Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction [GA | Allies | Neutral] Hapes Charity Event


Wearing : X | X | X | Objective : I & III | Interacting : OPEN

Persephone was buzzing with excitement.

This was her first ever event she was allowed to attend. The young heiress had gone all out ; styling by Chi Chuchi Chi Chuchi , S.I.N. Maw pumps she had practiced wearing for the last week, impeccable makeup and her hair styled back into a higher bun. This was her chance to shine, despite her 'parents' giving her a list of rules nearly as long as her arm. It didn't matter, she didn't plan on breaking any. At least not willingly.

Stepping into the ballroom with a grace and posture that was currently being drilled into her by her finishing school tutor, Persie took a moment to take everything in, biting her lip. Nerves blossomed in her stomach. The teenage girl was suddenly unsure, re-thinking her asking, no begging, to attend the charity ball. Hand came up and fiddled with her necklace, a gift from Iko Vel Iko Vel , in a nervous gesture. She had to will her hand down. If Miss Bellux saw her acting anything less than a refined, educated, put-together young lady there would be hell to pay.

Not that Persephone was sure her tutor was even in attendance. Yet the Matron had eyes everywhere it seemed, and the young Dashiell was taking absolutely no chances.

Smoothing the dusty-blue tulle of her gown, Persphone squared her shoulders and joined the throngs. Might as well grab some refreshment as she tried to figure out the pecking order and lay of the land.

"Thank you, mademoiselle. But I believe you may have mistaken me for someone else."

This guy talks funny. "Nah, it's just a general congrats for any male on Hapes," she amended. "Used to be that they had no rights here and were subservient to the women. Which is bullchit, because men are awesome. They're like these... majestic creatures that ride on horses, and grow beards. I love men, dude."

She may have had a large sample from the punch bowl prior to this conversation. On the other hand, Eloise Dinn was nothing if not honest.

"So who are you, anyway?" she asked him. "You look kind of familiar. I'm Eloise."

A soft laugh escaped Carlo's lips at her comment about horses and beards. "Beards and horses—it's the little things in life that bring us joy, isn't it?" He took another sip of his drink, mulling over her words. The galaxy, it seemed, still held plenty of surprises.

The fact that he was being mistaken for a local piqued his curiosity. Did he really resemble the men of this planet? That was a question to ponder later.

With a light smile, Carlo offered a polite introduction. "Carlo Von Corrino, at your service," he said, opting not to play along with the mistaken identity. "Crown Prince of Carida... and newly appointed Jedi Padawan. Perhaps that's why I seem familiar?"

Eloise Dinn Eloise Dinn



Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau
The Skakoan briefly diverted his attention from the Baroness as he became aware of the growing crowd of nobility, each individual embodying a distinct faction of the Hapan Cluster whose power and influence was being tested by predominantly male opposition due to the Federal Assembly's mandate. The Baroness conveyed to him that the internal commerce of the Hapan Cluster would become accessible to the interests of galactic corporations due to the Alliance-Sith War which might offset certain economic losses.

Out of the corner of his eye, he observed the agile movements of Danger Arceneau as they moved into the room with grace, and whose attire glimmered under the room's illumination captivating the attention of those nearby and leaving an indelible mark on everyone she encountered.

Among the multitude of corporations functioning throughout the galaxy, few could rival the Arceneau Trading Company's level of name recognition and branding. The extensive array of her offerings, which included everything from vehicles to food production, justified her designation as the Queen of Trade; however, it may now be more appropriate to refer to her as the Empress of Trade at this current junction.

"Lady Arceneau - we anticipated your arrival to lend support to the Hapan Cluster, and it appears our expectations were correct. I trust you are aware of the concerning developments originating from the Dark Empire, which could potentially lead to a total cessation of all Arceneau Trade Activity in the area. Such a scenario would be exceedingly detrimental, even for the formidable commercial entity that is the Trade Federation." Laborr articulated in his characteristic droid monotone, while the pressure suit's mechanisms emitted a series of squeals and hisses as methane gas was funneled through the breathing tubes into his eager lungs.

The Dark Empire was intensifying its control over foreign entities operating within their jurisdiction, which posed a significant threat to neutral enterprises like theirs, exposing them to substantial risks of diminished profits.

