Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor

Enemies: Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall , Ami Dracov Ami Dracov



The sounds of the barrage began to faintly force their sounds echoing down the halls of the base, prompting the rest of the Sons to pick up the pace as they finished funneling out of the room. Heinrich looked off in the distance, his mind reaching out to sense what he could. Through the white noise of battle, all that could be heard was the faint whispers of darkness, accompanied by the snuffing out of life as the Maw continued to push forward.

"Ruthless and cunning. Our defenses will hold, for a time. By the time they break through, we will be ready."

They were greeted by Ruldan Torz Ruldan Torz , a stranger to Heinrich, though clearly one of the Eternal Empire's operatives... and he seemed quite ready to get into the thick of it.

"Soon. They will breach our doors before long. We have fireteams set up at various points, but they'll likely need our support."

Another pounding hit from the barrage rippled throughout the base as the words left his lips, each rocking the base more than the last. Turning his attention back to Oraada, Heinrich placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. He sensed a certain safeness to her answer, though he wrote it off as potential nerves. Even if she didn't tell the whole story, Heinrich would have no room to talk. His own past made it very difficult for him to open up to his fellow crusaders, something he was still very far from working through. For now, he would settle for attempting encouragement as they awaited the inevitable onslaught of the Maw.

"Stay close, stay alert. When the time comes, Ashla will be with us."

The smile slowly faded as the Grand Marshal began to get his head in the game. His hand moved from Oraada's shoulder as Heinrich turned away. He started for the door, only to pause for a moment, turning his attention to both of his companions.

"You two, with me."

His hand once again ran along the handle of his lightsaber, pulling it from his belt as he made his way into the hall.


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