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Factory Report Centre

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
LOAs? Incidents? Conflicts of interest? LOAs? Special requests? Major questions needed clarifying? Are you swamped? LOAs? Is something sitting there that you can't touch or don't know how to handle? This is where you post it.
[member="Asemir Lor'kora"]


"There is no difference in meaning between center and centre. Center is the preferred spelling in American English, and centre is preferred in varieties of English from outside the U.S."
Meh, I'll be the first to use this. Brought it up n skype the other day but people didn't respond and it was swallowed up so i'll ask here so it can be done at your leisure.

I'm having some serious doubts about the viability of this ship even without it being an interceptor, both with its quasi-stealth and jamming field and would like input on it itself and on continuing to ask for edits.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
On it, give me a minute.

You're absolutely right to have qualms. Omnidirectional jamming with a 250m radius on a mass-produced interceptor-sized ship is impossible. Suggested edits, pick all or most if it helps:

  • Directional rather than omnidirectional; think fighter jamming beams in the TIE Fighter games.
  • Size limit on ships affected.
  • OR let him have his terrible stealth as is, with a dev thread. Potentially at minor production.
  • Ayden's right - the jamming suite needs its own sub.
Haha, double post.

Alright, so with this submission, am I correct in thinking that the cloning of a force connection along with the individual is imperfect, to the point that it wouldn't be possible for a race of five million clones to have an incidence of at least eight out of ten individuals having a Force connection, most (so, let's say minimum majority 5/8) being 'quite powerful'?

Notwithstanding the fact that, likely, the numbers for sensitive individuals alone are uncomfortably much higher than the galactic average.
80% success rate for Force cloning? Man, why didn't the Republic do that with their clone troopers?

It seems excessive to have a race of that number be 80% Force sensitive, regardless of cloning.

Then again, if the forum Force demographics are any indicator of the galaxy at large, 95% of all sentients (sapients?) are Force sensitive.....

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Ilias Nytrau"] [member="Asemir Lor'kora"]

Forcer cloning almost never works. You get a much higher incidence of defects and insanity than with normal clones (and clone madness was already troublesome). The only precedent I can think of was Dorsk 81/82. Every other source says it's pretty much impossible - Crosscurrent, Thrawn Trilogy, even freakin Force Unleashed. This is a straight-up Mass Effect rip and is not acceptable.
[member="Ashin Varanin"], [member="Asemir Lor'kora"], [member="Ilias Nytrau"]

Well I don't know that I'd call it a straight rip, as Asari are not clones. In fact, the clone aspect more closely resembles the Asgard from SG-1.

But yeah, clones + Force on a huge scale is just not feasible. *adjusts hat conspicuously*
While I do agree with the cloning/widespread sensitivity issues, I think someone on staff made a Quarian rip that was approved. Though I'm not sure on how divergent they really were. I've no idea what the species ended up being called or I'd link.
You're right, they have enough for the same 'flavor' but for entirely different reasons. I also didn't think to search for that. [member="Ilias Nytrau"]


Found this, couldn't resist sharing.
As a followup, I've reviewed and approved the Liran species because of the revisions. My reasons are posted in the Liran thread, but copied here:

1) They are clones, but they take a unique twist on this whole cloning concept. Instead of massively expanding the Liran population, the cloning process is used to keep the population in check but going on indefinitely. At a population of ~2 million, the Liran species as a whole is pretty much dead, but this process keeps them alive, if only for a time. Negative side effects of cloning have been addressed, along with interesting tweeks added.

2) The removal of Force sensitivity addresses the primary concern of the previous version of this entry, that of Force-users in a clone population. As Force sensitivity has been removed, this concern is now obsolete.

3) After reviewing this entry, I do not find any similarities between the Liran and Mass Effect's asari except for the visual reference. Liran are not Force sensitive/bioptic nor are they a genetically a one-sex race. They are phenotypically a female race, but that is due to artificial circumstances, unlike the asari.

