Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Failure Home

Teagan couldn't help but listen to Ra when she replied to his ramblings. It seemed she wasn't taking it half as badly as he was right now. That was good. He didn't want his companion to think he was some kind of awkward weirdo, even though he knew he was one right now. He said as he kept up his work, " You are welcome Ra." He added after in a voice that was not quit as low as he thought it was, " A little biting wouldn't be so bad...."

The front of the panel finally popped free of the wall portion. Teagan held it up with his free hand while he put the cheese knife on the floor. He pulled the panel face out slowly to reveal the assortment of wires and chips that was hidden within. He lowered the panel down to the floor gently. With both of his hands now free once again, he began to fiddle with the wires and chips. The activity was sure to look tedious and pointless because it nearly was. He needed to rearrange certain things and completely remove others. It was not a method he would suggest most people attempted for breaking into a control panel. It was better to slice into them and hack them than it was to physically break in, but desperate times called for less than optimal methods.

Teagan's efforts were finally rewarded after a bit. The door unlocked and opened up. He put the panel back into place and turned to Ra. He smiled to her and said in a hushed voice, " And we are in. Lets find that kit and get started." He started to stand up, but part way up dropped back to his knee. His back had locked up on him. His face reflected this as he frowned. He began to attempt to stand up several more times after taking a moment, and finally managed to get up. He straightened up and turned to Ra. He said in the same hushed voice, " Now we can get started...."

Continuing to stand guard, Ra noticed a few of the passengers looking back at their activities. She just gave them dirty looks and they stopped paying attention. He said a little biting wouldn't be bad. She looked down at him again and shook her head with a small half smile.

He eventually got the panel off to reveal the wires under it. She watched as he picked them apart, separating, removing and reconnecting them differently. It was rather fascinating.

"Maybe you can teach me that if we survive."

They were almost in, the​ door opened and Teagan went to stand up. For some reason, he wasn't able to right away and it took him several times before he got up. Ra would have reached out to help him, but decided to let him do it at his own pace.

When he was up, he turned around to say to get started. Ra was already moving, grabbing his elbow on the way through, she pulled the door shut behind them. However, if Teagan had any ideas, she stalled them for a time and pulled the case off the wall with the tools.

"What wrong with your back?
What do you need first?​"

[member="Teagan Stoirm"]
Ra's statement about wanting to be taught how to manually override a control panel did not go unanswered after Teagan had finally gotten to his feet. He smiled to her and said, " Sure if you really want. You will end up breaking a lot of doors first though just so you know, so I would practice on junk and salvage." It was after he had gotten finished that Ra had grabbed his elbow and dragged him into the engine room. He barely managed to grab the binocular attachment on his helmet before this happened, but at least he had something to cover his face now when he got to work. Once inside, he needed to give his eyes some time to adjust to the dim lighting. It was always like this in engines rooms and probably part of the reason why the door was kept locked. It was a great place for two people to sneak off to for some private time together, and likely what the few passengers who noticed them thought was happening in here. That was a thought that Teagan didn't need right now.

Her questions caught Teagan a little off guard as his eyes finally adjusted to the light. He wasn't entirely sure how to answer them off the top of his head, even though they were not difficult ones. He blushed a bit as he rubbed the back of his head with his free hand. A slight clearing of his throat happened before he said to her, " Well my back is damaged. Took an explosion to it and the shratnel tore my lower back up. Medics said I was lucky I didn't end up paralyzed from the waist down.... But that isn't anything to worry about! First things first we need to fix this hyperdrive. I will need to take a look at what is going on though before I ask for a tool."

Teagan gave her one last apologetic smile then slipped his helmet over his head. He slowly lowered himself down onto a hover board used to move around while under the engine. It was the one good thing about the engine room so far outside of the company. After he was on it he slide under the engine and began to look for the hyperdrive. This shuttle seemed to be one of those models were they placed the hyperdrive in the middle of the engine system instead of in an easy to access area. This was why it was a bad idea to let someone who didn't work on ships often design them. He said while he continued to look around, " Why don't you tell me a bit about yourself Ra? A pretty and interesting girl like you must have a story or two to tell."

