Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Contact (Levantine Sanctum Dominion of Tygara)

[member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Callista Gseran"] | [member="Natoline Kerrigan"] | [member="Coryth Elaris"]

Tegaea sat and gave orders in the ship once again. The landing spot Semiramis had noted was located. With this ship it would be less than five minutes to fly there.

“I fear the Exarch is correct, Master Heavenshield. For these people slavery is a vital part of their economy. Many agricultural societies, even humans if I remember the history, based their economy on slave labour. For people like the Qadir the thought of slavery being wrong has not entered their heads. To them, like she pointed out, it’s as natural as keeping animals for work.”
“Furthermore, Semiramis, if I understand everything I’ve heard, is not the rule of the whole planet, just the largest one here. I reckon we’ll need to push this in small steps. We want to help the unfortunates, not make them destitute.”
She smiled and chuckled. “Though at least they’ve not tried to shoot us yet. That’s slightly encouraging.”

The ship took off, soon reaching the area before the walls. Those walls, tall and made of pale stone, were quite impressive. Unfortunately each person in the ship had weaponry which allowed them to tear through them like it was paper. Still, the impression was one of strength and opulence.

As they landed they could see that they were there before even messengers from the Shahbânu had reached them. Fearful people were hiding, and soldiers on the wall held their spears and bows anxiously.
Fortunately therefore, a rider soon galloped up and gave orders that the gates were to be opened.

Chesna joined the Jedi near the front of the ship. Somehow she’d found time to reapply her makeup and change outfit.
“I’ve got something for you all,” she announced. She opened a box and offered it to each of the Jedi. Inside were several small crystals. “So you won’t need me as much. Focus on your Sciia…the Force…and it will help you understand them. It won’t help you speak the language, but you can understand it at least!”
She looked to Tegaea. “Sorry, Mistress, you’ll just have to rely on me,” she said sweetly.
“Force goddesses unite, whilst we peasants wait expectantly,” Tegaea said with a sigh. She was probably the only one on the ship without Force powers. So much for being the 99%!
“Oh come, Mistress, don’t be like that! You’re still my favourite ‘normal’ human!”
“I should hope so! Coryth, Coci, Callista, shall we go?”

Outside they found that the people were watching them, just…staring, not doing anything else. Awkward.


As the offworlder party emerged from their ship, a servant came from the palace within accompanied by one of the General’s aides. They bowed to the party.
“Lady Heavenshield, Lady Elaris, Lady Alcori, please come with us. Her Majesty will join us soon,” the aide said. Amazingly the little crystals Chesna had seemed to work, so she only needed to translate for Tegaea.
Natoline, being a Kiffar, might get some rather interesting vibes from her crystal. It was made by Chesna, after all!

[member="Kaida Taldir"]

The only thing more awkward potentially at that moment was the ship bearing Nantaris, Kaida, her followers and Nantaris’ Rangers to the northern continent. Since they had a good hour before they’d arrive, Nantaris had made himself comfortable in the main room of the transport and had a drink in his hand.
“So, Seraph Taldir, you did a good job up in space. Any chance I could get to know you better?” He coughed slightly, then spoke a sentence is reasonably good Eldarai. Unfortunately….
“Sir, you did realise you just said her face is ‘As beautiful as a watermelon’, yes?” an ancient droid wheezed, coming over.
Nantaris glared at the droid. “It’s not my fault they’ve got words which all sound the same,” he said grumpily. “Anyway, Kaida, this bag of bolts is D-43. Though very soon he’s going to the scrapheap.”
“If only that were so, sir, so my torment would end,” the droid intoned. “Good day, Mistress Taldir, I at least think you look more beautiful than a melon.”
“Everyone’s a romantic,” Nantaris huffed. “I think she’s more beautiful than a melon, I just forgot there’s one letter different between ‘watermelon’ and ‘goddess’ . Now stop stealing my thunder.” He shoved the droid with the Force out of the room.
Another man stepped forward and offered a greeting. “Raloph Scindia, Seraph Taldir, pleased to meet you…again,” he said politely.

And finally, from the front of the ship, there came a blue Twi’lek. Nantaris’ eyes gravitated to her at once.
“Well hi there, Miss Eldorai, I’m Myr,” she said. “Now, whatever you might think of our great lord and master, he is good with his hands.” Her lekku moved mysteriously, Nantaris’ eyes not leaving them.
“So I’m thinking I should see how you Eldorai do in comparison. If you’re up for a bit of lekku stroking.”
Scindia laughed at his friend’s annoyance. “Blue creature’s going to the elf side, Nantaris,” he said.
“Yes, very funny, thank you, Scindia,” he said moodily. “Shall I give you two a cabin, you probably have enough time for an orgy before we get there.”
“My, someone’s jealous,” Myr said innocently.
“Why are all the blue creatures so snarky?” Nantaris said, getting up and leaving.
“I’ll give you two some privacy,” Scindia added, following his friend aft.

Now left alone, Myr offered a lekku to Kaida. “Nice guy, but so much fun to tease.”
[member="Valiens Nantaris"], [member="Natalya Selanne"]
Location: On ship, flying to northern continent to explore stuff
Objective: Play with Twi'lek...err, explore stuff, fangirl over Cory, try not to think about tigers being on a ship.
( 11)

If Kaida had been there when the three awesome ladies had their discussion about how to abolish slavery on Tygara and at the same time establish good relations, it was quite likely that she would have made a few points. Then again, Coryth had already summed up her view nicely, so she might have stayed in the background or just been remarkably laconic since she was not the type to waste words.

As for events on the ship, awkward was undoubtedly one way to describe things. Fortunately, for an Eldorai Kaida was fairly open-minded and less sexist than most of her people. More to the point, since she had once been exiled from Kaeshana for many years she had had plenty of exposure to foreigners. And so she was capable of dealing with the Scotchman's lame attempts at flirtation without resorting to freezing, though she rolled her eyes at pickup line and the man's translation difficulties. Truth be told, it was a cause of wry amusement for her. Oh, and there was a cute, feisty blue Twi'lek. Contrary to what a certain oversexed Countess thought, Kaida was neither frigid nor a prude. A certain, astonishingly diplomatic and practical Jedi Exarch would probably be able to confirm the exact opposite. Alas, Master Elaris was still forced to deal with diplomatic ventures.

