Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction [GA | Allies | Neutral] Hapes Charity Event

Carlo finished off his glass of wine, smoothly transferring it from his left hand to the cold metal of his right. "Makes you wonder if there's a connection between the number of nobles and those who end up becoming Jedi," he mused. As he placed the empty glass down, his gaze shifted to the spread on the refreshment table, though nothing particularly caught his interest.

"Sometimes, being a Jedi seems simpler than the responsibilities that come with being a planet's noble," he continued, deciding to pass on any food for the moment. His attention returned to the woman. "I'm with the New Jedi Order myself."

He paused, considering how best to describe his homeworld. "Carida is a pleasant place to call home. It's mostly known for the pilot academy, though that's currently under reconstruction. My family's estate is nestled in the snow-capped mountains—a rather luxurious spot, though..." He glanced around the room, taking in the grandeur of his surroundings. "It might pale in comparison to this place, if only by a smidge."

Eloise Dinn Eloise Dinn

Objective III - Gossip
Interacting with: Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr | Jysell Brumen Jysell Brumen

| Dress x | x | x | x | x | x | X | X |

"Lady Arceneau - we anticipated your arrival to lend support to the Hapan Cluster, and it appears our expectations were correct. I trust you are aware of the concerning developments originating from the Dark Empire, which could potentially lead to a total cessation of all Arceneau Trade Activity in the area. Such a scenario would be exceedingly detrimental, even for the formidable commercial entity that is the Trade Federation."

Danger paused as a familiar figure emerged through the crowd -- Skakoan Viceroy Rulonom Laborr, his towering form encased in the pressure suit that hissed and whirred with every breath. The metallic ring of his droid-modulated voice offered a pleasant greeting, but his charm was not lost beneath the mechanical tones and the rhythmic squeals of methane being pumped into his suit.

Turning with the poised grace of a true lady of commerce, Danger's smile unfurled like a well-practiced fan, warm yet measured. She dipped her head in respect, her emerald-fire jewelry catching the light as she extended a delicate hand. This was not just a casual encounter, but a crucial diplomatic moment. "Viceroy Laborr," she greeted smoothly, "A pleasure to see you again."

Though her demeanor remained perfectly cordial, there was a subtle tension in the air when Laborr mentioned the recent troubling decrees from the Dark Empire. The Viceroy, of course, would recognize the concern that gleamed in her feline eyes, and Danger wasted no time addressing it.

"It's quite the surprise, isn't it?" she murmured, her voice dipping just enough for only the Viceroy to hear.

"Certainly wasn't anticipating such a tightenin' of the reins after tryin' to . From what I gather, Locke and Key Mechanics and Salacia won't be immune either, and I'm sure several companies across the lanes are already mullin' over their next steps."
referencing John Locke John Locke . His business was by far one of the most prolific and expansive companies that she knew. Danger wondered what Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell and Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell , with Salacia Consolidated, with their salvaging empire, would be affected as well.

Just as she finished, Danger caught sight of a new arrival -- a striking woman who made her approach with purpose. The way she held herself and the sharp gleam in her eye immediately marked her as someone worth noting. Jysell Bruman, of Holo News Network. A journalist. Now, that could be either a door to opportunity or a reason to tread lightly. Danger's practiced smile never wavered as she mentally adjusted her strategy, aware of the potential danger in every word she spoke. Words in the hands of someone like Jysell could be spun like silk into stories that either worked in her favor or against it. Caution and charm would be her weapons here.

"Viceroy Rulonom Laborr is it? Jysell Bruman of HNN." Jyseel laughed "Don't worry I am not on the clock, my Holopad is back in my ship! if I was I most certainly wouldn't be up here." Jysell looked at the ginger woman who he spoke with.

"And I don't believe we're acquainted milady."

When Jysell turned her attention to her, Danger didn't miss a beat. Her smile softened into something warm, gracious, and just a touch conspiratorial as she extended her hand in greeting. "Danger Arceneau, of Arceneau Trade Company," she drawled, the rhythm of her voice smooth as honey.

"A pleasure, Miz Bruman." Danger knew that the conversation with Jysell, regardless if indicated she was off duty - could either lead to favorable coverage or damaging exposé, and Danger was prepared to navigate it with caution and charm.

