Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction Eternal Crusade: Let the Sunshine In (SGHW) | EE/AC/Maw Junction of Odessen/Tion/Lequabis


Post: 3
Objective: Sucker for Pain
Equipment: Red Midnight Duster | Red Sith Armor | Sith Mask | Grav Boots | CrushGaunts | x2 White lightsabers | Forearm Lanvorak | Wrist Laser | Variety of Explosives | RSKF-44 heavy blaster | X-21 shock glove
Allies: Brotherhood of the Maw
Enemies: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir | Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich | Lena Dracov Lena Dracov
Special Tags: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir


~ I'm not going to force you, but I don't want to hurt you if I don't have to. ~ The eternal war between light and dark would continue past this little ritual weather it was stop or succeeded. The one of light or at least fighting for them so arrogantly claim they didn't want to hurt someone. It was funny as no side which ever you defended was free of blood on there hands. Khaos just smirk at that but only for a moment as her vines screamed at her that they were being controlled by another. Tell me of this one she whispered to them, and they whispered back telling her this one had a darkens and rage with in her and that one of light was trying to calm it.

Khaos finally sent a message back to the one of Light Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir . "If you don't want to hurt or cause bloodshed, then I suggest you walk away. These stars are made from the blood we shed in War, life can not exist with out conflict it becomes stagnant and decays without hurt and pain for it to overcome." Khaos then reached into the nether grasping the essence of a sessile, she began twisting it and forming it and then began to bring it into the world to reinforce her vines. The Dathomir Magick began to swirl around her in a red mist and infuse itself into he vines strengthen them to fight against Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich attempts to hold them at bay. The vines began to grow spiky poisonous thorns as they force back against the abilities Greer was using.

The Plants surging back with aggression not seen before, like a world seemingly fighting for it's survival. The vines infecting the blades of grass with the Magick infusing it becoming sharp as steel. The trees and their roots being filled with poisonous sap. The Mayhem witch eyes flared orange as she fueled the the Plants with the Dark Magicks of the witches of Dathomir that allowed them to control nature around them.

The vines had felt the pain of the twilight Blade but now infused with he same Magick as the Blade and would not be as easily defeated by it. Khaos herself felt the blade and it's Magick being used. She sent a message to the sister holding it Lena Dracov Lena Dracov . "What kind of sister fights with Jedi or even the Eternal Empire who wishes to ally itself with hose who have raped and destroyed our world?" Khaos could have spit the whole history out how the Jedi once tried to claim control of the Witches and how the Eternals made pacts with sith and Imperials who had both tried to control and kill the witches.

Another telepathic message was sent to Greer. "Let the Plants be free, let them take their vengeance. This world deserves better then both sith or Jedi. Let them devour the one of light and I will have them devour the ritual of darkness." The offer was made to the one that vines sensed a rage and darkness in. Unlike her mother Khaos kept her word though she wasn't some known quantity in the Maw so didn't figure anyone would believe her, so she began to prepare for a fight. Her focus was heavily in the vines but she turned to the others on protection detail with her. "I suggest preparing to keep them from getting to the ritual Im slowing them but they will still be here any moment." With hat the others began to erect force shields around those in the ritual. Others came to Khaos's side and brandished their sabers. A few more came to create a chain lending Khaos there power.

Location: Odessen, High Orbit
Tags: Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall | Aximand Sicarus Aximand Sicarus | Aldo Garrick Aldo Garrick | CETCOM CETCOM

  • Seeing that they did zero damage, Dolor Flight breaks off from attacking the EE pickets
  • They engage the approaching Ashlan interceptors instead


As the spider cruisers made their microjump down to the surface, a tactic only a Mawite would be mad enough to try en-masse (and surely proof that the gods were on their side!), Diomedes let a toothy grin spread across his face. Well, that was one goal accomplished. His four measly squadrons had apparently managed to so greatly anger the Eternal Empire fleet that the entire enemy picket line - corvettes and frigates - had decided they were important enough to unleash their full fire upon. That was a significant number of ships distracted from firing on the Final Dawn fleet by the approach of a small starfighter complement.

Frustratingly, it appeared that four squadrons' worth of proton bombs had done little more than scratch the shields of the foe; the Knyghts had not scored a single penetrating hit. The shields of the Eternal Empire craft must be incredibly strong to withstand firepower of such magnitude without the explosions so much as chipping the paint beneath. Diomedes's sensors showed that the ninety-six bombs they had launched had scraped away a mere twenty percent or so of each ship's outer defenses, or about .4% shield charge per bomb. Some of that could likely be attributed to point defense systems intercepting bombs, but still.

It was clearly going to require much bigger guns to crack even the corvettes.

At least they'd been a slight distraction, he supposed.