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Location: Hapes
Objective: 1 or 3
Outfit: XXX


Ko was still rather patched up from his fight back on Eiattu 6. Still feeling rather dejected over getting so hurt while not accomplishing a whole lot. Ko was certain he killed the Zambrano lady but he felt that really wasn’t much of an accomplishment relative to the rest of the battle. He was a few inches away from losing his arm let alone nearly getting cut in half, virtually.

Despite his occasional misgivings Ko was starting to appreciate having such pruneish skin since it hid his scars decently well. At least when it got to the point of being a scar. For now Ko’s side was patched up with bandages and bacta spray from the long grazing cut that Teresa gave him during their fight. The climatic explosion in their fight also left his body terribly sore as well. To him the war between the Alliance and Sith has already started.

His injuries were really the only reason he was here. Ko had no real desire to go to Hapes. But he’d much rather be active where he could. So being here was a decent enough compromise. Plus it wasn’t very often he had a reason to forego his typical jedi robes in favor of something more flashy instead.

Much like the first time he was here Ko made sure to give his antiox mask a real thorough cleaning as well as a shiny polish. It wasn’t uncommon for flashy or regal Kel Dor found offworld to even add gems or jewelry to their masks, or have it be made of precious metals. Not that Ko had the credits for that. He also got to accessorize with a cane as well to help his sore muscles with walking. Sporting something simple in design yet sleek.

Right now Ko was in the lavish ballroom. His vision through The Force allows him to perceive his surroundings and those around him. He wondered if he might find himself with a dance partner or be stuck overhearing the mutterings of gossiping big wigs.
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Wearing \ Gear : X | X | X | X | X
Interacting With : OPEN
Objectives I, III

Makai watched Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell walk off towards the ballroom itself. He wouldn't hover, there wasn't much trouble the girl could get into. Not that he and Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell didn't get into their own brand of 'trouble' at these things at her age, but he didn't suspect she would find any other teenagers to scheme with. Although, being her first outing, Makai hoped he and Ellie had put enough fear into her that she wouldn't see another event until eighteen if she didn't stay on the straight and narrow night.

Grabbing a Corellian Whisky off a tray, free hand adjusted his glasses. He noticed Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau chatting with Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr . For the Trade Federations sake, he really hoped security was tighter than last time. He still had half a mind to send over his dry cleaning bill from that evening.

Yet he wasn't going to piss off the Trade Queen by doing so.

Instead it was a deep sigh as he steeled himself to walk around the room and make small talk. Having acquired a rainbow gem mine, and finding some ancient ancestry linking him to the Hapes Cluster, he supposed it was only right to be here. To keep his face in the loop of things. At least he had the home on Gallinore now, so after this was an excuse to spend some quiet time with his wife and let Persie do a little shopping in the luxury districts on the wealthy planet.

Taking a sip of his drink, he nodded to a rather uncomfortable looking man ( Tarw Rhyfelwr Tarw Rhyfelwr ), who looked entirely out of his element. Makai wasn't surprised, seemed a lot of Jedi and military types in attendance, to be expected given the territory.

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If the abyss stares at you, don't blink

TAG (FRIENDLY) : Wide Open​



"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"


As they made their way back home, Connel couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. Despite not being a fan of large social gatherings, he was grateful for the opportunity to connect with old friends and make new ones. And as he walked under the starlit sky with Buster by his side, he knew that he was exactly where he was meant to be.

As they reached their cozy little apartment, he rented for the night, Connel set down the plate of food for Buster to enjoy before settling down on the couch with a contented sigh

He glanced over at the clock and realized it was late, but he didn't mind. The night had been a good one, filled with laughter, good food, and the warmth of friendship.

As he drifted off to sleep, Connel couldn't help but smile. He may not have been the life of the party, but he knew that he had something far more valuable – the love and companionship of his loyal dog, Buster. And in that moment, he felt truly grateful for all the blessings in his life..

Repli Implants that would be for the limbs
Bonemer enhancements to strengthen structure of the body
Muscle enhancements.
Hemo enhancements for blood flow
Hawkeye implants for eyes
Advanced Medical Implant
"Beards and horses—it's the little things in life that bring us joy, isn't it?"

"Yeah!" she enthusiastically agreed. "I liked beards when I was a kid. Then I went through a phase where I didn't like them. Now I've come full circle, back to being an appreciator of beards." Since he was drinking wine, she helped herself to the punch.

"Carlo Von Corrino, at your service. Crown Prince of Carida... and newly appointed Jedi Padawan. Perhaps that's why I seem familiar?"