She could almost feel the undercurrents of curiosity in the air as she continued, "How're you enjoyin' this fine evenin'?" The words were perfectly polite, but there was a subtle invitation woven within them, one that said she was more than willing to engage in a bit of banter -- or perhaps something a bit more substantive -- depending on where the conversation led.

As always, in the world of trade and diplomacy, it was all about what was said between the lines and how one chose to play the game. And if there was one thing Danger excelled at, it was playing the game.

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Factory Judge
Objective 1 & 3

Noah Corbulo Corek V was many things, a father, a husband, a historian, a weapons manufacturing executive and a mercenary, in descending order of what he preferred to be known as. A enjoyer of balls, galas, parties and soiree’s was definitely not one of these things. During his life he had been forced many times to go to these events, whether in the army due to being ordered or more recently trying to rub elbows with executives to get his company more lines of business, every single time he despised it.

But he was a practical man and understood that sometimes in order to better one’s self they needed to be put in situations that they were uncomfortable in. He also realized that it would be a good chance to try out a new prototype of his. It was a suit, made specifically for men like him who might sometimes need to conceal weapons and protect themselves in occasions such as this.

On the outside it looked like a simple single breasted charcoal grey suit with peak lapels. However built into the suit were a bevy of features to help one if they got into trouble. The sleeves were connected by a breathable yet sturdy mesh knit that allowed for a wide range of motion be it tying shoelaces or getting into a shooting stance. Weighted pockets on the jacket allowed it to be quickly swept away to draw a weapon on either hip.

While the buttons on the suit jacket looked normal they were actually magnets that could be quickly opened to further help draw a weapon. Sewn beneath the sleeves were cut resistant fabrics to deal with any edged weapons one might come up against. Padded fabric on the inside helps conceal the outline of a holster from being exposed. Surgeon cuffs allow the sleeves to be easily rolled up should one need to be more…active. Reinforced belt loops also allow for the wearing of gun belts versus normal belts. And lastly the torso had a layer of material similar to blast vest fiber sewn between the inner lining and outer surfaces to help protect against blaster and slugthrower.

In all it would prove a good trial run for the suit and hopefully it would get some attention. Arriving ‘fashionably late’ as one of his daughters might describe it, probably Morgan as she was the most fashion and societally adept of his kids, he made his way for the nearest place he could get a drink.


Location: Hapes
Objective: Chill out
Tag: Open
Attire: xx


Silas was no stranger to events like this, and considering what had been happening this month he needed to let his hair down more than ever.

Strangely, the young knight's emotions had been all over the place. He couldn't tell if it was the fact he was thinking too deeply about things or the stress of being a Jedi finally getting to him, but it was clear in recent assignments that it was starting to affect his role as a Jedi. Thankfully, not many people seemed to catch on other than possibly Colette Colette , who had already seen some of his outbursts in recent times. Either way, he was hoping these feelings would subside.

If not, things were going to get interesting.

Standing to the side of the dancefloor, the knight leaned up against the bar and nodded to the barman to get his attention "Whiskey on the rocks, surprise me" he said before turning back to look at all the familiar faces in the room. Of course, the Nobles were getting ready to dance away the night, miserable Colette included. It was probably best to stay away from her for the moment, he didn't want to risk getting tied up in drama on a rare night like this.

"Your whiskey..." the barman said as he slid the drink across the table into the hand of the Jedi. Giving another nod of thanks, he briefly sipped on the strong spirit and sighed to himself.

Why couldn't all days be like this...


Should one attempt to delve into the cognitive processes of the Skakoan, they would likely experience a headache due to the multitude of calculations and projections being meticulously recorded within the expansive mental landscape, particularly as the state of galactic commerce began to decline with the erection of trade barriers and regulations amongst the various galactic powers and their vassal states.

The Dark Empire engaged in a perilous strategy aimed at attaining economic isolation from the wider galactic economy, as their anticipated growth rate was projected to decelerate to a near-stagnant 3% in the upcoming quarter, prompted by the withdrawal of various independent merchants and traders from the imperial market.

The Trade Federation remained steadfast in their support for the Imperial Machine, confident in their substantial power and influence within the commercial sector to overlook the seemingly trivial alterations occurring within the Empire's economic structure. However, they could not ignore the reality that these changes would adversely affect their profit margins for the current quarter, potentially necessitating the issuance of additional shares of the brand to compensate for any temporary shortfall.

