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Expedition to Exocron


Disney's Princess
Sor-Jan Xantha said:
The Lords of the Fringe and it's Moross Crusade had control of the planet in recent history (1 year ago RL, which in our timey-whimey system is however long ago IC). Taking that, and the canon history, here is what I have in mind.
This works.

Depending on the size of their navy, we'll probably be free to roam around or... Get captured immediately. I'm game for either. :)

Sor-Jan Xantha

[member="Matthew Robinson"]

Never under estimate the power of jenga.

But, if anyone wants, [member="3X744"] is available for adventuring if they want to pack a Clone Trooper along with their jenga set. Plus, he works for ice cream.


Disney's Princess
[member="Sor-Jan Xantha"]

I'm gonna dick around with security for a moment with our fun new Russian Commie friends. Then, I'll probably meet up with you guys in my next post.

Ooo. Then... Shopping! Weee! :p
[member="Sor-Jan Xantha"]

There is a massive religious presence on exocron. It was the capital of moross. There is a wealth of information on it that was on private threads and archives.

Moross gods and the area was pretty much a utopia. They held no complaints about their gods.

I'll toss up some info. Because this world was teraformed too in faction threads.

Planet Name: Exocron

Planet Description: (taken from the Wiki) Exocron was a garden world, covered in forests and mountain ranges. The planet was hidden inside a protostar that threw up a cloak of radiation and sensor-jamming static. Much of the Kathol Outback were unaware of the existence of the planet, and it did not appear on any official starcharts of the region. However, legends persisted of a fabled, hidden world.
Planet Designation: Capital of the Moross Crusade
Ruling Bishop: @[member="Soliael Devin Talith"]
Points of Interest:
  • Temple of the Divines
  • Embassy of the Fringe Confederation
  • South Mountain

Moross is a religion founded and completely made up by Menoetius and Soliael Devin Talith. Moross is a religion that was created for one simple task, to subjugate planet after planet with its will. The religion works off of one simple idea, “Religion is the opiate of the masses.” Normal every day people crave religion more than anything else. It gives guidance and a task to do. Knowing this Menoetius and Soliael created and entire religion, sowing its seeds and it upon Exocron.​
Moross' central doctrine is the worship of a pantheon of ten gods. Each of the Ten Divines as they are known represent a different ideal or path one can take. Usually followers of Moross worship one or two of these gods at a time, usually the gods have the same goals. Someone for instance might Worship Inari the patron of healers while also worshiping Liadan the Plague Bearer due to his disease bringing nature. More often than not however the Followers of Moross follow a single god. The ultimate “goal” of Moross of course is to reach the Great Hall. This is the plane of the after life where all those who are righteous, good, and pious journey after their death. Within the Great Hall one finds the things they are most drawn to. Soldiers find peace, drink, love, and anything else they could ever crave. Those who in their life were researchers and scientists find all the knowledge they could ever dream of as well as anything else. The Great Hall is essentially Heaven, it is where all followers of Moross strive to be and find themselves in the end. The Great Hall is the goal of Moross, and it is where every living follower strives to be. On the opposite Spectrum sits the Surkesh. Surkesh is where those who do not follow the tenants of Moross go. This place is not a hell, it is not a torturous demon world, it is simply nothing. Ones soul does not find peace, it does not find anything at all in fact, it is simply gone. To most beings this is the worst hell imaginable, to not be there anymore. Surkesh is feared throughout Moross, and followers generally look upon it as they would hell or anything else of that nature.​
It is also a known fact that Moross' gods are the true gods of the galaxy. This is known to all followers of Moross because the Gods in fact, walk the very galaxy as they do. Only three gods of Moross walk the mortal plane at one time, for that is all the fabric of reality can handle. These three gods can be any of the ten Divines, though usually the three compliment one another. While the three of the ten divine walk this plane of existence it is known that they are in fact Mortal. They can be killed and sent back to their divine plain, albeit doing so is very difficult. When this happens another one of the Ten Divines is immediately sent into the mortal Plane. Of Course unbeknownst to the followers of Moross these three gods that walk the galaxy are not in fact gods at all. They are nothing but Powerful Force users utilizing the religion of Moross to claim billions upon billions of followers as their loyal soldiers and cohorts.​
The Force users starting with Menoetius and Soliael claim to be one of the Ten divines, they rule over the followers of Moross with an iron fist, guiding the faction as an Emperor would. This system of the ten divines was put into place for one simple reason, so the faction could persevere. Stemming from the Sith tradition of the strongest must rule Soliael and Menoetius set it up so that killing ones master was still entirely possible. If for instance a powerful force user were to overcome Soliael who has taken the guise of Ithari then Ithari would “die” on the mortal plane and the powerful force user would take on the guise of another of the ten Divines and begin to lead alongside the other two “mortal” gods. These challenges are kept secret, with the followers never knowing the truth of the matter.​
The real ultimate goal of Moross is of course, expansion. Through what is known as the "Great Crusade" The gods of Moross seek to subjugate any and all worlds in their path. The Great Crusade comes upon a world and offers the worship of the Ten Divines, they heal the sick, feed the starving, and give blessings upon those who will have them. If even after these miracles are performed the residents of a world deny the power of Moross then that world is completely and utterly decimated. The followers of Moross have no patience for those who would deny their gods.​
Moross is not exactly evil, though it is not exactly good either. Unlike Sith Worlds the Religion of Moross does not rely on slavery, in fact the followers of Moross actually have it pretty good and their quality of life is pretty high. Depending on which “god” is in charge Moross can actually be considered a paradise at times.​
The Moross Crusade is not necessarily good or evil. The nature of the religion means that there is both good and evil within the faction itself. The gods are split between, some are good, some are evil, and some are neutral. Because of this the nature of the Crusade can change depending on which of the gods is currently in charge.​

