Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Failure Home

The situation was certainly getting dire. Any passive observer would be able to tell this fact by just listening to Teagan's ramblings about how pretty Ra looked from a few minutes ago. He knew that was not true as the both of them had not treated it with the extreme seriousness that a dire situation deserved, but that might have been a good thing. The both of them were not as tense and with both of them having hurt muscles it might help them to relax a bit. This was all on Teagan's mind when Ra commented on his ramblings while facing away from him She mentioned her back was still hurting so without even thinking about it his eyes naturally drifted over to look at her back and instead got a perfect view of her rear end. He blushed a bit as he saw it and glanced away. His mind was still in the gutters it seemed.

" Well you back end certainly looks fine...." Teagan said to himself in a voice he thought was only low enough for him to hear but actually wasn't.

After Ra found his stuff and returned back to him with it and the crate, Teagan took a look through his bag. Everything seemed to be in order, including his combat medical kit for a back attachment. He opened it up as Ra spoke to him and pulled out one of the injectors. He set it on his lap and reached for a vial of bacta as he said in response to her, " It could be anything but based on the looks of it it is likely something still alive. They are probably smuggling in a live creature using a mini cyropod like device. The only way to know for sure is to open it up."

Teagan had the vial in the injector by the time he finished and just need to reach around to his back now to inject near his spine. It normally would have hurt like a bantha stomp but in his current condition he might not even notice. As he did this the sound could be heard and Ra ran off. Seemed he was on his own and would just need to wait, which he did. The bacta went about doing its job as it attempted to fix up his body just enough so he could try to move. After awhile he heard the sounds of people arriving at his location and hoped it was his companion with some good news.

While she had been looking for Teagan's items, he slid in a quiet comment about her back end. Ra assumed he had meant to keep the thought to himself and just let out a small grunt as a reply. It did give her a moment of pause though and she looked at him as she bent of to pick up his items. His almost constant compliments were starting to make her wonder if it was more than the accident that caused them.

"Why do you keep complimenting me?"

There it had finally got her full attention.

"We will finish this conversation later."

Running off, she quickly was able to hail the passing farmer who stopped for her. She explained the situation and he agreed to go to the cargocase, pick up Teagan and take them back to his farm. The next day he would take them to town and help them arrange for transportation to wherever they needed to go.

Returning to the area where she left Teagan and the other items, they loaded him, the cryocase and his belongings into the speeder and he took them to the farmstead that wasn't very far from where they had stopped.

"You can't imagine how good this bed is going to feel."

[member="Teagan Stoirm"]
It would seem the gods or the force or random chance or something had smiled down upon Teagan. The footsteps did indeed belong to Ra and a stranger, who had arrived to pick him up and take him out of the jungle. He was not entirely sure he looked forward to the conversation that Ra mentioned they were going to have earlier and he hoped she had forgotten about it by now. That was about the only down side though as the bacta had managed to get his muscles to a point he could move them. His left shoulder was still dislocated however and so he still couldn't use that arm. It was going to hurt when he went to get that corrected. He was able to get up with some assistance however and everything was loaded up onto the speeder. He even had managed to get some of the valuable salvage from the bin, such as the credits and holopads, put into his bag for safety. He also had made sure all of the identification they could find was loaded up as well for the local authorities to use later.

As they traveled in the speeder down the road to the farm, Ra had said something that caught his attention. She said bed. They were going to get to sleep in beds tonight. He sighed some relief at that because he wasn't sure his back could handle sleeping on anything hard after what had happened. He said with his cheerful smile, " So we will get to sleep in beds tonight? I'm glad to hear that. It will be good for our backs and other muscles to relax while we sleep. Finally some good news for a change on this trip." He was really glad that he could sleep in a bed after it all. The jungle was bad enough during the day and it could only get worse at night he was sure.

Ra sat next to Teagan on the way to the farm and could hear he was really excited about sleeping in a bed, probably just as much as she was. The farmer turned to look back at them for a moment before looking back at the now very dim lit path in front of him.

"I have one guest room, so you'll have to share the bed."

When the girl had found him and explained the situation, he knew he needed to help them and if food, a bed and transportation was all he could do then that's what he would do. Ra had said he was a friend and hoped they didn't have an issue sharing a bed. He wasn't about to give up his own so they could be separate, that would be too much to ask of him.

"There's also a shower and I'm sure that'll be nice too."

Looking at Teagan, Ra actually gave him a grin.

"Oh both are going to feel wonderful."

They arrived at the farm, the smell of food on the stove coming out to meet them and Ra climbed out a bit stiffly and held her hand out to help Teagan out.

