Allergic to Bacta, huh? Teynara had met a few people with that particular problem - it was a medical anomaly that came up from time-to-time, and rather challenged the creativity of those who had been so reliant upon the so-called 'miracle fluid' for purposes of healing injuries and rescuing patients from near-death ever since it had been discovered. Amazing how dependent everybody becomes on Bacta - our ancestors didn't have it, and they managed well enough. Okay, trauma that killed people back then was often non-lethal now, but that was no reason to dismiss the medical advances of the past. Particularly when you can find a use for them, like now.
As for that comment about healing with the Force, the blonde had a feeling that the Master was being a little flippant. Sure, it wasn't a common skill among the Jedi, and as such, most of those who trained within the Temple didn't really understand it, but even so, those who did knew well enough that it tended to take a physical toll on the user - each time she had tried it, she'd found herself having to sleep for well beyond her usual needs, and quite shortly after the treatment was administered. And it's incredibly time-consuming, too - even minor injuries can take hours to treat properly.
She had to be blunt about the whole thing: Force Healing wasn't an instant fix, not even close. The Jedi merely served as a conduit for the Force's restorative energies, channelling them through their own body and concentrating them with a healing intent upon the site of the injury. But it is still the body that does the healing: the Force merely provides a bit of a boost, and the energy to allow it to speed the process without causing harm to the patient. It took a lot of time. Even a basic Healing trance can take upwards of three to four hours. She didn't object to doing it, but it was always best to try traditional medicine first.
"We actually don't need Bacta in your case," she said softly, shaking herself from her reverie of contemplation. "We can use a Bone Welder on that broken rib of yours and get the pieces knit together, strap them up until your body strengthens them naturally," the blonde observed. "As for anything else, a burn or bruise salve might suffice."
The blonde watched as the other Jedi started stripping off, raising a pale eyebrow as she observed, though she wasn't the least bit embarrassed by it - Teynara could hardly work in a Medical Bay for long if she started blushing every time a patient had to strip off - though she was surprised at the network of scars that the older Jedi displayed. He looks like he's been through a few dozen wars, alright.
"On second thoughts, we might need more than just a salve...", she observed thoughtfully. That settles it, though: he's going to to the Medbay whether he wants to or not..., she thought grimly. Even if she had to knock him unconscious and drag him there...
The last two days had flown by in rather a blur - the solemn mood of the Jedi Temple notwithstanding, things had just moved by quicker than Teynara could have expected. Patching up the survivors of the mission that had claimed the life of the Grandmaster had been the first priority, and after that...well, preparations for the funeral, of course. She'd elected not to join in making sure that the body looked presentable for the ceremony, though. The Jedi wasn't entirely sure she wanted to start down that path. Certainly she preferred to remain fuzzy on the details of what exactly had claimed the Master's life.
Entering the area where the ceremony was to be held, the blonde had to admit, she'd never known the Temple to be so full. Not only had Jedi come from all over the Galaxy, but other dignitaries had joined them, preparing to say farewell to the being that had commanded the respect of the entire Order, and those that they worked alongside. Space seems to be at a premium now, for certain. Many beings had certainly gathered here in the courtyard, preparing for the moment when the funeral of the former Grandmaster would then give way to the swearing in of the new one. And that'll be interesting, for certain.
Dressed in plain white robes, her sole adornment on it being the slender brown belt that wrapped around her waist, matching the colour of the boots that peaked out beneath her skirts, she walked confidently into the large area, her pale-blue eyes examining her surroundings carefully to see if there was anyone she knew, or if there was anything not quite right. She sensed an overwhelming feeling of sorrow, something picked up from multiple sources - people - all around them, but there was more to it. Some, hope for the future, others, a cautious sense of optimism that seemed ironic when contemplating a recent loss for the entire Order. Strange, that.
All that remained now, though, was to wait. Things would no doubt get underway in due course. Wait, observe, and contemplate what might happen next, she thought. That's a funeral for you: reflect on what was past, consider what might be ahead. Truly, she had no idea.