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Faction [GA] Heroes of Coruscant — GA Awards and Promotions

GA Victory at Coruscant


In the wake of the Empire's devastating invasion of Coruscant, the Galactic Alliance emerges battered but unbroken. The fierce battle that raged through the heart of the galaxy's capital left a trail of destruction and heavy losses, yet it also showcased unparalleled acts of heroism, bravery, and sacrifice. As the smoke clears and the survivors begin to whisper stories of resilience, it is time to honor those who stood as the bulwark against the Empire's onslaught.

From Jedi of the New Jedi Order, to GADF frontline soldiers who held the line against relentless waves of attackers, to medical personnel who worked tirelessly to save lives amidst the chaos, each story is a testament to the unwavering resolve of the Galactic Alliance. For their acts of bravery, special commendations will be given to individuals whose actions and quick thinking turned the tide of battle.

As we honor these heroes, let their stories serve as a reminder of the strength that lies in unity and the power of standing up against tyranny. The path to rebuilding Coruscant will be long and arduous, but with the same spirit of resilience and solidarity, we will restore the Core and ensure that the light of the Galactic Alliance shines brighter than ever.

Before the awards and promotions are covered, we first want to highlight some of our opponents who made the invasion memorable and fun! Thank you to everybody who participated and a big thanks to the folks who gave a shout-out to their opponents! It made this list possible.

  • Sinestra Sinestra for offering Romi Jade Romi Jade a memorable, last duel with a compelling story and great writing!
  • Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen for carrying the fleeting on DE side. Our pilots and fleeters have an invasion worth remembering because of your efforts!
  • Jogon Jogon and Isar Isar we’d like to highlight together for their beautiful writing with @Corazona von Asconia and Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze !
  • Alicia Drey Alicia Drey for their story with Ronval Rubat Ronval Rubat !



To all those who fought for or alongside the Alliance during the Invasion of Coruscant, the following title — Hero of Coruscant — is given with a bonus title for our amazing opponents. Big thanks to Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania for making these graphics!


The Star of Coruscant is a special distinction and one of the highest honors of the Alliance, given to a member of the faction who paid the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our people.


The Skywalker Order of Merit is awarded to those who have shown extraordinary acts of valor in the field of battle. Named for Luke Skywalker, who helped save the galaxy from the more dire moments of despair, and Leia Organa Skywalker who distinguished herself as a heroic leader of the fight against the Empire.


The Golden Starbird was one of the first great distinctions awarded by the Alliance to individuals who have performed heroic service in the battle against the darkness. This medal is named for the seal of the Alliance which represents the ideals of the faction.


The Alliance Cross is presented to members of the Galactic Alliance who are wounded in service while engaging in military or covert operations.


Named after members of the highly esteemed House Organa of Alderaan, The Organa Humanitarian Cross is awarded for distinguished, selfless service in support of people's welfare during or in the aftermath of a crisis.


The Signet of Fidelity is awarded to those allied forces who have served valiantly in defense of the ideal of the Alliance. These individuals prove that even the greatest of differences can be overcome by a common commitment.

Galactic Alliance Defense Force

By order of Central Command, the following Galactic Alliance Defence Force personnel are promoted effective immediately:

New Jedi Order
By order of the Jedi Council, the following Jedi are to be promoted:

Feel free to use this thread as an opportunity to handle the IC side of the promotions or awards!
(Big thanks to Elias Edo Elias Edo for rank bars and Council flair!)​

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Rise Above Your Station, Soldier.


Lupa stood alongside Auteme Auteme , waiting proudly. Her own promotion was a moment of pride for her, but this was not her moment. This was the moment of the brave men and women under her. The troops of the GADF.

"How many you think are gonna cry?" She idly whispered to the chancellor. "Five credits we get at least three."

She hadn't had the chance to meet the Chancellor yet, but she enjoyed a cordial relationship with other senators. She hoped this would help break the ice.

If the abyss stares at you, don't blink

LOCATION : Coruscant | OBJECTIVE : Watch and stew
TAG (FRIENDLY) : Valery Noble Valery Noble | OPEN​


Repli Implants that would be for the limbs

Bonemer enhancements to strengthen structure of the body

Muscle enhancements.

