Location: Patient Area
As per usual, Ye greeted her with his trademark stiffness that reminded her of constipation. An astromech was more hospitable.
"I wonder if would kill you to say hello to your most valued colleague," she inquired, reaching out to give him a small nudge in the shoulder, knowing full well what reaction that would probably elicit. "Probably so."
Ye went on to give a verbal report of his findings, but before he could say much, he was interrupted from a runner, sent to them by a Syd Celsius (cute name). The runner came with a brief explanation of events, giving them a better idea of what was plaguing the patients. They had also come with a temporary fix in the form of alchemized paint. In true arrogant fashion, Science Man scoffed at the thought of employing unorthodox solution.
"I apologize for my associate," she said to the runner at first with a sheepish smile. "This is just...a lot for him to consider. Please inform Ms. Celsius that her assistance is appreciated and that I'll plan on meeting her and the rest of the investigative team at ground zero."
The runner nodded, then left them alone for a moment. Ciana's smile faded as soon as they had disappeared.
"You shouldn't be so dismissive. All reports have stated that the electromagnetic disturbance around the building and the patients are causing most devices to konk out. It wouldn't hurt to try something different from the only person that seems to have a clue about what's happening here. Doesn't your Jedi religion tell you about keeping an open mind or something?"
Another stranger came up to them, this time a young woman. She could feel the stranger's attention on Ye which made her turn to study the woman for a minute. It was funny, there was something familiar about the woman, she could almost see some of Ye in her and vice versa. Odd.
However, she didn't dwell on it much as the girl suddenly disappeared while radiating with queasiness.
"Where's Ms. Taff?" Ciana inquired, the woman's appearance reminding her of Ye's apprentice. "Usually she's not too far behind."
((After the patients are stabilized, I'm going to transition to the 1408 objective and enter the building with Syd and Elizabeth.))
[member="Elizabeth Skywalker"] [member="Syd Celsius"] [member="Lina Ye"] [member="Hyonu Ye"] [member="Rachel Taff"]