The Last Son
I feel that the rules are fine as they are. However, if we are on the topic of mandates, then I will come up with some ideas that I feel would be better.
Dueling Factions
Pros: As a dueling faction, they can only participate in one Invasion thread at a time. Can provide 5 Allies to Any invasion they participate in, that do not count towards Ally slots of other factions.
Cons: This Faction can only be active in one Invasion. Should their Faction be allies with another, and declare aid to said ally faction, this also counts as their one allotment. Defending Invasions can only have a Max of the minimum 5 allies per invasion. Two factions that are both Dueling Factions cannot work together to raise the defensive ally slot number
Holy Crusaders:
Pros: This faction can participate in as many factions as they desire. Declaring multiple invasions against one faction, or multiple factions. Ally Count of 10.
Cons: During any of these Invasions, Other factions may provide counter attacks, or be attacked by multiple factions at the same time. No Ally count when defending.
Dueling Factions
Pros: As a dueling faction, they can only participate in one Invasion thread at a time. Can provide 5 Allies to Any invasion they participate in, that do not count towards Ally slots of other factions.
Cons: This Faction can only be active in one Invasion. Should their Faction be allies with another, and declare aid to said ally faction, this also counts as their one allotment. Defending Invasions can only have a Max of the minimum 5 allies per invasion. Two factions that are both Dueling Factions cannot work together to raise the defensive ally slot number
Holy Crusaders:
Pros: This faction can participate in as many factions as they desire. Declaring multiple invasions against one faction, or multiple factions. Ally Count of 10.
Cons: During any of these Invasions, Other factions may provide counter attacks, or be attacked by multiple factions at the same time. No Ally count when defending.