Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Flashpoint: Roche

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@[member="Phylis Alince"], @[member="Malica Drezyan"], @[member="Ayden Cater"]

"Thanks for the heads-up," she responded grimly ere the connection was cut. Ayden's warning was quite welcoming, coming as the Omega and Republic troops, with assistance from Phylis, were seeking to fight their way through the Imperial ranks. Siobhan knocked an enemy back with a roundhouse kick, then telekinetically tore out bricks from the ceiling to send them slamming down on the enemy troopers.

"Phylis, we have to get off this rock!" she called out to the Jedi as she hacked her way forward, calling on her troopers to storm forward. They had to get back to the hangar bay and the hell out of here. "Malica, what's your status? I'm knee-deep in Imps in the access corridor. We need to get off this rock now. There's gonna be a big bang soon."
[SIZE=10pt]North Side of Nickel One [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]@[member="Kaine Zambrano"] @[member="Falon Azrakel"] @[member="Verz Horak"] @[member="Dred Varad"] @Alleria Nakumura @[member="Ermac Laith"] @[member="Rach Kol-Rekali"][/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]The asteroid belt provided good cover for the six ships waiting for their moment to strike. Pacing aboard the Harbinger-class carrier Boba Fett Mia listened to the chatter, the communications of the ongoing fight around Nickel One. She had come back, somewhat reluctantly and despite everything here she was again, following orders and getting her hands dirty. There was of course, a bonus to this. She moved to rest her hands on the war table in front of her as she looked at the sith bombers to the south of Nickel One.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“Deploy squadrons one through to five.” Someone across the brdige began relaying the orders. As Mia raised a hand to the pilot to move them forward to the north of Nickel One. She opened a channel to all Manadalorian’s “Looks like the Republic and the Sith decided to fight without us, brothers,” she began with a smile “More fool them for not inviting us. Our objective is to take and hold Nickel one, gather what information we can on this fight so far. Rumour has it there’s a few deathwatch around. Do our Manda’lor a favor and take them out please? We know how much she wants their heads.” A soft chuckle ran across the bridge. Good they were confident, for now at least. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“Remember, while we are here for our own reasons, we do have an alliance with the republic, please don’t shoot any of their soldiers unless they shoot you first. The last thing we need is to lose our strongest ally.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Sixty friendly dots appeared on the battle map, five squadron’s combinations of Tor and Kandosii class ships from both carriers. “Let’s show these people how it’s done. OYA!” those in ear shot took up the cry as she knew they would be elsewhere. Taking a deep breath she wondered when she had learnt to lead, before settling her focus to the task at hand. Two of the cruisers moved ahead of the Fett their ion cannons warming up to deal with the bombers.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“Squad’s one through five are to target the bombers. Weapons free, hit them hard and fast then pull back, draw them into our range of fire.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“Sir, Resol,nare’s are ready to go.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“I want them dark before they leave the hanger bay. Primary target is to shut down those ion canons, or get them to hold their fire so we can get our troops in.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Another twenty four lights came to life on her map as the ships streamed for the surface of the asteroid. If a just under a hundred troops wasn’t enough for that simple mission then the Mando’s weren’t what she believed they were.[/SIZE]
@Roe Tang @Selena Haylcon @Iron Maiden @Everybody else in he hangar<br />Generator Hangar.<br /><br />Monty took refuge as the detonator went off and forced the merc out of his hiding place. Monty underestimated the force of the blast and was thrown back a bit before he could fire on the merc. He immediately hopped back up, Atmo suit cracked slightly from the blast. <br /><br />The merc seemed to have disappeared. Monty scanned for him but couldn't find him before being fired upon by other troopers. He killed them quickly and discarded his now empty S-26 and drew his S-6A heavy blaster pistol. <br /><br />Using the confusion and fire throughout the hangar, Monty crept along the edges of the fight before slipping into a narrow vent. He completely discarded the atmo suit and now only wore the GUNGIR MK II combat armor, aging but still effective. As he crept along he kept his pistol raised and sent out a small probe through the force with his limited padawan training. <br /><br />He felt multiple presences, kinda far away, and one strong in the Dark Side. Someone he'd known before.<br /><br />@Valik <br /><br /> <br /><br />He continued to edge along the ventilation shaft.
Space, the final frontier
@[member="Kaine Zambrano"]
@[member="Seth Shorn"]
@[member="Jonathan Walsh"]
@[member="Iron Maiden"]