"Food or shower first?"

She just hoped he wouldn't ask to join her in the shower.

[member="Teagan Stoirm"]
Okay so there was only one bed and they were going to have to sort it out on who got to use it. That revelation was sure enough to kill all of Teagan's excitement right there because he knew how it was going to go. Momma Stoirm didn't raise a hellion and had made sure he knew his manners, so of course he knew how this was going to go. It would always going this way with him and he had accepted the somewhat well intentioned social injustice. Although no one else would likely admit that it was that or think that it was. Well at least he was going to get something to eat out of it and wash off the grim from the crash. A hot meal and a hot shower would do a lot to improve this day.

" You can shower first. I'll go after and then we can eat. You can have the bed too. I'll find somewhere else to sleep." Teagan said as he gave her a friendly smile that was spoiled with a slight bit of disappointment. He did begin to wonder what was on the menu tonight for dinner after a moment. His stomach growled loudly as he realized how he had eaten nothing since he boarded the shuttle. That company really needed to be shut down. He remembered his left should by this point and then looked to Ra. He said to her after a bit, " Ra, would you do me a favor and pop my left shoulder back into place?" She didn't even need to answer and he could already feel how painful that was going to be.

"I'll agree to showering first, but you're more hurt than I am so you get the bed."

Her stomach also growled, but before she could run off to shower, Teagan stopped her. What he asked made her go a little pale and turn slightly green under her neck. She had no medical training and had no idea what to do. It sounded painful, but he was already in pain. If it helped to get him better Ra would what was needed and she nodded walking over to him.

Looking him in the eyes and taking his left hand into hers.

"What do I need to do?"

They would talk about the bed thing after they both showered and had eaten as well as a few other things.

[member="Teagan Stoirm"]
Well the situation wasn't getting much better it seemed for Teagan's peace of mind. They were out of the jungle and away from the crash but now he had to face the problem of convincing Ra to just take the bed and just let him sleep on the floor. After everything that happened she deserved to have it even if he ignored the whole gentleman mentality his mother had beat into him. He was going to be sure she used the bed by the end, but for now he had to get his left arm fixed up. She didn't seem to know what to do though, which was not that big of a surprise seeing how he wouldn't either if not for his time in the rebellion.

Teagan took her hand in his right on and moved it up to near his shoulder joint. He squeezed her hand as he said, " Grab about here firmly with both hands. Get my arm straight out to my side with my arm under your armpit. If you don't that then my arm will just slide out of your grip. Once you got my arm secure pull back as hard as you can until you hear a pop and you see my arm looks like it is in place or I say something. I will be holding onto this support pillar with my right arm while you do this. Do you think you can do it?" He would wait for her response then nod to her with a friendly smile.

Before Ra could begin, Teagan wrapped his arm tightly around the pillar. His crushgaunt grip making it so that he would be likely able to handle however hard Ra had to pull on him to relocate his shoulder. It wasn't going to be pleasant but it would help things at least. He would just need to see a medical droid or a medic once they got to the city to make sure nothing worse happened. He turned to her and gave her another smile. He said as he did, " Ready when you are Ra."

Ra continued to look a bit green under the chin, but she took Teagan's arm into the position he requested of her. Her own face displaying the fact she was not comfortable with the situation and would almost rather be any place else than in this guest room putting his shoulder back into position.

Licking her lips a few times and closing her eyes so she didn't have to look at his face when she caused him more pain. Having had to treat the wounds of children before, she understood sometimes the need to cause pain to make it heal. Ra took a deep breath, opened her eyes and provided Teagan a count down before tugging on his arm in the hopes it worked the first time.

It didn't go the first time and looking even more green than before, she gave a second count down and pulled again. This time, she felt and heard as his shoulder was resocketed. She quickly turned her back to him, so he didn't have to look at her face and see that she could almost feel his pain. Once her own heartbeat had settled, she turned back to face him, but didn't look at his face. Her eyes were on the floor in front of him.

"I'm sorry I hurt you, I know it needed to be done..."

[member="Teagan Stoirm"]
All of the prep work was done and then soon enough they began to get his shoulder back into its socket. Teagan held on tightly and braced himself for what was to come next. He hadn't dislocated his own shoulder before now, but he had seen a few people who had during the rebellion. It was always painful for them and then they said it was immediately followed after with a relief from it. He didn't know if that was true or not but he was about to find out. Ra did a count down and then began to pull on his arm hard. The pain from it felt like a thousand flaming needled constantly rushing through his shoulder. He wanted to scream out from the pain of it but instead grit his teeth and focused on something other than the pain. He focused on holding onto the pillar as if it was the only thing he could do in life. The first attempt didn't work out so she counted down again and once more pulled on his arm. The same sensation followed but this time his joint popped back into place and a sense of ease flooded over the area. He could feel his adrenaline pumping as well, but had nothing to direct it towards. It was over though and he could finally let go of the pillar.

