Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction [GA] Heroes of Coruscant — GA Awards and Promotions

Vacation Outfit


The door was kicked opened as Kaul and R5 waltzed inside eager to meet his old crew again. It's been so long since he last saw them and Kaul couldn't wait to reunite.

<Kaul, I don't think they remember you.> R5 beeped.

"Oh, I'm sorry what was that?!" Kaul shouted. "I can't hear over the Holoradio!"

<You never made a good impression on Renevant Squadron,> R5 beeped. <It's very possible that they tuned you out! Especially when you were placed on shore leave!>

"And I had a fantastic vacation!" Kaul yelled the squad within his sights. "I'm fresh and I'm ready to make chit dig!"

The Pilot jumped on the table and slid in front of them. "Hey what's up you guys?! It's me Kaul! AKA Joker, AKA: Revenant 5!" Kaul grabbed a random drink and took a large swig. "You all thought you could party without me? How cute! So how you all been? I know you've been missing me!"

Shar Sieu Shar Sieu , Addison Porte Addison Porte , Kelly T. Perris Kelly T. Perris , Wedge Draav Wedge Draav , Reima Vitalis Reima Vitalis


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

With a content smile, Valery dipped her head in response to Efret, "Welcome to the Council, Master Farr." She looked forward to working together with the woman. But with her promotion official, she finally turned away and approached Jonyna. Having just promoted two others to Council, it was reasonable for her to assume what would happen next. But there was a difference between the first two and this last promotion that Jonyna wouldn't be nearly as aware of.

"Knight Si." Valery stepped in front of the Cathar and looked her in the eyes.

Valery smiled, "I saved you for last for a reason."

"You've been with the New Jedi Order for quite some time now, but it wasn't the easiest adjustment to join us. Like myself, you're from another time, but one where the Jedi were no longer a prominent organization in the Galaxy. You were, in essence, on your own, together with a band of rebels to stand up against a much larger Empire. This came with different rules in order to survive, and I'm sure we both remember what it was like for you to suddenly end up here."

A brief smirk tugged at her lips before she continued.

"But over the years, you've developed yourself as a Jedi and a person. You've adapted to your new environment and you've turned into a Jedi others can depend on, no matter the odds. You've overcome your challenges and you've learned not to be held back by your past. Your focus is on the future now, and we need Jedi such as yourself to teach, guide and lead the upcoming generations."

With grace, Valery drew the hilt of her lightsaber from her belt and ignited the blade. She held it in front of her, the blade vertically up to the sky.

"Traditionally, the Jedi Council has always been for Jedi Masters only. But from our inception, when we had little Masters to lead us, the New Jedi Order allowed Knights who showed leadership qualities to take a seat as well. For that reason that reason, you qualify to join us on the Council." Valery looked her in the eyes and paused a brief moment.

"But no exception will be needed today."

Valery dipped her blade down to hover just above Jonyna's left shoulder, "By the right of the Council."

The blade shifted, hovering just above the woman's head, "By the will of the Force."

Finally, it lingered just above her right shoulder, "I dub thee, Jedi Master of the New Jedi Order." Valery pulled back her blade, disengaged it and returned the weapon to her belt, a proud smile on her lips.

"As a Jedi Master, we'd like to offer you a seat on our Council, as our new Sentinel of Harmony. Your focus will be to guide the Service Corps and pick up the torch from one of our most beloved and respected former Councilors — Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el ."

"Will you accept?"


TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble Efret Farr Efret Farr Elias Edo Elias Edo Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka

A Long Time Ago, In A Galaxy Far Far Away...

A kitten was born. Born with a dream of being a hero. A jedi.

The kitten grew, learned the ways of the trees. From a young age, she grew an affinity for them. The elements, the feeling of nature.

"Mom! Look!" The kitten called out, hanging upside down from a branch, as her mother tended to a flower, silver rod at her hip. "Mom?"

"Yes Jonyna, I see." The mother said with mirth and pride in her voice. "I'm sure with tricks like that, you'll find your place amongst the greatest of jedi."

As the kitten became a Cathar, she faced many hardships. The Fall of the Jedi, her heroes. Witnessed firsthand.