"Thank you," she spoke to Scindia, who would hopefully avoid suffering the fate of his namesake in every other tale by not dying, before glancing over to Nantaris. "You should get on well with Kerrigan. Her 'flirtation' lines are just as 'witty'," she said very dryly before focusing her attention upon the enticing Twi'lek. "Indeed he is," she said just as dryly before reaching out to, well, stroke and play with Myr's beautiful blue lekku. Coryth would probably be able to confirm that the frost elf was indeed very good with her hands. This writer would elaborate on whether cryokinesis had applications in the bedroom, but understands that, even at this ungodly late hour, kiddies might be reading this. This one understands how important protecting their innocence is.

Outside Kaida had noticed the newcomer in their merry band of heroic adventurers! She was...a good deal more perplexing than [member="Natoline Kerrigan"], who in another thread had just been adopted by Countess Kerrigan since her parents sucked and Galina wanted a sister. Kaida did not know the girl's name but had to blink when she saw that she was apparently wrapped in animal furs and was surrounded by...wait, two great Edan white tigers. Tigers? Fortunately, Kaida happened to have a girlfriend who kept a Reek and a nexu as pets, so she took it all in stride, as much as military professionalism and discipline rebelled against the notion. Presumably the girl was a Levantine and such.

[member="Coryth Elaris"]

As for the Angelii soldiers Kaida had left behind because her girlfriend needed more minions, Captain Ynnead remained stoic and impassive. This seemed to be a quality that Angelii particularly cherished. When they were not being deadpan snarkers or purging enemies of the Goddess with righteous fire and steel. When the party boarded the transport ship she and her soldiers obediently followed. Once the transport landed they would fan out of the dropship in front of the Jedi and Lady Alcori, forming an honour guard of sorts.

An honour guard clad in shining crimson battle armour, bloodstained and dented, but imposing, with Taegis shields across their backs, bolters magclamped to their thighs and sarixi at the ready. A show of force without sabre-rattling or aggression. Predators on a leash. Keeping a watchful eye on the natives who had assembled to look upon them. Presumably it was quite an experience for the Angelii as well, for they were encountering their lost cousins who had been separated from their people for 25, 000 years. But if they felt an emotional reaction then it would not be visible, for it was obscured by the imposing masks they wore, giving them a mechanical appearance.
[member="Valiens Nantaris"] | [member="Kaida Taldir"]​

Ships she was wary of, moving ground made her queasy when there was so much metal around to fall on. Natalya’s white tigers, her youngest Bnara and oldest Ktara prowled beside her, each roaring their arrival and shaking their heads, they affectionately rubbed against one another, but also were growling more than usual. Something was unsettling them, because something was unsettling Natalya. At least that’s what their display might look like to untrained eyes. She put her hand in Ktara's mouth, playing with her jaw. No she wasn’t unsettled at all, nor were they.

What this was, was posturing, prowling, you could see Natalya stood the same way, new planet, new wilderness, new territory, that was natural. White edan tigers were more than the match of any feline predator, sure there were nastier things in the galaxy, but few as ferocious when defending another they cared about, their pack.

Naturally she listened as people socialized, confused as to much of what was said, and somewhat longing for the same repertoire. Listening to [member="Valiens Nantaris"] ‘s rangers ahead, watching, but lacking any real way of approaching them that they'd understand. Ixy her sandhawk on her shoulder was encouraging her to speak, believe that or not, but she just petted ixy's head. What did go over to their gathering was a very small fuzzy looking creature waddling over.

Innocent eyes from her shadowland's creature of course, what anyone else might consider nothing, suddenly Natalya realised her friend had escaped her pocket, she literally pounced over a table to get to her ball of fuzz. Tigers looked up, but forget her tigers, she was much more concerned about that wandering ball of fuzz than anything else. Picked up, she tapped its mewing head to tell it no! You can’t eat their toes, the ball of fuzz mewed again, she shook her head and pocketed her friend.

She didn’t really smile, so much as just look like she wanted to be friends with [member="Kaida Taldir"] and [member="Valiens Nantaris"]'s ranger group, head angled to be curious, sniffing the nearest of Nantaris’ Rangers, not up close, a ways back, people reacted badly otherwise. Scents taken in from one or more, “hello,” she added for their benefit. Natalya didn’t seem to be nervous, just that her words didn’t connect to what she wanted to say. Settling her animals down again, they went back to play fighting, her hand firmly in Ktara’s mouth. They had a tug of war which might seem dangerous, but there was no danger from Ktara. No fear there, her only fear was touching a metal surface, that thought was dawning on her all too often.

Bnara on the other hand, she didn't put her hand in Bnara's mouth! Nor did anyone who wanted to keep it.

Ixy her sandy colored hawk had taken a liking to watching everyone, and would settle on a nearby table, pushing its beaked head along to be petted by someone, such an attention seeker that one.

Edan Tiger - Bnara | Ktara
Sandhawk - Ixy
Fuzz Ball - ?
Up to you who both she sniffed, or who the bird pestered, whoever you think it'd be interesting to write!
[member="Natalya Selanne"] | [member="Kaida Taldir"] | [member="Valiens Nantaris"] | [member="Coryth Elaris"] | [member="Callista Gseran"]​
Coci was pleased by the reaction from the others, a considered choice to their given situation and one she had hoped for. It was the more prudent decission reached and it would take time, but in this way the foundations for change within a culture would be more lasting than throught a more aggressive approach. The other girls knew this, had experience the results of slavery first hand and even though they hate it with justified passion, they are aware of the dangers of to much to quick.

Accepting the crystal from Chesna with a smile and a nod of thanks, she placed it in her pocket for later. Lady Tegaea urging them forward and soon the ship had landed by the palace. "This is a good decission, and now lets us go and sow the seeds of change".

