Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction First Blood | Agents of Chaos


The Grysk Hegemony is the hegemony controlled by the warlike and nomadic Grysk. Tucked away neatly, it has been over a millennia since they posed a threat to anyone outside of the area, choosing to remain mostly hidden and closer to the galaxy's edge even when the First Order dominated the Unknown Regions.

It was only after the First Order left that they slowly began so raise their heads again. Quietly at first, their many ships showing up around planets to small that no one deigned to place them on any maps that could be accessed from the Core or East of it. And slowly, bit by bit, the Hegemony began to expand again. Knowing fully well that they could take as many little planets and moons as they wanted to without raising a flag, the Grysk set to work.

With the Agents of Chaos establishing themselves on Scintilla in the Unknown Regions, their first task had become abundantly clear; push back those who would let their greedy will take over more than the single planet they were permitted to.

Our first location chosen – the world of Morcanth. A planet that held three different races who always warred against each other, it appeared that now came the first opportunity in history for the three to band together. But it was too late; the races of Morcanth did not stand a chance against the fearsome Grysk, and the planet was soon overtaken. Only a handful managed to escape – and accidently stumbled onto Scintilla.

In return for their aid, the representatives of Morcanth promised 300 indentured servants; 100 of each of the species that lived on the planet. These servants would come and work on Scintilla under certain terms for the duration of a human generation – 25 years. Many of the servants would be grunt level workers; cleaners and the such, though a few higher ups were added into the bargain as well.

Excitement bubbling through the Agents of Chaos, they gathered, more than willing to take this mission on, and to show that they were a force to be reckoned with in the Unknown Regions. The Grysk would be but the first that they would ruin outside of their own home planet, and they would send fear into all the conquering races and governments the Galaxy had to offer, one by one.

There would be no mercy.

Grysk who wished to escape would be permitted to leave, but only at the cost of leaving their warships behind. None of the Firsts actually expected for any of them to try to leave in peace. The rest of the Grysk would meet the blades of the Agents of Chaos. It would be slaughter, and there would be no way to avoid it. Many of the Agents of Chaos did not wish for it to be avoided anyway.


[member="Alwine Lechner"]
[member="Børre Drage"]
[member="Bedrovelse Hevn"]
[member="Celestine deWinter"]
[member="Custani Valcho"]
[member="Darth Tacitus"]
[member="Elias Logain"]
[member="Ingrid L'lerim"]
[member="Immortal Cyan"]
[member="Kamyrin Gyvolis"]
[member="Katerina Vaden"]
[member="Kiiardos Rah"]
[member="Madalena Antares"]
[member="Nix Scamandros"]
[member="Nyree Justice"]
[member="Scherezade deWinter"]
[member="Zenva Vrotoa"]
Last edited:
Location: Kibra city outskirts
Wearing: Standard mundane armor, colored red
Wielding: Yrkaa Sidearm | Meymad
Tags: Open to anyone!


Glowing green eyes squint as she stared into the distance, seeing the small city ahead of them. Madalena had taken a handful of the Wild Hunt and chosen this particular location for a reason; Kibra was a city, an official one, and as such, had attracted big Grysk energy. The ugly brutes were patrolling the streets, taking its inhabitants for their grotesque scientific experiments, and making life a living hell.

Under different circumstances, she would have appreciated what they were doing, and tried to study it up close. But not now. Now, the Grysk had decided to call Morcanth their own, and the Agents of Chaos could not abide by such nonsense. They would push the aliens back to their own world, planet by planet, for however long it would take. After all, if they could not prove their prowess on small and insignificant planets in the Unknown Regions, where consequences were slim to none, what right did they have on approaching the better known parts of the Galaxy?

"Remember," Madalena's deep voice boomed over her squad, "They were given the choice to leave on their own. They declined! And so, we shall slaughter them!"

A smile came to her lips as her people cheered. In the weeks leading up to now, the need for violence and spilling of blood had grown. The Agents were not overly friendly people, not as a group. It was the desire to destroy that had brought them together, and it would only be successful missions that would keep them as such. None of the Firsts, as far as Madalena knew, had any different view on that.

Gaze moving momentarily to where she could see the spacedock looming in the distance, she smiled again. Once they were done, those ships would belong them. More resources. More power.

"DESTROY THEM!" Madalena roared, raising Meymad over her head.

The Wild Hunt was unleashed.
Location: Outside of the planet's biggest dockyard
Wearing: Armor | The Forgemaster's Ring | Ring of Stasis | Sofitor
Wielding: 8 Nozhi Blades | 2 Czerka knives | 2 Nastirci Combat Knives | Copero's Wail | Fire and Smoke (lightsabers) | Combat Gauntlets | 2 TOTT-001 Arc Light Blaster | 2 Dissuader K-30 Pistols with Glitter Bullets
Tags: Open!


Scherezade was smiling. It had been so long since the grin on her face had been genuine, had been a notion of her feeling so alive. The move to the Unknown Regions had terrified her at first; after all, she was the princess of one of the planets that had at one point been the reigning kingdom there, and to this day she was too scared of returning home, of showing them the face, terrified of the notion that they would reject her for being too weak, for being too unlike her parents. When she'd agreed to be on the Firsts, it was mostly the presence of her sister and friends that had given that final push.

And everything since had been amazing. There were no mocking looks, no whispers. No one knew who she was at first, and when they did, she could see that others viewed her as an equal. A few hinted at leadership for her, but so far she had rejected the opportunities that had come along. The proper place for her among the Agents of Chaos was yet to exist, but she didn't mind waiting. After all, her skillset had ensured she would fit with almost anything they did as long as they did not make her a Speaker, and she had patience.

