Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction [GA | Allies | Neutral] Hapes Charity Event



As tensions between the Galactic Alliance and the Sith Order mount, the galaxy teeters on the brink of all-out war. The recent clashes along their converging borders have marked a turning point in this conflict, igniting a new and more dangerous phase. The stars seem to hold their breath as both sides prepare for what may be the most significant battles of recent years.

In these uncertain times, Hapes, with its glittering cities and storied history, offers a fleeting moment of peace before the inevitable chaos. For a night, the planet has become a beacon of unity and hope, hosting an event to bring together the Alliance and its allies one last time before the galaxy is engulfed in war. This gathering is more than just a meeting of military minds or political leaders — it's a night to remember those who have already fallen and those who soon may.

The specter of the last charity ball looms large over this event. The attack on Coruscant left deep scars, and the memory of that tragedy has inspired this new gathering. As the elegant halls of Hapes fill with music, laughter, and conversation, the weight of the galaxy's collective grief and determination is palpable. The evening will feature an auction, raising much-needed funds to rebuild homes and aid those displaced by the ongoing conflict.

But beneath the glittering surface, there's an unspoken understanding that this night may be the last of its kind for a long time. As the guests mingle, dance, and toast to the future, there's a sense of quiet resignation—an acknowledgment that by tomorrow, many of them may be called to the front lines or caught in the crossfire of a galaxy at war. Tonight, they stand united in the face of uncertainty, honoring the past and preparing for the trials that lie ahead.


Objective I - Hapan Ball
With both the finest local music, as well as performers from across the stars, the Alliance is invited to a ball hosted within the Hapan Royal Palace. Fine drinks and carefully selected meals are available, as well as opportunities to mingle with loved ones or strangers. Spend these hours well, as they might very well be the last before the war demands your focus.

Later during the night, the Queen Mother Kha'la Daaray Kha'la Daaray will select one dancer and name them her Rurah Sen for the coming year.


Objective II - Make a Wish
While some surround themselves with others during this special night, others walk down the stone paths of the Fountain Palace to reach the sacred Hapan fountains near the waters below. The Force flows strong here, and it's rumored that a wish made here at midnight exactly will come true, in one way or another. Be careful with how you express your wish, or be prepared for most unexpected events to occur.


Objective III - Gossip
A ball at the Royal Palace without gossip? Unthinkable. Hapan Nobility is in full attendance tonight, and they love their rumors and gossip, no matter how unfounded. Are you tired of dancing? Or perhaps you've heard of some scandalous rumors that you must share with others? Find your place around the ballroom and discuss them with others.

The most delicious rumor about someone attending this event earns a special prize.

OOC Note: You can start in any objective and move to others! Want to start dancing and then make a wish? Go for it! Do you want to spread rumors about the person who stepped on your foot during your romantic dance? You know where to go~




Outfit: Red Dress~ | Wedding Ring

"It's not too much, is it?" Valery asked regarding her dress. As they walked into the ballroom to get their night started, she clung to her husband's arm, her hands gently wrapped around his bicep, and looked into his eyes with a playful grin. She had picked it on purpose and confidently, knowing he'd like it.

Which is all she cared about.

This night was going to be one to remember, after all. Any second, the war could escalate, and the two Nobles were among the first responders destined to be sent to the frontlines. That realization — that this could be their last night together like this for a long time — hit her hard, so her grip on his arm briefly tightened to hold him closer. Visions of her death had troubled her for longer than just tonight, but knowing full-scale war was this close brought them back to the forefront of her mind.

She was going to make the most of her time with him.

"I heard they're going to play some slower, romantic songs as well." She shifted from his arm and took both of his hands while she spun on her heels to stand in front of him, eyes up to meet his gaze, "Do you want to dance with me?" She asked him with a warm smile, but one that showed some vulnerability only he could see.

This could be their last dance together.





The Hapan Cluster represented a significant star system within the Alliance, rivaling the influential Kuat Drive Yards and the Corellian Confederation in terms of political power and overall military strength. However, it had not yet leveraged this political capital to effectuate substantial changes within the Federal Assembly or the Alliance as a whole.

Such a situation was entirely satisfactory to the Trade Federation, whose primary objective in the political arena was to maintain a state of inaction and governmental stagnation, thereby allowing them to capitalize on the numerous wars and conflicts occurring throughout the galaxy without direct oversight.

Although they were not without challenge in the era of 900 ABY for new competitors began to surface from the depths of the galaxy, notably the N&Z Corporation, which aimed to disrupt their economic supremacy within the Sith Order. Additionally, the Federation had acquired a substantial number of freighters from various other companies to maintain their extensive supply line across the galaxy which was constantly under threat.