Teagan moved his left shoulder around slowly. It still hurt him but he could move it at least. He was happy he could finally use both of his arms again. Ra though seemed to have been hit harder by the whole experience than he had been. That was a little confusing for him, but he focused on doing what he could. He walked over to her and put his hands on her shoulders as she was faced away from him. He squeezed them softly as he said with a smile, " I knew it was going to hurt and now it feels much better. You helped me out Ra. You didn't hurt me. Thank you for all of it." He gave her another squeeze and then added, " I've done worse to myself any ways so you shouldn't feel bad. If you want to see hurt you should look at my back. Now why don't you go take that shower? It might help you feel better."

Ra felt as Teagan moved up behind her, his touch gentle on her shoulders. He queezed them softly and she tensed up for a moment, but relaxed as he spoke. They had been through so much in a very short amount of time. A bond had formed between them and she tilted her face up to look sideways at him out of the corner of her eyes. He accepted the pain she had caused, but it had been for the better to help him. She still didn't like the fact, but knew it needed to have been done.

"I did too hurt you. When getting you out of the shuttle I may have caused that to happen."

She didn't remember telling him the fact she couldn't see outside of the shuttle and had dropped him blindly and hoped. Turning around to face him, Ra took his right hand into hers and look up at him.

"You're welcome, Teagan and sometime maybe I will take you up on that offer."

Letting go of his hand, she tipped her head in the direction of the kitchen and the waiting food.

"Go eat and I'll join you after my shower."

Taking longer than she normally did to shower, Ra fully enjoyed the moment of solitude in what had been a more eventful day than she could have ever anticipated. When she was done, she dressed into some of her other clothes and had her hair down. She joined Teagan, the farmer and his wife in the kitchen to eat.

[member="Teagan Stoirm"]
Ra seemed to have recovered to a degree from fixing Teagan's shoulder. She squeezed his hand and was being nice to him at least. It did make him wonder though about why she was interested in seeing his back, but his back was sort of interesting on it's own. It wasn't very often that you say that kind of injury on someone who still had perfect use of theirs legs afterwards. He just smiled to her and let her head off to take her shower. The food was already waiting, but he needed to get out of his armor. It wasn't very heavy but after everything it felt like it weighed over a hundred pounds. So he found a private spot and switched out his armor for clothes from his duffelbag.

Teagan had made his way to the kitchen after he switched out his clothes. He was wearing just a light pair of tan shorts and a light green shirt. His feet were bare however as it seems he had forgotten his boots back in his workshop. The meal for tonight was some slow cooked beans with chunks of meat with them and a bread made out of cornmeal. It was good and reminded him of the times he helped out on the family farm. He hadn't touched his bowl yet and was just sitting there waiting for Ra to show up. Once again his mother would kill him if he didn't wait for everyone to show up for the meal. Eventually she did show up in some clothes he didn't exactly expect from her.

" You look nice Ra. Here sit down." Teagan said as he stood up. He pulled out a chair for Ra and waited for her to sit down. He would push it in for her if she did then go for a bowl and some bread for her. He put it down in front of her and said with a smile, " There you go a nice bowl of beans and some cornbread. Now lets say our thanks to our guest and eat up." He sat back down and got himself ready to proceed with the meal.

Walking into the kitchen, Ra looked at the farmer and his wife first before looking at her friend. While she had showered, he had gotten out of his armor and changed his clothes. She herself wore a loose purple skirt and when the light shined just right you could almost see through it. Her top was a light green and of the same matieral as her skirt. None of her weapons were on her and she had left them in the room.

Teagan said she looked nice and she gave him a small smile, her gold eyes starting to show how tired she was though.

He stood up and pulled a chair out for her and back in when she sat down. Ra gave him an odd look as he sat back down in his chair. Nobody had ever done for her what he had and it threw her out of what she felt were her normal conditions, not that it was bad or anything. A feeling came into her that this was just something she was going to have to get used to and that Teagan was going to be in her life longer than what started as a simple shuttle flight.

"Thank Mr. Farmer for picking us up and Mrs. Farmer for giving us food as well as a place to stay tonight."

