Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Contact (Levantine Sanctum Dominion of Tygara)

Getting off this one did but only to a point not rushing head on into battle maybe if she had her shield around her she would be more out to move quickly. Or was she something else all together only time would tell. This was one way she could figure it out off she went but she was slow bring up the rear only to get their to see those of bodies around. Feeling her weapon fly from her. Being knock to the ground as if in a dazed. Coming to roll up with one of the cross bow only to have for a little bit a grin. As she fired it was true. Picking up a quiver and then letting them fly.

Then as it wind down her breathing coming down from the heaviest at the height of the battle. It after this time that one like her went into a stance bring herself back to the others.

"Well everyone okay, anyone wounded."

[member="Natalya Selanne"] / Valiens Nantaris | Kaida Taldir
Coryth could not have been more displeased as she listened to the slave ... er servant as Tegaea questioned her. "Had about enough of poison in my life already..." She mumbled beneath her breath.

She then glanced to the holoprojection of Tarissa. "Yes, it seems that the rather unoriginal method of assassination just had to be attempted today. We will be heading shortly to discuss it with the Queen. Though I have a feeling things may not go well. For anyone."

Looking to Coci, she sighed. "Too many possibilities. We'll just have to carefully read the Queen to see if we can get a feel on her true intentions." Anger was bubbling beneath the surface, more than a touch upset at this point. An attempt had been made on their lives, and that was not something she was happy about.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Tarissa Cadalthor"] | [member="Valiens Nantaris"]​
[member="Nephesh Raivah"] | [member="Natalya Selanne"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Coryth Elaris"] | [member="Kaida Taldir"]

Nantaris had just put away his weapon when the giant spider emerged. He reached for his lightsabre again, then paused.
“Scindia, that girl’s riding a giant spider,” he said softly.
“So it seems.”
“Right. Well, I’m glad we’ve got that sorted. Ah, Natalya, would you possibly consider setting your…uhh…friend loose somewhere not near me?”
“He’s got a thing about spiders,” Scindia said.
“I do not have a thing about them!” Nantaris protested. “I just…don’t like them near me.” He backed away a step, regained his composure. “Well, these Xioquo are dangerous in large numbers or on the ambush. I believe we should identify known settlements of theirs from the air. If this area is going to be claimed then they’ll have to be evicted.”
His commlink buzzed. “Boss, the probes have come back in. We’ve got a good idea on this stretch of land,” Myr said.
“Great. We’re heading back. Have you heard anything from the others?”
“Yes, they’re engaged in some rather dangerous politics….”
“Well, you know what space elves are like,” Nantaris said carelessly, offering a nod to Kaida. “Present company excluded of course. Let’s keep mapping and see what else we can find.”


Tegaea’s reaction to the revelation that Tarissa would be joining them was a mix of emotions. On the one hand, Tarissa certainly knew her way around a court situation, but on the other she was a fundamentalist zealot who might inflame the situation.
“Let’s go. We’ll meet her there,” she ordered.

The Qadiri guards and servants fell back before the wrathful approach of the offworlders until finally they came to stand before a large set of double doors.
“Please, ladies, the Shahbânu will not see anyone yet,” one of the servants said.
“She will see us,” Tegaea said grimly.
The great doors were no obstacle to two Jedi Masters and several Angelii. Soon it was sliding open to reveal Semiramis talking with Bashiyra, Ardashir and an unknown woman, possibly the Vizier discussing matters.
“Oh, was your meal to your liking?” Semiramis asked, trying to maintain her composure.
“No it was not,” Tegaea said bluntly. “You see, your Vizier tried to poison us with one of the servant girls. Or was it your work, Semiramis?”
Tegaea lacked the Force, but she’d had many years to learn how to read people first in her ‘professional’ capacity, later as a leader and businesswoman. The Qadiri women were exceptionally good at the game of thrones, but there were little tells. The way Semiramis looked puzzled for a second, the way Mazarani the Vizier narrowed her eyes.
“Poison you? Why would I try and do that?” Semiramis demanded. “Why do you blame my Vizier?”
“Her accomplice talked.”
Mazarani let out a disgusted sound. “These accusations are absurd. Is this really what the people from the stars are like? They should go back with their wild fancies.”
Tegaea stepped forward, her fists clenched. “Do you deny it?”
“Of course I deny it! What proof do you have?”
“Your poisoner confessed.”
It was at this point that Mazarani said something and Chesna did not translate, but looked hesitantly at Coryth and Coci instead.
“Chesna…what did she say?” Tegaea asked softly.
“Mistress, I…don’t think.”
“What did she say, Chesna?” Tegaea asked again.
Chesna looked trapped. “She said ‘She probably made it up, do you really believe the word of a slave over me? They’re scum who can’t be trusted.’”
“This is all getting out of hand, this can all be settled-,” Semiramis began.
Tegaea’s right fist swept forward in a majestic right hook which hit Mazarani right on the jaw and knocked her sprawling.
“Semiramis, you have two choices right now. We came to you and this woman attempted to murder us without even hearing what we had to say. We are offering you a treaty, assistance and our favour in return for land you do not own and a solution to slavery. You can take that, or you can oppose us. You do not want to oppose us,”
Semiramis, having knelt down beside Mazarani, rose to her feet. “I will not be bullied in my own palace. I will consider the charges level, and if they true, she will be punished. As for the treaty, I agree…depending on the conditions.”
“Majesty, can’t you see they are just using you? One day they will spit you out,” Mazarani said, rubbing her jaw.
“Not whilst I am here. Because, unlike you I only consider people who do me ill ‘scum’. And yes, I really do believe the word of a slave over you…but she will live with us now and be free, actually free. Tell Tarissa to come in when she arrives and she can negotiate for the Eldorai.”
When the attention was a bit diverted Tegaea flexed her hand. “She had a hard jaw,” she told Chesna.
“Some days, Mistress, I’m not sure whether your wife becomes more like you or the other way,” Chesna said with a smile.

