Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Fears about Episode 7

I have huge fears about Episode VII with the EU being pretty much written off like it was nothing.

If Daisy Ridley is indeed Jaina like I know alot of people believe, who would John Boyega be? There is speculation he is a love interest, and I'm blown away by that. I did however hear hopeful news that Oscar Isaac as playing Jagged Fel. I don't know anymore. Too many damnedable questions.

It's taking everything we know and throwing it into the toilet. I will boycott them and never see them. I will never acknowledge them if they go to those lengths to change the EU as we know it around. - Some insight, I have scoured the databases and cannot find anything unless they just pulled someone from their fourth point of contact anew.

Now I saw somewhere that J.J Abrams has stated he has zero interest in destroying what fans know.

To be outright honest, I'm petrified. - Bad news for Mr. Solo...learn to use the Hatch...
And now I'm going to fall over...

  • There will be a female villain. Over 50% sure she's a Sith. I'll follow up on this in later weeks.
  • Despite having 30 Years after Jedi to set one up, there is NO New Republic at the start of Episode VII.
  • Boba-Fett-similar armor is around. Probably not for the man himself.Mandalorians? Clone drama? Still unclear on a plot/character connection.
  • John Boyega isn’t a Jedi or a Padawan at the beginning of the movie, he’s the one that has the story arc that brings him into Star Wars’ greater universe. It has echoes of Luke’s arc in A New Hope.


Morality Policeman :)
[member="Alyesa Praxon"]

I've never been much of a fan of the EU, so I'm not personally invested in that like you are. However, I really feel for you since you enjoy that as a big part of your Star Wars experience. But I'd encourage you to wait until the final product comes out and not jump the gun (I'm biting my nails as well, as is apparent... :p ). I really do hope it's a good movie. I really really do! I guess we just need to keep calm for now, if possible.

We'll be here to weep together when our Mickey Mouse nightmares come true. Heh...

Oh I'm not jumping the gun, I just have to avoid searching anything Episode VII related. *cries*

There are too many rumors and speculations, HOWEVER, I will not hesitate to up and walk out of the theater or not even go should it appear to be way off base. The Trailers for the movie will speak volumes as well as when they actually release the cast list of who is playing what.

Ya know?
And yes, I'm quite calm..I'm just like panicked cause it's like years ago when Lucas said he would never make 7, 8 and 9. I said someone would, someone -has- to. I got so into the Zahn books it made me get more, and more.

So like I lost all those during a move, anyways, got older, got some back, whatever right? About 3-4 years ago, rumor had it Steven Spielberg told Lucas he wanted to make them and they made a deal or displayed interested. Now, what 2 years ago he sells to Disney? Now we're here.

also Jaina Solo is like my absolutely favorite character.


Morality Policeman :)
[member="Alyesa Praxon"]

I'm right there with you. I'm not going to see it in theaters--don't want to risk wasting my $20 on something that will scar me for life. :p

I've kind of just let it alone as far as researching info about it. I am fully prepared to disown any Wonderful Wars of Disney that may follow. And who knows? Maybe Ford will never 'recover' from his injury and the whole thing will just fall apart. :D

Still, I want it to succeed. But I'm totally afraid!
LoL, his son said he had to have surgery.

I don't know Tamara, I loved the Trek movies, but they changed everything up and there is no glimmer in my guides as to who Boyega could be playing....unless it's Lando Jr and they skewed the timelines that bad.


Morality Policeman :)
Of course! Could turn out to be one of the best in the series.

But these are my Fears about Episode 7. And I have a lot. Heheh


I will approach Episode 7 as I approach any new film based on a book or other source, a sequel or remake.

  • I will not expect it to be on par with the original source or the previous films before it.
  • I will not expect it to be the greatest movie that I've ever seen.
  • I will not immediately make up my mind before the movie and say that I hate it to prevent me from coming out with my own view
  • I will remain away from reviews and critics until after I've seen the movie.
[member="Marmora"] I must know specifics about the characters (who are they...?) before I got see it. Only then will I make judgement if I should just bypass it all together for the blu-ray.

I will not waste time, money or fighting endless people over a potential disappointment.

[member="Beowoof"] - I agree. Super fears. I don't think J.J himself could calm me down...unless he gave me the script to read.


I don't understand that. I would rather pay the $8 at my theater and see a movie that turns out bad, than wait and pay the $20 or $30 for the bluray copy when it comes out. [member="Alyesa Praxon"]


Morality Policeman :)
Fun fact: Every Star Wars film to date has been released in May. Episode 7 is set to release in December.

Take that how you will...

Heheh. I'm done here. May the Force be with us. :)
Beowoof said:
You're conflating me disagreeing with you with being "intolerant", as if I'm saying you're not allowed to have an opinion anymore or something.

No need to whip yourself into a social justice frenzy. Don't worry, we are all tolerating your opinion by virtue of the fact that you're allowed to speak it. Now I'm simply saying that your opinion is wrong. :)

You know how you never expect a Celeb to respond to your tweet?

Yeah don't, ever, not for that to happen.

John Boyega responded to me this morning when I was being a smarty pants.

His tweets about Solo, Skywalker, yoda, Anakin and powerful names and such connect us...

I said to another user:
"Leia would have had to cheat on Han for him to be a"

He replied with this face.

I died. I was like "OH MY GOD, YOU REPLIED, I DIDN'T EXPECT THAT! UH, I DIDN'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT!" And then went into a panic tirade of how he's been the crux of my life since he was casted. I got an LoL and then I guess his management company told him he probably should delete the tweets as 5 minutes later, they were gone.

Yeah...I feel so stupid. He DID however leave up my speculation of the whole "His character is probably going to be introduced like Luke was in EPIV." But the Lando Jr was deleted.

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