She would have thanked them anyway, but at the prompting of Teagan Ra did it now instead of later.

Taking a bit of the old fashioned food, Ra closed her eyes and sighed. It may not be something she actually liked, but beggars couldn't be picky and she hadn't eaten all day. The cornbread was delicious though and she quickly finished eating.

"Do you need help cleaning up?" She asked after they had all finished. Mrs. Farmer shook her head and told them both to either shower or get to bed. They needed the sleep.

[member="Teagan Stoirm"]
The meal was good for Teagan, but anything was better than the usual rations back with the clan. The whole military thing was just not working out for his taste buds so much, but that was not really something to worry about. The meal was rather peaceful as there wasn't much conversation to be offered. After everything that had happened, it seems everyone was ready for a little peace and quiet. Everyone was done and an offer to help clean up was made by Ra before he could. The offer ended up being shot down though so it was time for Teagan to take his shower and then they could figure out the whole sleeping situation. He decided to slip off to the shower though without saying anything so that Ra and their hosts could chat a bit if they wanted to without worrying about him.

Now nice and clean following the shower and back into the clothes from before, Teagan walked into the guest room. He felt better and more relaxed, which was doing wonders for the pain that still was effecting his muscles. He was a little hesitant though about engaging Ra just yet. She had mentioned something about them needing to talk before and he was hoping his silence would make her forget. He couldn't be silence and ignore her for long however so after a few moments he said, " The meal was good and that shower wasn't that bad. I feel pretty tired too now that my stomach is full and I don't feel all grimy. I'll go find a spot on the floor and head to bed. You should do the same on the bed." He then went about looking for the best spot he could find before she could respond.

Soon after Teagan left silently, she excused herself to return to their bedroom. She turned to look at him as he walked in and gave him a small smile. His words brought a real smile and she shook her head.

"Oh no you don't go playing the let the lady have the bed crap. There's enough room for both of us."

A blush would darken her complexion after she spoke, but her words were true.

She took a seat on the bed and invited him to join her as there wasn't any place else to sit.

"We need to talk."

The actions of the day had worn on her and she had not forgotten that little cryocase almost demanding to opened, but since it wasn't damaged and the critter inside not going anywhere, she let it stay in her mind. Some of the words shared between them through the day gave her pause to think and just before she went and found the farmer, she had asked a question and it was still unanswered.

Where ever he chose to be, she would look at him with her gold eyes clearly showing her interest in his answer, but her face remaining neutral.

"Why do you keep complimenting me?"

Again she asked and in the privacy of this room, would have that answered.

[member="Teagan Stoirm"]
It should have been obvious that Teagan's attempt to be sneaky wasn't going to work. He had hoped it would but knew deep down it wouldn't. So when Ra crushed his attempt he had no real excuse to give. He just looked at her as she patted the bed for him to sit down with her. She was expecting him to join her and yet again he had no excuse. His back was hurting him and standing wasn't making it feel any better. So he sighed again and sat down right next to her on the bed. He looked to her and waited to see what it was that she wanted. It didn't take her long either to drop the question that immediately stiffened Teagan's back and sent pain shooting back up his spine. He winced a bit while he blushed at her question. He would have tried to avoid it but those golden eyes on him made that impossible right now. He was just going to have to answer it.

After a couple of silent, agonizing minutes, Teagan finally said with a little bit of a hitch in his voice at first, " Weell, uhm, I was just saying what I thinking. It shouldn't be much of a surprise after all. You are a pretty woman and those clothes do look good on you after all. You must hear it all the time. I would think you should at least. I mean you have such pretty hair, lovely eyes, and then your figure is....Well you have seen yourself in the mirror so you know what I'm talking about...." He coughed nervously and had to look away. Her eyes were piercing into his soul and his face felt as if it was on fire. His face would likely look as if it was on fire as well as deep of a red as he had. He really wished he had just died in that crash right now.

Ra knew the question was going to make Teagan as uncomfortable as it would have her, but she felt it needed to be answered sooner and not later. She watched as a range of emotions passed over his face and his body stiffen when she did ask it again. While she did not fully know the extent of his previous injury, from the way he moved while on the shuttle and into the room, it was quite severe.

After what felt like several minutes, but was closer to two, Teagan haltingly answered. His face was an almost crimson color and in her way, Ra felt bad for putting the pressure on him like she had. However, she didn't think if it been done differently this question would have been answered.

He spoke freely of his thoughts then, unlike she who kept them close most of the time. Her face became more telling as he spoke his words. When he was done, her mouth was likely open in shock.