[member="Valiens Nantaris"], [member="Natalya Selanne"], [member="Nephesh Raivah"]

Spiders...Kaida did not like them. Not since fighting Klaxxi on Sullust. Nasty, mean buggers those were. Still she resisted the urge to ice the big arachnid. Nice spider, good spider. Stay away from the frost elf. She spared Nantaris a look.

"No offence taken. I imagine they've reached the 'poorly-thought-out' assassination attempt stage now. The average Game of Stars episode is a parody of elf court politics," she said very dryly. Kaida was not the wethennish, clingy sort, so she trusted Coryth to be able to handle things and did not feel the urge to suddenly race back. Except in extenuating situations, the short stack of fire did not need saving. Anyhow, the ship would be waiting for our band of explorers and after boarding soon take off so that they could map the rest of the continent.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"], [member="Coryth Elaris"]

And the statuesesque Eldorai noblewoman made her entrance into the great hall. She former armour in the style of the Angelii, which for a change was no affectation since she had actually served amongst them many years ago. Carrying herself with an air of aristocratic haughtiness and a commanding air, she arrived just in time to see Tegaea punch Mazarani in the face and hear the last lines being spoken in the back and forth between her and Semiramis.

For her part Tarissa would have probably been unable to resist the urge to roast the Vizier a bit. The woman did have a bit of a temper, after all! You're either a good actress or a bit of a bleeding heart, Tegaea. Power politics will dictate there's conflict, so we will spit her out. Pity. I sort of like her. Strong, willful, trying to keep her realm safe. But this planet is too small for two Queens. And once dear Siobhan arrives, the combined ego will be too much to handle anyway. The fact that she herself was terribly pompous seemed to escape Tarissa.

Regardless, she made her entrance, flanked by two Angelii. "Your Majesty, I am Lady Tarissa Cadalthor of Kaeshana, here to negotiate on behalf of the Eldorai Matriarchy. I bid you greetings from Her Majesty Star Queen Tirathana the Seventh. It is a pleasure to meet the Qadiri people and their ruler," she said formally. Tone was still polite and respectful, despite the situation.

"I would like to confirm and extend the offer that Lady Alcori, one of our closest allies, has given you. Our people share the same blood and we value civilisation as much as you do. We offer you protection against your foes, both external and internal, by the force of arms and, moreover, we can help you develop your realm by providing more advanced technology. For we do not come as conquerors or slavers like the corsair scum. In return, we require a tribute so that we ca more effectively render assistance. The exact amount and the nature of it can be determined at a later date. Likewise we will require land and shall create a base on the continent our scouts are exploring to that effect."

The 'advanced technology' would consist of plenty of trinkets and baubles. Such as watches, electric lights and canned food. All easy to give away and no harm to the Eldorai. Moreover, if the Qadiri behaved themselves they would get archaic slugthrowers, such as bolt action rifles! Tarissa had deliberately left out the part that the Eldorai did not just want to set up a base, but to colonise said continent. No need for the natives to know that. Bitchy and deceitful? Absolutely, but also practical.

"I believe this union will have the blessing of the Goddess and help us both strengthen Tygara. But a stain has fallen upon through the heinous assassination attempt a few hours ago. No blame falls upon Your Majesty, but I must demand that that justice be served today. Without this, there can be no alliance. To this end, I suggest that your Vizier face a trial by the Goddess. Either she or a champion of hers shall fight me in mortal combat. Whoever prevails has Her favour and if it is me, then the Vizier must die. Blood will wash away the stain." Her tone had taken on a firm, uncomprising tone, leaving no doubt that if these conditions were not met...she would stop being polite, but she was still trying to find a solution that did not rock the boat and make the situation explode into war. One might wonder why she insisted upon herself fighting. Well, for one she was genuinely angry about events, but, more importantly, there was a political intent behind it. If one of the Jedi Masters fought the duel would be too one-sided and, moreover, they were...humans. An Eldorai had to be seen prevailing and humbling the Qadiri. The Levantines and Firemane were allies, but nothing more than that.
Again Bnara seemed to growl something in agreement to [member="Valiens Nantaris"], before the sister tigers lay panting somewhere off to the side, their tongues lolling out. Neither was sitting very close to the large arachnid, and Natalya used to these reactions from people of surprise, distance or shock, considered them fairly normal. She was after all, nuzzling a great furry arachnid, its numerous red eyes blinking out, sometimes in different directions.

Her sandhawk Ixy fluttered around [member="Nephesh Raivah"]'s shoulder, wondering if she could perch up and get some attention as she always did.


Actually Natalya thought the furry creature cute, in a man-eating type of way. Already communicating its thoughts about exactly about how to best wrap and care for your food. Dropping down beside her new spider friend, she gave a last stroke on her spider's back, being sure not to stand too close to those razor sharp mandibles. It was an arachnid after all, and likely to just impale her as much as think at this stage.

Chittering with a high pitched screech. Xzzzzecha, she had been told was its name, was off shifting through the undergrowth again, as much as a man sized spider could, which it turned out was quite a lot. It was amazing what size spiders you could find lurking about if you overturned the wrong stone, or in this case boulder or large tree.