Here they were now though – the first big scale thing they were doing for the Agents. She'd been sent on several smaller missions before, closing deals for ships, for weapons, but this… This was what she'd been thirsty for. It wasn't just that there would be fights. Fights were a dime a dozen in a Galaxy far, far away. But this, this was where she would get to be comfortable in her element again. Behind her stood several vats of Liquid Ion Sugar, and she had every plan of pouring that into the engines of the Grysk ships. She wasn't just going to kill them. She was going to kill them when they thought they were escaping and safe.

Slowly, the Sithling inched towards the ships she'd selected for that purpose. There were several tiny GPS devices in her pocket, so she could signal the Agents of Chaos which ships they were not to take for themselves. All she needed to do now was get close enough with her vandalizing equipment without being seen, and pour the liquid into the gas tanks. After that, they could at her in hoards, because it would no longer matter.

Only once, Scherezade glanced back to look at the horizon. Madalena, Alwine, and Hevn were around the planet as well. All three were close enough to her for her to be able to feel them. Other people who were becoming closer were around as well, she knew.

It was a fine day for chaos.
Location: The Sky Princess, in the middle of an uncharted asteroid belt in uncharted space.
Wearing: A fabulous top, a great pair of bottoms, and some rocking flats.
Wielding: My charm..?
Tags: Just the bad guys (for now)

The Sky Princess cut across the void, spiraling with both grace and fluidity. Shimmering trials of blue light followed behind it, punctured by green and red streaks of laser light. Five Grysk fighters followed hot on the brilliant, chrome ships, tail, their blasters still blazing.

"God damn it!" Nyree shouted, jerking the Princess' yoke into a hair-pin left. One of the three fighters couldn't quite make the hair-pin turn and slammed into its wing man. They exploded in a ball of fire. "This is totally not shway and that wine in the back room is not coming outta the carpet!"

A quartet of fighters came from around a larger planetoid, their repeating lasers blazing. Nyree didn't even have to think, her hand slapped down on the reverse thrusters, the Princess lurched to a stop, the other ships behind her scrambled, two crashed into the asteroids around them another two panicked and crashed into each other. Her other hand didn't even have to look as it twisted the throttle into full reverse.

"My Lady! We are going backwards, full on reverse," warbled a terrified voice. "If I may, that is a suicidal measure in an--"

"You know, Deeper, its totally uncool that you are buggin out rn," Nyree yanked her yoke to the right, she watched through the view port as a sizable asteroid sprinted by them. "And it's making, like, ya know," She ducked the Princess down in for a twisting dive. Around them two more planetoids threatened to collide, crushing them into nothing, "keeping us alive, like suuuuuper hard. So do us both a favor and shut the F up."

Nyree didn't have to think when she was piloting. The Princess was a part of her, an extension of her being. She had always been this way. Mother had said it was 'just in her blood.' Whatever that meant. She was so weird. And old. Old and weird. Nyree would have to file that under things she didn't care about. For now, she just had to feel this out, feel their escape. Feel the right way to come out less deader than she came in.

Her finger tapped the left wing's thrusters off with a trigger click. The Princess arced left, ducking into a cave just as the two planetoids collided. One of the chasing squadron pilots was just too slow to make it in. Nyree could feel herself weaving between the many pillars and stallagtites all around them, keeping the cave from imploding.

"At least we have some breathing room," Nyree muttered.

The three ships in front of her started firing, their blasts bounced off the Princess' shields, tearing through the rock around them.

"Oh my gooooooodddd," Nyree groaned as she could see the cave crumbling around them, "You guuuuysss are soooo laaaameeee-uh."

Shrapnel bounced off the Princess' hull with pings that were getting steadily louder. Nyree's fingers tensed around the yoke. Her lip pursed in a tight pucker. She could feel it, they were almost there. Sirens began to blare off the Princess' console. Red lights flashed off in screams of danger.

"Nyree, Princess," the protocol droid behind her whined in worried protest. He was, for once, at a loss for words.

The entire command bridge went red, the lights screaming at the horrors that were about to occur as the ship's hull was slowly being battered to nothing. Before them the three remaining fighters were crushed under the weight of several hundred thousand tons of stone.

Every bone in Nyree's body screamed, she didn't have a moment to think, just to obey. She slammed the throttle ahead full tilt and pulled directly up. It was too dark to see, there was nothing before her at all. All she could do was twist the yoke. They were spinning, turning, careening, and flowing through it all. Smaller pebbles crashed around them, smacking off the hull, but nothing large enough to annihilate them. Nyree's eyes were wide open, but she was blind. The ship was all she could see and feel as it glided around through the mass of death and destruction around them.

At last they burst from the rocky surface, smashing the last layer of stone that stood in their way. A spray of pebbles and rocks followed them as the Sky Princess made it through to safety at last, out of the asteroid belt.

"Oh, thank the maker," D3-E3P'er muttered in relief.

Suddenly the Princess lurched to a stop. It wasn't just at a stop--it was moving--backwards. Nyree looked up, behind them loomed a series of massive Grysk warships. She flipped the engines of the Sky Princess off, there was no point in shorting them out in the fight against four tractor beams.

Nyree whirled around, giving her protocol droid a dirty eye, "What the hell did I tell you about celebrating too early?"
Location: Aboard "Derech", a transport ship
Wearing: Default light armor
Wielding: WindWhisper
Tags: [member="Nyree Justice"]
Above orbit, aboard the transport ship "Derech", cloaked away from the sensors of the Grysk, the Head of Speakers of the Agents of Chaos stood, watching the surface below with silence.

It had been a short while since she had left the Southern Systems, along with some friends, and had ventured into the Unknown Regions. The decision to do so had not been a simple one. For weeks she had anguished over the mere thought of leaving, over accepting that there were things she would never be able to fix or do. And though she loved both of her brothers very much, she could not remain simply for their sake. For the first time in two decades, Alwine had put herself first, and had left. But it was not an escape in the night. Both [member="Gerwald Lechner"] and [member="Varick Lechner"] were given her commdetails so that they could contact her, and her heart would never give up the hope that they soon, or at any point, would be ready and wanting to join her. She did not believe the Southern Systems were good for any of the Lechners.

