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Discussion Favorite Moment In Star Wars

Travelin’ the Stars
Alright y'all, this is something that I am curious about. What is your all-time favorite moment in Star Wars?

Literally from any piece of Star Wars. Books, movies, tv shows, comics, video games, you name it. Want to see what y'all come up with. I'll start with mine.

My all time favorite moment is the fleet battle above Scarif in Rogue One. If y'all don't know, I am a HUGE fan of Starfighter dogfights. Bringing back the original squadrons to duke it out against TIE Fighters is straight awesome. And the Hammerhead Corvette chopping the Star a destroyer in half? Badass.

Let me hear yours!
For the movies:
Prequel Trilogy: Duel of Fates. Episode I was my first actual introduction to Star Wars, and the final lightsaber battle was pure dopamine to my child monkey brain.
Original Trilogy: Darth Vader v Luke and the Emperor's death. Again, kid monkey brain.
Sequel Trilogy: The last act of Last Jedi (or technically the penultimate sequence?). I'm in the "I love TLJ" camp, and I got drawn into the moment during the scene of Snoke's death, Kylo's offer to Rey to join forces, Finn possibly dying, etc. It looked as if the movie was setting up Star Wars to go in a whole new direction instead of rehash the old, in that moment, and I still love it.
I am a man of very simple tastes. But perhaps my favourite moment. The moment I consign to Star Wars history more than any other is in Episode V, when Death Squadron is introduced. To me, this is top tier Star Wars. The music, the excellent effects. It all comes together perfectly in a way that reminds me about what I love on a technical level about these films. The devotion to the background details which created such a fantastic universe.

In video games, I'd probably state the favorite moment would be, in SWTOR at least, reuniting with a companion such as Lana Beniko, Theron Shan, etc because of how integrated they are in the overall arch of the story.

My favorite moment I'd state is when Ahsoka hears what's happening in the second last episode of TCW. It's an amazing scene, given the arc, and all Ahsoka, Anakin, and Obi Wan have gone through.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
there are a lot of great moments but I shall try and be fair as even disliking something in them.. the sequels gave one or two moments.

Episode 1: Duel of Fates was great
Episode 2: Hayden when he is quiet andallowed to show emotions on Tatooine. Forget the dialogue but he gave better preformances just being quiet.
Episode 3: The final duel between anakin and obi-wan. Ewan really makes it with his speech.
Rogue One: Partially a cheat as the comic version shows Saw at the very end holding the necklace with his sister and you see almost hope on his face. His fight is over, he can hopefully see her again.
Solo: The initial escape from the ties where you do get to see his flying skills.
Episode 4: Obi-Wan and Vaders fight... might not be as flashy but you have two powerhouses to deliver the dialogue.
Holiday Special: Bea Arthur... she is amazing even if it is not a great special.
Episode 5: It is early on, Han being worried about luke being out in the storm. He came back in 4 but here it shows they have become friends.
Episode 6: Vaders death and funeral. Seeing him come back into the light if only for his son and then the funeral where he gets a pyre like Qui-Gon.
Episode 7: Han and Chewie coming back to the falcon.
Episode 8: Luke facing down the First order to buy time and his moment with Leia.
Episode 9: Hux getting killed... it was nice to see a competent villain if only for a moment.

Games: Knights of the Old Republic the reveal. You might have been able to piece some things together but that first time it is a good surprise.

Books: So many from any of the books or even the comics but.... Chewies Death. He stood tall as a moon was being dropped on him cause that was the only real way to defeat him.


From the OT the scene that comes to mind is the duel between Luke and Vader. It's not a constant spectacle of flashing sabers but rather a battle of wills. Starting with Vader overpowering Luke and then forcing him to hide away in the darkness as he's left alone with all of his doubts and Vader's voice just taunting him with jabs that eat away at him till Vader strikes a weak point in his psyche by bringing up Leia. Then seeing him just snap and loose control of himself as he gives in to his emotions and is dominating Vader fro the rest of the fight not with technique but sheer brute force is just an amazing image. Especially when it ends with him looking at the hand he slices off and it hits him what he just gave into.

