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Faction [GA] Heroes of Coruscant — GA Awards and Promotions

TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Jonyna's posture stiffened as Val began to speak. Leader? She had never considered herself one. Just another member of the order she had sworn to long before she had met any of them. Long before many of them were born. Long before the NJO even existed.

Then she heard her address Elias Edo Elias Edo , and things began to click into place. Gears began to turn in Jonyna's head.

...this was a dream, right? It had to be a dream...

"Trust your instincts."

Master Zark left his vigil to stand behind Valery's shoulder. He resembled a ceremonial statue that might adorn the old temple halls on Coruscant. The candidates assembled before the old master were known to him more by reputation. Isolated meditation helped clear his thoughts of the emotional turmoil such haunting memories of too many old campaigns provoked, but there was always a cost. In many ways he was a kind of hermit in his own Order.

"Those who believe themselves worthy of such an honor," the synthesized voice emanated from behind a faceless mask, "Lack the humility serving on this Council demands. Listen to the Force, Master Elias. It will reveal the path you are meant to walk."

With his senses cut off from the outside world, Zark could feel each presence strongly. He sensed their doubts. Outshining these fears was the Grandmaster's faith in each of them.
Wedge Draav Wedge Draav Reima Vitalis Reima Vitalis Open
Though he'd been at Coruscant, Perris' role there had been that of the Pain in the Ass, rather than the Hero. Antagonising their adversaries into making stupid mistakes that his comrades cleaned up admirably was one of the myriad ways he derived sometimes perverse joy in this line of work, and at times that could look like he was simply goofing off... but it took skill to do that without actually just being a fuck-up. It was a sharp reflexes, flow state thing.

When the Commander went up front to speak, Kelly easily gave the man his undivided attention. It'd taken a little while, but Perris had grown to respect the man in a different way than the respect he held for their initial Commander, Mylo Thorne, who was a friend. An old comrade from when the Corellian was a new addition to the previous Revenant, just fresh out of the Academy himself.

Though the Humbariner was not part of their number now, another old Revenant had come to them since reformation: Shar Sieu Shar Sieu , who he had flown along with in his days as a B-Wing pilot. But more than that, Addison Porte Addison Porte finding her way back to them put a smile on his face that was hard to mute in light of what they had been through together, in the past. But by the old gods, he had to try... there were pips on his uniform that gave him little choice in the matter.

There had been shifts in the membership of the squadron, and there always would be. The persistent hope was that it wouldn't be on account of death - he'd been there, been through that. Didn't care to have it repeated. When Wedge finished speaking and saluted the pilots of Revenant that had been able to make it here, Kelly crisply returned the salute, as crisp as the lines of his dress uniform, feeling his own pride at serving alongside such skilled wingmates.

And knowing he would continue to do whatever it took to keep them.
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Tides of Change


Tags: Efret Farr Efret Farr | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka
Location: Aboard PROSPERITY


Elias' periphery almost seemed to dim as the words settled in his mind. A seat... on the Jedi Council? He scanned Valery's face with his eyes. looking from her own fiery orbs to the faint smile on her lips and back again, searching for even the slightest hint at a practical joke. He found none. "Quartermaster of the Jedi Council," he echoed, nodding more with curiosity than understanding. "I- I would be honored to accept, Master Noble." Naturally, Elias' head and heart were full to the brim with doubt. For every success he'd relished, he knew there were countless failures and defeats. The question of his worthiness to sit the Council with Jedi like Valery Noble Valery Noble and Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka was easy for him to answer, but he knew that neither of them would even think to entertain this if they shared his own personal disbelief.

After a small moment of quiet, Elias nodded and looked to Val with that trademark Genetian spark he carried in his eyes. If they believed in him, he would learn to believe in himself too. "I accept."



