Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Failure Home

It was hard for Teagan to say how long he was out for. He just remembered being in the engine room surrounded by metal and smoke and flames with his head throbbing hard then the darkness of sleep. Or was it sleep? He had been knocked out before, but it was not as if he could remember the sensation while his mind had withdrawn within itself as it had. The only thing he was aware of was swirling lights and sounds. Things as solid as smoke yet so dense he felt his chest was being crushed by the weight of a thousand suns when it touched him. He was aware of flashes of sights he had never seen or didn't think he had seen. Numbers, colors, patterns all fading in and out of existence before him........then everything was light.

Teagan's eyes slowly fluttered open. He wasn't sure what he was looking at when they finally opened. Green. Leaves. Brown. Trunks. A sort of clear yet not clear layer covering it all. Oh it was trees and he was seeing through his visor. Wait, when did he put his helmet back on? He had given it to Ra before the crash.... He looked to the side and a sudden pain shoot through his entire body. He moaned out in pain as he winced. What had happened to him? His vision cleared for him once the pain subsided. It seemed she was laying not far away from him. He started to turn over but his body wouldn't move. It sent more, worse shots of pain through him. So he moaned out again, winced, and decided not to try that again for awhile. He went to move his arms to try and remove his helmet, but his left arm wouldn't move. He had dislocated his left shoulder somehow. Thankfully his right still seemed to be working.

Teagan decided to just lay there for awhile just experiencing the pain going all over his body. The good news in all of it was that he couldn't feel his head throbbing nor the stickiness of the clotted blood on the back of his head. After some time had past, he called out in a hoarse voice, " Ra. Ar...are you alright?" He started to cough and his throat and chest took the lead on feeling the most pain. Great. This was exactly what Teagan and Ra needed to today. He just hoped she was alright laying next to him and didn't any of the pain he was feeling. Better just one of them was a useless pile of extra tender flesh right now.

Ra had dozed off almost right away when she laid down. Her own body hurt and needed to recover. She had no idea how long she had been asleep when the sounds of Teagan waking up and trying to get up aroused her from her own sleep.

Her hair was a complete and utter mess, but she didn't care. When he asked if she was alright, she sat up and moved over to him. Looking down at him on ground, she gave him a weary smile.

"Yeah I'm fine. I think I'm in better off shape than you are. You took a few falls."

Of course, she didn't let on her own back was murdering her, but she would live. Somebody needed to take the lead in this situation.

"Can you move?"

[member="Teagan Stoirm"]
It would seem their situation was better now than it was before. Teagan had to admit this as he lay there on the ground just looking up into the sky. At least they wouldn't die from a hyperspace accident, which would have been one of the worst ways to go in his opinion. So now he just needed to figure out their next move without him actually being able to physically do that. He guessed the ship was completely a no go as the memories started to slowly return to him from before he was knocked out. The engines were lucky to be working before they had crashed so there was little chance of salvaging them enough to be functional. They hull was no doubt scrap by this point and the cockpit wouldn't be better. If they crashed nose first then they were lucky to have been in the engine room. Then a realization hit him.

Teagan said mostly to himself, " The passengers!" Then Ra's face was over his. She looked a little out of sorts with her hair a mess but otherwise perfectly fine. He was grateful for that. She then spoke to him and mentioned he had fallen a few times and asked him if he could move. Well the falling part made a lot of sense. His body certainly felt like he had hit stuff more than once. The question though was going to be easy to answer but a little tricky on how to word it without it sounding like they were screwed if some creature attacked right now. Not that Teagan was that great of a fighter to begin with, but he was even more useless now.

" Well I can move my right arm. That is something." Teagan said slowly with an awkward smile on his face. His helmet had been removed earlier. He went on after a pause, " So you walked out of a ship wreck and you look great still. I bet all the other girls must be jealous." He wasn't funny. He knew he wasn't. Why was he joking right now? He was the serious type not the joking type. Maybe he had hit his head harder than he thought he had. " Anyways. We should check for survivors and our stuff. I have a medical kit designed for combat amongst my belongings. It should help us save someone if they survived the crash."

When Teagan mentioned the potential of others surviving, her eyes grew dark for a moment before changing to a dark gold. Ra shook her head at him.

"They are dead. No escape from the cabin, Teagan and then the ship exploded."

Her eyes moved to glance at the smoking shell of their shuttle. Nothing could have come out of that alive and even they were lucky to have escaped with so few injuries. She chuckled at his words and returned his smile.