In light of the Tingel Arm's incursion into the Empire of the Lost and the escalating conflict between the Alliance and the Sith Order, it was only fitting for the Viceroy to participate in the Charity Gala on Hapan.

His presence was intended to demonstrate the continued strength and resilience of the Federation. Rather than engaging in the intricate political maneuvering occurring within the ballroom, he chose to pursue intelligence regarding potential blackmail from the gossip networks of the nobility.

The Skakoan adjusted the modular components of his suit to enhance his vocal clarity, uttering, "AWERORORORORO...Baroness Dariush." The Baroness, a key figure within the Hapan Court, served as a vital source of intelligence regarding trade dynamics among the systems in the cluster.




TAG: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze
Outfit: Cathar Formal Wear

Formal events like this were...never Jonyna's style. She hated dealing with public appearances, waving and smiling, keeping herself 'civilized'.

The whole concept felt backwards to her. She came from a world where formal events included tribal wrestling, drunken dancing around a fire, and displaying one's skill at hunting Wark.

This was none of those things. Instead, she had spent all morning getting prettied up for a dress that Stomme Kleine Kikker Stomme Kleine Kikker had assured her was a fusion of Cathar styling, and modern formal wear. She could at least admit it's Cathar stylings. The open shoulders allowed her to display her family markings and her stripes. Both of which she was proud of, though she still didn't understand why the dress had to cover her legs as much. Then again, right now she was only interested in one person.

To say a younger Jonyna would be appaled by the thought of her date to this formal event was an understatement, but much had changed in the last few months. The last few years, more accurately.

"Come on Jenn, I need to make a good debut to the public. I'm a Councilwoman now!" Jonyna insisted. She had spent three hours applying her make up, she was gonna at least make the crowd stop and stare. "I know you don't like going out with your armor, but pleeeeeeeease?"

Objective 1 - Hapan Ball

Striding into the grand hall, Carlo's ever-present smirk played across his pale features. The regal atmosphere of the royal palace brought a sense of refreshment he hadn't realized he needed. As much as he valued his Jedi training, he couldn't deny that he missed events like these—elegant and steeped in tradition. However, this wasn't the time for reflection; it was a time to lose himself in the vibrant sea of colours and conversation.

Pausing briefly before a mirror, Carlo took a moment to inspect his appearance. He had chosen a bold outfit for the evening: a crimson tuxedo jacket that buttoned stylishly at the side, with gleaming golden buttons that caught the light. Silver embroidery, intricate and delicate, danced along the cuffs and collar, proudly displaying the markings of House Corrino. His lower half was clad in tailored dark trousers that perfectly complemented the polished leather boots he wore.

Draped over one shoulder was the pelt of a lupine creature, its snow-white fur a striking contrast against the rich red of his jacket. With a quick adjustment of his suit sleeves and a signet-ringed hand smoothing the fringe of his freshly cropped hair—trimmed just for the occasion—Carlo felt satisfied with his look. His appearance was immaculate, befitting the son of House Corrino.

With that, his focus shifted to his next priority: a drink. Pivoting smoothly on his heels, Carlo headed towards the area where refreshments were being served, ready to dive into the evening's festivities with his usual charm and confidence.

Tags | Open
If the abyss stares at you, don't blink

TAG (FRIENDLY) : Wide Open​



"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"


What am I doing here?

Connel knew deep down that coming here was a wasted trip, sure, “free food”, great, “free drinks”, wonderful, “meet and greet”...

… it’s not that he doesn’t want to talk and converse with others, but no one ever wants to talk to him. Add that to his reticence to approach others and it is a lonely existence. Which is why he brought his one friend in the galaxy… Buster…

He was there for a half hour already and got plenty of looks, but that is it… “looks”... it was disheartening. Maybe that is why he was sharing his plate with Buster outside by the fountain. He wasn’t going to cause a scene, and while Connel initially didn’t want to come, he was forcing himself to do this, and he made it this far. This was some level of improvement. Another improvement was that he was eventually going to go back into the ballroom, yes, with Buster.

The Mountain Aak dog was here to “mellow him out” and they don’t spend enough time together in his eyes. Connel knew that Buster would help him stay calm and composed, and he was relying on him to help him get through the situation. He had to trust Buster to help him feel more relaxed. Of course, Buster was happy to get scratched behind the ear from all of these friendly people who walked by. Eating really good food was a plus.

