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Faction [GA | Allies | Neutral] Hapes Charity Event


Hapes Charity Event: Obj. I - Hapan Ball

Tags: Corhaa Iredunn Corhaa Iredunn

“I do wish.” Ran confirmed and took Lady Corhaa’s hand. Even if the lady wasn’t the best dancer or teacher, Ran was just happy to be dancing at all. Ran’s unique perspective on freedom often resulted in heightened feelings of joy. Almost nothing went unappreciated or taken for granted with Ran. From the smallest moments to the gargantuan, Ran experienced them with an open heart and mind. So when she took Corhaa’s hand in the middle of the crowded ballroom floor, she beamed.

Ran let Corhaa lead. She looked up at the Iredani. She wasn’t used to looking up to anybody. Then she looked to the crowd around them as they twirled their way across the dance floor. With grace and a quickness Ran picked up the steps with just enough effort. “This dance is a bit more difficult than what I’m used to.” Ran admitted as what she was used to was swaying, skipping, and gyrating around her ship in her most private moments. She explained as much to the Iredani in more words and wondered what the private moments of Corhaa's life looked like.

“Do you enjoy dancing, Lady Corhaa?” Ran asked. It was a simple question but depending on who the Iredani was it could be so much more. Nobility often looked at dancing as a frivolity or a display of status, formality, or symbol. Ran thought the life of a noble might be a trying one.


TAG: Ran Serys Ran Serys

"From time to time Ran. Usually it's not as fun to dance by yourself. Hence why I don't do it often. Most of the time, my free time is spent painting or taking walks through my city." Corhaa became aware of how dull her life seemed to be outside of her usual duties as Lady of House Iredunn. She continued to lead Ran across the dance floor, brushing past other members of the Hapan nobility. She did take note of Ran picking up things quickly, despite her not being comfortable with this type of dance. "If you are asking if I am enjoying myself right now, I am. You are a good dance partner. For someone who hasn't done much ballroom dancing, you certainly pick things up quickly."

Corhaa would then slowly spin Ran outwards before pulling her back, all in one fluid graceful movement. She held Ran close as it was common to do so in ballroom dancing such as this. "What about you Ran? Do you enjoy dancing?" Corhaa gave a friendly smile, a reassuring one. One to at least help Ran feel a bit more comfortable in the Iredani's presence, as they continued to move around the ballroom. The pair certainly were attracting a modest amount of attention from onlookers.

Perhaps it was the fact that Corhaa was an alien that many never seen before. Maybe it was the fact that Ran was quickly picking the movements up, dancing with such grace that mimicked many of the Hapan elite. Corhaa did glance at the onlookers briefly, some of them muttering to each other in hushed tones. Corhaa couldn't care less about what they thought, as she seemingly spun Ran in place before then dipping her down low, before pulling her back up, as they moved across the ballroom. All in one series of graceful seamless, movements.


Tags: Aiden Porte Aiden Porte
Objective 1: Hapan Ball
Location: Hapan Royal Palace, HAPES


You really do think you beat me, hm?” Jun teased back. She leaned into him when he squeezed her arm. A multitude of emotions were running through her mind; happiness, comfort, nerves, and fear. Jun tried to put those last two feelings to rest and simply enjoy the moment, but as long as her father was hunting her from the Core to the Outer Rim and back, she’d always be looking over her shoulder.

At least, she thought, Aiden was here to help if something happened.

Another jolt of paranoia ran through her, but Jun took a breath and focused on Aiden instead. “Some fresh air would be nice,” she said with a smile. It would help to calm her nerves, and was also a much welcome change from the dusty worlds she’d been frequenting as of late. The fair evening weather was doing wonders for her already. “Hapes is so lovely!” Jun observed. She was running her free hand over white petals in bloom. “Why can’t Jedi ruins be on worlds like this?” She mused, nudging Aiden’s ribs playfully.

You really do think you beat me, hm?

"I am extremely sure, I know I beat you." Aiden chuckled lightly as he glanced to her with a smile, despite him just being a Padawan learner he could sense her emotions just as he could feel his own. He was sure she sensed them too. It was difficult thing to relax and try to have fun during such stressful times. It looked as if they were succeeding thus far. So that was a definite good thing.

Some fresh air would be nice,
Hapes is so lovely!
Why can’t Jedi ruins be on worlds like this?

"It is nice out here." Aiden whispered as he glanced around for a moment. Last time he was here during another event doing Security on behalf of his friend Brandyn. That was definitely a wild and crazy night, when you hack into Hapan security network for your friend, that was indeed a brave thing. Luckily nothing to bad came of that particular event and he wasn't in any sort of trouble.

"Hey!" Aiden giggled lightly as he returned her gesture and nudged her ribs playfully as well. "That's definitely a ticklish spot for me." He laughed as he moved closer to her again.

"We should check out these fountains I've been hearing about. Perhaps along the way we can figure out our next structure to scale." Aiden said with a smile and wink her way.