Exiting the ship once more, the delegation is met by a servant and guard. “Lady Heavenshield, Lady Elaris, Lady Alcori, please come with us. Her Majesty will join us soon,”

The crystal had work and well, Coci bowed her acceptance and followed. The crystal rolling around in her fingers as she walked, taking in her surroundings and opulance of the place.

Coryth listened to Tegaea and nodded. "And yes, that is correct. Semiramis only rules the largest continent here. She is not the only ruler. Not the only one we can deal with in this manner." A sigh followed. There certainly was truth to Tegs' words. They hadn't been shot at, yet.

She then glanced to Chesna, accepting the crystal from her. Rolling it across her hand, she looked curiously over the small stone for a moment. "Thank you, Chesna." She said quietly.

"I'm glad we all are in agreeance with one another." With that said, she followed Tegaea, Callista, and Coci out into the courtyard. So many eyes, so many beings watching them. When the aid came to greet them, the redhead was a little surprised to find the crystal worked so well. Such an interesting little creation, there was no doubt about that.

Slowly she moved with the others, though Coryth did spread out her senses trying to get a feel for the situation and the people around her. Then she found herself internally cursing her footwear. If I'd only been barefoot I could get a better read on this world, on the people around us ... I'd feel safer. Not only that but these things hurt! My feet are so sore. The tiny woman clearly not used to any footwear at all.

With the Angelii soldiers surrounding her, keeping guard too ... That made Coryth feel a small bit safer but she still couldn't help but feel her danger sense spike again. Something was afoot. That much she knew, and for a change, she was grateful to the minions she had. Really don't want anything to mess this up. Certainly hope the Queen isn't foolish enough to try something. Though, I guess that won't stop some noble from being an idiot. I suppose if they try, they'll just be a dead idiot and the galaxy will move on. Would be such a mistake to try something here and now.

[member="Kaida Taldir"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Valiens Nantaris"] | [member="Callista Gseran"]​
[member="Natalya Selanne"] | [member="Kaida Taldir"]

As Myr settled in with Kaida she made appreciative noises as the gentle caressing. The lekku themselves curled and stroked the Eldorai’s hands as they themselves were touched.
However, an incessant beeping started to come from the cockpit. D-43 came in, a little more dented than before from Nantaris’ shove.
“Ms Myrtirae, once you have finished your massage session, the ship requires a pilot.”
Grumbling, Myr gave an apologetic look to Kaida. “We’ll have to pick this up later, Frosty,” she said and sashayed off to the cockpit.

Nantaris meanwhile was confronted with…animals! He’d come stomping out of the room, annoyed and frustrated with space elves and snarky Twi’leks, to be confronted by a zoo!
“Who in the name of Yoda’s jammies let these tigers on board my ship?!” he demanded irritably. “Is this some kind of…oh…hello,” he said to the young woman standing there. “Scindia, who is this?” he asked his friend.
“I believe her name is…uhh…Natalya?” Scindia said, eying the tigers warily. The bird waddled over to him and nuzzled his hand. He petted it absently. “I think she’s a friend of Natol’ine.”
“Right! Well, make yourself at home, my dear. It’s not like we’re doing anything important, no, we can just give the enemy a petting zoo and cutsey them to death.” He felt a pressure on his leg and looked down at the fuzzy…thing…looking up at him. “What…is this?”
At that moment a message came over the comm. “Boss, up here, please,” Myr said. All joking was gone.
“Right, try to not get cat hair everywhere,” Nantaris ordered and stomped off.

Up on the bridge Kaida was already waiting. “We’re getting close. I’m picking up scattered life signs in the forests and plains below. But near the coast are actually fortresses and cities. The probes are picking up what seems to be these ‘Dark Ones’.”
Nantaris looked at the map, and then down at the surrounding areas. “They must be the Xioquo that Queen mentioned. If we go down there they probably won’t be wanting to talk. On the other hand….”
He looked over the land below them. Pleasant grasslands broken by forests, rivers and lakes. Further into the interior dense forest and swamps provided a barrier along with a ridge of mountains.
“This looks pretty good for your people, Kaida. Aside from this Xioquo there’s not much in the way of settlements. Your people could move in and take all this area quite easily. What did you want to do? Map it out…or ‘encounter’ the Xioquo?”

[member="Coryth Elaris"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Callista Gseran"]

Not long after they had disembarked and the Angelii had made a considerable presence of themselves with their fierce armour, the Shahbânu arrived.
She had ridden on her Yazgid the whole ten miles and looked tired and sweaty. Still, she dismounted and offered a smile to her guests whilst Bashiyra came forward to dry her brow and offer her some water.
“Come, my friends, let me show you my city. I know it likely is not much compared to your star cities, but it has been the home of my ancestors for twenty generations!”
Genial, and now acting like a tour guide, the Shahbânu had a coach waiting which transported the party inside in shade and comfort whilst the Angelii and servants walked along behind it.

Crowds lined the streets, quiet, watchful, wary. Many of these people likely did not know who the strangers were, but the presence of the Shahbânu calmed tensions.
“And this is the statue of my great-grandmother, Kadvadi II, who conquered the lands of Gebron and Herrar for Amikaron,” Semiramis said, pointing to a vast monument of what seemed like bronze covered in gold leaf.

And so it sent on with Semiramis clearly trying to appear genial and friendly, until they reached the palace.

The palace was impressive, even to those who had travelled the galaxy. Set on a rock overlooking the rest of the city, its many towers and rooms were beautifully designed.

“Please, come inside, I have rooms set aside for each of you. If you require anything that I can provide, please tell me,” Semiramis said.

[member="Valiens Nantaris"], [member="Natalya Selanne"]

Unfortunately for Kaida, before anything non-PG-13 could happen the beautiful Twi'lek had been called away to pilot the ship and now she had to deal with tigers, tigers everywhere! Well, not really. As a matter of fact there were only two white edean tigers aboard the ship, but it was the principle of the thing. For one it was wholly contrary to military discipline, something Kaida was accustomed to. See, frost elf liked discipline. Suffice to say the situation left her rather exasperated and she could only shake her head in irritation.