There are ten Divines within the Pantheon of Moross. Each of the Divines is a god, the gods within the writings of Moross are known collectively as the Aesir.
Aatrox The Deceiver- Within the Ten Divines Aatrox is considered to be the most untrustworthy of the ten gods. He is considered to be ever plotting, ever scheming, and never telling the truth. Aatrox always has a plan that benefits only him and his followers. It is said that looking into the mind of Aatrox is like looking into a black hole. There is no information to be gleaned from him and no knowledge to be gained by praying to him. Aatrox gives gifts of stealth and subterfuge, interested in only self gain as are most of his followers. It is unknown what Aatrox truly desires, though it is said that once he walks the mortal plane all should be weary. Because of this Aatrox is generally looked down upon by the other gods, and those that worship him are generally looked at more closely than others in day to day society. He is considered one of the more “evil” gods within the pantheon. Aatrox is the patron saint of Thieves, Assassins...and Politicians.
Aatrox's followers wear robes ofDark Blue accented with Grey.

Inari The Reviver- Inari the Reviver is considered to be perhaps the kindest of gods within the Pantheon. Inari is the healer, the reviver, and the everlasting. She is loved by all, even those who do not worship Inari directly consider her to be one of the greatest of the gods within the pantheon. Inari is considered to be the “mother” of Moross. She is the bright light that people pray too when they are at their most desperate. When one is sick and dying, they would call to Inari for true and lasting peace. Inari is also considered to be the truest voice of reason amongst the Pantheon of ten gods in Moross. She is the divine that is thought to give the wisest and kindest advice to her followers. She wants nothing more than the betterment of her people, even those who do not directly worship her. Those who directly worship her are often looked on with a sort of reverence, the worshipers of Inari tend to be kind, loving, and charitable. Inari is the patron Saint of Healers and Doctors.
Inari's followers wear robes of White accented by Gold.

Liad The Plague Bearer- Liad the Plague Bearer is perhaps the most questionable of all the ten Divines. He has no real motives, he has no real goals, and the things he does are both evil, and good. He is the one that supposedly lets loose the diseases that ravage the Galaxy...yet he is also the one that supplies the cure. Many say that Liad does this to “test” the followers of the pantheon, simply seeing if they are strong enough to survive. His worshipers cling to this belief, thinking that if they endure the plagues of Liad and find a way to cure those who can't they will be welcomed to the great hall. Liad however in truth is far more cruel. His motivations are far more linked to his own pleasure than anything else. He strives to see the mutated and destroyed forms of his followers and is eager to see how far he can truly push someone. Those who worship Liad are often diseased from birth, sickly, or highly intelligent and wish to learn more about disease. Liad is the patron saint of Researchers, the Sick, and the dying.
Liad's followers wear robes of Brown accented by Dark Green.