"What?" she murmured incredulously. "Crown Prince and a Jedi Padawan? What are the odds of that?..." She paused, her brow furrowing in thought. "I guess it's not that crazy. You're the Crown Prince of Carida, and then we've got the Princess of Ukatis, Queen of Alderaan..." She counted on her fingers how many royals and nobles were in the Jedi Order. "Uh, I feel like there are more than that, but I don't know them.

"I'm also a Jedi Padawan,
" she clarified. "I've probably seen you around a few times, if you're with the NJO or the Vonnuvi Enclave. I've never heard of Carida, to be honest. What's it like?"

Live Every Benduday 18:00 GSC

"Your ticket madam."

"Oh, thank you"

Jysell retorted to the concierge placing her coat check ticket barely into her pocket, before after only stepping one toe into the banquet a different servant wielding a silver plate lined with blue gemstones placed some strange purple glowing drink in her hand. Jysell sniffed the concoction it slightly singed her nose hairs she sipped it and it tasted vaguely of the cleaning product her servant uses at her place on Coruscant, nevertheless she'd tasted worse.

Jysell had never visited the Consortium but heard nothing but interesting things about its glitzy and glamour, Jysell enjoyed getting hammered on foreign worlds but now wasn't the time, but to be fair Jysell wasn't exactly sure what she was here for, she had been invited as a co-workers plus one who came down with a nasty case of Ringo Fever. She certainly wasn't here to donate she made a good salary which gave her certain new luxuries but not substantial financial donation kind of salary at least not here. Not here for companionship not here for altruism then she supposed she was here for work, but not in any professional capacity. So as a journalist looking for the next guest on her she where better to start than schmoozing the slightly inebriated elite.

Sifting through the crowd snacking on a procured Devaronianed Egg along the way and smiling at a handful of familiar faces and even one or two past interviewees she made it to the centre and began scouring for somebody she was actually interested in speaking with or at least listening to. She spotted a Skakoan, truly a wellspring of gossip, like a pioneer discovering a nugget of gold, she approached him and the woman he was speaking with quickly realizing that was the Viceroy of the Trade Federation Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr , she had just spoken with one of his colleagues on her show but two weeks ago so felt confident in striking up a conversation with him.

"Viceroy Rulonom Laborr is it? Jysell Bruman of HNN." Jyseel laughed "Don't worry I am not on the clock, my Holopad is back in my ship! if I was I most certainly wouldn't be up here." Jysell looked at the ginger woman who he spoke with.

"And I don't believe we're acquainted milady."



Make a Wish
Palace Fountain, Hapes

- Shan Pavond Shan Pavond - Open -
Wishes were a tricky thing.

The war was on the horizon, the stakes higher than the Galactic Alliance had ever faced. No wish could avert the looming catastrophes that awaited the innocent. No matter how hard they wanted it to be otherwise, hoping things would be different wouldn't change the future. So what was the use of wishing at all?

That's what Alicio would've told himself, when he was a younger man. He knew better now.

Alicio had come to Hapes to shore up the bonds between as many of the Alliance's people as he could, before they jumped into the fire together. In times like this, there was nothing more valuable to them than unity. But he found himself drawn to the fountain outside, alongside a small smattering of people. So, before entering, to do his due diligence he took a detour.

Where he saw a lone Mirialan, staring into the fountain. Alicio found a soft smile, before approaching.

One moment, he wasn't there. Then, King Alicio Organa, Senator of Alderaan and newly-instated Vice Chancellor of the Galactic Alliance, appeared beside the Jedi, as if melting in from the stars.

"A shame to be alone, on a night like this," He said thoughtfully, adjusting his cape with a stray hand. "Care for some company?"

"What are you going to wish for?"
TAG: Vince Vince Ran Serys Ran Serys
Objectives: 1&3
Outfit: Golden Yellow Dress with cape, Bejeweled Horns


Corhaa had been staring down at her drink. She was already on her third glass, still not entirely feeling the effects of the alcohol. Perhaps maybe she didn't select strong enough drinks. But not like Corhaa wished to be inebriated at this moment. That feeling of guilt was still eating away at the Lady when she heard someone scream "Whoo!" Corhaa looked up a bit surprised to hear such behaviors in the ballroom. She was half sure that the Hapan nobility would be displeased about it as well. Corhaa would then move towards the origin of that sound, the two small droids continuing to hold her cape as she walked. She had half expected to see an unwanted guest. She was shocked to see who it was.