Certainly the Divine Eagles, though among the Brotherhood's most elite craft and piloted by highly-trained Force-sensitive warriors, were not quite so blessed. When they were cut, they bled; such was the nature of battle. As the flak lashed out at them, even these flying tanks were scarred. Their armor, alchemically-fortified phrik, could withstand glancing hits with ease, and even hold up to a number of direct hits... but flak was all about volume, and the entire picket line was firing on them. Repeated impacts tore through several of Diomedes's wingmates, ripping them apart and leaving their pieces to drift aimlessly in the void.

"Break off and fall back," the Knyght Commander ordered. If these ships were all but immune to damage from his squadrons, there was no purpose in continuing to throw Dolor Flight at them; they'd only keep getting chewed up for nothing. Hopefully the pickets would be more susceptible to the heavy fire of Final Dawn star destroyers. Fortunately, a new target had presented itself: the Ashlan interceptors now bearing down on them, keen on wiping out this minor Mawite strike force. "We'll chew on their fighters instead." Racing away from the steadily multiplying flak cloud, rounds still pinging off their rear armor, they retargeted.

The Ashlan interceptors had the speed advantage on the Divine Eagles, but the Mawites - even after a round of initial losses, with five of their number shredded by flak and several others damaged - had both numbers and armaments on their side. Not to mention that every pilot was a Knyght, cybernetically interfaced with his craft and sensitive to the Living Force. They could target and dodge instinctively, react within miliseconds, and generally exceed the skill of almost any pilot who lacked such advantages. Forty-three Divine Eagles closed in on twenty-four Ashlan Pegasus interceptors, and the brutal Mawites liked their odds.

"Send them to hell," Diomedes commanded, and Dolor Flight engaged.
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Location: Odessen, War-Torn Valley
Allies: Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr | Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood | Khione Khione
Foes: Belisarius Vactovion | Anashja Tal Anashja Tal
Engaged With: Hi'los Krai Hi'los Krai | Aximand Sicarus Aximand Sicarus | Scipio Kaarz Scipio Kaarz | Brimstone Brimstone | Laertia Io Laertia Io

  • The Mongrel struggles with memory and personality
  • He agrees that Mercy should reprogram the cannons to be AA if possible
  • He celebrates the arrival of the Emerald Nebula pilots
  • The artillery positions have been vacated, and the EE strafing hits only destroyed hulks
  • Half of the remaining War Skiffs are destroyed by the Nuetralizers' explosive trap
  • The Wolf Droids charge the Ashlan Sisters leaving their trench to block the road
  • Multiple war bikes and a war skiff are destroyed by the Ashlan-engineered rockfall
    • The other bikes are forced into a chokepoint at the first trench
  • The War Bikes charge past the first trench and try to follow the road
  • The Mongrel attacks Hi'los
    • He tries to impale him with his bike's front blades and then blow him up with detonite
    • After leaping from the bike, he charges on foot

She closed her hand over the gash in his own, the place where his jagged memories had cut deep into his psyche. So gentle, and yet it hurt all the same. When he bled in here, within his mind, it was his essence spilling out into the void. It was his Mongrel-self, the personality that the Heathen Priests had built when they'd tortured him into obedience, slowly unraveling... and leaving pain and confusion in its wake. If he tried to grasp all of those memories, cut himself on all those sharp edges, would he come apart? What would be left of him?

There was not enough of his old self remaining for him to become that man again. There was no going back from what he had done. He had helped to kill a planet, and to burn dozens more. The blood of billions dripped from his hands, for he had been an integral part of the slaughter and enslavement of every population that had ever crossed the Brotherhood's path. He had been their tool, one of the weapons they had used to carve open the flesh of the galaxy. If Kallan, the real Kallan, the speeder mechanic, had known that was his destiny...

... he would have shot himself.

But there was a bit of Kallan in The Mongrel now, a piece that was awake. It was a piece that felt regret, and guilt, and self-loathing. The Mongrel did not want it there, did not want to feel those feelings... but that piece of Kallan also felt something The Mongrel could not feel on his own. It felt empathy. That piece of his old self was capable of unselfish love, and it loved Mercy... or the person she had been, the person beneath the hate and violence that the Maw had instilled in her, just like it had for him. And now he knew her name.

Keilara. He turned the name over and over in his mind, and he found himself breaking a little more inside. Perhaps it was Kallan writhing inside him again, feeding that remorse he did not want to feel, but he found himself torn. There was a part of him that wanted to call her Mercy, to keep her as his own, the lover who tied him to a galaxy he could no longer find pleasure in on his own. But there was also a part of him that wanted to call her Keilara, to recognize that she was as much as victim of the Brotherhood as he was, to empathize.

He did not know what to say. Or to do. Or to feel.

He kissed her. But he knew he had to go.