Ithari the Bloody- Ithari the Bloody is said to be the most ruthless of the Ten gods of Moross. He is depicted as a man covered entirely in blood wielding a single sword that is always ironically clean. Ithari is the patron of war and battle. It is his name that Generals and Commanders of the armies of Moross pray to, and it is his gifts they receive. Ithari is cold, calculating, and most would say evil. He cares only for the blood of those who do not worship him and his brothers, and it is the only way to appease him. Those who worship Ithari do so with the sounds of war. Killing and death is the only way to praise this God. Ithari is the god that the leaders of the Crusade pray to, whereas Salee and Kalee are the soldiers gods. Ithari is the patron Saint of Generals, Commanders, and Leaders.
Ithari's followers wear robes of Blood Red accented by a brighter Red.

Salee the Shield- Salee the Shield is considered to be the fairest of all gods. She is the battle maiden that protects, guides, and keeps safe the soldiers of Moross. Salee is depicted as a beautiful red haired woman with wings. She uses these wings to shield her followers from death and alongside her sister Kalee ensures that the soldiers of the crusade are safe within the battle lines. Salee is generally considered to be a “good” god. She wants nothing more than to protect her people from death. Salee is also what the armorers of Moross pray too. The industrialists that provide the weapons and war machines for Moross call to Salee for success in their businesses to allow the Great Crusade to continue. Salee is the patron saint of warriors, armorsmiths, and soldiers.
Salee's followers wear robes/armor of Bronze accented by Silver.

Kalee the Sword- Kalee the Sword is alongside her sister worshiped as one of the two patrons of battle. Unlike her sister however Kalee is called to when the warriors are actually in a fight. Her name is the one uttered when a soldier fires his rifle or when a blade is plunged into a foe. It is Kalee that guides the soldiers hearts and minds, it is she that ensures every shot hits, and that every blade strikes. Kalee unlike her sister is not considered to be strictly “good”. Because of the bloodshed she craves, and the death she brings with her followers Kalee is often considered Chaotic Neutral. Kalee is the patron saint of Warriors, Soldiers, and Veterans.
Kalee's followers wear robes/armor of Silver accented by Bronze.

Neth the Keeper- Neth the Keeper is alongside his sister Inari considered to be one of the few “good” gods within the Pantheon. Though perhaps the word good does not really suit him. Neth wants nothing more than to preserve the knowledge that has been gained. His ultimate goal is to hoard knowledge and keep it alive and strong throughout the ages. This means that Neth is sometimes uncaring towards his followers, and really everything. Neth is said to be the Keeper of the galaxies secrets, holding the most terrible of which within a great flame. His worshipers have the exact same goals. This makes it so those who follow Neth are often intensely respected in day to day society. Neth is the patron saint of Librarians, Architects, Scientists, and anything else along the path of knowledge.
Followers of Neth wear robes of Dark Orange accented by Black.

Thral the Beast Tamer- Thral is perhaps the most neutral god within the pantheon of the Ten Divines. He does not care about war, the good of others, or anything along those lines. Thral is known as the Beast Tamer, and it is he that is responsible for the keeping of Nature. Thral is often worshiped by those that have a love for forests, the outdoors, and the keeping of planets the way they are supposed to be. Because of this the followers of Thral often come in conflict with many of the gods of expansion(Ithari, Kalee, Erebos) because of their destructive nature. He is the “oldest” of the ten gods within the pantheon and some say the mightiest, he is often depicted as an old man standing within a forest. Because of his love of nature planets like Coruscant and Anaxes, completely devoid of living things are an absolute Afront to Thral. Thral is the patron saint of Animals, Nature, and those who wish to preserve both.
Followers of Thral wear robes of Forest Green accented by Brown.

Erebos The Devourer-Erebos the Devourer is usually depicted as a sentient black hole, but other descriptions tell of roaming nebulae and even a humanoid form of empty robes. Erebos is said to consume entire civilizations if they displease him, causing most people to worship him out of fear more so than anything else. This god is shrouded in mystery, as he is the only god that doesn't have a definitive description or any structured forms of worship. More often than not Erebos is worshipped by the underworld of Moross, he is the one called upon to bring about great change and destruction when it is needed the most. For instance when a soldier is dying as the last of his platoon and an enemy is encroaching upon his position that soldier would call to Erebos for a miracle of absolute carnage and destruction. Erebos is the patron saint of Destruction, Natural Disaster, and Unholy Miracles.
Followers of Erebos wear robes of Black accented by Grey.

