Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction [GA | Allies | Neutral] Hapes Charity Event


Objective I - Hapan Ball
Outfit: x x x x | Equipment: x x x x x x
Interacting with: Aris Noble Aris Noble

"Whatever you'd want. But that's only because I know that you'd never take advantage of it."

Okay, so maybe he had that right. But it was fun to tease him about it.

"Mmm, minor technicality," Zaiya replied, flashing him another mischievous grin. "But fair."

The music came to a close, and then they were done.

"Oh! Right, Juma juice!" Zaiya blurted, remembering her haphazard offer when Aris had first shown up. She'd been so caught up in everything, she'd completely forgotten.

"Yeah, let's go grab some!" She drew back slightly, pulling her hand away from his shoulder, but kept a comfortable hold on his other hand, not wanting to break the easy connection they had. It was like her skin was practically buzzing with a warm glow of pinks and soft blues, reflecting the light-heartedness she felt.

"I did work up quite a thirst with all my amazing dancing," she said, puffing up playfully, before leaning in close and whispering like it was a grand secret. "We won't mention the one stubbed toe, though."

She was feeling good -- really good. There was something about dancing, about laughing, that made everything else fade into the background. She tugged Aris's hand, guiding him through the crowd, her mind already set on hunting down the drink and buffet tables.

But then she caught sight of Aris's parents back on the dance floor, and her steps slowed. "Oh, there they are again," she said, her eyes following the rather... enthralled movements of the pair. But then she did a double take, her skin flickering with a soft shimmer of confusion.

"Wait, does… your mother have a flower between her lips?" Zaiya's rosy gold skin shifted, blooming with citrine and hints of curiosity. She could sense something off -- or rather, something unusual. There was a strange, strong aura of the Force radiating from the rose, a kind of energy that pulsed and flickered, catching her attention like a beacon. She didn't feel any of the effects that Aris's parents seemed to be under, but she felt the Force energy, clear as day.

Turning to Aris, she raised an eyebrow, her expression a mix of amusement and genuine curiosity.

"Uh, is that, like, an Epicanthix mating dance?" she asked, her tone light but genuinely puzzled. She had to admit, she didn't know a whole lot about Epicanthix customs, and this… this was definitely new.


"Mm maybe I should make another wish. A well behaved wife."

Kahlil gave quite the bemused smile to his wife. Making him ticklish, was it? Leave it to her competitiveness to think of such a silly wish. If anything they wished for came true, that was what came to mind? He doubted that much, she was just being a brat, as ever. And he knew how to tease her in turn. He certainly didn't ever want her to be some well behaved woman.

Time and time again, she proved as much too. "Don't look? All I want to do is look at you. That's quite the ask." Did he close his eyes anyway? Absolutely. He was patient at first, though he clearly felt something pulling at him. The Force? A brow raised as he opened his eyes before they curiously fell on the flower between her lips. It felt.. Odd. He'd have to ask about it later.

Right now she was challenging him.

He just smirked as he reached out to take her hand, then pulled her immediately close to start another dance with her. He didn't hesitate to pull ad spin her, taking complete control as he did before. But he never once went for the flower. He just smirked a rather smug smirk as he leaned close every time as if he would, only to not. She wasn't the only one who could tease.

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Red Dress~ | Wedding Ring

A well-behaved wife.

A well-behaved wife???

Valery slowly exhaled through her nose, fixing him with a sharp glare that could only be described as a death glare—though there was no mistaking the playful fire behind it. She knew exactly what he was doing, trying to turn the tables and tease her back, but she wasn't about to let him win that easily. Not tonight.

Kahlil just smirked, thoroughly enjoying her reaction as he pulled her into another dance, his hands guiding her with the same confident ease as before. Valery moved with him, matching his pace, but there was an added edge to her movements now — something deliberate, designed to tempt and provoke him further. She could feel the heat of his body, the strength in his hold, and it only fueled her determination to win this little game.

As he spun her around, dipping her low and pulling her close again, Valery noticed the way his eyes kept darting to the flower she held between her lips. Each time he leaned in, she thought he was about to take it, her heart racing in anticipation, only for him to pull back at the last second with that smug, infuriating grin on his face.

Oh, he was good.

But she could do better.

With a playful huff, Valery decided to up the heat. She tilted her head just so, letting the flower slip slightly from between her lips, making it all the more accessible to him. Her eyes sparkled with mischief as she leaned in closer, her breath warm against his skin. "Are you really going to resist?" she purred, her voice somewhat muffled but still a seductive whisper as she brushed her lips — flower and all — against the corner of his mouth.