She looked down and felt a pressure against her leg. Apparently one of the tigers was sniffing her! Since Kaida was sort of dating Coryth she had prior experience with dangerous beasts and pets, since the tiny redhead seemed terribly fixating on befriending as many animals as possible. Part of her wondered whether Coryth knew this beastmistress girl and had sent her on the mission to to troll her. Maybe this was a subtle hint to the effect that [member="Coryth Elaris"] wanted a tiger. If that was the case, the redhead really needed a bigger apartment!

Regardless, she petted the tiger and quickly but insistently disentangled herself, heading to the bridge. She was already waiting there for a bit when Nantaris arrived, studying the map of the area they were overflying. On paper it seemed so idyllic. Scattered grasslands broken by forests, rivers and lakes. A natural barrier to incursions was provided by dense forests and swamps along with a ridge of mountains. The latter particularly attracted her attention as she studied them. To her they seemed like an ideal location for a new citadel to defend the future Eldorai settlements. Built along the lines of the bases that had been erected to protect Kaeshana. It was a cruel and annoying irony that so soon after being tested, they were being forced to dismantle the Citadels of the Sun and the Ashira's Crown bases because Kaeshana was facing a threat that could not be destroyed by conventional or magical means.

Even force gods could not avert the coming disaster. Nor could hypervelocity cannons, if the Eldorai had even possessed those. But no time to brood, only to focus on the present and on what needed to be done. The map indicated settlements and cities, probably erected by the Xioquo. Their inevitable rival when it came to claiming living space. At Nantaris' question Kaida thought for a moment. She could see some value in a recon of the Xioquo lands, but while surveying sounded bland to many it was a priority. More to the point, though far superior in technology the small force was not equipped for a big fight if it came to it and she had little desire to attack a Xioquo settlement prematurely. Undoubtedly the Eldorai would be facing them soon enough, though part of her could not wonder whether them all being branded as 'Dark Ones' was just propaganda or exaggeration.

"Map the area," she responded laconically. "But let's be prepared for ambushes. We may yet encounter a Xioquo scouting party. The probes can keep watch on their settlements." Diving down from the sky the transport ship started to land in a clearing.

Bnara wasn’t much for playing, and you’d be forgiven for thinking that through Natalya’s sense of what [member="Valiens Nantaris"] was saying, was laughing at his joke, growling several times in short bursts, petting from [member="Kaida Taldir"] was well received, they were much alike. Ktara and Natalya who were sisters in every way that mattered, didn’t get what [member="Valiens Nantaris"] was saying, and so just went back to playing tug of teeth on Natalya’s hand. They did this to bond before hunting, because when they were hunting, hunting was life and death. Difference being Bnara was already in her zone like [member="Kaida Taldir"], eyes locked ahead, prowling about the deck, large muscle mass and claws flexing.

Ixy was thoroughly spoiled, by Scindia's petting, but didn’t move from Scindia’s hand, in fact every time he stopped she’d tweet something, and move her head.

As for the aforementioned fuzz ball, that thing was lethal, best kept in a sealed pocket on Natalya’s animal furs, purring now from the playing going on aboard ship. Somewhere in the middle of it all, Ktara had enough and got up, Natalya immediately stopped playing with her, giving her a brush with her nose, she got a lick from her pack sister and a playful bite on her ear.

Everyone went off to plan, almost everyone.

Natalya had taken an interest in Scindia, because he was being the kindest to her pack, and was chewing her finger like a claw, like she might just go over and bite him, there wasn’t exactly flirting going on, more like she’d eat him, or pounce him, or just grab him. Her eyes were lowered hungrily appraising him, braided hair running down her bodies silks and leather. Flashing him a look she might a meal.. till she went back to pruning her furs with her hands. Hot and cold? No just animalistic tendencies, mirroring her animals around her, in this case two tigers with a very happy bird and content but hungry fuzzball in her pocket.

[member="Valiens Nantaris"] | [member="Kaida Taldir"]​
[member="Valiens Nantaris"] [member="Kaida Taldir"] [member="Natalya Selanne"]​
There she sat wanting to blend into the back ground as much as she could. Why would this one want to do something like this for many reason. This trip was to break her out of her shell to see what she was made. Right now she didn't want to be show this as a fate of her now late family all but to of them her and her cousin the Countess of what that was the question. All was lost wasn't it, all her training how to handle people to be the one that knew the direction of how to lead was now gone.

Who was this very gentle and delicate flower petal?

As if she didn't even know the soft sounds of where the wind blew any more. Laughter all but gone out of her now. Seeing all she loved killed before her eyes just so some Aunt of hers by married could take control of her family Lesser house then to make a move for the Greater House over. Now as she took in a deep deep breath.

Letting it go out as if this was a a Que for one of the animals to come cheek this little meek one out. One that totally didn't belong or at less she felt that way. Only getting her to pull away to the light brush up against her hand. Coming to even more so now that this one wanted her attention. For what reasons she could only guess she wasn't even a to have a pet growing up. It wasn't as important as knowing how to be waited on. That didn't have time to take that responsibility with all her learning she had to do, of the business. As if she was back at the manor. Raising her head, "Ladies and Gents please tell this ...thiss. beast to not do this."

As they arrived and existed the ship once more, the view was extraordinary, the palace beautiful with it towering minarets and curved domes and yet Coci could not shake of the unease. She could feel the unease from Coryth which was equall to her own, something just did not sit right. A multitude of eyes set upon them did not help the situation, some down cast as they passed as if in servitude others curious to see the new comers. Guards lined the pristine streets as promised by the leader to give protection, at least that is what Coci hoped they are there for. Semiramis delighting in her surroundings indicated the points of interests, vast statues of past heritage and lineage stood over them as if in judgement.

“Please, come inside, I have rooms set aside for each of you. If you require anything that I can provide, please tell me,” Semiramis said, as Coci bowed at the invitation. The interior no less grand with rich colours and ornaments to decorate the halls. Many servants bustled about busy with their chores and disappeared into back rooms on their approach.

I don't like this, something is out of place, she sent the telepathic message to Coryth while sporting a smile for the leader and the onlookers. Oh a suspicious lot they are, but still one is best to be prepared for the unknown and so Coci pushed out through the force connecting to the environment and all within it, she could sense some of the servants or rather, slaves, in the palace to be force sensitive but they are unaware of it.