Flight Lieutenant Shar 'Skids' Sieu
Revenant Squadron, 10th Sector Armada

Equipment: Dress Uniform and a flute of champagne

Wedge Draav Wedge Draav Addison Porte Addison Porte Reima Vitalis Reima Vitalis || Kelly T. Perris Kelly T. Perris

"It is my great pleasure to recognize these pilots, their actions, and to be their Commander. They are all so dear to me, and I am very happy to be alive, among them, leading them, and watching them grow in their careers and in their heroic actions against the forces of darkness."

"For the Alliance, and for us all."

He turned finally, giving his squadron a salute, instead of them saluting him first. He smiled that broad, toothy smile, before cutting his salute and sitting back down. He teared up a little, wiping his eyes again. Wedge was just happy that he didn't make any mistakes reading his paper, and nothing he wrote down was incorrect.

Good heavens, he was so proud of them.

Shar stood proudly and returned the salute. Even with the losses the GADF had taken, they'd done their duty, all of them. And now, the Dark Empire would face the awoken wrath of an enraged Alliance.

It was not lost on Shar how much purpose he felt now- his life as a civilian had been... full of trouble, hounded by erstwhile authorities or ground to dust by those with more credits than him. Here, he'd found comradeship and purpose.

As Wedge came down from the podium, Shar turned and looked up to grin at Addison Porte Addison Porte and Kelly T. Perris Kelly T. Perris . It was good to see them again, after years away from the service. Revenant was unkillable, even as its members faced death and injury. Like its namesake, the stalwarts of the Starfighter Corps would always rise to the occasion when the enemy defiled the Alliance.

"Back in the saddle, eh? You lot sure are a balm for sore eyes."
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Wedge Draav Wedge Draav Reima Vitalis Reima Vitalis Shar Sieu Shar Sieu Addison Porte Addison Porte

Kelly turned to Shar, that ol' winger of his, sporting his own mild grin.

"Likewise, man. But the powers-that-be floated me one promotion not long after the ol' squad disbanded, and then when the reformation orders came my way, they decided to include another with those orders and a flight lead slot." He thumbed the pips on his dress uniform and feigned a grimace, "I gotta be responsible."

He always was, anyway, and he wasn't really complaining. When a tray floated by, he snagged himself a glass of the bubbly.

"But it's good. I missed it. Missed this." He raised his glass in a kind of salute, then tipped it for a sip. "What I got saddled with in-between? Nothin' compares."
Hope infused | Revenant Six

Was the Jedi pilot a 'Hero of Coruscant'? Well, she didn't quite think so. There were so many who truly were and had sacrificed all for the cause during the Battle of Coruscant or nearly died doing so against the Sith Imperial invaders. Addison had come out the other side of the fight unscathed, or so she thought as personal injury on the outside had been averted during the furball thank the Force. For the inside... Well, a lot of mediation had helped so far with any post-traumatic stress that was lurking about. Hopefully, PTSD wouldn't be a common theme with her as a lot of starfighter pilots suffered from it. Time will only tell as they say.

Addison Porte threw up a crisp, returning salute after the Commanding Officer of Revenant Squadron recognized her contributions to the defeat of the Imperial's elite squadron, the Crimson Linings, and thus forthright promotion to the rank of Flight Lieutenant. It was a pleasant surprise, to say the least, and she humbly accepted the gesture made by Wedge Draav Wedge Draav as they hadn't always seen eye to eye being she was a Force user and the Coruscanti didn't trust care for them.

When the ceremony was over, Addison joined her fellow squadmates for some camaraderie and a drink or three to celebrate. The tall brunette wearing her nicely fitted starfighter dress uniform gave the diminutive Gossam a playful wink after he flashed her a toothy grin. The Reptilian had always been a quiet favorite of hers going way back. Tinks as was her personal callsign started her military career flying with Shar Sieu Shar Sieu and Kelly T. Perris Kelly T. Perris at the Battle of Ilum. Gosh, that seemed like a lifetime ago?!