"Just coming out of that is a miracle, so moving one limb is a bonus."

When he mentioned her looks she would have to blush again.

"I'm sure I look horrible! My hair is a rats nest. Luckily it didn't get too burned and I have that little ball."

Pulling on what was left her braid, she pulled the ball off and did her best to rebraid her hair, replacing the ball at the end when she was done. Now came the difficult part. Teagan had been knocked out earlier when Ra was moving him, so he had no idea she could use the Force and she had no idea how he would react when he learned. Taking a deep breath and letting out a larger sigh, she looked back down at him lay there.

"I have something to admit, Teagan. Some people might have an issue with it though. I just hope you're not one of them."

Looking away from him so if it repulsed him, she wouldn't see it.

"I can use the Force and used that to get you out of the ship and as far away as we are now."

[member="Teagan Stoirm"]
" O-oh...." Teagan said in a sad tone after her mention of the explosion. He hated the idea of people dying, but he knew from experience how unlikely it was for someone to survive something like that. He had barely survived an explosion once before and it had damaged him badly enough it was still effecting him now. He couldn't imagine what those people would have done after being trapped in that shuttle like they were. Without a plasma torch and some real know how with the tool, he doubted anyone would have made it out of there. He was surprised the two of them even made it out of there alive. He wished he could have done more to save those people. Maybe if he had fixed the engine up before he messed with the hyperdrive.....

Then Ra mentioned to him how she had saved his life. Teagan couldn't see her face because she had it turned, so he didn't know what to say. He knew how he felt on the issue, but it was difficult to know how to respond without really knowing how she felt about the issue. It was looking like she wasn't going to give him a chance to sort that out though so he would just have to be honest with her. So with that thought he said, " That explains how we made it out. Thank you for saving my life Ra." He just smiled at her and hoped she would see. It was his cheerful smile that he had been giving her before they had to go into the engine room. He continued on after a bit, " Your hair wasn't that bad before you know. A little messy maybe but that's what happens when you are working in an engine. Especially if the engine ends up blowing up. It could have been worse. You could have gotten soot and grease and fluids all over your pretty face and your hair could have gotten burnt off. This one time I burnt my eyebrows off because of a fireball that suddenly erupt out of this engine I was fixing. It took forever for them to grow back and everyone made fun of me for it for a long time."

She had been expecting him to be repulsed by the fact she had used the Force to save him and actually thanked her. Ra looked back at him with a bit of surprise, he was giving her his friendliest smile and she relaxed. She didn't need to fear hiding that from him.

"I'd be in worse shape if you hadn't loaned me your helmet. In fact I think we would have exploded with the rest of them."

He told a story of how he burnt off his eye brows once and she couldn't help but to laugh at that a little.

"I can't wait to get my ship back."

Slowly standing up, her own back yelling at her she looked down at Teagan.

"I'm going to lift you up. Try not to wiggle around too much."

Without waiting for a by your leave or anything giving her permission to, Ra lifted him off the ground, doing her best to provide full support for his body.

"Keep your eyes peeled for anything."

[member="Teagan Stoirm"]
Ra seemed to have relaxed and taken on a more upbeat attitude. Teagan was glad to see that. She mentioned how him loaning her his helmet helped save the both of them, which was good news for him. He was glad his actions saved at least one person from that crash. Then she went on to mention her desire to have her ship back. He still didn't know what was wrong with it, which meant his curiosity about it hadn't gone away completely. Then she stood up and he noticed from the way she did that her back must have been hurting her too. It was amazing what little things you learned to pick up on when you dealt with it on a daily basis. For him it was people's backs and what condition they were in. Ra mentioned not wiggling around because she was about to pick him up, which he did not like the idea of her doing in her state. She was going to just hurt her back even more.

" You don't have to-" Teagan started to say to her when she started to lift him up off the ground. He couldn't help but wobble a bit in the air as his body subconsciously reacted to the sensation of no longer being supported by the ground. This lasted for a second before he could settle himself and then he reached down with his right hand and grabbed his helmet. He wiggled the whole time without realizing it too. With his helmet now in his hand, he placed it on his chest and began to try to keep a look out for any dangers. He said as he did, " Alright. I'll be watch for now."