The dim lighting surprised Ra a little assuming there would be more if work was going to be done. She shrugged her shoulders and waited for Teagan to get situated and into position.

"If you need help getting up or down, let me know, Teagan."

She let out small sigh of understanding when he told what happened to his back. In her time with the Dominion, she had seem some serious wounds.

"Were you in a battle? I'm glad you lived."

He gave an open ended question that left Ra at a loss for words. She'd never really been one to just babble and didn't know where to begin. It was likely too dim in the room for him to see, but she felt embarrassed and probably blushed a little. Clearing her throat before speaking.

"Of course I do, but what do you want to know? Twenty-three years is a lot to talk about."

[member="Teagan Stoirm"]
The hyperdrive was proving hard to find. Whoever had designed these shuttles needed to be fired and fined on the basis of endangering lives. Or if not the designer then whoever it was that customized the thing. A hyperdrive should never take this long to find! It was beginning to frustrate Teagan and if Ra could feel such things she would be able to feel that coming from him right now. He listened to what she had to say to him as he did his checking around. A comment about how he hurt his back and then a question about what he wanted to know. That was not too surprising since he hadn't given her anything to go off of, but it was the first time he had heard her clear her throat. Was she feeling nervous or embarrassed? Probably not. Ra seemed like the kind of girl who wouldn't be embarrassed about that kind of thing.

" Well it wasn't a battle where I hurt my back, but it wasn't an accident. I sabatoged a vehicle being used by the tyrant's forces during the Rebellion after they were forcing me to fix their equipment. I wasn't really able to run away from it and expected to die there, but it seems where I was standing it just threw me a good distance and knocked me out. You know other than tearing up my lower back." Teagan said right before a grinding sound come from the engine again and threw sparks all over him. He ignored it since it couldn't harm him through his armor and just went on, " As for what I wanted to know, I would like to hear anything you care to share. Where are you from? What do you do? What kind of person are you? I'm just interested in you is all."

It didn't cross Teagan's mind what he had said there at the end. It was something he would have kept to himself, but it seemed the distraction of the hyperdrive hunt had let it slip through. The best he could hope for was that she didn't notice. As he waited for her reply, he let out a triumphant laugh. He had finally located the hyperdrive. It was throwing off sparks like crazy and had a faint glow to it from being so hot. He flipped his binocular over his visor and zoomed in on it so he could examine it closely. Hyperdrives were advanced pieces of technology and any little detail could mean the difference between getting it back up again or it exploding with him under the engine. He didn't particularly want the latter to happen.

Ra was looking around the room and saw what she thought to be the hyperdrive to his left if the sound of him rolling around was any indication.

"Roll about three feet to your left and I think it's there."

She listened to what happened to him. Blasted tourist brochures left out about the rebellion and she shook her head. First her ship, no weapons, no food provided, then the shuttle...this was not her day. At least one good thing came from all this, she hopefully made a friend that would last her lifetime...even if for a short period of time.

He asked where she was from. Should she admit she had no idea? At this point it time, it hardly mattered since it wasn't likely they would survive any crash that happened.

"I have no idea where I'm from, but grew up on Coruscant. My job, that's quite difficult to answer..."

Her words trailed off slightly as she carefully considered what to say. Not everybody appreciated the Jedi and would rather have them dead.

"I work within the Dominion and provide transportation of goods. As for what kind of person I am, I am human."

Her answer was only the partial truth, but figured it would do for now. There were no lies in her words.

"What about you?"

[member="Teagan Stoirm"]
The hyperdrive was indeed where Ra thought it was at. She had a good eye for this sort of thing. Teagan listened to her tell him about herself. She seemed unsure about a lot of things in her life. That did spark some curiosity in him about what it might be that she was so unsure about, but he also didn't want to offend her. Those sort of subjects were generally off limits unless the other person brought them up or you got to know them better. He still didn't like it when people brought up his parents after what happened to them. It was still a fresh lose, but it was not something that would ever go away either. The same was likely true for her as well. Respect demanded respect after all so he should respect her privacy for now on that topic. However there was plenty of topics still open for him to explore.

