Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction [GA | Allies | Neutral] Hapes Charity Event


Outfit: Red Dress~ | Wedding Ring

"You do have a certain allure that gets me going..." Valery whispered, biting down gently on her lower lip as she swayed with him to the soft music in the background. Her arms draped around his shoulders, holding him close in a gentle embrace. This time, her touch was softer, more tender, the passion of their earlier kiss giving way to a quieter, deeper connection. She had poured her heart into that kiss, and the rest of what she wanted to share would have to wait until they had the privacy of their room, where the night was truly theirs.

For now, the dance floor allowed only so much intimacy.

"It's just a flower, love," Valery said with a light chuckle, her eyes sparkling as she gazed up at him. "It's not any different from a Force-imbued object — you can block it out if you want. But unlike artifacts, this is alive, and it's meant to resonate only between true lovers — between soulmates." She felt a blush creep across her cheeks as she held the flower gently between their chests, knowing she was being the hopeless romantic again, but unable to help herself.

"Jonyna helped me find one on Cathar. It was... quite the journey, but I thought it'd be a sweet way to celebrate our love and all the time we've spent together." Valery's voice softened, filled with the warmth of all the memories they shared, the challenges they'd overcome, and the deep bond that had grown stronger with every passing year.

"We don't have to keep it if you don't like it, though," she quickly added, "We don't need a flower or anything to show us that we're meant for each other."



"I noticed. It's weird, though, in my opinion. That you had to cut back, I mean. You didn't make me uncomfortable or anything." It was hard not to notice that. Even holding her hand she wasn't lingering or letting him in like she had before. He hadn't said anything on it, but since she brought it up he didn't see a reason not to. After everything they talked about in the cave, was she really okay with being more distant?

"I don't think you mess with me. Or my thoughts or feelings. Or maybe you do, but I don't think it's bad. You helped me realize what feelings were, but even if you influenced them, they're my own not yours. You don't need to be worried about that, okay?"

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti

Objective I - Hapan Ball
Outfit: x x x x | Equipment: x x x x x x
Interacting with: Aris Noble Aris Noble

. So he was bringing that up?

Zaiya felt a twist of uncertainty in her stomach, a knot that tightened as she realized Aris had hit the nail right on the head. She'd been trying to keep her distance -- not just physically but emotionally, too, through dampening the connection. Touching him meant their emotions would resonate, intertwining in ways that sometimes felt too complicated, too… messy.

Not what a proper Knight would think about their charge, right?

Her pace slowed, her brows knitting together as she thought it through. The twilight cast long shadows around them, making the glowing luminescence of her shifting colors stand out even more against her rosy golden skin. Harder to hide what she felt when it was written all over her face and glowing down her arms. Especially when he said he didn't think it was bad, even if she did accidentally mess with his emotions. The way he said he was grateful for realizing what feelings were gave her a silly, joyful tingle that rippled across her skin in pulses of gold and teal, the colors shimmering in the fading light.

But Aris's words only stirred up more questions -- questions Zaiya wasn't sure she wanted answers to. Things with Aris had been cloudy lately, like trying to see through fog. And she wasn't sure she was ready to navigate through it all.

"Umm… well, why would it be weird?" she asked, her voice quieter than usual. She kept her eyes down, staring into her cup of Juma Juice like it might have the answers. She took a sip, her throat suddenly dry, nerves fluttering in her belly like a swarm of flutterflies.

"That I cut back?" she added, almost more to herself than to him. Hadn't he been the one who said he didn't want her to get too close, didn't want her to bond with him? She glanced up at him, the question hanging in the air between them, the colors on her skin shifting uncertainly into dove-grey tones as if they were trying to settle on the right shade to match her tangled thoughts.

"Isn't that what you wanted me to do?"



Tags: Aiden Porte Aiden Porte
Objective 1: Hapan Ball
Location: Hapan Royal Palace, HAPES


Aiden Porte Aiden Porte must have seen her before she saw him. He was already smiling at her from afar when their eyes met, and she couldn’t help but smile back. She even giggled as he closed the distance between them, something she didn’t do very often -if at all- lately. He came to her in a stunning grey suit that made him look a bit older than before, more mature despite him already being a grounded young man. And then, he told her that she was beautiful, and the stars in the Hapan sky seemed to stutter their twinkling.

… thank you,” Jun said softly. The sentiment was lovely on its own, but even better knowing that he wasn’t just saying it to impress her father. He meant it. “You’re quite handsome yourself,” she reciprocated.