Alright, buddy. Should I do it?

Lifting his head up from his own little plate, Buster just canted left.

I’m in front of a fountain, should I make a wish?

A few pants and Connel smiled. Pulling a coin and flipping it into the water he did so.


What Connel wished for was private, and he would never divulge it to anyone. Of course, what he wished for was something that someone who wanted friends, but could never seem to make them did. It was not a “oh woe is me” kind of wish, but one that would give him a kick in the pants. That is what he responded to best.

Repli Implants that would be for the limbs
Bonemer enhancements to strengthen structure of the body
Muscle enhancements.
Hemo enhancements for blood flow
Hawkeye implants for eyes
Advanced Medical Implant

Objective I - Hapan Ball
Outfit: x x x x | Equipment: x x x x x x
Interacting with: Aris Noble Aris Noble | Open

Zaiya's heart was pounding as she checked herself on one of the massive, opulent, polished windows for what felt like the hundredth time, waiting for Aris at the atrium of the ballroom. Several attendees were already mingling and enjoying a break and the festivities. It was fairly easy for them to miss the girl watching her reflection for any last-minute issues.

Tonight was going to be different, a break from training and missions; a chance to just be her, and more importantly, to just be with Aris. She knew she shouldn't let herself think beyond that, but it was hard to ignore the nervous excitement rippling over her mottled spots and stripes with jewel-like tones of teal, canary yellow, and smokey greys over her rosey gold skin. Brief pulses of gold bioluminescence would blend with silver, signifying the subtle pendulum of her emotions swinging from positive to negative. Tonight wasn't about being his Knight or a Jedi; tonight was just about being his friend. Or at least that's what she kept telling herself.

For the gala, the Lovalla sixteen year old let her multicolored hair cascade in rich waves, the ombre shifting from soft white at the roots to deep cobalt, teal, and magenta at the tips. It flowed down her back like a silky waterfall, reaching past her waist. Zaiya had taken extra care tonight -- she even clipped in her favorite Kyber crystal hairpin, letting it catch the light as a subtle decoration. Her dress was both elegant and whimsical, with delicate white sleeves and a blouse that flowed into a gauzy black fabric speckled with tiny sparkling embroidery, like stars against a night sky. The outfit left her collarbone and arms exposed, perfect for letting her colorshifting skin reflect her mood, which was a mix of excitement and jitters.

Zaiya leaned close to the window, carefully studying once again her faint reflection over the finished touches to her makeup: a hint of blush, a touch of iridescent gloss on her lips, and just enough shimmer around her eyes to bring out their vivid iridescent opal blue hue.

Would he think I'm pretty? The thought slipped through her mind before she quickly pushed it away, scolding herself for even considering it. This wasn't about that -- it was just a fun night, right? A chance to enjoy some delicious food, sip on sweet drinks, and just be Zaiya and Aris, no Jedi duties weighing them down.

Maybe, she dared to hope, just for one night, we can pretend we're not Padawans at all. Just us. Maybe… hopefully… Her thoughts trailed off as she smoothed the front of her dress, trying to shake off the swirl of emotions coloring her skin in soft blushes of pink and blue.

But even as she tried to stay calm, her mind kept racing. She missed spending time with Aris, and a tiny part of her couldn't help but wonder if this night could be a glimpse of something more, even if it was fleeting. Zaiya caught herself, taking a deep breath and mentally reinforcing her empathic shields. This was supposed to be fun, not complicated. Focus on being his best friend, not on anything else.

With a determined nod, she straightened up, letting her nerves settle. Whatever happened tonight, she would make sure they had fun together. Even if her heart fluttered every time he smiled, she'd push it aside. Because more than anything, she just wanted to enjoy being Zaiya and Aris -- two friends at a gala, lost in a night of stars and laughter. Even if it was only pretend.