[member="Valiens Nantaris"] | [member="Coryth Elaris"]
Coryth had grown quiet as they moved onward to the palace. Keen eyes scanned the streets as they went and still the redhead couldn't help but feel ill at ease. Something wasn't right, she knew that.

"Thank you, Semiramis we do so appreciate such a kind gesture." She said politely with a soft smile on her lips. Just play the part, nothing is wrong .... Keep it all together. She reminded herself, trying to appear as though all was well and not give any kind of outward indication that something was off among them.

She then glanced to Coci, hearing the woman's words within her mind. Yes, I feel it too. I'm not sure what exactly it is. Keep yourself open and be watchful. Anything could happen. She replied telepathically back to the other Jedi. It was all she really could do. For there was no telling what was waiting for the within the palace, or what dangers could lurk in every corner. I do suggest we try to stay together as much as possible, for safety's sake.

[member="Kaida Taldir"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Valiens Nantaris"] | [member="Callista Gseran"]​
[member="Nephesh Raivah"] | [member="Natalya Selanne"] | [member="Coryth Elaris"] | [member="Kaida Taldir"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Callista Gseran"]

Nantaris raised an eyebrow, slightly surprised, but nodded. “Right. Myr, let’s get us some soundings. Activate mapping system. Alicia, start scanning and activate the probes.”

The shuttle hovered in mid-air, looking down from almost 10 kilometres above the ground. From its belly came forward small probe droids, each of them focussed on different directions. Each one started feeding mapping data back into the central computer. On a large screen in the main area the geography, land forms and known settlements started to be highlighted.

“This will take a couple of hours. Let’s land and have a look around.”

The ship settled down in a clearing with a hiss and the hatch opened. Nantaris headed for the ramp, noticing Nephesh for the first time.
“Welcome aboard, welcome offboard,” he said with a grin. “Right, tiger girl…Natalya…have your pets sniff for danger. Kaida, use one of the lifeform scanners. Myr, stay behind with the ship and keep in contact.”

All around them were towering trees, distant mountains and a bubbling brook. “It’s pretty. But be on your guard in case someone here is hiding.”


In the palace three rooms next to each other, joined by interconnecting doors, had been prepared. One room was for Tegaea, one for Coci, the last for Coryth. Space had been made available in a barracks for the Angelii. Chesna was staying with Tegaea, ostensibly to translate.

As they entered the first room 3 female Qadiri came forward, bowing. They looked anxious, but were trying not to show it.
“Greeting, Mistresses,” one of them finally said, coming forward. She, like the others, occasionally touched their necks, as if used to something being there which now wasn’t. “I am Lissa, this is Harani and this is Zhari. We are here to serve any needs or desires you have. We are your…servants,” she said, catching the eye of Semiramis.

Tegaea at least got the veiled message. “Former slaves, probably just freed to appease us,” she told Coci and Coryth. “Chesna, tell them we want food. We’ll stay in these rooms I think, eat together in here. This room’s the biggest so Coci and Callista can have it, I’ll take the right hand room with Chesna, Coryth the left. We’ll use a code word in case something happens…Sanctum. Any of us says that, they’re in trouble.”
Tegaea laid all this out without much fanfare. Like the others she trusted the Qadiri not at all.

“Is everything well?” Semiramis asked cautiously.
“Very well, we request your servants bring us food and water. My Mistresses will speak to you later,” Chesna told the Shahbânu.
Semiramis nodded. “As you wish. Enjoy your meal. Tell my girls when you are ready, and we will discuss matters. Do not hurt them.” She paused. “Not that I think you would,” she said with a smile before turning away.

[member="Valiens Nantaris"], [member="Natalya Selanne"], [member="Nephesh Raivah"]

And so probe broids swarmed out of the belly of the shuttle, descending upon the land like a horde of alien locusts. As for the ship itself, it had landed down in a clearing and Kaida quickly descended down her ramp. She noticed the newcomer, Nephesh, who apparently was also on the receiving end of the attentions of one of Natalya's animals. However, Kaida being her moderately antisocial, laconic frost elf self, made no comment and headed down towards the forest, giving Nantaris a nod of affirmation.

Frost elf was never that talkative, truth be told. Well, most of the time, for [member="Coryth Elaris"] had made her slightly less frigid in recent weeks, which said a lot. Ahead of them they could see towering trees, distant mountains that rose up high into the sky and a beautiful bubbling brook. Natural obstacles that would provide convenient barriers against incursions once colonisation began. As she looked upon the massive mountain ranges, she could discern an ideal location for a future fortress to defend the Eldorai settlements that would be created. A new citadel.

However, this worked both ways, for though the forest looked inviting and pretty, it was the ideal location for ambushes. "I'll take point," she said laconically, activating the lifeform scanner she had been outfitted with, then headed into the forest that lay ahead of them, her boots making little noise upon the ground as she made her way through. After having made some solid progress, she ended up crouching in some brush, observing a pair of beasts a distance away when she got out her macrobinoculars.

Ahead of her was a river stream that flowed peacefully. Birds chirped happily and one could hear frog-like creatures making noise. One wondered whether Tygara would be able to withstand a horde of Jesters descending upon the planet, for the Eldorai, in their timeless wisdom and guided by the light of Ashira, had decided that the litty furballs needed to be saved as well. Hopefully it would be possible to introduce Jester-resistant crops to the planet. Maybe that would be the Eldorai's secret strategy to convince the natives to submit to their loving heel!

The frost elf put the binoculars away, stretching out with her senses as she sought to get a reading on her surroundings. Every Force Master faced a tradeoff between power and insight, Kaida was firmly a soldier but she had good instincts and was certain her keen elf ears had heard movement. Contrary to what certain holovids might indicate, said ears actually served a practical function beyond being the subject of certain sexual fetishes. An eye went to the scope of her bolter and she looked through it.