The abrupt closure of hyperspace routes surrounding the Dark Empire would have significant repercussions for Arceneau Trade, Locke & Key, and numerous other corporations as the Queen of Trade mentioned with her usual flair. However, this situation also offered a unique opportunity to exploit the ensuing scarcity of goods and services. This could be achieved through what the Federation termed 'confused management of equitable capital,' which, in this context, essentially involved utilizing their proxy commission within the Dark Empire to continue trading under the guise of supporting the Emperor's Project.

"Such a detrimental economic strategy is bound to be unsustainable over time, ultimately leading to a complete cessation of hostilities with the Alliance. This outcome arises from their inability to compensate their workforce and maintain the complex machinery essential for the construction of an empire. Labor unions are likely to proliferate rapidly, undoubtedly bolstered by the financial support of affected corporations such as Locke & Key, among others." Laborr explained this point with considerable detail to Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau , fully aware that, in the absence of corporate intervention to dismantle the unions, the workforce within the Imperial Economy would bring production to a standstill due to delayed wages and the devaluation of their currency as the banks no longer accepted it as legal tender.

An intriguing individual, identified as Jysell Brumen Jysell Brumen , unexpectedly approached them with a sense of familiarity, despite the Viceroy's lack of acquaintance with them. It appeared that this person was affiliated with the Holonet News Network and had previously conducted interviews with several Trade Federation officials regarding various comments and concerns about the state of the galactic economy.

The Viceroy's sole remarks, "Fascinating...truly fascinating," reflected his awareness of the precarious nature of interactions with journalists. He recognized that such engagements were ill-suited for an individual of his stature and influence within the markets. Prior to entering into any formal dialogue with the reporter, he deemed it necessary to ascertain whether the individual embodied the qualities associated with their name and reputation.




TAG: Open for interaction~


The light of a thousand chandeliers glittered across the grand hall of the Hapan Royal Palace, their brilliance casting a glow upon the gathering beneath. Palm-Imer, Sovereign of Geminidae, stood poised at the entrance, a serene smile gracing her lips as she surveyed the scene before her. The light gold fabric of her gown flowed around her like liquid starlight, subtle yet striking in its simplicity.

There was a quiet strength in the way Palm carried herself, an aura of calm that belied the uncertainties of the times. Today she was here representing the Consors System, a cluster of worlds far removed from the chaos that had gripped the galaxy's core. Among them, Geminidae stood as their capital, its cities a harmonious blend of nature and technology, where the rush of modern life met the tranquility of carefully preserved wilderness. It was a place of newly restored peace, and Palm had since strived to carry that peace with her, no matter how far she traveled from home.

As she moved further among the people, she caught sice of Onderon's Crown Prince, Vince Vince . She offered the young man a greeting nod, he had earned her respect quite easily upon their meeting - and Palm could confidently said that she liked him, hopefully she would get a chance to approach him later. However, despite her acquaintance to the Prince, the truth was that to most people here she was still a mystery—a representative of a world few had heard of and none had seen. Palm welcomed the curious glances and polite nods with grace, aware that tonight was not just an opportunity to raise funds or honor the fallen, but also to forge connections that might prove vital in the uncertain days ahead.

For now, however, Palm allowed herself to be swept up in the moment, to enjoy the fleeting beauty of the evening. She engaged in conversation, her voice warm and inviting, as she shared stories of her homeworld with those curious enough to ask. The triplet moons of Geminidae, the ancient forests of Mirrill, the many colors of the Prism Grass sea—each tale was a glimpse into a world that had thus far felt like a distant dream to any not born on it.

Eventually she found herself drawn to the edges of the room, where the music was softer, and the conversations more private. Here, away from the spotlight, she could let her thoughts wander—if only for a moment. The galaxy might be on the brink, but tonight, for just a little while longer, they could hold onto this moment of peace.

Objective 3: Gossip
Wearing: Suit
Tags: | (Nearby) Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr | Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau | Jysell Brumen Jysell Brumen | Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania


Even now, the K’paur felt somewhat out of place in such a big social event. He was a soldier, much more familiar; and comfortable, being neck deep in a battlefield, fighting tooth and nail against an enemy. But this was a charity event, and Alexander wasn’t gonna let feeling a tad ‘out of his element’ stop him from showing support.

Now typically Alexander’s go to plan was to get a drink, find a partner or two and dance the time away. It certainly wasn’t his first rodeo, but the soldier wanted to change things up a little this time. Rather than immediately hit the dance floor, Alexander opted to tip his toe into the gossip game.