Teagan's eyes moved around them searching for any sign of danger. He had been taught how to do this back in the rebellion and was continued to be caught up with the skill by his clan after. But he wasn't the best at it, which became obvious as he suddenly found himself distracted by a sight: Ra's rear end. Now was not the best time for him to have noticed just how nice of a curve she had there, although no time would have been if he was honest with himself, but he had done it. He stared for a moment before blushing and averting his eyes somewhere else. The somewhere else happened to be up her body to another curvy portion of her figure which got a deeper blush out of him and his gaze immediately going away from her general direction. What was wrong with him right now? He was feeling like a 14 year old punk at the beach and worse was he was acting that way too.

" All clear." Teagan said as he kept his eyes away from Ra. " Nothing to see at all."

The position Ra had him in was just at about the height of her hip, so he really wouldn't be able to see much if danger was going to threaten them, but it gave him something to do and maybe keep his mind occupied and off the situation.

Ra was so very glad she had firm knowledge of telekinesis with the Force. If she hadn't had such thorough training in this aspect, there was no way she could have saved them.

"Stop wiggling, please."

She looked down at him and saw he had a huge blush and was clearly looking away from her. Shaking her head, she just continued walking along what almost appeared to be a path.

"I wonder if our items somehow broke out before we crashed? I highly doubt that though."

[member="Teagan Stoirm"]
The only bad thing about their travel right now for Teagan was that he found himself glancing back at Ra. He knew he shouldn't be looking at her ample curves, but he just couldn't stop himself. He really had hit his head too hard and had turned back into a 14 year old again. This was no time for him to be thinking about how great everything looked as she moved around. No what he needed to be doing right now was keeping his eye out for whatever it was he could see. They would both be better off if he did...but he just couldn't keep from glancing at her every so often. What made matters worse as well was that he was starting to stare for longer and longer periods of time each time he did look over. He decided that the first chance they got, he was going to take the coldest shower he could. It would help out his aching muscles and get his mind out of the gutter.

The best distraction Teagan could think of right now was to answer Ra's question. He said, " It is possible. The shuttle was sort of a sloppy hack job on the inside. The engine had all kinds of different parts that didn't belong to the original one. I wouldn't be surprised if they had attached a cargo container to the underside instead of using a climate controlled cargo space. There was some signed on the hull to suggest this too. Welded cuts and odd lines for openings. When we entered the atmosphere it is possible the entry was too much and the cargo bin, if they were using one, came loose due to the hull breaking apart in those weak spots and it could have fallen to the ground. If it landed on something other than stone as well there is a good chance everything inside is still intact."

It was hard to say how long they had been walking for when Teagan noticed something out of the corner of his eye. He said as he turned his head to look towards it, " Ra, hold up." He looked more closely but couldn't make out what it was he was seeing. He picked up his helmet with his only good hand and slide it back over his head. He flipped the binocular down and zoomed in on what he had seen. He nearly gasped, or maybe did gasp, when he realized what it was. He said as he pointed towards it with his right hand, " The ship's cargo container is over there! Our stuff might still be in it!" He was feeling excited by this discovery. They might actually be able to save their stuff after all and not have to ponder if it went up in the explosion.

She walked for a while in silence, just the sounds of her steps in the air along with the nature around them. Ra heard no sounds of civilization and wondered where they were. Once in a while, she would glance down at Teagan and make sure he was okay. It seemed he had grown accustomed to being held aloft by the Force and had stopped wiggling around.

Ra wondered he was thinking about. She herself thought about their location and the fact she was starting to get worn down. Her back was causing her a lot of pain and hoped it wasn't seriously hurt. A nice hot shower would do wonders to relax her muscles and headache. The headache was being caused by her using the Force to move Teagan around.

Looking down at Teagan as she spoke, she nodded.

"They took my weapons before I got on board and put them in an external carrier."

The sun was getting lower in the sky, but she still had not noticed any sign of people. It was a nice planet and the lack of people had her wondering if it was undiscovered. That thought really scared her, they would be alive but stranded on an unpopulated planet with no way to get off.

On the bright side, Teagan saw something and wiggled his helmet back on and found the cargo container from the shuttle. Turning in that direction, she lead the way there and carefully set him down on the ground when they arrived. She felt his excitement and it rubbed off on her a little. However she was so worn by that point, she could little more than smile. He could tell, hopefully she shared his feeling.

"Lucky you found this.. I need a break."

She sat down next to him and tried to figure out a way inside. Tipping her head in its direction.