Jun brushed a few loose strands of hair behind her ear, then looked toward the palace entrance. “Are you ready to go inside?” she asked. “Or did you want to explore out here for a bit? I doubt we’d get away with scaling the royal Hapan architecture, but I heard the paths around the grounds are nice!” She giggled again, still just as amused by their antics on Coruscant. Either way, inside or out, Jun would be happy with wherever Aiden felt like going.



"Mm so it's just a representation of how sappy you can get."

Kahlil teased again, but he was all smiles none the less. It was cute, to have it be something that only worked with people who were considered soulmates. To think that a flower would have such a connection with the Force in such a way. He reached for the flower, idly moving it to carefully put in Valery's hair. "I think it's beautiful, almost as much as you. We'll have to find a way to keep it."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Red Dress~ | Wedding Ring

"You like it when I get sappy," Valery replied, her voice soft and teasing as she pouted playfully, her lips curling in a way she knew would tug at his heartstrings. Of course, she knew he wouldn't actually feel bad — Kahlil loved teasing her — but she couldn't resist the temptation to pull out that pleading look, her eyes wide and innocent. Sometimes, she wondered if he was immune to it, with his stoic demeanor and remarkable emotional control. But deep down, she knew that she stirred a whirlwind of emotions within him.

Emotions she knew would be exposed later tonight when they left this ballroom behind.

With a tender smile, Valery stood still as he gently slipped the flower into her long, dark-brown locks. She felt a warmth spread through her, a glow of joy that lit up her skin and made her heart flutter. She couldn't help but beam up at him, her smile growing even more affectionate. Maybe she was a bit sappy, but in moments like this, she didn't care.

"What I heard," she continued, her voice softening, "is that once these flowers are removed from their natural habitat, they'll live as long as the connection between the partners who own it remains strong." A blush crept across her cheeks as she placed her hand over his chest, feeling the steady, comforting rhythm of his heartbeat beneath her palm. "So, for as long as this heart beats for me, we'll have an easy way to keep it around."

She chuckled, her fingers tracing gentle circles over his chest as she looked into his eyes, her own gaze filled with love and a hint of playful mischief. "Maybe we can put it in some water in the bedroom?" she suggested, her voice light as her heart and mind began to wind down from the passionate dance they'd shared.

As she nestled closer to him, Valery couldn't help but notice the subtle glances and whispered conversations of those around them. Her smile faltered slightly as curiosity got the better of her, and she glanced around the room before looking back at Kahlil.

"...what do you think that's all about?"




That's right. He was the one who started it. He frowned a little as he stared into his own juice. He didn't want to hurt her. More than anything he didn't want to hurt her. Especially with the bond. It was certainly a danger, to be close to her. Man all of it was complicated to a level he still didn't know how to handle. He took a sip of his drink before just, smiling.

"I don't really know what I want, or anything. But tonight, we're here as friends, right? Like we've always been, so, we can figure it out tomorrow?"

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti
… thank you,
You’re quite handsome yourself,

"Thank you Jun...." Aiden said as he trailed off, looking into her eyes for a few moments before he broke the connection. He chuckled lightly and cleared his throat. "I tend to clean up pretty good sometimes." The Padawan mused as he held out his arm to her. He wasn't able to hide his excitement too much. "I'm glad you accepted my invitation Jun." Aiden said in a sweet tone, leading the way down the stone walkway. He wondered if they could do this more often. Not particularly the fancy ball scene, but just this.

Be together....

He wasn't sure what that meant, his emotions were in a good flurried state right now. Looking to her again as she spoke about the events.

Are you ready to go inside?
Or did you want to explore out here for a bit? I doubt we’d get away with scaling the royal Hapan architecture, but I heard the paths around the grounds are nice!

The Padawan giggled slightly as he thought about it, more particularly the scaling of the architecture. "Are you in that big of a hurry to lose another race." Aiden teased as he brought his free hand over to give her arm a gentle and affectionate squeeze.

"We could walk the ground for a bit and then go inside and dance if you would like?"

"As long as we...."
Aiden said with a smile and then he trailed off, glancing over as if something had distracted him. But in truth he was trying to keep himself centered. He took a deep breath, trying not to let his emotions or his feelings say too much.

"What do you think?" The young Jedi inquired.

Jun Chiyo Jun Chiyo

Objective I - Hapan Ball
Outfit: x x x x | Equipment: x x x x x x
Interacting with: Aris Noble Aris Noble

Zaiya caught it, the way Aris's face froze as the realization hit him — he'd been the one to push her away, to warn her about bonding with him. He'd made her hyper-aware of every move she made around him, every flicker of the Force that might pull them closer. Zaiya didn't fully understand how the Force formed bonds, but she knew enough to be concerned. If resonating with Aris meant wanting to be with him more and more... what was the point if Aris couldn't — or wouldn't — feel the same?