Addison had been one of the two rookie pilots chosen to get a coveted spot with the Revenant Squadron of that time; Indy being the other. The two had forged a special relationship that fateful day on the snowy tundra, though time and circumstance had seen their paths go in different directions over the many years since then. She always knew the Corellian would amount to something and climb up the career ladder just as his namesake father had. Good for Kels!

The young Porte too was following in her family's footsteps; straddling the line with one booted foot planted in the Jedi Order and the other in the military. It was a hard balance to keep, most likely blunting any real chance of reaching a high level in either profession. But, that was not what was important to her... The now Jedi Knight was duty-bound by the dual oaths taken to serve, protect, and defend, and that was good enough for Addison as it was for her father, mother, and brother; the latter her elder twin by four minutes.

"Congratulations on your award, Dutchess, very deserving indeed. I'm proud and honored to fly with you," Addy offered while raising her champagne flute to Reima Vitalis Reima Vitalis before taking a sip of the bubbly, then her hazel brown orbs gazed over to the elite B-wing pilot who had garnered her attention ever since Ilum. The Taanabian had felt his baby blues looking her over momentarily or perhaps a tick more during the awards ceremony. Did he still care?

"It's good to see you again, Captain," she greeted Kelly with a small endearing smile. "Time treats you well."

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in the footsteps of a stranger

A small hitch caught his footsteps, making him appear as if he was second-guessing his approach. It was a split-second motion that he hoped none of them noticed.

Efret did notice thanks to Nirrah, perched ever vigilant on her shoulder. The master's heart sunk. A short but intense urge to flee rushed from her mind into her feet, but she instead rooted her muscles to the spot. Being a lorrdian, she couldn't keep the consternation off of her face. Most startling was the acceptance that her will settled into. She deserved that reaction. She deserved his formal address and counted herself grateful that more scorn did not come along with it. Maybe it would arrive later.

Her dreadful anticipation evaporated as she listened to Valery speak, pride for a man regardless of what he might feel for her swelling in her chest. She resisted the urge to hug him as she had along that riverbank on Jakku when they had uncovered the pine fossil. That would be very inappropriate not only because of pomp and circumstance.

She didn't shift her position to lipread Elias' response to the Jedi Council's offer made through Val, but, given his body language, Efret could assume that he had accepted the honor. Good...

Her eyes widened a bit, knowingly, as Valery turned to her. She was next.

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Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

"Thank you, Master Edo. I look forward to serving alongside you on the Council."

She offered her dear friend and fellow Master one last smile before she turned to face Efret Farr Efret Farr . She didn't know the woman quite as long as she knew Elias or Jonyna but in that relatively short time, the two had gotten close. Efret had been there for her when she needed her most, and every assignment they joined together was one she looked forward to.

Now, it was time to put her in the spotlight a little.

"Master Efret Farr," Valery began with a warm smile. "Much of your life has been dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge, meant to be shared across all of our Temples. It has kept you busy and it hasn't been that long ago that you've pulled away from those field assignments to actively join us wherever Jedi are needed. In that time, you've been there to protect our worlds, guide our young, and share your incredible knowledge and wisdom."

"You're a leader our Jedi look up to. A Master with a kind heart and an important voice of reason during these times full of conflict. For that reason, the Council would like to offer you a seat as well, as our Chief Curator."


TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka Efret Farr Efret Farr Elias Edo Elias Edo

Oh sweet Sylvar.


She wasn't next what she?

Jonyna could feel her eyes started to well. Was that what was really happening here? Was she getting a seat? She was only a knight. Then again, Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el had been too. What seat would it be?

It was getting really hard to keep her composure, but she held firm, as best she could.


Wedge Draav Wedge Draav Reima Vitalis Reima Vitalis Shar Sieu Shar Sieu Addison Porte Addison Porte

Hearing the Taanabian offer her congratulations to Duchess, Kelly turned his head to look at both of the women, both of similar colouration (hair and eyes of shades of brown), with nary an inch of difference between them… both beautiful. His blues closed for a sliver of a moment, his mouth bending into a just as briefly amused smile while a punctuated breath of humour issued out of his nose, laughing at himself.