Because there was always some gossip going around at events like these. They were as numerous as the alcohol being served. And often enough, the latter helped loosen lips to gain the former. And somewhere there was always a small group, either friends or sharing a mutual hunger for gossip, who were able to hear every morsel.

With a glass in hand, Alexander stood to the side and watched those that were coming and going. There were a few familiar faces, one’s that he hadn’t personally met, but knew just from keeping an ear to the news. Individuals such as Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr and Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau

Eventually though, the K’paur’s gaze landed on a group of four women, gathered together across the hall. Similar to him, they were off to the side, watching those in attendance, occasionally leaning over to whisper something.

Taking a sip of his drink, Alexander made his way over to them.

Ladies, are you all enjoying the event?” He asked, flashing them a charming smile. One that almost cracked into a grin at the flattering comments he got in response. Each of them introduced themselves, “and you are Mister?

Hayes. Alexander Hayes. But you can just call me Alex.” Another charming smile and he elicited a few more giggles. “I have come over here with a particular intent, I was curious about what whispers have been spreading?

Well…there was mention of the Jedi not wearing any underwear beneath their robes.

I thought it was beneath her jumpsuit?” One of the other gossipers interjected.

Her? Was someone specifically named?

Oh yes! Apparently it’s Master Valery Noble.” Now that…that got a raised eyebrow from Alexander. The small group spoke amongst themselves, leaving the K’paur to idly listen until he finally spoke up again.

Well ladies, you didn’t hear this from me. But I hear Lady Corhaa has been indulging in some secretive midnight rendezvous.” It was pretty basic in terms of gossip, but then Alexander was only dipping his toe in, not diving head first. “Although, I did hear a rumour that she has a preference for eating grass.

Then again, he might just get his arse set on fire by the day’s end…



Wearing: xxx
Tag: Palm-Imer Palm-Imer

Judah pushed off the wall as the tea was offered. A playful smirk pulled at his lips as he remembered pouring the hot tea on some leech which did not seem to get the picture that a pretty woman did not want his attention. It was the ironic thing about the Jedi. He often hid his grief and pain of loss by being the picture of a stereotypical playboy, but the Jedi in his older age was anything but. Did he still have rendezvouses with the opposite sex, certainly. There was one woman in particular he found himself fond of whenever they could be together. It did not make him the hustler he had the reputation for, however.

There was a glint of something which caught his eye, an almost golden dress which seemed to catch the light in the ballroom a certain way. Naturally it had captured his attention, as did the beauty of the woman who occupied it. His face stretched to a smile without realizing it. The Jedi Shadow had met his fair share of diplomats and planetary rulers, but whoever this woman was, she was new to him.

Judah found his feet carrying him over her way to make an introduction.

His eyes studied her movements as he walked across the distance between them. He grabbed a glass of champagne as he passed by one of the attendants with the well practiced ease of experience. It had been a fluid motion, one that would have impressed any who happened to see it. With a nod of his head, Judah offered the fluted glass to the woman as he introduced himself.

“Jedi Master, Judah Lesan,” his baritone voice betrayed his age. “I know most of the delegates here, but this is the first time we have met. Allow me to be the first to welcome you. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

Before he asked the woman to dance, he would see how he was received. Judah was content being the wallflower all the same, but he also would not pass up the opportunity to meet someone new. As a Shadow his network required that he constantly expand who he knew and what they could provide for him. Personally, the older Jedi needed more friends. Those who called him a recluse were not far off from where his life had taken him.

He smiled. It was genuine. Blue eyes fell to her amber gaze as he awaited her response.


Olivia Pendleton entered the palace on the arm of one Mr. Trent Veillion Trent Veillion . It was not her idea, of course, either to be there or to be there with Veillion, but her situation was a precarious one, and she had to be seen to be as supportive of the Galactic Alliance and its member worlds as possible while the Justice Department's investigation into Pendleton Industries was pending. She released Veillion's arm to allow a footman to sweetp her cloak from her shoulders, revealing a satin lavender evening gown with a structured bodice.

She absentmindedly handed the coat-check ticket to Veillion. What was the point of having a man nearby, after all, if one could not make use of all the pockets he had access to that she did not. But it was not just a one way street; she snatched two flutes of champagne from the tray of a passing waiter and handed one off to Veillion.