Eyes still down the scope, ears peeled, Kaida saw it. Natives, probably scouts, on their flanks. In the same moment there was a hiss when suddenly a hail of...crossbow bolts came shooting her way. Kaida felt like rolling her eyes. Never bring a bow to a gunfight! "Multiple contacts. Try to take some alive," she spoke curtly into the comm as bolts connected with her armour and were broken by the impact. There was obviously no need to even try to dodge the primitive projectiles and so she sprang into action.

She had to hand it to the Xioquo, as the 'dark elves' were called. They had been quick and fairly silent. She could feel a sliver of the Force from some of them. Camouflage paint covered their dark-grey skin, though they were unmistakeably Xioquo, the other 'cousins' of the Eldorai. Crossbow bolts, fired at close range due to the limitations of the weapons, were suddenly caught in mid-air as a wind swept through the area, then abruptly turned around and shot back to the shooters. At far greater speed and velocity, equal to that of a railgun shot.

The result? Three Xioquo who ended up with their own bolts embedded inside their chests, arms and eyes. Moving in a blur Kaida was suddenly upon a scout and in a flash had grabbed her wrist and broke her arm before an ice-hardened fist was rammed into his stomach with such force to break ribs, making the Xioquo tumble down to the muddy ground. A Xioquo who, having been watching on a tree, suddenly dropped down and came at Kaida with a blade suddenly found herself disarmed as Kaida broke said sword and then flung the Xioquo right into a tree, knocking her out cold and probably breaking several bones, as a satisfying crunch was heard.


The Angelii would quickly establish themselves in the barracks and their Captain passed out orders for patrols. One group of Angelii would at all times be on guard outside of the three rooms of the negotiators, to be relieved at regular intervals. If Qadiri guards offered to help them out with these duties, they would be politely but very firmly and laconically refused. The same applied if someone saw fit to send down even more harem girls for the 'entertainment' of the High Ladies who had come to meet the Shahbanu.

After all, the courtesan could easily be an assassin in disguise, carrying dagger and poison. As a rule, Eldorai were rather distrustful of both their own kind and foreigners. This applied doubly when it came to dealing with the Qadiri because they were both foreigners and elves! So the Angelii made their rounds and stood sentinel, looking a bit like automatons or living statues of metal due to their imposing battle armour. Of course, of the negotiators three were Jedi Masters and thus probably not in need of much protection, but it still paid to be prepared. They knew very well how easily a polite invitation to have tea in the palace could turn into a bloodbath. After all, they were Eldorai palace guards. Persuasive arguments for deterrence were provided by the Angelii having bolters loaded with buckshot or APE rounds, along with sarixi blades.

As for the food for Alcori, Gseran, Heavenshield and Elaris, it would be checked by the Angelii before it was delivered to the esteemed guests, using scanning device that would be able to detect whether it contained poison. If the Qadiri took offence to that, well, they would have to suck it up and deal.
Natalya was as much her beasts as they were her, or would develop that way with time. She pulled her sisters back from [member="Nephesh Raivah"] as naturally as walking away herself, their force bond inseparable. Because as their door began to lower, everything changed, all their senses picked up to take in their new territory. All three of the sisters began sniffing, and her sandhawk had already shot up out of their door, doing a full circle around their shuttle to come back land on her hand, before Natalya had even got outside.

Her senses became alive, drawn outward toward new natures, listening to their heartbeat on the winds. The wild-ling showed her teeth in a very ready grin to [member="Valiens Nantaris"] in what was half a smile, half a readiness to scout through her unknown and unsmelt new territory, though her attention was clearly distracted by all these new sensations coming in from the wind. With a small slight push through the force to Ixy her hawk, she took off ahead, her eyes would be worth twice what her tiger’s on the ground were. When those same tigers hit ground they both were roaring excitedly, and off the three of them pounced, Natalya mostly walking upright, but she’d still dip to vault over branch or log, scouting to their sides, staying behind [member="Kaida Taldir"] but off a safe distance away.

Location: Flank of the Eldorai
Mission: Don't become a pincushion

The small pack had smelled trouble and roared to Nantaris before it came, taking off somewhere further out of sight on the groups flank, Ixy swooped in to land on a nearby branch squawking down, like it was trying to tell everyone something, bolts! Crossbow bolts, like arrows, to birds were not good things, it panicked, which panicked Natalya's pack somewhat, and by extension Natalya, she could feel her fuzzball in her pocket sink its teeth into her side protectively. Reminding her the shadowlands creature was not only there but like any good jester wannabe, was hungry to help. Jesters and shadowland fuzzballs, mortally enemies or the best of friends, who could say?

While [member="Kaida Taldir"] and her Eldorai fought central, they were stalking, low, hands close to the ground, eyes percing through her undergrowth, watching Xioquo trying to sneak around the other flank too. Natalya was acting as the herder, in this case, the one people were snap shooting bolts at where they thought something was, which allowed Bnara and Ktara to stalk around their prey. They didn’t just charge out into the open, they stayed to their forest hunting, and every so often you’d hear a lone Xioquo cry out and then drop, as claws and teeth made short work of them. All three of her pack worked together, with Ixy coordinating from far above to scout out hostile Xioquo. Natalya was eventually spotted of course because she was making the most noise on purpose, and had to retreat before becoming a pin cushion, back to a tree. Every time she poked her head out, another bolt whizzed by. Having no force skills sucked!

[member="Nephesh Raivah"] | [member="Valiens Nantaris"] | [member="Kaida Taldir"]​
Coci gave a perfunctory bow to Shahbânu before she left, however, what was running through Coci's mind was anything but charitible or printable so she kept her thoughts hidden for now, else she might get ban. The reason was the entrance of what was clearly recently release slave girls offered to them in service for their pleasure, one in particular who she felt as awkward and bewildered and expressed this through not only her manner of reaching for her neck but fear and confusion in the situation. Coci wanted to demonstrate to Shahbânu what it would feel like to have something around her neck not welcomed, in the form of her own hands. Coci is beginning to dislike Shahbânu intensly now. Not very Jedi like, but she cared little for that term anyway.

