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Discussion Favorite Moment In Star Wars

My favorite scene from Star Wars is from "The Jedi" from The Mandalorian series. The entire episode is a long and continuous nerdgasm. It was the biggest BTFO the fandom experienced since Vader cut down the rebel crew in Rouge One.


Anyway, it was the duel between Ahsoka Tano and Lady Elsbeth. I love the set piece of the courtyard they made, it's evokes that serene Asian setting combined with Star Wars flair. I also loved how the magistrate answered back after Ahsoka lit up her lightsabers, by pounding her beskar spear onto the ground. It was like they were exchanging war cries. Also, like a good samurai/kung fu duel it has that "feeling out period" where the opponents are gauging one another. And the dramatic Pause, pacing around and sizing each other up some more. I only wish the fight itself lasted longer.


Rosario Dawson was perfect casting for Ahsoka Tano. The makeup is spot on, same with the costuming. Star Wars fans would demand no less than absolute perfection for Ahsoka's first real adventure in the live action world (her lame cameo in TROS doesn't count to me). And "The Jedi" delivers this and so much more. She has the gravitas of a true Jedi, and Dawson's performance sells it flawlessly. I don't think they could have found anyone better. Tano doesn't have the Force, she's got the TURBO FORCE, and every action scene is pure adrenaline. And when she wasn't slicing everything and everyone all to hell, she walks around like a Shaolin master, like she owns the frakking planet and everything on it.

I hope to see her in future episodes of The Mandalorian and maybe in the upcoming series, The Book of Boba Fett.
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While we're talking about the final battle of TROS, Palpatine going super Sith Lord and blasting chunks of the Resistance fleet out the sky was pretty badass. I know some people complained that was wankish, but to my mind it's finally showing some of the vast power people like Palpatine and Yoda were always implied to have on a grand scale. I kind of wanted him to take out out a few of the Star Destroyers too, because he seems like the kind of person who wouldn't care about collateral damage.

Ala Quin

As with anything my favourites have changed across the years. I guess I will approach it from that angle. It should be noted that I came to a lot of Star Wars AFTER release, in some cases many years after.

Very young - The Trench Run
Having only just learned of Star Wars existence, and not having a great recollection of this phase in my life, I will have to go purely based off a story book I wrote when I was a 6 year old all about A New Hope. It seems that the Trench Run really captured my imagination as a kid. On a rewatch of A New Hope with my own kids in the last several months, I found the Trench Run to still be a really effecting sequence. And I found an odd emotionality in my response. At this age, it was all about the space ships, baby

Preteen - The Jabba's Palace/Sarlaac Pit Rescue sequence
Luke Skywalker was my hero. This was his hero moment. Later in the movie it was awesome too, but this was adventure of the week, Luke doing his thing, type stuff that my imagination craved. My play time was guided by his power set and abilities during this sequence.

Teens - The Books
Timothy Zahn gave me my favourite villain. Courtship of Princess Leia (which probably isn't Star Wars par excellence if I was to read it again) ignited a wistful, imaginative romanticism which for good or ill continues to this day. The Crystal Star (yeah, it isn't a good book over all) delighted me with the young Solo kids interacting with animals and insects through the Force while in a cell. Tales of the Mos Eisley Cantina absolutely creeped me out with the one story about the Anzati. Honestly, when I found out the EU existed, I devoured every single thing that they had. By then there were years of material so I was pretty busy - also slow reader. Sorry prequels, I like you and all, but the books were my great love.

The Dark Years - The Internet Poison
I was not ever into the online message board fan rage mode type stuff after watching the prequels...which I also didn't catch in theatres, save Phantom Menace. However, I was affected by that atmosphere. Everyone that I knew that liked Star Wars was all of a sudden so opinionated and determined to stick to their opinions. It just all became so tiring to like Star Wars. So. I stepped away. Wounded. "Do you like Star Wars?" My response was now: "I used to be a bit of a fan. But not so much these days." There normal response: "Which one was it for you? Phantom Menace or Attack of the Clones?" I would just shrug, "I don't know. Just grew...out of it, I guess."

The Reformation Era - Luke enters the fray, The Last Jedi
I have developed a detached appreciation for new Star Wars media since the Dark Years. Everything that is produced just is. It cannot add or subtract to my appreciation and fondness for the stories and times I have had with the universe. This is thanks in part to my young kids. Luke is not their hero. He is mine. Ahsoka Tano is my daughter's hero. Ezra Bridger, Kanan Jarrus, Obi-Wan Kenobi - these are my little son's heroes. I here them playing Star Wars in the back yard, just like I did when I was a kid. But the names they say are not names I remember hearing in playtime. No one wanted be old man Ben Kenobi when playing Star Wars at school. But super awesome Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi, now that is something kids get excited about. Star Wars is for children AND for the children within us. As a adult, it is best not to let your inner child rule you, but rather let it have room to play, nurture it for sure and even indulge it occasionally, but don't let it rule you. With that all said. The moment that Luke Skywalker, Jedi Master, walked out of the huge doors of the old Rebel base on Crait and without fear faced an array of heavy-duty AT-AT type vehicles. I was a kid again. Say what you want about The Last Jedi, but for me it had its moments, and with my hyper-critical nerd voice appropriately turned off, I was free to enjoy those moments and let Star Wars transport me back to an era of unlimited imagination and possibility.