She felt the tension in his grip, the way his body reacted to her nearness, and she knew she was getting to him. She had to be getting to him, right?

Frustrated but far from defeated, Valery tried a different approach. She let one hand trail down his chest, her fingers lingering over the fabric of his shirt before slipping to the small of his back, pulling him even closer.

"Come on, love," she whispered, her voice laced with both challenge and desire. "Take it. I know you want to."



"For someone who didn't know there was more than one type of dance it certainly was amazing."

Aris quipped in return, flashing just a brief smirk. He wasn't going to rub it in much, but she was raised in a college. Wouldn't that make sense for her to know more, at least about dancing? .. Wait no that didn't make sense. He blinked, but didn't dwell on it. Right now, juice. He followed along with her, now just smiling as he looked ahead. Then, frowned. Not an upset frown, but, a kid cringing at his parents pda frown.

"It's.. Something, alright. Let's just get juice, yeah?"

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti

Objective I - Hapan Ball
Outfit: x x x x | Equipment: x x x x x x
Interacting with: Aris Noble Aris Noble

“I’m a fast learner,” Zaiya quipped back with notable sassy charm — one that ended up turning into a mild snicker at the obvious uncomfortable expression Aris gave, fed even further by the resonance.

Oh right.

“Alright let’s go. Before you start changing into brighter colors than even I can show,” she’d tease him, shaking her head at how embarrassed he was over his parents very obvious affection for one another. Granted, it did seem a bit too much, but Zaiya’s had very little experience to draw upon.

“If showing that much affection bothers you, then what will you do if you end up liking someone Aris? Or is everything just gross to you?”

It was as much avid curiousity regarding the matter as wondering just what Aris was comfortable with.

Or did that just change when someone actually found their mate?

They left the dance floor behind and found the line of snacks and beverages — yup, sparkling Juma juice and other options were available, even the alcoholic ones if one wasn’t careful.



There was... such tenderness, in the siren's heart. Few were privy to this aspect of hers, for she wished to be known by her legend, her name sung for generations - and her people favored might over gentleness. In spite of such reservations, the fiery-haired Mandalorian's heart all but melted whenever she found herself in the presence of the Sentinel of Harmony. There were no expectations here, no demands of self-sacrifice for the greater good! Only twin oceans for the wise Alor to lose herself into, drawn to the Cathar's gaze as silent stretched over the pair of them...
And when her declaration was reciprocated, Jenn had to fight the urge to claim the Cathar's lips for herself once more. No, there was so much more for her here, so much promise behind her words; her curiosity now stirred, she brought a hand to cup her lover's cheek, her smile growing just a little bit brighter.
"Well? Come on, tell me... you wouldn't want to leave your Lyrana waiting, would you Moontide?"
The slightest touch of mischief filled her voice, then. Not quite enough to shatter the magic of such a moment... but enough to remind her beloved of just how receptive she was to her words. Far more laid-back a figure than one might expect of the many titles she had earned for herself, or the august presence she summoned whenever official dealings called upon her.



TAG: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze

Jonyna was alwasy a bit private when it came to matters like this. For everything else in her life, she was an open book, shameless in her approach to how she saw the world.

But this?

This was her secret.

The Cathar paused to look at the clock.


"...I wish..." She paused, watching as the clock struck midnight.

"I wish I could have your kids. Biological ones, I mean." She said, wanting nothing more than to be a mother. In moments like this, she would have to admit her jealousy of Valery Noble Valery Noble . The Grandmaster of the Order, Mother of many, and well put together. A planet safe from attack, a home and husband who welcome her every night...

It was all Jonyna ever wanted. Jonyna had always been a dreamer, but one girl's dream was universal across all species. Every little girl was trained from a young age to want to be a mother. Especially in her culture, one still showing the scars of being nearly wiped off the timeline thousands of years later.

Jonyna had always wanted children of her own. She now had two, adopted at a late age. Ko Vuto Ko Vuto had now gone off to make a name for himself, even if Jonyna had only had the chance to be his mother for a short while. Rayia Si Rayia Si was still young, but she was always a quiet one who kept to herself when possible. She loved them both, she saw them both as her young, but...

There was always the dream. The dream of having a child all her own. Was it selfish? Probably. Jonyna had always been a woman who prided herself on her selflessness. It was deep in her own philosophy. To help others is to live a happy life.

But there were few things, this being one of them, that she craved for herself.