Keilara. The name echoed in his thoughts as his war bike raced toward the ruins of the first trench, tangled in his mind. It might be his last revelation, the last time he could be beside her in the safety of his own mind, shutting out the horrors of the galaxy - horrors he had helped to create. He knew that this charge of his had only a fool's hope of succeeding, of allowing any of them to survive. He faced five commanders and all the armies they could throw at him. He might be a Mawite legend, forged in blood, but he was only one man.

Overhead, the skies were full of fire and metal. The Ashlan orbital strikes had ceased, which most likely meant that the Final Dawn fleet had finally arrived in the system, but that had only been one part of the death raining of the Maw from above. The intense flak barrage from the war skiffs, filling the narrow valley with a cloud of metal, had picked off only a few of the enemy craft; three bombers and six fighters were hardly impressive kill numbers, less than ten percent of the Eternal Empire fleet's deployment to the valley...

... five percent with the ground army's bombers factored in.

In short, it was not a number of kills that would significantly affect the combat effectiveness of the ongoing aerial attack... so Mercy's suggestion was a welcome one. "A good suggestion," The Mongrel praised her, raising his voice to be heard over the roar of his bike's engine. "If you can reprogram them to fire on the enemy air support, do it. But it is better to destroy them than to allow the enemy to recapture them." Take care of yourself, she told him. He wished he could... but only grave danger lay ahead for him.

He did not know how long he would have to wait for the reprogramming to be complete; it might be too late by then, the air support having already pounded them to dust. Fortunately, other factors were already thinning the aerial attack. The Mongrel let out an audible whoop of fierce celebration as the skies filled with a cloud of wispy green gasses, for he knew what it symbolized: the Brotherhood was about to get some air support of their own. The warriors of the Emerald Nebula had arrived to bring death to their foes.

On their own, even with Mawite flak support and even given their ferocity, the Emerald Nebula marauder-pilots would have been in great danger. Three squadrons would be ridiculously outnumbered by the fifteen that the Eternal Empire had deployed, even after their minor losses. But other factors conspired to even the odds a little. Several of the EE squadrons pulled away, moving to support the northern front or hunt down the elusive spider cruisers, though the bulk remained in the valley. It would be hard fought, perhaps hopeless.

But the Maw relied upon faith when hope was impossible.

And perhaps their faith had paid off, for the Eternal Empire squadrons had made a miscalculation: they had decided to strafe the Mawite artillery positions. Unfortunately for them, every War Skiff that remained functional had been thrown into the charge across the valley floor; nothing remained in the artillery positions but the twisted hulks of Scar Hound vehicles they had already destroyed. Their rounds struck only shattered hulls and dead men. Perhaps they could not see through the cloud of smoke the artillery had deployed earlier.

Ironic - the only thing that had saved the Mawites from that attack was that so many of them were already dead. Hopefully the strafing run would give the Emerald Nebula pilots an opening to unleash on the enemy air support, for the flak that could be directed against them was dwindling. Apparently the Nuetralizers had somehow found time, in an open field being barraged by artillery, to plant explosive charges across the terrain, claiming a few war skiffs when they detonated them. Well, the Maw didn't have more than a few skiffs left.

And only the skiffs had the MetaCannons for the flak.

The Scar Hounds, as always, were being bled away blow by blow. The Mongrel was reminded of an initiation ritual practiced by the Bloodsworn, one he had gone through as a new slave-soldier. The initiate stood in a circle of brawny warriors... and the entire circle beat the ever-living chit out of him. A strong warrior could take a punch, even two or three. But a punch to the gut, the kidney, the back of the head, the shoulder, and the knee, all at once... no one could stay standing. Now The Mongrel stood alone in that circle again...

... but if he fell, he would be killed, not initiated.

Jerking his bike to the side to avoid the burning hulk of a war skiff as it went down, spilling warriors to the cratered dirt of the valley floor, the warlord caught sight of yet more grim developments. The Ashlan troops were already moving to cover the vulnerability he had hoped to exploit, moving their defensive lines to more fully block the road. If his forces didn't hurry, this last-ditch plan would be for nothing. But there was some good news: the wolf droid attack had succeeded, bringing down one of the Ashlan shield projectors. A small hope.

Hoping to follow up on their momentum, The Mongrel directed the Wolf Droids to continue down the slope, aiming to crash against the new Ashlan defensive line taking shape on the road before they had time to dig in. With great mechanical roars they charged the Sisters who had just left the safety of their trench, eye-mounted blaster cannons blazing, their huge jaws and claws slavering with robotic fury. They had less surprise on their side now, but with the Sisters exposed on the open road, perhaps their momentum would be enough.

The titanic droids charging at you downhill?