“She won’t eat anyone.” Natalya communicated, in her usual oh’so flowery words. Not much good for politics certainly, mostly because she didn’t even know what the word meant, “I’ll stay awhile.” Just how was she going to find her way home? That was anyone’s guess, and probably best not to ask at this stage. She’d spotted a tasty looking grazing animal somewhere off in the distance, and her tiger's hunger was getting the better of her.

[member="Valiens Nantaris"] | [member="Tarissa Cadalthor"] | [member="Nephesh Raivah"]​
[member="Coci Heavenshield"] [member="Natalya Selanne"] [member="Coryth Elaris"]

Well, this just got even more interesting, Callista thought sardonically as she surveyed the other Jedi in the room, and their escorts. Admittedly, she felt horribly out of her league on something such as this. She was far more comfortable in a library, or teaching than making first contact. And yet, here she was. Part of a delegation doing just that. At first, things had gone well, if a little bumpy. they'd freed the slaves and made contact with one of the local leaders.

And that... was where things had gone downhill. Sure, their trip to the palace had been quiet enough. The planet was beautiful, and Callista found herself fascinated by the technology the locals used, as antiquated as it was by their standards. Upon reaching the palace, they'd been shown to a suite of rooms, and provided with food and drink. From there, things had gotten worse. Now, several of the jedi, including herself were struggling to contain their anger. And rightfully so. Semiramis had tried to poison the group.

Internally, Callista was fuming as well. But, she'd learned a long time ago to control her emotions. Not to shut them off, but to.. set them aside until she could deal with them. It was a technique she'd learned not long after Xan had been killed in her galaxy. It felt like a lifetime ago, now. Sighing softly, Callista rose from her chair and moved slowly across the room to stand near Coryth. She didn't know the other woman, well, but she could fee lthe anger and other emotions roiling under the surface. She didn't press deeper, but Coryth's surface thoughts hinted at something in her past.

Hesitating a moment, Callista gently laid a hand on Coryth's arm, sending her soothing thoughts. Oh, she understood how the woman felt all too well. She'd felt similarly when Xan was killed. But going off on a mad rampage wouldn't solve the problem. And, it was quite possible that Master Coci's theory was correct. "Coryth," she said softly, a slight edge to her voice. "You don't want to go attack them. I know it might make you feel better for a while, but it won't solve the issue. We want to free the slaves, and yet, they've been forced to do this thing to us. We need to confront those responsible." She kept her voice calm and even as she spoke, and lightly rubbed Coryth's back with her fingertips.
Coryth couldn't have been more furious at the situation and watching it unfold between Semiramis, and the Vizier wasn't helping the situation. If only assassins could show about now, I could actually deal with my anger in a productive manner. Sooo not a Jedi like thought, but whatever. It would be self defence at that point! Slowly she shifted from foot to foot. Both, ached greatly. And these boots are freaking evil! Bloody torture devices! Never again. I'll wear all the armor they want, but to hell with it I'll go bootless. Consequences be damned.

"The Vizier, should also have to relinquish all of her slaves. Free every last one that she owns as a condition. After attempting to murder us, she has no right to those people." The redhead snarled, clearly a touch pissed. Not that she had any right to them in the first place.

Coryth tensed slightly, feeling an unfamiliar hand upon her. Glancing back to Callista, some of the tension melted away. Feeling the transfer of more soothing thoughts, the force working it's magic, she managed a nod. "Can't stand slavers." She whispered. "Was a slave myself." That was half the reason for her fierce anger. Secondly, she did not take kindly to people poisoning her. "And there is the matter of poison, the idea of the attempt... The close call brings back some horrid memories." Emotional wounds that hadn't entirely healed from her experience from Xerexes, close to twenty years ago now.

Taking in a deep breath, she worked to release some of the anger, letting it go. As much as she wanted to punch the Vizier, Tegaea had already done that. To do it again would not end well for anyone. "Can't stand that someone would force a sentient into that position. It's not right, and not something I can allow. Not under my very nose." Still the redhead kept her voice down to just above a whisper, not wanting to entirely be heard by the others.

[member="Callista Gseran"] | [member="Tarissa Cadalthor"] | [member="Valiens Nantaris"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"]​
[member="Coryth Elaris"] | [member="Callista Gseran"] | [member="Tarissa Cadalthor"] | [member="Valiens Nantaris"]​
She had remained quiet throughout the whole proceedings that followed, her mind racing over the possibilities of this scenario and none of it looked good for Semiramis, in fact she is just as guilty in this as much as her advisor. The anger warranted by everyone in the room, include her own, there has been deception from all parties save that of the Jedi present and Coci suppected Semiramis to be equally so.

"Any diplomatic strength you have Semiramis", she began walking forward toward the woman until she came very close "is forfeit".

"In fact, we demand an investigation into this event, and to bring your advisor to swift justice, I do not agree with the death penalty but rather imprisonment, Jedi do not demand the life of those that commit crime but seek their redemption. I agree that all of her slaves be immediately released and place in our care for rehabilitation so they can enjoy the freedom they have a right to. A further investigation into your actions and involvement will be conducted, everyone is innocent until proved guilty so now is the time for you to prove your innocents".

"I also strongly advise that you encourage the leaders of Tygara to abolish slavery immediately and create a program for the reeducation, reestablishment of those peoples back into your culture as free people".

"These are our conditions for a peaceful treaty with your ruling government and if they are not met, than we have no alternative but to consider further action. As Jedi we will not walk away from such injustices to your people. You have welcomed our assistance in removing the threat of the pirate who have forcefully taken your people into slavery and yet you are not better than they are. Prove to us that we are wrong".


Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Nephesh Raivah"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Callista Gseran"] | [member="Kaida Taldir"] | [member="Natalya Selanne"] | [member="Coryth Elaris"]

It had come to this. Chesna Chinue was faced with a choice. If she translated what the Jedi had just said…it would not end well. Having been around for more years than she care to admit, she knew what this sort of order would do. Pride was a powerful force and even a willing person such as Semiramis would not take kindly to being ordered in such a manner.
This writer cannot think of anything other than La Noche Triste at this point, if things went sour.
Chesna looked at Tegaea, standing there suddenly rigid. Tegaea gave the slightest nod of the head.

"We demand an investigation into this event, and to bring your advisor to swift justice, I do not agree with the death penalty but rather imprisonment, Jedi do not demand the life of those that commit crime but seek their redemption. I agree that all of her slaves be immediately released and place in our care for rehabilitation so they can enjoy the freedom they have a right to.”
That was what she translated, and Coci would know it from the crystal Chesna had given her. Why had she changed her mind? Tegaea now came forward to quietly take Coci aside.

Semiramis meanwhile looked a bit suspicious at the foreign whispers, but nodded. “I agree. She will fight your champion in single combat, and her property is forfeit. If you wish to free her slaves, you may do so. The trial by combat will begin immediately. Do you have anything to say, Mazarani?”
“Only that I am doing what is best for our people, Majesty…not what is best for these outsiders!”
“Noted. Take them to the arena.”

Meanwhile Tegaea was going to have a chat with Coci. This would likely be an unpleasant chat. The redhead’s anger, already piqued by the poison attempt, was now at a new height. With a great effort she controlled it though enough to be civil.
“Coci, what in the name of the Force are you doing? Do you want to start a war? I thought Jedi were supposed to be diplomatic, but you’re making Gamorreans look like Leia Organa!”
Breathe. Anger cannot do anything but breed more anger.
“Look, neither of us like slavery. I’ve spent 15 years fighting it, but there’s a time and a place for that. Look around you, this planet has millions of slaves. If we freed them all today, what would happen tomorrow? I tell you – imagine Akala returned to Midvinter and commanded you to enslave all women and men of a certain type. Would you fight it? I sure as hell would. So what gives us the right to come and force our culture and beliefs on them like this, with the snap of our fingers? We want them to abolish it – but when they can support it. If Chesna had translated your words you would have put Semiramis into a position where she’d have to accept or start a war, and if she accepted her nobles would fight us. Sometimes we need to think long term rather than being driven by blind idealism. That’s something I learned in my first week as Exarch of the Protectorate.”

She sighed.
“Besides…to be fair, the Eldorai are the only ones here with soldiers, and I’m pretty sure Tarissa wouldn’t start a war for this. You’re not in charge here, you’re here to help us with the negotiations…well, we’ve seen how well that’s gone.”

“I’m sorry if this is rather blunt, and I mean no insult to you personally, but I don’t want any more deaths on my hands than has to be. If the slaves have to stay in their state for a few years longer so the economy and society doesn’t collapse…I’ll take that, because in a war nobody wins. We would have to conquer these cities rather than co-exist with them, and I don’t think I can do that. Not after all the wars I’ve seen.”

[member="Coryth Elaris"] [member="Coci Heavenshield"]

Nodding softly at what Coryth said, Callista responded just as quietly. "I do understand, Coryth. More than you know..." she sighed, and her hand on Coryth's shoulder tightened briefly. "Where I came from, I was a Healer.. one of the best in the Order. A few years ago, I met a Mandalorian. We later married. Through him, I met other Mandalorians. One of them was a young girl. She was maybe 10 at the time. Her father, Jarius, was raising her in the Mandalorian way, but he'd also arranged for her to train at a Jedi Academy which was receptive to such things."

Here, she sighed. "What we didn't find out till later, was that her father was being hunted by Kyr'tsad... Death Watch. They had tried to recruit him in the past, and he refused. So, one man decided to make her father's life a living dar'yaim. He kill the man's wife and child. It was.. bad. When Jarius found out who had done it, he tracked down every one of them he could, and killed them ...horribly. He was... to a degree Force Sensitive, and this period led him down a Dark path. It was only through efforts of a Jedi Master, and a fellow Mandalorian, that he was able to turn back from it. He never forgave himself for it, though. To the day he died, he never carried more than steel. he didn't feel worthy of it..."

"His daughter, Marin, he had found wandering the streets of Corellia. She tried to steal from him. Instead of turning her in, he offered her the chance at a new life. She spent several years training with him and this other Mandalorian until she went to train at the Jedi Praxeum. Through the years, Death Watch had been tracking him. The man responsible for his wife's death. wanted revenge. For what, we're still not sure. At one point, he had captured Marin, and was torturing her for information, she couldn't have been more than fifteen at the time." She shuddered, remembering. "That he would torture a child, simply to satisfy his desire for revenge against her father...." She took a breath.

"This continued for several more years. Eventually, the man from Kyr'tsad managed to lure her father into a trap... and it killed him." Her eyes closed briefly at the memory. "His daughter, who had a very close bond with him - almost took to the warpath, much like her father had. Only her teacher's intervention stopped her." She sighed again. "I guess what I'm saying here is this: going off angry isn't going to help the situation. It could get us in over our heads. We need to sit down and look at the situation objectively. Focus our emotions into constructive ways to tackle this issue."
[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

"There are many cultures in the galaxy that have elements to it that is unsavory to all of us, parts of cultures that we all understand to be unjust to their own people, so we stand and do nothing? simply because it is their culture? Old traditions that remove the rights of people to live a life they are entitled too will take time I understand this, however they have tradition of attempted murder on diplomats it seems", her Corellian blood boiling, her hot head temper getting the better of her, she is not anger at Tegaea, but the situation and so she took in a deep breath in order to calm herself.