Although she possessed a modicum of experience with such social events thanks to her attendance to the New Year Gala hosted by Queen Kalantha Kalantha on Naboo, Jenn remained... decidedly uncomfortable with these occasions. So many people with power and connections, so many eyes, so much weight behind her every word, her every act! In truth, she found it all too suffocating, motivating her choice to remain clad from head to toe in her Shosenla'gam, and damn those who sent worried looks her way. Unfortunately for her, the Alor of Clan Kryze would not, in fact, get away with showing herself in full armor at a charity ball.​
Not exactly, anyway.​
To her chagrin, Karrys let the destination and occasion slip; the entirety of the trip from Onderon to Hapes had seen Pollux arguing over which kind of dress for her to wear. When she finally put her foot down, however, the duelist found a way to keep on going, offering her something of a compromise.​
Jenn only realized the outfit in question had been his plan all along when he gave a devilish snicker, earning himself a swat to the arm. For all of her grumbling, she had to hand it over to him; the choice of a pearl white toga draped over her armour, lined with a golden trim... was certainly fitting. The crown of laurels felt a little much, though, but Karrys and Pollux had all but ushered her out of the ship before she could try and chew the both of them out. Their Alor she might be, the pair were familiar enough to permit themselves a certain degree of familiarity indeed!​
All of her worries melted away when she met up with her date, her eyes filled with stars at the sight of her. Even after the initial shock, the only thing she could muster out was a breathless "woah...", which - only made her more self-conscious. If any of her Owls saw her like this, she would never hear the end of it. All of the eloquence she displayed in her invigorating speeches to her people was gone; there were no words that came to mind as she drank in just how wonderfully Jonyna's dress complimented her body, letting her markings be shown to the world - to say nothing of just how that gaze beckoned.
"I mean, I- mh. Alright, cyare; let's give them an entrance they won't soon forget." Chuckling warmly, the Ersansyr regained a measure of confidence - and linked her arm with Jonyna's.​
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Objectives: 1&3
Outfit: Golden Yellow Dress with cape, Bejeweled Horns

An invitation to a ball. Once hosted by the Hapes, a people Corhaa knew nothing about. Imagine her surprise when on her hotel room on Coruscant, a droid had given her an official invitation to such an event. The invitation specifically mentioning Corhaa's name and how she would be an amazing addition to the gathering. How Corhaa's name made it through to other star systems is beyond her. But information travels quickly, far faster than any blaster bolt. It was an opportunity she couldn't pass up. Within the invitation, we're also travel arrangements, and a name of a tailor who specialized in high quality work and rushed projects. Needless to say Corhaa accepted such an invitation.

Thus the Lady Corhaa Ireduun found herself standing outside of the ornate establishment, watching as dozens of other organic beings walked in. She glanced down back at that invitation, having self doubts. Who wanted her here? Who would she even speak to? Corhaa only knew two people, technically three if you count Organa.
But Corhaa had the inkling feeling that she will not be able to accompany either Master Valery or Master Jonyna tonight. Corhaa sighed as she closed up the invitation, placing it neatly back into a small purse she carried. Behind her two small droids carried her cape.

"Let's go"
she would tell them. Her hooves clicked against the floor as she stepped up the stairs to enter the establishment proper. Corhaa was wearing a beautifully made golden dress, along with the cape with her House symbol woven in the back of it. New ornate jewels decorated her horn, as the Iredani scanned the room. This was an extravagant gathering to say the least. The Hapes certainly didn't skimp on luxury.

Corhaa started to relax a bit feeling a bit more into her element. Aristocratic parties were common back home. She can handle this. As she stepped further into the crowd, her hooves clicking against the polished ballroom floor, she would turn a couple heads. Some put of curiosity. Others perhaps out of more confusion. Corhaa would take a small glass of drink before being approached by a couple of the Hapes aristocracy.

Corhaa talked with them, explaining that who she was and about her people. How she plans on perhaps having her people join the Alliance when the time is right. Corhaa found mingling with the Hapes to be rather relaxing, a callback when she had to deal with her beloved's family when her wife was still alive. Like any other noble gathering, everyone wanted to know the latest juicy gossip. Corhaa did explain that since she was new to the galaxy, that she didn't have much gossip to share about what was happening in the Alliance.

But the Hapes did not buy her reasoning. Naturally they did pressure Corhaa for any sort of news they could sink their teeth into. Corhaa seemingly sighed. She did hear one thing. May whatever Triumvirate forgive her for what she will say to satisfy the Hapes nobles.

"The tailor. The one who made my dress for this lovely affair? She told me something rather scandalous about Jedi Master Valery Noble. Apparently, she doesn't wear anything under her jumpsuit at all. No undergarments." She said so in a hushed tone.

The Hapes nobles obviously quietly gasped. "How scandalous. The Jedi are supposed to be modest!" One of them would say

"It is after all just a rumor" Corhaa said with a smile "I will let you all decide whether you believe it or not. Pray excuse me."

Corhaa seemingly left the Hapes nobles silently whispering to themselves about the rumor. It won't be long before this travels across the ballroom. Corhaa herself felt guilty about it but she didn't want the Hapes to view her poorly or her people. First impressions are everything. She would go sip her drink as she stood off to the side, silently humming the music.