She would continue to speak telepathically for now, as the walls most probably had ears. Coci nodded her understand to Lady Tegaea, yes they would need a signal if things went pear shaped, this is very prudent. To Coryth, The options of freeing the slaves now is started to look the better option, they are words of anger and Coci knows thus. She also knows the others would feel something akin to her as well, but they had to continue their path for the good of the slaves and the people of Tygara.

Promptly the food arrived as the slave girls entered with platters of all manner of foods and drinks and placed them on a large ornate table in the room. Coci's mind or stomach was not focused on the food but the idea that they needed to form a plan to negate Shahbânu.

"The sooner talks ressume the better, how shall we proceed?".


[member="Valiens Nantaris"] [member="Coryth Elaris"]
Seeing the servants, and hearing Tegaea's words infuriated the redhead. This was not how things were ever supposed to be. However, there was little she could do about that. Indeed, Coci.... Better and better by the moment ... Have half a mind to kill the Queen and be done with it. However, that will never be more than just a thought. Certainly unjedi like but Coryth could hardly care at that particular moment. A thought I'd very much like to entertain but alas ... Such things like morality and being a Jedi render that nothing more than a very angry thought. She silently shared with Jedi Master.

Coryth glanced momentarily to the food, but much like Coci she was far from in the mood to eat a thing. Her appetite long gone. She sighed heavily and took a seat herself. "Agreed." Another soft sigh fell from the redhead's lips. "I've not a clue at this point. As much as the slavery issue greatly upsets me, we truly can't do much about it right now. Only thing I can suggest is staying the course we settled upon earlier."

Running a hand nervously through her hair, she couldn't help but sense something amiss. "And I can't help but feel something is not right. I certainly have a bad feeling about this right now. Not sure what or where exactly that feeling originates from, but it's there nonetheless. We need to be extremely careful."

[member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Valiens Nantaris"]

[member="Kaida Taldir"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Coryth Elaris"] | [member="Natalya Selanne"]

Battle was something Nantaris could understand. People were attacking, he could fight back. It made things that much simpler.
And so out came his lightsabre, the green blade blending nicely with the grass and trees. Crossbow bolts were relatively simple. Even a regular person could deflect them at long enough range, so for a Jedi it was not difficult.
And so Nantaris advanced across the clearing, acting as a shield to Scindia, his blade cutting bolts into splinters as he did. His friend behind him were able to take careful aim with blaster, whilst the Rangers at the treeline shot down any Xioquo who showed their face.

Finally, when close enough, Nantaris shot forward, and Scindia swapped blaster for blade. It wasn’t a fair fight. The looks on the Xioquo’s faces as their blades were cut in half like paper would have been amusing had it not been mortal combat.
In just a few seconds six Xioquo were down, Nantaris having lopped the hands off one for questioning, whilst the rest were very definitely dead.

Heading back to the clearing, Nantaris caught sight of Kaida. “No problems? We’ve got one prisoner. How’s nature girl going?”


Meanwhile Tegaea watched suspiciously as the food was brought in. It was laid down on the table where they sat by the three ‘servants’.
One of the Angelii came over to see her, as she was the highest ranked person present from Kaeshana.
“Lady Alcori, the scanners detect toxins.”
“The fish and the wine,” the Angelii said.
“Thank you. Ensure no one enters or leaves this room without our permission.” At that moment one of the servants, Harani, made to leave but was stopped by the Angelii and put back with her companions.

Tegaea turned to face the three servants. “Chesna, translate everything I say exactly,” she said softly. Chesna was not about to argue, did as ordered.
“To celebrate your freedom, we would like you to have a drink with us, isn’t that right?” Tegaea said. She poured three glasses of the wine and set them on the table. “Take a drink,” she ordered.
Immediately she saw, and a look to Chesna confirmed, that Harani flinched. The other two, despite looking anxious, took the glasses whilst Harani held back.
“Stop!” Tegaea ordered before the two servants could inadvertently poison themselves. “Harani, take a drink,” she ordered.
Immediately the servant fell to her knees, seeing the game was up. “Please, Mistress…”
Tegaea was not feeling kindly disposed, but she wasn’t about to have the girl die when she was a pawn anyway. “Who commanded you to do this?”
“Mistress, I…” the girl said, looking miserable.
“Talk or drink,” Tegaea said remorselessly. She felt a bit bad pressuring the girl, but it was for a good end. “Was it Semiramis?”
Harani shook her head. “It was the Shahbânu’s Vizier, Mazarani. She told me I had to do it.”
“She’s telling the truth,” Chesna confirmed.
Tegaea turned to one of the Angelii. “Keep the three of them here. Coci, Coryth, I think it’s time we had a chat with Semiramis again,” she said grimly. Hell hath no fury like a Firemane deceived.

[member="Valiens Nantaris"], [member="Natalya Selanne"]

All things considered the little skirmish had been remarkably unfair. Crossbow bolts were utterly useless against modern armour and lightsabres. They could also easily be reflected with ballistakinesis, if you were inclined to do that and felt trollish.

Xioquo's blades were cut to paper, their bolts ended up spearing them through the eye, mouth or neck. No, Kaida was not particularly nice when it came to things like that, but then she was a combat pragmatist. The one Xioquo Kaida had spared possessed the good sense not to try to resist after being chucked against a tree, which presumably hurt a lot.

"I have that one. " she said laconically, pointing to the poor dark elf slumped against the tree. Kaida felt no exultation at the sight or slaughter. If one were so inclined one could say that slaughtering primitively armed combatants was not 'honourable' or 'glorious', but she did not think that battle had anything to do with glory or honour. It was simply her job. One she did very well. Still, she doubted war with the Xioquo would be this easy. As for the captured Xioquo, she had been properly cuffed and restrained before she got silly ideas. For some reason Kaida was good at tying people up. She looked around the forest.

"Nature girl sought cover behind a tree, I think. Her tigers ate some Xioquo," she shrugged as she stretched out with her senses, trying to find where the beastmistress girl was. "I think you got the last of the scouting party. Let's go find her," They could not really interrogate the prisoners without Chesna, so the Rangers would deliver them to the ship and put them in a nice cell.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"], [member="Coryth Elaris"]

It went without saying that this particular scenario, after it had taken such a Game of Stars turn, required a space elf to provide an Eldorai perspective. Alas, Taldir was otherwise occupied and while Kerrigan was such a fangirl that she counted as an honorary Eldorai, she was still a monkeigh! Moreover, Taldir was far too nice sometimes, especially since Coryth had defrosted her a bit. No, this particular scenario called for someone a bit...meaner and of blue blood.

