Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Everything needs a Hostile force OOC

[member="Lady Shambleau"]

Believe it or not, haha, DA is about freedom, even ordinary members can become massive military leaders or have a say in major decisions. It's a problem and an advantage, all depending on the type of player. As long as we grow and expand, what they do is fine.
[member="Xrawylz"] | [member="Avarice"] | [member="Ajira Cardei"] | [member="Seydon of Arda"] | [member="Isley Verd"]

I find the use of this ship, somewhat... Questionable. The large one, obviously.

Wasting valuable resources, ahem, a star destroyer against a few dozen ancient old Corona-class Armed Frigates.

I request this thread be allowed as usage as a dev thread for our Mothership. Our, real, mothership. Which at this time, and when used for this roleplay, it is not finished. It doesn't have its full capabilities.

Mind you, it doesn't really, nor will it, have weapons. It has one weapon, with one purpose. It is dependable on its fleet, its whole fleet. Which at this time would be every Corona we have.

... Which is a finite number since we can't manufacture them.

If needed, I can provide the submission of what we have so far in order for you to make a decision. However, I believe since you feel the need to bring a Star Destroyer with questionable use, I believe my request is fair, being that even with two standard ships being this era-grade, with a this era-grade star destroyer against -400m 800+ year old grade ships.

Yes, this is war, war is not fair. But this is a planet glassed so much you can't even see dirt. Had we known there was this much resistance, which unfortunately planetary information on CHAOS is utterly lacking, we may have tried something different. This is no dominion or invasion, so we don't nor won't control the planet. We were going to use our resources to completely rebuild everything

I take issue with your deeming the Sentinel's deployment as "questionable".

If you refer to Rave's post, you will see that Isley was only informed of two things. One, his Master faced imminent danger. Two, the danger was of invasionary scale. With said information, the proper response was to deploy vessels that could stand their own in a brawl. Now, I will admit, I could have gone full Republic and deployed everything at my disposal. I could have been the guy to bring a metric feth ton of ships to this glorified skirmish.

But instead, you got a heavy cruiser. Whoopee.

Now, that said, if you want to use an unapproved, custom vessel in the thread, as a way of developing it, I don't really mind. Wouldn't be the first time prototypes are deployed as development threads. However, make sure to stay within the lines of le rules.

And frankly, your intent on Dromund Kaas isn't a tremendous concern. You showed up and have to deal with its holdings.

*insert shrug*
[member="Isley Verd"] [member="Xer'ir"]
From an OOC pov? Its lame. Ic? Totally acceptable. That's something I could see anyone in power doing for an ally.

Does it mean he needs to then obliterate an up starting faction? No. Thus we accept his actions and hope he plays fairly.

Bro, I only knew about this thread because you PMed me about Ke'dem - which is a Dark Jedi-based private army capable of fielding warships a decent size bigger than what you're using. You knew there might be serious resistance. Besides, that's the risk of staging a massive public raid in a public thread on an iconic world. Just how it goes.
[member="Xrawylz"] | [member="Avarice"] | [member="Ajira Cardei"] | [member="Seydon of Arda"] | [member="Isley Verd"]

Let me rephrase. What I am thinking of questionable is... Superweapon against a child. I don't mean this as an insult, if anything a compliment. The questionable label means nothing for you, it's just an opinion. I do hope there is no bad blood between us OOCly.

In response to your "I could have brought a feth ton of ships," yes, take a mass majority of the Republic fleet to this single planet, and leave your other areas undefended.

These holdings... were... a single settlement of major importance, which seems little more than a refugee camp with structures. Small encampments around the planet that were terrorized, were left uncared for by the players who joined.

I won't force the ship on you, I would rather have a vote by Rave, you, and Seydon.

Ajira need not care, unless their underground secret facility is underneath your settlement.

That. Its what I legit told Tyrone.

We hit a major universally historical planet. How can we hope to not find opposition? Specially in a public thread. Our bed is made. Lets sleep.

[member="Rave Merrill"] [member="Xer'ir"]


Sniped. Meant wat Jon said.

On the mentioned of Ked, when ya gonna attack the Temple!?
[member="Rave Merrill"]

  1. I have never messaged any of your characters, if I recall correctly
  2. I didn't start this thread
  3. As stated before, I knew nothing about this planet beforehand due to the lack of planetary information posted on the site
  4. I messaged Ajira, letting them know my faction members wanted to play on the planet. They told me it wouldn't matter since it was underground. We weren't going to excavate, so it wouldn't be bothered.

[member="Isley Verd"]

Edit: I guess Tame has a different definition in CHAOS/Star Wars. Showing mercy is sending a fleet against a medical ship, and not the flagship itself.

1. I am Ajira
2. Irrelevant
3. You could have asked basically anyone, including me when you PMed me
4. See #1

I've got no problem with you using your prototype ship, but I don't have any ships. All I've got is Rave. So I'll defer to Isley, since that impacts him more directly.

Again, by the information that Isley received the response was warranted. Someone he gives a hoot about is facing invasion-scale danger, of unspecified size. What logical individual would send just a corvette to face down an invasionary force?

That said, I attempted to make the entrance as tame as possible. You're not getting an average SD. You're not getting an above average SD. You're getting a single heavy cruiser that hasn't even come close to showing up yet. We don't know how the thread will go. Hell, by the time the ships show up we could all be bombarded to bits. Calm down and enjoy the thread, ain't looking to bury the new kids on the block in their first outing.
[member="Isley Verd"]
Lmao. Never said the entrance was bad. Possible future? Could get bad. Depending on how its handled.

Honestly? I'm over all the OOC BS I've been a part of. So you won't see me complaining about you showing up with guns at the ready. But if the gun is the size of a bazooka and I only have a stick? Might not enjoy it lmao

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