She had never been to the Unknown Regions before. The wolf inside of her was terrified, but she had faith, and courage. And friends. Free of the shackles of the near-historical events that bound them, Alwine had found true friendship among those who were part of the Firsts, and no longer afraid of approaching some of them, had even agreed to allow herself to be placed under scientific watch from time to time. The Blood Hound knew of the madness that took Lupines over when they did not shift frequently enough into their wolf shape, and had offered to attempt to discover the cause of it, and perhaps, correct it so that shifting would remain a choice, no matter from what form to which. She had warned Alwine that it could take months or years, and that it was possible that a solution would never be found, but Alwine appreciated the mere effort of it anyway.

The memory of her first meeting with Discordia was still very much fresh in the Lupine's mind. She had arrived with Der Kleine strapped to her back, and the shadow woman had taken one glance at her before removing the sword and hanging it on the wall. It would not remain on that wall, but the symbolism of it had not gone unnoticed. How could anyone choose something other than a warrior when presented only the choice between warrior and slave? Discordia had asked. Alwine had almost retorted that she had never been a slave, but she knew that was untrue. Yet this woman, whom she had never met before, had taken a single glance at her and had known, what lay in Alwine's heart. She had shivered at the realization of that. You have a warrior's heart, but you are not a warrior. I see the gleam in your eyes, how you look at me from your youth yet your mind expresses the wisdom of hundreds of years, the woman had continued. And that had been how Alwine was appointed to the position of Head of Speakers.

Arriving to witness their actions on Morcanth was not among her required duties, but she had wanted to see it. How many times had she witnessed battlefields, as a participant? More than she could count. But now, she was not here to fight, but to see. To see with her own eyes what they did, how they did it. To make sure that she was certain that the Agents of Chaos was where she wished to remain. Like the rest of the Firsts, Alwine had been given a choice, and like she hoped the rest of them as well, it was not a choice that she had taken lightly, without much consideration.

Once Morcanth would be over with, she knew she would be headed over to the Eternal Empire, to speak with their leader. Connections were being made all across the Galaxy, but for now, most of them were based on empty words. Morcanth would be the first step in showing the Galaxy at large what the Agents of Chaos could do. And no matter how successful they would be, Alwine already knew that this achievement would go unnoticed or undermined by larger organizations. And they could get bent with that. For the Agents of Chaos had would show this day that they could do it – but they would show it to themselves.

Smiling, Alwine glanced at the screens that showed what was happening on the ground.

"Head Speaker Lechner, we have a problem," one of the observers said, motioning for her to come over. Alwine moved swiftly, her warrior-training still soundly in place, making her move so quickly that to the naked eye she appeared to have teleported next to him. "This ship," the observer pointed at The Princess, "Not a Grynt ship, but it's being pulled towards them."

Was this their problem? The ship was unknown to them, and they did not know who was aboard it at all.

"Send a communication to the Grysks," Alwine said after a few moments, "See if they want anything in return for that ship and its contents. Focus our combat priorities on the ground for the time being."

"Yes, Head-Speaker."
Lirka didn’t feel too much at this whole thing: it was like the older days again. This was just a job at the end of the day, she was content to simply live her long life and watch all the nonsense like this grow and fizzle out. But they paid. So she gave them their blade.

[SIZE=11pt]She was a hulking monstrosity compared to the rest of these puny little agents, dwarfing them with little effort needed: the parting gift of the Confederates. But it was making work like this infinitely more simple. These aliens would know fear. They would know the demon of Thustra.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]She had been attached to the squad of [member="Madalena Antares"], the zealotry of this lot was amusing to her. But she said nothing about it, Lirka remained a rather silent beast this time around. She was just here to kill and get paid. And maybe if this lot lasted longer than a month she’d do it again. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]And with the leader letting loose her battle cry, Lirka broke into her usual loping charge. She always was shockingly fast for her size: just meant more of the runts died today.[/SIZE]
City Center.

Elias found himself in the Unknown Regions, home of his former affiliation - the Lords of the Fringe, now extinct. Morcanth was a planet with wars never ceasing between the three native species who had no understanding of the meaning of neutrality. Rarely did the monster hunters of the LotF find jobs here before, it wasn't any different now. The only difference from before was the nomadic Grysk Hegemony had conquered the planet.

War summoned all sorts of monsters who lied dormant needing death to feed on.

Thus, Elias hit the jackpot.

Once he cared for politics, but not anymore. What the natives and the Grysk had to settle was both out of his reach and out of his interest.

The hegemony wanted a blood leeching pest, most likely a vampire, gone. It had terrorized the city of Kibra for over a month now, stalking and killing victims each night. The Grysk, at first, waved away the murders as they believed should it get any worse they would be able to handle it. When a high-ranked officer of their military was sucked off his blood, the invaders knew they needed a professional.

And he was here.

Elias had gone from victims' relatives to cantinas to source information when another party decided it was a good idea to strike the planet. Whoever these aggressors were mattered little to Logain but they were going to make his job if not impossible, tenfold harder. When the battle started, all Elias could do was evade soldiers from each side and try to get himself out of this mess.

[member="Madalena Antares"] [member="Lirka Ka"]
Location: The Sky Princess, in the middle of an uncharted asteroid belt in uncharted space.
Wearing: A fabulous top, a great pair of bottoms, and some rocking flats.
Wielding: My charm..?
Tags: the bad guys and [member="Alwine Lechner"]

The rhinestone strings on Nyree's shorts swayed and clinked together with each of her steps as she crossed the bridge. She didn't have any weapons, she didn't have any blasters, blades, or guns to speak of. The ship hummed, the tugs of gravity making it rock slightly as they came closer to the much larger ships that had rightfully captured her.

