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Discussion Favorite Moment In Star Wars

Inevitably, these threads turn into a collection of moments we love. So I'll add another...

I was rewatching Return of the Jedi and the scene after Luke finally beats the Rancor always makes me laugh. That these criminal scum who work for Jabba the Hutt are still capable of love and are saddened when their favorite beastly pet dies. You wouldn't expect a big burly man like that to have such a soft spot. And his friends comforting him too, nice touch. All of it gives a human side to the villains and makes for great comic relief.

The Rancor Keeper even got his own action figure too. Standard practice for the original run of SW toys from Kenner, though nothing will ever top the 80 billion tons of Jar Jar binks merchandise that was eventually dumped into a landfill.

I'll cheat cuz I don't have a favorite anything really.

Rather, one of my favorite moments is when Anakin tells Obi-Wan he hates him while he is burning. It made me cry the first time. I was a kid, mind, but either way that's just it: the emotional impact it had and has.

This rang tenfold after watching The Clone Wars which told a lot more about the story between Ani and Obi. The love they shared became like smoke in air in that moment.

"I HATE YOU." Capitalized, quite right, because Anakin's anger and hate burned as both of them suffered and endured. Ewan McGregor is an ace actor to portray his character; you could see the pain in his eyes, not hate. Anakin was his brother as he said. Then he was dead.

I'll stop there. Plenty of sideline discussing about how Obi walked away to leave Anakin burning at the feet and knees and to infinity and beyond, also that whole Obi-Wan Kenobi something series, but there you have it, one of my favorite moments.
OT: Vader being given a Jedi funeral with only Luke to witness
Prequels: “You turned her against me!”
Sequels: “They fly now?”
Solo: The grittiness of Han in a war
Solo - War Scene... Kinda made me wish Solo focused on this, maybe Beckett infiltrating the conflict to gain access to a imperial star map for the kessel run. Ending the film with Han and Lando entering the Falcon. Part 2 could then be about his love interests and Beckett's betrayal, Part 3 ending with whatever they had planned for Maul.

I feel like the slower pacing would have had a much bigger impact and explored what it was like to be a Imperial Stormtrooper, Smuggler, and finally the Underworld.

But I digress...

Andor - Oh boy... Spoiler time
K2-SO - Was fun seeing Andor's first encounter with the droid go so poorly.

Maarva - The idea that this little, slightly crazy, old lady who was beloved by her community inspired her community to stand against Tyranny was humbling and well-written.

Kino - A man whose resigned to his fate, realises what he has always known but didn't have the courage to admit it. While being put into a position of authority, where his actions could kill his entire crew. The fact he held it together for so long speaks volumes to his character.

Leading the prison break, then remembering between him and freedom sits a hostile ocean... Andor trying to persuade him to leave, only to be knocked off the edge... I pray Kino escaped.

Luthen Rael - His speech about how he is a villain and knows it, but how it is necessary to advance the rebellion's objectives. It's a much more mature look at the Rebellion, and I know Saw kinda also falls into this role but Luthen goes a step further.

We know the Empire is evil, but overthrowing while also playing by the rules is impossible, and both characters recognise that much to Mon's disgruntlement.

Reintroducing Bryar Pistol into canon, Star Wars equivalent to the iconic Halo Assault Rifle, Doom Shotgun etc.

Seeing inside the ISB and it's cutthroat career.

Seeing how Corporate Authority operates.

Seeing how unhealthy obsession can be, and it's creepy ramifications.

Ep 7 (Remaster) - The strike team includes a certain Clone Wars character.

Luke hiding from Vader with a half shadow, always struck me how symbolic it was as he is fighting temptation.

Boba Fett getting beaten by a blind man and his stick.

Rogue One

Stormtroopers getting beaten by a blind man with his stick. The subtle relationship between Chirrut and Baze.

Everything that happened during the final chapters. K2-SO. Basically the whole movie is peak star wars, and it has no Jedi!


The last few Chapters of the Krytos Trap, where all the thread lines of the previous three books all come together and a bunch of massive reveals take place.
My one of the most beloved Star Wars moment occurs in "Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back." During the climactic lightsaber duel between Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader, the two engage in an intense battle within the carbon-freezing chamber on Cloud City.
The scene is filled with tension and emotional depth as Luke fights to protect his friends and resist the temptation of the dark side. The red glow of Darth Vader's lightsaber clashes with the blue glow of Luke's, symbolizing the contrast between good and evil.
As the fight progresses, Vader skillfully exploits Luke's fears and doubts, eventually cutting off his right hand, causing Luke's
neopixel lightsaber to fall to the ground. Standing over Luke, Vader reveals a shocking truth: "No, I am your father." The revelation adds a new layer of complexity to the story and forever altered the Star Wars universe.
This lightsaber moment is often remembered not just for its thrilling action but also for the emotional impact it has on the characters and the overall saga. It showcases the power and significance of lightsabers as iconic symbols of the Force and the eternal battle between light and dark.
If the movies, gotta go with when Darth Sidious dubs Anakin Darth Vader.

If we are going all content, The Rule of Two, when Darth Bane and his apprentice fight the group of jedi on Tython.
Anakin vs Obi-Wan
This was probably the best duel in all of Star Wars in my opinion. Fantastic score, pretty good choreography, good CGI, raw emotion, etc. I loved it. You can see how Anakin is trying so desperately to break Obi-Wan's guard, and how Obi-Wan is doing his best to just keep Anakin's blade from getting to him.
He's constantly retreating to avoid Anakin's aggressive Djem So style of combat, until finally, Obi-wan can land the final strike, using the environment to his advantage. The adjustable Force FX lightsaber, with its dynamic features, becomes a symphony of precision and emotion in the hands of Anakin and Obi-Wan during their intense duel, culminating in a masterful stroke that echoes through the galaxy.
It has to either be the prison break in Andor, or Maarva Andors after-death speech.

Andor as a whole was pretty peak Star Wars imo, but the build up, tension, and music scores in those two scenes were phenomenal.
It has to either be the prison break in Andor, or Maarva Andors after-death speech.

Andor as a whole was pretty peak Star Wars imo, but the build up, tension, and music scores in those two scenes were phenomenal.

Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren The whole prison was awesome. I still wanna know what the shock floor tech is called.

Andor I felt really had good slice of life Star Wars vibes under the empire, i loved it.

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