Hemo enhancements for blood flow

Hawkeye implants for eyes

Advanced Medical Implant



"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"


Jedi Knight Connel Vanagor stood in the back of the grand hall, watching as the esteemed members of the Jedi Order were honored for their bravery and dedication. The room was filled with applause and admiration, but Connel felt a simmering anger bubbling within him.

It wasn't the honorees that he was angry at - they deserved every bit of recognition they were receiving. No, Connel's anger was directed towards the Sith, the dark side users who had put him on the shelf, preventing him from joining in the fight.

As he watched the ceremony unfold, Connel's mind drifted back to the battle he had missed. The feeling of helplessness and frustration washed over him, fueling the fire of anger burning within him. He clenched his fists, his jaw set in determination.

"I will not be sidelined again," Connel vowed to himself. "The Sith will see me in the future, and they will rue the day they crossed paths with me. They will run the other way, knowing that I am a force to be reckoned with."

As the ceremony came to a close, Connel's resolve only grew stronger. He may have missed the fight this time, but he was determined to make sure that he would never be left out again. The Sith would soon learn to fear the name Connel Vanagor, Jedi Knight.

Perhaps even more than his father.




The Neimoidian briefly glanced at the roster of honors and commendations bestowed upon different members of the Galactic Alliance and Independent Forces who participated in the Battle of Coruscant. Although there wasn't much to celebrate about, given the extensive damage across the planet-wide city, as numerous skyscrapers had been demolished and the landscape was strewn with the bodies of hundreds of fallen foes.

The previously lively streets had fallen into a profound silence, enveloped by a mysterious mist that blanketed the battlefield. The only sound that could be heard was the aimless wandering of the survivors, their faces displaying a mix of shock and disbelief.

Despite such devastation, there was a sense of unity among the people as they come together to help one another in any way they could. The city may have been in ruins, but the Alliance spirit remained unbroken, at least for the moment. There were plenty of individuals who might be puzzled why the Alliance was offering rewards and higher rank for simplying fulfilling their duty to defend a planet, not even the Senator had the right answer.

Lodd was diligently supervising the reconstruction effort from the Trade Federation command post, surrounded by a multitude of data-pads and foremen eagerly awaiting his instructions, while the rest of the GADF and Assembly members were engaged in celebrations nearby.

"Droid Section A3 will proceed with the repair of the Skyscrapers located in the vicinity of the former Senate Building." the Neimoidian Ordered, as the giant EVS Construction Droid moved into position.

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Minerva Fhirdiad stood at attention in the ceremony. Despite it being a formal occasion she wore her armor and gear just with her helmet removed being attached to her belt instead. The Mandalorian's expression was mostly stoic determination just with the hint of both pride and grief. She was proud of all her troops, they demonstrated once more their commitment to the Alliance and equally to each other during the battle. At the same time her heart was burdened by those who died or were wounded.

There are still more messages I need to write to their families. We'll take care of our own.

Taking the signet ring she looked down at its emblem. Years before when Minerva first signed up the warrior had no idea that she would be serving with the GADF as long as she did. Nor formed such strong bonds with those not of her heritage. Yet it happened and Minerva wouldn't trade that bond for any wealth in all of existence. After closing her eyes she sadly smiled thinking.

We will carry on.

Eyes opened again Minerva turned around facing all of the living Talon operators not hospitalized meters away. They stood together less than a hundred now. Like their commander, they refused to wear formal uniforms but their field outfits which were not the white armor that many in the army used. In fact their outfits were more similar to militia or mercenaries for that matter with the exception being the Alliance symbol on their jackets or shoulder pads. They and her shared a knowing look that said much more than any words could give.

Raising the signet ring for them to see Minerva then declared.

"This really doesn't belong to me. Rather the Signet of Fealty belongs to all of you and our fallen comrades. To Talon!"

"TO TALON!" The commandos answered back in a collective shout. Putting up the signet ring in a pouch, Minerva finally allowed herself to look around the rest of the assembly, remembering the ruins of Coruscant.

There is much to rebuild but they can spare at least a bit of time to commemorate all those fought here and rest. Not to pat themselves on the back but to remember the sacrifices made on that day in order to press forward.
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Location: Award Ceremony
Objective: Talk Connel off the Ledge
Tags: Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor

Katarine was hovering towards the back. She was happy that the battle was over but it was frustrating that she had been sidelined taking care of the senator from Coruscant because he would not evacuate. She felt she could have done more to help, but the senator had at least survived so that was something.