And so by the will of this writer, Lady Tarissa Cadalthor quantum tunnelled into the thread and onto the palace scene. What had she been doing until now? Supervising matters in space aboard the Valora's Blade, which was what she often did when folks were dominoing, but where she wanted to be was the ground. Sure, she was slightly less racist than she used to be and 'her' Siobhan had told her the humans sent to the planet were competent, but you still could not leave such matters to, well, humans.

Undoubtedly they've been spending a good deal of time with agonising debates about slavery and moralising, she had thought to herself as her shuttle descended down from the sky. Truly, it is a heinous custom and shows primitive and in need of guidance from the Eldorai these Qadiri, but it's hardly the most important point. The survival of our race is at stake. The Goddess has guided us here so that we my claim this world to escape the dark forces that would assail holy Kaeshana.

If the gentle reader were to presume that Tarissa was a pompous queen, they would be correct. And so the comm of Captain Ynnead, at present the highest-ranking Angelii with Alcori and the two Jedi Masters, would receive a call. Within a moment upon activation, a miniaturised holographic projection of Tarissa would manifest. "Lady Alcori, Exarch, Master Jedi, how are the negotiations proceeding? I shall be joining you shortly. Have any...incidents occured?" tone was polite and clipped, though the questions seemed more directed at the Angelii Captain.

The Angelii straightened and responded in the usual laconic manner. "An assassination attempt, Lady Cadalthor. Carried out by one of the 'servants'. She claims the Vizier ordered her to," she answered. Meanwhile the three servants had been herded into the corner of the room and suitably cuffed.

"I see," Tarissa said in a hiss. Truth be told, she would have been a bit disappointed if an ambitious noble had not tried something like that! After all, this was still an elf court. Nonetheless she would pay for this affront. ""Poison. Very original. Well, more so than assassins suddenly coming out of the woodwork. I imagine that'll happen soon. Along with a fanaticised mob, possibly. The Vizier would not have made such a move if she was not sure of having a strong power base. This may be the prelude to an internal palace revolt. Still, I am glad to see you are all well. The Vizier must die for her treason and if Semiramis wishes to seek our favour, she must order her death. Either way she must be questioned. Captain, do assemble your battle sisters and protect our friends with your life. I want your walkers to be able to deploy at a moment's notice. I shall be landing momentarily," she declared then cut the connection. Close to the palace a Silaqui-class dropship touched down upon the ground and landed, close to the vessel that had delivered the original party of negotiators. Clad in armour and with a sarix and bolt pistol at her side, Tarissa stepped out, accompanied by a small honour guard of Angelii. Suffice to say, her mood was grim. She did not particularly care much for any of the humans, but they were important to Siobhan and, more importantly, a conniving aristo had tried to murder them and was standing in the way of the Eldorai's future. Neither could be tolerated.
Crossbow bolts bouncing around, she tried to hush her tigers down, but they were already running toward her attackers, so she was too, she mirrored their behavior, and they hers. Nasty scenes ahead, more Xioquo were tiger lunch, she was almost grazed but Ktara and Bnara had them before she could get close enough.

Slowing… creeping… she felt the danger move through her forest, and her new territory, a long time before the wind brought it to her. Looking up, all she saw was an arachnid maw gaping wide, and eight man sized legs cocooning her.

Her world went black.

Black because she’d sprang atop the great spider’s back, the creature wasn’t sure of itself, or her, but her chin rubbing against its hairy back settled it from casually ripping her to shreds. Forehead nuzzling this beastly creature, to her just another friend. Spiders had about eight times the strength of a mammal of their size, if it wanted to make her lunch she’d already be dead. Force bonds were quickly made with Natalya, and her animals naturally, she didn’t have a full bond yet, but her thoughts and it’s were nudging each other. Her spider was not hungry, but territorial, bolts had damaged its webbing, and careless Xioquo were the focus of its instinct.

Natalya became annoyed with the Xioquo’s being around her territory too, damaging webs, her forest. She felt that way because all the animals around her, those she did not control, called this place home, their hunting or feeding grounds, starting to feel as they did the more she was here.

Any left alive on the ground around her, did not meet with mercy, her spider moving on its own to clear the way. Riding up on her giant arachnid back to the others, her head high in the air to [member="Kaida Taldir"] and [member="Valiens Nantaris"], though her tigers were wary of this new arrival, rightly so, and were sniffing it cautiously. Her bird stayed a long long way away, but her pocket fuzzball was more open.

While many spider eyes watched the others, blinking, “all dead”, Natalya drummed her fingers across her spider’s hairy back, mirroring what her spider did with its legs on the ground, knowing to keep her new mount back from the others, uneven as her control was over it, and herself till she adjusted. She had a talent but she was only a padawan, her control was wild and untrained.

[member="Nephesh Raivah"] | [member="Valiens Nantaris"] | [member="Kaida Taldir"]​
[member="Coryth Elaris"] | [member="Tarissa Cadalthor"] | [member="Valiens Nantaris"]​
The next set of events only confirmed what Coryth and Coci had suspected. Not only was Semiramis corrupt but wanted to assassinate them, seems diplomatic talks had broken down she thought sarcastically. Coci watched as Lady Tegaea interrogated one of the freed slaves, without much resistance the poor girl had informed them of this betrayal. The girls under coersion had performed their duty and delivered the poisoned food.

"There is another possibility we had not thought of .. that is that Semiramis is in partnership with the pirates. Provide the stock as it were". Had they stumbled on a racket? rather than here to liberate a planet under assault from slavers, had they busted open a slave ring.

"Either way, let us go and speak to Semiramis", and Coci soon had her saber in hand and began her habit of checking her weapons before engagement. One can never be under prepared. She clipped her saber back on her belt, most visible for anyone to notice, especially the leader. "Time to make our conditions".


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