"Princess, what are we going to do? What is the plan for us to make sure we can break through this blockade?" Deeper asked, his mechanical head whirrling with worry, "The Grysk are known for being horrible slave lords, only the Maker knows what is in store for us now. Might I--"

"Hey, Deeper," Nyree stopped in her tracks, cutting him off with a cold stare, "You mind shutting up now? Kay, thanks." She sighed and looked in the mirror, running her fingers through her hair. It had to look both effortless and super put together, that was her thing for the day. "Let me do what I do, I can talk us out of this one."

The Sky Princess finally came to a stop, inside one of the Grysk warships hangars. Outside the door Nyree could see dozens of their warrior scurrying into position. Their blasters were at the ready, aimed at each viewport, leveled at the loading ramp, and generally aimed in her direction. One hell of a way to welcome guests. They were excited. Nervous. Ready for a fight.

The loading ramp came down with a slow, steady hiss. Nyree swaggered down the ramp, her hips swaying with each step. The shimmering tassels around her waist caught the pale blue fluorescent light above that made her otherwise looked sickly and washed out. Her arms swung effortlessly by her side as the teen exited her chrome-clad ship.

"What's crackin'?" She asked looking around at the many blasters aimed at her face, "Basic? Huttese? What are we speaking here?"

"On your knees! Hands up!" shouted one of the Gryst in Meerian. "Hands up and on your knees or I will shoot you dead!"

"Oh, come on, there's no need to shoot little ol' me," Nyree said flashing a winsome smile. "My name's Nyree, what's yours?"

"Shut up you Frizza! Shut up and put your hands up or you will die."

The troops took a threatening step towards her to emphasize the point. Another Gryst came rushing in, bringing the encounter to--well, a stop. "Captain, captain, we have a transmission from an outsider. They want to buy the ship and its contents, prisoners included." They all paused.

The captain's eyes glowered at Nyree, tense with rage. Nyree gave a smile and shrug as if to say what-we-gonna-do?

"Patch me through," The captain said grabbing a clunky, boxy radio from his belt. His glowering stare didn't leave Nyree, who was too busy thinking that his choice in electronics was both outdated and unfashionable. His following words were in rough, choppy Basic, "This Captain Gah'yok'shkr, we have ship and prisoners. Buy for," he paused, looking at the girl. Someone would pay nicely for her as a play thing, "Two million."

"I frigging knew you spoke Basic, you basic queen," Nyree shouted, pointing at the Captain, "Someone needs to teach you how to take captives cause dude speaking basic to tell them to gtf down is Prisonership 101."

"Shut up you--you--you W&$!@."
Post 1
Location: Outskirts of Kibra City
Equipment: Hanna's Phase I Haywire Armor, F-11E Blaster Rifle, 2 Czerka Fighting Knives, 2 Sonic Grenades, 2 Impact Grenades
Tags: [member="Madalena Antares"] [member="Lirka Ka"]

She was a Wild Huntress.

Though she was green, Hanna considered herself to be a daughter of the Wild Hunt. She had been born for violence: She was an agent of destruction meant to topple oppressive galactic empires, murderous planetary regimes, and authoritarian states. The ruins of fallen empires followed wherever the Wild Hunt went, along with the raucous cheers of a newly liberated people eager to embrace a bright future of democracy and self-determination.

Unfortunately, that future could not happen without the fires of violence to forge the path ahead. No empire would fall without resistance and no tyrant would give up his power because of mere petition and protest. At some point, direct action was needed to cut the head from the Zillo Beast in order to break its reign of terror and destruction. That was the calling of the Wild Hunt, to end state terror and oppression across the galaxy with the same level of violence that those empires used to subjugate their populations.

To say the least, it was not pretty or easy work.

However, for the sake of the galaxy’s future, it needed to be done or else more generations of children would grow up under the shadows of tyrants, knowing nothing but hunger and desperation. Those children would grow into hungry and desperate adults, willing to do anything to keep food in their bellies and a roof over their heads, including serving the very empire which had oppressed them in the first place.

The diminutive Qilin let loose a shrill and high-pitched war cry as Madalena raised her fiery blade above her head. Then, accompanied by her fellow Hunters and Huntresses, she charged towards the city.

On this day, the Grysk Hegemony would fall.
Factory Judge
Always with the groups that cause the most chaos?

Of course I did.

Why? It was profitable. Where the general populace, could see chaos, recklessness, and destruction, another could see beauty and an order into which took time, and dedication to understand. Evolving from that came many rewards. Namely being able to perform this said "chaos." Leading it all with some shadow individual of Eve. While I did feel like i wanted to know more about this person, Seeing them would not be an easy task, and I highly doubted they would show their face here. On the first outing of this group no less.

So many connections around the galaxy, one could hear of a group of "Rebels" that sought to topple those who oppressed people. However, I thought it... interesting they chose their namesake. Agents of Chaos. As though this group was the one sewing the seeds for their Chaos. In truth? They already had a structure. They had plans upon plans, and were working towards a goal. While the true goal of this "Eve" may be hidden from view, I am sure it would come to light eventually. As did all things that were done in the open.

This attack, this assault against the Grysk, a species of nomadic but war like people, would not go unseen, or without consequence. What those nuclear reactions be? Only time could tell of that ever encroaching narrative they wished to spin. However, for this time, I felt it would be good to join them in their escapades. Learn who they were, what they were, and this narrative. Be it false and sewn by the "Victors" or be held in some form of the truth, and lead to more actions of this kind of violence. Would they be worth while? Would their efforts be shown in the galaxy? Or will they fall by the wayside and fall into... obscurity.

I walked down the city street. Watching as people tore into homes with the black armor. Ransacking the place for whatever they could of these Grysk oppressors. Seeking to rout them out, and allow the people, fill a power vacuum with whatever they wished. Was this actually helping them? Or sending them down a path they had no way of stopping? Fighting one another. Blaster fire, Vibroswords, even a couple Lightsabers by those who happened to have the curse of the force.

