"Duty calls where I am needed most. And the Force has shown me my place is serving beside you... and the rest of Revenant in this fight."
Serving beside him, let alone being beside him at all... the implication put a lump in his throat while a heat sparked in his core. "
Duty..." he repeated on swallowing, lingering on the word; he understood it better than anyone, "
...of course."
There had been a time he'd resented the call of duty and what it cost him, and himself for hesitating and allowing all those missed chances, with her absence, different from when he'd resented his own brother for leaving the Alliance and the NJO when Kelly had been too young to enter the service, and he'd been not quite able - or perhaps was unwilling - to understand where Rik had been coming from; it had been too sudden, and he had
looked up to his brother. He felt strongly about the Alliance. That abandonment had hit young Kelly hardest of all, and had whittled away his childhood faith in the Jedi.
That had been a part of it, what kept him from making more of whatever was between him and Addison, but at the same time Kelly couldn't help but look at her, talk to her, want to be around her... the bond grew despite himself. He'd never been able to figure out whether Ilum was the cause, or had simply helped it along, but one thing was for certain: nearly all the cracks that brought down his hurt-born indifference were
her fault.
Then the intervening years put him into too many situations that exposed him to other Jedi and opened his eyes - they weren't so different, we're all in this together, the cause we fought for is the same; by the time his younger brother Toby was close to leaving to become a Jedi, too, that indifference was gone.
"We're going out, Revenant, and all the drinks-"
He gestured between himself and everyone else around them.
"Are on me, got it?"
Kelly heaved a heavy sigh, looked at Wedge, then back to Addy, wearing an honest smile, "
...I'm glad," he finished, putting a pin in what he had been intending to say, then turned his attention back to Wedge and the rest of the squad with a malicious grin, and raised his voice a bit, "
Let's make him regret that, Revs!"
Thank goodness for bars that weathered the storm. Kelly lifted his shot, and looked to the talented pilots around him... that was
every one of them.
"To comrades old and new," he replied, "
and continuing to teach those dark-side bastards who owns these skies, hey?" Then he threw back his shot, the familiar burn warming him on the way down, then plonked the empty shotglass upside down on the bartop. "
That's more like it!"
Kelly then settled against the bartop for the moment, one arm propped up on it, while the other hand loosened his tie a bit. He skirted a glance at Addy while she spoke, then tore away to turn his attention on Shar, joining the conversation.
Sorry 'bout the leg, Shar," he couldn't imagine what it was like, "
sure am glad you got out of the 'hole', though." Not being able to fly
was a bit like being punished or imprisoned. He'd spent a bit of time in that purgatory himself before the brass repurposed him after the last conflict. "
This is where we belong."
What a dark time, that was.
Do you miss it? Flying those B-Wings?" Kelly did, but not
too much. Flying insertion/extraction had included too much thumb-twiddling to not make him miss even that, but his need and want was always for somethin' a little
faster. "
They sure packed a punch. "