"Several years more of servitude for these people is several years too many. No I do not wish to start a war, but at the same time something needs to be done immediately even on the small level towards a decision that will show me that they are incline to change. We all need to change in order to grow, to remain in control of become base. And we are bowing to their level, if we do nothing".

Coci moved further away, and gave Lady Tegaea a weak smile. "I will remain quiet, for now and allow cooler heads speak, but know I do not agree with any of this".

(16 :p )

[member="Coryth Elaris"], [member="Callista Gseran"], [member="Tegaea Alcori"], [member="Coci Heavenshield"]

Breathe. Anger will not avail you here. Focus on the task. It is about your people's future, this Tarissa told herself as she tried to focus and gain control. The thoughts running through her mind when Coci made her undiplomatic declaration were not for polite company. Likewise she managed to put out the ball of fire that threatened to manifest inside the palm of her hand.

Now, Tarissa was xenophobic, a religious fundamentalist and quite capable of cruelty. In many ways she was the product of a more backward time in Kaeshana. Hence why she found herself at odds with the Queen, Anya Venari, in many ways, since their ruler was more liberal and worldly - and was resolutely against doing things such as burning heretics at the stake. But she was here for a clearly defined purpose. Namely safeguarding the future of her people. Everything else was completely and utterly irrelevant to her. After all, in less a year Kaeshana would be destroyed by a massive asteroid and unless they had a home by then the Eldorai would be vagrants and exiles. Even if the exodus was successful, billions would perish.

The Eldorai were also, it might be noted, the only ones among the expeditionary force with an army at hand. Which only obeyed her and Kaida. Well, they listened to Alcori and Coryth to a degree. Sometimes. Probably more than Tarissa would have liked, but that was a different matter entirely. Point was, she would not be starting a war just because Levantines and Jedi wanted to go on a moral crusade.

In any case, Alcori and Chesna seemed to have salvaged the situation. While Alcori had her talk with the Jedi Master and Callista and Coryth had their sweet moment, Tarissa mentally prepared herself for the duel. "Agreeable. I shall head there," she said curtly and then turned aside to leave the room. Qadiri minions directed her towards the massive arena where the duel would take place. However, before stepping out she gestured towards Captain Ynnead of the Angelii and spoke quickly to her in Eldarai.

"Keep your battle sisters prepared and do not accept any orders except from me. Do not use force unless attacked. Any attempt to disrupt the alliance, no matter from whom, must be suppressed. I would not rule out the Vizier still having assassins up her sleeve. And send a message to Seraph Taldir. I require her presence in the city if things go ill." Then she was led through the corridors and then outside into the arena. As she stepped into it she gripped her sarix. It was a weapon similar in conception to a lightsabre, yet very different in design. Taking a breath, she waited for her opponent to enter.
A worried frown came as Callista squeezed her shoulder and she nodded. Coryth listened carefully, letting the words soak into her mind. And for a while she was quiet, as she caught parts of other conversations for a moment. So many things were happening at once.

"I understand." She finally said softly, reaching out she gently took one of Callista's hands and gave it a gentle squeeze. Trying to offer some comfort in return. For through her empathy plenty of pain radiated to the redhead. Something that helped to snap her back into reality and away from the rage that had been steadily rising beneath the surface. "It's so hard, not to feel the rage for the situation, to be hurt by it. I hate seeing people in this position. I hate it. No one ever should have to suffer this way. And while I could in a way deal with that, it was the forcing of one of those innocents, to try and take our lives from us that pushed me over the edge, barely able to contain my anger. And while it would not improve the situation I know, it is still there."

She sighed softly, then nodded her head in the direction of Tarissa, "Looks like we should head to the arena as well."

It was as she started to take a step in that direction that her vision blurred briefly and she no longer saw the world around them. She was ripped away into a vision, a glimpse of the future. In it, she saw a group of assassins slipping from the shadows to attack them. Her step faltered as her vision returned to the land of the living. And for a moment, Coryth stopped, rubbing at her forehead. Visions had been something that plagued her for much of her life, something she'd never been able to escape entirely. Sometimes, she just wished she didn't have to see the future, to see the terrible things some beings chose to plot against their kin. It was then that she could feel the slightest hints of danger, just at the very edge of her senses. Things were going to get complicated and soon.

"Keep an eye out. I do not think we are entirely in the clear. The Vizier may still attempt something further." Coryth whispered to the others.

[member="Callista Gseran"] | [member="Tarissa Cadalthor"] | [member="Valiens Nantaris"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"]​

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Coryth Elaris"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Tarissa Cadalthor"] | [member="Callista Gseran"] |
Tegaea was not about to get into an argument with the Jedi Master. Though tempted to tell Coci to shove her hypocritical sanctimony up her ass.
‘And what would you do, Master Jedi? Wave a flag and tell all the slaves they are free? Hurrah! But then what next? Are you going to impose garrisons on them to keep them free, are you going to provide them a minimum wage to keep them as such? And why is your way automatically better? The Jedi don’t exactly have a good track record in choosing what is best for people!’
Tegaea didn’t say that, but it took all her willpower to contain it. Instead she took a long, slow breath.