Hali the Indulgent- Hali the indulgent can only be described in those very words. Hali is depicted as both male and female, usually called a him by his Male followers and a her by her female followers. Hali is the god of everything that could be considered “fun” and everything that couldn't be. Hali is in the truest sense of the word Chaos. This god has no plan, no goals, and no particular set of skills to be spoken of. Where His/Her brother Aatrox is known to be clever and underhanded Hali is simply known to be...mischievous. He/she is devious beyond all belief, seeking not to harm but instead to simply have what he/she deems as fun. This usually means that Hali is worshiped by those with similar goals. Most often Hali is seen as the “party” god, worshiped at parties, orgies, and everything with that nature. This however hardly covers all of Hali. She/He is also known for being simply...chaotic, causing trouble and mischief wherever he appears. Hali is barely tolerated by the other gods, making his/her coming to the mortal realm a very rare sight. Hali is the Patron of Parties, pleasure, chaos, and all things mischief.

Followers of Hali wear robes of Purple accented by Pink and Yellow.
[member="Bryce Bantam"]


I do keep up with Moross stuff. My alt [member="Micah Talith"] is really big on this. And yeah, basically all the old Moross gods are either his aunt, uncle, or his father.

There are more stuff, but i notified Amore and Sol to toss in stuff if they want to.

But yeah, they are neither good nor evil.
Bryce Bantam said:
[member="Choli Vyn"] , wow look at all the fluff, it even further reinforces why the other nations on exo would distrust force users

It isn't that they distrust force users. Some of them were considered to be blessed by the Gods.

From what it was explained to me, they were not too keen on Sith nor at Jedi.
Canonically there was no distrust at all of the people to the leader "Living Gods." The Moross Crusade was viewed as a savior of the people as it brought stability, prosperity, and riches to the planet. Moross Crusade was a powerful religious movement that took in people of all races, nations, backgrounds, and force alignment and gave them a purpose. Every planet we visited and pulled under our influence cloud was made better. We abolished slavery, we built homes for the poor and gave them jobs, etc etc.

There were, obviously, dissenters as there always will be in any kind of encompassing government such as this. Those people were quietly dealt with.

The Fringe Confederacy had no rule over Exocron, but were the closest allies to the Moross Crusade. We built an embassy on Exocron in the capital city so they would always have representation available should war time needs come up.

The Moross Crusade was dissolved during Netherworld. We took our people and fled the capital after the reaping and moved to Fringe Space (our merger as a Minor into Fringe due to lack of activity and interest). The IC motives were for safety in numbers and to gain the protection and add manpower to the Fringe. The three Living Gods ([member="Amorella Shamalain"], [member="Soliael Devin Talith"], [member="Cameron Centurion"]) left the living realm to return to the hall of divines to "investigate the occurence" with no word on whether or not they would return.

As far as distrust of Jedi and Sith, that was real. The Morossi people disliked the polarized Jedi and Sith because:

A. They were considered blasphemers that did not follow the law of the Gods
B. Their political views were too narrow minded and did not allow for the possibility of working in balance.

However, we did take in many former Sith and Jedi to our cause who sought to "follow the ways of the Gods".
[member="Lorelei Darke"] [member="Choli Vyn"]

Oh please don't get me wrong, I understand that the canon is all you have explained, we are basically looking to expand on it, give the world a new vibe. Basically stating from the time this canon took place and TKO's exploration a great war has taken place. People who were non-force users and such rebeled and formed other nations.

Lorelei Darke said:
The three Living Gods (Amorella Shamalain, Soliael Devin Talith, Cameron Centurion) left the living realm to return to the hall of divines to "investigate the occurence" with no word on whether or not they would return.
Taking and expanding on this is what we are kind doing, without the guidance of the living gods the dissidents began to grow in strength, the "quiet" quelling of them led to even more anger in the populas and may saw the old ways as better. (wether they be right or wrong is still another matter)

Basically added even more layers and conflict to a pretty deep world.

When we got here we found the world fractured into 3 faction nations as stated above.
[member="Lorelei Darke"]

Also this could give us some fun tie ins also for future stories with you all, I mean how interesting would it be for TKO right when they are establishing good relations with this world for one or more of the living gods to return and throw a hand grenade into the works.

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