But even as The Mongrel dared to feel a little hope rising again, another punch from that brutal circle struck home. The eastern cliff suddenly burst in a huge outward explosion, sending a rain of titanic rocks down into the valley. For the front right flank of the Mawite charge, there was no time to maneuver... or even to scream. The flying boulders squashed them, flattening bikes and annihilating their riders, crushing one of the last war skiffs into two pieces. Half the valley mouth was now blocked, forcing the riders behind the dead to change course.

Creating a brutal chokepoint right at the first trench.

It was at that moment that The Mongrel recognized the truth - with such overwhelming forces arrayed against him and precious little support, he and his forces stood no chance of reaching the Alliance base. All they could do was to sell their lives dearly, keeping as many of the enemy focused on them as possible, in the hopes that Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood and his Bloodsworn could break through on the northern front. He was almost certain to die here, outnumbered five to one, but perhaps his death could have meaning, could prove worthy.

He was glad he had told Mercy his name.

He would miss her in Paradise.

Grim resolve guided his hand as he bore down on Hi'los Krai Hi'los Krai , his riders all around him. He would defeat this titanic alien commander, or he would die well in the attempt. The rest of his riders would streak straight past, aiming to bypass the trenches as planned and slam into the Ashlan rear defenses. That would surely keep the enemy's attention, for it would appear they were on the verge of breaking through to the base. "Today we pass into the Galaxy To Come!" The Mongrel howled. "Rejoice, for we die well! REBIRTH AWAITS!"

The Gen'dai had a lightsaber. Naturally. The Mongrel steeled himself for the confrontation; he was not sure how long his own blade would hold up against the godlike weapon of the Jedi and Sith, for he had seen his sword gradually destroyed in such duels before. But no one else among the Scar Hounds could possibly stand against this enemy champion. It had to be him. ~ I hope I see you in the world beyond, ~ he thought, hoping he was close enough to Mercy for the message to reach her; she was the telepath, after all, not him.

Steeling himself - he would have taken a deep breath if he'd still had lungs - The Mongrel slapped a stick of detonite to his war bike. Then, pointing it directly at the Gen'dai commander, he jumped off. With cybernetic reflexes he caught himself on the jagged craters in front of the trench, rolled over his shoulder, and came up running, sword in hand. His bike kept going, the blades on the front aimed to impale Hi'los. And as soon as the bike entered the trench... the warlord pressed the detonator in his hand, hoping to blow his foe apart.

It might not kill a Gen'dai, but it could slow him down.

Ziare Dyarron | Keilara Kala'myr (Mercy)
COMPNOR (ISB) Junior Agent, Nite agent | Marauder and Agent of the Maw, Mongrel's advisor
Objective: Doing her job and follow the warlord's commands.
Location: Near to the Ashlan Cruade/Eternal Empire's base.
Equipment: FS-18-UP2 Assault Rifle | 2x Sunfury Pistol | Light Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | 2x Vibrodagger | 2x Riftblades || Cloaking Device | 5x ASBF Probe Droid || OPBC-01m
Allies: The Mongrel The Mongrel | Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood | Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze | CETCOM CETCOM
Enemies: Belisarius Vactovion | Hi'los Krai Hi'los Krai | Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa | Scipio Kaarz Scipio Kaarz
[ Poison ]
"Galactic Basic" | ~ Telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

  • Mercy feels Kallan's pain and tries to help somehow.
  • Some of Ziare’s traits will be stronger and her feelings for Kallan will deepen.
  • Maybe she only reflects Mongrel’s feelings, but she also shows empathy for the man.
  • Ziare sees the real Kallan for the first time as the couple’s subconscious is also connected on a level like the conscious part of their mind.
  • Mercy completes the installation of explosives, and she reprogramming the two turrets and the cannon.
  • The two turrets and a cannon begin to shoot the Eternal Empire bombers.
  • From Mongrel's farewell, Mercy almost collapses.
  • Mercy asks Orbital bombardment from the Final Dawn
  • Mercy reaches out again to Kallan's mind, supporting him in the fight to make the man feel he is not alone anymore.

~ Upper level/Consciousness; Mind Palace ~ | Mongrel and Mercy ( The Mongrel The Mongrel )
Here, where our mind was essentially one, I felt his pain after the injury, I felt his struggle, his suffering. I tried not to notice these and just pay attention to him, but I was unable to. Somewhere it was like I was feeling what he was. Something has really changed. I never searched for his thoughts, his feelings, but now I felt them. And they hurt me too. Mostly because of the helplessness that I can’t help him or not the way I wanted to.

I felt something I didn’t know was his feelings or mine, but it hurt me, too. I was sorry I couldn’t know the person who he was, I was sorry I only knew Mongrel, only the warlord. I felt sorry for the life we could never get because of the Maw, a life that Ziare wanted for herself. Ironically, Kallan was the first person who was ever kind to me to treat me as a human and a woman, not just as an object, an asset.