"I hope you remembered my checkbook," Olivia said flatly. "It seems to be the only thing I am good for with your... friends." She took a sip of the champagne and made a face. "Hapan wine. Worse than I was led to believe, somehow." Another sip, her eyes scanning the ballroom for festivities. "Roughly how much do you think I need to give to stay in their good books, Veillion?"

No need to ask who they were. Trent Veillion Trent Veillion knew them better than Olivia did.
Olivia Pendleton Olivia Pendleton

He accepted the ticket without complaint while his eyes swept the crowd.

This was a viper's nest if he had ever seen one and Trent knew his vipers. After all, being part of the SIA meant he was one of them. But something told him that being a royal or a noble made you far more venomous than even being an intelligence officer. "Oh, of course I have, dear." And he leaned in to kiss her cheek softly.

Playing up the role of Olivia's new paramour exactly how they had agreed on at the start of this new relationship.

It would enable him to stay close to her and it wouldn't prevent him from taking control of her security detail either.

"Would you like me to hold your purse?" His lips quirked up in a smirk. "-or are they out of style these days?" Scanning her persona briefly before returning his gaze to the crowd.

It was a sizeable one at that. A veritable who is who of Alliance bigwigs and Hapes nobles.

"Several digits, darling. You will have to reach deep in your wallet for this one I am afraid." But at a certain point money simply became a number. Trent might not possess the riches of these nobles or even Pendleton's, but he certainly knew how to acquire money regardless. Being corrupt and being careful had a way of opening doors for that.

"How long has it been since you attended one of these?"



That's what they were, nothing more. It's what Aris had said they should be, while they figured things out. While he wasn't sure if anything else might end up hurting Zaiya. It made sense, it was logical. He couldn't help but think here was something he'd done wrong with it all. How he handled that conversation, how he let it end. Was that what he was really okay with? Just being friends?

Well, he wasn't even sure what it was to be more. And yet, he hadn't stopped thinking about it. He really needed to figure out someone to talk to on it, didn't he?

It was more awkward considering that Zaiya was the one he'd normally talk to. More and more he was realizing just how much he relied on Zaiya. On their friendship. She'd even pulled him out of their last battle against the Sith, despite how afraid she was. Despite his own words, he couldn't stop thinking about her. Their relationship, their friendship.

He grumbled as he rubbed at the back of his head. The more he thought, the more awkward all of this seemed. He stepped into the room, glancing around. There was a faint smile on his face as he saw Valery Noble Valery Noble and Kahlil dancing together. It was good to see, his parents deserved their time to relax and enjoy each other's company. After Coruscant, they hadn't had much time together at all.

Now they did.

His gaze did finally fall on the girl that had chosen to be his knight of all things, sitting by the window. All his worry faded away. She was his best friend, even if things were awkward that wasn't going to change. He stepped beside her, leaning over so his height didn't just have him looming as much as it normally would.

"You look good, Zaiya." In contrast he was in a more traditional Epicanthix suit. He wanted to look good himself, in one way or another. No Jedi robes here. They weren't here to be Jedi, after all. He smiled warm and wide, unable to really stop himself now. He was just happy to see her like this, not on a battlefield. They needed more time to just hang out like this than exploring ruins.

Ruins were fun too, though.

"What do you think?"

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti
"Makes you wonder if there's a connection between the number of nobles and those who end up becoming Jedi."

"Does your royal family donate money to the Jedi Order, by chance?" Eloise asked with a smirk. Every Padawan she'd ever met was either an orphan adopted by the Order, the child of Jedi, or from a wealthy family. Never just a middle class kid with an average upbringing. It sort of sucked to think there might be people out there with the potential to become Jedi going undiscovered. The same random circumstance of their birth that gave them sensitivity to the Force could also make them too poor and unremarkable to actually get training.

"Sometimes, being a Jedi seems simpler than the responsibilities that come with being a planet's noble."

"Maybe if you haven't been in battle yet." She shrugged, then squinted at Carlo. "You're very fidgety, you know that? Always doing something or looking around." Probably nervousness. But if he didn't want to talk to her or thought he was better than her or whatever, she hoped he'd just come out and say so.

"Carida is a pleasant place to call home. It's mostly known for the pilot academy, though that's currently under reconstruction. My family's estate is nestled in the snow-capped mountains—a rather luxurious spot, though... It might pale in comparison to this place, if only by a smidge."