TAG: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze OPEN

The sight of her date in gold and white caused Jonyna herself to stumble slightly, before catching herself with a dumb grin. "Woooo foxy, Lyrana." She said, dumb grin on her face as she hooked Jenn's arm. "Yes. Let's."

As the entered the ball room, Jonyna pulled Jenn into a very abrupt twirl, before walking over to the dance floor. Jenn had asked her if she was a dancer before, and now the Cathar wanted to show it off. She wanted to show Jenn, and the world, the new Sentinel of Harmony was one who could live without shame. She brought Jenn into a wordless waltz, whispering into her ear. "Let them see us. I wanna make a show of it."


Objective III - Gossip
Interacting with: Open to Interaction

| Dress x | x | x | x | x | x | X | X |

Danger's mama used to say, if there's dirt to dig up, best to find it quicker than a Jawa sniffin' out salvage if one was to make good use of it first.

In a Hapan ball? One best believe that tidbits here are hotter than Tatooine's twin suns.

Draped in an emerald-fire green gown that clung to her curves like it was spun from liquid silk, Danger moved through the Hapan Gala with the kind of grace that could only come from years of experience in both business and charm. Gone were the mourning blacks she'd worn as the Widow, replaced by rich tones that brought out the coppery warmth of her auburn hair, now swept elegantly atop her head. Emerald-fire jewels sparkled at her throat and ears, catching the light with each measured step she took.

Danger might have been a matron by age, but she was a vision of timeless allure, aged like the finest Corellian brandy. Her eyes, sharp and knowing, held a feline gleam as she surveyed the room -- a bustling gathering of Hapan elites, influential dignitaries, and high-rolling business figures. The gala was more than just a glittering social affair; it was an opportunity, a nexus of information and power ripe for the picking. And if there was one thing Danger did better than looking exquisite, it was gleaning valuable tidbits from even the most trivial of conversations.

Arceneau Trade might've been known for its neutrality, but that didn't mean she didn't have her finger on the pulse of galactic affairs. From the basics like food and fuel to more discreet and delicate goods, her company moved it all -- no questions asked. And with rumors swirling about the latest political shifts and economic undercurrents, there was much to be learned tonight. Danger wasn't just here to sip fine wine and indulge in idle chatter. She was here to do what she did best -- turn small talk into intelligence, and connections into leverage.

"You could power a star destroyer with all the chatter flyin' 'round here." Danger would murmur to herself as she glided through the room, her gaze flitted over the revelers, pausing briefly on those who looked interesting enough to approach. A warm, genteel smile curved her lips, inviting conversation without saying a word. She'd been in the game long enough to know that appearances mattered, and in a place like Hapes, where every glance was a test and every word a move on a chessboard, Danger was a master at both.

She could spot an opportunity from a parsec away, and tonight, she was ready to mingle -- be it on a new trade route, a whisper of discord among rivals, or simply a chance to remind these young upstarts that experience and savvy always won out in the end. With a subtle tilt of her chin and a delicate flick of her fan, she set her sights on who that would be.

Time to see what treasures this night might yield. After all, there's more to a gala than gowns and glitter -- if you know where to look, you might just uncover a Rainbow Gem mine. And Danger Arceneau? She always knew where to look.



Hapes Charity Event: Obj. I - Hapan Ball

Tags: Vince Vince & Corhaa Iredunn Corhaa Iredunn

"Thank you, Emm-Seven. I think I look beautiful too." Ran said to the astromech as she primped in the mirror of the Onyx Runner's personal quarters. "Hair? Curled. Makeup? Smoky but subtle. Shoes? Gorgeous. Dress? Elegant. Necklace? Check. Jewelry? Check. Am I missing something?" She voiced her thoughts. M7-TA beeped in response. "Pin and Purse. Right, you are. Thank you, Emm-Seven." Ran clicked across the room grabbing a pin that denoted her status as a Jedi Knight of the Order, and a small black clutch that went along with her sleek black heels. She twirled in front of the mirror again, viewing her muscles through the backless portion of her slim purple dress, her exposed arms, and its slit over her right leg. She smiled at herself. She thought she might have never felt so flawless. The transparent astromech beeped another compliment. "Thank you, Emm-Seven. You've just earned yourself an oil bath, but for now I must be going." Ran declared as she put the pin in her dress and stepped onto the ramp of the Runner.

