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Factory Reset?

Should we reset the Factory?

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I'm Sexy and I Know It
Eh, I understand why this could be good, but I'd say we try for an option C. Maybe require folks to pop in and claim their subs. Set up a time limit and those that don't make make that time limit have subs archived?

Qae Shena

Super Shaper Puppy!
[member="Sarge Potteiger"]

You'll need to hire an expert to help you wade through the impending sea of crap.

I volunteer as tribute.

Also, I say yes. Like, a legit yes - we could reset the power curve and that might help in a lot of ways.

Lord Ghoul

Spencer Jacobs Hawk said:
Guys really look at whats in the factory so much of its out dated. By resetting it allows everything to be on the same page and avoiding the whole situation of some ships for example to be on the old way of things and then ships being on the new stuff. Also several ships in there again as an example are no longer in use and just sit there for no reason. By resetting it - gives you and the factory a new start.
Do that and I'll just resub all of Czerka Arms' nifty weapons and magic bulelts under my obscure corporation and take all the profits.

No, I'm not kidding.


Dooo it dooo it dooo it!!!
[member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"] I've been talking to people through skype and I have been made aware of the situation of personal items and of course I remembered mine. It wouldn't be cool. So I mean it was just an idea that was brought up and just wanted to put feelers out.

AT this moment this IS NOT HAPPENING
  • I don't feel like resubmitting my armor to have it re-done or downgraded because everyone has an opinion, and someone doesn't like something else that someone else liked and approved.
  • Pendant, I don't feel like having to go through the work of fighting potentially 50000000000000000000 other writers to get the same concept to which I came to the forums with a year ago that is now -fair game-. Also means I now have to change my biography of my character to reflect the fact that it's gone. Also I griped at [member="Chloe Blake"] and [member="Jorus Merrill"] to get that thing back.
  • Lightsabers - again, now I lose my loot to which I worked hard on.
  • I'm a greedy whore.
  • Most of the stuff I legitimately put some work of value and effort into and I'm going to cry cause it's my party and I want to.

Now, if there were examples of items of personal note that can be resubmitted without Judges going:


Then I'm good. Reset it.


I will however, kinda look at the XJ-7 and go "Uh..." and claw my eyes out cause I fought through personal hell to motivate myself into even finishing it.

It's whatever though.
Spencer Jacobs Hawk said:
Guys really look at whats in the factory so much of its out dated. By resetting it allows everything to be on the same page and avoiding the whole situation of some ships for example to be on the old way of things and then ships being on the new stuff. Also several ships in there again as an example are no longer in use and just sit there for no reason. By resetting it - gives you and the factory a new start.
Or you could wipe everything created before a certain time? Most of the unused and outdated submissions are likely to be some of the older ones, if you only wipe ethe older ones and keep the newer it could clean out a lot of things nobody needs or uses while keeping the things they do. And anyone who does use the older submissions can always resubmit. But it's likely there will be more unsued submissions made a long time ago, and more used ones made recently. Basically, why not just delete old submissions?

Just my two cents.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
[member="Spencer Jacobs Hawk"]

It then makes everything unfair, seeing as I'd have to start all over again with my company, my ships, etc. Also means everything gotten in an auction would be worthless.
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