"I wouldn't knock it until I see it." She rested a hand on her hip, looking him up and down in a way which made it obvious she wasn't thinking about landscapes. "A prince like you must've had some royal dancing lessons. Any chance you could teach me a few moves?"


Objective I - Hapan Ball
Outfit: x x x x | Equipment: x x x x x x
Interacting with: Aris Noble Aris Noble

Zaiya tried to focus. Food. Training. Family. These were safe topics. She could stick to those, right? Normally, she'd just talk and ramble on about whatever weird thought popped into her head, and Aris would listen — really listen. He never made her feel like her questions were silly or pointless. He'd either answer with that thoughtful calm of his or crack a joke that made her laugh. But now, with her heart doing flips, all those rehearsed lines vanished the moment she felt his presence.

Lately, she'd been getting more attuned to sensing others in the Force, like tiny ripples brushing against her awareness. But with Aris, it was different. His presence sent this warm tingle down her spine, making her hyper-aware of him in a way she couldn't fully explain. And when he stepped into view, all polished and regal, Zaiya found herself frozen, just staring at him with what she knew was the most ridiculous expression on her face.

She could barely breathe as she took in his formal attire. He'd worn Epicanthix clothing before, but nothing this intricate, this... shiny. It was like he'd stepped out of one of those royal portraits she'd seen in the archives. Her gaze traced the heavy, jeweled neckpiece that rested across his shoulders, but instead of focusing on the craftsmanship, she was captivated by the way it framed his strong jawline, the warmth in his green eyes.

Without thinking, her fingers reached out, brushing lightly against the metal of the neckpiece; it was warm, heated by his skin. She loved to gush over clothes and jewelry, but this was different. The problem was she wasn't really looking at the jewels — she was looking at him. Her heart pounded faster, and suddenly, her face flushed a deep, mottled pink over her stripes as she realized what she was doing.

"Oh, umm, you look very handsome!" Zaiya blurted, snatching her hand back as if it had a mind of its own. She awkwardly tucked a stray lock of her multicolored hair behind her ear, trying to recover her composure while her skin rippled with abashed bioluminescence. His compliment that she looked good made her feel all fluttery inside, and she rocked back on her heels, feeling like she was floating.

"That's super shiny — I mean, pretty! I like it. Is it heavy? It looks heavy. Are those fire rubies? Umm, it must be expensive. Is this part of your royal, princely collection?" The questions spilled out rapid-fire, more to buy herself time to calm down than anything else. She was rambling. No, she was thirsty. Yes, that was it.

"Want a drink?" she blurted, her voice a little too high-pitched as she tried to steer the conversation somewhere, anywhere, that wouldn't make her feel like her heart was about to burst.

Last edited:

Wearing : X | X | X | Objective : I & III | Watching : Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti | Aris Noble Aris Noble

"You's is sure this ain't alcohol?" Try as Miss Bellux may like, getting rid of Persephone's linguistic pattern was proving difficult. "I can't be gettin' in trouble tonight."

The waiter sighed, as if he wanted to re-think his life after being questioned by a teenage girl. Instead, a smile went on the young man's face and he nodded once, getting ready to explain it once again. He had other patrons to circle around to, after all.

"Yes Miss. It's a sparkling non-alcoholic cider served in a flute glass. A wise choice for guests looking not to imbibe in harsher spirits this evening."

Taking a glass, Persephone took a sip. Only problem was, she had no idea what alcohol tasted like. This was sweet and dry and quite bubbly. It was good and, if she said so herself, made her look quite grown up and sophisticated. Either way, deep blue eyes looked at the nametag on the waiter. If she was to get in trouble, the waiter would take the fall.

"Thank yous, Mister Tak."

The waiter left and she was alone once again, observing the room at large, sipping her bubbly drink. Eyes caught a boy that...scandal of all scandals....was half-shirtless. Persephone raised an eyebrow, taking in the sight. Miss Bellux would never approve and even in the name of fashion, neither did she. However, the teenage Heiress watched a colorful looking girl reach out and touch the boy.

No wonder why Mister Shirtless decided to skip fabric today.

"Hmm, yous got it bad girl." Persephone commented to herself, trying to watch the pair as subtly as possible.