Overcharged guns, little attack dog frigates, fighters pouring in from everywhere. These few dozen square kilometres of space were witnessing the sort of battle that had not been seen since before the 400 year darkness. It was the sort of battle that could decide the fate of empires.
Admiral Walsh better get moving or it might be the Republic's fate decided by it....

There was no denying it, the attack craft melee was intense. Casualties on both sides were horrific. In addition to the overcharged guns of the Pallaeons, the enemy fighters were engaging too. Desperately the Republic fighters tried to keep the Sith interceptors away from the gunships and bombers, but could only do so much. Losses were terrible, but some of the bombers got through and dropped their payloads, gunships fired their mass drivers, and Sith fighters fell.
Fire was concentrated mostly on the Reviler and the enemy ships to either side in Velok's fleet.

The Star Defenders also had closed, and their weapons blazed at the Reviler and the other enemy capital ships nearby. However, the overcharged fire, even if split, had its effect.
There was a flash like a supernova. The ship closest to Seth Shorn, the Iron Duke, was pounded by the combined fire of Shorn and other attackers. It soon lost it's shields and was soon blazing from the combined fire. The last act of its captain was to steer it directly towards the ion cannon paralysed Star Destroyer of Seth Shorn before it blew up as it got near....


On the bridge of the Indomitable Stahlmann bowed his head. Few would have escaped from the Iron Duke, he only hoped the detonation had taken out the Sith ship too.
"All ships continue firing! Concentrate on the enemy ships in the middle, and on the Reviler!"

(OOC Summary: Half my attack craft is destroyed our out of action, one Star Defender destroyed in big explosion near one of Seth's SDs. Rest of the Defenders are damaged, but not seriously. Some bombers would have got through, they all, with the Defenders, are targeting the Reviler and Velok's other ships.)
Nearing Generator Asteroid

"Asteroids moving toward us," informed one officer.

"Tear them up," replied Kirk. The small asteroids shoved toward the Kalakar were enough for the arms on the ship - pulverizing them into much smaller, manageable bits that would brushed harmlessly against the ship.

As @[member="Kamon Vondiranach"]'s ships flew further away from Kirk's, the fighters send by @[member="Jonathan Walsh"] turned up on the Kalakar's sensors. Then, several blasts from an anti-orbital ion cannon on Nickle One, fired by @[member="Ardak Serifen"], struck the asteroids surrounding the Kalakar. A few of the starfighters under Kirk's command were struck - instantly disabled and unable to return. Walsh's starfighters would have made quick work of them.

"Tell our fighters to return," commanded Kirk, "We're not getting any help anytime soon."

It seemed as if he was somewhat disappointed in the lack of communication from his peers. Yet, he did some damage - and that might have been enough, in his opinion, to keep the Echani forces away for some time. Kirk's fighters strategically withdrew toward the Kalakar. The medium-turbolasers on his starship fired at the starfighters from Walsh when they got too close.

When the starfighters, with their manageable losses, returned to hover around Kirk's ship, the Kalakar began to fly around toward @[member="Seth Shorn"]'s ships, yet a bit away from Walsh's. The fire from the Echani ships and Walsh's fighters continued to pound against the ship. The hull began to receive some damage as the shields thinned in certain areas. Yet, the concentrated amount of Imperial fighters and the asteroids surrounding it gave the Kalakar some needed protection.

