After reading through the multitude of posts that populate this thread, I’ve come across a few that caught my eye - and not in a good way. It’s rumoured that Chaos is dying. Having come from a Star Wars RP site that has died, and carried on like several limping major factions, I firmly believe that the opposite is true. This community isn’t thriving as it used too, sure, but it's far from dead. We’re staying the course, and growing incrementally on a daily basis. If you don’t see that, I’m not going to sit here and patronize you or tell you why you’re wrong. Ultimately it comes down to one’s perception.
You see a Six, while I see a Nine.
The map game is unsustainable is another detail I’ve seen brought up, and much like the aforementioned point about the site dying - I don’t see it. The map game is fine for what it is, and what it offers. Do I think it’s perfect? No. Nothing ever is. However, I don’t see it as a broken aspect of the site that needs to be fixed. If anything? It needs to be treated like an MMOG and get updates - minor tweaks to enhance its potential. What those updates are, or could be? I couldn’t tell you - as this isn’t the thread to be dropping them in.
We’ll eventually see new updates rolled around to the mandates system when the Admin team have finished doing their work. I realize they got a lot of things going on, and I’m a patient person. Others aren’t, I get that, but I have no control over anyone but myself.
Chaos is a play-by-post Star Wars RolePlaying Game, no matter what way you spin it. The site self-regulates itself and does its best to cater to everyone; despite the fact that it's impossible to do so. In addition to this - Chaos is a place of infinite possibilities, where each and every one of us is free to write whatever our heart desires. Be it a Queen governing a planet, or a Scoundrel trying to make his way in the Galaxy. I think it’s fair to say that we don’t care what you decide to write - so long as you write and have fun doing so. However, there is something else that comes with those infinite possibilities and the choices we make.
Much like in real life, every action we take has consequences.
This beloved website of ours does a pretty good job of listing out the consequences and responsibilities that should be expected - especially by those groups of players wishing to proclaim themselves as a Major faction. While I understand and know this upcoming conversational horse has been smashed into oblivion, but it goes without saying - read the terms and conditions before hitting accept.
Hell, in my mind, it’s like people walking down a freshly mopped hallway with shoes that don’t have grip. The sign’s there, warning you of what could happen - yet you elected to walk down that path anyway. Its no-one’s fault but your own if you slip and fall. In the end, the only thing you’ll have truly wounded is your pride. There’s little point in making the situation worse by being petulant, or blaming someone else for your decision. Own it. Accept whatever consequences come your way, and try to do better next time.