"Have a ideas?"

[member="Teagan Stoirm"]
Thankfully for Teagan, Ra had placed him with his back against a rock so that he was sitting up. He studied over the container as she sat next to him. Her first question was about if he had any ideas for getting into the container and that was exactly what he was figuring out right then. He waited a moment before he said while pointing, " See that panel on the side of the container? We can probably break into that. It might not even be locked up that tight. We would have to look at it. If it is locked then all you need to do is smash the panel with a rock and it should unlock. It isn't a complex one from the looks of it."

After finishing speaking, Teagan turned his attention to Ra. He looked at her for a moment then said, " How are you holding up? Your back is killing you and I am sure carrying me wasn't easy. You should just rest for now until you feel better. We aren't going anywhere and neither is that thing." He reached up to his helmet and took it off with his right hand after he finished speaking. He set it down next to him then looked over to her with a friendly smile on his face. How was it he found himself in these kinds of situations so often? One day he would have a normal day. He said after a bit, " So tell me something about yourself Ra. It can be anything. Maybe you can tell me why you do that ball thing with your braid. Your hair is so pretty, just like your face, that it seems odd to me you would use it as a weapon." Here he went again talking. Hadn't he leaned his lesson before the crash? Oh well. It was too late for him to take it back now.

Teagan quickly answered her question, pointing to one of the panels. She nodded and was going to go looking for a rock to use when he spoke again. He asked how she holding and pointed out that her back was hurting her. Ra narrowed her eyes slightly since she hadn't mentioned to him her back was hurting. In the future, she would have to do better at hiding her pain and she thought she had done a good job keeping her pain from Teagan.

"How did you know my back was hurting? I never said anything."

She laid down to give her back a break and stretched out. As Teagan pointed out, the cargo thing wasn't going anywhere and right now they weren't either.

If she had the energy, she would have helped him take off the helmet, but he had it off before she could even start moving in his direction. He gave her one of his smiles and she returned it with half a heart. She was really worn out.

He asked her to tell him something about herself and picked on her braided hair with its little ball. His compliment wasn't lost on her either.

"I don't use my face as a weapon silly."

Giving him a chuckle, she considered the answer.

"I put my hair back in a braid to keep it out of my face. Eventually I decided one day to add the little ball. Some of the most dangerous things are beautiful."

He had already answered how he hurt his back, so she wasn't going to ask that again. Ra closed her eyes and thought of her own question.

"You handled yourself on ship and working on the engine all calm. How did you not freak out?"

[member="Teagan Stoirm"]
This situation was kind of pleasant to be in right now. Teagan didn't expect to be thinking that considering his muscles still ached too much to move and his left shoulder was still dislocated. It was even more so considering the fact that he had just survived a ship crash and was on some unknown planet right now. It should be the worst situation of his life, but it wasn't by a long shot. His heart went out to all of those people who had died, but there was nothing he could do to have saved them. Their deaths were on the hands of the shuttle company that was transporting them all. No, this was not the rebellion so it was not the worst point in his life. Nothing could ever possibly hit that low of a point. It was just pleasant because he was with Ra now having a nice chat.

Ra seemed to be bothered by how Teagan knew her back was hurting him. He said to her, " Well I knew by how you moved. I have back pains a lot so I have gotten good at spotting that sort of thing in others."

Ra's answers to his question got a chuckle out of him as well. Her comment about beauty was interesting to think about as well. Teagan said in response to it without really thinking about it, " If dangerous things are beautiful, you must be the most dangerous thing in the galaxy....." He didn't realize what he had said or even why he had said it. Crashes did crazy things to people it seemed. He listened to her question after and wasn't entirely sure how to respond to it. He didn't think about it for long then said, " I just didn't. It is not the first time my life has been on the line, so I guess I just didn't feel it so much. I was more worried about what might happen to you and the passengers if I failed than I was for my own life. Plus I have been around engines my whole life. It feels natural to be working on something when things are going crazy. It is better to fix something and have a chance than to complain and be sure of failure. Or so my dad and grandpa always said."

He was sitting up next to her and Ra turned her head to look at him as he spoke. Placing her hands under her head to give herself a little pillow. When he answered her question about her back, she nodded and stopped with the narrowed eyes and just looked at him.