It was a new, unusual situation; I had memories of my old life, Ziare's life, but I found nothing in them about how to handle such a situation, how to behave. As I felt her struggle, I reached up to her face and gently smoothed her over. I finally stood on tiptoe and pressed a kiss to his face and forehead. I was even surprised at how selfless, kind, and caring I was. I didn't think I could do that. Somehow…

Somehow, he changed me, he also brought Ziare closer; but only in relation to him. I wanted to care for him, to stand by him; now not because of his position, but only because of him. To make his soul less hurt, to help him find a cure so he can be who he wants to be. I would have given anything, anything, if I had been able to do that. And if in reality we can no longer have a life that is not painful, where we can really be ourselves and not be what is expected of us, then here in our minds, in our mind palace, I wanted to give everything to him, everything that he wants.

I was able to modify Ziare’s memories, maybe I could have relieved Kallan’s pain as well.

I think… would this be real love? The way I think about what we could do together and not just me or him?

I kissed him back again, I knew we had to go, but I couldn’t let him go. After the kiss, I hugged, embraced him, caringly, carefully, with love, affection, not just with desire to feel that he could count on me in anything, that I did not see the legend, not the warlord in him, no longer, but him, I see only him, who he was…

It was no longer an addiction, it was something different, something more, something better, more joyful and more painful at the same time.

~ You're not alone anymore, Kallan. You don't have to be alone… ever again. ~ I whispered. ~ I love you! ~


~ Basement/Subconscious; Mind Palace ~ | Kallan and Ziare ( The Mongrel The Mongrel )
I have no idea how much time may have passed or why I was here. I was sure it wasn’t my own palace, not my own mind place that even that tentacled Taskmaster couldn’t get into. It was an iron cage in the dark. For most of my day, I just lay there, alone in the dark. I was just sure it was still part of my mind. I had no strength, I just lay at the bottom of the cage. Actually, maybe I wished it was all over, to all suffering…

That’s why I don’t even know when I first noticed another iron cage popping out of nowhere, in the darkness. He showed up and then disappeared. I don’t know the intervals, just that it got closer and closer each time. After a while, I sensed and saw that someone was inside, but I didn’t have the courage or strength to speak to him. I preferred to lay on my cage's floor, afraid and terrified.

I was able to do all this until the two cages finally came together. I was sure by then, it was really sure there was someone inside. Even then, several times when he showed up, I tried to hide or not show that I was here. But I finally sat up in my cage today. If he hadn't noticed me yet, I reached into his cage with trembling hands to draw attention to myself, and gently touched him.

One way or another, when we were already looking at each other, I looked at him in confusion. I don't know who it was, I never saw it. And I didn’t even understand how that was possible.

~ Who are you and how do you get into my mind?! ~ I finally asked the man in surprise and confusion.


~ On the mission ~
I only had to wait moments for an answer while also watching the data as I received it. I wasn't late with the answer either.

<< I reprogram them and place explosives on them. In case they try to take back control, I'll blow them up. >> I assured him.

Luckily, there were quite a few out here because the fighting didn’t get here and no one was attacking up here, or at least not in a seeable way. Meanwhile, my team also did the task down there and I got the message that they had headed inwards to the base through the building below. So I won't even see it when they get inside the base. Great! Until then, I had time to deal with the tasks. Already when I started installing explosives, I connected to the three platforms via wireless solution.

Since these were HPI products, AI is only optional. So my first thing was to turn them off and switch to a manual solution. It wasn't MANIAC who did it, it was me. Ziare and I had done similar things before, so I knew how to do it and I had codes. It was regular, anyone could have done it from the base, so the central AI didn’t even ask for confirmation, nor did MANIAC. In the meantime, I avoided the few soldiers and snipers who were here.

It was another two minutes of typing the program code that I had to dictate to the system in my thoughts. It was tiring, so I sat down in one of the corners where no one could see, I was under a true cloaking device; but at least they couldn't collide with me. I sent the command line and the confirmation arrived, all I had to do was "press" an enter when I heard his voice calling me. I felt like I was freezing, unable to move, surrounded by a fear I had never felt. I could not breathe.

I didn't want to lose, my eyes started to burn and I felt tears running down my face under my helmet. I was scared, I was desperate and I was angry…

Angry to everyone, and everything!

~ No! Don't you dare say that! I’m not ready to let you go… not now that we’re finally getting to know each other. I want you to fight! Fight like never before and come back to me! Do you hear Kallan?! This is a command, a damn command! ~ I wanted to shout, command him, but it was just a beseech, crying, sobbing. ~ Come back to me… and leave everything here… and we can live the life that Ziare or Keilara and Kallan want… I never asked you for anything… but now I beseech you. Fight and survive Kallan… survive. Martyrdom and Avatars can still wait, the afterlife can wait… they are always waiting, but I’m here, now... you and me... we are real, in the present and in the future… ~

My voice trailed off, even in thought, I don’t know how to say it.