"My my. Such a travesty"

A child stood over the body of a parental figure. Face covered in ashes from a couple fires, and tears in lines down their face. Learning all too soon, of the tragedy of war, and the "Chaos" that people were so consumed by. Chaos bred a natural instinct within creatures to create order, but the more that this "Order" fabricated and pushed, Chaos would balance it out. Without one, you couldn't have the other. Such as was the Dark, and the Light. Walking over to this Child. An action figure with a broken body held tightly within his hand.

I knelt down. Letting the dirt cling to my pants as I came before his face. My eyes staring into his own.

"O'child mine. Do you wish to see your parents alive again?"
A nod
"Very well. I shall give you your wish."

Suddenly, and without any remorse, the child's head snapped around with rapid breaks in their spine. No cries in pain. No sense of dread, or impending doom. Whatever afterlife there was, the child now joined the parents he so sought. I stood up. Brushing off the dust as the body of this child fell to the ground.

"So much wasted."
Tags: [member="Scherezade deWinter"]
Location: Morcanth's largest dockyard
Equipment: black CS-21 catsuit, grappling hook, (blessed) shuriken throwing stars, (blessed) katana, (blessed) two daggers, (blessed) collapsible sniper rifle, (blessed) blaster pistol, EMP.


The Nighthaunter had only just been recruited by the Agents of Chaos, when he was thrown straight into the thick of it with a mission to the planet of Morcanth. He had only met the mysterious woman known as Discordia once but this was enough for him to commit his full loyalty to her. However, his loyalty was a bit different to most of the other Agents of Chaos, his was fanatical and he worshiped her. Which was why he had created the Silencers a cult of fanatical religious assassins that worshiped Discordia. The newly appointed Head of the Silencers shook his head and decided to focus in the mission at hand as looked down at the dockyard in front of him. He was crouched at the top of a large crane that overlooked every single ship in the yard, if one looked up at it they would see a black silhouette lying diwn at the top of the crane. His mission was simple, to make sure that Scherezade was able to sabotage a select number of ships, by protecting her. Now he was sure that the Sithling could more than handle herself, however he wasn't sure if she would be able to do it quietly.

He pulled out his sniper and looked through the scope at the dockyard, tagging all of the opposition forces with his HUD. He then looked at Scherezade's position as he watched her inch her way towards the ships in question. He then radioed her comms,

"Scherezade this is Nighthaunter I have eyes on your position, relay the targets to me and I will clear a path for you." He whispered into his mask.

His scope fixed on her and observing her surrounding position, his finger resting on the trigger waiting for the call to eliminate an enemy combatant.
I thought you were a Jedi, little Ven? What purpose do you have aiding in this slaughter?

Ven sat atop a three story structure and stared out at the destruction wrought by these Agents of Chaos. Homes, businesses, and speeders were set ablaze as Grysk were torn from their homes and put to the blade. Ash rose high in the sky, dancing along the wind as it spread to the four corners of Morcanth. It was a gruesome sight, one he was supposed to of left behind him with the Sith, but things had begun to change. Memories of his father and the atrocities committed in his name left Ven in a difficult position. His father had to die, but it was not the Jedi way. He was not given the support he needed from the Silver Jedi Order, leaving him alone in his one man war with the Dark Lord. He had already taken a plethora of missions on in the hopes of finding something to kill the man or slow the empire's steady growth, but he failed at every turn. He needed more than what was available to him.

That more was potentially these supposed Agents of Chaos. The sudden emergence of this group brought with it an opportunity to piece together a sizeable enough force to combat both the empire and its ruler, but that would take time. Time and resources Ven was not capable of delivering on his own. Such needs brought him to Morcanth. The opportunity to empower these upstart liberators was too good to pass up, even if it forced him to once more practice the dark side.

Cotan will not approve of this, Jedi. How will you face him knowing you failed him?

Vaulkhar's words echoed through Ven's mind, mocking him as he reminded him of who he was supposed to be. There was a point when his spite filled words did not cloud Ven's mind and second guess his every decision, but as more memories resurfaced, so too did fragments of his past self. It was quickly growing beyond bothersome for the jedi as this sith persona within him vied for control. Ven fought off the urge to scream at anyone and anything that would listen to him as he could feel the darker element of himself enjoying his own instability. The fortunate distraction provided by a certain dark jedi momentarily centered him. Ven looked into the street below to see the corpse of a small child fall to the ground, his head turned and unsightly angle.

Not bad, but not our style, Ven. I mean killing children? How cliche... We should link up with the dark one anyway, perhaps he will make for an ally in our fight against father.

Be silent; this is not our fight. It is mine.

No words followed Ven's assertion of control within his own mind. A sigh of relief escaped him before he slipped the helmet up and over his head. It clicked into place as the HUD came to life, already feeding information to the halfbreed. He gauged the distance before dropping down beside Darren. The force enveloped him and cushioned the landing. Ven turned to face the dark jedi master and offered a curt nod.

"Who's next?" Ven's voice was muffled by the sound of the helmet covering his head.

[member="Darren Shaw"]
Factory Judge
A turn of the head to the newcomer. Garbed in armor, but had a nice mix of clothing to allow movement. Sword displayed was clear of his aptitude of such skills. More over, why the helmet? While it could offer protection, and aid in the form of an electronic HUD suite, I personally desired the ability to have full vision, and movement of my head. Too many times have I worn armor and it gotten destroyed or damaged due to its weight. However, that is me with whatever I had under my belt as a soldier, A warrior of an Order, and a Slayer of another. This man had his reasons. Conflicted? Yes. That much was clear.

It was hidden in his voice rather well. However, that doesn't hide it from a person who has spent decades in similar situations. I had once been conflicted in my own right.

"Who's next?"

A question as though I were leading this, as though he expected me to lead onward with the idea of this Chaos. All hidden behind his armor, and his mask. A man who sought much more. The sly smirk formed upon cold lips. Shaking my head, it seemed I was already attempted to teach him.