The further the Kalakar zoomed away from Kamon, the less severe the fire from the Echani fleet seemed to get. With both ships moving away from each other, there eventually were too many asteroids between them to keep up fire.

To inform his allies such as @[member="Velok"], Shorn, and @[member="Kaine Zambrano"], Kirk messaged them again with, "Returning toward the Research Asteroid to provide assistance."

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
@Kaine Zambrano @Falon Azrakel @Verz Horak @Dred Varad @Alleria Nakumura @Ermac Laith @Mia Monroe

In one of the cloaked Resol'nare transports, Rach Kol-Rekali steered white-knuckled for the surface of Nickel One. The entire asteroid had been hollowed out with tunnels, into a space city a thousand kilometres across.

The Mandalorians, in centuries past, had established a base here with the consent of the Verpine, and through their isolation they retained certain information. Bolt holes. Potential entrances. The sort of information that they had once collected to keep the asteroid city safe would now be used to find the Mandalorians a new point of infiltration. Specifically, in this case, they were headed for a point where the thickness of the outermost stone layer left something to be desired. From the outside, it looked like, well, just another patch of rock.

It was somewhat unnerving, landing a stealthed ship within range of a couple of point-defense guns, but the sensors on point-defense guns were most certainly not designed to detect engine efflux, especially given the massive confusion of engine efflux that filled this area.

Rach settled down his ship and left it sitting cloaked on the surface, trusting his suit to keep the air in. The cold still drove right through to his bones. He began erecting a large and durable tent, a temporary airlock magna-clamped to the nickel-iron surface. Within it, he began to plant a ring of shaped charges.

It wouldn't give them direct access to the north cannon or the control room or really anything important. This was designed to just give them an ingress point into the gigantic space city.
Moving Between Nickel One and Vault, Heading Towards G99
@[member="Ayden Cater"], @[member="Jonathan Walsh"], @[member="Kalia Vondiranach"], @[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

"The enemy ship is no longer in range, sir. Shall we continue to G99?"

"Yes. Notify Admiral Walsh that we are returning there. There is much danger to our allies within the asteroid."

Kamon scratched his chin and then looked over towards the lift. The ships were damaged, but still functional. He was certain the crews were already working to repair major damage. Minor damage would be left for a later time, when the ships could be brought into the yards to be repaired. He still had work that he needed to do, though, and through the meld he felt the struggle and plight on G99, but he had forces to help.

"Patch me through to the Omega Pyre vessel."


"This is Kamon Vondiranach of the Echani Compact. I have a strong fighting Force on my vessel and am capable of assisting on G99 if you direct me to where I need to land to be most effective. Most of my fighting force are droids that fight as well as, if not better than, our soldiers. I think we could turn the tide here."
Nickle One

Before Darth Apparatus ventured far into the Surface Station, @[member="Mak Manto"] maneuvered to confront the Sith Lord. The Thisspiasian mentioned a past meeting with the Darth - something unspecified that Darth Apparatus did not verbally confirm as true.

With the dark side stretching out from Darth Apparatus, he casually moved his left hand across. He demonstrated his prowess in the Force by causing a foot-long pipe to burst. Steam flooded the area and clouded the vision of those that would be near. Chunks of the ground shot up to impede the pursuit of those foolish enough to pass through the searing gas.

In an instant, Darth Apparatus silently disappeared - the dark side clouding what Jedi could do as far as tracking him. He would reappear elsewhere in time.
Open Space, G99
@[member="Kamon Vondiranach"]

Ayden raised an eyebrow in curiosity as someone was hailing them, and not from the asteroid. "Let's hear it." He listened as the Echani leader offered a hand for the forces on G99, but Ayden shook his head. "I appreciate the offer, Kamon, but the situation on the asteroid is under control. I-" Whatever he was about to say was cut off from a second message that was coming in. And what was even stranger was the frequency band. It was one almost never used for communications. "Patch them through."

