[member="Xrawylz"] | [member="Avarice"] | [member="Ajira Cardei"] | [member="Seydon of Arda"] | [member="Isley Verd"]
I find the use of this ship, somewhat... Questionable. The large one, obviously.
Wasting valuable resources, ahem, a star destroyer against a few dozen ancient old Corona-class Armed Frigates.
I request this thread be allowed as usage as a dev thread for our Mothership. Our, real, mothership. Which at this time, and when used for this roleplay, it is not finished. It doesn't have its full capabilities.
Mind you, it doesn't really, nor will it, have weapons. It has one weapon, with one purpose. It is dependable on its fleet, its whole fleet. Which at this time would be every Corona we have.
... Which is a finite number since we can't manufacture them.
If needed, I can provide the submission of what we have so far in order for you to make a decision. However, I believe since you feel the need to bring a Star Destroyer with questionable use, I believe my request is fair, being that even with two standard ships being this era-grade, with a this era-grade star destroyer against -400m 800+ year old grade ships.
Yes, this is war, war is not fair. But this is a planet glassed so much you can't even see dirt. Had we known there was this much resistance, which unfortunately planetary information on CHAOS is utterly lacking, we may have tried something different. This is no dominion or invasion, so we don't nor won't control the planet. We were going to use our resources to completely rebuild everything