Teagan finished examining the hyperdrive as soon as she finished speaking. He had an idea now of what was wrong, and if he was right it was going to be a tricky fix. He said as he pushed back into the open space of the engine room enough to hold his hand out, " Heat reduction spray and the duracok gun please." He would wait for her to hand them to him then push back under the engine. As soon as he was back in place under the hyperdrive, he said, " Not much to say about myself. I was born and raised on Doldur. Grew up as the salvage and repair shop boy in one of the cities. I helped out my dad with the work up until the time the rebellion started. Things went south from there and now here I am." He paused as he began to spray the hyperdrive with the heat reduction foam. A loud hissing sound echoed out from it as the foam began to cool the metal on touch. After he had finished that up, he just laid there as he let it do its job. He went on, " What was it like on Coruscant? I can't imagine living in a place like that, and I grew up in a large city. Also don't worry about where you are from. It is who you are that matters. I certainly care more about who you are than where you are from at least."

When Teagan started moving around under the engine, Ra had opened the bag to see just what was in there. Not at all surprisingly, there were some heavy duty gloves along with other various and common tools needed. She took the gloves out, set them on the floor and reorganized the case so it made more sense to her.

Soon enough Teagan rolled out and held a hand out for a couple items, finding them where she had put them, she had them out and handed over within moments. She watched he disappeared again under the engine and was speaking again. It would be much better to be making this small talk under less stress, but it still kept her mind off the possible death facing them both.

"The planet never sleeps. Always something going on, good and bad. The higher up you are, the richer and the violence is much more subdued. Go lower and it gets poorer, the violence more open and hostile."

She leaned against the wall of engine room, keeping an eye on the door to make sure they were left alone. He had mentioned helping his father until the rebellion started and after that nothing. If he had grown up on Doldur, what was he doing off planet?

"I grew up in a lower middle class orphanage. Must have helped make me who I am now."

[member="Teagan Stoirm"]
Teagan listened to everything that Ra was telling him. He seemed to always listen to everything she had to say. The foam had turned colors from a white to a sickly tannish yellow color. This transition meant that the foam had reached a temperature similar to that of the metal and it would need to be removed before he moved onto his next step. He reached around for a rag but soon realized he had forgotten to ask for one. He sighed to himself as he pushed himself back out from under the engine to the same point as before. He said to Ra as he got his hand out enough, " Are there any rags? I need about two or three of them."

Teagan needed those rags before he could go back under so he figured now was a good time to respond to what she had to say. He said to her as he thought back over his own childhood a bit more, " What you were saying about growing up Ra reminds me of my childhood. The cities on Doldur are a lot like Coruscant. They might not stay active all the time, but that divide in wealth certainly was there. The inner most parts of the city were well maintained because of all the government buildings, but once you got past the government stuff things changed. The ring around the core of the city was always bad. Everything was a mess and nearly unable to function. Speeders, hover carts, houses, people. There was just not enough of everything for them there. The further towards the edge of the city you got though the better things seemed to become. Buildings were a little bit newer and in better repair. Speeders were shinier and shinier. The people were the same as the buildings and speeders. Sad as I think back on it...."

Teagan had to pause there. He had rambled on again for awhile, but that wasn't the reason for him needing to pause this time around. No this time it was the thoughts of his childhood. The thoughts of his home and the rest of the city it resided in. Those memories should have been pleasant ones but not for him. If Ra had any kind of empathic ability she would be feeling deep seated sadness mixed with a little anger coming from Teagan right now. This would continue for a moment until he continued on, " So you were an orphan? What was life like? I knew a few orphans growing up, but I can't say they ever can't much about it."

After she finished speaking, Ra saw Teagan poke his head back out from under the engine and asked for a rag. Not even looking in the bag since she knew exactly where she had put them, she handed him the pile.

"Better to have more than needed than not enough."