Jun Chiyo Jun Chiyo


Tags: Aiden Porte Aiden Porte
Objective 1: Hapan Ball
Location: Hapan Royal Palace, HAPES


Jun giggled, covering her face to avoid seeming unladylike to the rest of the partygoers. Luckily, most of them had congregated inside on the ballroom floor, so she didn't have to hide all that much from their prying eyes. She hated the way galas made her feel like she was in the spotlight, but she supposed that was to be expected from the way she had been treated growing up. Jun had to remind herself that the only person here who cared about her was Aiden, and she was perfectly okay with that.

"Mm, the fountains sound lovely," she said. "Hapan sculptures are always so intricate. I bet the fountains have even better craftsmanship." Jun hoped Aiden didn't mind her unabashed nerdiness. She was quite fond of history, architecture, and other such topics.

Jun led them over to the nearest fountain in the garden, a tall one with several spouts waterfalling down into a crystal pool that reflected the sky above. Tiny ceramic tiles adorned the basic, each one depicting the Hapan royal crest. "I think I have a talon to toss in," Jun said, reaching into the small bag she wore over her free shoulder. She pulled a single silver coin bearing the League's crest and held it between her fingers.

"Wanna make a wish?" she asked, looking to Aiden with a youthful grin.

Aiden glanced over to her as she giggled and he couldn't help but follow suit. Just hearing her laugh enough to bring more joy to him, as neither had laughed as much as they were today. Many of their ventures be her rescuing him or there be some sort of archeological find. Granted, the sites were incredibly rewarding and they picked at his inner child as he thought back to his younger years. He recalled sitting in the Jedi Library combing through hundreds of books, reading, researching and everything in between.

"Hapan sculptures are always so intricate. I bet the fountains have even better craftsmanship."

"They sure do Jun." Aiden whispered as he found himself staring often at the structures and statues that came into view. The integrity of these structures was completely intact, as if being restored over and over. One could see the slight aging of the stone, however it still looked in pristine condition. Of all the area's he had travelled too, this place actually won him over the most.

He was sure there something else out there more exotic than this place. There was many planets that had yet to be explored. And much more ruins and excavation sites to comb through.

They made their way to the fountains and he shook his head slightly. Not in disapproval but in amazement. "I could defiantly live right here next to these for the rest of my days." Aiden spoke in jest while partially being serious.

"I think I have a talon to toss in,"
"Wanna make a wish?"

Aiden glanced to her matching her grin and he giggled slightly. "That would be great!" Aiden spoke as he glanced at the coin between her fingers. "That's a nice coin." Aiden thought for a few seconds as he then looked back to her. "You sure you don't want to make a wish?" The Jedi Padawan inquired not wanting to take away her chance to make a wish.


Tags: Aiden Porte Aiden Porte
Objective 1: Hapan Ball
Location: Hapan Royal Palace, HAPES


Jun’s lips curled into a smile as she considered the coin. “It’s called a talon because of the bird,” she explained. “These became the currency of the Rimward Trade League back when Sullust was their primary manufacturing world - the bird is an ash angel.” Jun rubbed the avian symbol with her thumb, regarding it fondly. “We still use them today in the Spacers League.

She stopped then, breathing a sigh as she heard herself speak. She always had to take a simple thing and over explain it. Luckily, Aiden didn’t seem to mind much. When he asked if she was sure about giving him the coin, she nodded and gave his arm a caring squeeze.

You’re here with me, and Father isn’t - my wish already came true. It’s your turn, Aiden,” she said, looking up at him as she placed the talon in his palm.

Aiden watched the coin in her hand, thumb moving over the symbol. The Jedi Padawan listened eagerly, his inner taste for knowledge getting the better of him as he showed a big smile. He always knew it, but she was incredibly smart, far smarter than him. And he was quite sure that she was a bigger....nerd than he was.

Ash Angel....intriguing.

"I'm a bit jealous of how knowledgeable you are." Aiden said and mused on that for a moment.

The Padawan stared for a few moments at the symbol on the coin let out a happy sigh. It was incredibly peaceful right now, it reminded him of the gardens back on Coruscant a year or two prior to this. He thought home of Naboo, then his mind drifted towards Jun Chiyo Jun Chiyo

She truly didn't know how amazing she was, he would make it a point to keep reminding her. Just as long as she kept on teaching him something new.

You’re here with me, and Father isn’t - my wish already came true. It’s your turn, Aiden,

He didn't know it, but he had turned a small shade of red. The fact that she held him in such high regard meant a great deal to him. He casually glanced down to his arm as she gently squeezed, as the coin was placed in his hand. Aiden glanced from the coin and then looked at her, into her eyes for what seemed like an eternity. But simply just a few seconds.

Aiden glanced towards the fountain, his thumb running over the symbol. His mind came to one thought, he smiled. He glanced towards the fountain and with a small flick of his finger, the coin was spinning in the air and landed in the water.

He looked towards Jun and slowly leaned forward, placing a soft kiss against her lips

"Thank you Jun." The Jedi smiled sweetly, then glanced away quickly. He took a deep breath, he could feel his heart racing. He hoped that was okay, it just....happened. Caught in the moment, by the force he hoped he hadn't crossed a line.

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