A quiet, insectoid voice came over the comm, audible even to Kamon. "Help me." After that, it cut off. "Comm, track the source. I want to know where that signal came from." In short order, the holographic map changed to one of the area. An area pinged on the map, just a short wars away from the asteroid that housed the generator project. "Kamon, I'm tied up here. I know you just fought your way back up here, but if that shuttle has any data we could remotely use, or is of any value against the Sith, we need to secure it."
@Phylis Alince, @Malica Drezyan, @Ayden Cater @[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Between the explosions and the blasted Sith beast that refused to die the 73rd took another hit, even with their attempt at scrambling out of the way. Which was made difficult with the bayonet wielding stormtroopers. What was with these troopers and their blasted vibroblades? Did they get them on the cheap at a buy one get one free sale?

"Lets go 73rd! Keep up the fight. Malik, status update!" Delila called out to her lead explosives technician, catching the Zabrak female out of the corner of her eye. A stormtrooper charged her with a bayonet and Delila merely shot the trooper in the head. Never bring a vibroblade to a blaster fight.

"We've got a bit left Major. I think just enough"

"Blast us a path then Malik. They are as thick as vermin in here..."

Joining Omega Pyre in moving to their fall back point, it was time to blow G99-literally. Avoiding the swinging mace of the terentatek, Delila deftly caught some thermal detonators from her fellow soldiers.What Falon failed to realize was the space was only so large. Any explosives would have a far reaching effect on his troops.Setting the timer to five seconds on each charge, Delila threw into the middle of the flanks of the Imperial troops. The reasoning was if she threw the explosives into the middle, the troopers would merely be forced against Omega Pyre and the Republic.

Walls shook and pieces of ceiling came down as the 73rd joined in dispersing the charges. It was time the sheer amount of troops the Imperials brought worked against their favor.


Special Agent Joker
@[member="Mikhail Shorn"] | @[member="Ben Watts"] | @[member="Racket"] | @[member="Damon Kurosaki"] | @[member="Ardak Serifen"] | @[member="Velok"]

[[[Back at Ion Canons]]]

'Sir, we have a situation at the guns. We have hostiles closing in.' Jesta stopped the speeder and spoke. "Wait wait...which ones?" Jesta asked urgently. There was a long paused and Brutus and Porch both pulled up next to him. "Sir there are mandolorians are planning on converging on our position.' He stopped and looked back at brutus. "We move now. Double back, the Facility can wait. We gotta defend those guns." Jesta said jokingly. Turning the Speeders around Jesta sped back to the generator area. Exiting through the tunnel he hopped off the speeder and rolled in the dirt before jumping up and having Brutus and Jesta head up to the Generator room. "This is Cassius I'm back. You gonna need all the help you can get." Jesta commed everyone at the generator. He would love that raccoon guy about now. Jesta personally manned one of the turrets outside the building and kept an eye out. That one tunnel was the only way in.

Ori'Alor Tal'Verda

Leader of the True Mando'Ade
@Kaine Zambrano @Falon Azrakel @Verz Horak @Dred Varad @Ermac Laith @Mia Monroe @[member="Rach Kol-Rekali"]

"This is Mandalore to all Mandalorian Forces, @[member="Mia Monroe"] and @[member="Verz Horak"] are both Field Marshalls, their word is only second to mine." Alliera said, over the Mandalorian Channel "Mia, Verz, do not waste what I have given you." With that, Alliera led the way into Nickel one, drawing her SMG and The Pale Blade. "Remember Men, do not fire upon Republic FOrces unless fired upon." Alliera said, again over the mandalorian Channel "If they do, weapons free." Alliera started heading towards the control center carefully, staying with Rach and the others.