~ I want to heal your wounds… I want to be the reassurance in your life, the one in front of whom you can be yourself, truly yourself. Your support, the one who makes you strong, the one in front of whom you don’t have to be ashamed of when you’re weak when something hurts. I know it hurts, I felt it. But you're not alone, not anymore. You are the only joy in this misery, the hours spent together assembling something when we talk. Your embrace, yourself, you! Fight, survive, and come back to me. Promise me to come back, promise me Kallan, promise not to leave me alone! Promise me… ~

While I waited for his answer, I acted independently. I'm not going to let him die. I have never circumvented his orders or exceeded the privileges associated with my rank. Until now. But because of the fight, I don’t think he would have had time to consider that anyway. I opened a channel in the direction of the Final Dawn ships around the planet to CETCOM CETCOM . It took all my strength to keep my voice from shaking. I knew he hated Final Dawn, but now there was no other way. I had to save him!

A desperate move… I hope you can forgive me one day Kallan… for this.

<< Commander, this is Mercy, a tactical advisor and agent of Warlord Mongrel. I was the one who also suggested the orbital bombing on Jakku. I would like to ask you something similar now. I send six coordinates based on the photos of the drones. I am asking for a concentrated bombing of those six places. Our troops are still there in the area, so this is why I mention the concentrated bombing. I hope you comply with my humble and respectful request, Commander! As soon as possible, we have no time to delay! >>

Survive, please, I'm beseech you, survive this…

I have now allowed the previous command line to run, thanks to which my modification has taken effect, and the two turrets and cannons have also stopped firing at Maw forces, the targets have changed; the cannon and two turrets have now started to shot on the Ashlan and Eternal Imperial ships and units.

<< This is Mercy to the Scar Hounds Tribe, a few moments ago I asked for an orbital bombing of the area, I'm sending the coordinates, ours is trying to avoid the future bombarding area. >>

Meanwhile, with my mind, I was still there with Mongrel in his mind, I touched him, embraced him, to feel he wasn’t alone, that I was still supporting him at that moment and I was there with him. I did not report that the task was successful, I did not care, he was the important…

Orbital bombardment request:


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Objective 2: Master of Puppets

Equipment: Lightsaber Claymore, Ashlan battle armour, explosives, Wrist mounted flame thrower, Icarus gravpack, Ashlan Rosary, survival kit
Tags: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Khaostra Devoid Khaostra Devoid Lena Dracov Lena Dracov
Location: above the ritual site on Odessen

Greer let out a low growl of exertion! "I will not submit, witch" she said aloud as a response to the telepathic communication. She felt the darkness of the vines growing and although they couldn't physically reach her from the ground, their spines and their anger lashed at her psyche as she fought to keep them under control. Eina instructed her to stop the ritual while she dealt with the witch "I will do everything in my power Eina, good luck!" she leaned forward on her grav pack and eased herself toward the ventilation shaft leading down to the ritual chamber. Hovering above it she saw her opening and deactivated her pack. She closed her eyes and prayed to Ashla that she would fall faster than the vines would react, the strongest or the vines being thick like old roots.

As she fell into the darkness she felt snags in her exposed skin and thumps that left whelts as smaller vines tried in vain to slow her descent. One barbed plant lashed at her face and she felt a burning sensation in her cheek a thorn splitting her skin open from jaw line to upper cheek. She felt the sudden light of the well lit ritual room below through her closed eyes as she fell into the void. Quickly activating her grav pack again she landed on a foot and a knee with a thud. Lightsaber already active, angled up and behind her. She opened her eyes and raised her head to face her foes. Blood streamed down her cheek like tears. The vines were not down here, maybe the ritual was keeping them at bay, maybe the shields, or maybe Khaos was now occupied fighting against the Light of Ashla. Either way, a grin appeared on Greers face as she viewed the cultists before her, some maintaining the ritual others lining up and taking up their arms against her.

As the first blaster bolt came in, she stood and roared, bringing her saber up and deflecting it. She lashed out with Telekinesis pushing an assailant with a sword away before bringing her own sword around and removing his arms from his body. "Surrender to Ashla!" she yelled, they could surrender, it was the Ashlan way, but if not, they would die in her name instead. Not heeding her order, a other warrior rushed her and tackled her. He was a big man, she instinctively Greer didn't resist and she rolled over backwards, allowing his momentum to take him over her and she activated her saber, cleaving through his hip and leg. She rolled and stood again, holding her saber vertically in a readied stance. She smiled though her bloodied teeth. "I will give you one more chance to surrender in the name of Ashla or there will be no quarter given." she yelled the offer to the cultists. Only to watch ignore her and Begin to charge her once again. Weapons in hand and her violent death on their minds.