Though while they were on the shuttle, she had looked at him casually, she gave him a better look and the circumstances had changed. He was younger than her, but only by a couple of years. For all she knew they were going to be companions until one or the other them died. She hoped that wouldn't be for a long time though. They had made it this far, she wanted to see this through to the end...whatever that was.

Teagan made a quiet remark Ra almost didn't hear, but when he was done, it caused her to sit up a bit. Making her wince a little as her shoulders protested at the change of position.

"I am so not the most dangerous thing in the galaxy. Thank you."

Ra reached a hand out and took a hold of his right hand as that was the only one he could move and just held it if he let her.

"Well, you did good and better than I could have. My captain would have been like you and done the same thing."

She rarely thought of her old captain, but now she had done it twice in such a short period of time. Only one other person knew that story and Ra had yet to run into that man again after they met. If Teagan asked, she would tell him what happened to her captain.

[member="Teagan Stoirm"]
Something seemed a little different about Ra after he had finished rambling on like a mewling nerf. She seemed to be looking at him more closely than before and even took his hand in her one hands. Teagan wasn't exactly sure what to say to all of this. The whole ordeal had caught him a little off guard. She was had mentioned something about this captain fellow a few times up to this point, and this last time peeked his interest on top of his confusion of what exactly was going on. He just looked at her though as he allowed her to hold his hand for as long as she liked. Was this really the Ra he had been traveling and surviving with up to this point or was this the real Ra he hadn't seen yet? He wasn't sure and he wanted to find out.

" Who was this captain you have mentioned a couple times now? I remember you said you got your ship from them, but not who they are." Teagan asked Ra in as sincere of a voice as he could muster. " Was this someone important in your life? I can't say I know you all that well but I get the impression they were."

Teagan just waited for her to respond. His muscles continued to scream out at him in pain despite there being nothing he could do about it other than a soak in a bacta tank. His back was killing him worse than anything else as well, but he was ignoring it all. He was more focused on hearing what Ra had to say than anything else. Maybe he could walk away from this whole ordeal with a new friend in her after all. He had certainly figured he wouldn't after all the rambling he had been doing the entire trip. It also didn't help that the shuttle tried to kill the both of them not that long ago either. He really needed to get a hold of the company and chew them out over this once they got off world.

Ra continued to hold his hand, hoping it wasn't causing him any additional discomfort. Teagan did indeed ask about her captain. Her eyes grew a little distant as she remembered him, though she looked at her companion the whole time. She spoke with a slightly hushed voice, but clear enough to be heard.

"My captain, Treylon was the first person to care about me. You already know how I grew up. After they kicked me out, I had to learn how to live and about two years ago this man hired me. He was the captain and ran a business of transporting-goods, people, whatever was needed. We weren't slavers or drug dealers, everything was legal and in books."

Some people had thought or suggested slaving and drugs, but that was not something Treylon did.

"Our last day together, he had sent me a head to prep our ship and on his way back there was a fight. He was killed and I rescued a little girl named Xian from a burning building. Took her to the orphanage I grew up in as I couldn't think of any place to take her."

She shrugged slightly before continuing.

"He taught me how to pilot, repair a few things on the ship and be a business woman of my own. When he died, I took the ship, the little girl and didn't look back. I hardly think of him anymore."

Somebody had suggested that they had loved one another, but it was no romantic love and she didn't really know if it was.

"I missed him greatly for a time, but have moved on with my life. It was what he would have wanted."

[member="Teagan Stoirm"]
Teagan listened to everything that Ra had to tell him about this Captain Treylon. It was kind of odd that she had said Teagan was like the captain in how he stayed so calm repairing the ship and both of their names started with a T. He wasn't sure why that stuck out to him, but it had. The story developed and he started to get the impression that this man was more than just a role model for her. This guy had all but adopted her and the pair had become a family. It was as if he was listening to a daughter talking about her father. It was not as much her words that gave him this impression though as it was just a gut feeling. It just felt as if the two had sort of adopted each other. So by the time it ended, Teagan was sad for Ra even if she may not want him to be.

All that Teagan could do was sit there after Ra had finished her story in silence. It had gotten to him. It had gotten to him so much that he had tears in his eyes for her. He didn't tear up all that often, but this story sure did. It had hit home for him a bit too much since his own parents were gone now. He wiped the tears away with his right hand after a few moments. He said to her after he had centered himself a bit, " I'm sorry for your lose Ra. I'm sorry I brought this up too. You probably don't like talking about something like this." He got quiet again for a moment before he added, " So how are you feeling now? Is your back feeling any better?"