"Actually only a couple of people have made such comments to me. One of them was a sith and trying to tempt me to the dark side and I blow that off as just that."

Her hand went up to her hair and lightly played with it since it was down.

"When I look in the mirror I don't see what others do I guess. Thank you."

She gave him a warm smile and would reach out a hand to lightly touch his cheek if he allowed it.

[member="Teagan Stoirm"]
Still feeling as if his face was on fire, Teagan's eyes stayed on Ra despite how much he wished for a sudden death at the moment. She seemed to be shocked at what he had to say and her mouth even seemed like it was open a bit. Was this really such a big surprise for her? Sure he had been just spewing his honest thoughts out pretty much since the moment they had meet. He had also taken more than a few glances at her, between her face and her feminine wonders he had plenty to look at after all. As attractive as she was though, which was undeniable for anyone who looked at her, she also managed to be a very kind and caring person. He found himself as attracted to that quality as he was to her lovely eyes.....

Teagan stiffened up as the thought crossed his mind. He had just thought that he was attracted to her. It was not that he found her attractive, which he had more than made clear by this point regardless of his wishes, but that he was attracted to her. Was this really how he felt in this situation? They just met in the last 24 hours and been through a life threatening ordeal and he was just thinking about how beautiful, kind, and caring she was. There was something seriously wrong with him. He should be worrying about all of those people who had died or about his family's situation on Doldur or even how much of a burden he had been today. He should have been but he wasn't. A swell of emotions was rising up in him. He felt both disgusted in himself for being so selfish and yet it just felt so natural and right to feel how he did right now. There was definitely somethign wrong with him.

Teagan ended up blurting outloud, " I think I like you...." A pause followed for a brief moment before he ended up adding his further thoughts, " Beautiful, kind, caring. Of course I would be attracted to you. Who wouldn't be attracted to you?" He didn't notice he was speaking out loud the thoughts he should keep to himself to most. His attention was so focused on this new realization within himself that he had forgotten where he was at and who he was there with.

Teagan's face was indeed blushing a lot, but so was hers likely. Not being used to getting such compliments caused her to react by blushing when they did happen and be a total loss of what do to. So once again he caught her by surprise.

Ra could tell his speech were his thoughts and he must be so tired and worn out he didn't even know he was giving voice to them. She blinked at him a few times and let out a small sigh. Hopefully not enough to disturb him too much.

His words gave her thought though. She always kept her own emotions close to herself, not revealing them to people. They had been through so much in not even a full day, but she felt comfortable with him. Maybe he was one she could trust. Shaking her head to herself, she kept these thoughts in her mind only.

She did like him though.

"Teagun, let's go to bed. We need all the sleep we can get."

[member="Teagan Stoirm"]
Teagan was still completely focused on his mixture of emotions when Ra spoke. As her voice crossed his ears he suddenly blushed deeply as he was pulled back into the moment. He just looked at her with shock all over his face. He just looked at her for a moment before he said to her, "You want me to bed you? I mean I certainly can find no reason to say no. You are so beautiful and have such a great body. And you saved my life as well from the ship and carried me and found the farmer. I can't say it wouldn't be amazing either. It certainly is something any guy would dream of having a chance to do but don't you think this is a bad time for that? I would certainly do everything I can but I can still barely move my body so I would be terrible and you must be really tired. I am and you did most of the work..... If you want to then yes. I real can't say no to that...."

Teagan was still very red as he kept his eyes on Ra's eyes. He didn't move though towards her just yet. As he had told her his body was still refusing to work for him so it was would be tough to do. The other problem though was that he was very nervous. He had some experience but not a lot when it came to this kind of thing. He couldn't say no though despite that after everything they had been through together and after she had just asked him so boldly. No he would just have to suck it up and actually take the lead for once with them. He had to put a lot of willpower into it but eventually he got his right hand to reach up towards Ra's face so that he could place it on the side of her head just under her ear.

Ra was shocked Teagan didn't fall over dead because he face got even redder when he misunderstood what she meant. She let out a sigh and shook her head.

"Teagan, I said to sleep, you idiot! Not to bed me."

Grumbling a few more incomprehensible names before she stood up and took off her socks.

"Get under the covers and go to sleep!"

Climbing into the bed which was large enough for both of them, Ra pulled the covers back for him to join her.

"We both need this and I'm not taking no for an answer."

Her voice wasn't harsh, but it was very commanding and if he didn't get into the bed and under the covers, she would use the Force and make him do it. She didn't tell him that part though.

[member="Teagan Stoirm"]

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