Ashara Zavros

@[member="Kad Kando"] @[member="Alliera Nakamura"]@[member="Rach Kol-Rekali"] @Verz Horak @Dred Varad
Honestly? Ashara hated flying. It wasn't something she exactly payed attention to during her training as she never thought she would need to use it. 'Someone else would be there to fly me around.' she always thought. But that still didn't draw away from the truth. Ashara was afraid of flight. Something about it just felt off. Maybe it was because she felt disconnected from nature so high up. Whatever it was, over the past few months she had been constantly forced to swallow her fear and jump in a fighter or transport, and so she did. She put on her beskar'gam, wiped the nervous grin off her face and prepared herself for whatever was to come.

This time through, Rach had taken the wheel of a Resol'nare transport, the cloaking device keeping her and her brothers and sisters safe from the raging war that took place just beside them. Looking from side to side within the stealth fighter-transport she took note of the three others in the ship with her. "Cui ogir’olar, its just space...your suit will protect you for a time..." she muttered to herself. This was nerve wracking, but she couldn't show her fear to her brothers and sister. After all, "Ib'tuur jatne tuur ash'ad kyr'amur.."

Hopping out of the ship she immediately felt the cold nip at her bones and lekku through her armor as she brought her MandoCycle from the storage bay of the Resol'nare. She looked around, everyone was doing the same as tents were erected as temporary airlocks. The charges were blown and the Mandalorians swarmed into the tunnels of Nickle One with the Mandalore leading the charge. It was time to take Nickle One.
(Translations: 1: It's irrelevent. 2:Today is a good day for someone else to die)
Between Nickel One and Vault, Moving Towards Walsh
@[member="Ayden Cater"], @[member="Alliera Nakamura"], @[member="Jonathan Walsh"]

"Sithspit. Yeah, I've got it. The Republic is pretty busy with the main Imperial Forces. I'll sweep around them. Kamon out."

He quickly motioned towards the captain who began issuing orders. Both of the Echani vessels slowed and began to turn. In the meantime, comms were picking up the presence of Mandalorian forces in the area. That was interesting.

"Comms, hail the Mando's and inform them of our presence. Ask that they assist us and the Republic. Also, I need a line to Admiral Walsh again."

Orders were being given everywhere while the ships moved on their new course at full speed. Kamon walked over and spoke with the shields technician about the state of their shields, then spoke with the weapons tech about the state of their guns. Everything seemed largely in order. There was damage, and some of the guns were down, but they could fight as long as they weren't up again a destroyer-class vessel.

"You have comms with the Republic, Grandmaster."

"Jonathan there's a shuttle leaving from the Generator Asteroid. We need to rescue it. I'm swinging back since my ships have speed. I'll go pick it up, but I need you to get fighters there to defend it until I arrive."

Nisha Decrilla

@[member="Jaxton Ravos"]

Anaya ignored the ruckus behind her and focused solely on the task at hand, even when a blaster bolt whizzed past her head she did not falter. She trusted Jaxton to do his job. A map came on screen as she bypassed surety and she scanned it carefully memorizing the plans location before accessing the planets security systems and shutting the jamming fields down.

The comm in her ear crackled to life as it found a connection to her superiors, confirming that the fields were down. She began the process of locking everyone else out of the system, setting up new firewalls before stepping back and truning round to face the waiting zeltron. It was then she realised the pheromones had stopped. She drew in a deep breath and relished in a fog free mind. "That's better." she said softly "Jamming fields are down, and I know where the plans are. Shall we?"
@[member="Mia Monroe"] - Nickel One

The battle around the Nickel One asteroid had been intense, raging for what seemed like hours to Maximilian, though in reality only a handful of minutes had passed. He tailed an enemy Republic starfighter, banking hard left in anticipation of its move to free itself from his targeting computers, and beat it to the punch. He squeezed his trigger and watched his two laser beams connect with their mark, giving him his second kill of the day. Jens was about to tally it in on the radio when an explosion lit up space to the right of his port screen. He turned, catching the end of a fantastic explosion from one of @[member="Friedrich Stahlmann"] 's ships.

It wasn't long before new enemy aircraft appeared on his radar screen. The Mandalorians had decided to join the foray and make battle with the Empire.