Not an unwanted guest but clearly two people. One well dressed man in uniform of sorts. He looked more like he belonged in a parade rather than a ball. Still though, the attire was formal. Then a green skinned woman in a slim purple dress. The two seemed to be conversing with one another, with Corhaa starting to feel like a bit of a fool. However, she came here to meet new people and that is exactly what she will do. Corhaa approached the duo with a smile, coming to the tail end of the man asking a question. Corhaa simply bowed before them both.

"Evening to you both. I'm Lady Corhaa of House Iredunn. Do you mind if I accompany you both tonight? I find myself lacking in knowing familiar faces here in this gathering." Corhaa gave a small smile as she then sipped her drink. She had no idea what kind this one was but it tasted delicious nonetheless. The droids carrying her cape remained silent, just doing thier duty.
"Oh. Senator Organa. I didn't sense you arriving. Of course I would care for some company. I hope Master Amani is doing well."

Shan lowered his head slightly in Alicio's direction. He had seen the man around a few times. The most recent having been Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze 's ceremony on Onderon, but he had never quite spoken to the man himself. In fact, the Mirialan didn't even know the man he was talking to was the vice-chancellor. Politics and Shan didn't really mix that well so he tried to stay out of it as much as he could.

"There's plenty of things to wish for in my mind. Some foolish. Some smart. Some selfish. Some selfless. There's the classic wish of wanting peace...but who knows how that would come true?"

There was also the orphanage he wanted to build in the future. For the children who's family would be torn apart by war. But that was a far off goal. And unlike most of his other wishes, it was something he could see himself accomplishing. If he just worked hard enough and stuck to his ideals, then it is something he'd be able to achieve eventually. There was only wish Shan could truly see himself wanting. It was a selfish wish but at the same deserved to be selfish every now and then.

"I suppose I'll wish to see my mother again. Been searching throughout the Galaxy for her and every lead is coming up short. I won't bore you with the details. It's a beautiful night and it would be a shame for me to ruin it with a dreadful tale."

Shan had put the search on hold for now. Same with his Jedi duties. Shan the Jedi had been put on ice whilst he studied. He glanced over towards Alicio's cloak for a moment before looking over towards the man with a slight smile.

"What about yourself? What could a King possibly want to wish for?"

Alicio Organa Alicio Organa


Jenn's fleet-footedness... ensured that she would not quite make a fool of herself today, it seemed! A soft exclamation of surprise left her, then, as her cyare pulled her into a twirl! Flushed as her cheeks were, the Mandalorian's complicated feelings regarding such large social events became all but irrelevant, the weight of her responsibilities temporarily lifted from her shoulders. This was... something beyond merely welcoming any attention they might receive - something all too quickly confirmed by Jonyna's words. A devilish smirk pulled at her lips, then, as she fell all too readily into this shared dance of theirs.​
Jonyna's confidence lifted her spirits, and her words left her with a newfound desire to see just what kind of attention they might bring unto themselves. A Cathar and a Mandalorian, dancing away without a care in the world, and eyes only for each other. The myriad eyes in the room no longer felt so weighty...​
"You're so bold, cyare", spoke the Ersansyr in that melodious sing-song intonation of hers. "And captivating as ever..."

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si @Open


Hapes Charity Event: Obj. I - Hapan Ball

Tags: Vince Vince & Corhaa Iredunn Corhaa Iredunn

Ran felt less the fool and more the center of attention. A few looks were thrown her way but none she took as overly critical. They were more curious than anything else. She was beautiful to some and daunting to others. Gazes lingered. There were no murmurs. She wondered if her appearance was the reason she got away with the small outburst of undignified behavior. Before she could go down that rabbit hole, a man in uniform approached her. She noticed his smile first. He was young, strong, and very confident, it seemed.

"I am Ran Serys, Jedi Knight of the New Jedi Order, and the pleasure is all mine, Your Highness." Ran curtsied in return. She took another sip of her drink but without the involuntary audio commentary. Still burned. Still tasted like smoke. But she was beginning to like it, even if her face said the opposite, and it did. "It might not," She returned. "It is a Snivvian Salt Burn, and it is delicious." She gulped the playful joke.

