Blade of Selvaris
Hapes Charity Event: Obj. I - Hapan Ball
Tags: Corhaa Iredunn
“I do wish.” Ran confirmed and took Lady Corhaa’s hand. Even if the lady wasn’t the best dancer or teacher, Ran was just happy to be dancing at all. Ran’s unique perspective on freedom often resulted in heightened feelings of joy. Almost nothing went unappreciated or taken for granted with Ran. From the smallest moments to the gargantuan, Ran experienced them with an open heart and mind. So when she took Corhaa’s hand in the middle of the crowded ballroom floor, she beamed.
Ran let Corhaa lead. She looked up at the Iredani. She wasn’t used to looking up to anybody. Then she looked to the crowd around them as they twirled their way across the dance floor. With grace and a quickness Ran picked up the steps with just enough effort. “This dance is a bit more difficult than what I’m used to.” Ran admitted as what she was used to was swaying, skipping, and gyrating around her ship in her most private moments. She explained as much to the Iredani in more words and wondered what the private moments of Corhaa's life looked like.
“Do you enjoy dancing, Lady Corhaa?” Ran asked. It was a simple question but depending on who the Iredani was it could be so much more. Nobility often looked at dancing as a frivolity or a display of status, formality, or symbol. Ran thought the life of a noble might be a trying one.