Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Direction

A large, active, loyal memberbase makes all the difference in the success of a faction.

But good ideas that engage a smaller member base can also have a lot to do with things.

I'm glad to see that everyone is keen on putting in an effort to soldier on and that it's already under way. Good work guys. As a reminder, if you have any open faction threads that you'd like put into the Faction Thread roster, speak up!

I would also like to see more cohesive plots that offer a broad spectrum of things to do for all Republic members. I like the ideas being tossed out here, let's hear some more!


Disney's Princess
I suppose Kiskla hasn't posted yet, but seeing has how Avalore is an FA; I'll go ahead and give a few comments.

  • Good PvP:
    Participation: Before starting an Invasion story, ask for sign-ups and see who will be coming. Use this to plan ahead.
  • Organization: Using sign-ups, ask for members to conglomerate into groups and work together.
  • Timing: Communicate with the enemy Faction and see when the best date for a good fight would be. Even fights are more fun than one-sided Zerg-fests. Consider moving the Invasion date forward or backward to account for better participation on both sides. Please note, not all opponents enjoy playing fair either and Tef is okay with that.
  • Accountability: After an Invasion receive feedback from all of the members who participated. What worked for them and what didn't. How can the Faction get better next time?
  • Resolve Concerns: If someone no longer wants to participate in PvP or had a bad experience, ask why and see if you can help them overcome those barriers and hurdles together. We can help each other succeed.
  • Respect the No: If a member is resolute in not participating in PvP, tell them that's okay and we'd still love to see them around the Faction. Respect their writing preference. This is a Major PvP Faction. But not everybody has to PvP to be a contributing member. Love and respect all kinds of participation.
  • The New Members the Future: New members are the future of PvP. Prioritize the needs, expectations, and the education of new members to keep your member base high and active.
  • Promotions: Prioritize leadership and trainers for NFUs and FUs to keep new members progressing both IC and OOC. (Yes, NFUs need trainers too.) Consider reminding trainers that promotions are a high priority and a good thing for the board. You do not need 100 threads and 1 year of experience to reach Master Rank. Remember, NFUs reach Master Rank instantly upon creation. All NFUs are technically unranked but can compete equally against Master Rank FUs immediately.

[*]About Losing
  • Expecting to lose a planet? Consider starting a Dominion to keep your planet count high. Ever new star system contains planetoids that can be terraformed and colonized for immediate use.

[*]About Burning Out and Rage/Quit
  • Burn Out is when you've been posting too much and must take a break. This is normal and happens to every writer. Especially after a PvP thread. Remember to always keep to a leisurely schedule (your schedule) and never compromise it for any reason. If you can't keep up with the pace of an Invasion Thread? Consider PM'ing your group and your opponents to ask them to slow down. IRL always comes first and you will never be ostracized for it. Even if you have to walk away from a fight.
  • Rage/Quit is when you've had a bad or dramatic experience and simply walk away from posting. Usually with a sour taste in your mouth and in others. This is normal and happens to every writer. Especially after a PvP thread. Simply remember to take a vacation, cool off for a few days, and come back with a positive attitude and willingness to try again. Emotion is normal and healthy. This is just a game anyway. No big deal. In a month's time, nobody will even remember.

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