"Hey kid, you need to get out of here!"

"...but...but I was...I was gonna be..."

"Don't matter! Just get on the transport. We'll get you safe."

She became many things. A bounty hunter, a dancer, a vigilante. Anything she could to survive. Anything she could to taste a glimpse of what fate had robbed her. Along the way, she met so many people. Saved so many. Fought so many. But eventually, she found a way. A way to become what she had dreamed.

"Heh, hero...I remember heroes..."

"You wanna know a secret?"


"I was gonna be a jedi had everything not went to shit. Was on my way to Coruscant when the order went out...booked it to the outer rim and never left."

She met those who she would find love, even if it took a while.

"And there is one more thing"


"Proper Introductions. My name is Giran. Giran Thracker."

"Jonyna Si. Hero in the Streets, Tiger in the Sheets."


As the Cathar's found family grew, the woman found herself slowly becoming a leader. A hero. A Rebel. And yet, the dream never went away.

As they entered...

Jonyna heard a voice.

Are you Jonyna Si? It asked, causing the cathar to twitch as she reached out for Hep.

"....yes?" She asked to air, no one else able to hear the voice. "...are you Sylvar of Cathar?"

I am. Your friends have seen me once. What brings you all back?

"....knowledge. I was a youngling when the purge happened. I wish to find a master..." That got her heart spiking. The idea of being trained by Sylvar...

...I see. Come in, young cathar. Bring your friends. I must train all three of you then...

"...three?" she asked, the voice falling silent.

She became the jedi she thought fate had robbed her of. But...

It wasn't the way it had supposed to be. Fate had still robbed her of that. The order was gone. The jedi were dead.

And so she kept on dreaming.

"Giran?" The woman asked, laying in bed with the two she thought she would spend eternity with.


" think once this is all over, we'll start our own order?"

"That would be logical. Begin the story of the jedi over again."

" think we could do that? Lead a new generation?"

"I'd like to think I could. Master Si. Does have a nice ring to it, don't it?" The woman couldn't help but laugh. The thought of becoming a proper jedi master. It was...

It was silly.

But it was never meant to be. Fate had it's plans, and they always seemed to take the woman off guard.

She groaned, falling to her feet. Being a Catscicle for 900 years only made her stiff.

She took a pause to look back. Her crew were gone, somewhere. She could've sworn they were around her last she checked.

"GIRAN! SEVS! ...Zash?"

It took a moment to settle in as she called, searching her surroundings.

"...Hello? Anyone?!"

Alone. She was truly alone...

"No need for the beacon, stranger," Gotto called out.

The Ryn sat as still as a statue on a nearby hill, so still he was easily missed by the standard passer-by. Gotto had been away for some time now, training in the wild far from the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Javaal was a frigid world, the perfect place to hone his mastery of Tapas. He would join with the New Jedi Order once again, but in the meantime he hoped to strengthen his resolve to the elements. The knight had been meditating for three days now, long enough to where a layer of snow had gathered on the knight's head. Gotto stood, picking up his staff and making his way down the hill with a casual stride, his bare feet shuffling through the snow.

"Good day to you," he greeted with a lazy bow. "I'd say it's a pleasure to meet a fellow traveler in this place, but you seem a bit... distressed."

Gotto assessed the woman. The Kathar was notably rather strong in the force, to the level that indicated training. A Jedi perhaps? She certainly looked the part, aside from the general panic about her energy. Master Spinner had always told him that knights wound up in all sorts of danger, and the Ryn had experienced such a thing first hand in his travels. To that end, he felt compelled to provide some aid.

"Perhaps I can be of assistance?" the Ryn offered. "I'm Gotto Sorendu, Jedi Knight."

Slowly, once more, the woman built up her legend. A hero. A Jedi.


That word. Those damn bucketheads who slaughtered her people. Of course he was one of them! Of course! The rage built. The Predator roared. And then Lucy went out. It snapped the word out of her head like a candle being blown out. She was better than that. The memory of the Mandalorian back on Tatooine. A wounded warrior who only asked for kindness.