From the games there's one moment that speaks to me. In Fallen order when you go to Ilum and you get a Kyber crystal only for it to shatter. Seeing Cal just break down and lose all hope as he's forced into that dark corner as all the failures in his past catch up to him, and now feeling like he'll never accomplish anything... Only for BD-1 to play that message from Cordova and for Cal to ask BD-1 if he really chose him and had fate in him this entire time. That just hit me in a way that a lot of stories just don't. Especially when you then get to choose you're saber color as if to say that Cal is moving on from his past and trying to not have it define him
  • The Phantom Menace
    • Intro to the Phantom Menace, I love that whole entire sequence on the Trade Federation battleship with the Jedi and the droids.
    • The podrace sequence, it's such a fun and thrilling event and I love the fleshing out of the universe.
    • This might be controversial, but I also love the political dynamic on Coruscant and how that whole scene in the Senate played out. I'm a sucker for that kind of worldbuilding.
    • And, unsurprisingly, the finale. The interlaced sequences with the space battle, the big battle between the gungans and the droid army, the storming of the palace, and the big lightsaber duel. It's absolutely chef kiss.
  • The Attack of the Clones
    • Again, I'm a sucker for political worldbuilding, so everything about the assassination, the military creation act, and Palpatine acquiring more executive powers is all up my alley.
    • I also really really enjoy the mystery element with the clone army and Sifo-Dyas, and the Jedi's attempt to unravel this conspiracy woven by the Sith.
    • Anything with Jango Fett.
    • The big finale battle with the arena fight, the wider clone vs droid battle, and the lightsaber duel with Dooku, Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Yoda.
  • The Revenge of the Sith
    • The intro, it's my top favorite out of any Star Wars movie. Excellent camera, still amazing CGI, and the music all weaves together perfectly.
    • The duel between Dooku and Obi-Wan & Anakin.
    • Again, more political worldbuilding with the Senate and Palpatine.
    • The entire second half of the movie, more or less. Order 66, the transition from Republic to Empire, Anakin vs Obi-Wan, Palpatine vs Yoda, all that good stuff. Inject it into my veins.
  • A New Hope
    • The intro is iconic, really enjoy that.
    • Anything with Tarkin.
    • The Death Star rescue is a lot of fun and very tense at times.
    • The Battle of Yavin, especially towards the end when Luke is making the trench run. That whole sequence still makes my heart race even though I've seen it a thousand and one times.
  • The Empire Strikes Back
    • The Battle of Hoth is amazing, such a stunning visual feast and a lot of fun to boot.
    • The Asteroid chase scene is very fun as well, the music for that scene is one of my favorites.
    • Luke's training on Dagobah is the epitome of what it means to be a Jedi.
    • Luke vs Vader on Bespin is probably the best duel in the entire franchise if at least probably the best duel in this trilogy.
  • The Return of the Jedi
    • Emperor Palpatine, hands down, my favorite villain in the whole franchise. Ian McDiarmid just plays that role to perfection in all three trilogies, but his portrayal in this film has to be my favorite.
    • The tension between Luke and Vader throughout this whole film, culminating in their duel on the Death Star II.
    • The huge monumental space battle above Endor, I literally rewatch those scenes all the time just for inspiration.
    • Anakin's redemption always brings a tear to my eye, especially when he finally turns on Palpatine and throws him down the core shaft.
  • The Force Awakens
    • I really like the opening, I love the star destroyer eclipsing the planet.
    • The chase through the Jakku junk, it's a very fun and exciting sequence.
    • Han Solo's death and the resulting duel between Kylo Ren and Finn / Rey is a really fun finale and has a lot of great moments in itself.
  • The Last Jedi
    • I love Rey's time on Ahch-to with Luke, there's a lot of great conversations about what the Force is, and the legacy of the Jedi, and the legacy of Luke himself. It's all great, green milk included.
    • I actually like the first half of the Canto Bight sequence, I just think the latter half kinda drags on for a bit longer than it's welcome.
    • The burgeoning dyad between Kylo Ren and Rey is great, every scene when they're connected is fantastic and I love their chemistry together.
    • The throne room duel scene, I know it has some blink-and-you'll-miss-it technical issues, but those don't really detract from my enjoyment of the scene.
  • The Rise of Skywalker
    • Probably controversial, but this is my favorite sequel film. I love Dark Empire from Legends, so this whole Palpatine revival / hidden Empire type storyline is definitely for me. The entire intro sequence with Kylo Ren discovering Exegol and meeting Palpatine encapsulates that.
    • Again, the expansion of the dyad between Kylo Ren and Rey is a continued high point in this trilogy for me. I love every scene involving that.
    • Rey and Kylo Ren's duel on the ruins of the second Death Star, Kylo Ren's redemption as Ben Solo, and that entire scene between Ben and the memory of Han Solo. Always makes me cry.
    • The Battle of Exegol! I know that the space battle is chaotic and cluttered a lot, and it's definitely not as great as the Battle of Endor, but I love it all the same. Rey's confrontation with Palpatine, the arrival of the galaxy fleet, and all of the voices of the past Jedi speaking to Rey and empowering her to destroy Palpatine's body and spirit. Love it.