As she moved through the crowed she realized she was not the only lone frustrated. Connel was speaking his frustrations out loud as she approached.

"There will be other battles. I sadly think you will get your chance to keep that vow."

if they're watching anyways
"I'd suspect there are yet more tears to be spilled over this war," she said. "Among other things."

On the advisement of the various officials and committee members involved, their ceremony was held on Fondor, but even so many lightyears away, she could not feel at peace. Was the Alliance meant to feel satisfied? Victorious? The enemy was still at the gate, holding them back once was not defeating them wholly.

Yet, how could she not celebrate them? A recognition of the lives lost, the bonds forged, the heroes made. What were they fighting for if not moments like these?

But the anger still ate at her. She wondered if she would feel different if she had succeeded.

No. For her, at least, it would feel worse.

She did her best not to linger on such things. Instead she gave a small smile to the general- lieutenant general. "I'll put twenty on the under."

She clapped her hands together. "It's time."

On cue, she glided onto the stage with grace untouched by the ravages of war, a smile joyous but not unserious playing across her lips. She went to the podium, and spoke with vigour.

"Welcome, my friends! We've come quite a ways from the front, but I know not one among us has not heard of the heroism of those joining me on stage today. Coruscant has seen great loss, and we mourn for it -- but it is thanks to those gathered here today that we have not suffered an even greater loss.

"Our Defense Forces have not wavered in the face of the enemy, and it is through their resolve and dedication that we will cast back Solipsis and his Imperial underlings. Every member of the Defense Force deserves our greatest praise and respect, but today I would like to recognize those who have gone above and beyond -- first among equals, who fought valiantly at Coruscant.

"To present the Skywalker Order of Merit, I call forward Captain Wedge Draav, of Revenant Squadron."

She stepped back towards the captain, giving him a handshake and a brief look of understanding, before a nearby serviceman in ceremonial dress stepped forward with the medal itself.

There was some irony to be found in her current position - or perhaps more of a measure of personal growth on her part. In spite of her doubts and trepidation, Jenn had once been a staunch supporter of the Mandalorian Enclave, a warsmith who followed her kin wherever they went, and no matter how low they stooped... until their banditry became too much of a burden to bear, and she left them behind. All the same, she had been an enemy to the Galactic Alliance and its people. Had anyone told her she would be standing alongside the ancient enemy of her people as an ally and friend, she would surely have told them to go and get their head checked.​
And yet... here she was. Still grieving the loss of those among her warriors who dared to follow her into redemption, and never returned - but she held her head high, and received the news of her being awarded with the Signet of Fidelity with pride. Not just for her own growth as a person over the years, and how far she had come from her troubled origins as a crusader without a cause, but for this first step taken on the long road to a better future. A future free from the spite that once tainted the intent of her people; a future of brilliant hope.​
It would not be a lonely journey. Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad walked a different path than her own, but she, too, served as a shining example of just what Mandalorians could do, when they set their minds to it. Giving themselves to a worthy cause, rather than repeating the mistakes of the past, stubbornly refusing to grow, to change, to become something more than what the past made them. Her heart swelled with pride at the sight of her, and knew that she was not alone in her pursuit of something greater.​
"You saved my life", uttered the Mandalorian quietly as she turned to face the one whose fate had entwined with her own, if only briefly. "I stood alongside those who visited fire and death on Axilla, called them my kin for so very long; and still, you chose to save me. That lightning... I have felt it before. Any more of it, and I would be dead." Rarely did the siren care to show much in the way of emotion when she wore the helmet, and even more so when she approached a situation as the Alor of Clan Kryze. Too many people relied on her. Outbursts of emotions were a luxury she could not afford.​
Such a notion only made the awe in her voice all the more noticeable... and the gesture that followed, all the more meaningful. Resting a hand over her heart, Jenn bowed low before the Princess of Ukatis.​
"It was an honor to fight alongside you, Corazona."
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Flight Officer Reima Vitalis.

Lady Reima Vitalis.

She was a lot of things, and he was a lot of things about her. Wedge looked up when he was called, the Captain taking a deep breath, nodding and rising to a stand. His uniform was impeccable, evenly ironed, medals polished, shoes polished, hair combed and the closest shave he had ever gotten in his life. He wanted to make an impression, and he knew that most of the Alliance was going to be watching. Command was a burden, and the burden of a first impression wasn't lost on him.