After she finished speaking, they sat in silence for a few minutes. Teagan eventually broke that and expressed his sympathy for her loss. It had obviously upset him, but at this point in her life, it really didn't bother as much anymore. He had taken his hand back and she actually missed it, but allowed him to keep it. She just shrugged her shoulders slightly at his sympathy and gave him a half hearted smile.

"Feeling? I guess fine."

She went to sit up and found her back still aching, but Ra still didn't say anything. He had seen her in pain already, even if she hadn't said anything. Ra wasn't one to admit to being weak so didn't say anything this time.

"The day is passing and no shelter for us. Better get this thing opened and find our stuff."

With those words, Ra stood up and looked around for a rock to open the case. Finding one nearby, she returned to the cargo case and quickly opened it. The lid was too heavy for her lift on her own physically so she gave it a quick nudge with the Force and it opened wide for them to see what was in side.

Ra found her own belongings quickly. Her weapons in place, Teagan would see she appeared more confident and comfortable. Moved more feline like and graceful.

"You see your stuff?"

She picked up a random case, which popped open and a pile of clothes fell out along a large stash of money. Lifting one of her eyebrows, she picked that up.

"Wow, who would be dumb enough to travel with this much? It's enough to buy a whole new ship."

[member="Teagan Stoirm"]
It was not hard to tell that Ra was still feeling the back pain to Teagan. They way she moved her body was evidence of that and not something you could hide. It always amazed him just how much influence someone's back has over everything they do while moving. She got the rock and went about opening up the storage bin. It didn't take her long to produce her own stuff and have it back to where it belonged. It was pretty obvious how having them again effected Ra's attitude. Her entire body language changed and became more relaxed. It was almost like watching a nexu glide around in a zoo exhibit, only this nexu was in front of him. He just watched her moving around as she asked about his stuff and opened up some stranger's belongings. Well they were no longer a stranger but the deceased now.

Teagan couldn't stop watching Ra even after she had asked her question. He felt like he was seeing a different person. His only response to her was, " What? My stuff? No. I can't stop watching you right now. You are like a female nexu stalking her prey, just waiting to pounce when they least expect it and devour them...." It took him a second but he realized that he had spoken his mind again. He blushed and quickly tried to add, " Not that I think you look like a savage beast or anything! There is no mistake how feminine and beautiful you are. I just meant you are graceful right now like a nexu is graceful. Not that you weren't graceful before as well and can't be very feminine in your grace... And I am going to start looking for my stuff now."

Teagan couldn't stop blushing as he tried to see what he could of the inside of the storage bin. He really wished he could stop talking today so he wouldn't end up rambling like he had been since he met Ra. At this rate she was going to end up hating him and ditching him out here in the jungle. So he made sure to keep his mouth shut and eyes open for his stuff. Eventually he spotted it and pointed to it with his right hand. He said as he did, " There. The large bag with the same symbol on it that is on my armor. It is sitting next to that cyrocrate with the biomaterial symbol on it.... Why is there a cyrocrate in a storage bin?" This shuttle company really needed to be shut down and the executives arrested. The number of incredibly stupid things being done just kept piling up and the shuttle had already blown up.

Ra was perusing through the now deceased belongings, she found some poor weapons and laid them in a pile. A few nicer items and put them in a separate pile. She listened for Teagan's answer and what he said caused her look up in surprise. When she was growing up, she had been compared to a wolf due to her eye coloring, but never a cat.

"Of course I look like some sort of wild beast. I mean my hair is a mess, my clothes are singed, my back hurts..."

Realizing a moment too late she had admitted her back hurt, Ra shut her mouth and went back to rummaging through the items. His words though made her feel good even if her back was hurting and she looked like a wild cat.

Teagan saw his items and she went over in the direction he pointed and found both the items and cyrocrate he mentioned. Picking them up, she brought them over to him and set the crate down next to him. Whatever it was, it was frozen for ease of transportation. Looking at her friend, Ra raised an eyebrow and pointed at it.

"What do you think it is?"

The sun was getting lower in the sky and their shadows were growing longer, but Ra heard a sound in the distance. That of a vehicle and it was getting closer. She had been walking along what looked like a path of some sort and her eyes grew round when she heard the sound. Holding a finger to Teagan, she ran off in the direction of that path to hail whoever was driving it.

[member="Teagan Stoirm"]

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