While she was reaching them, he told her a bit of Doldur and its cities. Almost the same as Coruscant, but horizontal not vertical. She nodded in comprehension. His last comment though got her curious.

"I know you told me about the rebellion and all, but what's so sad? There's always going to be a division between the rich and poor."

She leaned her head back against the wall a moment while figuring out the words to answer Teagan.

"Lonely, at least for me. Nobody to call mom or dad, the kids would get adopted and none stayed as long as I did. They looked normal I guess. Who would want a wild looking child with eyes as gold as wolf's? So I stayed there until I turned eighteen and they kicked me out. I had to learn the hard way to take care of myself and earn a living.
What was it like to have parents?"

[member="Teagan Stoirm"]
With the rags now in hand, Teagan went back under the engine. Ra's response to his comments about Doldur was a little expected yet also unexpected. There was almost a detachment to the way she so casually stated that there was always a division between the rich and poor. It was true, but the seeming apathy of it was so very different than Teagan's own towards it. He knew he couldn't completely fix the problem, but there was still ways to reduce that gap between them. He didn't have the answer for how to do that but it didn't mean he shouldn't care. At least that was how it was in his mind. He said to her after she finished giving that reply, " Well it is sad because the city is gone. Not in ruins. Gone. The tyrant ordered for several cities taken over by the rebels to be completely leveled to the ground. Bombers flew over the cities and dropped payloads until there was nothing left but smoke and fire and pebbles. My home happened to be own of those cities."

The memories were coming back to Teagan as he stopped speaking. It was painful to think about, but he had to push through it. He shook the thoughts off then grabbed one of the rags. He began to wipe the foam off of the hyperdrive. It was still hot even after the first round of foam so he sprayed it again. This part of the job always seemed to be the longest. It the part was too hot then he couldn't begin working on it, so he was forced to wait until he could. During this time he thought about what Ra had said about herself. An orphan that was never adopted out. She mentioned lonely and he could see why. She likely felt rejected because of it all, especially once the orphanage kicked her out without any help getting started. He couldn't relate to the first part of that but he could relate to the second part. He had nothing after his home was destroyed. He had no where to go and nothing to his name. He had to figure out how to survive during all of that and move on with his life. He still wasn't sure how he had managed to pull both of those off.

" Growing up with parents is great but also difficult. I always felt loved and accepted, but I also wasn't exactly free. I had to follow their rules and always worry about their approval. If I didn't do something right then I was punished and I always had to consider their needs not just my own when things were tough. But we always had each other so I would say it sort of evens out." Teagan said to Ra in response to her question. It was odd having this sort of heart to heart with someone while he was staring at the hyperdrive covered in cooling foam. " Are you still alone Ra? Are you still looking for a family to adopt you?" He hadn't meant to ask her those questions. They were on his mind and he had blurted them out without meaning to. Even if that was the case for him, Teagan still wanted to hear her answer if she gave him one.

Watching him roll under again, Ra waited for him to continue. He mentioned about his city being totally destroyed. She had no idea that happened and was sorry she had asked. In the pause between his words, she was able to interject her statement.

"I'm sorry Teagan, I had no idea."

He continued on to answer her question on what it was like to have parents. Other than the feeling of love and acceptance, which was lacking for Ra, the experiences appeared to be about the same. When things got tough, she needed to care for the younger children and had learned to cook growing up. Ra could make something delicious out of almost anything edible.

Even if he couldn't see her face, Ra gave him a very odd look and reaction to his last two questions. There were a few different ways she could interpret them and had a difficult time deciding how he meant them. As the answers to both of them were very different than the other interpretation. Rolling her eyes, letting out a sigh, Ra leaned over to look down under the engine compartment and see her new companion.

"Are you proposing to me?"

The situation was desperate and that was the first thought that came to her mind when she assessed the questions. So if the answer was yes, then she would blame it on that rather than it being an actual proposal.

