Alright, I was about to ask for a short development thread for
this submission, which is a sniper that uses
this technology for its ammo. He wants 70 shots for single, 350 for semi/full auto, and his reasoning for the capacity over what canon has is that he compensates range through using less power per shot. Now, regardless, I'm not going to make him use 3-5 shots a canister, but I want a second opinion on whether I should ask him to lower ammo capacity further or not. (This is a question born out of a second-guessing moment, so now I'm unsure.)
Note: The range drops considerably depending on single or auto, and is supposed to be considerably lower in range than the canon variant and most other snipers as well, but I was also aware that the entire purpose for the limitations on the ammo was due to its nature of being invisible.
Edit: Considerable being 1200 m to 500 m from single to auto.