She wasn't sure it was even possible. Jenn and Jonyna were drastically different species, and she'd tried before with her last two partners...

Jonyna wished, praying to the Force itself for this one thing. She lived by the belief that to use the Force was to ask it favors, but she rarely had to beg.

Today, she was begging. She was wishing. She was dreaming.


Jenn's mouth dropped agape, and her eyes went wide.
She knew just how badly the two of them yearned for one another. How they tried to take it slow, only to lose themselves in their adoration for one another. But nothing could have prepared her for Jonyna's wish... nor how profoundly it echoed within her heart and soul.
Even now, she remembered her first meeting with Valery Noble Valery Noble - the honorable adversary whose demeanor soon led her to become Jenn's greatest friend. How the Grandmaster had cared to show her pictures of her family when asked, the sight of such joy planting a seed within the Mandalorian's consciousness. It seemed such a fulfilling experience, after all! Alas, she soon found herself embroiled in a conflict greater than she could have anticipated, and through the many mistakes she made, her relationship crumbled. It seemed that she may never get a family of her own...
That was before she met Varys, adopting the girl as her own - and realizing just how fulfilling an experience motherhood was, if complicated at times. The thought of having another child, this time borne of her flesh and blood... was almost dizzying.
Perhaps it was a selfish and foolish wish, to long for something so significant, after so short a time together. Perhaps a Jedi should yearn for peace, just as Jenn was supposed to yearn for a measure of stability for her Clan. But tonight?
Tonight, they could afford to be a little selfish, for once.
Was it so bad, for them to dream?
"... to our family, then."
And with that, she wrapped her arms around her Moontide, holding her close as the clock hit midnight. It was the kind of embrace they both needed; a reminder that they were no longer alone with their heartache. They didn't have to be alone anymore.
Fire and Water.



TAG: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze
"... to our family, then."
The word was such a ring of a bell in her ear as Jenn said it.


It was something she had lost. Something she couldn't appreciate when she had it. When she finally got it back, she had missed so many memories. Watching her brother walk for the first time, watching him grow. Watching her sisters be born, watching them grow. When she finally reconnected with the Si family, it had exploded in size. Eight siblings, none of which she got to really know.

Her legend grew, but she didn't get to share it with her family. Her sister, Nala, had become the member of Luke's jedi order that she had wished for.

Now they all slept on Ryloth, and Jonyna had the chance to grow the family once more.

As Jenn took the Cathar into her arms, Jonyna let out a low purr. Family. Someday they'd have a family. Someday soon.

"Sing me a lullaby my sweet siren..." Jonyna asked, as she wrapped her arms around Jenn as well, starting a slow dance, private to only them.



"I will when I deem it appropriate to."

Kahlil spoke calmly as he smiled at his wife. He was now actively keeping his emotions close to the chest. She wanted to get a rise out of him, he knew it, but keeping her from seeing it would only make her try harder. It was a game to him now, and one he was fully intending to win. Another spin pulled her along from the dip as he briefly flashed a challenging grin.

He was keeping his emotions tight, but it didn't mean they were fully hidden away.

"Right now I'm enjoying the dance."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


"I- Don't know. I don't think I'd ever be able to do something like.. What they do."

Aris grumbled softly. He didn't have a retort to Zaiya this time, just a faint red of his skin. She hit the nail on the head with just how embarrassed he could get with this topic. Instead, he focused on the drinks, snatching up one of Juma to sip at with the ever present and clear attempt to not look behind him at his lovey dovey parents. "I just.. don't get it really. Especially with people watching."

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti


Outfit: Red Dress~ | Wedding Ring

She loved their little game, almost as much as he did.

"Oh, is that so?" she purred, letting her voice drip with honeyed sweetness as she met his challenging grin with one of her own. "I suppose I can wait… but I won't make it easy for you."

As he spun her out from the dip, she let the momentum carry her, her body moving with a fluid grace that seemed almost effortless. But every movement was deliberate, every step meant to draw his eyes back to her. The air between them crackled with tension, a mixture of challenge and desire that was impossible to ignore.

Valery leaned in close again, her lips brushing against the shell of his ear as she whispered, "Are you sure you want to wait? The longer you resist, the more tempting it will be." Her breath was warm against his skin, and she knew he could feel the slight tremble of anticipation in her voice, even as she kept her tone steady.