I was gonna do some for the non-episodic films and animated series and stuff, but this is quite a lot as it is.
This is probably a stranger choice, but the battle between the Sons and Daughters of Freedom and the CIS during the Battle of Praestilyn in Jedi Trials for me, this psuedo-rebel group but during the clones wars: a mish-mash of different aliens giving the finger to the politicians and fighting the CIS on their own terms. Then just getting locked in brutal WW1-style trench warfare as they're getting absolutely whooped by a Muun who loves his Dianoga Tea
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Ok. Imma be like Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex here and go movie by movie.

TPM: For me, my favorite moments are the podrace, the Duel of Fates, and the Battle of Naboo.

AOTC: The Obi-Wan verses Jango asteroid fight. That bomb sound is just beautiful, and the arena fight. For how cringy it is I'll say the Sand scene too, just cause I laugh every single time.

ROTS: The first and final acts. That it.

ANH: Uh.... All of it. Honestly all of it!

ESB: Ditto.

ROTJ: The first and last acts.

TFA: The Battle of Starkiller base, and any scene with Maz or Finn.

TLJ: While I don't love the movie, I don't hate it either, and it has my two favorite scenes in the sequels. The hyperram and Luke vs. Kylo. Also enjoyed the dyad stuff starting to show.

TROS: Exegol and Han talking to Ben.

R1: Scarif. Everything Scarif. Vader in the hall, the Death Star weapon's firing, the endings for the Rogue One's crew.

Solo: I honestly just really enjoy this movie. But the Kessel Run and the train heist.

And let's be honest. If we include shows (with the exception of Resistance)... I'd be here all day. Especially The Clone Wars and The Mandalorian. I'll just end with this though.

I have spoken.


Disney's Princess
Luke seeing the spirits of Obi-won, Yoda, and his dad at the end of RotJ. It was so fulfilling to see harmony restored to his family in that way. Harmony in the galaxy. Harmony in the Force.

And then...

Bleh. The prequels came out and you discovered that Anakin was a twat and you don't know what good side Luke saw in him in the first place. I immediately imagined that the moment Anakin died on the Death Star that Obi-won and Yoda started slapping him around the afterlife for being such a baby-killing little B his whole life. So that by the time they appeared to Luke on Endor at the end of the movie, an eternity had already passed in heaven and Anakin had just graduated to Official Angelic Toilet Washer. Which was why Yoda and Obi-won were still smiling.


"Wow! It's so great to see you guys getting along!" - Luke​
"Yeah! Well. It took a few eternities over here in Jedi Heaven for me to repent and for everybody to like me again, but. Yeah! It's been great!" - Anakin​
"Angelic Toilet Washer, he is. Laugh at your father, we still do." - Yoda​
"Indeed. Young Anakin here is finally a Master." - Obi-won​
"A Master Toilet Washer. GHAHAHAHA!" - Yoda​
"Hey! Come on guys! That's not funny! I apologized to the spirits all those Padawans I killed eternities ago! Forgive and forget, right!" - Anakin​
"Uh... Guys?" - Luke - "...Like. Seriously. WTF?"​
Episode I: Duel of the fates, enough said.

Episode II: The clones showing up and saving the day, alongside everything that happens on Geonosis afterwards.

Episode III: The final duel between Anakin and Obi-Wan, it truly shows how much Anakin has changed.

Episode IV: The trench run on the Death Star.

Episode V: The duel between Vader and Luke, as well as the reveal.

Episode VI: The ending scene.

Episode VII: There really isn't any scene that stood out.

Episode VIII: Same as VII

Episode IX: Wiping 3PO's memory, it just shows how much they care about him, even if they don't show it.

Rogue one: The hallway scene.

The Mandalorian: Its either Luke showing up in the finale of Season 2, or the scene where Ahsoka is in a lightsaber duel, while the Mando is in a western standoff right next to her. I'm a big fan of westerns, so it could be that, but I just loved the scene.

TCW: Haven't finished it yet, but the D-Squad arc was just something else. The speech at the end really sells it for me too.

Thats it, I've yet to watch Solo and Rebels, so I don't have an opinion on those two.

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