Wearing \ Gear : X | X | X | X | X
Interacting With : Noah Corek Noah Corek

Persephone seemed to be settling from what he could see, keeping an eye on the girl. That meant he could get engrossed in conversation or look for a new avenue of business. The group assembled though? Didn't seem the type for mining and extraction. Possibly for his gemstone business.

Not that a deal was needed. Having the Dashiell name out there was also good as well, also representing his father tonight.

Whisky on the rocks down, he grabbed another, this one to nurse a little more. As he was walking away from the bar he ran into the father of a childhood friend. As far as Makai knew, Noah Corek Senior didn't attend these types of events. Wasn't like his father, didn't like to dress up and run elbows and smoke cigars.

"Mister C, how are you?" Makai extended his hand in greeting. "Long time no see. Everything is well? How is the family? The business?"

TAG: Vince Vince , Ran Serys Ran Serys
Objectives: 1&3
Outfit: Golden Yellow Dress with cape, Bejeweled Horns


'How do I keep meeting Jedi? They must be really numerous in the galaxy.' Granted Corhaa didn't mind meeting members of the Order. So far all of them have been rather lovely. Corhaa simply did a deep curtsey before them both, showing prim and proper mannerisms. After all not only was she in the presence of a Jedi, but also a Prince of a planet as well. 'Twice I have met royalty now.' Corhaa rose back up giving a smile as she shook her head. "I have not had the pleasure of meeting the Prince of Onderon. In fact, I have not even heard of your planet. I'm new to this..galactic stage of politics. But I am sure your world is pleasant and beautiful. Its a pleasure to meet you both."

Corhaa sipped her drink as she looked around the ballroom. Four figures seemingly took her attention for a moment. Valery Noble Valery Noble dancing with her husband Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble . The pair dancing the night away, a mix of romance and spice. The other pair Jonyna Si Jonyna Si dancing with a woman she wasn't familiar with. But the pair seemed happy, them dancing the night away together, smiling at each other. 'Good for Jonyna. She needed a bit of a bounce back.' Tonight seemed to be the night for people to spend an elaborate evening with their loved ones, or soon to be loved ones. Corhaa suddenly became fully aware of the naked feeling around her ring finger. 'An empty feeling, never fully healing. No matter how much time passes.' She did notice a couple of Hapan nobility whsipering to each other while looking at Corhaa. 'Must be about the rumor I told them. Valery is going to kill me.'

But both Ran and Vince's questions seemingly snapped Corhaa out of her thoughts. She gave another smile. "My world isn't known to the wider galaxy. Its called Sarula Illiene. A beautiful world that orbits a gas giant. Its in what you call the Unknown Regions." When asked about her outfit and cape, Corhaa simply turned around and motioned for the droids to help show off the cape. It was golden like her dress, but with a symbol on it. "That is my House sigil. The tailor I used, she is based on Coruscant. An unknown benefactor recommended her to me."


"Are we going to dance?"

Malcoma's lips curled into an almost cruel smile behind the glass of her champagne flute. "Absolutely not."

"Then, are we here to..." Damris trailed off for a moment. In it, Mal's eyes drifted from watching the ballroom floor and the couple currently, in her humble opinion, commanding it, to him. Between all the sources of ambience at a gala like this, she wasn't sure his voice hadn't been simply lost in all the commotion. They were, after all, standing a proper distance apart. "...cause a scandal?"

She allowed herself a very short laugh. "Never."

"Right. Bad for business."

"Mm," she hummed in idle agreement, looking back out to the floor.

The look on her face—one not uncalled for given their situation but still almost entirely uncharacteristic—furrowed Damris' brow. "We should just have fun. Everyone else is."

A few musical measures were played before the headmistress, if she could even still call herself that, said calmly, "I was in this position before."

Damris nodded knowingly. She was referring to the gala on Maramere where she had been wanting a change of pace. Back then, the silent prayers she never directly admitted to making were answered by an arrest warrant issued by the Confederacy Intelligence and a certain dashing smuggler.

"There's no Undoubtedly to save us this time," she commented just as matter-of-factly.

"Sure there is, Mal." As she paused to take a sip of her drink, he glanced around to be sure that no gossipers were standing too close by as to potentially overhear.

"It's insufferable enough to try to reconcile the end of my life's work. Don't you lie to me too."

"Alright, that's enough." Damris plucked the flute from her hand and placed it down on the nearest table. "I'm dancing. I'll embarrass you if I go alone." He dared to flash her a small smile and hold out his hand.