She readied to ask a question but pulled back as another of galactic nobility joined them. "Please join us, Lady Corhaa," Ran invited before exchanging looks with Prince Vince Ivro Kalmorak. She wasn't sure there was an us to join exactly. He seemed to express more interest in Ran's drink than herself. "I find I am in a similar boat, but we shall change that," Ran smiled at the alien woman. "I am Ran Serys, Jedi Knight of the New Jedi Order," She introduced again. "Do you know Prince Vince Ivro Kalmorak, of Onderon?" She introduced somewhat casually.

"From where do you hail, Lady Corhaa?" Ran asked as she admired the woman's dress. "And from where did you get this dress? You look stunning." She wondered if it was a Zellay. Ran had few friends in high places but the fashion designer, Zellay, was one of them.

"Doesn't she look stunning, Your Highness?"



Life was overly hectic as of late. Too much so, if he was being honest. There were few things he enjoyed as little as he did paperwork, but that's all his job had become as of late. A job. That was a terrible thought. But they had to be done. With the brewing wars all on the horizon, it was important that someone handled the logistical side of it. how to work with the Senate, the Alliance military.

So much had to be done, and he hadn't even scratched the surface.

Which was now even bleeding over into leisure time. Even now his mind was going over plans and what to do next and-

"It's not too much, is it?"

He blinked before his gaze shifted to Valery, and he just smiled. A soft, warm smile. No, he shouldn't be thinking about work right now. Instead, he should be focused on Valery. "No, it's not. You're beautiful."

The most, by far.

Kahlil took her hand in his own, idly pulling her right for the dance floor. He understood the question more than she might've expected. It could very well be their last. And if it was, it was going to be the kind they both would be unable to forget. "Why don't we show them what it means to dance, love?" He flashed a grin as he took her by the waist with one hand, the other still holding hers.

No, they wouldn't forget this night.

Valery Noble Valery Noble
The suit jacket clung to her shoulders a bit tighter than she had expected. The deep cut top underneath it showing a bit more of her core than Colette was really used to. A pair of very comfortable and modestly baggy (so not really baggy at all) pants rested gently against her thighs before diving into a very well-worn set of boots.

Colette had come prepared today. Her hair was done up for as much as a short cut hair could be done up, and her eyes were covered in the same eyeliner she had worn to the last event where she had needed to dress up. Heck, she had even done what some would call 'cat eyes' with the help of the knife that now as ever clung to her belt.

Never one for big crowds, she had taken a spot near one of the more calmer areas of the ball. A band was having a freakout nearby due to the fact that their high-as-a-kite lead singer was having a bit of a tongue-filled personal moment with an equally intoxicated trandoshan. Colette had politely asked if she could borrow one of their guitars for a moment and taken the handwaving as a go-ahead.

So, there she sat in a chair with guitar in hand, in a world of her own the music that she had learned from messing around with her own instrument at home. There were some errors, more than a few actually, but she wasn't there to entertain others as much as herself. Everywhere she looked there seemed to be people throwing their money into wells as if that would do anything. And if they weren't doing that they seemed to be gossiping like the worst of the brattiest padawans. Others were just quite simply dancing.

Nah, this relative calm suited Colette just fine. She had wanted to come, but when the opportunity to play the guitar had popped up, well, she had turned into that one person everyone hated at parties. Luckily for her, she had never been invited to parties where that had ever been a problem and as such she had no idea about the faux pas she was making.

Her head and body swayed to the rhythm of the plucks of her guitar. For the moment, she seemed to be completely gone.
Hapes Charity Event

Speaking to Ran Serys Ran Serys and Corhaa Iredunn Corhaa Iredunn

An amused glint in could be seen in his eyes as his smile grew wider. The involuntary grimace she produced from taking another swig of the drink was hard to miss, to say the least. Amusement soon turned to curiosity as she answered his guess with the negatory. "Interesting. We have never tried a Snivvian Salt Burn"

The smile which clad his features remained as another approached. His eyes ventured from hooves to horns. A courteous nod was offered along with a simple "Please" in agreement with the invitation offered by the Jedi. He took half a step back to create a good spot for the Iredani to take. With a look to Ran Serys, he spoke a sincere "Thank you" upon being introduced.

Then, another half-bow of the head was offered to Corhaa Iredunn "We have not had the pleasure of meeting you before."

When the Jedi went on to ask about where the noble came from, a subtle - but not at all well hidden - breath of relief escaped him. The young Royal still had a far way to go when it came to court intrigues and politics. With a fresh smile, he quickly turned to the bartender to ask for a glass of water with a piece of lemon - just quiet enough to not disrupt the conversation. Looking back to Iredunn, he nodded "Quite. We have not yet had a proper look at the cape, but from here, it looks wonderful."