"You believe me to lead? I have no such offers for you O'wanderer mine."

Indicating forward down the street, where plenty of people were running, trying to hide from the various assaulters that be from these "Agents of Chaos."

"Here is your objective. Kill all who are sought after by the Agents. See how they treat them and their families. Learn of their wasteful desires."

My attention turned to the child who lay upon the ground. Head in an unnatural manner. The action figure he had once been clutching with white knuckles, was now limp with all the signs of death. An outstretched hand reached over. The invisible tendrils of the force grabbed the child. Lifting it into the air and presenting it before the armored man.

Releasing the hold, the body fell with a thump to the ground. Taking a step over the body as it lay, my boots softly crashed into the street. Moving me forward towards these other agents that killed others in their pursuit of "Freedom" and "Chaos."

"Here is your honor. Here is your pride."

Letting the words be thrown over my shoulder to the man.

"You decide who to end. Hesitation in that choice, will kill you."

Location: Kibra city outskirts
Wearing: Standard mundane armor, colored red
Wielding: Yrkaa Sidearm | Meymad
Tags: [member="Lirka Ka"] | [member="Elias Logain"] | [member="Hanna"] | + Open to anyone!
As they charged, Madalena caught sight of [member="Lirka Ka"]. Despite the woman's size, she had not seen her there a moment before. Knowing the elf was there brought a smile to the Sith's lips. She remembered her earlier days with the Knights Confederacy; the woman had been a powerful asset when brute force was needed and called for. She knew vaguely about some incidents from the past months, but right there and then, it didn't matter. The woman had everything she needed to be valuable when fighting the Grysk.

Another one that caught her eye was [member="Hanna"]. Young by any standard, but the passion could not be denied. To see the fire and the spirit in younglins brought another smile to the Sith's face. They would make the streets of Kibra flow with blood, and toss bits and pieces of Grysk's bodies into it for decoration.

Across the city, others moved. She could sense them all through the Force; terrified locals, angered Grysk, and a few signatures that appeared to be neither, but she could not focus on them now. As her squad turned a corner, they were met with another one. A Grysk one. A big Grysk one.

"Take us to your leader!" Madalena laughed as she approached, her saberstaff igniting on both sides, "We're going to cut his head off and put a ribbon on his nose!"

Her teasing had little effect on the Grysk, but her own people, she hoped, would find the humor in it. Leaving no time, they charged forward.

The Grysk were brutes, large, some of them even bigger than [member="Lirka Ka"]. They fought well, with seemingly never ending stamina, their equipment advanced enough to not fall into crumbles as lightsabers hit against them.

It would not be an easy fight.

But she knew they could win.

"Find the weak spots in their armor!" she shouted above them all, "Leave no limb still attached!"
Location: Aboard "Derech", a transport ship
Wearing: Default light armor
Wielding: WindWhisper
Tags: [member="Nyree Justice"]

Alwine's eyes narrowed as she moved from the screens to the holos in the center of the bridge, her hands clasped behind her back a second time. Gah'yok'shkr. What a mouthful of random letters. And she could hear the words behind him too – a female. Human? Her gaze moved to the screens, where the "Derech"'s sensors were picking information up. One organic, now stuck on the Grysk ship.

And there was a price.

"Captain Gah'yok'shkr, I am Speaker Lechner," Alwine announced herself, "we are in the Unknown Regions. Two million credits will do you no good here, and you do not have the required muscle to go into the Core with that amount of money either. You will be obliterated the moment you crossed into the Inner Rim."

Did they even have two million credits? It was more money than Alwine, who had grown up and raised to be a servant on a backwater planet that most people had never even heard of, had seen. Surely, she could think of an individual or two that had that sum, and perhaps even Discordia herself, but to give that for one organic that they knew absolutely about… It was more than eve bounty hunters received for capturing high profile people of interest.

"Here is my counter offer," she continued, "You will release the ship and the woman in it into the custody of the Agents of Chaos, and you will get see another day. Do it within the next fifteen minutes and I will add a one hundred credit chip to the bargain, to be used in any Cantina in civilized areas of your choice. You have two minutes to decide."

The communication was cut off from the Derech's side, and Alwine turned to the people assembled in the cockpit.

"I need a small vessel and a squad worth of people we can spare from the Derech," she said, her voice leaving no place for questioning. The Lupine might have been a 5"0 blonde, but every inch of her beamed now with authority and strength, "I'm going to get her before they do something incredibly stupid that their parents and children will all regret."

Agents of Chaos or not, Alwine had no intention of leaving an innocent to the hands of such brutes. Not with all she knew could happen to her. Mutilation was the least worst of it.
Location: Morcanth's largest dockyard
Equipment: A280 blaster rifle | XR-18 Revolver | WESTAR-35 blaster pistol x2 | Thermal detonator x2 | Combat Knife | 10 m of rope | 5 throwing knives
Tags: [member="Nighthaunter"] | [member="Scherezade deWinter"]

Renn sat there quiet, annoyed and tired. For days he scouted this dockyard, doing his job, and for an attack to arrive. This another set back that he had to push through. Looking around he watched men walk by looking around. While one looked straight at him, he was masked in darkness and couldn't be seen. Stalking around he made sure to keep his eyes on his surroundings. Looking up his HUD indicated there was someone up there. Turning off his HUD all he could see was a barely visible black figure, he wasn't at an angle to have a shot. While he couldn't see him he did see a barrel, and following it he spotted Scherezade. Turning his HUD on it attempted to ID her but failed. It had a list of names but now wasn't the time for that.

The pattering of footsteps caught his attention and he disappeared into the shadows. The group of soldiers was under him and he was looking upward at the figure. Climbing he looked back over at Scherezade and attempted another ID, again it failed but the list was smaller. Holding onto the a ship engine he was about 11 m above the ground in shadows a patrol passed under him and his rope fell to lay around the man in the back's neck. Pulling up the sounds of movement from the others muffled the snap. Renn tied the rope so the man lay in darkness as well, about three m off the ground. Going down the rope he landed on the man's shoulders.