She told herself she shouldn't want this,

She told her self she shouldn't need this,

But the warrior in her couldn't help but enjoy this.

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Another Brick In The Wall

Location: Orbit above Odessen
Objective: Hold the line
Allies: Aximand Sicarus Aximand Sicarus
Enemies: Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha CETCOM CETCOM Aldo Garrick Aldo Garrick

Isla watched as the space battle began to unfold and the fleet of Aldo began to approach her position. She would not rush out to join them, her role was to try and hold them back, they had to come to her, but she lifted her ships into a higher orbital position. Fighting higher would give more time for debris to be cleared before it entered the atmosphere and potentially caused catastrophic damage on the ground below. Fire was now incoming from the Maw fleet, and she was the ripples as energy weapons and projectiles his her ship's powerful shields. The molecular energy converters were working on overdrive to take the incoming fire and reroute it into her own guns. A large hit registered as a flash on her viewer as one of the Mawite orbital cannons struck home near her bridge, the shields held, but no shield was perfect and there was a small debris cloud moving slowly toward the stern as the sheep force of the blow buckled the armour plates.

"get me a feed those fighters, they have broken off from the Imperial fleet are moving to our interceptors." The Admiral hadn't yet noticed her miscalculation, her previous dealings with mawites had been half brain dead clones pilloting small, weakly defended ships. But these divine eagles were the elite of the Maws fighter corps. The interceptors found their target, but found much more than they bargained for. As they approached, they closed their SLAM motors opened their foils and went into a more agile attack mode. They had maneuverability on their side, and the interceptors were built to be tough, but the numbers and skills of the enemy pilots, coupled with their formidable firepower made the ensuing melee a forgone conclusion. Half a dozen fighters were lost before their pilots could even react to the unexpected dynamic, another half dozen were destroyed before the order to disengage could be given. The Ashlan squadrons scattered, their SLAM motors on full burn, streaking in all directions from the divine eagles. The Ashlans were good, they might have even scored a couple of kills, but with 15 of the 24 fighters now destroyed or disabled, the remainder could only try to escape before returning to their carriers.

"Kark it!," snapped Isla as the telemetry came back. "SAINT, I want every millisecond of that combat analysed, performance characteristics, behaviour patterns, potential weaknesses. I want to know those fighters better than their pilots do!"

She gestured her hand and the holo zoomed back out to the wider picture. It looked like one of her Templars was in the front line of the enemy's advance. She brought up its status, it was taking a fair amount of damage to her port, but the captain was beginning to roll her to spread the incoming fire onto different shield sectors. She was already 70° to the primary battle plane, as referenced to Isla's flagship and big taking heavy fire to the dorsal shields.

Out in space, the Ashlan Multi-role fighters had formed up and a dozen squadron began their SLAM attack on the lead star destroyer, the first wave was well ahead of the second, previous incidents of the blocking tactics of the Maw light fighters had necessitated split waves, the second wave could break and engage if the first wave was ambushed. But if all went well, the ordnance on board would give the enemy a bit of a battering. A hundred Blue streaked on light appeared on Islas holo indicating the fast moving fighter-bombers.

Orbital bombardment has cease
2 more dominions, to principalities and another warden moving to join the eternal screening force

Heavy capital ships opening fire on incoming ships, primary target it crucifix star destroyers

Large number of fighterbombers launcher at lead crucifix in 2 wave SLAM attack

Three squadrons of interceptors engaging isolated divine eagle formation and are beaten heavily and forced to scatter


Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The First and the Light of Ashla

Heiress and Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic Mascot and Representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Eternal Empire's Ambassador to the Ashlan Crusade; Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary and the Fjölkyngi Smiđr Guild
Objective: Stop the ritual, and defeat the Sith
Location: Above the ritual site, surface, Odessen
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (swords) | Ljósspjót (spear) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Allies: Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich | Lena Dracov Lena Dracov | Open
Enemies: Khaostra Devoid Khaostra Devoid | Open
[ Angels Calling ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Eina heard Greer's telepathic message as well, and felt both women reach the adits to try to prevent the ritual if they ever reach the depths. So the Valkyrja could now deal with watching her opponent. But she still wanted to send a message to Greer, but Khaostra prevented a telepathic message with her own message. Last but not least, she also felt that most of the vines were starting to behave aggressively. The Valkyrja would have been happy to leave, but the situation did not allow it.

"I can't because you want to protect those who want to kill billions or just sink the whole Unknown Region into another dimension." she told her; this time she was already speaking aloud as she saw the other woman.