Outfit: Red Dress~ | Wedding Ring

"You look like you need this more than I do," she murmured with a soft smile, gently taking his hand in hers. As his other arm slipped around her waist, she stepped closer, her back arching slightly into his embrace. Her chin lifted so her gaze could meet his, those mesmerizing silver eyes that always held her captive. "You look tired," she whispered, raising her free hand to his cheek, letting the warmth of her palm seep into his skin. Her thumb traced lazy patterns through his beard, her thoughts beginning to drift.

They were both exhausted. The war had taken its toll, and she knew that even when it finally ended, peace and rest would be fleeting, if not impossible. The galaxy had never allowed such moments to last.

But even during times of conflict, she at least had him.

With Kahlil leading, they stepped onto the dance floor, joining the other couples swaying to the melody. One of Hapes' finest orchestras played a soothing Hapan classical piece, easing everyone into the night. Valery quickly found the rhythm, her body moving in sync with his, her only goal to draw his focus away from the war, away from everything — just onto her.

For now, nothing and no one else mattered.

"This isn't the first time we've been on the brink of full-scale war, but it feels different this time, doesn't it?" she asked, her voice tinged with quiet concern. "Maybe it's the visions that Vera and Alicio had, or maybe it's just me, but I can't shake this tension." Her hand gripped his shoulder a little tighter, and her eyes betrayed the worry she tried to hide.

"When it's all over, I just want to be with you again. With the kids..." She sighed, her brows knitting together in clear distress. "But I'm less certain we'll have that chance this time." She looked into his eyes, offering a somber smile, fighting to push away the dark thoughts.

This was their night, and she was determined not to let anything ruin it.



TAG: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze
"You're so bold, cyare", spoke the Ersansyr in that melodious sing-song intonation of hers. "And captivating as ever..."
"You're not too bad lookin' yourself, Lyrana." Jonyna whispered as they danced, hands gripping at Jenn's waist. She needed this, just as much as she wanted Jenn to enjoy it. With all the stress of her new position, Jonyna knew that days like this were numbered, slowly ticking down as the war progressed.

One day, they wouldn't be dancing in ballgowns, but in battle armor. Jonyna was thankful for once, it wouldn't be on opposite sides. A hand reached up, twirling a bit of Jenn's hair. "You ever think about growing this out? I'd love to see you with some longer locks..."

Jonyna had a moment, just hearing Jenn's voice compliment here, it was one thing she couldn't get past about her new girlfriend. The sound of that siren song kept her focus more than anything. Jonyna knew part of that was a slight manipulation of the Force, and under any other circumstances, she'd hate that. She had spent a long time trying to learn to protect herself from mental attacks, from manipulation by those of the Dark Side. But this?

This was the sound of a siren, singing her a lullaby. She need not worry about a woman drawing her in. She could resist if she wanted to, but...

She didn't want to. She wanted to feel safe for once. Feel loved. The sound of the siren made her feel loved...



Obj: III
Dress: xxx
"…and I heard that Valery Noble Valery Noble doesn't wear undergarments beneath her Jedi robes! Isn't that simply scandalous?"

Cora nearly spit out her champagne. The absolute last thing she wanted to picture was what Master Noble did or did not wear underneath her jumpsuit. Still, she couldn't help but turn an ear towards the pair of passing noblewoman who were discussing the rumor milled by Corhaa Iredunn Corhaa Iredunn in loud whispers that would fool no one. It was the tone of voice one used as they pretended to be demure while spreading gossip.

"Why do you suppose that is?" The other woman murmured. "Does it help with movement during Jedi duties?"

"Who knows," the gossiper replied, clearly enjoying breathing life into the rumor. "And who knows what Jedi duties entail…”

"Oh my," went her friend. She raised a decorative fan to her face in a loose attempt to obscure her lips. "Are Jedi not supposed to be chaste? Is that not apart of their creed?"

"Well, then can have families now."
The woman rolled her wrist, sounding unenthused. "But who knows what they get up to on those missions of theirs…"

Cora teetered on the edge of interjecting, but she was too distracted by unfortunate flashbacks of a similar nature.

The life of a Jedi could be rough indeed. When someone put you up on a pedestal, it was only a matter of time before someone else started throwing rocks.

Cora opted to remain quiet and drown her wandering thoughts in a second glass of champagne.

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