Valery's words echoed in Zaiya's mind, heavy and inescapable. Aris's condition, she'd said, meant he would never connect with the Force like others did. The bond Valery shared with her own husband, Kahlil, something deep and profound, would be impossible with Aris. Coming from the Grandmaster of the Jedi and Aris's mother, those words held a truth Zaiya couldn't just brush aside.

A wave of sadness washed over her, draining her normally vibrant patterns to muted greys tinged with a silver glow. The realization that Aris might never be able to share or even reciprocate her feelings was like a weight pressing on her chest. Zaiya forced a smile, though it felt strained, and tried to shove the hurt away. It wasn't fair to blame Aris or be upset something he couldn't control, especially when he was trying to prevent her from being hurt. He was just trying to do the right thing, to keep their friendship from getting tangled in all the mess. She could accept that. She had to.

But it still hurt.

"Yeah, we're here as friends," Zaiya said, willing her colors to shift, the silver glow warming into a soft, burnished gold. She managed a ghost of a real smile this time. "Best friends."

If Aris wanted to pretend everything was normal tonight, to just be them again and leave the worries for tomorrow, Zaiya was all in. No matter how mixed-up her feelings were, her bond with Aris as her best friend hadn't changed. That was still solid.

"We can do that."
If tonight was the last chance she'd get to be close to him like before, then she'd take it, no questions asked.

"Does that mean I can do whatever I want then? No holding back?" She couldn't help the teasing note in her voice, her eyes sparking with the familiar playfulness that always defined their friendship. Like normal. Or maybe, if Zaiya was honest with herself, like she'd wanted things to be lately — closer, braver, even if all the fluttery feelings made her all the more conscious of him.



"You're right, I do."

There was nothing more precious to him than the moments Valery could get sappy. They didn't have the chance to do that much at all, especially with the wars ongoing around them. Even without the wars it felt like it wasn't enough. He wanted these moments with her to last forever. The idea that this would last though, until their hearts stopped?

He chuckled and nodded his head.

"Water, in the bedroom. I like it."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Red Dress~ | Wedding Ring

"Really?" Valery's smile brightened, a radiant beam of joy as she squeezed his hands. The flower had been a bit of a gamble. She still remembered the time she'd tried a pheromone-based perfume, and how much he hadn't liked it — anything that affected him against his will never sat well with him. But this flower was different. It wasn't a forceful influence but rather something that resonated with the deep connection they shared, something rooted in their bond and love, something no one could ever use against them.

Something uniquely theirs.

"I'm really happy to hear it." Her voice trembled slightly, and she felt a sudden rush of emotion welling up inside her. Her lips quivered, and her eyes began to glisten with unshed tears. Unable to hold it back, she sniffled softly and quickly wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him close and burying her face into his shoulder. Everything about tonight had heightened her emotions, amplifying the love and the fear that mingled within her heart.

This might be their last dance without the looming dread of war, their final moment of peace before the galaxy descended into chaos once more. The thought weighed heavily on her, and for a moment, the possibility that this could be their last romantic dance together flashed through her mind, bringing a tightness to her chest.

"I love you, and I want to be with you forev—" Valery suddenly paused, her gaze shifting over her shoulder as she caught the faint sound of her name being whispered. She could feel the eyes on her, the subtle shift in the air as people exchanged hushed words.

"Love..." she whispered, her voice barely audible as she leaned in closer to Kahlil, her brow furrowing with a mix of confusion and embarrassment. "They're talking about me not wearing underwear," she confessed, her cheeks flushing with color as she misunderstood the nature of the rumor, unaware that it was about not wearing it under her jumpsuit, rather than the elegant dress she currently wore.



"Whatever you want, no holding back." Which could've been a problem, but Aris knew Zaiya wasn't going to do anything crazy. Probably. He just smiled, deciding that the colors she showed, the conflict and sadness, was indeed something they could handle tomorrow. He took her hand in his, squeezing gently before pulling her along towards the outdoors. The fountain.

"Let's go make a wish, yeah?"

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti

Objective I - Hapan Ball
Outfit: x x x x | Equipment: x x x x x x
Interacting with: Aris Noble Aris Noble

Well, Aris did not need to hear Zaiya say just how excited Zaiya was as soon as he confirmed that -- she lit up like a Life Day Tree, the Lovalla bouncing on the pads of her feet as a spark of delighted gold and blue bioluminescence went dancing over her rosy golden skin with an iridescent jewel-like shimmer.