Also. It occurs to me that this may not have been the intent of this thread.
My favourite moment in Star Wars?

"Never. I'll never turn to the dark side. You've failed your highness, I am a Jedi - Like my father before me." - Luke Skywalker

To me, this is everything a Jedi is. Selfless - Luke's own personal battle has no baring on whether the Empire will lose or not. But even so, he remains selfless and in control. Luke understands it is okay to feel, to be angry and to feel love. Things the Jedi of the Republic did not understand or wish to.

I feel as though, its in this moment that Luke truly becomes a Jedi. Not the Jedi perhaps Yoda or Obi-Wan wanted, they wanted a KILLER. But Luke has surpassed either of them, not in power but morality, ethics and perspective as a better Jedi and the beginning of a generation of stronger and more genuine Jedi that are allowed to be people too.

This is why Luke and later Kyle Katarn are my favourite Jedi. Because they're the best Jedi.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
I am going to add to my favorite moments.... Quell and Keize's dogfight in Victory's price.... there was a lot of boring filler but that was maybe one of the better moments... on par with the old X-wing series. X-wing is still overall better but worth the slog.
If I must pick one scene, and only one, from every movie and show they've made....

Luke giving in to The Dark Side to protect Leia. The music is perfect, even though Luke is beating Vader, the music is sad and the pitch is high, like it's yelling out warnings to our fallen hero. It's intense, the shots are iconic, seeing silhouettes illuminated by Red and Green blades, ending with Luke just hauling on Vader with everything he has. It's perfect.

Now for a list of other scenes that I loved, but can't beat the one scene.

*Han shooting Greedo first shows his neutral alignment. He didn't wait to save his skin. It's an underrated scene.

*Who is more a fool, the fool, or the fool who follows him?

*Luke vs Vader in The Empire Strikes back. I like the pace, and seeing the main character put up a fight but fail in the end. Plus the reveal at the end is a huge twist: "No Luke, I am you Father."

* The only glimpse of the Real Luke in the "Sequels"

*Mace Windu vs an army in the 2003 Clone Wars

*Grevious scenes in the 2003 Clone Wars

*Maul killing the Duchess is a big one, it shows his long wait for revenge being fulfilled, and it shows that Obi Wan is, despite his commitment to The Order, a human after all.

*Anakin's dialogue in The Battle of The Heroes. There's a lot here, and it really shows us his point of view

which leads me to...

*"Everything is true, from a certain point of view." Anakin said "From my point of view, The Jedi are evil." and its' nice to see that connection. In the end, Obi Wan learnt from Anakin.
Honestly Spocks death in Episode 2 always struck me as the most powerful moment. I don't think they ever managed to top that.

Joking aside, I enjoy the scene from TLJ where Luke marches out to confront the First Order and Kylo. That is just so amazing, with the music and everything.

Secondly, the entirity of Vader and Luke in Episode 6. From the start, until Vader throws Palpatine down that shaft, it's just fantastic.
My all time favorite moment in Star Wars is The finale of "Star Wars: The Clone Wars". It is a poignant and emotional moment in the franchise's history. the Clone Wars, a conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Separatist Alliance that took place between the films "Attack of the Clones" and "Revenge of the Sith."
In the final season of the show, the story arc revolves around the former Sith Lord Darth Maul and his plan to exact revenge on his former master, Darth Sidious. However, the final four episodes of the season shift focus to the events of "Revenge of the Sith" and the fall of the Jedi Order.
The final episodes of the show follow Ahsoka Tano, a former Padawan of Anakin Skywalker, as she tries to prevent Maul from carrying out his plan while also grappling with her own doubts and fears about the Jedi Order. The episodes culminate in a stunning and emotional finale that takes place concurrently with the events of "Revenge of the Sith."
The finale includes heartbreaking scenes that show the devastation of the Clone Wars, the tragic fall of the Jedi, and the emergence of the Galactic Empire. It also features a powerful confrontation between Ahsoka and Maul, as well as a heartbreaking final scene that is sure to tug at the heartstrings of any Star Wars fan.
Overall, the emotional finale of "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" is a powerful and impactful moment in the franchise's history, and it showcases the show's ability to tackle complex themes and deliver compelling storytelling.
The Horror in the Darkness
My favorite SW moment: watching Episode 6 with my 5 year old daughter and her asking if we could adopt Yoda.

But for me personally, it's the Darth Bane trilogy books. Love how it was designed and created to create the Rule of Two that expanded into the movies.
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