Plus, he had to clean up for his woman, after all.

He didn't need to make a speech, he didn't need to say anything other than one simple thing, that he whispered in her ear facing away from all the cameras and audience.

"I'm so proud of you."

The girl, who had been brought up to be a replacement and an appeasement- had grown beyond any plan that her family had for her, exceeded expectations, saved his life, and helped security victory over the skies of Coruscant. If she hadn't taken the actions she did, Wedge not only would have died, but wouldn't have been able to defeat the Crimson Squadron.

Wedge turned, grabbing the medal from the servicemember, thanking the soldier before turning back to Reima, smiling. Then, he stiffened up a little.

"Flight Officer Reima Vitalis. It is my great pleasure and honor to present to you this medal and the prestige along with it. Your service to the Alliance goes above and beyond what was asked of you. You are a testament to the Alliance's strength, and living embodiment of victory. Congratulations."

He took a small second, basking in her glow, before remembering where he was, smiling again, his silly toothy grin, before he pinned the medal on her chest, alongside her other awards and ribbons. In a moment, he'd present Revenant Squadron with a host of other accolades- but the Alliance had chosen Reima to receive the Skywalker medal- and no small feat, and no small deed. He was proud of all of Revenant Squadron, thankful in words he couldn't express at the moment.

But his girl, got to receive this award? He couldn't pass up the chance to give it to her.

The medal, too.

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If the abyss stares at you, don't blink

LOCATION : Coruscant | OBJECTIVE : Try and slip out unnoticed

TAG (FRIENDLY) : Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah |​


Repli Implants that would be for the limbs

Bonemer enhancements to strengthen structure of the body

Muscle enhancements.

Hemo enhancements for blood flow

Hawkeye implants for eyes

Advanced Medical Implant



"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"




Ryiah just walked up to him. How did she know*

What are you... wait?

NOW He was mad. She read his thoughts! Katarine was a Master, he would nod openly disrespect for, but Connel felt violated.

I did not say anything. Master Ryiah that is an invasion of privacy.

Not wanting to cause any more of a scene, he gave Ryiah one last dirty look and turned to leave. Connel knew his place, but wrong was wrong.




Location: Reception
Objective: Apologize
Tags: Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor

I did not say anything. Master Ryiah that is an invasion of privacy.

“Wait, Connel I’m sorry. I was just trying to help..”

Katarine grimaced and cursed herself under her breath as the man walked away. She had been so tuned in to Connel ever since meeting him that she hadn’t even realized she was reading his thoughts instead of listening to his words.

She watched his retreating back and scowled again. How was it possible the Jedi of today had attachments? Just a simple crush was messing with Kats actions let alone a marriage like some Jedi had. She wanted to help the young man. He was struggling right now and brimming with anger and regret, but as she watched him walking angrily away she couldn’t help but think she was making it worse.

Nice one Kat. She shook her head and leaned against the wall, closing her eyes in frustration. She needed to give him some space and honestly she needed to get her head back in the game.

you'll know for sure tonight


Reima had received word of her forthcoming accolade just the previous day and, after confirming that her mother had nothing to do with it, had endeavored to accept it. She had pressed her dress uniform, taken a trip to the parlor to get her hair regulation tidy. Thy Skywalker Order of Merit wasn't just any medal, after all. It was a true privilege to receive it, but as she stood in front of Wedge Draav, dark eyes wide as he gave his ceremonial remarks.

For a moment, she was gripped with an irrational urge to step back, to unpin the medal from her chest and hand it back. Could she really deserve this? What had she done, really, besides crash her X-Wing? In the moment she had done it, Reima hadn't felt brave, hadn't felt any particular patriotism for the Alliance. She was worried about Wedge, her friend, her commanding officer. There was some thought for the mission, but...

Wedge was close enough to see the uncertainty in her eyes. Reima didn't wish to worry him, so she looked down to watch his nimble fingers work over the pin, placing it just so on her dress uniform, and when she looked up again, the uncertainty was gone, replaced with something approaching stoicism. "Thank you, Captain Draav," she said, her voice strong professional. "It is an honor." They separated and she snapped a smart salute to Wedge before offering another, equally sharp, to Auteme Auteme .