"Squadrons, let's move out to engage the Mandalorian forces," He said over the comm system. Taking the lead, he moved headlong towards the starfighters from Monroe's fleet.

Ori'Alor Tal'Verda

Leader of the True Mando'Ade
@Kaine Zambrano @Falon Azrakel @Verz Horak @Dred Varad @Ermac Laith @Mia Monroe @Rach Kol-Rekali
@Ashara Zavros @[member="Kamon Vondiranach"]

"This is Mandalore of the Pale Blade to Echani Forces, we are allies and we have come to assist." Alliera said, into the comm with the Echani "Please Inform the republic of this, and tell them we're on Nickel One to utilize the Ion Cannons against the Sith, also inform them that if we are fired upon, we will return the curtousy." Alliera cut off the message, and led the way towards the Controll Center, ready for anything.
[SIZE=10pt]@[member="Thessa Kai"] - @Velok[/SIZE]

What the hell did I just witness?

After seeing the spectacle that was Thessa Kai's landing, Judah shook his head. His landing had been much smoother, most likely because his X-Wing was still in working order. Over his headset, on the Corsair Squadron's channel, he was thoroughly getting chewed out by his commanding officer. Yes, definitely waxing the main hangar until he died. If he survived this jaunt of his trip that is.

Firing on some droids and troopers in front of him, Judah removed his helmet and opened the canopy. "F8, keep 'er warm. Trying to convince the Boss to come back with us." Grabbing his standard issue blaster, he stood up, putting booted feet on the edge of the X-Wing and jumping off, landing in a crouch. Right onto the opposing forces deck.

He strode confidently to where Thessa had tucked and rolled since her X-Wing didn't look too hot. Spotting a trooper moving in their direction, Judah let off a measured shot at the soldiers chest and continued on. He reached the Galans form, hand outstretched to her.

"Fancy meeting you here Boss."
Moving to Walsh's Position
@[member="Jonathan Walsh"], @[member="Ayden Cater"], @[member="Alliera Nakamura"], @[member="Friedrich Stahlmann"]

"Copy, Mandalore."

Kamon waved for the communication to be cut and scratched his chin. This was good news, though. He waved his hand towards the comms officer.

"Blanket communication to all allied forces please."


"This is a notification from the Echani Compact forces. The Mandalorians are here to assist in our efforts. Do not fire on them unless they fire on you first. The Mandalore's forces will not attack allied forces, but there are rogue elements to be wary of. At present, the Mandalore is on Nickel One, moving to assist there. Keep this in mind. Kamon out."

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
@[member="Kaine Zambrano"] @[member="Falon Azrakel"] @[member="Verz Horak"] @[member="Dred Varad"] @Alleria Nakumura @[member="Ermac Laith"] @[member="Mia Monroe"]

@[member="Kad Kando"] @[member="Verz Horak"] @[member="Dred Varad"]

As Alliera spoke with Kamon Vondiranach, the Resol'nare ships detached from the asteroid on autopilot and began to return to the carriers, still in stealth mode. They left behind roughly a hundred Mandalorian supercommandos and enough Mandalorian cycles for all of them.

Once inside the asteroid, perhaps three hundred kilometres from the command centre, the Mandalorians semi-closed their entry point with rubble. Specifically, Rach did, with telekinesis.

They set off into the city tunnels with their cycles, engaging somewhat with Verpine guards and the occasional patrol of Republic soldiers. Public transportation, as it turned out, was experiencing significant disruptions due to @Jeska blowing up various important rail lines. Furious Verpine crammed into the remaining public transportation lines, jamming everything...

Except the disabled public transit tunnels, which were utterly devoid of moving pods and such. Tunnels which became the perfect ingress route for their bikes, which could hit over seven hundred kay-pee-haich on the straightaways with clear line of sight.

Still, it was a long three hundred klicks, fast as the bikes were. Plenty of opportunities for things to go wrong.
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