Do Good.

The woman found her place. Fought in a war against her oldest enemy. An enemy not just to new family, but to her people. To Cathar.


She was happy to oblige.

Coming in at around 300 miles an hour, any other sword would've shattered on impact. Any other wielder would've dropped their sword. Not Jonyna. Not Liz. She could feel her fingers crunch as she made impact, the sword slamming into Hilal's chestplate. Even if it didn't crack the beskar, it'd feel like getting hit by a starfighter. Jonyna slammed into the mando, absolutely no finesse to her technique, just raw power. She hoped her padawans would follow behind her, waiting for whatever came next. It didn't matter. For all she cared, she'd won this duel.

The woman found a new family. A son and a daughter. Not of flesh, but of soul.

<Ko.> She spoke in her native tongue, smiling with a look only a mother of choice could. <You spent so long trying to reach this point. I've seen it, the effort you put into this.> She smiled, switching back to Basic for the sake of others. "Ko, you are a Knight now. And while that may be true, you'll always be my son, padawan or not. I'll always be there to teach you when you need it, and you'll always have a home on Cathar, and on my ship."

<"Am I your daughter now? Should I take your name to be mine?"> The question, sounded slightly garbled as Rayia attempted to speak around her growing fangs and the growing dryness of her throat.

<Of course you can, if only you want to.> Jonyna smiled with pride. Rayia Si. There was a ring to that she could love as a mother. She wouldn't ask them to do so, but if they wished of their own, she certainly wouldn't say no.

She found her place in this new time. New place. New Order.

The dream persisted, in spite of fate. And when the darkness returned, and those calling themselves Emperors came knocking...she held her ground.

"Ko...stay safe." She pulled the boy into a hug, before giving him a small peck on the forehead. <May the Force Be With You.> She whispered in her native tongue, before letting him go. "Be safe out there." She looked to Taam. She had done her best to prepare. She had done her best to afford them every advantage. She reached over, and gave Taam a deep kiss. This was it. The Empire had returned. First the Empire of the Lost, now one intent on calling themselves the Empire of the Dark. The former had seemed content to keeping to themselves. While she dearly wished in her heart to take that threat down, she knew she couldn't. She knew she had to follow the Code she had sworn to now. But this Empire, the Dark Empire, seemed content to ravage GA worlds. She wouldn't stand for that...

"You're right. The Rebel Knight dies today." She spoke with a chilling calm, as the rain pelted her fur. "I am no longer the woman who cowered in fear of Stormtroopers. I am the Eye of the Hurricane. The window into serenity, surrounded by heaven's wrath. The question is, will you survive it? The Fury of the Storm?" Somehow, her voice cut through the storm like a knife, being able to be heard as if she was right next to him.

And now, here she was. From Kitten, to Cathar, to Rebel, to Jedi.

The dream fulfilled.

"I dub thee, Jedi Master of the New Jedi Order." Valery pulled back her blade, disengaged it and returned the weapon to her belt, a proud smile on her lips.

"As a Jedi Master, we'd like to offer you a seat on our Council, as our new Sentinel of Harmony. Your focus will be to guide the Service Corps and pick up the torch from one of our most beloved and respected former Councilors — @Jasper Kai'el ."

"Will you accept?"
That broke her.

The normally well put together Cathar's only response cry. To cry, and throw her arms around Valery Noble Valery Noble .

It had been such a long journey. Whatever decorum she had before, was gone. This was not the jedi knight accepting a promotion, this was a child hugging her idol. She couldn't help herself, nor did she really care. She couldn't. Not right now.

But she still needed to give an answer.


It was less a word, and more a cough. A spurt of emotion.

She felt a hand on her shoulder, reminding her to let go. Not one of solid matter, but of spirit. More and more. She felt them. The spirits of her past. Zash, Giran, Odfrex, Sevs, Cici, Sylvar, Her Brothers and Sisters.

Finally...she let go. Val's shoulder was soaked, but once more, Jonyna couldn't bring herself to stop. She couldn't force her tears to cease.

Master Si.

Maybe Ko Vuto Ko Vuto was right all along. Maybe Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble was right. Maybe Giran was right...