"Great! No takebacks!" she immediately said, darting forward to immediately loop and hook her free arm around his, pressing herself against his side, the resonance freely crashing into Aris without any blocks. Zaiya was bare for Aris to feel and vice versa again.

It felt like home.

"Okay! To the well! Do you already have an idea on what you want to wish for?" She asked, thrilled and tugging Aris along towards the well's direction, a bounce in her step.

"Not sure how it is supposed to work. Never heard of a wishing well before. Are there rules?"



They were doing what.

Kahlil's gaze immediately shifted about before he let out a heavy sigh. Rumors, was it? That wasn't alright with him at all. He squeezed her side gently as he gave her a smile. The rumors didn't matter now at least. Now, if he was honest, it was time to start heading out together for the evening. Dancing, wishing, all of it had been quite a bit of fun.

But he was ready for more.

"Let's get home, love. They can be left to wonder."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Red Dress~ | Wedding Ring

Valery felt her face flush a deeper shade of red as she caught Kahlil's reaction to the rumor. The way his gaze darted around the room before he sighed heavily told her everything she needed to know — he wasn't happy about it. She bit her lower lip, feeling a mix of embarrassment and frustration at the gossip swirling around them. But before she could dwell on it too much, she felt his reassuring squeeze on her side, and when she looked up, his smile made her heart settle.

The rumors didn't matter, not really. Not when she had him. And there was something... sexy about that protective look in his silver eyes.

"Leave now?" she teased, raising an eyebrow as a playful smirk spread across her lips. "But there are still so many people to talk to, and I'm really enjoying the night. Why rush off so soon?" Her tone was light, but she knew exactly what she was doing — making him work a little harder for the fun he had in mind.

"I can't walk fast on heels either, love," Valery added, that smug grin spreading with every word, "Are you sure we shouldn't just stay and rent a room later?" Deep down, she also wanted to go home and have some fun, but it was far too entertaining to poke at him a little in these moments. Those few chances she had where she could tease him.

Perhaps she'd push him far enough to carry her out of here.

Or, she'd just get in trouble.



No takebacks.

Aris chuckled softly as he nodded, and at once the familiar lack of barriers between them returned. His smile softened. It was hard to know how much he missed it until he felt it again. And he did. He missed it much more than he thought.

"Yeah. I have a wish in mind. Only rule I know of is we're not supposed to tell people our wish. So.."

He let her go, smirking.

"No cheating. Make your wish, I'll make mine."

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti

Objective II - Wishing Well
Outfit: x x x x | Equipment: x x x x x x
Interacting with: Aris Noble Aris Noble

As soon as Zaiya hooked her arm around his, she felt it -- the familiar connection, the way his emotions just flowed through her like a quiet, gentle stream. No barriers, no walls. Just him.

Glancing up at him, Zaiya caught how his smile softened, and in that moment, Zaiya realized just how much he'd missed this too. Missed her. And, honestly, feeling that was incredibly validating. Maybe she had been overthinking so much that Aris wasn't really bothered that she hadn't been touching or resonating with him as she used to. Here, Zaiya confirmed that he did.

"Yeah. I have a wish in mind. Only rule I know of is we're not supposed to tell people our wish. So.."
Before Zaiya could say anything, Aris let her go, his smirk playful but with a hint of something else -- something deeper that she could just feel. It lingered between them, even as he stepped back. Zaiya's skin flickered with faint pinks, curious oranges, thoughtful ambers, and mischievous amused cyan, teal, and light blue hues, her emotions swirling from the sudden disconnection. It's funny how she missed the contact already.

"No cheating. Make your wish, I'll make mine."

Deciding that she was casting all muddled thoughts to the seven winds, Zaiya's smile brightened to a grin, and she gave Aris a pointed but semi-dramatic expression of curiosity. "Oh, I wonder what your wish would be then? Maybe to be that Battlemaster you've been training to be, hmm?"

She spun on her heel, freed from his hold, and took a couple of bounding steps in front of him before twirling around in a flounce of black chiffon. Her rosy golden skin shimmered, teasing cyan and golden bioluminescence in the twilight. She clasped her hands behind her back and began to walk backwards slowly, just like she had back on that Bazaar when she first met him.

"Or maybe to be able to eat all you want and cheat on your diet without gaining kilo!" she joked, laughing, the sound carressing the wind with her melodic tone.