She pulled back just enough to catch his gaze, her eyes dark with intent as she let the flower dip even lower, resting on the edge of her lips. "Right now, I'm enjoying the dance too," she said softly, her voice laced with seduction. "But I'm also enjoying watching you struggle to keep that cool exterior," she added with a sly smile. Valery took his hand and guided it to her waist, pressing his palm against the curve of her hip. The contact was electric, sending a jolt of warmth through her, but she kept her composure, her gaze locked onto his.

"I know how you really feel," Valery said as they swirled together underneath the Gala's lights, "Who will break first?"


Objective I - Hapan Ball
Outfit: x x x x | Equipment: x x x x x x
Interacting with: Aris Noble Aris Noble

Zaiya took a cup of bubbly Juma juice and took a drink; her nose crinkled at the ticklish sensation as she took a sip.

Yup, there he was, turning a bright pink. Zaiya didn’t have to hold his hand to know he was embarrassed. Feeling a pang of sympathy, Zaiya shook her head and gave him a soft smile.

“Come on, let’s go for a walk outside. I hear there’s some sort of wishing well. Think it actually works?” She asked, leading him away from the crowds so they could move away from the odd and very public mating dance rituals of his parents.

“And I don’t think you need to worry about doing things you aren’t comfortable with, public or private. My parents didn’t act like yours but they were affectionate in their own way. I think maybe everyone is different.” At least that’s what it seemed like to her.

“Although I guess doing that much with people watching would feel weird.” On that she could agree. It didn’t seem as if the intent there was mere affection but something more.

Things to understand once one was older and had a mate Zaiya guessed.

Last edited:


"It is so."

Kahlil just smiled as he held Valery's waist. He squeezed just a little as he did before pulling her up with a simple, calm smile. The grin was the only show of emotion he'd given, the only show he would. A teasing, smug grin as he spun his wife around again to hug her back to his chest and sway just a little to the music. All so he could in turn lean down to whisper in her ear.

"We both know you will be the one to break first, love."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


"Mmm well. Well sounds nice, yeah."

And freedom from his source of embarrassment. Aris closed his eyes briefly before looking pointedly towards where he figured the well would be. He walked with Zaiya out, not once looking back to watch his parents do.. Whatever it was they were doing. At least once they were outside he could let out a breath as he reached up to rub his face with his free hand.

"It is weird. They're very weird. I don't understand this side of them at all."

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti


Outfit: Red Dress~ | Wedding Ring

Valery’s heart pounded in her chest as Kahlil’s hands settled on her waist, the firm yet gentle squeeze sending a wave of warmth through her that made her breath hitch. She could feel the steady rhythm of his heartbeat against her own as he pulled her close, their bodies pressed together so intimately that it was impossible to ignore the rising heat between them. His calm smile was maddening, that teasing, smug grin only adding to the tension that was building within her.

He spun her effortlessly, her feet barely touching the ground as she followed his lead, and when he pulled her back against his chest, the closeness was almost too much to bear. She felt the strength of his arms around her, the solid warmth of his body enveloping hers, and it sent a shiver down her spine. The music played softly in the background, but all she could hear was the sound of her own heartbeat, the quickening pulse echoing in her ears.

Then, his breath was against her ear, his voice a low, seductive whisper that sent another shiver racing through her.

The words were a challenge, a knowing taunt that made her blush deepen, her skin tingling with the undeniable truth of his statement. He knew her too well — knew how to push her to the edge, how to tease her until she was ready to break. And in this moment, with their bodies pressed so closely together, the tension between them finally became too much.

Without a word, Valery reached up and gently pulled the special flower from between her lips, her hand shaking ever so slightly as she held it for a moment between them. Her eyes met his, dark with the passion she could no longer contain, and with a swift, determined motion, she captured his lips in a deep, fiery kiss.

The contact sent a spark through her, igniting the flames that had been building within her all night. She kissed him with everything she had, pouring all her love, her desire, her need into that one moment. And just as their lips began to part, she reignited the kiss, unwilling to let the connection between them break. Again and again, she pressed her lips to his, each kiss more passionate, more intense than the last, as if she were trying to imprint this moment into her very soul.

Finally, when she could hardly breathe, she pulled back just enough to rest her forehead against his, her breath coming in soft, uneven gasps. "You win," she whispered, a breathless confession filled with love and surrender. But as she gazed into his eyes, a small, playful smile curved her lips.

"This time."

Again, Valery raised the flower between them, its connection to the Force igniting their bond, and smiled with pleading eyes, "What do you think?"


Objective I - Hapan Ball
Outfit: x x x x | Equipment: x x x x x x
Interacting with: Aris Noble Aris Noble


Nights on Hapes or any of the Transitionary mists worlds were unlike anywhere else. The stars were so dense that it left Hapes in a near constant twilight, with the night sky a curious display of their light.