Maybe she did earn that title...

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Valery's brilliant azure blade illuminated the Gatemaster's stoic mask. He did not react to the newly promoted master's sudden outburst. Emotions broke against him like a tide crashing into rocky shores. Through it all Zark remained like a living statue. Once he judged the tears subsided enough his synthesized voice crackled.

"So be it."

Master Zark waved a gloved hand and the shielding retracted on a viewport above bathing them all in the glow of twinkling stars.

"Today the light of our council shines brighter."

Memories of Romi confiding in him about how she feared to train her daughter as a Jedi still haunted the old crusader. After this attack on Coruscant Zark wanted to assign each of them a temple guard. Preemptive steps had been taken to protect the younglings but expanding the Jedi Council meant more potential high value targets for Sith agents.

"Together we must remain vigilant," the masked Jedi ominously intoned, "Together we must stand against the darkness which seeks to extinguish that light forever. Long ago the first Jedi swore these noble vows. A thousand generations live in you now."
in the footsteps of a stranger

Efret had seen Jonyna a handful of times up until this point around the Coruscant Temple but hadn't known much about her past the very surficial. Today, though, watching what Val said, Efret she knew her now-fellow master in a way she hadn't just moments before.

When Jonyna began to cry, Efret stepped back as she surged forward to embrace Val. Efret drew her own lower lip barely under her front teeth in an attempt to keep her emotions from changing with Jonyna's.

Then something drew her gaze over to Elias. They needed to talk. The collective mood was still relatively light. She'd wait for dismissal and then seize the opportunity.

For now, Efret and Nirrah brought their shared attention back to Val and Jonyna.

Tides of Change


Tags: Efret Farr Efret Farr | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka
Location: Aboard PROSPERITY


A smile graced the stoic Jedi Master's face as he watched Jonyna Si Jonyna Si not only join the Jedi Council with he and Efret Farr Efret Farr but also be ascended to the rank of Master as well. Whatever bitterness that lingered in Elias' mind seemed to melt away. Master Si deserved this moment, and he was quite proud of her. Already in his mind, Elias was considering what adventures might be in store for the new Sentinel of Harmony. And by extension, what new paths would reveal themselves to him, Quartermaster of the New Jedi Order.

And of course, there was Efret. Elias' gilded eyes glanced her way, stealing a brief look while she observed the ceremony. Chief Curator fit her like a glove. He could only imagine the wonderous relics of Jedi history she'd uncover and bring to light for the Order. She would be the link between their ancient past and the uncertain future that awaits them all, and for that, he was honored to be standing in the same room as her. Elias turned his gaze to Master Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka and Valery Noble Valery Noble and dipped his head once again. Then he asked the question that he was sure his fellow initiates were wondering as well: "Where should we begin?"


Wedge knew how to party. So he turned his torso, reached up his sleeve- and put a small tab of Glitterstim on his tongue. The fact that Wedge was into party drugs was a sort of open secret in the Alliance. After all, he had an illustrious career, was an accomplished Commander, and now, a twice-over War Hero.

So, Wedge's Wild Weekend Wackiness was often overlooked.

But now, he felt comfortable enough to at least do it not necessarily in front of, but somewhat near his trusted pilots. It wasn't much more of a dose than normal, and it was really a party drug. He looked over at Reima, and without view of everyone else, he stuck his tongue out to show the good Lady what he had about to go through him. A little wiggle of those handsome eyebrows of his-

And he turned back to Kelly, Shar, and the rest, cringing with the rest at the alcohol.

"God damn that burns- Whew!"

He shook his hand in front of his face, fairly certain that he would breathe fire next.

"Y'all better not be talking shop, there, Pilot." He said with a wry grin at the pilots discussing the old Revenant days, and more importantly, how their craft flew compared to others.

"Kelly, any old Revenant traditions you wanna go for tonight, hm? Something to shake it up even more? Or do we wanna keep doing shots until I start dancing on tables?"

Wedge never used ranks or titles when it was just them. They were all equal in the stars and skies, and he treated them as such. Just everyone knew who the boss was-


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