Jumping off he quietly stalked up behind the new final person and there was a muffled cry as a knife went into the man's neck. The others turned, Renn counted three in total one was about to radio in as three knives came out from Renn's cloak. Two hit true the other hit the man in the leg, causing him to collapse. Catching him and covering his mouth another snap could be heard. Grabbing his throwing knives he pulled them to a vent and dumped the bodies.

Climbing back up he decided to meet the stranger, and climbed the crane. He stood next to the stranger his XR-18 had a taser round loaded and the hammer was pulled back, but it lay in it's holster. He listened to the man, apparently she was Scherezade deWinter and he was Nighthaunter. Must be a code name on his behalf, Renn thought.

Sitting behind the man's peripheral. "So, what are we looking at?"
Location: Grysk warship, beside the Sky Princess in the middle of a lotta trouble.
Wearing: A fabulous top, a great pair of bottoms, and some rocking flats.
Wielding: My charm..?
Tags: the bad guys and [member="Alwine Lechner"]

"You not know the power of Grysk, we expand, grow, much power, well past you puny humans," the alien snarled. "We crush human who stand in way." he was growing more heated with every word. Spital began to rain from his lips and teeth onto the comm link with each plosive, "You fear The Grysk. Grysk strong. Grysk brave. Grysk brutal. Grysk no fear. Grysk--"

"Yaaaawwwwn feeestt," Nyree cut in, waving her hand over her mouth in a mock yawn at her captor who was going rabid with bloodlust, "You gonna monologue all day or we gonna go ahead and get nasty?"

Captain Gah'yok'shkr shot her a fiery glare before turning his attention back to the comm unit. Alwine gave her ultimatum and disconnected. His lip sneered at the exchange. You didn't have to read a lot of body language to tell that he was less than pleased and saw the whole thing as a more-or-less slap in the face. His already ugly eyes narrowed to even uglier slits as he hurrled the transmitter across the bay. Its impact on the durasteel flooring shattered the flimsy piece of tech into a thousand tinier, flimsier pieces.

"That b!%$& can't disrespect us like that, disrespect me like that" the captain snarled.

"Ya know, that's kinda a big waste of tech," Nyree said pointing over her shoulder.


"Look, all I'm saying is you could probably reduce your overhead by 25-30% if you stopped breaking things like that," Nyree said with a shrug.

"Someone shut her up!" Captain Gah'yok'shkr shouted. "And get her into the slave chambers."

Two of the aliens moved to grab her by the arms and half dragged, half lead her away. It was very undignifying and unbecoming of a young lady who was that good at sales and who put that much effort in her look. Nyree tried to keep up as much as she could, but her flats still got a fair amount of scuffs on them by the time she was tossed into one of the cells with four other slaves.

"Hey! Uncalled for!" Nyree shouted as she picked herself up off the ground.

The door slid shut with a thud and the sound of internal locks clamping inside.

"I am so totally leaving a bad review on Yelp! Like--like--like I'mma go full Karen on your butts!" The teen sighed and shook her head before turning to look at her fellow captives. They were huddled in the shadows, eyeing the door fearfully. Two were young twe'lik girls, barely younger than her. Another was a Rodien woman who was probably mid thirties. All were dirty. The room smelt of filth.

"He ladies, basic? Huttese?" Nyree asked giving them a winning smile, "No, ok. Ryl? Pick your poison. Anything? Nothing?" she sighed. "Why is everyone here so against talking? Sheesh."

Nyree suddenly became aware of hot breath on the back of her neck. The gruff voice with its sickening chuckle behind her made her hair stand on end, "Pretty girl, I speak basic."

She turned her head to look see a Nikto male towering over her. His orange smile was twisted in a nasty smile that was increased only by the gleam in his beady eyes. She offered a charming, confident smile, "Hey there, big guy. Uh, your standing just a tad too close for my comfort, so whadya say we back it up a skooch, mmmkay?"
Post 2
Location: Outskirts of Kibra City
Equipment: Hanna’s Phase I Haywire Armor, F-11E Blaster Rifle, 2 Czerka Fighting Knives, 2 Sonic Grenades, 2 Impact Grenades
Tag: [member="Madalena Antares"] [member="Lirka Ka"]

She was a Wild Huntress, and so she went wild.

To the ears of the Grysk oppressors, it was a terrifying and blood curdling scream that left her lips as she charged toward the city with the small squad of warriors. As the squad moved closer to the city, Hanna caught sight of a few isolated Grysk fighters who seemed to be tasked with reconnaissance duties and scouting. The diminutive Qilin immediately sighted her rifle after seeing a trio of fighters standing next to a trio of speeder bikes roughly one hundred meters from her position. Holding her breath, she aimed at the back of the one that stood the farthest from the group and who seemed to be tinkering with a particularly large power cell. Then, without hesitation, she squeezed the trigger and delivered a pair of lethal high-energy bolts which struck the hapless Grysk in the upper back. The beast immediately keeled over with a smoking pair of burning holes in its torso. By the time the other two warriors realized what was happening, another pair of bolts discharged from the F-11E blaster rifle. However, the bolts were not aimed to strike the remaining two warriors directly, but rather, the power cell.

A large shockwave of energy discharged from the ensuing explosion, sending the two warriors crashing to the ground with mild burns and disoriented senses. However, they had not managed to escape from their assailant’s sights in the fall. Intent upon finishing the Grysk scouts off, Hanna double-tapped each stunned target with devastating precision, leaving their bodies a smoking mess of charred flesh and armor, the latter of which had flash-melted into the former.

The squad of Hunters continued on their bloody path of destruction until they rounded a corner and came up to a massive hulking beast of a creature, leading a large group of armored Grysk warriors.