The woman with an angelic appearance disagreed with Khaos' words and landed on the ground. The moment she felt the power of the Nether in the woman's magic, she extended her spear forward and held it to the other woman. Eina hasn't attacked yet; she knew she should, but she hadn't. She was still confident that the situation could be resolved differently. If they had been in the Netherworld, she would have attacked the woman a long time ago. But it was Realspace.

"You talk about life, and yet you call on the power of the dead for help. The power of my world." her voice was cold but still not hostile.

She began to concentrate briefly and reached out to the Force, while Khaostra did the same. As the other woman used the power of the Nether, Eina tried to shut it down, shutting down the miniature rifts that appeared, thus preventing Khaos from using them. Meanwhile, the top of her spear began to glow and Force light began to shine on the nearby vines, hoping that this would stop the aggressive behaviour.



Maw allies: The Mongrel The Mongrel Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall
Directly engaging: Hi'los Krai Hi'los Krai Aximand Sicarus Aximand Sicarus

Fighter support
3 squadrons of 12 Chir'daki

Coming in hard and fast Khione's white painted fighter jinked left as a Missile swept plaster before engaging the Eternal pilot in a joust. Her guns were heavy and her reactions were highly tuned from her force instincts and a lifetime Piloting. The instant it was about to be too late she opened up on the Imperials, riddling his fighter craft with heavy laser cannon fire.

Her forces were used to fighting overwhelming odds but this was absurd how heavily outnumbered they were, but her squadrons would die for the glory of the Maw! A mawite fighter bomber had a lock on her so she slammed her retros on, his Missile sailed harmlessly passed, the distance having closed to much that its targeting sensors couldn't compensate. She blasted the missile, sending and exploring billowing in the air, before turning her guns again in fighter bomber as it whizzed past, not having the reactions or deceleration to counter he maneuver. She raked this new target with laser cannons fire before yawing left and looking for more targets. The were dozens upon dozens to choose from. She was beginning to lose fighter craft though, he pilots were good, exceptionally so, being a comfortable in the cockpit as nomadic horsemen in the saddle, but there was only so much they could do in the face of these odds. They would make sure to take as many of them down as possible.

With the renewed antiaircraft fire, and now the main batteries of the Ashlan base opening up there was always a chance.




The Mongrel The Mongrel Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze
Allies: Scipio Kaarz Scipio Kaarz Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa Belisarius Vactovion Hi'los Krai Hi'los Krai Aximand Sicarus Aximand Sicarus Anashja Tal Anashja Tal Ingrid L'lerim
Errrrr.... Laertia Io Laertia Io ?

This sisters lines had been hit hard and were collapsing now. The brave annointed sisters having left their trenches to blocked the assault path tore into the enemy with their own high powered weapons including their arc casters, high power electrical weapons that had served well against other droids, but not it was the last ditch defence. And either way, it like shooting passengers of a train, yeah you can kill a few, but that train is still coming.

A number of the annointed sisters went down to incoming fire, but their personal shields held well enough for the line to hold up for the final charge. The canine droids were terrifying combatants, the momentum of the charge barrelled through the lines of the Sister's, breaking limbs as they went. The ones that didn't take the full force of the impact pulled out their blades and pounced on anything slow enough to fight and a swirling combat ensued in the dusty Valley. Grenades detonated and arcs of lightning bolted into the droids. The centre of the hasty defensive line barely stood up to the initial charge and had now crumbled, leaving a hole for the fast moving enemies to exploit. Both of the flanks wheeled and charged into melee. Trying to distract them, slow them or otherwise take them out of the fight. There was only one row of sister left after them now.

Brimstone himself ran as fast as he could across the valley to engage the enemy, blaster bolts shook his armour, he had lost three of his initial eight Hades Commandos and a fourth was only still fighting through sheer stubbornness. He would do everything in his power to help. Jumping through the air he brought his arm down on the head of a huge robotic ground tray was trying to rip into a damaged sisters APC, it knocked the dog sideways, but it turned ro fight him. The strength of the Gen'dai versus the speeder sized droidz it was faster than him but he had better training. It lashed out and he blocked, sending sparks flying before bringing his axe round. Gouges were cut in his thick armour on his arm.

The droid jumped again and he Brough his fist up to meet it, taking it squarely in the chin and smashing it's jaw components. This had no effect on the droid who kept up its relentless attack, burning a pattern across Brimstone's armour with its energy weapons. Brimstone tried to bring his repeater around to blaster the droid as it circled for another attack, but again it was too quick.

Then a lucky break, the droid jumped and Brim managed to bring his axe up, severing the hydraulics in its back leg and causing it to crash to the ground. It was still angry, and still attacking. But all of its advantage has gone. Moments later Brimstone had its head off and the short fight was over.

Brimstone charges South to engage dog bots from southern attack

Fourth line of sisters fights valiantly, resists the charge barely, but them quickly over run.

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