Then she returned to her position at parade rest.



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

This was quite a special day.

The Council had been very strong ever since the aftermath of Tython and the Second Great Hyperspace War turning in the Alliance's favor. Occasionally, members who left were replaced but never before had so many been added in one day. Each of the three Jedi the Council has voted into their ranks has proven themselves capable. Their skill sets are extremely varied, and their experience is vast, but most of all, they are Jedi who can lead.

Throughout the Order, these are the Jedi others look up to.

Having summoned them all to the very center of the Prosperity, Valery awaited their arrival. She looked forward to presenting their new roles, but she was also eager to share one other little detail. This was more than just an ascension to the Jedi Council for one of them.

Today would be a day to remember for the New Jedi Order.


TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Jonyna was still licking her wounds from Coruscant. Nothing major, thank Sylvar, but it was moments like this that kept her humble. The temple she had called him was now partly demolished. The battle had been won, but at a dire cost.

Still, the woman felt something in the air. Valery had called her to the Prosperity for something and...

There was suddenly a huge weight on her shoulders. Val didn't call her for stuff lightly. Was she in trouble? Was she mad about the storm over the temple? Did someone die? She knew Romi Jade Romi Jade had fallen in the battle, but Jonyna never got the chance to really get to know the legendary figure within the order.

For some reason, Jonyna was compelled to get her robes on. It was something she almost never did. They were stuffy, and rubbed weirdly against her fur. But it was something. Something she knew was important. It was normal for her to bring her whole kit, swords and sabers and blasters, but today it felt different. She was bringing them not for combat, but for comfort. The feeling of all her different crystals at her back made her feel at ease.

As she entered the courtyard, she looked to Val with a nervous smile, confusing racking her face. What she had she been summoned for and...

Why were so many other people here too?




Devastated. It was the only world Gabriel could use to describe the world that had become his home. Even from orbit, the scars on the city world of Coruscant had been terrible to gaze on. Molten slag scars arced across entire continent-sized swaths of the city. The scale at which lives had been ended was underpinned by black holes where no light escaped. Millions dead. They could never have evacuated a planet like Coruscant in time. The planet had seen days like this many times across the millennia, he knew. Abeloth. The Luscancia. The Yuuzhan Vong War. Even more recently, the planet had suffered the Clockwork Rebellion, the surprise attacks by the One Sith, and the destruction of the old GA's flagship where a monument had stood to this day. He wondered if it still stood.

But this was his time, for his eyes, and it burned like a lightsaber wound to the gut. He wondered if the monument where he had vowed to his father that he would be a Jedi still stood. What of the Temple? The Senate? The last one at least he could see. A pit of darkness lay about where the senate district had been. What had happened here while he'd been milking banthas on Corellia?

The Jedi Temple was a crumbling mess. He couldn't tell if fighting had taken place here or if it had just been a casualty of the greater battle. Surprisingly he found his office mostly intact. All of his books and holos had been moved to the Prosperity, like much of the temple's eclectic collection, and the hollow room felt cold in the dim red light of the emergency glow rods in the ceiling. A glove hand ran down the metal of his door, his fingers coming up with dust and grime.

Yet they had won. It didn't feel like a win.

in the footsteps of a stranger


Efret followed behind a padawan who had offered to show her the way into into the Prosperity's central courtyard, trying to soothe her discomfort at being here.

<Must sacrifice sometimes.>

Valery, who was hopefully still aware of Efret's stance on Jedi coming and going from the mobile temples, had summoned her here despite that. Assumedly, there was a very good reason. Thus, Efret had made the journey here in a loaner X-wing as hers was still in line for repairs at the Temple.

Soon enough, the archeologist entered the courtyard in question.

Elias Edo Elias Edo (please notice meee)
Valery Noble Valery Noble Jonyna Si Jonyna Si
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The mask felt heavy in Master Zark's hands.

It was the weight of new responsibilities, a symbol of the oath he'd sworn to stand against any further desecration of their holy sites. His tactical mind helped plan the trap laid planetside for Emperor Solipsis' dark acolytes. Some named it folly yet here they stood now victorious. Victorious...the aftermath did not feel like a victory.