His head lightly shook, dispelling whatever thought or private joke that was, and he looked again at Reima, first, his smile firming up, “Congratulations, Vitalis,” Perris raised his own flute towards the Galidraani woman, “I expect we’ll see more greatness to come from you.

"It's good to see you again, Captain," she greeted Kelly with a small endearing smile. "Time treats you well."

His gaze floated over to Addison, the sound of her voice and the sight of her endearing smile at once softening the bend of his own lips, before he drew a measure of the bubbly from his own champagne flute, hiding that smile for a moment. Wasn't any easier to wipe the dang thing off his face when her attention was directly on him; seeing her again after so long brought everything back, including the regrets that came with time.

Perris swallowed, lowering his glass.

"I..." [wasn't sure I would see you again] "...could, no... will say the same." His thumb rubbed against the bottom of the flute's curve. "It's good to have you back, Lieutenant. I did think--" Kelly flicked a quick glance up at where Wedge had remained seated since the end of his speech, then looked back to Addy, a thought crossing his mind that did temper his expression a little, and cause him to continue a touch quieter and softer, "--I did think the 'Suns or the Jedi might've taken you from us permanently, bein' honest."

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The Gatemaster of their Order's Temple Guard gazed down at Efret. His mask betrayed no emotion and his presence radiated a sense of constant vigilance. He studied the tension between her and the Council's new quartermaster with a detached curiosity. Half-suppressed emotions betrayed something of their thoughts.

"For over a thousand generations, the Jedi Knights were guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy."

Handwraps the color of fresh Naboo soil signed Master Zark's words for a historian who could not lip read his mouth hidden as it was by the ceremonial helm.

"Uncovering what has been lost to time is one of our Order's noblest missions," his mechanical voice echoed the deft hand signals for everyone else's sake, "Long have the Dark Lords of the Sith sought to eradicate all trace of the Jedi religion. Future generations will learn from our triumphs, but also our failures. Perhaps the failures most of all."

Just for a moment Zark thought he saw Romi Jade Romi Jade standing in the council antechamber beaming with pride. Sometimes the Force could show a glimpse of the path not taken. He convinced her to pick back up the lightsaber and now Cortana's mother was dead. The mask hid a face ever more haunted by doubts.

"Will you speak for the dead, Master Efret?"
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Tides of Change


Tags: Efret Farr Efret Farr | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka
Location: Aboard PROSPERITY


To say that he was honored to join the Jedi Council would be an understatement. He spent so many years running from the Order, contemplating the nature of the Force and the role of the Jedi in the galaxy. So many battles fought, so many challenges overcome. In the gritty moments of them all, he felt lost and disconnected, only to discover in hindsight that everything in this life is connected. Ashla, the Force, whatever name you give it, it binds us all together. Elias gave a grateful nod to Valery Noble Valery Noble and took a step back to better view the exchanges he sensed were coming to Efret Farr Efret Farr and Jonyna Si Jonyna Si next.

Despite the pangs of confusion and longing in his chest for her, Elias was deeply pleased to see Efret's tireless efforts rewarded so fittingly. Chief Curator of the Jedi Order was a role that felt almost tailored to her, as if she were born for it and spent all her life in training for this day. He offered her a kind smile but held his tongue. There would be time to speak with Efret afterwards, perhaps. Or perhaps he would simply slip away to the Calypso and leave for Bogano. Both seemed perfectly reasonable and entirely terrifying solutions.

in the footsteps of a stranger

Even the gravity of the situation couldn't hope to keep the smile off of Efret's face. It grew slowly but surely from her slightly surprised expression. A full spectrum of emotions shown through her in the time it took Val to say her own piece. The archeologist's initial astonishment gave way to momentary neutrality before the corners of her mouth turned up into a small, content smile. Thought she was somewhat bashful while the grandmaster recounted her acts of service, Efret's smile grew as if to hide her growing pride—but then it spilled out into inhibited joy.

