Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Fears about Episode 7

So now there is mention of John Boyega and Daisy Ridley's character romancing. Apparently he is some TIE Pilot and she is somehow on Tattooine...?

Anyways, it might explain why you see lame attempts at showing off-screen friendship between the two of them. To kind of build chemistry that might not be there? Like the Anakin/Padme stiffness that I remember.

Either way, I'm not really for that. I'm kind tired of love stories in the movies...
I'm scarred that Abraham doesn't have enough attachment to the story, so he wont be thinking for extreme fans. Disney vetoing cannon is kinda scary for the upcoming movie... They should of let windu resurrect like Samuel Jackson wanted him to.
[member="Lupe Baracka"] - Nope. Because people would reject the notion. "It's impossible!" Additionally, this is an attempt to turn it into an even bigger cash cow. Wipe out everything that is known and put it under a fresh coat of paint and say "This is Star Wars, that other stuff is just...stuff that people worked hard to write and sweat for about 35 years?" And then these idiots at Disney who pull out a copy of Splinter of the Mind's Eye and are like "This is my first book of Star Wars, I'm such an EU fan but I also support the new approach by wiping it out." It's like please...spare me your fake poodoo.

I know Disney said "Here is a bonus if you go on this web commerical and hold this old book we bought on E-Bay and read these cards."

*dislikes [member="Asterion"]'s post* I read his exerpts. Nothing there but more confirmation any idiot would know. Stormtroopers, Millennium Falcon, X-Wings.

I don't trust him.


But I still love ya!

Stephanie Swail

Well. [member="Aaralyn Rekali"].

That was crushed before my eyes!


I see your point however.... I think I'm clinging onto ANYTHING I can get really.
I don't like the concept of the whole romance between them. Especially if it's to start out.

It's too cliche and really points to EPIV roots.

The interracial relations is whatever, they're going to do whatever they want to regardless. That to me is besides the point, I think they're just trying to force-feed alot of stuff to alot of people too soon.


As I said, I'm writing this off.


Disney's Princess
Aaralyn Rekali said:
As I said, I'm writing this off.
Shum body has secret feelings. Shum body secretly wants this movie to be good. Shum body is in denial.

*smiles devilishly*

It's okay. I'll go to the opening night with you Rekaii. No judgment. iGeek. :D :p
Jay Scott Clark said:
Shum body has secret feelings. Shum body secretly wants this movie to be good. Shum body is in denial.

*smiles devilishly*

It's okay. I'll go to the opening night with you Rekaii. No judgment. iGeek. :D :p
Oh I WANTED it to be good.

I WANTED to see Jaina and Jacen come to life.

I WANTED to see more modern technology than the X Series and into the XJs.

I DID NOT want to see Jaina love on Lando's son. That doesn't seem like plausible.

I DID NOT want to see a cliche lover story from the start. I'd watch Twilight again.

I DID NOT want to experience No New Republic, No New Jedi Order, and limited EU elements.

But wish in one hand and poodoo in the other.


Morality Policeman :)
Watch people start clamoring for George to come back. (It's already happening since Disney slashed the EU.) I'll just sit back with the original sextology and smile.

You never know what you've got until it's gone.


Disney's Princess
Aaralyn Rekali said:
But wish in one hand and poodoo in the other.
Well if that's how you're going to be? Fine. I'll buy the tickets then, but you're going to buy all the sodas, and popcorn, and candy for us. Little miss grouchy pants. :p

JK. It'll probably suck, I'll go see it, and you'll get to say "I told you so". :D
You guys are hilarious. Freaking out about how Disney is this big, bad, bloodsucking megacorporation... but was George Lucas any different with the prequels?

In case you guys haven't noticed, Star Wars jumped the shark a long time ago. We had to endure three of probably the worst movies ever made. I have to laugh at the people who are already writing off the new movies solely because Disney is doing them, and then saying we'll pine for the days when Lucas was in control (yeah, right).

Given that we know next to nothing about the new movies, there is only speculation. Will the new films suck? Possibly. But it's not like most of us aren't used to that already.
I think it’s entirely too premature to write off anything when no one has any details or solid information.

Disney makes the Marvel movies too, and last I checked, they were smashing successes and good movies too. In the end it will come down to what it always does; the writing, acting and design.

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