“When you can wave your lightsabre and magically make the galaxy better instantly, tell me. Until then, we do this our way,” she managed to say softly. “Come, the arena battle is about to begin. I have a feeling that we won’t want to miss it.”


Mazarani meanwhile stepped into the arena, long rapier drawn. The blade glowed slightly with blue light, more than mere steel.
She turned to face Semiramis in the royal box and bowed slightly. “I will fight this outsider myself, Majesty. When she is slain you will see it is the will of the Goddess that these outsiders must leave.”
[member="Tegaea Alcori"], [member="Coci Heavenshield"], [member="Coryth Elaris"], [member="Callista Gseran"]

Tarissa would have had tremendously scathing thoughts and comments about sanctimonious Jedi, but she had something else to focus on. Namely the duel. Angelii had been discreetly stationed to stand sentinel. Their job was to make sure no Qadiri interfered...or overly idealistic Levantines. The Eldorai were doing things their way and presently Semiramis was to be considered an ally.

Chin held high Tarissa stepped into the arena, sarix drawn. Intricate Eldorai runes were emblazoned upon the blade, blessed by a priestess of Ashira. Eyes were affixed upon her opponent. Well, assuming things did not go ill, she would have a duel to brag about the next time she and Siobhan club. It was a very fascinating club where you...clubbed people with books. Yes, totally. Ah, right, this is supposed to be a serious post since sadly Tarissa is grim almost all the time.

"When darkness closes, I am shielded by flame. Ashira, guide my blade," Tarissa whispered solemnly to herself. Truth be told, she did not hate Mazarani. Indeed, in her younger days she would have done the same thing as the Vizier. After all, in a way she was right. The outsiders were coming to force their own ways on the natives. Of course, she could not know that the Eldorai wanted to colonise as well, but that just gave her even more right. Still, doubt did not enter Tarissa's mind. They were playing the game of thrones. Win or lose, there would be blood.

And then suddenly the battle began. Tarissa did not waste time with pointless pleasantries. Instead she went on the offensive, alternating cuts and thrusts. Her strikes were precise and elegant, but there was a certain ferocity driving her as their blades clashed, the sound echoing across the arena as sarix met Force imbued rapier. She launched her weapon at Mazarani, aiming to cleave her in half, but her opponent was quick and blocked the attack and when Tarissa tried to land a kick, her adversary was only grazed.

Weapons similar in conception, but different in design. The orange sarix met the blue glowing sword. The sarix was strong and heavy, the energy field it projected allowed it to clash with lightsabres, but the Vizier's blade was enchanted with the Force, thus evening things out.

Soon it was the Vizier going on the offensive. As the rapier swept in a swipe towards her legs, Tarissa called upon her Sciia to make it surge through her muscles and overleapt the strike. A loud clang was heard when the rapier struck solid ground instead and then there was a thud when her boots landed. Angling her sarix in a defensive position Tarissa called upon her Sciia. Within a moment a flash of flame leapt from her hand at the Vizier. But Mazarani was not unprepared and instead sent forth her own gust flame.

Tarissa grit her teeth as the flames whipped at her. She did not try to resist the heat as it sought to scorch and burn her body but soaked it up, eyes seemingly ablaze with an inner fire. Stalemate. The two again engaged. Mazarani's blade rammed towards Tarissa's head but was blocked. The Eldorai sidestepped one of Mazarani's slashes that she delivered off balance and then stabbed underneath it with the blade of her sarix, slicing her in the ribs. But the pain caused by the wound only seemed to spur her on and stoke the fires of her righteous fury. Tarissa parried several of her attacks, but felt herself weakening under the ferocity of the onslaught.

Drawing upon her hidden reserves of power Mazarani drove her attacks with great fury and ferocity. As the blades became locked together and it turned into a battle of wills. Using her power Tarissa tried to rip her opponent's blade away, but then Mazarani suddenly unleashed a searing blast of fire. Too late to respond with a counter Tarissa was hit full-on in the chest and knocked backwards. Her sarix fell out of her hand as she stumbled and cluttered to the ground. Then before she could reach for it Mazarani gripped with it with telekinesis.

Stepping forward Mazarni held her rapier as she advanced towards her, blade held high for the killing blow. Time seemed to flow before Tarissa delivered a vicious kick that made Mazarani topple over, her legs being swept out from under her. Using her chance Tarissa quickly pounced upon the woman, pressing her down as she violently seized her throat.

Calling upon her Sciia more strongly than during the entire duel, she summoned her power of heat and flame. Agony surged through Mazarani as oxygen was cut off and she felt like she was on fire, gasping for breath as she seemed to boil, while Tarissa at the same time summoned all her strength to strangle the woman. Mazarani's hand, growing limp, tried to reach for...something. Then suddenly a shot rang out, the sound of a blaster being fired as a red-hot kill bolt exited. Burning pain surged through Tarissa's shoulder and she did not have the strength to dissipate the intense heat.

"There are no rules in the game of thrones except...," Mazarani began, her breathing sounding laboured as she panted. Levelling her blaster at the fallen Tarissa her finger was on the trigger then...BANG The single shot, fired from a hold-out bolter, penetratred her breastplate.