It wasn't that she lacked humility. On the contrary; she was in similar ways to Elias doubtful that she would make a good councilmember, but she had a right to feel self-esteem for all she had already accomplished.

However, she drew back a portion of her grin and restrained honor rushed into its place, making her shy all over again. She looked to Zark as he began to sign. "Only if they cannot speak for themselves," she replied to his question. Perhaps she was being overly semantic, but she wanted to answer as she would under non-ceremonial circumstances. "If they've left signs and stories behind, I will listen to the dead and share their wisdom. If they've not, I'll speak for them myself in a voice as true to theirs as I can reconstruct."

Efret glanced back to Val. "I make this promise first to our literal and spiritual ancestors. I would be honored to serve on this current Council as their representative."

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Wedge looked over as he exited the stage, and turned to look over a little bit aways during the ceremony as it wrapped up, with not much else to say. He looked around, sticking a hand in his pocket- much against GA dress uniform regulations. He pursed his lips, standing next to Reima, whispering something to make her blush, then had an idea.

He motioned for her to follow, then stepped besides his two other pilots, Kelly and Addison. Not one to not recognize the friendship- maybe more, he wasn't sure, but, enough to know that....

Well, a party was in order.

He smiled over at Shar, giving him a wink too, gesturing him over with his finger.

"We're going out, Revenant, and all the drinks-"

He gestured between himself and everyone else around them.

"Are on me, got it?"

He smiled, and nudged his head, leading them out.

The bar wasn't hard to find- well. It was one of the few that wasn't directly damaged, and close to the fight at the Senate. The bartender, a muscular Chiss, and another Bartender, an even larger Trandoshan, both raised their arms straight up, and stuck their tongues out at Wedge.

Wedge returned the gesture, turning back to Revenant, as he walked further in, stepping backwards to keep an eye on them.

"We begin, with a round of shots..."

He rolled his hands, and turned to the bartender. Something clear, then blue, was added to a shot glass. He took his first, waiting for the rest of Revenant, and the other pilots, to join him in raising their glasses.

"To Reima, to the Alliance, and to Revenant!"

Shot one, went down the hatch.

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Flight Lieutenant Shar 'Skids' Sieu
Revenant Squadron, 10th Sector Armada

Equipment: Dress Uniform and a flute of champagne

Wedge Draav Wedge Draav Addison Porte Addison Porte Reima Vitalis Reima Vitalis || Kelly T. Perris Kelly T. Perris

A knowing smile came upon Shar's lips. Addison Porte Addison Porte and Kelly T. Perris Kelly T. Perris were having a heartfelt reunion, and the pilot decided it was time for him to leave them to it. Until-

He smiled over at Shar, giving him a wink too, gesturing him over with his finger.

"We're going out, Revenant, and all the drinks-"

He gestured between himself and everyone else around them.

"Are on me, got it?"

He smiled, and nudged his head, leading them out.

It wouldn't be a pilot's day without drinks. Shar pulled out his flight cap and goggles (the closest thing he had to cool aviator shades) from his dress uniform, put it on, and followed the squadron ou.

"We begin, with a round of shots..."

He rolled his hands, and turned to the bartender. Something clear, then blue, was added to a shot glass. He took his first, waiting for the rest of Revenant, and the other pilots, to join him in raising their glasses.

"To Reima, to the Alliance, and to Revenant!"

Shot one, went down the hatch.

Shar raised his glass.

"Hear, hear!" The shot went down easy- this specific spirit was better attuned to Shar's Gossam biology, but it still burnt pleasantly on the way down.