[member="Teagan Stoirm"]
The foam was taking longer this time around to change colors. You would think that it would be faster since the foam and the hyperdrive would be closer to the same temperature than they were last time, but it was actually because they were not so different in terms of temperature that the heat difference wasn't impacting the two so fast. It was just one of those oddities about this sort of work that sort of defied perceived logic. Teagan began to wipe the foam though off of the hyperdrive as soon as the color was right. It was finally cool enough he could work with it. The issue wasn't about it burning him though as much as it was about when he went to seal up the cracks in the drive. If the drive was too hot then the sealant would apply properly, which he didn't want happening. He just needed to get the hyperdrive disconnected now so that it stopped sparking and so he could get a look over the whole thing.

Before Teagan could get to work twisting off and unhooking the various wires and cables connecting the hyperdrive to the engine and rest of the ship, Ra asked him something he never expected to hear. She asked him if he had just proposed to her. As soon as he heard that he jerked his head up while saying, " What?!" A loud thump of metal hitting metal sounded as Teagan's helmet made contact with the engine. He fell back to the board he was on and the quick movements of the two motions hit the damaged part of his back. He cried out, " GAH! UHHHHH!" Great, now things were awkward and he had hurt both his back and his head. Things were just going so perfectly for him in this moment.

Teagan took a moment to compose himself as he just laid there evaluating his life choices. After his back and head started to throb a bit less he said, " I wasn't proposing to you.... Not that I don't think you aren't pretty and nice. Because you are both. Any guy would be lucky to end up with a gal like you, although someone suddenly proposing might not be the best person to marry.... Not that I am trying to say you can't do whatever you want! I just, uhm, I just wanted to say that no I wasn't proposing to you just got the feeling that you were still feeling lonely and looking for that family to come take you in and that I really need to just shut up now and fix this hyperdrive so that we can hopefully stop the ship before something very bad happens and then you can head off to go live the rest of your life and I am still talking aren't I? Okay! shutting up now." He actually stopped himself there and went about trying to disconnect the hyperdrive from the ship. Thank whoever thought up crushgaunts for situations like these. No need for a tool when your grip alone could bend metal. He just hoped the extremely awkward situation would by pass quickly and was thankful she couldn't see his face right now, because it was about as red as it could get from embarrassment.

Ra winced as she heard Teagan react to her reply. She figured out that's not how he meant it. To her it was actually a good sign and showed he was keeping his mental faculties together in the face of death. He was also their only chance out of this right now. After he came out of a stunned daze, he spoke again. More babbling than anything truly coherent, the gist of what he was trying to say though was clear.

"I part of the Dominion now and work with them. So have found a sort of family. As for being adopted...I'm an adult and can take care of myself."

After she said the last part, it may have come out harsh sounding, but they were spoken and not able to be taken back.

"Guess I learned early on I needed to be self reliant."

She stood back up, glanced at the door which was thankfully still closed.

"Anything else you need?"

[member="Teagan Stoirm"]
Teagan was certainly sure of how Ra felt now. The little harshness to her tone and what she said in response to him was all he needed to know that it was not a subject he should bring up again. He just sighed a bit at his own stupidity on the issue. Of course he shouldn't have said anything about it. What orphan in her situation would want people asking them if they were still looking for a family to adopt them? Earlier he felt embarrassed about what he had said but now all he felt was raw shame at his words. He deserved hitting his head earlier and hurting his back for this one. He really needed to get a handle on himself soon or dying by hyperdrive explosion might be merciful.

Ra's question came at about the right time. Teagan had the hyperdrive disconnected completely from the rest of the ship but underestimated the size of it. He thought it over a moment on how to handle the situation then decided to take her up on the offer. He said, " Did they include some gloves in the kit? If they did find another board and join me under the engine. I could use your help with something down here." He then waited to see what she would do next. It wasn't as if he knew if any of those other items were there, but he also knew that she couldn't help him without them. Hopefully they were so that he could get the hyperdrive fixed and he could finally let her get on with her life after the disaster of having to listen to him.

When they had entered, Ra had only seen the one roller board and decided not to take any further time to look for one. The gloves were easy and she threw them on as quickly as she could, got onto her back and pushed herself over to be beside Teagan.