Once again, Hanna let loose a savage and piercing war cry in her strikingly girlish voice, which was accompanied by an ominous message that she saw as righteous damnation: “Discordia demands your blood! Death for Discordia! Skulls for the Shrouded Throne!

Then, with a spine-chilling cry on her lips, the diminutive warrioress attacked.
Post 1
Equipment: In Sig/Character profile I'll link what I'm using when it's time
Tags: [member="Scherezade deWinter"]

Bounties were bounties as far as I was concerned. I'd received an invite from this...Order of Chaos to come and cleanse with extreme prejudice these Grysk... Lizards were lizards... after fighting Trandoshans hand to hand and all the battles I'd been through you found out quickly there was the effective way and the fun way to do things. It'd been too long since I'd rained hell on anyone....Rolling my neck I felt The Force calling for violence. Could just be me though.... ever since Eshan I'd been....eager to hunt. Now I was actively hunting felt....really good.

Slipping into the system I sighed. Flicking through the notification from my ships' HUD I engaged the stealth drive and smiled. Flicking through my music selection I plugged in my helmet to the shipboard PA system. Smiling ear to ear I started my plan. Targeting the Grysk ships I ensured the stealth field was active and I knelt on the floor. Feeling the emotion from those ships I closed my eyes and my fingers flitted across the keypad by my seat in the cockpit. Laying in an intercept course for one of their larger ships I engaged the thrust. My ships' AI came online and said "Mistress Drayven, this seems a suicidal course. Surely there's a safer way..." Smiling I knelt in place and said "I want the stars to be littered with their corpses as a warning. Their ships in flames and their wills broken. This IS the way." placing a palm against the deckplate as an anchor I began channeling The Force as the weapons began to overcharge. This would be using The Morrigan as a spear to run them through. Then a broadside with ion cannons, blaster cannons, and some of my newest toys. A bank of rail guns on either side of The Morrigan for insane broadside damage....

Bracing against the deckplating I channeled The Force around my ship around me. I took in all the aggression, all the pain I'd carried with me, all the lusting for peace but half measures from Jetiise.... I took it all in and formed my frustration my anger into a shield for my ship. "Imminent collision in 30 seconds Mistress Drayven..." Eyes still closed I said "good lets paint the stars with fire and litter the void with corpses." I primed the weapons for a sequential firing sequence as we approached collision. First ion batteries to disrupt shields, blaster cannons and flak to eliminate shields and rain hell upon the ship and finally the railguns to utterly eviscerate the ship. All to fire upon my press of the key. When we collided I'd paint the stars with utter destruction...

I wondered if anyone would notice my handiwork. Well if they were looking out a viewport they were in for quite the show...
Post 1
Location: Supply Depot outside Kibra City
Equipment: Rin's Lightsaber + Nightmare Mk.IV Armor
Tags: Open
Kamyrin stood watching the clouds of smoke rise above the city as fighting broke out. Many would die this night, but it was a simple after thought to her, behind her stood a couple dozen or so locals that had gone into hiding, armed with equipment she had smuggled onto the planet and offered them so they might fight for their own freedom. Let the Hunt have their night of blood, she cared little how they handled it, well they kept the foe occupied she would strike at a more painful locations. Turning her head towards a military supply depot, most likely one of the 3 races former military bases that had called this world home, the Grysk had converted it into one of several supply depots they used to feed their occupying forces. One could not occupy a world without supplies and food for very few races were fine fighting on empty stomachs.

Spinning on her heels deciding she had let enough time to pass, any extra guards that might have been present were probably returning to the city, leaving a weakened guard to defend the depot. One that even untrained militia could capture and if necessary burn down to keep the enemy from regaining any of their supplies. Signalling for the group to stay put she ran across the open field, her armor's deep black and noise canceling properties ensuring every step even at a running pace made no sound. Colliding with the wall as she came at it with a full sprint slowing down just enough that she would not cause any damage to her self as she used it as a cushion. Moving along the wall, she looked up to see if anyone was on patrol, prior to her sprint no one had been present and looking again still no movement.

This was far easier than she had expected, moving towards the main entry point, the doors were shut but she had the perfect key. Taking a knew she placed a directional charge that had been apart of her shipment to the planet onto the metal door. As she set the timer, she looked into the shrubs, her optics showing the heat signatures of the locals. Without these optics she would be blind as a bat and she was happy to have her own armor on. Raising a metal fist she signaled for them to move out, as they dispersed towards other points of entry. This had been their base once and they knew it better than the Grysk could ever hope, this was the main point her enemy knew about and therefore she would use it as a decoy. Finishing her preparations she sprinted down the right side of the wall re linking up with the locals who stood around a metal slab. One was messing around with a terminal beside it as the others watched and waited with bated breath.

This took longer than she had liked and a few of the locals were getting annoyed with their kin saying things she did not understand but could hear the tone in which they said it. Finally a hiss came from the slab as it rose up a few feet showing a stair case into a dark tunnel, most likely a emergency exit, it would be the perfect route in. The one who had finally done it smirked at his kin, as if it was his win, they made a few more comments before moving into the tunnel. It most likely had not been lit or even used for a decade. Dust was kicked up off the metal floor as they hit the final step and the sources of light were a dark red, giving almost no visibility for those without night optics. Webs covered a few places in the corner as they moved down the halls, prepared for their war with their own planetary neighbors, its use was finally to expel a alien invader off their home world. How fitting were the only words Kam could think of as she continued down the hall at the lead of the group.

At the end it came to another stair case, but this time they were on the correct side, this terminal was a simple click and open. Waiting for confirmation the other groups had arrived at their entry points they stood in silence, as the darkness and red lights illuminated little of their bodies. Pulling her lightsaber off her belt, she looked at the militiaman that stood at the terminal ready to click it, in her other hand was the detonator ready to click it at the same time. These Grysk were in for a nasty surprise, one that simply brought a smirk to her face as her adrenaline got pumping into her body, she was excited this was going to be a blast....quite literally.

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