Not long after, Ran found herself away from the port and inside the Hapan palace. She strutted past dignitaries, magnates, and others of influence to get a stiff drink at one of the many bars. Ran thought the Hapans could really throw a ball. Not that she had any prior experience at a ball. Waiting for the bartender, Ran took a look around the room. Her eyes were drawn to the dance floor. The lights, the music, and a few familiar faces. It was where she wanted to be, but before then she would finish her drink, a Snivvian Salt Burn. She could understand where it's name came from as it burned going down and left a smoky aftertaste. "Woooo!" She yelped involuntarily. Admittedly Ran wasn't an old hand when it came to imbibing the galaxy's finest spirits. She just hoped she hadn't made too much a fool of herself. She looked around to see if anyone had noticed her flub.

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Location: Ballroom
Objective: 1 - Ballroom
Tags: Closed for now

Katarine was excited to visit Hapes because the Jedi Master had never been there before. She had heard legend of its beauty and grace but her travels just never seemed to align with the planet. That was changing today though and she was happy for it, even if social events like these were a little odd at times. She always seemed to have trouble finding others to mingle with or worse she did find someone and then it ended badly. Her thoughts drifted to the last ball she had attended where she first met Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor and his adorable puppy Buster. The interaction seemed fine to her and Buster had been the life of the party, but after that fun night things had turned sour. Last she heard Connel was accusing her of spreading information about him to Master Noble. Kat wasn't doing this of course but naturally his assumption that she was would have caused concern and make its way back to Kat. She had no idea if Connel was going to be here tonight and honestly she didn't even know what to say to him if she did see him. It was astonishing to her that one person could have her motivations so completely wrong. Part of her wanted to try and explain that she'd only ever tried to care about Connel but the other part of her wanted to stay far away from him in fear that she would make the situation worse. She certainly didn't want Valery to start thinking that Kat was spreading information on him.

Speaking of Valery Noble Valery Noble , there she was as soon as Katarine walked in the ballroom. The Jedi Grandmaster was on the arm of her husband wearing a dress that made every woman in a hundred foot radius feel inadequate. Kat smiled at the Nobles, but knew they were probably absorbed in their own evening and did not want to interrupt. She knew many couples tonight were treating this as something special since the war might soon rip families apart. It was a depressing thought but she tried not to focus on it. The whole point of tonight was to forget about tomorrow after all.

And to do that she was going to need a drink.

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Objective 2: Make a Wish!
Location: Sacred Fountain

Work. Work. And more work. That had been Shan's life since he had left (temporarily) the Jedi Order to focus on his studies. He wasn't sure what he happened in the Galaxy as a whole, having been in his own small bubble in his studies. It had been unhealthy for him. Having limited contact with his friends in the Order, so his homesickness wouldn't grow. The Jedi had became a family for him and whilst he knew he'd be heading back to it eventually, his patience was running thin. Patience was normally a virtue of his but it was hard to focus on the future when he felt like the Order could need him. At the same time, that was exactly why he had to take a step back. He couldn't focus on his studies, if he was worried about the Galaxy as a whole. And hey! The Galaxy had plenty of capable Knights. Ko Vuto Ko Vuto , Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania and plenty of others. So even if he took a step back, the Galaxy wouldn't be in a worse place.

All of that was exactly why however, he decided that he needed a night out. What better than the charity event on Hapes? There was a chance he'd come across people he knew but that wasn't a negative. In fact it was a positive. It would give him a chance to catch up with people...and potentially apologise for leaving without giving much heads up to anyone. Of course, it was also a formal event so he'd need to get out of his robes and wear a suit...Damn the Force. He was never a fan of ties. They always felt far too constricting. The Mirialan glanced down into the fountain he was standing over, checking his reflection for a moment as he adjusted the tie, loosening it up slightly.

According to legend, you're meant to make a wish here, huh? Sometimes the only way to get what you wish for is with your own hands...Sometimes that's not even possible. Wishes are a way for us to cope through things...Wish for things that might never be possible...

Shan frowned to himself, watching his watery reflection react similarly. A lot of Shan's hope and positive up look of the Galaxy had been spoilt during the past years. Dreams and wishes weren't something he could believe in properly anymore. That's not to say he didn't have any of his own. It was more...he had accepted that most of them would never happen. There was too much on his mind. He should try to stick to being positive as he glanced back down to the fountain, closing his eyes to make a short wish. If anyone asked, he'd state what it was, but for now he was going to keep his mind to himself and just watch the stars for a few moments. He could make his way to the actual Ball...but for now? His only company was his reflection and the stars above.
Objective: 1
Outfit: This
Tag: Open

The young soldier had been forced to take a break from his work. He had thought he had found some information on a certain group of soldiers close to his father who might have been corrupt but evidence was hard to come by. His head was being constantly drown in paperwork and chasing dead ends. At least they would turn up dead when he started chasing them. However, with war being rumoured to be right around the corner, there was a final chance to celebrate peace and connect with those who might not be the same or alive after this war. Tarw had not initially thought about joining the charity event, he was not one for high end fashion or dancing but not only did his aunts insist that he attend the event, his captain ordered it. Something about loosening up and blowing off steam.