It wasn't as quick as he was, but after only about thirty seconds, she had maneuvered into position.

"Man it's dusty under here."

Trying to hold in a sneeze and failing, Ra was at least able to look away and not get the goo on him. Sniffing a few times to clear her nose, she turns back to Teagan.

"What do you need help with? I'm sorry I took so long to get under here."

[member="Teagan Stoirm"]
Things were progressing it seemed with the hyperdrive now. Teagan just held onto it while Ra did her things. The time it took for her to get underneath the engine with him after getting what she needed gave him some time to think things through more. The broken part in his hand wouldn't survive a second jump even after he fixed it. Honestly he just hoped it would actually stay fixed long enough to get them out of hyperspace before it messed up again. His next issue was the engines. He had had a little time to see them up close and they were worse off than he imagined. They needed a change up of fluids for the mechanical parts five trips ago and too much had been rubbed raw. The fuel line to them even had a tiny leak in it and was slowly decreasing the fuel levels lower than they should be. He didn't get how someone could let such a terrible job go on for so long in this kind of a company.

Soon enough however Ra was next to him and ended up sneezing. He didn't notice the dust himself before she said anything because of his helmet's filter. He set the hyperdrive down on top of chest slowly. Once that was done he reached up and took his helmet off. He handed it over to Ra and said, " Here wear this. It will block the dust and you will need the binocular in a second. What I'm going to do is hold this hyperdrive up while you apply that duracok to the cracks in it. Some of them are small, but they all need to be filled in. Once we are done all we need to do is give it a minute to do its thing then reinstall this drive. Hopefully we will be able to get out of hyperspace by then and can land somewhere safe. I don't think the engines have much more in them either."

Teagan would wait to see what she did with the helmet. Regardless of if she took it or not, once her decision was made he would hold up the hyperdrive so that she could begin working on filling in the cracks. It took more than a few minutes for her to fill in all the cracks, because that was just how this sort of job was, but she was finally done. Teagan smiled at her and gave her a nod, which she may or may not have seen, then just kept holding the thing up. Yet again it took a little longer than he would have hoped, but things finally had enough time to be sure they had done their job. He reinstalled the hyperdrive back in as quickly as possible. As soon as he was finished he turned his attention to Ra and was about to say something when the hyperdrive was activated. He whipped his attention back to it and turned pale. The pilot had pulled them out of hyperspace the moment they were done.

The ship began to rock and bounce as it left hyperspace. Teagan could tell from the motions that they must be in a planet's gravity well and were going too fast inside of it. The droid pilot began trying to slow them down, but the strain of it caused the engine above them to make a terrible sound and then shut down. The engine was now dead. This was bad news. Very bad news. The ship was now out of control as it plummeted towards whatever was pulling them in. He knew things were about to get fatal so he did the only thing he could think of in the moment to help. He reached over and pulled Ra up onto the board with him and held onto her tightly. While the rest of the ship was bouncing violently, the board would maintain some sense of balance thanks to the repulsor lift. He was just trying to save Ra from being thrown around the engine into thick pieces of durasteel, engine fluids, and eventually her own fluids.

Ra accepted his offer of the helmet, but not to keep her sinius' clear. He said she would be needing to use the eye piece to be able to see where to put the doracok and seal up the cracks. How anybody could allow conditions to arise like this was beyond her.

"Do you have a video recorder on this? Can use it to show evidence if needed for hazardous conditions flying."

She followed his instructions to the letter and did everything he requested. Watching as he replaced the hyperdrive into its slot, it made an activation sound which logically it shouldn't have yet.

Lucky for her, Teagan had loaned her his helmet or her head would have hit the engine area above them and at the very least given her a nasty headache. Suddenly it went silent, totally silent. The only sound was that of the shuttle rattling as it was breaking through the atmosphere of some planet. While she didn't scream, she did let out a small squeak of surprise when Teagan grabbed her, put her on top of him and held her tight.