Jedi who wore the veil he now placed over his face like a funeral shroud made a great sacrifice, surrendering their very identity to serve as the Order's faceless protectors. Even his thoughts were a mystery now, all the better to keep what secrets the Jedi Master must in his role as honored castellan. All the better to hide his unending grief over the death of Romi Jade Romi Jade , one of his oldest and truest friends.

"It is always an honor..." his voice cracked, distorted already by the mask's vocabulator synthesizing his voice, "To witness anyone become one with the Force."

Zark bowed his head in troubled meditation before rising to place a lightsaber hilt with its new golden yellow kyber crystal on his belt. He navigated the decks of Prosperity with a quiet authority born from the veteran master's old navy career.

"Master Valery," the masked Jedi emerged behind Jonyna and Efret, "Is it time?"

His presence seemed to loom over them, not quite menacing but certainly ominous. Electrum traceries engraved upon the mask lended San Tekka an almost ceremonial quality.
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The beard was already back, and he was smoking again.

Cale’s eyes watched the procession with a distant sorrow. He’d seen it coming, he always had. The galaxy was a slave to this endless cycle of death and rebirth, where every peace seemed briefer than the last, and the return to war was somehow more bitter every time. He hadn’t been here, Coruscant had been under threat again and he had not been there to protect her, or the people who called the world home.

It would’ve been easy to slip back into self-loathing, but that would do nothing for him and less for the dead.

When the One Sith had taken Coruscant by storm, they’d made him their puppet, and for a decade he’d been forced to watch as his body danced on their strings. This time was different, this time he was free, and the fight was still on.

He took a long drag, and blew smoke into the night air. War again called him home.

Nyles Kote

Strill Securities Me'sene Tra'alor'an


Friendly Units:
  • Tra'verd detail led by Varan Kyrr.
Units in Reserve: Naval detachment led by the Darasuum Morut in orbit.
Tag(s): Open | Galactic Alliance and Allies


Their deployment to Coruscant had been an 'investment'. Business would not be great if the economy went to haran. The amount of lives saved was not lost on him, but he knew he was no hero. Never mind that there was no word in Mando'a for hero. None of them had come to Coruscant to be anything remotely like that. Still, Coruscant got off far lighter than it could have. Worlds had burned far brighter from the fires of war than it had. Haran, Coruscant had burned far brighter than it had this time. He and his were just doing what had to be done, if they wanted to give him a medal or an award for it, so be it. That said, he'd far prefer a contract for the company.

"Nyles, why are we even here?" asked Varan from beside him over encrypted buy'ce to buy'ce link. Varan using his first name told him he was asking as one of his oldest friends, not as the chief security officer of the Morut. The pomp and circumstance was not his idea of a good time either, but one did not make friends by disrespecting their culture and traditions, however odd it may seem.

"Because your riduur and I agreed it'd be a good time to put the fabricators to work replenishing stores," he answered honestly. They were needed elsewhere, but given that it was not in a hurry they'd decided that given they would likely not get another opportunity to, the present moment seemed the best. Varan scoffed, his microphone protesting the sudden onrush of air by lacing the transmission with static. "Cheer up, at least we aren't the only Mando'ade here," he added, inclining his buy'ce in the direction of Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad who stood among her GADF Troops.

Varan glanced momentarily in Minerva's direction and nodded. "So you're not using this award ceremony as an excuse to go to that sandwich epar'yaim you like?" asked Varan without missing a beat. Emri had definitely spilled the beans to her riduur, he should have known that asking Anni to be discreet about using the Morut's sensors to check to see if it was still intact would not go missed by his XO. Then again, she wouldn't be doing her job right if it did.

Nyles should have seen it coming, but for whatever reason he was caught off guard by the directness of the question. "Well, we're here now, aren't we?" Varan snorted, his buy'ce's microphone seeming to take even more offense this time. "You'll get one too," he said, speaking of course of the fabled sandwich he'd eaten all those years ago. He had no idea how it was still intact.

"Still don't see what's so special about it," replied Varan. Nyles opened his mouth to say something but closed it, not sure if Varan was talking about the award or the sandwich at this point. Honestly, he was almost too worried to ask which. He resisted the urge to shake his head at his security chief's antics. Nyles allowed himself a ddep breath to steady his thoughts and took stock of the room to see if they were about to be addressed anytime soon, which would necesitate the removal of his buy'ce out of what he'd come to understand was considered common courtesy to most aruetii.


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