She surprised him by slowly putting hers in his.

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Make a Wish
Palace Fountain, Hapes
- Shan Pavond Shan Pavond - Open -

"As well as anyone can be, in unprecedented times such as these." Alicio smirked, watching his own reflection in the water. "Though, it feels like for a long time, the times have been nothing but unprecedented."

They had only ever seen each other in passing. Once at a Noble birthday party. Once on Onderon. Alicio knew nearly nothing about the Mirialan Jedi, and yet... his answer told the senator a lot about Shan Pavond.

"I suppose I'll wish to see my mother again. Been searching throughout the Galaxy for her and every lead is coming up short. I won't bore you with the details. It's a beautiful night and it would be a shame for me to ruin it with a dreadful tale."

Alicio blinked. "You're looking for your mother? Why... would that bore me?" Then, he found a thin smirk. "It isn't selfish of you to be worried for your family, you know."

His own wish? He was still figuring that out. "Well... Safety for my own family, I think. Amani and I, we have twins. Liana and August. What I want, more than anything, is for them to grow up healthy, and happy. So... I guess I'm being selfish, too." He sighed. looking up at the stars.

"I think peace would be the last thing I'd wish for."
Live Every Benduday 18:00 GSC

"I knew you looked familiar, despite being a journalist I've always had trouble putting names to faces. My colleague Horian Rodd had tone a piece on your acquisition of Faltech Pharmaceuticals but perhaps half a year ago. You're reputation proceeds you and might I add your outfit this evening is stunning."

Jysell ignored the lackluster remark from the Skakoan, remising that he had no interest in speaking with her to her chagrin, she bet he could probably smell her only moderately deep pockets from 10 parsecs away and made the effort to steer very clear of her, and yet it also gave her an ounce of power here a whiff of fear from him perhaps despite her cautious approach, after all no ship is too big to sink.

"It's amazing, I arrived a few days early to see the sights, I'd never had a chance to visit the Consortium and to call it breath-taking would be the understatement of the era. I'm still not quite used to the lap of luxury yet despite my show being on air for coming on 4 years." Jysell drew herself in a bit closer "I think my favourite thing about it even to this day is the soap, everything in high society smells so nice, we never had soap this nice at any imperial military camps so I find myself constantly sniffing my hands when I catch the faintest waft."

Jysell worried she may of overshared but also knew that hnesty went a long way with new people and Danger came across as much less judgmental, perhaps it was the way she carried herself, perhaps it was her accent, instantly recognizable from the Arkanis Sector.

"Say you seem more expierenced than I, the drink I have is pretty horrendous, might I ask you to accompany me to the bar?"

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Hapes Charity Event: Obj. I - Hapan Ball

Tags: Vince Vince & Corhaa Iredunn Corhaa Iredunn

Ran hadn't heard of Sarula Illiene. For all the time the Knight had spent beyond the known galaxy, there was no way to know every planet. She took a mental note to inquire after the planet and the people later as Lady Corhaa turned to show her cape. "Simply Stunning," Ran repeated. Then she noticed the Prince's reach for a water with lemon.

"Sorry, Your Highness, but no!" She said friendly and familiar enough. "Two- No! Three Snivvian Salt Burns!" She demanded from the bartender with a smile. "You can't ask after my cocktail, watch me grimace, and have a water with lemon. You will know my struggle, Prince of Onderon!" She teased dramatically. "Sorry, Lady Corhaa but you're a part of this now too." She informed with a smile. The bartender chuckled at the Jedi Knight's antics and served their drinks. Ran knocked back her first, grabbed her second and passed out the others. "Cheers, Company. To Royalty, Religion, and an Extragalactic Community." She said in an attempt to cover the bases of the Prince, herself, and the Lady. Ran put her drink up to the sky and waited for the others to join her.

"How forward of her." She heard one of the Hapan Nobility say. "Does she know who she's in the presence of." From another. "Jedi or not, you do not cheers royalty. So uncouth. She should learn her station." Finally.

For a moment, Ran felt embarrassment wash over her. The Hapan nobility were right. She was uncouth. But did it matter? She was a Jedi not a royal, or noble, or politician. She didn't care if her manners bothered them. She only cared if it bothered the Prince and the Lady. Wondering if she had been too familiar, if she had overstepped, She looked at them to see if they agreed with the hapan group's chastising comments.


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