"Say, have I been missing anything with the squadron? I've been away for a while, busy not shooting down eyeballs and all that. Lost a whole leg and everything," Shar lifted his prosthetic. On it were marked dozens of little 'kill' markings- the others wouldn't know it, but it was the months- well, years- he'd spent away from the GADF. Without purpose, crushed literally and metaphorically by the industrial complex that was the Alliance's economic heart.
you'll know for sure tonight


Reima's feet hurt in her dress uniform shoes and her neck itched where her starched collar rubbed her sensitive skin, but -- well, orders were orders. Thus, she followed with the rest of the squadron. A couple drinks wouldn't hurt, right? Tucking her cap under her arm, she filed off the scene with her compatriots.

Revenant Twelve blanched inwardly at the attention. She felt strongly for Wedge, but she had to wonder whether his clear affinity for her might cause festering resentment in the squadron. Reima decided then and there that drinks and speeches were one thing, but she would simply refuse any special treatment in a professional sense -- if, indeed, the Captain was inclined to offer any, which she had no reason to suspect he would.

"The Alliance," Reima agreed heartily. "And Revenant Squadron!"

Knowing the assignment when she saw it, Reima threw the shot back and tried not to wince at the alien liquor. She grunted under her breath and slammed the shot glass back down on the bar. "What in blazes is this?" she said over a hoarse laugh.

Hope infused | Revenant Six

Gods, how I've missed him... she thought to herself as a warm feeling began rising slowly in her chest; one the young Jedi hadn't expected to experience after all this time apart from Kelly T. Perris Kelly T. Perris . I mean it wasn't like they had acted on the undeniable chemistry but still, the fondness was there like it was yesterday. Or at least for her.

"I..." [wasn't sure I would see you again] "...could, no... will say the same." His thumb rubbed against the bottom of the flute's curve. "It's good to have you back, Lieutenant. I did think--" Kelly flicked a quick glance up at where Wedge had remained seated since the end of his speech, then looked back to Addy, a thought crossing his mind that did temper his expression a little, and cause him to continue a touch quieter and softer, "--I did think the 'Suns or the Jedi might've taken you from us permanently, bein' honest."

Addison's brandy gaze followed the Corellian's over to where Wedge Draav Wedge Draav was standing with Reima Vitalis Reima Vitalis , then back to him; catching the meaning.

"Duty calls where I am needed most. And the Force has shown me my place is serving beside you... and the rest of Revenant in this fight," the brunette replied in a similar voice, and then she took another sip of the champagne wishing perhaps for something a bit stronger, and to lose the dress uniform as soon as possible.

And then her wish came true... Well, at least the first one.

At the bar, Flyboy gave a toast, and the first round of shots were tipped back; the fiery spirit definitely burning the back of the Taanabian's throat.

"Whoa...Nice!" Tinks exclaimed turning over the empty shot glass on top of the bar counter with a little gusto, then she looked over to Shar Sieu Shar Sieu and the display of his artificial leg.

"Those markings are pretty impressive there, Skids, and deserving I'm sure," she said flashing an approving nod the Gossam's way. Too bad he had to lose a part of him to achieve them.

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Wedge Draav Wedge Draav Reima Vitalis Reima Vitalis Shar Sieu Shar Sieu Addison Porte Addison Porte

"Duty calls where I am needed most. And the Force has shown me my place is serving beside you... and the rest of Revenant in this fight."

Serving beside him, let alone being beside him at all... the implication put a lump in his throat while a heat sparked in his core. "Duty..." he repeated on swallowing, lingering on the word; he understood it better than anyone, "...of course."

There had been a time he'd resented the call of duty and what it cost him, and himself for hesitating and allowing all those missed chances, with her absence, different from when he'd resented his own brother for leaving the Alliance and the NJO when Kelly had been too young to enter the service, and he'd been not quite able - or perhaps was unwilling - to understand where Rik had been coming from; it had been too sudden, and he had looked up to his brother. He felt strongly about the Alliance. That abandonment had hit young Kelly hardest of all, and had whittled away his childhood faith in the Jedi.