For Tarw, this was just not the way he would blow off steam. It was beyond formal.

He was used to leather jackets and loose shirts, this felt ornate and if he tried moving too much his muscles would rip the fabrics apart. He styled his hair into a short afro and was clean shaven for the event as well. At the strong behest of his aunts who wanted him to make a good show for the family name and the honour it holds. As he entered the ballroom, Tarw looked around and was not sure if he was dressed appropriately in comparison to others, he was a soldier first and foremost, formal events like this. He was in the deep end and struggling to stay afloat for now. His eyes scanned around the room and he noticed Valery Noble Valery Noble as a familiar face.

Wow. That was the first word that came to his mind, the dress was very nice. Tarw figured he would say hi, maybe something flirty, he was struggling to think of something flirty that wasn't just the word wow right now. But he figured by the time he reached her that his brain would come up with something. Then Tarw spotted her husband in arm with Valery and realised they had arrived as a couple. He chuckled to himself and shook his head, he should have figured that out much sooner. Best to let the Jedi Master enjoy her evening with her husband, she had mentioned to him already how much she needed the time between mission with her family. He refused to interrupt that.

His eyes scanned around again and spotted Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah who was wearing an equally stunning dress. Tarw was really wondering where these Jedi were getting such amazing clothing. It definitely didn't help his suspicions of being under dressed. He gave the other Jedi Master a wave, hoping that she was doing well. Tarw was struggling what to think besides admiring the outfits that everyone had on and decided to counter that with a drink or three. Which meant that he needed to head to the bar.

"One beer and two shots of Corellian whisky."
Objective: 2 then 1
Outfit: Dress
Tag: Open

Lily had heard that war with the Sith Order was coming and coming soon. She had leaned harder into her Jedi training and fixated on her combat forms, mastering them and making sure that she was going to be a deadly warrior ready to protect those who she cared the most about. Making sure that none of her friends and family suffered any harm.

But when she heard about the charity event on Hapan, Lily knew that she needed to attend, this could be a final chance to see friends and check in on everyone before war was all the conversation would be about. Before tragedy was going to be thrusted in their face every moment. Lily decided she would make sure to look her best and to adorn her hair in the jewels and silver finery that her family owned. Her dress glittered and when the light hit it, rainbows shifted and moved around while maintain the main pale blue colour that she loved. It was the first time she was wearing the dress out and she was pleased with how it looked and how she looked with her hair braided.

The fountain was meant to be a place where one would make a wish, while Lily was a superstitious type and did not know how the power of wishing would do any good, it felt right in the moment to go. She held her hands behind her as she walked over to the fountain and admired the fountain as well as the craftmanship that went into such a design. Lily breathed in deeply as she thought very deeply about the phrasing of her wish, she figured that if she was going to give this a go that she might as well do it properly. Lily had also heard that it needed to be as close to midnight as it could be and was silently counting the seconds until midnight ticked over.

When she believed it was midnight, she wordlessly stated her wish and opened her eyes. Whether it would come true or not, that was something she would not find out till much later. However, she had done the fountain part and decided to head into the dance area. Maybe try and see where the wine was being served and get a glimpse at the type of wine, she had high standards and was intrigued if the queen of Hapan would provide wine that would match her standards for an event such as this. Some royalty would reserve their best for events they deemed more important than this.

Dress: xxx
Tag: Carlo Von Corrino Carlo Von Corrino

The last time Eloise had been on Hapes was... Wait, had she ever been to Hapes? Or was she thinking of Naboo? Ukatis?...

Whatever, they were all the same to her. Pretty, pristine planets ruled by royalty. They presented a fine opportunity to don ball gowns and sparkling jewelry at charity events. Oh, and they were often lacking in basic sentient rights.

At least Hapes had finally gotten their act together and stopped hating the handsomer sex for chit their distant ancestors did. As soon as she spotted a well-dressed, attractive young man standing near the refreshments table ( Carlo Von Corrino Carlo Von Corrino ), she grinned, assuming he was a newly emancipated Hapan male. "Congratulations, you have equal rights now!"