After a brief moment though, she knew what he doing and in turn grabbed the board for addition security.

[member="Teagan Stoirm"]
Holding a beautiful woman with a nice figure like he was doing right now normally would be a great time for Teagan, but not in this moment. Even if he wasn't wearing a set of armor and could feel her pressed up against him it wouldn't matter because it would be the last thing on his mind. No he was just having a really karking bad day right now and it all had to do with what was going on. Teagan and Ra were plummeting through the atmosphere of some planet at an ungodly speed for planetary entry. The engines were karked and the only reason the two of them hadn't been turned into battered piles by the ships extreme shaking was because of the repulsorlift board they were on top of. To make matters worse, the passengers in the cabin on the other side of the engine room door were screaming so loud that he could hear them through all of the metal and oil and plastoid.

Then it all went silent. Everything went dark. Teagan could not remember what had happened but he did remember one thing. He remembered waking up with an incredible pain in his head and fire growing around him. He felt heat like an oven trying to bake his head, the only part of his body not protected by a layer of silicar. Smoke was rising above him and the board had taken damage and fallen to the floor with him still on it. A haze was all he could see as he looked around....and then darkness took him once again. His grip slacked and his body lost all of its tension. The only indication he hadn't past on to the other side was the shallow breaths escaping his barley parted lips.

Ra had kept the helmet on after Teagan grabbed her and her grip on the board kept them in place. Then the turbulence began. She felt like her insides were being shaken up like a salt shaker and slowly blended into mush. She could hear screams and yells from the cabin proper. She kept her head down and held on for her life. If she let go, then both she and Teagan would be minced meat before they hit the ground.

Almost as suddenly as it started, she heard for a split second the sound of metal on stone and then WHAM! Her hold was knocked loose and she would have gone flying, but there was no room to go. Instead her body slammed up into the engine and the pain gave her stars. Lucky her head didn't hit or that would have been scrambled too. Unfortunately for Teagan his head did hit the floor when the board crashed. Ra landed almost on top of him, her wind knocked out.

It didn't long for her to realize she was needed to get them out of this situation. Teagan was out cold and if she didn't move quickly was going to burn to death along with herself. That board wasn't doing them any good anymore so while he was still on it, she reached out with the Force, lifted both him and board out from the under engine. She got him out into the open area of the room and gently rolled him off of it.

There wasn't anything she could do about the flames and looked around for something to use to cut her way out of the engine room. The door to the cabin was jammed shut and she couldn't open it. Spying the bag of items for repairing the engines, she found something like a small butane gun used to cut open metal. Picking a side of the ship she could reach, Ra worked at cutting an opening in there before the smoke got to her or the fuel caught on fire and they went boom.

"Man a lightsaber would be so much better."

Ra grumbled this under her breath as she worked. The mask still on, so at least she could breath for a little longer. Taking more time than she wanted, but less than needed as soon as the metal was melted enough, Ra shoved it out of the way with the Force and turned to Teagan again. Hoping she had estimated his size accurately, she picked him up and used the Force to move him out of the ship. She didn't know what was out there, but hoped the ground to be solid and she let him go.

Wincing slightly when she heard him hit the ground and hoping she hadn't hurt him more. At least he kept most of his armor on and not hit his head when he landed. Ra had a harder time making her way out, but eventually she crawled out of the hole she had made and jumped off the shuttle when she saw where Teagan had landed. She checked for a pulse and found that letting out a sigh of relief.

Knowing there was leaking fuel and a fire on that shuttle, Ra had to move quick and picked Teagan up with the Force again, hoping he stayed knocked out for the duration of her transporting him. So many people had issues with Force users she would rather it not be an issue. When they were about one hundred feet away from the shuttle, it exploded. Knocking Ra down and making her lose her concentration on Teagan. He feel again, but she had replaced the helmet earlier so his head was protected this time.

This was as good a place as any to take a rest and Ra didn't know if she could get up again anyway. So she laid on the ground, hoping Teagan would wake up and not be in a coma.

[member="Teagan Stoirm"]

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