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Expedition to Exocron

Sor-Jan Xantha

[member="Bryce Bantam"]

No objections here :)

I'd imagine being on a small ship with [member="3X744"] and Sor-Jan would result in people either achieving nirvana-levels of meditative zen... or Freddy Krueger levels of homicidal rage.


Disney's Princess
Sor-Jan Xantha said:
[member="Bryce Bantam"]

No objections here :)

I'd imagine being on a small ship with [member="3X744"] and Sor-Jan would result in people either achieving nirvana-levels of meditative zen... or Freddy Krueger levels of homicidal rage.
I drew up the deck plans for a YT-2500 and looked at the cabin space, thought about this ^ statement, and decided it best to bring my own ship.

Ya know. For my own sanity. Lulz. :p
Joza Perl said:
Okay, so she wasn’t exactly meditating so much as she was sleeping off a hangover.
Six of one, half dozen of the other right? :lol:

Also as we are both students of Solan should we know each other on this trip or do you figure this is the first time we meet up [member="Joza Perl"] ?
Bryce Bantam said:
Six of one, half dozen of the other right? :lol:

Also as we are both students of Solan should we know each other on this trip or do you figure this is the first time we meet up [member="Joza Perl"] ?
Yes, yes, let's just say that. Force help me if I ever get an apprentice...

Not technically a student of his per se, but I think this would be a good first meeting of the redheads!


Disney's Princess
Day 01 - Set out for Exocron
Day 02 - [member="Joza Perl"] drank of all the booze
Day 03 - Mutiny nears, the beatings will continue until moral improves
So, does anyone have any unique plans? Are we planning on a group expedition, or splintering and wandering...? Just making sure. I have an idea of what I would like to do, curious if it fits. [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"] mentioned a Jedi Temple, and while I'm not keen on the Jedi fit of it (I prefer it a more neutral stance, barring obviously Sithy or more Nasty-Nasty Dark Jedi), I think Exo would be a fine and fitting place to establish our first temple for the faction.

Plus, when we finally hit update and can do our first dom, it would be a heckuva plot.... Trade/Berth/Star Port negotiations or building on Kal'Shebbol, Temple building on Exo, and a third world for a third objective and Tier 3 it, if you guys are still keen thus. This would let us pick a site, as a focal or a stumbling part.

As well, a near mythic, hidden paradise planet might be an amazing place to be setting up a non-critical long term rehab type hospital or medical center, for you medical types. Research too.
So many ideas man... No really can we do all of them. Well, not right now I guess.

I was thinking this would be an exploration thread, maybe find an "evil" dictator or something along the way.

Actually, if we want to mesh my lost master's idea with [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"] Exo one that is cool, I'll come up with the "small bad" for us to fight if we wanna go that route, give the fighter types something to do while others explore and stuff.


Disney's Princess
[member="Ijaat Mereel"]

I'm just here to kick butt and chew bubblegum. As long as we got dat Firefly freaky-feelz? It's all good. :)
[member="Bryce Bantam"] - Strangely, I'd rather, unless everyone pushes the envelope, see this stay just exploration and such. If we want combat, I'm down, Ijaat knows war really, really well... But I like the exploratory vibe of this thread, just the fronteirsman.... IF we fight anything, keep is small, and animal.... Nothing like the xenomorph...
*sady files monsters for later*

Nah but seriously I was thinking of something not that grand, more of a dark npc, someone in a position of power on Exo who doesn't want us to upset or change his world. We could fight him, we could negotiate with him. So options galore.

Sor-Jan Xantha

I'll have a post up in a bit.

To piggy-back on [member="Glavo Pahro"] comment above, I'm trying to paint a world to explore that has something for everyone.

Right now, I'm kind of envisioning something like Earth post-WW3 in Star Trek lore.

The Lords of the Fringe and it's Moross Crusade had control of the planet in recent history (1 year ago RL, which in our timey-whimey system is however long ago IC). Taking that, and the canon history, here is what I have in mind.

A planet divided into nations or nation-states, with a quasi UN attempting to bridge them.

Off the top of my head, I'm imagining something like this (fine print: not an exhaustive list, feel free to shoot these down and/or add your own, and/or develop any of these at your leisure or as the muse strikes... I'm just spit-balling here)

The Moross Templars of the True Crusade (aka "The Crusade" or "Crusaders"):
A generically absolute government (divine right of kings), following a fiefdom/feudal system centered around a king/daimo/emperor figure who is a Force User (neutral, dark jedi, preferrably not Jedi or Sith). I'm picturing either Imperial Japan or 18th Century British Empire here.

The Union of Cabal Colonists Republic (aka "UCCR" or "Cabalists")
Implied Soviet theme intentional. This is where I imagined the Alderaan Queen landing. A government that sprang up in rebellion against The Crusade, but on the far side of the pendulum (e.g. its communist government goes to the extreme and is no less totalitarian than the government it sought to replace). I'm picturing Cold War Soviet Russia, though their treatment of Force Users mirrors the US treatment of US persons of Japanese ancestry during WW2 (e.g. any Force Users identified are assumed to be spies for the Crusade and are housed in camps until they prove their loyalty). Largest supporter of no space travel.

The Commonwealth States of Exo (aka "CSE" or "The States")
A mish-mash of modern United States and Commonwealth nations. Basically, a "European Union" of democratically elected, representative government based on capitalism. The CSE is the faction backing the most for a "Exocron Interstellar Trade Organization" that would support Exocron conducting interstellar trade in the Kathol Region.

I'm thinking our story could be learning about how the break up of the Lords of the Fringe led to the fracturing of political power as a former Moross Crusader installed himself as a god-king (resulting in splintering/rebellion that spawns the CSE and UCCR), and how our Kathol Outback faction could lay the ground work for this NATO-like organization so that Exocron joins the global community.

But again, this could also just be me on a sugar high since I've had I don't know how many donuts so far this morning...

[member="Sor-Jan Xantha"] Good lord, After reading that its like I'm reciting dirty limericks and you're over here composing a symphony. This, I mean this all the way. The fluff man, look at all the beautiful fluff. So any new stories, so much history to pull from with the old faction LOTF in play. (Hell the The Moross Templars of the True Crusade was mostly the small bad foil I was thinking anyway just with much more dept and cool fluffly background.)

So I vote this, this and this again.

PS, If you not sure I like this... :D

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