Additionally, the removal of the sex organs and the Liran cultural stoicism separates them from the sole reason why asari were created in the first place: to satisfy the male fantasy of living in a galaxy populated by an attractive female-only race with low sexual inhibitions.

As such, I find the Liran nothing remotely like the asari, and the objection that the Liran are a copy of the asari is now obsolete.
So I'm a little concerned about the use of cortosis in a slicewire in this submission to the tech factory. Cortosis is listed as being a very brittle and fibrous material, and it's use in this post is as a portion of the material involved in the making of the thread to make it resistant to saber weapons. I kind of want to ask them to make a short development thread about the creation of the wire itself, but they have 2 development threads already included as their obtaining of the devaronian blood stones and the cortosis itself via the alternate objective requirement. I'm curious as to what other's opinions are - as this is a source of concern for me, and I don't want to sound completely off-base if I do request another development thread. (I feel conflicted asking for another one, really).
Silara Vantai said:
I have another question, about the use of cortosis in a slicewire wire. Slicewire is a micro-thin wire that is used as a weapon of sorts and is so thin that it can basically cut through most materials, which range across several canon materials, with little difficulty. If cortosis is compounded upon this, it makes it resistant to what is essentially a major weakness of it, and there is currently a submission which includes cortosis in the wire used for their new weapon (which is glove-mounted). The post is nice and neat and everything, and I was just wondering if I should ask for another development thread involving the creation of the wire for it, though they have two threads they are using for development purposes by mentioning its applied use throughout but none which detail its exact creation. I haven't found a post in either of their development threads that source the cortosis' origin either, which I will mention in my reply to their post, but I was wondering if I am off-base requesting another thread specifically for that.

Note: If I do request it, I am also giving an explanation for why I want one included, and a suitable replacement for it in order to edit and avoid requiring a development thread. The reason I feel more uneasy about this is because they explicitly list out removing its theoretical weakness by using cortosis that is concentrated enough to wrap around sabers but not enough to deactivate them.

On another note, do we have a thread that is already made for us to discuss situations like this? I don't want to flood this one when it's basically not on the same topic, even if related. If not, I'll make one. (I haven't seen one).
[member="Danger Arceneau"]

Hmm. After researching a bit this is what I found.

A slicewire was a melee weapon available to Infiltrators. The one-meter-long cord was molecule-thin and wrapped around carbonite handles on each end and was strong enough to cut through most materials, evenduranium and plasteel. It could be used in a manner similar to a garrote, or swung like a lash at enemies. The danger of handling this weapon meant it was only issued to expert users.

Devaronian Blood Poison -In addition to this, sometimes the jewel was ground down into a powdered form, and then administered into molten metals to be formed into blades and swords. Said Devaronian edges created unendurable pain just by touching the blade to skin, and should the blade break the skin, not only would the unendurable pain last until the wound was healed, but the edge also had the chance of releasing the jewels infamous toxins into the bloodstream of an opponent.

Cortosis-- cortosis a useful material for anti-lightsaber melee weapons, though with repeated strikes, a lightsaber could still cut through it. Cortosis, due to its heat and energy resistant properties, was also resistant to blaster fire.

Hmm, it is my humble opinion, that these could be some options for you

Approved without a Dev thread
Add notable mentions an increased chance of the slice wire possibly snapping, due to being affixed to a glove.
Sans blood poisoning -- as this deals with advanced metalgurgy ( is that a word?) of the grinding and addition of the crystal into the creation of the wire itself.

Approved with Dev thread
Add notable mentions an increased chance of the slice wire possibly snapping, due to being affixed to a glove.
Cortosis with the small chance to give devonarian blood poisoning --- Creation thread with X amount of posts

That's to show that at least, it still has some measure of weakness of potentially snapping from her attached finger.. glove thing...

I hope that makes sense?

Maybe the other FJ's may have some better imput.

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