[member="Lorelei Darke"] - I'm kind of eyeing the story with the Moross left-overs the most. So I will try and get some contributions up today after shopping for groceries at the vacation house. If [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"] doesn't mind, i'd like to take lead on shaping part of that aspect. Unless he had a specific plot line. I can DM for others, or just run the plot myself really.
For a plot... I was thinking of utilizing Kalee or Salee, to be honest. The idea currently in the brain is a God-Queen type, a personification of Kalee who rules. I think it would be most respectful to the older fluff that, rather than over-throw the remnants of the Moross worshippers entirely, we over-throw a more bloody sect of Kalee that is sorta going a bit off the rails, through one way or another, and allow a ruler more of the bent of Neth or Salee to rise. Neth might make more sense for what I would like to see built (A neutral FU temple). I'd love feedback on that. When I joined, I was really into the ideas of the Moross Crusade, but it died before I really got active sadly.
Also, thank you [member="Choli Vyn"]n for the info dump... I had a plot on another face I wanted to use Moross as a vague backstory for, so the info is most helpful. Plus, I want to really stress story with this Faction, and this will let us do so.