"Hmm, what should I wish for?" She pondered before spinning on the pad of her slipper and moving forward again. Once again, her skin danced between color tones and luminescent glows as her emotions and thoughts ran wild. Honestly, there were lots of things that came to mind. Things that were important to her. Zaiya wished for family, connection, and friends. For those she cared about to be safe and healthy. For stuff with Aris and her to clear up. The possibility of finding someone to love just like her parents did, despite how long it might take. To feel another to the extent they had and never feel alone. To do well in her studies and be the best knight possible.

Yet if one really thought on it, regardless of how silly the thought was of a well granting wishes, at the end of the day, Zaiya was still very worried about forcing anyone into a situation that wouldn't allow them to be fully conscious of their decision or feelings. Wishing for love, friends, and connections, if it did come to pass, would always make her wonder if it was due to the magic of the wishing well and not because they really wanted to be a part of Zaiya's life.

In the end, there was only one real items she could wish for that wouldn't force anyone else into Zaiya questioning their real desires -- To wish to become the best personal Knight to Aris she could be. She was sure that it would also allow her to be the best Jedi she could be, as the two were more apt to run parrallel than not.

"Okay, I think I have my wish!" she sang out, giving a little skip until they finally made it to the well, fully intending to grab his hand again once he was close.


Aris snickered at Zaiya's speculations, but he neither confirmed nor denied them. Instead, he just smiled the same, soft smile he had. He already knew what his wish was going to be. The moment Zaiya had let down her walls he realized what his wish was going to be. A kind that he'd never say aloud. Once they were at the fountain he didn't take her hand just yet. Wish first.

Silently he tossed his coin in.

Soon as he did, he waited for Zaiya to do the same, then he'd take her hand.

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti

Objective I - Hapan Ball
Outfit: x x x x | Equipment: x x x x x x
Interacting with: Aris Noble Aris Noble

Zaiya squeezed her eyes shut, her brows furrowing with concentration. Her rosy golden skin shimmered like the glow of a bioluminescent ocean wave, each ripple reflecting the excitement she felt. With a flick of her wrist, she tossed her spare credit into the well, her opal blue eyes snapping open to catch it just in time to see it disappear with a satisfying plunk.

"Okay! All done!" she declared, sparkling with mischief as she turned to Aris.

But instead of just taking his hand, Zaiya made her move, stepping into Aris's personal space. She clasped his hand and tugged him forward, closing the distance between them. Before he could react, her arms wrapped around his waist, pulling him into a hug that crashed into him with all the enthusiasm she could muster. Her skin rippled with vibrant hues, glowing softly as the scent of hyacinth from her colorful hair surrounded them. Her cheek pressed against the intricate necklace he wore, the cool jewels contrasting with the warmth of his chest, but she didn't mind. Despite the faint pink that mottled her spots, Zaiya held on tight, savoring the contact.

This wasn't just any hug. She wanted it to linger, to feel his presence enveloping her like a warm blanket. She could feel his heat, the steady rhythm of his breath and heartbeat, the way his muscles flexed under her touch. It was like recharging her power cells, drawing strength from their connection, their resonance.

Her palms rested against his bare back, feeling every shift of movement as if it were a silent conversation between them. She knew she'd probably caught him off guard -- Aris wasn't always one for close contact. But she couldn't help herself.

"No takebacks!" she said, her voice muffled as she hid her face against his chest, hoping he wouldn't pull away. She could feel the press of the necklace, but more importantly, she felt his warmth, his solid presence grounding her. Her emotions swirled -- happiness, contentment, and a joy that sparkled with a hint of mischief, all tinged with a whisper of longing. But beneath it all, there was a flicker of anxiety, a tiny worry that he might push her away. The last time she'd tried to hug him like this, he'd frozen up, unsure of how to react.

"Just for a bit," she murmured, her words soft against his chest. "Okay, maybe more than a bit. I won't do anything else that might make you uncomfortable, I promise." Her voice carried a quiet plea, hoping he'd understand and let her stay, if only for a bit longer.



Aris, for a moment, froze. He hadn't expected a hug, not like this. It was as if she was cashing in on all she'd been holding back. It took a moment, but slowly, he wrapped his arms around her. Tightly, at that. Tighter than he thought he might hug her. The realization of just how much he really missed her, how much he really liked knowing how she felt without needing to see her colors. Unlike the last time, he didn't freeze up for long at all.

He felt the same. Probably more than either of them realized.

"More than a bit is fine, Zaiya."

He whispered in turn, tightening the hug a little more. Only friends was what he said, friends for the day, not thinking about anything more, not bothering with anything more. Tomorrow they could figure that all out. This only made that so much harder to do.

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti

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