"Victory," Tarissa hissed. Unscrewing the base of the single-shot bolter with a shaking hand, she loaded a fresh round. Twisting the weapon around so that the firing stud appeared, she squeezed the trigger again. Blood, gore and brain matter coated the ground when she blew Mazarani's skull out.
[member="Tarissa Cadalthor"] | [member="Tegaea Alcori"] | [member="Coryth Elaris"] | [member="Callista Gseran"]​
Coci held her tongue. There is a rat in the ranks, and it smelled to the high heavens. She did not issue a retort to Lady Tegaea, emotions on this subject ran high and they all needed to calm and refocus for the sake of the peoples of Tygara, none more so than Coci herself. She hates inaction, simply hates it, her nature she supposed and has gotten her into trouble on more than one occasion before today. Fully understanding the delicate nature of slavery, the reestablishment is paramount but when they are being used or walking into a known trap, she is vocal.

She is far from the sanctimonious Jedi, in fact tolerates more than they all realise but when people freedoms are taken from them and if one was to ask the slaves if they would like the choice, it would be interesting to know of the answer. But that is for another day and today they had to take back the advantage.

The idea of a fight to the death and watching it, did not sit well with her either but she followed Lady Tegaea and the others to the arena. She shook her head as the death bolt killed the woman, and she felt her life join the force. Coci let out a long sigh, this could have been handled differently she was sure of it.

Coryth sighed as she came into the area. The sense of danger that she had was rising exponentially by the second. Something wicked was coming, and soon. She only had a vague idea of what was coming next. Knowing from the brief vision that assassins were coming, was not a thought she really wanted to deal with. For this once, she genuinely hoped the vision was wrong.

The Vizier after all still had her supporters within the court. And they certainly were not pleased that she might possibly soon meet her fate in the arena. So a plan had been hatched. One way or another, they were going to get rid of the offworlders. In no way would they permit them to remain here. It was not their place to step into the middle of their affairs, to demand things of them. And while the Queen might have had her hands tied, the Vizier's supporters did not.

As the battle begin in the arena, Coryth only could watch. Spreading out her senses, she tried to get a feel for who was around them, and what danger they might be facing soon. After all she wanted as much warning as possible. As a consequence it left her fairly vulnerable with her Force-augmented Empathy.

With each successful strike against one side or the other, Coryth felt the pain and agony radiate through the force. Her eyes followed the back and forth, hoping desperately that Tarissa would come out on top. As much as she didn't approve of this method of solving one's problems, it was a solution that both sides respected. It would end the bloodshed she hoped, before it got too much worse. And perhaps a loss on the field, would result in the assassins that she'd seen in her vision reconsider.

She cringed slightly as Tarissa brought the holdout bolter out and took her shot. The pain radiated through the force and into her mind like a white-hot knife. A most unpleasant sensation, which was about to get worse.

Seeing her reload, Coryth knew what was going to happen. The pain, causing her to cry out as she felt the Vizier join with the Force. After the horror of death faded from her mind, Coryth couldn't miss that Tarissa was in desperate need of medical attention. The small redhead started to turn, to head towards the Eldorai to offer her aid, when her danger sense spiked.

From out of no where came a dozen well armed assassins. Coryth wasn't sure where they had been hiding, perhaps they had been there all along, just waiting for the right moment to strike. Either way, where they had been hardly mattered. For they had crossed the wrong woman. Two came racing towards her blades drawn. With a wave of her hand she sent both tumbling into the wall. A sickening crunch echoed out as bones no doubt were snapped. Though she was hardly done.

Pulling upon the tangled strands of power, she actually closed her eyes for just a moment as her attackers leapt to their feet and raced for her again despite their injuries. Reaching into the minds of the two Qadiri they would soon find themselves overwhelmed with an image of the most comfortable bed, and an intense desire to sleep. Both stopped short of Coryth as she opened her eyes. They only vaguely seemed aware that something was not quite right. Soon enough, both assassins stumbled in their next steps collapsing to the ground where both of them suddenly seemed to be sleeping soundly. It had been the easiest solution. One that involved no blood being spilled.

It was then that she glanced up and saw one of them racing for Tarissa in the center of the arena. "Oh, hell no! Not on my watch you don't!" She growled as she leapt over the wall and raced for the Eldorai Champion. The Qadiri assassin of the Vizier's would no doubt regret this action before the redhead was done with her. You simply did not attack someone who could in no way fight back.

[member="Callista Gseran"] | [member="Tarissa Cadalthor"] | [member="Valiens Nantaris"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"]​
[member="Coryth Elaris"], [member="Callista Gseran"], [member="Valiens Nantaris"], [member="Coci Heavenshield"]

The Vizier was dead and Tarissa felt...nothing at all. Truth be told, she could not expected to feel otherwise. For one, she was rather confused upon the fact that she was currently in a great deal of pain from being roasted by a blast of fire and then shot with a blaster bolt. Moreover, this was the way the game of thrones was played. You won or lost. To be frank, now that the Vizier was dead she did not even feel any anger towards her or to the misguided assassins who were now charging out of the shadows.

It was the way of the game. It was still tremendously annoying to be lying around on the ground bleeding out when an assailant charged her. With a shaking hand she tried to reach for Mazarani's blaster so very close, but her strength failed her. No time to reach for ammunition and reload the hold-out bolter. She could see the spark of electricity travel across the gauntlet of the Qadiri assassin, a tell-tale sign of a blast of lightning being prepared against her. Ah, well, she had done her duty. A true Eldorai bent to no one. The Goddess welcomed those who fought in her name into her embrace. Given how delirious and in pain Tarissa was, she did not notice a certain fiery redhead charging into the arena towards her...