Giving him a thumbs up, she shoved an hors d'oeuvre into her mouth with her other hand. Another thing these garden worlds were good for: the fresh farm-to-table food. It was delicious.
Sapphire eyes flitted from one object to the next, finally settling on a bowl that seemed to hold either punch or wine. It hardly mattered which—it just needed to be drinkable. Carlo gracefully picked up a glass, bringing it to his lips and savoring the flavor as it washed over his tongue.

Just as he was lost in thought, a voice nearby snapped him back to reality. His quizzical expression gave away his surprise as a woman approached, congratulating him—if he heard correctly—on his efforts for equal rights.

A brief moment passed as Carlo processed that she was indeed speaking to him. His initial surprise quickly faded, replaced by his usual composed demeanor. With a polite smile, he responded,

"Thank you, mademoiselle."

His words carried a quiet chuckle before he continued, "But I believe you may have mistaken me for someone else."

Tags | Eloise Dinn Eloise Dinn
Hapes Charity Event

Ran Serys Ran Serys Corhaa Iredunn Corhaa Iredunn

The Crown Prince of Onderon and now, their new Ambassador to the Galactic Alliance, was never known for his politicking. In fact, there were rumours of how boring he found it and how poor his performance was at it. Still, he had maintained a clear strategy upon disembarking from his ship: Only engage with the dignitaries whom he had memorized from before. It had made his arrival to the actual chamber of the event a little slower, but it was important nonetheless.

Like he often did when an excuse was given, he wore his military parade uniform. Clearly in his prime still, the young Royal's powerful physique carried the outfit well. Deep dull blues were overshadowed by large swaths of bright white accentuated by golden shoulder pads, buttons and other more or less decorative elements.

Upon finally arriving inside, the Ambassador allowed his eyes to slowly gaze out over the crowd. For a moment, it would appear as if he had never been informed about what a poker-face is; for as he spotted different people, his face would either shine up in recognition or linger in confusion until he gave up and moved on or finally realised who he was looking at. Naturally, there were far too many present to get a proper look at everyone. At some point, he simply shook his head and descended down the short flight of stairs.

Shortly after arriving, he heard a rather distinct yelp "Wooo!" A surprised brow shot up and an eager smile formed on his lips as he looked over to see where it came from. His gaze shifted onto the pin signifying her status as a Jedi Knight. An involuntary chuckle escaped him before starting to approach her.

"Crown Prince, and Ambassador, Vince Ivro Kalmorak, of Onderon. A pleasure" he offered a curt semi-bow of the head. The Royal had introduced himself formally whilst attempting to keep it brief. He would then quickly move on to what had grabbed his attention to begin with "That looks like a fine beverage. Might it be a Mantellian Brandy?" Kind and interested eyes shone at her as an eager smile clad his lips.

Wearing: xxx
Tag: Open for Interaction

Judah Lesan, Jedi Shadow, Wayseeker, Recluse, all of these names had applied to him at one time or another. Investigator had been the most recent, and it brought with him the reminder of the last time he was on Hapes. The event had been going well. He had met a few new Jedi, and connected with other masters. Then news of the bombing brought a dark shadow over the extravaganza. It had seen the Shadow depart for Coruscant immediately, and the Jedi threw himself into the investigation of what had taken place.

The true source had never been identified, not to Judah's satisfaction. He knew the organization which had acted, but he had failed to bring them to justice. It was fact that would hang over him for a long time, and especially this night.

He leaned against the wall, watching those who had thrown themselves into dancing immediately. Blue eyes looked for the queen, wishing to pay his respects, but she was not visible to the guests at the moment. As he scanned the room his eyes fell onto Valery Noble Valery Noble and gave a slight nod in greeting. She was with her husband, and Judah gave him a nod as well. War was on the horizon, and while the night may have been meant to be a distraction from the inevitable, Judah rarely felt solace in such things.

War was more an invitation to join his wife and become one with the force. Why would he choose to distract himself from that hope. Were it not for those who relied on him, Judah would have rejoined her already. His fight to live always came at her behest. She wanted him to live, so he did. There would be a day when the Corellian Redhead would tell him it was his time. Until then, he remained.

A server walked past, and Judah picked up a glass of water.

"Could you swing by with some hot tea when you have the chance," he asked.

A nod was the only affirmative reply he received.

For now, Judah was the wallflower. His desire to blend in was more important than the need to stand out. Perhaps he would forego the mask he often wore of the boisterous and loud Jedi. There was no reason to draw attention to himself, or play the uncaring or rude man that he often portrayed himself as. Judah would simply be himself.


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