Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Factory Q&A

4ND-R0 said:
Hey Factory. I am planning on having one of my characters quest for a Canon item. But I'm not entirely sure if it's existent in this period due to conflicting information. I plan to seek Anakin's sith lightsaber he wielded as Lord Vader, yet....One source tells me it fell down the same chasm as The Emperor, implying destruction. Yet, we have someone who found one of Vader's gauntlets in wreckage from Endor, which implies something like that is still out there. Suggestions / rulings?
I believe this has been brought up once in the past, and the ruling was, on this particular item, that it was considered destroyed. You may create a replica however.

Ignus said:
The chart says a tier 3 can mass produce ships up to 1000m. Can we still make ships larger than that, but not mass produced?

Sirius Nova said:
Is writing a metal from Wookiepedia allowed, if there is little to nothing on the metal?
I'm a bit confused by your question, but if you mean can you use the metal, even though there is little information on it, in a submission? Yes, provided you don't go overboard with its' properties in what it can do.

Rick Kaloo said:
How exactly would you sign a contract with other companies or factions?
Complete an RP thread with the two companies involved in the contract.


News They Don't Want Heard
If a ship is semi-unique is says only a select group of PCs can use it. Does that mean it has to be captained by a PC? IE, do I have to actually be on it or can it be part of my battle group, which my character is on a ship of?
Serenity Loveheart said:
What template might I use if I was submitting an artificial intelligence? Not a droid, but the AI itself.
The basic technology template is fine, unless the AI is intended to be placed in a droid body, in which case you can submit both together as a droid template.

Eddak Manod said:
Would the units Wolverine and Titan from Command and Conquer be considered Mechs or Walkers?
These are bordering more on mechs than walkers.

Ignus said:
If a ship is semi-unique is says only a select group of PCs can use it. Does that mean it has to be captained by a PC? IE, do I have to actually be on it or can it be part of my battle group, which my character is on a ship of?
The ship must be in direct control of the PC. NPCs cannot captain or use them in any way. For each ship a PC must be in control of it.
[member="Eddak Manod"]

They look to have articulated limbs with a cockpit in the middle and the capability of exchanging their arm mounted guns for others. Walkers do not typically have "arms", nor the capability to "hold" weapons and be piloted by a single person.

(Large scale walkers, not talking personal walkers)

You could still use them as walkers in this setting, I would just be careful on the wording of how it moves and is piloted and such.


Well-Known Member
Tier 4-5 requires a major project. It used to have an identified number of posts needed. It doesnt now.

Whats the post count to qualify as a major project?
Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
[member="Eddak Manod"]

The detemination between walker and mech can be fairly subjective and mostly lies woth concept and mechanism. Things like apperance play a big role too. In the case of C&C mechs, the Titan would be fairly easy to sub as a siege walker or something but the Wolverine, being a largely man-sized unit, would be a harder sell.
Hey guys I have had a thread sitting in the pre-factory for about two weeks now. A week ago, I tagged a couple of factory admins asking it to be moved to the technology creation forum for the approval process but it has yet to be moved. Did I do something wrong? This is my first time going through the Pre-factory. If its just a matter of that the factory admins just haven't gotten around to it yet then that's fine! I just don't want it to accidentally get archived as it is nearing two weeks.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Rick Kaloo

Cira said:
Sign a contract with at least one faction or organization (May be NPC). Make at least three limited-production products in the Factory OR three company operations specific submissions in the Codex. Display growth through one passive expansion of your company. Display growth through one active expansion of your company.
What would passive and active expansion mean? Like literal company growth, new products, or something else?
[member="Rick Kaloo"]

If you noticed on the Factory Standardized Rules, it states Objectives and Examples of Passive and Active Expansions under Company Expansion and Growing in Tier

Passive Company Expansion Objectives

- Attend or host an economic summit
- Defend your company, another company, or a faction from a hostile attack
- Invest in another company or faction
- Train your company's personnel
- Draw up or steal schematics for a new product
- Draw up deals with another corporation or faction
- Provide philanthropic donations, fundraising, or contributions
- Make three mass-produced products in the Factory. (For Tier 2+ and equals to one passive company expansion)
- Make three company operations specific submissions in the Codex. (For Tier 2+ and equals to one passive company expansion)

Active Company Expansion Objectives

- Establish another operation for your company
- Establish a sphere of influence on a planet or in a sector
- Establish or help establish a colony
- Establish or help establish a new location
- Participate in a planet's colonization
- Recruit personnel into your company
- Secure investors for your company
- Train another company or faction's personnel

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