That had been a part of it, what kept him from making more of whatever was between him and Addison, but at the same time Kelly couldn't help but look at her, talk to her, want to be around her... the bond grew despite himself. He'd never been able to figure out whether Ilum was the cause, or had simply helped it along, but one thing was for certain: nearly all the cracks that brought down his hurt-born indifference were her fault.

Then the intervening years put him into too many situations that exposed him to other Jedi and opened his eyes - they weren't so different, we're all in this together, the cause we fought for is the same; by the time his younger brother Toby was close to leaving to become a Jedi, too, that indifference was gone.

He cared.


"We're going out, Revenant, and all the drinks-"

He gestured between himself and everyone else around them.

"Are on me, got it?"

Kelly heaved a heavy sigh, looked at Wedge, then back to Addy, wearing an honest smile, "...I'm glad," he finished, putting a pin in what he had been intending to say, then turned his attention back to Wedge and the rest of the squad with a malicious grin, and raised his voice a bit, "Let's make him regret that, Revs!"

Thank goodness for bars that weathered the storm. Kelly lifted his shot, and looked to the talented pilots around him... that was every one of them.

To comrades old and new," he replied, "and continuing to teach those dark-side bastards who owns these skies, hey?" Then he threw back his shot, the familiar burn warming him on the way down, then plonked the empty shotglass upside down on the bartop. "That's more like it!"

Kelly then settled against the bartop for the moment, one arm propped up on it, while the other hand loosened his tie a bit. He skirted a glance at Addy while she spoke, then tore away to turn his attention on Shar, joining the conversation.

"Sorry 'bout the leg, Shar," he couldn't imagine what it was like, "sure am glad you got out of the 'hole', though." Not being able to fly was a bit like being punished or imprisoned. He'd spent a bit of time in that purgatory himself before the brass repurposed him after the last conflict. "This is where we belong."

What a dark time, that was.

"Do you miss it? Flying those B-Wings?" Kelly did, but not too much. Flying insertion/extraction had included too much thumb-twiddling to not make him miss even that, but his need and want was always for somethin' a little faster. "They sure packed a punch. "
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Flight Lieutenant Shar 'Skids' Sieu
Revenant Squadron, 10th Sector Armada

Equipment: Dress Uniform and strange liquor

Wedge Draav Wedge Draav Addison Porte Addison Porte Reima Vitalis Reima Vitalis || Kelly T. Perris Kelly T. Perris

"Those markings are pretty impressive there, Skids, and deserving I'm sure," she said flashing an approving nod the Gossam's way. Too bad he had to lose a part of him to achieve them.
"One for every lunar cycle I was doing drudge work as a hauler. No disrespect to 'em- just wasn't for me, so in fact, I'm glad someone else is doing it. I mean, look what it cost me," Shar laughed sardonically.

"Sorry 'bout the leg, Shar," he couldn't imagine what it was like, "sure am glad you got out of the 'hole', though." Not being able to fly was a bit like being punished or imprisoned. He'd spent a bit of time in that purgatory himself before the brass repurposed him after the last conflict. "This is where we belong."
Shar nodded, quiet. It was true, but he had hoped there was a place for him outside of war. Perhaps he did- but he would always belong to the sky, to the void, travelling at ludicrous velocities, in the great Above.

"Do you miss it? Flying those B-Wings?" Kelly did, but not too much. Flying insertion/extraction had included too much thumb-twiddling to not make him miss even that, but his need and want was always for somethin' a little faster. "They sure packed a punch. "
"Heh, bet your bottom cred I do- never was one for ACM. That's why they stuck me in the toughest brick of a snubfighter and pointed me at the biggest targets."

Shar waved his hand, chuckling. He readjusted his goggles as he looked down the glass of drained liquor.

"Ah, but it ain't so bad. At least now we're all in X's, and these ones pack a hell of a punch anyway. Will be nice to keep pace with you all- and the B-Wing never danced like these new X's. Gonna need time to get used to it!"

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