Zaiya’s attention went up to this sky, but her eyes would drift over towards Aris, watching him visibly start to relax, but clearly still uncomfortable regarding the public displays of affection by his parents.

Okay, I wont tease him about it anymore, she told herself, sipping on her Juma juice.

“Well, lots of cultures are different with how they express affection or how they feel about one another. I guess among people within that it can be more or less depending on what they are comfortable with.” Zaiya mused.

“You know me, I generally like physical affection as a whole … but I know I can get into someone’s personal space without realizing at the time or can get clingy…then I’m still learning how the Force affects someone when I’m resonating.” this time it was Zaiya who flushed in embarrassment. To be honest it had been a very big worry for her. So much that she had forced herself back in university to not touch anyone. Plus her biggest fear was that she had been manipulating others with her Force empathy without realizing it.

It was all just complicated.

I over think it at times I know. I just don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable. So I’ve had to curb back my tendencies touch anyone.” And more recently, with Aris as well. Zaiya left that unsaid. After their talk back at that cavern, she had told herself she’d try to respect what Aris had told her.



Tags: Aiden Porte Aiden Porte
Objective 1: Hapan Ball
Location: Hapan Royal Palace, HAPES


"It's okay," Jun said to herself. "You're okay. Everything's going to be okay."

She knew that there was no real reason to feel so nervous about tonight. Jun had been to dozens of courtly events when she was young, back home on Atrisia. Even under the watchful eye of her father and the deadly scions of House Chiyo, Jun never felt such sharp anxieties... so why did she feel them tonight? A single name came to mind: Aiden Porte Aiden Porte , who was to be her... company? Partner? Date?

"It's just Aiden," the girl said aloud, trying to reason with herself. But that was exactly the thing that made her nervous. Just Aiden was someone worth being nervous to see. Jun hadn't worn a dress -or makeup or styled her hair- in a very long time. Life in the Outer Rim made such things so frivolous to attempt. Aiden had only known her as the short-haired, dirty-faced explorer. What would he think of her like this? If only her aunt was here.

Inhye Oh-chai Inhye Oh-chai always knew what to say when Jun was scared, or worried, or upset.

This time, though, Jun had to face her giants alone. She took one last look in the mirror, making minor adjustments to the white Hapan paan flowers in her hair. When she was satisfied, or at least as satisfied as she could afford to be, she stepped down the ramp of her ship and approached the palace grounds. Her eyes scanned the crowd, hoping to see Aiden among the nobles and their guests.

Objective 1: Hapan Ball
Location: Hapan Royal Palace
Tags- Jun Chiyo Jun Chiyo

"It's just Jun." Aiden thought as he looked at himself in the mirror as he straightened up his tie. Doing a once over to make sure there was nothing else that he missed. From and outside standpoint the Padawan had the look of a stoic individual, however from the inside everything was moving at warp speed. The Jedi closed his eyes for a few moments to relax his mind and ease his thoughts. He wasn't sure why he was so nervous. Then he thought most of the time they had spent together was either climbing dangerous structures, hunting dragons and fighting off evil dark beings.

Tonight was the first time they weren't doing any of that, essentially it was just them two. Nothing to distract them as they spent the evening together.

No pressure at all....

Aiden arrived on the palace grounds, given a small nod to those few that he knew and exchanging pleasantries with one another. He took another deep breath as he scanned the crowd with his hand behind his back. Trying to be as smooth as possible...

Then his vision feel upon her.

There was a lump in his throat as he cleared it, and he tried to move towards her but his legs were not cooperating. She would see him smiling at her, mouth open almost as if he was going to speak to her from afar. However he closed his mouth and finally his legs began cooperation with him and he started to move her way.

He reached her as he was but a few feet in front of her. " look...." Aiden chuckled lightly before speaking again, he knew that nothing he would say would do her justice. "Beautiful...."


Kahlil returned the kiss, to an extent. There were levels of affection he still wouldn't go to out in public. He held her kiss, held her close, but in a gentle, affectionate way before he pulled away with a faint smirk. If she wanted more than that, she wasn't going to get it on a dance floor, that much was for certain. "Every time, if that's all it takes to get you going my love."

He whispered in quite the teasing tone before he let his gaze fall to the flower again.

"It's.. Interesting. I'm not much a fan of things that can influence me against my will as you know, but it doesn't feel bad necessarily. What is it?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble

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