Further away Qadiri assassins had sprung into action but they were met by the blessed steel and elemental magicks of the Angelii guards that had been positioned earlier. See, it had been expected that this was a trap and so the Eldorai had prepared. Why? Because they came from a vicious culture very much like this one, served a court that so often was a nest of vipers. There was just one important difference? Tygara was stuck in the Renaissance whereas the Eldorai had been a couple steps away from catching up with the galactic standard when the 'outsiders' forced them to open up after having come to pillage, murder and enslave their brethren.

In short, violence ensued. Asasssins were suddenly mowed down when Angelii opened fire with bolter salvoes. Explosive bolts and APE rounds tore attackers quite literally apart, the loud booms echoing across the halls of the arena. Driven by zeal the asassins pressed on, some resorting to elemental powers in desperation and fury, but their flames and lightning was met by an onslaught of the Force far deadlier. Tough they undoubtedly were and committed to their country, but they had not faced the monsters and threats the Angelii had.

Their Captain gave the signal and the Angelii charged the surviving and now very disorganised attackers, hewing them down with sarix and sarzmigar. Then...all of a sudden it seemed the air was turning a lot colder as a powerful wind swept across it. Here and there frost spread across the ground, then an assassin who was so foolish to try and charge at Coryth while she was undoubtedly about to unleash awesome redhead power, suddenly died in agony when she was gripped by the wind and tossed across the arena into a wall, causing a loud thud as blood was splattered across it.

Carried by the strong wind Kaida descended down from the sky. Apparently even the frost elf had a sense for the dramatic sometimes and felt like showing off. Blasts of elemental fire swept towards her and sought to roast her, but the ice wrapped around her like a protective coating and she withstood, then reaching out with her power simply sent an ice blast to silence the firing attackers, who were left as elf popsicles encased in shells of ice. She saw the tiny redhead was dealing with an assassin and since she could handle herself decided not to interfere. Poor assassin. BANG an attacker got her brains blown out by her bolt pistol, another one was skewered by a super-fast icicle manifested seemingly out of thin air. Through the comm she quickly transmitted orders to her battle sisters. "Form a protective cordon and terminate all attackers. Semiramis is under our protection. Kill anyone who tries to lay a hand upon her." The loyalist Qadiri guards serving Semiramis were already joining the battle, cutting a bloody swathe through the assassins.
[member="Kaida Taldir"] | [member="Coryth Elaris"] | [member="Tarissa Cadalthor"] | [member="Tegaea Alcori"]​
Rats in the ranks, assassins in the rafters, Jedi jumping over wall and one very heavily pregnant Coci caught in the middle of it. Hell had broken loose, she had sensed it secondly before as her lightsaber hit her palm and the purple blade ignited. Semiramis is in danger as bolt fizzed close by as Coci deflected them. Some return to the point of origin but she had little time to do much except retreat with Semiramis and the soldiers forming up around them both.

She held little trust in the guards of the leader of Tygara, quite simply no one could be trusted on this planet it seemed, least of all the leader, who still might be up to her eyeballs in corruption. Retreating back to a safe room, she ordered the soldiers to guard the perimeter and sent some to check the rooms adjacent, Coci would remain close to Semiramis.

"You will stay right here", she said pointing the business end of her saber toward the leader as if pointing a finger. "And close those windows!", she asked one of the soldiers. Outside she could hear the fire, and the screams of the dying, small explosion rocked the room and shuddered the windows and she grew tense, wanting to be out there, but she would only be a hindrance and beside someone had to stay with Semiramis, Coci eyed the woman, but would remain silent.

Seeing the assassin prepare her attack, Coryth let the force flow through her as she used it's power to help her clsoe the distance. Skidding to a halt in front of Tarissa, Coryth reached for her saber as she already was tugging at the tangled strands of infinite power. Quickly she wove the threads together, forming a protective sphere around both herself and the brunette Eldorai.

The lightning soon leaped through the air impacting the shimmering shield that Coryth had formed around them. With a wave of her fingers, she tweaked the shielding just enough to bounce the electricity back upon the vicious assassin. The screams of agony echoed out through the arena and the pain ripped through her defenses drawing a hiss from the redhead as she brushed the pain off. Here and now, with her focus divided she didn't do as well at blocking such agony out.

Then without giving the woman a second to recover, Coryth reached out within the force and started to press into her mind. At first, nightmarish images would appear, a sensation of melting flesh, all seeming far too real. Just getting a sense upon the Qadiri assassin, Cory knew she had a stronger mind than the ones before. She needed a distraction for what she would do next to work.

Then with the woman distracted and screaming at pains that were not real, Coryth then pressed in further. As the moments would pass, the elf would grow exhausted, her limbs feeling heavy like lead. She soon fell to her knees, struggling against unseen pains. Without actually inflicting any wound beyond the reflected lightning, the redhead was slowly bringing her down to the ground. Working further, she finally pressed as hard as she could. With a small mental burst against the assassin, the being cried out one last time before collapsing to the ground unconscious.

With the assassin now out of the way, Coryth turned back to Tarissa. Moving over, she knelt down beside her, and shifted her only slightly to lay her in her lap. "Stay still, I can ease some of your pain until I can get you back on the ship and in the medbay to tend to your wounds properly." A gentle hand she laid upon the Eldorai's shoulder as she started to tug on the strands of the Force, pulling them into her and then pressing them into the wounded woman below. In time, the woman would feel some relief from the agony, as she helped to tend to her wounds as best she could under the circumstances. The others would have to fend for themselves for the moment, there was no way Coryth was going to leave Tarissa alone, not when she was this badly wounded.

[member="Callista Gseran"] | [member="Tarissa Cadalthor"] | [member="Valiens Nantaris"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"]​

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